Lescott relations. As you've been hearing travelers and Gatwick Airport a facing major disruption after reports that 2 drones were seen flying near the runway last night on the small awning dozens of arrivals have been diverted to other airports and some planes have been stuck on the tarmac for up to 6 hours they are ports apologized to customers but says their safety is its priority Sussex Police has begun an investigation these passengers express their frustration nobody on the desk going from Asia next group and that's ridiculous how many millions comes because of the change of the 100000 supposedly in July he's actually ludicrous I think it can be very dangerous to think of for drawing on the in-flight we really don't want to be have Christmas so you better be able to buy a very angry just weeks after 3 people died when a Collatz having a caravan drove the wrong way on the M 40 a man's been convicted of driving the wrong way on the M 4 Thames Valley Police chased and arrested late Johnson on the westbound carriageway between junctions 11 and 12 last Saturday night the 44 year old from London pleaded guilty to dangerous driving being over the drink drive limit and driving without insurance will be sentenced in the New Year Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has publicly suggested another Bracks at referendum could become a plausible way forward if parliament remains deadlocks Theresa May has repeatedly ruled out holding a fresh public face but speaking on I.T.V. Peston programme Ms Rudd said while she herself did not support another referendum the case for one would grow if M.P.'s couldn't agree I don't want a people's vote or a referendum in general but if Parliament absolutely fail to reach a consensus I can see there will be a plausible argument for it but I think it is incumbent on M.P.'s to find the center ground in parliament and to try to find where the majority is the parts of a $44.00 could be given a 20 mile per hour speed limit on the plans being discussed today the caps being considered for Chipping Norton town center attempts Valley Police has questioned whether it's appropriate to put the limit on an A right and some residents are. It won't be enforced in the town itself there are mixed feelings about the idea I think sometimes when you put a 20 mile an hour and they miss him there are lots of times where people don't actually need to be doing 20 miles an hour I know of a man who was killed here on the road it's very tragic and if the speed limit is being slower that Saxon wouldn't have the 5 services regulator says the number of safety checks carried out across England has fallen by 42 percent in the past decade Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary fire and rescue services is blaming spending cuts at a very special Christmas parties underway for young carers in South Oxfordshire this morning it's off to Radio one D.J. Greg James made an announcement earlier this week on table from medical based be free young carers charity told us how it came about so we emailed them and it's a really tough time for young Christmas is the same as other children so why don't you help us out. So you know you'll be able to hear more from our reporter Amy Johnson in the next hour it's 4 minutes past 8 now how those roads looking out RYAN Well busy across winter Tolbert Just morning if you're traveling from engine before morning talks to the sound of delays a long March Leymah from more than bypass a troubled rival Destro model if you're traveling to Gatwick this morning do check before you travel all flights suspended arrivals being diverted Thanks Alan receipts and has this morning sport headlines use coach Sean Terry believes Oxford United are now reaping the rewards of sticking with their management team when questions were asked following their poor form at the start of the season in the League Cup Spurs and Chelsea have won to make it through to the semifinals and Oaks which is weather for today fairly cloudy with a few showers a 1st brightening up the South today with some sunny spells and then a likelihood of heavy showers again fresh winds and highs of 9 Celsius that's $48.00 foreign highs B.B.C. Radio Oxford news is just gone 5 past 8 days previous breakfast on B.B.C. Radio of the. Here's the thing. Papers this morning have started the whole how to have a healthy you 2019 No this is the one time of the year when I'm allowed to have an I'm healthy I'm happy I'm having a binge I'm going to really don't want to know about pomegranate bought some of his notes of steam lines even G.P. Speak to just anyone in the weight right shows he said it's our responsibility not to I don't see we feel that in January I completely disagree responsibility is the only week of the year when I Lamo self to eat a pretty girl for breakfast I have every right to do so by the way one gets about this that this morning the shout going to stop says 1st start. I looked it up I don't know is the idea that you have a big meal before you have a big meal is a weird thing and I have a bit why do you need a stall to nice to have one isn't it you know you don't really need one of told you have a meal you eat your meal you finish what does it have to be a beginning a middle and then my small one does quite often say when I put it on in front of him is this Nastassja status of a no it's a it's a peculiar thing and we just take it for granted. I want to know who came up with this because if we get rid of stuff as we say view of I would buy and start as if I was in government I should be on manifesto or you best that was in the shower David really Yeah meanwhile where we going all of this with this I know where it's coming up this morning on the program to be serious the airport is still closed reports of 2 drones flying nearby I don't understand why this was and so is it out quickly we're going to find out I must speak to some local folk who've been caught up in this as well check before the airport was before you head to the airport will speak to the head of U.K. Flight safety and the next 30 minutes plus is 20 plenty for chippy new speed limit on the main road not everybody's happy and the police. Massive party Endicott with our friends from radio on this morning and Amy is there with them we'll hear from her in a little bit as was just started that she's having a ball this morning as we much Christmas comedy fire isn't just about coming up stay with us. Talk a little bit of Health it's that time of the year when I 1st like everybody around is suffering at the moment more 100 more than 350 people turning up every day the. Department at the moment in the 1st year that Oxford University Hospitals has appointed a new winter director do you remember the chaos of last year. Spittles have been told to postpone tens of thousands of normal operations and outpatient appointments until the end of the month and any comments are running at the highest possible alert when 2 precious according to the N.H.S. Trust that runs then. They predict 115 operations across the trust will be perspire on until next. Mean Oxford St The departments are running on the highest possible alert it comes it's big it's from Public Health England showing a doubling a 3 cases in the U.K. Over the Christmas Day for its heart surgery at the Jr was cancelled yesterday. And . 3 year old my wife. Anything to which Kathy on earth is a 10 page on the National Immunization lead to the Royal College of General Practitioners. And peak in general to February 3rd so women didn't need to. Do that so we're going to be No I will continue to see this month and next month a lot of characters are included. In. That was last year's rabbit abrupt ending that back in October I spoke to the winter director to Mina about the measures they're putting in place to avoid that chaos returning this year what we're doing is setting up a single place where we can look at all of the things that happening Roger Cossack switching So not only do we know how many people have come into our emergency department but we know how many. People have called Active hours G.P.A. For night we understand how busy the ambulance services and that helps us plan where we should best put our staff so that we can best meet the needs of people who are on while but one of the other things we're doing is really working hard with H U K and other charities to encourage people to get themselves ready for winter we have a flu vaccine that's been approved and agreed and what we're encouraging people to do now is to go to your G.P. And get if you get your flu jab That's a lot of people who are eligible for free flu jab so you should find out who you are and that includes young people as well as our older population we've got 5 or 6 . Things that we want to do from probably the beginning of November so it's things like having an ambulance S.O.S. Pass in the middle of town so that people who run well in town can get some support there and one of the things we're doing this year is we recognize that when people are in beds the need to get home we need to work with them but we're also working very hard to with G.P.S. In our community nurses and community therapists to try and keep people at home how do you feel confident it's been fantastic working we've we had a couple of days last week we got lots of people together and we've worked our whole load of ideas and plans that we've got and that's a real will to make it work this year so I'm Foster is also university hospitals chief nurse love of speech again Sam thanks for coming I was funny I know how busy your. Morning how I forgot thank you you're on the front line of these precious listening to what 10 minas said there she sounded pretty positive when we spoke in October How's it going so far from from where you are. So so far it's gone exactly as to Mena described we have an operations center newly refurbished Operation Center mission control here at the John Radcliffe where we colocated now on a daily basis with all of our colleagues from across the system there's more social workers here than I've ever seen in my career so you know so it's going really well in terms of working together is that when we spoke last year there was some of the reasons why those operations and IT up being canceled on one of them was the new one able to move on the the phrase bed blocking but the beds were being taken up by people who couldn't you couldn't release from hospital is has that been resolved to tour was still a big issue Well I think that's what we're working on every day now so things have improved from that front and we've very much of the opinion that the best bet for most of our patients is that bed at home so we've got some amazing case studies over the last couple of weeks still working with H.U.K. And our colleagues in adult social care where home 1st it's been the best option and the last couple of weeks particularly we've done a big multi-agency discharge event where we've got some wonderful stories about patients who I think would still be here had we not wrapped around them and sought to get them home to. People turning up attendance is up still up 60 percent 350 people every day I mean that's a lot of patients to process at what point do you get to capacity do you have you must have a figure that once you get to that then you start pressing alarm bells. We do so we know how many patients can be accommodated within the emergency department and when things become very congested how unsafe it can fail for both patients and stuff so one of the things that we've done is we've put more clinicians at the front door so for example all head to therapies is play something called the Fit team the Fouty integration intervention team out the front door so what we're able to do at the moment is see around 30 patients a day within 2 hours of presentation normally presenting with conditions relating to frailty and they're actually getting home 1st within a couple of hours from a day with equipment and therapists so that's something that's made a significant impact rather than getting admitted or spending a long time waiting in the emergency department so how far wrong I'm out I'm fast as Blah to get what's going on but how far off are you from that pinch point 350 at the moment is 840588 hole for you to capacity what is that it really depends on which search is present so we can we can accommodate a group of patients in the department but sometimes we may have a group of attendances within an hour that really does tip the balance so the emergency department somewhere that's monitored really minute by minute so it's about getting flow out of the emergency department either home 1st or through to all woods and departments What about your own stall somewhere in the something we don't have to talk to most is get ill and now you told me last year that was a problem you're getting phone calls from from your star saying we can come in you confident that you're doing everything you can to look after them if they all had the flu jab. We're doing we're doing lots of fluids up as you say we've got a big campaign about brakes about staying hydrated about well being about mental health and stress so there's an awful lot going on at the jail to support last off and help them look after each other so that we can a cough drop patients this is still the policy to try and get patients out of hospital if you can this time of year nobody really wants to be sitting on a ward on Christmas night it well the policy is that when patients a medically fit for discharge and they would be better off in a different care setting to or. Really not waste their time as we talked about last year is precious time for patients often in their last 1000 days of life which is a national campaign so the focus is really about you know not wasting their time and the soonest they're able to move on to another care setting ideally home then we really must work together to expedite the lovely Frank you very much a safe and hopefully calm couple of weeks ahead and a healthy want to thank very much so much to speak to this wife and son Foster chief nurse job at Oxford University Hospitals at H.S. Trust a 14 coming up where the biggest party in the county this morning is happening with our friends. From B.B.C. Radio one we've got more of that coming up plus where I'll find out exactly what's going to get we kept all the small. Radio walks that. Travel to the travel that well maybe looks suspiciously quiet this morning very very good he stared a steady flow of traffic on the 34 of you leaving the M 48 junction line talking about Ward West immobile the M 40 looking pretty clear to your traveling southbound from Junction down towards junction line for the A $34.00 and even be a 40 this morning from edge of the casting to not looking too bad at all the speed sensors into altered city center Marsh Lane is busier probably a 40 more the bypass up as far as char will drive what we're told is slow engine to get across to far more northern bypass as you travel a long way down to the counsellor on about having lots that's a little bit stop start along where not looking too bad. All coping fine and as we've been hearing in the news with so few to travel to Gatwick Airport this morning do check before you travel all flights are currently suspended and arrivals being diverted with your times ever traveled. With your travel. 109 Circle Line Radio Oxford. Travel. Sidelines his surfing. Department. Seen a 60 percent jump in admissions this month testing new procedures put in place to cope with winter demand off the chaotic scenes last year travelers are facing major disruption after reports drones were seen flying near the runway last night and this morning dozens of arrivals been diverted to other airports and some planes have been stuck on the tarmac for up to 6 hours and just weeks after 3 people died when a car turning a caravan drove the wrong way on the M food being convicted of driving the wrong way on the M 4 and today's big question on the phone in from 9 am is why does it matter if you cool someone a stupid woman can we have a serious discussion a grown up discussion for a moment about presents for pets and also dressing up your pets in a center of Father fire even though you hate that my father christmas Alfre as you know I'm opposed to humanizing of animals it's wrong on every lie don't agree with sending your pets Christmas cards or running their own social media accounts or giving them Christmas presents I was just about to go to bed last night my wife arrived home from pets world or whatever the place is called and she's come and spent 12 quid on an edible pompom Christmas tree. If your kids didn't know it was Christmas you wouldn't buy them any presents right if my kids didn't know which animals dying well they would not be getting any present that's interesting because I I think the guinea pigs do know that Christmas. House so they see new role in the pigs in blankets. Of the week it's a crime and the guinea pig school climb in and it looks as though they're going to be fired out of the saying they can eat it to get this and actually. Nothing says Christmas like like like a guinea pig flying across the lounge at 30 miles an hour they make a show to a company they create a speech. For us which is whether I'm a tourist P.C. I was listening to the B.B.C. . Which is whether in a word. It's the largest British film series ever made with over 30 movies entertaining or uses since 1958. I'm Jim Dale and I'm proud to present a collection of rediscovered archive gems a huge oak featuring my costars who breathed life into some legendary carry on characters you would. Be rare real struck broadcast off rescued from the unexplored bosom of danger on the Sunni Actiq safe on the potty any doctor seen Costco carry on up the archive a celebration of the classic British film Super Tuesday evening from 6 on B.B.C. Radio. David St Francis. Is B.B.C. Radio Works that. Morning at $890.00. 000-0000 . 00000 happy days still beginning to look like Thursday morning from where I'm sitting here what's going on is anything meaningful being done anywhere today by anybody I don't think so one day until mad Friday this is the final Friday before Christmas when everybody goes completely. One day until most kids break up from school and go completely that I want to until the Christmas number one single is announced we got the We Built This City on sausage rolls I was trying to find that that's got to because it was humble want to be great if it was but I think it might lose one day until the shortest day of the year that's lovely the chef the professionals final B.B.C. 2 tonight I find the shove it menacing I love it but yeah it makes me feel on edge if it's stressful Well I think that I like that you know you're holding a gift placed on top of a present Yeah it's the last day together and I've bought you a gift. Themed around something we've talked about together this year so I'd like you to try and guess before this is like I didn't buy you anything so right so I think by me and I think it's not just me. OK I also thought you decided never to buy me again after you bought me the cheese and you have to hear it was thrown in the bin off the cheese guys where I spent quite a lot of money on some really nice cheeses left them in the fridge they smelt and the cleaner 3 feet away on the target it says on the gift bag right Christmas you grumpy old man. Because you talked about this a lot this year and I know how much it means you might think I'm out of my busy schedule yesterday was a nice person and that's why you live here chocolate. What's the point of look you check what is the point of them everywhere if you got the receipt no I would be expecting you to take those home and also it's for the commune but one thing is coming I think if you think. I don't know I could can you drink and drive with things that can be pretty sure you can have can you really will still call continent and a. Thank you very welcome Merry Christmas you're very kind I'm like Oh so you know I'm on time to get a gift you don't have to get me one what's the joke present I might click and deliver a joke present to you. It's going to be a project for you today what inappropriate gift I don't want anything inappropriate to review my life. All right it's 821 what's going on the biggest party. Room I had this one I don't know what I call it was supposed to 10 times. As president appears to so much this year big party about to start in pickup especially for young carers It's being hosted by our colleagues at Radio one if you see Scott Mills or listen to this stump along the I mean if you see Scott Mills ask him about the village people I help. Smile because about 30 years ago or something like that Scott and I put on a performance together as. Village People we did Y.M.C.A. He was the Red Indian and I was I think I was the policeman and it was choreographed and everything and it was great fun ask he'll smile getting to tell you the story what's going on there I mean. Oh well I can picture that I think I am say maybe on the playlist today part of the T.V. Big S a Christmas party at the hair color it's opened up it's like nothing I've ever seen before loading 100 kids from the chair and to be 18 their keris hair as young as those who give up that's a major cost the parents of the younger siblings the older siblings is just remarkable and in this room that is a giant snake which children are literally running around in there are 20 Christmas trees which have been donated by the right one listeners and it's just that the picture on their faces they're smiling from if it's just incredible Scott Mills's here all of the celebs ahead that know. From the violence just arise it's a real celebration So David I would try to grab Scott Mills and maybe do the Y.M.C.A. With him later on but he still remembers the movie. Thank you very much and got him are you must love to reminisce about that thank you aged 23 what else is going on this morning it's got week airport passengers are one of our busiest airports in the U.K. South of England and of course in the country suspended still this time of year so busy reports of 2 drones being flown over the airfield overnight the runway was closed last night 9 and reopened about 3 this morning and then closed again about 45 minutes later amid a further sighting of drugs thousands of people of course will be preparing to fly out of got weak today the authorities say the number of name Mrs generally in this country is troubled in the last 2 years 92 incidents last year alone and the racing driver out of spite. He lives out in Chippy was one of those caught up in all the trouble you would do to a last night what did you end up Alice Good morning. I think Condit was due to land at London Gatwick about 10 to 11 last night. On the fly A And that was around about 10 o'clock there was a situation I said. A lot around about 10 minutes it was a drive that we were having to be diverted to caught it which is actually got its point is like car was it was again what we landed and we stepped from the plane to about 1 am in the morning I got on the plane and we just left on devices really so I got a taxi from the cottage but just. To get whipped out of my way back now you just left or cut it there was no advice or help what we meant. Well one on the plane they were coming in all right. I was going to threaten them but they wanted to get everybody off the plane because there was quite a few young children on hold. We got off the plane it really get much advice I got check my tires trying to write my own travel and that we will be reimbursed by. One opponent and if you've got them in for you on your own presumably out of sorts you didn't have any children with us here. Not yours so yeah I was always aware and yeah I went outside and found a taxi driver and he managed to. Persuade him to take me to get what about that was a nice Jenny wasn't in the middle of the night. Yes So I. Bit off early is spending the day before coaching going away to think 26 hours and I'll go to the Christmas shopping and. Joy Alice Dr Kathy thank you very much thanks for coming on this morning not to focus like a diet which it is chief executive of the U.K. Flight Safety Committee Good morning to you this is a very serious this morning yes it is. Because clearly there is a collision hazard the drones and manned Croft which could have catastrophic consequences why has this taken so long to sort out though if the runway was closed off to 9 o'clock many people will have thought that it would be relatively simple with the technology that that's around the state to try and find out where these trends are being flown from. Nobody see they all they are quite small. So the difficult to see on radar they don't have the conspicuity devices that most. Mandate Crawford would have said transponders For example there are a lot of reputable train users out there and the Civil Aviation Authority has issued. Think it's well north of 5000 permits now to people who want to operate drones legitimately these clearly weren't an interesting the you you mentioned earlier that there are 3 times the number of. Proximity reports some of them are being very very close and 92 percent of those have been above 500 feet in other words those were all being flown illegally. And that's the point of making this is illegal activity the difficulty for the for the airport of course is that there is a risk they know there's a risk and until they can do something about say they feel they have to stop operations. The risk presumably stating the obvious but one of these things could bring down an aircraft that. Could in some circumstances I mean clearly if it goes down an engine you're likely to lose that engine pilots are trained to deal with that but there is also the prospect of other damage to the airframe and it's I mean they can be quite light the light to drones may not do that much damage but it depends where they hit and of course if they had a helicopter then you're into the last type scenario you can lose control because of damage to rotor blades or gear boxes or whatever do we need to get tougher on legislation surrounding trans I mean many will be given out for Christmas this year you will be worried presumably. Yes the drones that are given out for Christmas will hopefully come with a copy of the drone code which says don't fly near where ports and don't fly above 400 feet so that should help but you cannot legislate for idiots where you can you can put them in jail and in this instance if the individuals flying these drones are caught then they can expect I think to get a jail term of some description because of the chaos caused and the the hazard to people so you not just got the risk of collision you've now got the risk of people running out of fuel of late changes to approaches control the workload pilot workload the whole risk in the system goes up when you introduce. An event like this and when you put the hammer brake on on the landings and on the activity that as you say the knock on effect it will take days one to this roll on over the very end of the week as we now today it will roll on unfortunately because they. Got the biggest single busiest single runway in the world. It's a phenomenally busy airport and. You know there is any so much you can do there is a problem with capacity in the southeast anyway runway capacity which hence the request for a. Runway Heathrow and so on so you end up with a lot of people trying to go somewhere where there is no home for them and else mostly they will have declared emergencies some of them a few reserve start to dwindle they have a finite time so the drains so there is a question there what sort of drone was it. Because I believe there were 2 scene you know why they back there were quite hard to spot there is some technology being developed to help with that but they are very difficult to see until you get close to them and that's the last time you want to see them and just finally difficult to try to trace where they're being controlled from as well presumably that. Busy yesterday as they hopefully the legislation willing clued the need for drones to be registered so at least if you find the drone you can track it back to the owner but . You know they'll be within a certain range because there is a limited capability on the on the control system itself so you know they're going to be close by but spotting somebody who's actually running a drain when they're maybe just sort of stood under a tree or something would be quite difficult thank you very much so I thank you appreciate it as it is for me thank you time dilating as chief executive of the U.K. Flight safety committee I said he was C.B.C. Radio Oxford Huling calling Save the travel now runs the traffic that's got Wake affected officers certainly as you know if you're traveling this morning do check because I've been hearing in the news Gatwick Airport all flights could be suspended arrivals being diverted so to check with your airline if you're departing this morning on the roads around the country but looking to bomb main routes couldn't study only M 40 M.B. A city for both the. a 40 now they for 20 call bring for the small in true into after to the sunder it is busier along marshalling i'm as your regularly up from a law them bypass as far as char well dr usual delays across a swim for a droll bridge just morning to from ensure a as far as far more the ring rolled around our crude looking a little busier all the mall the bar pass a lot of the city from els for in the way the other to cops law rob about traveler lives adding of the a form fiver a all the can go a busy on the approach to ox treat horse your times ever travel on r.r.o. With your trouble there's oh a so wade's $109.00 drivel one b.b.c. a rare. Brew from 17th letter would you like so it has given me some Belgian trying to give in a way that is chary gift creek maybe re gifting that's I've heard of re gifting not pretty reconfirming offering that's not recruiting if you offer a cognac cocoa duster truffle my mother sent me a message or Sophie saying don't even ungrateful wench not wish to send me some grateful I don't show you what I miss is previous senior love to hear Peter day was I going to open the right do it rough what if you got right there yes. I'm now getting there always for backing not sacking the management team after a shocking start of the season according to coach Sean Derry after 12 games they'd won just one match and were bottom of the table but since then their run has been one defeat in 15 games SAS a game of playoff contenders Doncaster takes the used to the midway point of the campaign and Barry says it was important that those at the top of the club held steady when times were tough what we did on Earth of course and as importantly probably more importantly so did the board of directors and the owners and they make the choice and you know decided to persevered with the job that hopefully will lead to being a successful football club for adversity you get questioned a lot but through thick and thin you know we've come for it that is a brilliant brilliant achievement and we don't want to end oxidizes under eighteen's team have the opportunity to win their late today as they host Bournemouth in the A.F.L. Youth Alliance Southwest Division you stop the table in the cherries are in 2nd place Kickoff is at 11 o'clock this morning at Abington United's North Court Road if you want to go along that is free for spectators the League Cup semi final lineup is now complete after an AT and as odd goal gave Chelsea a wonder win over Bournemouth and Tottenham beat north London rivals Arsenal 2 nil at the Emirates hearing killing the ball over the top the flags. There's a British troops there they are a target. It's. The old side. I'd watch out for a dish but I would say that is should. Tell a lie for the church to the are supposed to pay for it but I would stick to the imagines later model and insinuate that I was struck by a plastic bottle which was thrown from the crowd asshole so they're examining C.C.T.V. Footage to find the culprit and told the manager Pitino says sanctions elsewhere in Europe for such an IS incident are severe in different countries maybe in Spain maybe. This state. But ready I think it's. Stupid situation that. The price for Tottenham for their win is a semifinal against Chelsea while in the other semifinal personality and are up against Manchester City and US Major League Baseball and Cuba's baseball Federation have reached a deal to keep in place signed with U.S. Teams Despite diplomatic tensions until now Cuban players who wanted to sign with U.S. Teams had to defect at least the country illegally Your 3 days of the B.B.C. Radio Works that. Fairly cloudy affairs with a few showers brightening up this afternoon with some sunny spells all the heavy showers still likely again later fresh winds and highs of 9 Celsius that's 48 Fahrenheit a few showers around the 1st the seeding fade leading to dry and cloudy conditions rain they get. Assistance try to spaces a bit 6. But I'm really horrible for you to somebody just me. My real serious with Christopher Hill growth looking at cloudy when it starts tomorrow rain will then clear it's a brighter spells and a largely sunny afternoon highs of 12 and then looking ahead Saturdays looking Jai and sunny Sunday rainy and that could be heavy continuing even night and only slowly clear sharing Monday it's when you look your chocolate you think oh I'm having a stroke there's that lovely thing that you put a chocolate in to mouth you think I'm having a shock. Belden dusted off the truffle and you put in you takes a chocolate you think this is a treat this is lovely and then you get the hit of look you up and you think this is just 21 guy like a jet I need to jet wash my mouth I go to Joe Walsh thank you very much for this present you are welcome Merry Christmas who came up with putting the cure spirits inside chocolate have to say all through your Grinch you all right now right exactly and what it is is it's a crushing sense of disappointment in that you've wasted calories 100 percent when I want to how much want to base a small. Right to run up and down the Bambery road for least often. What's trending around the world today you know sometimes just sometimes a company comes out with an ad and you think you've nailed it take a bow wow Google who just in time for Christmas have done a catch up with the Kevin McCallister from home life. Tony but it's. Beautiful as an adult for Google for Christmas they come up with a script involving Macaulay Culkin wandering around the old house from the ME but it's a grown up bloke as a grown up playing with all of his new Google tech It includes him reenacting a great scene where he jumps on the bed only puts it back out because it is a clip here have a. Google account one of them called house to yourself. And aftershave to my shopping. Let me clean the sheets later OK I'll remind you. Once in a month or. A change. That's just so close to bring in Macaulay Culkin is fabulous in it he tweets by the way on the want to be incredible cult which really amuses me and everybody expects a loving this on Twitter people saying one of the best commercials ever at the Christmas gift we didn't know we needed saying nostalgia. level 10000 and someone saying this is we're on the internet this week brawl bogle what i love about that is there are a company that muster just have these crater meetings where money is no object you know what would we do if we could do anything well we'd get macaulay culkin to reenact home alone but with all of our gotchas now the pick up the fun of the happens i absolutely love it was rainy is really fun it's 20 to know i when you trouble on the a $44.00 much of it is 50 miles an hour our if you lucky and it's not curling along they're all stretches in the middle of the night where you can even ridge a bunch more than that of course puts soon when you get to chipping norton that's speed is going to down to just 20 miles i doubt i report a beth a memos spin to the town so ask if locals spac the changed david's tree this thing's a slab joy joy stories to the east is b.b.c. Radio walks mitt i'm here in the center of chipping norton app the my human traffic so now to gaze 3 here at 30 mph but that kid be about to change the whole of the town centre including parts of the a $44.00 a set to be made 20 mph some residents of told the county council it's a bad idea saying there were be a lack of enforcement and therefore it's a waste of money thames valley police also update questioning whether it's appropriate to put the limits on an a right but what do you think i think the sometimes when you put a 20 mile an hour and the mists hit there are lots of tang is worth people don't now to need to be doing 20 balls than out there's one for all i go where there's a schooled and i understand when this school children around that when it there's nobody around but it think but is was considering i know of a man move food here along the road these stepped out onto the pavement sin narrow own he steptoe in french i'm a passing low res 3 track jake and if this speed limited been slower not that sacked some with them have the ice to be good all Traffic to cross. The road a final decision set to be made by the County Council this morning well some people are in favor of this Becky Cox is the principal technical advisor living streets they campaign for 20 miles an hour you'll think this is a fabulous idea for Chipping Norton presumably which Becky. Good morning and we know that they need to save lives as we heard earlier. That if someone is struck by a vehicle 20 miles an hour they have a 97 percent chance of survival if the vehicle is driving faster than that than that survival rate is B.J. So yes we be very much in favor of something that was campaign for for a while having that was that they felt they limited in built up areas you know that the kinds of places where people live work can go to school so yeah I think this is very encouraging to say so why is it so unpopular. I mean obviously you have to understand it from the perspective of people using the area but I think you've got to achieve a balance between. Maybe the need to see the people to drive. But also the needs of the people that live there and I think from our perspective we campaigned improving straight to people that live on them the children you schools in the area thought the people who carry out their everyday lives on the straights those are the people who we need to inflate the safety of the streets for I mean this is a fantastic opportunity to say that it's about balancing and they thought about recognising that that's a key to C.C. . And one of the big objections that I always hear when this comes up or when we have a phone in on this is the call is just designed to go just to drive a 20 miles out of that that design to accelerate up through the gate is it's a fair point and. I think the reality is that a lot of all straights was designed you know before the use of cars that we see that you know we see a much much higher volume of vehicle usage these days than we ever did before and the Straits wasn't designed for the volume and the state of traffic that we see them these days the reality is that we need to do something. To kind of claim back the safety of the state so the people that he using them so yes because kind of. Outside of. The state limits will be high but I think recognizing that all these areas along the priority has to be the local people I think the local communities you know I think 20 mile an hour instance it's very very simple and I think it's a why is making the whole about this deception is I think that is a suggestion you know you're very excited to hear environment always and the sort of that's going to have a much bigger effect on your psyche very much thank you Becky calques thank you for that decision in the Senate this may bring you that using some. It's going to go ahead coming up stand by parents and teachers and teaching assistants the dinner stuff left anybody else relatives from children at some Andrus Church of England primary school in Headington they're going to sing the some of the winter wind industry. Radio walks that. Travel. Business from way in the world start saying this want to shop yes 7 years if you're travelling towards got with this morning do check before you travel as we've been hearing all flights currently suspended arrivals being diverted to various airports around the U.K. So what do you check before you set off this morning meanwhile all the roads around the county were not looking too bad good and steady all the AM 40 if you're passing by junction 11 for band rate on the junction line for the A $34.00 the A $34.00 pretty steady to leaving the M 40 junction I'm probably build towards west on the green I'm even B.M. For traveling on the northbound carriageway from Junction 13 up as far as Chilton and Milton and indeed on towards the get on the change I just you know the Oxford ring road looks like we've got possible delays on the eastern bypass side of the city if you're traveling down from the rising Coast traffic lights to horse path drift where lights just before the mini plant looks like the may have been a bit of a bump along that stretch it might be called the Travel line if you can update me for that number or weight or weight 100 line one double one meanwhile the rest of the city center not doing too bad Marsh Lane usual busy patches from the past a char will drive this one for a toll bridge that's heavier from engine across to far more with your time sever travel time out Ryan call your travel. 109 travel one Radio Oxford travel. With your I had lives his so for this would be any department at Oxford's job market hospital is seen a 60 percent jump in admissions this month at Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has publicly suggested another referendum could become a plausible way forward if parliament remains deadlocked over. Sets and bouts of the A $44.00 could be given a 20 mile per hour speed limit today and plans being discussed and today's big question on the phone in from 9 am is why does it matter if you call someone a stupid woman Oh I tell you right 109108 discussion about language in the nuance of language sexism coming up after 9 this morning I just thought I'll send you some cheese to make up for the Choose that you bought me that was thrown away so I googled cheese by post if you pom pom other companies are available I sent my friend one via Just last week oh my goodness you go down a rabbit hole with this stuff oh yeah it's never ending I could spend the next 10 days where you did offer me 5 grand if you'd like to send me 5 pounds worth of cheese that would be well that was a discussion about how much would you want to give up social media for a year anyway as one company here $140.00 quid for cheap but what cheese are they giving us more than barely done because it's not I mean yes considerably more. You know getting that by the way thanks so much to you some dairy done I'm now terrified about what's going to arrive in the post smiling back at your name is there for all the work especially if I forget tomorrow 10 days in a way yes the weather in a word today makes B.B.C. Radio walks for it that's kind of year again when it isn't by any late night. Cultists queues on the roads but don't worry I'm here to help with every weekday morning. News traffic control. Or whether you're trying to find a parking space to get your shopping done or just trying to get. The most accurate . B.B.C. Radio. T.V. News this Christmas. David Street is. Joining. B.B.C. Radio for it. Was NOT DI wrong Chipping Norton High Street in September the driver wasn't. For sure not moving fast however 30. 35 miles an hour might have been a different story 20 is plenty that one says on the subject of these drones closing Gatwick busiest runway in the world this one from James says David So if it is this drone problem happen in any other country or we the only place on earth to sell dangerous flying objects to the general public I don't know is how I 109100 we will talk a bit more about drones during our phone in this morning fight if you have any insight on knowledge on and nothing about drones nothing at all if you do know anything about this than do give us a call and we'll put you on your on the phone and off to 9 the small. Levon minutes tonight oh my goodness is not long to go. Christmas carol counting down it's only 5 least until Christmas so far i've you can count them all goodness one had now Andrews Church of England primary school and heading to back and we've got Reese here mourning Reese. Reese is very quiet this morning you're there Reese now race never mind research got to tell us about this Carol which they got to sing for us now this is the song of the wood to which. Meat. I. Thank you said Andrews and Reese from Sandra Church of England I think we've got you on the line Mary said drop to the line dropped Hello Reese morning hello how do you receive sound very grown up I know Levon I thought you were going to say 11 So you're leaving school you this shit yeah any idea where you're going and if you made up your mind I think I'm going to primary for my memory 2nd grace 2nd grade very good so what's it like being right at the very top of the school you feeling very grown up this Christmas am seeing like a very kind of in charge being what it's all this question I thought you should be running the school what's it like there at the moment of Christmas a son and receive been there for a good few years now as it was good fun of Christmas time yeah we do lots of joy like making from parents of some lame and what are you most looking forward to about the next little while the next few. Weeks what's what's top of your list of stuff to do. I'm looking forward to Christmas special of course getting like present and I'm also looking forward to spending time with some of the old friends some like a lovely young man and who are your family anybody want to mention who given the go on it's the time you can talk about well my mum. My mom my dad and my 4 brothers 4 brothers but it's busy in your house Father Christmas can be very busy thank you very much Reece very merry Christmas to you and to your family and say hi to everybody it's an Anderson church being the most for teachers and I'm Mrs Jones thank you very much Mrs Holmes in your head teachers have a very Merry Christmas Reese and thank you very much to you all to everybody at the school for that delightful counsel thank you thank you it's 6 minutes to 9 if you'd like to send us a carol for a next year then you need to get on the case right now it's Oxford B.B.C. Taco Bell U.K. 6 minutes to 9 Amy is at the party of the year which is in did as for some reason I was saying all morning on a mental block on that anyway it's a party for B. For a young carers a fantastic charity who've been on this program a number of times over the last year or so it's a charity for youngsters who are caring for a relative often for a parent as well as doing all their schoolwork at the same time is being hosted by our colleagues at a Radio One name is there this morning having an awful lot of fun Amy. good morning davey yes i am heretic cut civic hole deep best christmas party i have ever been so you his hair by rates a of on and i've come out of the huge sounds that the dream so you a little side ranged chats he ready one percent an admin send good morning morning i mean hey doing i'm very well thank you how you i full of christmas chair this warning it's absolutely incredible hair so if you don't know about this yesterday this whole was empty fact of the star the weight greg james on the red all represented said we he would like volunteer is famous people every day people anyone who could help to come undone egg stuff to these party and he's managed to amen incredible event for hundreds of young care was that i so have a room that was totally empty now failed with magicians and a joined snow globe when an elfie selfie boof and an owl under now yeah yes so when the room that were in of the moment we have steve by actual from really while cho slash all of the night she shows with 2 hours just stressing around what us totally normal we've got gabrial aplin who's just perform the power of love which was amazing awning and we have a l. From love arlit it's quite so weird mix of people here it's all a bit surveillance the net brady as it's very strange bar for an incredible causes i think it this time of year obviously it's nice spend time with people you love and young care is spend their whole year looking all to people they love than they don't really get much time to step out that and do stuff for them so greg an the ready on bread for show specifically wanted to put on these party to kind of shine a light sold what they eat or would also just to give them a nice day before christmas yeah because this is to to stick to say that there are 2 young carers an every tossed i'm in the way and just ahead well i think a lot them die realize it they are young care is but they have are the parents or grandparents all siblings that they are looking off there and they just think it is normal life but obviously the rest was look at what they're doing and think that it's incredible and they giving up a lot of their own childhood for that so we're will to say thanks of those people who are doing that and throw bit of an event for them and how detail be in part of today thought of rationed well personally i love it because i in my in a form a life i was a magician i saw all the jewish and and So how can you have I thought well there's nothing I can do really other than wonder around and do magic which is why I used to do at parties so I've been out doing card tricks and tricks the last bands also stuff I'm not so you are absolutely loving it. Thank you so much trying to say things are coming down. Thank you Amy with M. And son from Radio one so weekend should Joel have a lot of fun there and to cut some warning just coming up to 9 o'clock his a must read this morning from The Guardian How much do you know about what's going on in the war torn Congo at the moment. May need and yet it's a country at the moment where 2000000 people have fled their homes there are 70 rebel groups vicious security forces the place is in a terrible terrible stress and this piece from Jason Burke who's a brilliant writer from The Guardian is there Africa correspondent he's written about it this morning and he's been to the country and he starts his article like this he says at the end of a gravel road is a dirt track at the end of the track is a muddy trail leading through the scrub at the end of the trail is a village or more accurately the place where the village was before the rebels came in some of the best writing I've seen this year it's a must read bookmark it all find it to read if not today then over the holidays in there the Guardian today really good stuff starts coming up to 9 o'clock. Travel the travel around the house turn to a busy morning all the Oxford ring road on the eastern bypass out of the city traveling down from rising interest as far as the horse past drift way traffic lights reports of a bump along that stretch posting about 8 to 10 minutes traffic isn't fully recovered I think it's all been cleared by the looks of things but if you're on that side of the ring road you might be called a travel line or wait or wait 1091 double One is that number one for toll bridge quite busy this morning 2 from enjoyable cross to far more I'm travelling into Oxford City Center expect some delays along Marsh Lane if you try to go from the A 40 nor the bypass as far as char will drive Botley road busy to from the C. Chord type traffic lights as far as Fried's wide square into Abingdon town center usually laze only a 415 you're travelling from column as far as Bridge Street delays to all the Drake road to seem to be sheer volume of traffic. Very busy. Travel. Plans in place to look after their own health that's the message from Oxford University Hospitals Trust as it's revealed any admissions at the hospital jumped by 60 percent this month people with long term health conditions are being urged to take up the offer of a free flu jab to help relieve pressure on the N.H.S. This winter while hospital staff want to discharge patients in time for Christmas. People should make their own efforts to stay well one of the things I went to director said it what is your when to plan for individuals how are you going to look after yourself how are you going to look after your family and your neighbors so has a staff member to be a U.-H. Will be undertaking off a job consistently for the rest of the winter and I need our colleagues in primary care will be working with their patients to ensure that they're protected so it's vulnerable great but just 43 percent of.

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