And falling 7 minutes past 12 the B.B.C. In the South are you ready for the challenge shall K. We all now the challenge we do in the final the program on a Friday have a little bit of fun with. This an interesting while we've never done a challenge like this and I really like this now when the challenge starts in just a 2nd you can see the phone in text email or tweet you can only give one at a time you can't just come on and start listing them all for if you do well afraid they'll be legs all around and they'll be big big trouble if you did want to come through with another suggestion later on if you can get through again then obviously that is absolutely fine but you can only do while I each time you come through or right listen to what we're going to ask you to do some weeks it's an ages a it we ask you to come up. With a particular item that meet certain criteria one that begins with each letter of the alphabet A through to Zed other weeks it's a particular number and it's the latter this week we're asking you for a particular number of somethings most of these challenges are set by you this week he comes from Martin Inc Ken thanks for this Martin because this is a little bit different in that we've never asked you I can recall any way to do something like this before let me explain what we're looking for for tonight's challenge we want you to help us to compile a list of 30 OK doesn't matter what letters they begin with that's irrelevant 30 famous people. Whose 1st name starts with j and surname begins with C. OK Sonny give you an example that could be junk he's 1st name John starts with J. He surname CLI's starts with a case obviously we can't use that one now that was one that I gave you as an example so a list of 30 famous people was famous mean well known for any reason they could be actors or actresses singers politician someone who does a particular party piece very well known composers mean doesn't really matter what please go to be someone who is generally speaking famous in the public eye OK it's no good saying you know it's oh so and so round the corner and everyone round here knows him or her that doesn't work has to be a famous person their 1st name must begin with a letter J. Their surname must begin with a letter say a few things to remember only accepting suggestions where we deem the person to be famous so if it's someone who is you know who was well known for a week in Outer Mongolia in 1000 know for I'm afraid that is no good to be smashed legs to you as well. Friends family members neighbors the bloke who runs the pub around the corner not good enough OK Mr Russell will be checking your suggestions if there are any that they cannot get to the bottom of cannot sort out Don the dodgy wig and I'll become Judge Paul on our adjudicate as I do OK so let's see if we can do this never had a challenge like this before not this kind of content anyway so marketing can spot on thank you let's see if we can do this a list of 30 famous people whose 1st name starts with the letter J. Surname begins with the letter C. John Cleese is an example we want 30 of those. Cool cool man. 109100 B.B.C. Radio Oxford. On the blower you go you can email show at B.B.C. U.K. Text start with a word Miller sent 81 triple 3 if you find me on Twitter Pullman or radio then you can also tweet so we're looking for famous people 1st name begins with J. Surname begins with C. And most weeks I say to you we don't know whether this can be done or not fuck few people have said over the over the months we've done this well you must know if it's doable before you ask us to do it no that's why it's a challenge if we know that it can be done really easily well then what's the point that's not a challenge is it so that is why we call it the challenge it might be doable it might not that is we're going to find out together cool cool man. Who hates 109100 B.B.C. Radio Oxford. Let's get cracking and 8 is an absent minded. Pull I'm 5 How are you finding good this is a really interesting we've never done something like this before and when you start to play around with it you find that there are quite a few but whether you get 30 remains to be seen but I know we're going to get one because you are there to get a start of my suite so if you go for us please Anita. HILL Yes yes yes yes yes absolutely no progress I'm just wondering whether we will get 30 I always ask the 1st person if they think we will do human nature why not pull. Depends on mean how how knowledgeable people are could be for all sorts of things couldn't really think. OK Well we will find out either one thing or betas will be Tom or otherwise. Have a great weekend Anita thanks for taking part my love. You say a moment yeah of course I will thank you very much. To my best nun and I love Night night and age isn't Epsom Junko show yet John is in Portsmouth are you John. How you this morning are you finished and down and going home for sleep. Early on finish the ball in the way of get good stuff write a number 2 for us please John what if you got like a console Jimi collars the tennis player yeah absolutely absolutely I thought it was a little out the box some of them you know maybe a little bit easier but you don't think outside the absolute. Good ideological Yeah it's a good Yeah absolutely it's a good idea John because they want to get towards the end if we're struggling we've got some easier ones hopefully they'll The obvious ones will help us out if we get the dodgy ones or the moral code ones out the way that makes up a lot easier so spot on Jimmy Caan as it is we got to post. A must admit I'm not overconfident but I think. That you see what happens bless you take a job a nice weekend. Night is not night joins in Portsmouth Mary is in Winchester Hello Mary. How you otherwise Thank you. Very well indeed you are number 3 sweetie pie What if you got children cleric Judy. That's David. Because he's only well known in certain places lot more. Famous Person No really not in the one I had a say in the future mention his name in the north of the country or elsewhere people have a clue he was with. A long table which the. T.V. Programs. But. If they know who that voices on I think I'm going to have to give that I want more. I don't think it would be like saying maybe all Russell would miss not famous or. Soon or we're. Probably. Going to have to be I'm wild while I'm afraid not not good enough Mary sorry sweetie pie. I meant no no no don't do that go home with a mile on your face. Thanks Rich right now good to touch you merry lovely suggest you not none I There's Barry from Winchester joining plays PRESENTER One of the stations we cover not famous locally in that area but not famous It could be someone who everybody would know generally speaking let's go and speak to Jim who's in haven't. Seen any yet Fine how are you tonight not. Good yeah we're fine thank you so number 3 please what if you got Jim. Oh 1st of all just like I got about 20 ounces from this because my surname is Cole because so my initials of Terry say. Jesus Christ is. For the most obvious one would need to go for yeah no probably that it's all definitely one in there 4 of a number 3 so you think that in your mind you've probably got about 20 or so already. Yes because while nationals happen to be J.C. Wrong it will that. If it was PM I would never I mean don't worry it would. Be J. C. . K. Well maybe maybe we will do it then that's given me food for thought. Please do appreciate that thank you very much Jim not to. Say. Thank you thank you but by Jim in Holland OK Number 4 nights in San her so you Nigel. Yeah good how you tonight. Better bank your stuff to a lighter here OK Number 4 please Nigel what have you got for us. Johnny Carson Yeah. Lovely one everyone knows Johnny Carson definitely. If you want right now or anyone I'm afraid you can get if you can get through again they have another guy. Won a time otherwise it's unfair for people who are trying to get through and they find somebody else has been get through again then of course you have as many as you go as you like but we got Johnny Carson for number 4 spot on Nigel thank you very much . Take care bye bye now Johnny Carson yes bags are not filled I about as a. Whole I am. Birthing Lee Well as as always yes radiating nice little result of the Friday night. I'm all right I'm always spitting we won every night yeah. Yeah absolutely I like the way the lady said everybody knows you hold. Crimewatch. Place but I keep. Good matches those where those of photo fades Have you seen this match and. Have you on the mantel piece keep the kids away from the fire you could do absolutely is a good idea keep everything away from the probably. OK we're at number 5 Basil but if you go for me please. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Yes absolutely I take it that you don't remember him personally you knew you never met him you know I did actually went to separate schools together oh teach. Else we tell you when the action is oh fine see and you live just down the road you . I'll give you a lift in the middle half of the. It's OK I must be nice to have a little chat to him you know very interesting person. To YOU DID HE REALLY bless we go back a long way. To live in law think sometimes it's nature's way of compensating in a in we were high all season got it number 5 I love it but as I said I'm going to tell you sane and just clocking off oh good go get some peace and quiet got a rest on tape man take it easy smashing speak in his own way Same here cheers back to Charlie Yeah most certainly will thank you very much and a brilliant one tonight I love the ramps when they great was to tracks they were funny. Really And thanks. You're going to hear Slash this song he thinks rot OK yeah words of wisdom words of confidence not one bass I will say cheers words of wisdom. Next week or not Baz re not fair we got 5 Julius Caesar coming up to 20 past 12 Lindsay embezzled and hi Lynn oh darling how are you very well indeed I'm all J C tonight. For a blanket he was OK if you can hear and I mean yeah. Charlie said just. A small rough state. He's a film star the dog king Polje. Yet way was. The $7950.00 bail. That was only black to white movies before felt like I could be. 8 I've never even heard of a more sort of film study to comedies religious no doubt I was serious parts and always it was a serious actor like James Mason at a price Yeah right yeah learnt something that I've never heard of him if you came by Paul go go you have to have you have a look and get some black and white photo as well I think suitably educated as I often all Russian said who's. To say it was Joseph Cotten bloke who runs the public something and not. A listers will. Chose you've got and people are into films as well I had no idea it was towed quite have a maverick like the hare. Well I have learnt something and he gave his a number 6 so he's got to move thank you very much I hate him but if I can get through OK yeah absolutely no problem please do take care sweetie. Not not there's Lynn in Basle didn't Joseph Cotten. She made Why don't I know I WON'T YOU THINK I AM 150 shut up OK let's go no brain speak to fail Hi Phil. How you tonight on PAULA think you. Are seeing your true for your true icon. I don't Plus I'm sorry I cannot possibly reveal such information and he's top secret the moment. Top secret we're going to do is we are in talks with record companies and all sorts I really can't just say anything there's a lot of money at stake here a lot of money changing her yeah absolutely I understand can't say a word can't say a word. So no scars or it's going to be hush hush definitely hope for the record to be hush hush as well as probably selling. So Number 7 is going to be down to Mr Fairlie nobody want to go. To the Carrollton Yair Now I know that is even though I know that he's right Jackie Chelton that's good OK we're getting somewhere thank you for that Phil have a great weekend swore to write take it easy when your speech or later Barry can you know your story thank you Phil thanks a lot. Bye bye those fully Norbury number 8 from Barbara in money for another Barbara good morning how are you I am all right thank you very well thank you very much so your number I am Barbara. And. Julian Clary Yep no problem with that one someone else who is famous we're really making our way through these we're starting to feel a bit more confident now do you think we can do this Barbara definitely a Oh you do definitely Oh good OK Yes well I like to hear somebody who's full of confidence Oh I knew. Cotton and yes I mean if you people next door and she been saying yes we know but I've been looking online that I've been cheating which doesn't is notable what's happening there have been I think Barbara take a can thank you for taking part but I must wait as Barbara modified Christian reading Hi Chris Low hi low how are you. Yeah fine thank you very much indeed right number 9 on this one Chris what you got for us please Jamie Clarkson Yeah. Absolutely no trouble with that one it's so that is one that we did come up with in the. Office Earlier on we were playing around with this and we started off really well then it all dried up but we did manage to get him his OF of his fun too or to get in there excellent Ramos a 3rd of the way throat going to be good have a great weekend Chris and YOU THANK YOU take it easy all the best but by now. There's Christian reading right you can always e-mail text or tweet as you know some of the comings through on the text Let's have a look and see so in Gosport says we're not Jimmy Carr yet we can have Jimmy Carr hang on to write these down otherwise I was there where I am Miller know where I am anyway we've also got one from from Helen she says Jackie Chan Yep no problem with that Jackie Chan that gives number 11 number 12 excuse me is going to be Jimmy Cliff that's from Bob who's in I'm Helensburgh so that his number 12 is not yet Jimmy Cliff no problem there the singer that's good as a good one ally that number 30 C. Is from Charlie who's out fishing Charlie junk Raven Yeah junk Crow even these Newsround or whatever is he happens to be doing we've also got Joe Cocker from Caroline M. Brighton Joe Cocker company Leif how many of these we didn't come up with it's so good and also suing Gosport said Oh no I don't own any of the shoes but how about Jimmy Choo or yes I'm sure there's a lot of ladies who have. Talking nicely to loved ones that nice pair of shoes darling all day. And Sergeant says How about Julian Cope Yes no problem with that one either OK we're number 16 OK We have 16 we have got to try and get to 30 the challenge this week from Kent a list of 30 famous people whose 1st name starts with the letter J. Surname begins with say a K. So B. Get 1st name begins with a last name name which if you prefer ends with say we got sick stay in we need to get to 30 cool cool man. 109-8100 B.B.C. Radio Works for it. You can email B.B.C. Don't code out U.K. Text you start with a word Mel up Center 81 triple 3 you find me on Twitter Paul Miller radio you're Surname begins with a letter C We have 16 so far we're going to try and get up to 38 let's see if we can do this let's go to Basingstoke and speak to jail high jail hard and cold hard how are you on when a bit awkward if you had a bad day what's been happening. Self-inflicted then. You think the willow a bit here and. All we want the alcohol. To the ground and he nice nice and just. A few other people came to my rescue it's just as well those other people were there I know and now Jill they're all at home saying Did you see that woman on the floor. To show ourselves. In the back of a male body. Yass absolutely Joan Collins. Yes it's funny because I'm just trying to think of some of those films she was in like the start or the bitch or both of them and. You know she was and she was she used to like you know drinking as well Joe That's what I was thinking. Yes for the Chins are no. Getting your head down sweety. ok joan collins it is you go and fight gun find the alka seltzer joe you might need i'm in the morning bubba my love there is gillian basingstoke let's get a mohammed in slouch i'm a hominids and he howler mama it helou hello ha i how were you yeah i'll find there you go all the year fine thank you very well into youths right so you're going to help or sat with number 8 seen please mohammed what if you gulf for us of sect country i'm rest so saying go your knee cash yeah airs subset a little or a johnny cash no trouble with at one of soul brilliant twang coming in that sewer for many with to interest him up a lady was just saying how the vast majority of these have be a net mile so far is now way it's who do why features a coincidence own only a matter as a larger young talent to from right that was the labor most of them of been met i'm just in looking through the list in the vast majority of them are actually yeah but are not that it matters well they're matters of one bit brilliant so we go to number 8 say in nearly 2 thirds the way throw stalking good mommy thank you very much for taking part thank you so see ass oh yeah you take good care speech or later you but i now why by mohamad in saw let speak to eddie in or to shore hired a Oh Paul are you I'm fine your fine you always are well I don't rust 2 weeks the last 30 not you you haven't been having too much to drink as well when I have a tedious year no over 30 total. Yet they always say that though I did have a point decide to see total. Yeah I now see Southall Indeed I'm teetotal only drink occasionally and I'd have a party started last Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I saw of you today I feel a little bit. Low I got to check out and it's like he's going to me he went he had surprised that he got a load of those things out of a person who really. Blasted vouches I could see is what people with those things took about half an hour to get. And they've all expired none of them are any good yeah why do you need to go us sell me about it it's one of my bad bad as it really is I drive me insane Oh and they're as good as you could pull. Just when I was in there just as well I would hire a polar bear right you got number 19 for a said he would if you got players Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter all do is nicely interested all these men see if it gets more women come to know in matters mind you sure stranger they are in it so far OK Jimmy Carter it is fabulous and you have a lovely weekend thank you. Take it easy nice to talk to you but right now bye bye they said you know the shot you know they get Raul Malo wake you know if you go to the supermarket you vouchers we all love vouchers including me money off bring it on but why do you have to get some stupid great public who stands there with 500 of them own it up by spring on eons and there's the poor person on the checkout put them in from the barcode reader know that one is invalid. To buy these biscuit spit no that one's run out 6 months ago I thought bought couldn't you just ring the next Good grief right we have 19 we're at number 20 now that'll be gentle and hi jill Hi Paul now Joe Don't tell me all the lady at the checkout with the vouchers be very cross. Or. All couldn't you couldn't you ring that make. Up Oh I go away for goodness sake get them to me. Put them down before I get across number 10 number 20 Geo What if you got for me please Joan Crawford 000 in a fabulous actress as well the Joan Crawford she always used to play very sort of I called strong characters didn't she. You know what I mean by that they were always very powerful characters they were very very strong powerful characters that stood out in whatever it was that that she was in and she had that look about her as well she that Ruth great to have won the fine actresses of course though that fits very nicely OK so what 20 will we get the last 10 do you think Jill now I think Oh poor year Graydon I was just wondering yes record you're bringing that out oh yeah we should we certainly can emerge. You're my friend. Just thought that is it when I'm rich Well I'm going to refuse to end it top secret the moment so there thank you very much. Take edge of a lovely weekend. Don Imus wait. To tell you something a few of the check out the 500 vouchers so yourself out all right now don't look at me like that I'm not interested excuses if there aren't any that are valid you check those blasted vouchers before you go to the shop and if they are out of date for the past 6 months shut them away we understand each other fabulous So if they come and speak to Brenda Hi Brenda Hello I might be the person in front. Of brains or you don't know that now well I'm with this I don't go all I think to keep coming and ready Judy Collins Yeah I think oh thank god for that Russell doesn't have any idea who she is now just saying Yeah I know what do you see because I am a prefer a prefer special singer myself you know I am familiar with these names not too fat I think that Judy may have sung backing tracks on one of my singles at one stage I remember rightly didn't she sing that song no light organ about midnight but when you see were you late so perhaps that was a bit what he could have been you could well have to say to all have to look through my back catalogue Brenda and see what's wants but she could have been in there somewhere Yes Anyway thank goodness for that Judy Collins is absolutely fine no Noto love a good one it better than I did last week with the vegetables when you never did find out we never did finish it now we never managed to get them all but plus all the challenges all about is a benefit. Anyway that all this made my day yanno. Probably got 20 Thank you Brenda Take care my bubba must wait there's Brenda you because you know Judy Collins says he's he's not a professional singer like us you see that's why he doesn't know these people has got a clue Judy Collins you thought you were in the pop OK More coming through on the techs number 28 who is Karen in Dover with Jasper Carrott what a brilliant one yeah just because it's been in there number 20 Serie A P in Gosport Jamie Cullum A Yes Jamie Cullum we like we'll stick him in there Jamie would like to come and do keyboards of my new album I sent him a text We've also got seeing Gosport with Judy Cooper yet no problem we don't have Julie Cooper Have we know we haven't so Judy Cooper on a stick in the R. And number 25 is front page of The New Forest and that Jacques Cousteau So there we go. Right Jacques Cousteau So we're now at number 26 that's to be even Stoke in church on the wave hello Paul Hi How are you tonight I'm not too bad thank you Roddy I'm fine thank you my sweet yeah right at 26 getting exciting now yeah Julie Christie a Julie Christie and I said Judy don't call it is it a way to be yes somebody else had mentioned yes and no Joining I did love the. Man that went into the church for its show and it was beyond the Chinese closed try to change on yeah it was one of those one where they have to be crushed and that I know Christ came down never could see him yet revealing revealing what Mother Nature gave him describes full stop love. That said I think it's shameful absolutely. You know I could just imagine all the bad that. Crushed. Ice on a sleeve I would never laugh at someone else's misfortune she said Who Art I couldn't stop there I think that they would I could be. Taken to the next train you know next door. Like a day or the next straight day or on May and it really nice she died. Along you have a laugh is the main thing Julie Christie 26 Thank You have a nice weekend when I. Say none I love there's even stone can just laugh at other people's misfortunes disgraceful never do such a thing as their face anyway OK let's go to Chad Oakford speak to James James. How you doing right while I'm trying to jolly good yes fine thank you number 27 please James have you got for us young cancer junk A Absolutely. Yeah absolutely some great names here some real names that we all forgotten about the. Coming up here which is so which is great some well known and some not so but they all fit perfectly plenty of J. Ses we need just 3 more we're getting somewhere love it James thank you very much indeed for calling Nice to speak to you. But by now they get there is James in child Oakford So remember this is a list of famous people the famous for ANY reason was I generally well known and 1st name begins with J. Surname begins with a letter saying Kent came up with a suggestion we just need story. Just another 3 to complete the challenge. The vast majority of these we got listed here. We played around with this for about 20 minutes or so. Because. 50 is not funny. . Lighthouse Family. Will Ocean Drive you stuffing your face with Miller Well it's funny you should ask just as that song side to play with my colleagues came in who'd been to witness a wedding and there was some some cake left over so he brought some Him and I have to say I've had a little bit already and it is delicious what the thing has sticky thing. Where you want to go off do you OK we need just 3 more for our challenge to complete this here it was the list of 30 famous people whose 1st name starts with J. Surname begins with C 3 more it could happen here was Peter John Hi John hi paul so a bit of wedding cake very nice is it nice and fruity all night state spawn Sponge Bob now I can put a fruit Oh you can't please everyone can you really car now that she's like sort of sponge cake is very nice all there was some left over so he remembered little ole me and thought oh I know where. I could I get rid of this pull will be around I'll give it to him. Like how's John as you well you know Not bad thank you you didn't know Joseph Cotten Oh you think I wondered for well. Have you seen the film The 3rd Man know all now there's a classic Now that sounds like a B.B.C. To Sandy afternoon film in the middle of all it's raining no ALSTON Well no. No I don't remember I know the film I don't know ever seen him to be honest with in the NOT article you never heard the True Blood of the Dewey. But I know that yes but I don't know the film or they say you say something every day you do indeed you do indeed each now carry me yet Number 28 please your germy Corben Oh of course yes yes Jeremy Corbyn is rot to go it's looking I hope you. Have a lovely weekend thank you so much for calling bless you bubba my love there is joining Hampton Hill Patricia's enchanters full. Of hello hello how are you fine thank you if you're in the program again to funk you I'm stuffing my face here I was just now anyway with or with a little piece of sponge wedding cake delicious very nice indeed recharge my batteries good right number 29 please Patricia James Cook Joe Yes the cook the cook the Explorer Yes John Cook another one. I discovered and he he was one of the main instigators of seamen eating fruit and things so they didn't get me. No I never knew that the other day I. Could not ever knew that no he insisted that he sailors adopted a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables very helpful very healthy and they also. Cleanliness Yes. Say they've got the disease and know yeah but you know those days they did you absolutely don't because you say. So not only do we get a number 29 but we also have an education at the same time and I like it Thank you Patricia have a nice weekend thank you very much but say I love this patrician charmless when he was a mole Abendanon Thamesmead to Vicki Hi Vicki Hi there ha how are you I'm fine thank you. And. Yes I mean wrestle just called me back to strawberries here oh so your stuff in your face is what he's taken the academy next door though on the other hand yours are nice and healthy and I'm eating wedding cake which is not so good is it not that I thought my was back too much. Put this is what I'm going to say to you but on them wrestle didn't know who to make it or I was Jimmy Cliff or of a now my that's not my boy and I was going to give you. I know the name of the project or what he does remind me what he does support me because I think it was me. Well you 2 did was even comedian Jimmy meet anyway well forget about one. So tell us anyway some will put us right when he thought he looked up when I was a comedian Mr Ross was that a look he was a comedian but he Egypt passed away but he was a comedian Yes he was yes with a week I'm going to give you he logged on that's fine who is it please tell Constable yes. Yes yes he always well in truly cold. If you look at my painting on my wall here and I thought to myself Oh my goodness John Constable it's got to be and of course that will be a I haven't got one on my wall but it will be in a riginal of course Vicky all alone and with yes with laser beams you know that the alarm system stink case no one wants to break in at night and a nickel you strawberries or both you know I think if anybody broke in here they think somebody else been here I may as well don't worry if they looked at many of the pictures on my wouldn't turn them around they got boots on the back of the chemical. Prime mark so there were about there was a you succeeded we've done it thanks to you and everybody else said Thank you Vicki enjoy your strawberries Good evening by my love there's Vicki in Abington own terms down down down down down down down wait now I have 30 thank you very much indeed for set for all your brilliant suggestions some other suggestions by the way that we could have had we could have had John Cooper Clarke from Helen in something which was been a great one James called from Sarah in Tottenham Sankey for that Sara nice to hear from you John Candy from Chris who's in Iran in California for a push doesn't it James Cameron the producer from Diana in toll Pottle was another one that these are extras that we didn't we didn't get to. James Cagney. From Irene thank you for that one Ari on the e-mail James Cracknell from June in Fareham or so Jim Carrey that is from fear she says My sister used to love his films thank you couple more so to mention a Jamie Lee Curtis Yes the actress from faith in Buckner and there's a couple more here that we didn't get chance to mention how John chalice also from fame from Only Fools and Horses Yes of course absolutely Jackie Collins we have. And a couple more Jarvis Cocker from pulp and one more down here are and that is Jose Carreras us who was famously one of the 3 Tenors and that is from Joan who is in Catskill brilliant thank you so much again for taking part not just with our challenge but also with out twisted tracks as well a busy busy Friday as always thanks very much for taking part. In Kent came up the suggestion for the challenge this week if you can think of something that we could use well you know what to do let us know you can e-mail any time show a B.B.C. Don't code out U.K. You want to write into the station you're listening to that is also fine it'll get through to us and if we do use your challenge it will be credited to you of course but it's not going to the next couple of weeks because we do get a lot of them remember it can be an age as they can be a particular number don't come up with something ridiculous they're like a 100 because we don't have time we've just got the hour but apart from that within reason providing it's something the average person in the street can go for then let's have them and there will be another one next Friday. I never knew Joseph Cotten was so sick someone of Eastend. Come up. Who. Saw. The Bowen go. Through. Age you X. . Good. Stuff. Because. I finished up in my face Mr Russell is where there's no cake for you in the fight it's all gone out you have little slice next it will go you absolutely Who but that lot of you know a lot you know it's not even imagine you've just been to a wedding unlike porn I and you'll given a very light one of those little slices wrapped up in there are there for those in there that were very commonly brought into here though for us by one of our fellow presents as very thoughtful of him and. They didn't think you would want them as you know busy night didn't get the choice is the name for me i did i bought me wants that we should look at the next door so we're going to a family picnic but. There's a couple of old eggs let live that will think you saw him and it was nice to see them pass through my. Home in Sony's college you know whatever they did Lish that's recharge my batteries fabulous while while a busy nights and always always busy on a Friday we love you so much for the excellent suggestions for the challenge and also for a twisted tracks my word was a busy yeah we don't generally talk numbers but we do at the end of night count up all the phone calls the text the e-mails and the tweets where you're coming up with your twisted tracks and your suggestions for the road a challenge and we don't get different can completely Council off the program but we think tonight was a record so good of him if you didn't get your text email tweet read out if you didn't get the phone answered or if you got a phone answer and didn't get it on air you didn't go on air it's a really sorry but we just had a bumper crop of them tonight we certainly great answers in both the twisted tragedy and the challenge fantastic I'm still giggling at some of them now with a lovely thank you so much today again and next Friday we are back for Monday's show looking for it already more bags to give away yes are more fun and games with it any more wedding cake if they have to or so I am and. What if someone to come work on this program so be sought out. That's why it's again it's a very. Good weekend you. Know Monday or later. Angio as we have a smashing weekend I should now leave you in the cable hands of our colleagues at B.B.C. Radio 5 Live they're up all night and they got no OK because of that the law. Was nice to. Put around the fact. That home and. This is C.B.C. Radio 5 Live it's 1 o'clock on 5 live as we welcome local radio stations from across the B.B.C. This is awful night I'm Dalton at a boy and a minute on 5 life labor and other parties fail to block a minute on tobe relection and in sport at the U.S. Open Rafa Nadal is on court hoping to join Daniel Medvedev in the U.S. Open fight you can listen to this program by download. For music radio in part because I do make sure that you subscribe to the program so you don't miss the next episode. This is B.B.C. 5 Live with the B.B.C. News of his Simon mortgage bank stocks and good morning boys Johnson suffered another setback to his plan for an early general election opposition party say they won't support it in the Commons on Monday because a no deal breaks it hasn't yet been ruled out his the Conservative M.P. And break city Nigel Evans we have a group of remain is in parliament trying to make sure any way that breaks it won't happen on October 31st that they don't trust the people they just simply don't trust the people to make the decision I think they probably feel badly let down by the British voters because after all they trusted them in 2016 and the British voters let the politicians down by voting to lead the European Union Rescue workers are searching for hundreds of people still missing after Hurricane Dorian devastated parts of the Bahamas. More media education online and better access to impartial resources for potential voters sport now and let's go to New York in the . Commends US Open semifinal watching us Russell fuller and it's tight at the moment with the rough on the dollar leading Matty a bear a teeny a 23 year old from A to lead the 24th seed by 4 games to 3 on the serve in the 1st set Italian fending off 2 great points it is the service game the winner will play Daniel Medvedev who at the age of 20.

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