Negotiations earlier the prime minister said Britain should be treated with more respect in the talks after the leaders rejected her plan at a summit in Sulzberger yesterday but Mr Turner said warnings that the check is proposal would not work that already been issued Mark Saunders reports that all discs response to terrorism I was part indignation part modification He started by reiterating that the E.U. Fully respects the BRICS it vote addressing the Prime Minister's complaint about this respect he said the E.U. Had studied the Checkers proposals in all seriousness the British had known about the E.U.'s reservations in every detail for many weeks he said Mr tusk described the U.K. Stance of the Salzburg summit as surprisingly tough an uncompromising but he said that he remained convinced that a compromise good for all was still possible to major drugs companies have lost a legal case to prevent N.H.S. Doctors from prescribing a cheaper drug for a debilitating eye condition the decision to approve Avastin could save the N.H.S. As much as 500000000 pounds a year Kathy ELPH is from the charity the macula society they probably will save the N.H.S. Millions of pounds what we want though is for that saving to be put back into because there are very many people who are going blind losing the side because they're not getting better A.M.T. Treatment the clinics are overwhelmed with demand and any savings are there are made to not last and must be put back into our. The bargain superstore B N M has been ordered to pay a record fine of almost half a 1000000 pounds for repeatedly selling knives to underage children the company pleaded guilty to 3 offenses in June after an undercover operation by police and trading standards officers in London several people have been arrested in Tanzania over the capsizing of a ferry in like Victoria more than 130 people are known to have died the country's president John Mica fairly said the ferry appeared to have been overloaded 4 days of national mourning have been declared the former X. Factor contestant Chico slim Ani has suffered a stroke the 47 yard fell ill while travelling back from a gig at the weekend his publicist said he was undergoing further tests and had asked for privacy for his family the English girl for all of the fish has carted the 1st round a 59 in European Tour history at the Portugal MASTERS The 30 year old said he was thrilled after making 10 birdies and an eagle for 12 on the 2nd round invalid Maura it was great to see my history here in Portugal was a great swan and they are so great now for the European sort of the myself to say $59.00 so you know it was a chopper that I got an out of the tram at the car level par and then and I share in that is you know just a great day around. B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 9. With Laurie Daley on B.B.C. Radio Australia. Good evening Yeah you're back with Laurie Beatty I'm here in studio with many uncommon Reynolds's to me as well 2 comedians in the studio we're going to find out all about what makes Anna tick she's going to give us her spiffing all riffing tail and we're extract in a new media review out of her as well plus my great friend Russ Thompson is going to come in and chat with us about books but 1st the punch up down on George Street up in connect to me with all the local breweries in the county and tonight they go another one for us let's hear from Tom Shiner it's time from kind show today we're going to talk about bombshell from a skull and local Bros based in Abingdon it's 4.2 percent and it's a Christmas like to summer road the longer term day says a nice interesting one very refreshing to have on a holiday all to one down in the evening it's already smooth. And ready easy to drink I think it's one of my favorite ones hope you enjoy it then we get out from the pint shop corner and I going to get one about so I get our teeth into a bombshell from he's going to bury or get our lips around it whatever you want to call it well into it and give the verdict in just a 2nd. With Laurie Daley on B.B.C. Maria Blondie that's a high energy she namesake this is time out Laurie Beatty on B.B.C. Radio I'm joined in the studio by Anna domany a local comedian and producer. And comit Reynolds all comedy Stoltz who's going to give us a what's on well and provide us some commentary color you happy with that while very happy while you have already wearing your newest OS that's slightly disturbing for that money has been a history it's going to be there all through November and I said November here it comes you know I used to do that I used to grow the whole being is up until that point because I just thought I can't grow them a stock into November and then keep the. Starts around November you know because just for whatever reason Mr Rogers and I don't get on I will say you know you're sort of pulling off very sweet of you I know how creepy I look but you're. Saying that it's very hard to shake. The bundle of not always but there we go you know you are here to chat with us about you your comedy we had a wonderful clip from the earlier part of your stand up which where you sort of discussed bisexuality and how it's not often covered in stand up but it's something you really wanted to bring to attention yeah just something I felt I needed to kind of get off my chest I've never really felt like come out because sort of friends and family are really thought of the kind of background where that was necessary OK . Also I feel like I'm a bit of a rubbish out Master for bisexuality because I do have a long term boyfriend so it's like a part of my identity I wanted to sort of like recognise and explore in a different kind of way and with comedy obviously that that's what's most natural for me expressing myself. In particular we had ended with a wonderful catchphrase and you know there's no context here but you need to hear it and Bruce Willis is gay. And you've got to listen but listen back on the i Pad to that clip from and or of course they can check out a You Tube channel see him in stand up how they find that and if you. Don't many I think that should come up or you can find me on Twitter and a comedy which is probably easier to find you know. And yeah it will be shared there so. Yeah that's my online presence really I mentioned earlier I will say a character called I own a full G.S. Intriguingly Well whenever I share anything about her I always know hash tag Oh you know 14 and that's how exactly how you'd imagine so when you brought up. 14 You said you were kind of going back to some your roots and putting yourself more into a comedy but as I own are being left behind for now yeah well I sort of both at the moment depending on what the promoter of a certain show has asked for the show that I'm going to be hosting on Monday that will probably go until I decided to be myself because hosting as a character can divide audience and yeah the people get it instantly all they like what's this about sort of thing and that can make it quite difficult to get the audience to trust you whereas if if you're just going to ask yourself I'm sure you know they for probably never never done a character as a as a presenter it's a bit more sort of relatable I think. I did an intro once as if I was doing a TED talk I had mixed feelings about TED talk yeah I think it went down quite badly so I know where you're coming from yeah so if it's not and you know you're putting more of yourself into it what would you say type of eyes your comedy from from the clip we heard you say now you've got you've got a brilliant ability to just look at new perspectives on things and shine odd lights on things we think of familiar Well yeah I had quite a sort of I guess eccentric upbringing I've got 6 brothers and sisters also very we were always just looking for attention for the line of almost like an elder saying you know what Me too I want to fight really but I'm not sure I mean certainly joy see to. Potential career is that a very attention seeking. So yeah I guess I was always trying to entertain people. And the most natural sort of starting point for that is what is familiar to you and how that might be strange to other people. So yeah it's started off just as observations really and. With such a large family a lot of yeah funny anecdotes sort of like myself. How your family got a handle that you ever perform to then to ever come to gigs yet my dad came to a couple of my cakes a few years ago and he he said you have are going to not make me the part of your job. You have are going to be normal. So they bring it on themselves really but yeah there will mean they will make fun of me because I say what are you doing comedy you're the least funny of all of us what a lovely sentiment they get and not just spurs me on. You know going to try and prove them wrong so how. So yeah I mean no family dinner table is a bit like a comedy panel show you know yeah I just want to really kind of funny the big family isn't it people always say that about our family because it just was nonstop talking about my wife when she 1st came and met my family couldn't understand our breakfast because in her family you wake up to breakfast and you have a couple of minutes and then you go off and do your thing yeah in our house breakfast is a rolling meal continues for about 4 or 5 hours with people reading the paper maybe cheating into the radio having a chat and eating several bowls of cereal and I just think there's something wonderful about you creating your own subculture just is your family it's so cool that you are so well informed You're stand out now and so it's a stand up gigs where do you find yourself most regular performing or are you all across the county do you go far and wide as well I'm usually. One of this it of underground gigs in Oxford so there's Jericho comedy in Jericho surprisingly and then. We've got an open mike every week I try and go to that regularly as possible just to keep keep up the sort of comedy fitness as they were and then. Sort of other less. Regular nights that are a bit more experimental and they come in several different formats and that's really good as a writing exercise So for example probably covered before it's debatable and when we have a secret and I talk about it and really show quite a lot it's one of my favorite yet so we will topics out of the hat and it's actually affairs. And then each like 2 comedians have to debate the side of. This one so you get about half an hour to write all your arguments a previous arguments we've had this is a trap 1st is this is not a trial if you want the Star Wars I brought back quotes so that's amazing Yeah very good. I can't take credit for that like I like my feet my favorite every one not just because I want to but the notion was there is no God verses there are no dogs and I managed to persuade the entire audience to vote for there being no dogs well I. Say Yeah that's probably my life. I think my best one was I won choose they versus Thursday Yes Matt and I was Tuesday I was really pleased with that yeah you were the underdog in that one and that's what's so what's really funny is that often if you choose the position that harder to argue it usually produces more jokes you've got Yeah you can go really step outside things but I'm not really a logic something of that yeah that's the idea so yeah they they are super fun and they are the last Wednesday of every month Yes So this one came along when he. Said that we're going to hear a little bit more of what we're going to hear from you in fact you're going to give us a speaking or if entailed to demonstrate to us your comic shops or perhaps just an anecdote from your life that's hard to swallow looking forward to hearing from that hearing from you with that call and I need to say our thoughts on the bombshell beer from least kind of brewery but just for you that cutie comedy some of they're involved in loads of nights and you. Producer there so you handed all those Where can we go to find out about Q.E. D. So believe Q.E.D. Comedy talk hey. If you search for. Comedy on Twitter. We're not as active as we should be on social media and. Social media and I don't exactly get so I don't we're going for a while I do it for work as well and the exact. But yes all the upcoming shows or you may well have seen a Q.E.D. Comedy poster around town because Matt Colie is very prolific poster very good and so he's taken. Plastered all over town his take on artwork Well now you know it's really intriguing Well the art of postering OK it's an art you know what I think you're right OK Now we're going to come back and listen to and dominate give a Speaking of riffing in just a 2nd after a sky full of stars from Coldplay 1st up Conner What is your opinion on bombshell from a loose cannon brewery a local Brewer and also to this was selected for a spot of punch up your thought yeah I like it as they said it is quite mild it's quite luxury they mention the lager harms and unless I saw the bottle in front of me saying that it was an arrow I would assume it's a lark or yes I'm going to say that it's very refreshing perfectly drink See this is I think I'm learning a lot about my own taste with beer because it sort of sits on the tongue and it's got a very strong taste you know the kind of thing where I can imagine really loving sipping it maybe in a kind of slightly musty pub but a smoky atmosphere I mean yeah the more. I know what you're saying yeah as you drink it lighter more than it is so much larger doesn't have much of a taste you know it tastes almost like a very flavorful arguer which I think is a good thing there we are bombshell from a loose cannon brewery in Oxford cheer we're going to get an A dominant spiffing all riffing after sky for the. From come. a sky full of stars from Cold Play this is time out with Laurie Beatty on B.B.C. Radio Oxford I'm here with comedians and a dummy and Comet Reynolds and Kona is going to hit us with what you can go and see in the local comedy scene with a funky funky bed it's. A lot clearer. I've got a style and I yeah Come on feel bigger so it's a really busy week this week tomorrow night at P. North wall in summertime ritual Paris from this is master for the week tonight it is sold out what is legal advice I always give is just give the box office a call there may be some returns and you may get lucky nice but if you can't get to see Richard Paris tomorrow night you can go to Jericho comedy they are there every Saturday the jack cafe and all their profits go to your mind so it's a very philanthropic way to enjoy yourself on a Saturday night. Comedy cells are very often does you could always go to the glee club and Kylee road as well they have a regular Saturday night show there on Monday and I will be hosting comedy nights at the castle is going to be headlined by the brilliant Samina Zira and I'll be on as well so we're all going to be there it'll be great fun so Candy into the Castle pub. On Monday night on choose the Nathan Grassi is putting on the comedy scratch night at the or fire station and is going to be really interesting not because it's lots of established strands and new stuff and some neurons as well trying stuff possibly for the 1st time so should be really interesting go along and I'm sure you'll enjoy that as well the old fire station she's the night Wednesday Q.E.D. Are back again and this is what we were talking about earlier it's debatable such a fun night at the library on Kiley road on Wednesday night. And Thursday is incredibly busy you've got comedy ladder the Rosen crime pub in childbirth so if you're in child bring in fancy a laugh you don't have to come all the way into Oxford go and see comedy lot at the Rose and Crown at the lake and Bambery you can see 2 fantastic Tony in law who's just a master of alternative. Comedy is absolutely brilliant and rituals and he's one of the best MCs in the country as well so if you're Bambery head on to be at its website get tickets for that and if something a little bit different you can go to the cornerstone Arts Center and to see a play called the flop which is an archaic slightly rude who Larry a slice of stupidity with live music and unfeasibly large wigs according to the website looks great so if you go along with that on Thursday night and finally. If you are an Oxfordian he wants to dabble in the comedic arts yourself head along to the Jane Street Tavern in Oxford just off the road for another Q.E.D. Night it's the comedy open mic night you should have been here last week very nice That's a comedy what song from Comet Reynolds thank you very much gonna spiffing all riffing coming. Since me unbelievably every Saturday morning we do what we call with great originality the Saturday morning show here on B.B.C. Radio Works for it's the programme that's never some well known it is the lovely Greg Wallace face to face over the phone. Joe Pass call is on the line. We will soon have the mystery voice competition. A long time no hear truck which hopefully have not heard from in the 1st hour be the same without it with. You for the clues that you tell us what the air is C.B.C. Radio it's the Saturday morning programme with me Tim Smith from 9 There you go make sure you chain in tomorrow morning at 910 as guests Bake Off judge Prue leaf Wow that's a guess and a half I'm game for laughs remember that. Do you remember that game for a lost Matthew Kelly plus hits and headlines from 9 am make sure each instance in the show but this is time out Laurie Bailey on B.B.C. Radio Oxford and an adult many local comedian producer activity has got spiffing all riffing for us it's that time where they tell us a tale of comedians spin a C. On and it's our job to guess whether it's a spiffing true tale or a writhing falsehood get your thoughts in a 13 double Three's the number and are you ready. Sorry And are you ready I think so. Make sure you get that message and I want 3 double 3 tell us what you think is true or false start your message with the word Oxford has your music. Just right and take it away OK So this is a tale much like a Greek legend. Has been thwarted So I mention I've got a very large family and consequently always been sort of just looking for attention and I wanted to be famous pretty much since well since I went on stage in a pantomime. I think it was a production of Dick Whittington where my dad was the pantomime. And it was my 8th birthday and he called me up during the interval and got the whole audience to sing happy birthday and I was like This is the best feeling ever having a whole room. In you know paying attention to me. Maybe I should be telling this to. A radio audience but anyway that was the point at which I was like I want to be famous this is this is great so cut a couple of years later when I was 10 my school was involved in a competition. Run by I think it was the C.B.C. Channel there was a show called experimental where they explode science in a child friendly way and. As you might imagine my pricked up because the competition the prize was a chance to be on this T.V. Show so what we were challenge with was designing a system that would protect a house from being destroyed in a landslide. So I went away and you know as you might imagine I was the kind of precocious child that would do hours more homework than necessary so. I went away and designed this system. On the information one of the teaching assistants had heavily implied that any explosives solutions might be paid more attention to this so I spent a few nights on this design for a system that would protect our house from a landslide with dynamite and I feel like a more perfect metaphor for the current political situation because I find so yes I came in with this design and. You know I think I think my creative writing skills are not usually that valuable insights you might imagine but I put those to good use in talking up why the dynamite was so important for protecting this house and I was surprised and delighted to find out that I had one and I was going to be on C.B.C. Presenting my system so that the day came and I was in my best non-branded home close. As was the requirement and. I finally got in front of the camera and I was so excited to present my experiment and to to watch it actually be tested now you've probably one step ahead of me at home imagine that they would not be using a real house or indeed a real landslide or indeed real dynamite but. As a 10 year old I expected that they would. Because how on earth could they get to the real fact of the matter without properly testing it. So my my indignation and fury really grew and grew as the course of this experiment played out because the house was a little wooden house and the landslide was simulated with policy. I mean well. Which one of the more nights a polar so remote and they were all the same size these rocks which even now I know want to hold a grudge but that's not a very accurate depiction of what a landslide is like you know form size rock and the dynamite was in fact simulated by the middle of Christmas crackers so. As you can imagine they had absolutely no effect whatsoever on the cascade of policy which all hit the model house. So my my 15 seconds of fame. Were about 15 seconds of shame and humiliation. That some of the vocative I mean instantly This always happens especially horrific I'm tempted to think that's going to be true because I can just so clearly picture you and I particularly love the detail that you're you're really if you furious with C.B.S. Did you sell C B C B C they would dare to think that equal size policy could possibly simulate a landslide but the devil's in the piece only if I was making it up I would have thought of all those things yeah we don't I mean I can't get it why don't I would get your thoughts in 813 double 3 is the tax number start your message with the word Oxford and a telling true that she won this competition to design a way to protect a house in landslide somehow using dynamite and then was disappointed after winning the competition to see this done on C.B.C. That they didn't really use a real house a real landslide or real dynamite and unfortunately it was such a long time ago that you won't find evidence either way all right. Thinking OK get your thoughts in 13 double 3 Start your message with the word. a. Little. Cold Lovely stop there is the sheep sheep song it's in his kiss from Cher I think I could I love it more for the fact that it's called the sheep sheep song and she's just that kind of artist who you know wouldn't want it called anything else she's the real deal super authentic Now this is time out Laurie Beatty on B.B.C. Radio Oxford I'm with Anna domany and condiment Reynolds and we've just heard an adult many spiffing are riffing tale in which she was bewitched by the idea of fame when she was on stage with Dick Whittington what had happened the day and then seeing a competition where the winner would get to go on C B B C and the competition was all about a solution to protecting a house through a landslide and she was ticked off that they'd like explosives to be part of it and I came up with it one she got to see B.B.C. Was disappointed that they scaled it right down and just used the model house rather than a real one and publish diary both holes instead of a real landslide and what was a crack a strip of explosives we're trying to figure out whether true or false and we're going to have a little bit more thinking time you got to get your thoughts in 813 double 3 is the number start your message with the word Oxford and tell us what you think I know which one I'm leaning Anna just tell us quickly how did this thing actually work. Well clearly it didn't but I think my 10 year old logic was that if there if there were explosions that would blast the rocks out of the way. Connect with the House I think what was probably the case was I was so blinded by the idea of really wanting to be on T.V. And to win though I hadn't really thought it through properly but obviously we see we're convinced. Well I don't mean to make any comment you know that their scientific. But I mean the show was called Xperia mental So you know with that emphasis that. So you know maybe the scientific rigor wasn't quite there yet messages are coming in and you know I hate to tell you and I'm sure a lot of people are skeptical. Just coming in 13 double 3 Start a message with the word Oxford We'll find out whether it's true or false after this media review B.B.C. Radio Oxford and you have also got for us a you cheap channel or podcast that we need to check out the new media review is all about the new ways you can consume stories comedy all sorts to be perfectly honest and often for free entirely free and what you have for us OK So this is actually I think it's an all series as opposed to polkas in that I think it was originally in the book OK serialize we have we have allowed audiobooks in the past you know in Technically the media I guess. So yeah this is called slaving away it's produced written by a friend of mine Miranda Cain who is a very funny comedian rules a lot on personal experiences as a sex worker so it's a bit bleak the material so as you can imagine slaving away there are some elements of. Domination shall we say if that's not safe to say but it's got a fabulous cost including Hugh Dennis Oh yeah so you know he's voice is well recognised as often impersonate the world family you know very serious figures maybe. Taking the mick out of the money for weeks so hearing that voice in the yeah context is quite interesting. Exactly so yeah. It's been reviewed. You know loads of 5 star reviews from people who've listened. Yeah it's a great project I think so remind us again listen it's been a slaving away. To cane OK And you know you've hinted at things here please don't be any more explicit but do you tell us if we'd seen and is it a lot more explicit Yes OK So. It was just an intriguing and certainly he Dennis is involvement as well I mean he's got good taste comedic taste as well I'm sure it's brilliant OK So that is slaving away have a look for it's not technically a podcast it might be an audiobook that's what it means it isn't free. It's free for all to pull member OK OK Well you say the only cost is your so you. Well you heard it here 1st OK all right now we're going to come back and find out thank you very much and that's brilliant We're going to find out what is being a riffing is true thoughts in final chance $13.03 some numbers start your message with the word Oxford We'll find out after this. Always love to hear that ironic from a Linus Morissette you with Laurie Beatty it's time out with Laurie Beatty on B.B.C. Radio and a Domenici and Comet Reynolds with me in a studio Amma it is time to find out if you know riffing tale was true or false so we well I don't really know quite well the consensus is actually quite split we had some messages they say it's a read you know I think you're lying about this too details perhaps it was some intriguing details I am actually still leaning towards true. I know I wanted to be a very intelligent person and blowing up a heist to save it just doesn't seem Yeah OK sensible things I'm saying line I a case so I think we split tell us Ana it was in fact Cherry It was already you did it when I did I don't actually like you I thought you sounded incredibly clever that you got that kind of reverse logic will how did the explosion save her. Yes but I guess in the context of a landslide it really could couldn't it well it's I think it's a bit like when you when you play a video game and you just kind of mash one button write. Something clever that's sort of what I was day with with the dynamite I thought sort of yeah. Turn one big rock into thousands of smaller rocks that can come at you from all of. You know if they're not much smaller will they do damage to the house and I could have been it . So you see B.B.C. Really did let you down because how those policy. Right they were not impacted a tool by the Christmas cracker or something just got this from the how are we going to do this we can't possibly pass any health or safety things we're going to crush a girl's dream we're going to run as you know it was really your real handle so. Let's get this test. Thank you that was a brilliant speech loved it thank you also if your new media review which was slaving away and audiobook you need to prepare yourself for slightly content just tell us once more for you disappear where can we find out all about you and your comedy Well I will next be on stage a cultural taboo in this coming Monday hosting Comedy Nights the castle so I will be presenting a range of wonderful acts mixture of local heroes like Connor and international superstars like Serena's ever so that will be where Albie and you can follow me on Twitter I'm on a comedy or you can follow Q.E.D. Comedy on Twitter that's just comedy and they are your home for experiment and there we go make sure you check it out and it's been a great pleasure thank you very much and he. Is the song so thanks B.B.C. Radio one. Right well just before I get rust Thompson in to chat with us about books it's time for the song soapbox so. Tonight's song soapbox which is a song you may not have heard before or you wouldn't necessarily hear on the station I've got since I left by the avalanches I love the avalanches quite a sort of progressive band they worked incredibly was samples and this particular track came out in 2000 e's a really wonderful kind of doo wop sample over the top that's been sped up and high pitched but it fits so perfectly I mean I think it is really really incredible the way they blended samples from completely different genres of music to create a wholesome sound I think it's beautifully evocative It starts by saying Welcome to paradise and honestly whenever I hear that talent feel really recommend not only that you listen to it love it let me know your thoughts on the song 13 double 3 star in message with the word opposite let me know if you feel it is that it's time but I really recommend looking up to sample dot com after hearing it because you'll be dazzled by the different samples that comprise this track so here we go since I left you by the avalanches. chats you juggle can you say. Dick to or do some magic. And I want you to be caught. My eye. Get an amazing night. Filled with all switches finest talent until Monday afternoon from 4 to 6. And I want you to join us. And you can. Come and join me about. 4 to 6 yeah make sure you do that get involved in that auditions have you got what it takes find out there 4 to 6 pm on Monday afternoon this is time out with Laurie Beatty on B.B.C. Radio and Russ Thompson is here with me ROSS How you doing good evening very well thank you you look very well do you mind if I say that. I am I think I've I've bounced back. From just one of those old this is that you get when you've got children yeah we're going to have many hands in your mouth and stuff like that is that how you get the illnesses the scientist must behave I thought back over the last week I think that must have been the moment you know I think the today especially of working out on those headaches that goes nowhere and I want to blame the weather for it instinctively know I would you know because the weather was going to say the weather can't do anything but it could I probably could back it up . Yeah they were I thought this book slot I thought maybe it needs a name you know we could go for the smell of books the smell of books Yeah because you don't sound convinced I can't even be convinced you know with a new book you know that kind of new books no I do have you know the new book I have many to and in fact I've done with old books as well when you flip the page all that's going to musty those both pleasing in different ways of the smell of books it could be old books or new books Yeah on top of that OK. We're going to do this but I'm going to promise a gentle at this stage anyway but you all his talk about the idea but I thought something that's interesting would be to look at opening lines of books OK you know the open. And that's the thing that supposed to capture and pull you into the world of the book yeah there are some famous opening lines and I guess the idea is that once you've read the opening line you're there you're supposed to be there in the world the the author has got to hook you in and get you and get you to keep reading I'm going to give you a couple of open lines I like a lot I can. See if you know this one. Hale knew before he had been in Brighton 3 hours that they meant to murder him Hale knew before he had been in Brighton 3 hours that they meant to Mad him and that one I don't know I think it sounds like a kind of crime is that right yeah yeah you're getting that that's bright I mean again after the words and they said hail which makes it they always go P.R. He's always got a surname Yeah well this guy in the end you know this guy's not a P.R. But you know that Brighton Rock by Graeme Green and what I like about that line is you get a character you get a location and you get a situation all in one line and so Graeme greenness told you from the very beginning what this book's about yeah and he's raised the question who's going to murder him how are they going to murder him how does hell know that they're going to murder him and what's he doing in Brighton and all those things come together do you think your brain is some consciously firing off in those directions I think I think it must because I think what a good writer does is raise a question and then and then doesn't answer it OK and that's how you keep reading because you need to know the answer to the question you need to know who killed so and so you need to know you know why somebody is doing is behaving in a certain way so I think it is something that raises a question and doesn't yet it in line one in law if they can do it in line one and I think that's I think. Here's another one you might know this well OK it was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking 13 striking 13 Yeah does that really hold day in April I mean no is the honest answer but I'm trying to do a bit of forensic investigation in my head so it's striking 13 that's not commonplace surely that makes me think of it as juristic I think yeah I think George Orwell maybe old as Huxley is George Orwell George Orwell you know is not evil here. So if you're not promising you you've got something something's not right in the sentence yes some. Something's amiss and you want a warning and and that represents the world of 19 Eighty-Four because something is amiss and George Orwell got that in the opening line of the book so I think even like you say even if you're if you're not thinking that through even if it's all subconscious and he's put you in a place and and he's done in one line yeah you know what you're absolutely right about Iraq I mean I think he might have a few more I can see about you see to favor I don't I just realize what's happening like like like it's a good idea but I think opening lines you know you leave the stick with the book or you won't and I think. I mean I've put down a particularly in a fantasy genre I've tried to recall a lot of fancy and I think within chapter one certainly you know whether you're in for a good ride or a slightly rubbish one by one lesson have you ever put down a book after the opening line I think you know not opening chapter maybe yeah the thing is a book normally is because I think it's a bit boring if if I think I know where it's going I think it tired but yeah not me tired I mean the books to me I mean you know you know we tried down this road before haven't we Yeah but if a book surprises you if it puts you in a place that maybe didn't text back. I think that's intriguing in the early sometimes going if the subject matter of the berk overawe is so intriguing then you can kind of get away with a slightly more sedate opening chapter that sets up a lot of context because you're so sort of excited about the prospect of the whole thing and I can't think of anything off of my head like that there must be cases where you don't have to grab someone in chapter one because that suits but a fast paced rather than sort of say date I mean a lot of the Rings I can imagine has a sort of lightning opening chapter it can it no I can't remember the line but it does open quite gently doesn't tell you exactly how it's yeah yeah and I'm thinking of the Jane Austen because. Which one is it Pride and Prejudice is truth University knowledged that oh I can't remember how I actually got it when I got it the truth the universe to acknowledge that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife OK Again look it's that's not the situation it's not it's not buying crash for a ride but it gives you the situation that gives you the theme you know what you're in for the definitely a lot of power in these things you mean you have played the game at celebrities which makes a point of all this now I'd love to play that is quite lead to call a family arguments over the holiday because either you flip to roll the dice and then they give you the summary of a classic book with character names and the date and everything and you have to write a 1st or last line depending on the role of dice and then ask guess what it's real or false that's exactly my kind of guy would love it a lot about the way it sounds. All right going to the 10 O'Clock News poll Miller's all next speech the same. Is B.B.C. Radio. The president of the European Council Donald Tusk says he's convinced that Britain and the E.U. Can.

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