The details medical experts say a safe level of bed occupancy in hospitals is 85 percent last week the average in English hospitals was more than 94 percent these figures show that 4200000 people are waiting for treatment up on last year the number of patients going to any unit has increased and once they've been seen more of them need to be admitted to hospital the health think tank the King's Fund says funding squeezes and staff shortages must be addressed in the government's long term plan for the N.H.S. French police of mounted a security operation in part of Strasburg following the killing of 3 people at a Christmas market there on cheese day armed officers have sealed off several streets but it isn't known whether they're hunting directly for the gunman the company behind a chest Sue says it is committed to listening to people's concerns ahead of the rail line being built a public consultation closes in the next week but there are still major concerns about a 60 foot high viaduct going through Long Eaton and on to trawl cow hearts as the leader of every Washburn Council which has drawn up a list of demands it wants from H.S. To limit it really we've just got to make our case or nothing we have to say this has to be don't we can't we can't go on to support the things that put forward now and that is why we've prepared this very very strong mitigation document a Virgin Galactic rocket has been flown to an altitude of more than 50 miles to the edge of space as part of the company's plan to offer space flights to tourists it was piloted by 2 astronauts and made a successful landing in the Mojave Desert in California in your sport Notts County defender Matt 2 tours return to full training today but he won't feature this weekend against Tranmere he's been out of action for 6 weeks fellow defender Keston Davis they will be fit for Saturday's game having returned to training in the last few days Meanwhile kickoff time for the next Nottingham should Darby has been changed the game between. A not so Mansfield will still take place on Saturday the 16th of February but would now kick off at 1 o'clock on police advice and your weather cold and clear tonight with patchy cloud and easing winds temperatures down to minus one Celsius and staying chilly for Friday not as windy as today sunny spells the highs 5 Celsius. Approx the Maine is close to 3 not so rode in Belles then because of a police in stand we've had word from Nottingham City Transport is causing severe Today's to the orange $35.00 yellow $71.00 and turquoise line a bus services the A 610 anyway was pretty Rahm's before that but queues are now all the way from the ring road passing to him an utter lie this was the M one and that's carried over 20 minutes onto your journey time and about 25 minutes with the days there is each on Western with the ring road struggling on Clifton Boulevard a Middleton What about whoever the Dunkirk fire in Clifton bridge or the traffic heading through the stone on university or the bottom Beeston road Darby road through lines and basically struggling as well Mansfield right through show what how can ride very busy and the road works on the I want to causing today's to northbound from 23 after up to 24 A for the A 50 as you had it based half an hour onto your journey time as late as travel use on B.B.C. Radio not C M. Good even it's gone 5 o'clock we can officially say that I hope you are well. Happy. To Come Over the show we're going to look into subpoena Mansfield's notebook. Radio announcing. He'll invented the M.R.I. Scanner no less fascinating story coming up for you we do that before 530 lots besides on the program as well we'll keep you up to date with the travel every 15 minutes to get your latest whether or not and I'm sure as well but 6 minutes past 5 this is our top story on the program the government's allowing police and crime commissioners to put. The part of your council tax bill that helps cover policing costs and the governments also announce that $310000000.00 pounds of funding will be given to police forces across England and Wales where the B.B.C.'s Home Affairs Correspondent Jim Kelly explains the background to this announcement setting the scene recorded crime is up officer numbers are down and the police say they're struggling to do everything that is expected of them a few months ago police chiefs were told they have to find an extra $165000000.00 pounds to basically cover up pension costs from next April now they said this was just a bridge too far the policing minister Nick herd has announced in the Commons a grant of 153000000 to offset the pension shortfall and general funding is going up by 160000000 and then just falling on Police and Crime Commission is around the country these are the people who oversee police forces they're being told that they can raise more money through the council tax they have the option of pushing up council tax by $24.00 pounds a year on a bandy property but of its reckon this could bring in about $500000000.00 part of course more affluent parts of the country have more Bandi properties than poorer areas the B.B.C.'s June Kelly verbal It's what notting ensures that Labor Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy tippin makes of this good evening to you part of the evening course of good in thank you very much for coming on good to speak to you so 310000000 pounds it sounds like a lot of money to me but what difference will that make when it's split between $40.00 odd police forces basically how much will you get. Well enough for you I'm sure allowing the council tax to go up from 12 pounds which it was this year to $24.00 pounds that year that's a temper cent increase so it's a large increase it brings a panel to next for $4800000.00 pounds in total to Nottingham issue and we'll talk to local residents between now and setting the budget about how best to use the money but I guess we'll be looking at 2 things 1st of all people are concerned about street robbery and knife crime and secondly everybody starts them a we'd like to see a greater police presence on our streets and I guess those are the 2 issues the blue consulting residents a buyout so you're going to consult them about in 12 quid to their Council Tax spells to help fight crime is that is that what you're saying you know I'm going to do what the governments are asking me to do to look at having a $24.00 pounds to the council tax bill next year for a bankruptcy bond the property in Nottingham Isha at the moment this year that's $195.00 pounds the proposal from the Home Office is to increase up to 219 pounds that's 24 pounds as I said earlier on for an average household in Nottingham that's about a 10 percent increase OK Do you think people will be happy painted. I think people are anxious about the police police numbers are at the lowest level now for 30 years 21000 police officers of gone since 2010 but I guess people will say to me rightly if we're going to pay more we want to get more back and we want to use to do some things that we think are important as I said I think robbery and street crimes are important but most particularly wherever I go in also monotony I'm sure people say you know we really want to see more visible police presence on our streets and that's what we're going to try and do so we took in more bobbies on the beat them potentially or we talking about. How people perceive to be my day and I called what I call community offices now. What we call them neighborhood officers but Iran to use its traditional title bobbies on the baby or 4 year old Alyson's or the Dixon of doctors to green I love. I mean across the country the number of neighborhood offices including in also I'm sure those reduced people have noticed so. Many of them don't feel safe and secure in their homes as Sharif's we want to try and reverse that we can't reverse our in total with the money that's been a made available but we can make a good step forward as the cops would protest there on the case absolutely please both in context was party in terms just purely on the budget how much as nothing inches. Apart if you like fall into these 2010 we've lost 54000000 pounds 20 to 50000000. Whites 2 in terms of bobbies on the bay offices and about on the streets tackling things like street crime and robbery. At its height the aspiration was to have 2500 officers enough to ensure that 10 or 15 years ago that target was never reached they got to. Just over 2400 officers we've been recruiting this year we've got 1960 officers now and I hope with this extra money we'll get above 2000 officers next year isn't the problem of your party in the past too much money was spent on labels in government in the Sterett see is a direct consequence of that So this is playing catch up isn't it. Well all public services include including the including the police or face budget because the saying in Britain is yes we are party. Playing catch up we've seen. Police numbers for nationally 80 percent of the budget is on policing numbers and we want to reverse that trend and the settlement today is helpful it doesn't solve the problem but it takes is a step forward and there's your focus purely on domestic crime too for want of the better phrase if you like the robberies you mention the street crime knife crime which is very much in the news at the moment how much of the public goes to things like kind of terrorism as Inside Cyber crime is that we can start in the mix as well as it's been big pressure I suppose on your resources one of the nature of crime is changed as you say terrorism counter-terrorism is a real and immediate threat there's more crime taking place online and the number of reports of rape or serious sexual offenses has increased now was a complex issues the government has separately made extra money available ready for counter-terrorism measures that's 160000000 pounds and again one of the things that I need to ensure is that nothing I'm sure gets its fair share of that there's a tendency for that money to go perhaps rightly to big city areas like London and Greater Manchester were under threat here as well and just finally you mentioned they're going to consult council tax payers about raising the preset how exactly do you go about that what's the process now we run an online survey we run a number of focus groups and I get out and talk to people I've been patrolling the streets in your work talking to residents just this morning getting very cold and be very grateful for your listeners to. It was because those are so this is useful money for money doesn't resolve the problem but it's a good step forward and what does what interest what people have been saying to you where you've been out on the streets today in a freezing cold What's been their initial reaction we say look we're going to try and improve policing in Nottingham should be have to pay more for it I think generally people are supportive of the extra money for the police. The warnings from 2 constables all over the country and at the end you know on arrival they want to feel safe and secure in their neighborhoods I don't think that's to much to ask OK thank you very much and if your time could speak to you to speak to you know that so that is there well I suppose in crime commissioner there for knotting I'm sure Paddy tippin with us if you would like to have your view on that please get in touch and are you happy I suppose the question is to pay more in your council tax preset if it means more police in Bobby's on our beat around the county 080-678-3434 is the number to call as a free phone number to get your views on the text as well 813 double 3 to start your message with the word nots. Or as. It's quarter past 5 now the headlines at the cost of your council tax is likely to increase next year to help for Nottinghamshire police elsewhere treason May is meeting each leaders in Brussels to try to win legally binding assurances over her Bracks deal as we've been hearing on the program and police have arrested 2 men after shots reports sorry of shots being fired in Aspen and they are your headline . Broxtowe then is close to a national road and bows then because of a police incidents that's adding to the usual bit of a traffic along the I 6 times is crawling on the way from the ring road up past the Cindy Hill either and. And out towards the north an island in the M one that's going to take you best part of half an hour based on Western where the bottom value of the busiest part of the re right by far is Clifton Boulevard in Middleton one of our there were queues heading over Clifton bridge in the Dunkirk flyover very busy on Dobby right through the winter and Radcliffe road heading over the bridge is looking pretty sly I mean as you cues are not seeing right through loud and heavy HAVE A GUN thought bridge on the M one very starry going north manage the roadworks 23 after it's a 24 way for the A 50 that's taking over half an hour I say his travel use on B.B.C. Radio not C M What it is goes because nights with the widespread frost as temperatures fall below freezing another cold day on Friday with highs of 4 degrees should be dry with plenty of sunshine right now should travel weather. The way to you know see. What Christmas cracker John Davis is. Doing such a good job building up the impossible for him to tell me oh thanks I hope it contains a gift for my cat I can tell you now what we would be happy about. One year for 3 months. Following on is a fact not seen Panthers ice hockey team the only British team to win your pain club owners after last year's Continental Cup win in Italy and a panther was top cat isn't it they were not ask you if you them are. All 2nd. Christmas B.B.C. Radio Nottingham how to take it off for those elves are those cats right I think this is a contender for story of the day by the way 17 minutes past 5 though it can be said that nothing I'm sure has created geniuses you got D.H. Lawrence of course for literature George Green for mathematics and Watson for the girl for arty texture to name just a few will imagine being invited to see the poor in out of their minds to the pages of a note book well that's exactly. What the University of Nottingham are hoping to do with items belonging to the peace at Mansfield the creator of the M.R.I. Scanner now it's a machine that looks inside the body without being invasive and he said there are $60000000.00 M.R.I. Investigations each year you know chances are as I said earlier you probably know someone close to you had when you may have had one you self report a highly Compton is going to find out more about the noble noble prize winner with Mark Darlington keeper of man you strips and special collections here we've got actually the lecture that he gave when he was awarded the Nobel Prize this red pamphlet here when you look at some of the books this is gone his writing here his sketches this is handwritten I almost want to watch it just feels like he's just written it just now yes it's there are a record of different experiments that he undertook so there's his scientific equations drawings and his notes we also have Payton to applications so he applied for Peyton's for each stage of the development of M.R.I. And then we have all his published articles so it's a vast collection and then in particular we have our 18 and a half 1000 slides of M.R.I. Scans which we are in the process of digitizing what he found so far the records of his research and of other scientists are who worked with Peter Mansfield here in Nottingham so it shows every stage of the development of the process so early on they were actually scanning the fruit and vegetables and bait being in it they were trying out the process before they started using body parts and then the 1st scan of a living individual was a scan of a finger and then he moved on obviously to develop the whole body scanner and Peter Mansfield actually tested it on himself he was the 1st person to. Have a whole body M.R.I. Scan if you got a slide off that we have photographs of him in the machine I suspect we do but we haven't actually locate them as yet but I scan not perhaps him and a can of beans Well we certainly have found the can of beans you found in the can of the flight of the Sit down of the camera bins I suspect that the actual can as either been eaten or chucked out how much does excite you as an archivist to look through things like that to see hand drawings like this you do get a bit of fertile because this is the records of a Nobel Prize winner you can see his thought processes as he developed his experiments and Peter Hatswell is really important to Nottingham he is one of the universities to Nobel Prize winners so it is important that we recognize his achievement and we make his papers available to students and researches That's fascinating isn't it really is what an incredible story you'll hear more on that by the way with Hayley from her early on Sarah and David breakfast tomorrow from 6 o'clock incredible Darrent in the speaking to Haiti Maison actually see the workings of the mind on a piece of paper in his highly said the looks like he wrote it yesterday fascinating stuff there let's go back to the lines I should go to law school talking about this police budget today knotting I'm sure the police we had the P.C.C. The police and crime commissioner on the program just a few minutes ago telling us that because the government has given the green light they can now add to the council tax or party tip and sign $24.00 pounds will be added to council tax Well that's the consultation Anyway that's going out that could mean more bobbies on the beat Let's go to the line of John Wood thought. By what do you want that I do my what do you make of what he was saying than what a load of rubbish really why. Every year and also who just tell us 15. When. We keep saying yes I think he's going to walk and please keep going down. So this money would keep it in where you can only do something about it so you think we've already paid enough we pay enough taxes enough council tax. They should be they should be managing their butt budgets better but not so much that they keep saying Wait are you happy to put more money into the place so we say yes so they put more money in another 3 school so where is the money on the county dishy is. Going. Well there argue this rising crime John mentioned Patty mentioned there that when you say robberies street crime is that we keep hearing about knife crime not just across Nottinghamshire cross country if there's rising crime I suppose they're saying well we need more money because we need to put more resources into police in it but we can't give it a low resources to put more police in but the please keep dropping so when they ask to see reports the morning we say yes we expect them to do the job of people's jobs on the beat it's above which are being seen on the. Extra money in ways that don't go into it. It's almost like it's just let's just give us all morning cause we need to play more more like a single clue what we're doing the thing with this show I think is a surveyor the other day in real terms people have a pay rise since the crash in 2008 another significant rise so people I mean do you think people are on a generally struggling is hard to find this extra money well it really case but notice that upon the lines the kids does a tiny rise out of this is literacy It is a pale eyes but when you go governments to governments and campuses after cancels. So I haven't got a clue what they do in which is proven time and time again Ben did not make the payroll ask me to inflict what was it like where you are John Yearwood thought What's it like the crime was he worried about crime or what did you see the crime you know the people talk about well no I think you always talk about it because you I don't think you keep. Calling a soul something. I think unfortunately in this day and it's the norm. Which is the scary thing it is you know the totals from someone who actually broke into the guy's house stole his car case and his B.M.W. Off the drive it's it's scary you know when it's when it's right on your doorstep literally a chase and stop the put the problem easy so I think he's confident but when you've got to hold you. To justice you see on telly this please come rushing to me it's a call. And they get done for driving for 10 years when I got a license they want to toss 5 causing the towns to think it's anything if you know what they're in and it's your space. You struck a fish a circle in it because. I know it was. You know your parents you know parents it's a clip you're on the air of to be naughty but I think they can do that these. Are different it's a different world John thank you very much indeed for your time Greg great of you to call the show much appreciate it John from with thought the record 080-678-3434 it's a free phone number with what I had to say when he's been in touch as well she says Sorry I don't think we should have to pay any more it's not the police we need it's the judges she says we need them to do a proper job pretty much a clean one joining with thought was saying it's always the working class gets the bill this life is not fat Wendy thank you very much indeed if you want to add to the debate once or a double 3 star you text with the word Nazi always good to hear from you on the show. The ad. That. Let. Let. Let. Let. Let. Talked to. Detroit spin around. About the West Country and already said. The Detroit sprinter is easier. Than when I came from working my way back. You either have you OK All right that woman is living freezing out there today is going to get a little bit colder we hear from cold we have a man of though it's going to get a warm up next week we could have a sprinkle of slow but it's not the last longer so you know get your proper working shoes working she was walking shoes on that's what my mother would say to me she was here right now on our show yesterday about the ultimate Christmas number one of all time best ever as my 9 year old niece and I've gone for Queen Thank God it's Christmas I think you hear me now my festive colors to the mast yesterday I think is obsolete brilliance in its best ever you disagreed and in Stapleford said Chris really is driving home for Christmas is the best Hazel went for the original band aid song and she was like the fairy tale of New York has played a lot and Andy Mansfield muds going to be lonely this Christmas absolute classic hello to G. And the cats he says hey Carson it's George here and the 4 cats at the 4 at the 4 cats house OK OK got it just for cats the 4 cats house is my favorite Christmas song and video is brass We silent nights I haven't seen that one G. I'm going to look that one up but let me know keep them coming in your favorite Christmas song ever. Happens 5 Now let's get the B.B.C. News headlines we can have an interest Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy tipping says an increase in next year's Council Tax precept will bring in around $5000000.00 pounds extra for the force the governments get. When local forces permission to increase the amount by $24.00 pounds double the amount it was this year Downing Street has confirmed there be no further parliamentary vote on the government's Breck's a deal before Christmas to rescind May has been in Brussels today trying to secure further legal is sure and says on a range once for the Irish border police arrested 2 men after reports of gunshots being fired in Asplen extra patrols have been mounted following the incident on Minver Crescent this lunchtime and the company behind H S 2 says it is committed to listening to people's concerns ahead of the rail line being built a public consultation closes in the next week but there are still major concerns about a 60 foot high viaduct going through Long Eaton and through to trial now your sports and Notts County defender mats $2.00 return to full training today though he won't feature this weekend against transmedia he's been out of action for 6 weeks fellow defender Keston Davis will be fit for Saturday's game having returned to training in the last few days the kick off time for the next Nottingham should Darby has changed the game between knots and Mansfield will still be played on Saturday the 16th of February but kick off as been moved to 1 o'clock on police advice and the chief executive of the Football Association Martin Glenn is stepping down at the end of the season the F.A. Says he's leaving having delivered much of what he came to do and your weather cold and clear tonight patchy cloud uneasy winds temperatures down to minus one Celsius . Now there is a police incident at the moment which means that Broxtowe Dane was close between natural road and Bowers then we are hearing in the past 10 minutes it has reopened but it hasn't really affected has really caused the traffic on the eighty's time I should say to ease back much is still clearing all the way from the ring road past Broxtowe than in the city here either this was the not alive in the end one that's a key really slow a valley road Western one of our and it's also really struggling too on Clifton Boulevard in Middleton one of our particularly bad over Clifton bridge in the dung . I have been right is busy to take a check on the M one was still the kid dies of a half an hour he started $23.00 of the. 24 I for the A 50. Years on B.B.C. Radio and I see him. Getting it if you just hope you're. Not coming up on the show. All the greater risk of a heart attack. More than any other time of the. Few ways you. Want. Was. The. Way you. Do it. Thank you. It's a. Good way. Thank. Get to the beat and you. Will. You. Be. You. Will cut. Cut cut cut cut. Cut cut cut. Cut cut. Will explain why. She. Should. Cut. Little black man. Has anyone got cage you've got kids you got Little Mix I put it to you and society and the technology giants of small speakers driving us parents uncles aunties grandma. And 9 year old their smarts because what they did. Alexa the smarts because of the. Play little mix but magic which is a lovely song I know when you've had it 22 times already picked I like sad play Black Magic by little mix it thrived. In the house it was lovely to hear that song again I don't know they need parental control on those things Blimey it was like the my other my nephew my 5 year old he likes a particular song about. Oh but. He plays it all the time the funny thing is Larry we all you know we all want to leave there anyway because they are they good but they're also bad let's go back to this because lots of you talking about this by the way this is we had Patty tippin on the show these the police and crime commissioner for knotting I'm sure telling us that because of this government knew what's a green light from government they can now raise their own funding to increase police resources he's revealed on the program that we could be playing paying here in Nottinghamshire an extra $24.00 pounds a month you now cancel tax they can at the preset that will generate 5000000 quid in revenue and he did hint there that it may mean which basically we all want more bobbies on the beat to tackle things like robbery and street crime maybe get in touch about this on Royce called in from Mansfield would have he says we should take a leaf out of the French book and get our own and get on to the streets and protest says Roy I would be happy to pay more taxes if I could see the benefit benefit of it not just for the police but the health service to lots more coming and we will get through all your messages I promise before we get to 7 o'clock tonight we'll talk about talk to you about this though at 22 minutes to 6 now having seen this is day it's doing the rounds everybody's reporting on this the risk of having a heart attack peaks at 10 o'clock on Christmas Eve I don't know how scientists arrived at that particular time but they have they suggest that stress sadness and overindulgence jus in the festive season can be deadly However New Year's Eve had no was so she hated risk you'll be pleased to know possibly because of symptoms of a heart attack or masked by alcohol I honestly can't comment I don't have a good or a bad thing according to this latest study so let's make sense of all this why are we in a greater risk of a heart attack at this time of year why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to buy presents get the house ready all the houses. To be perfect you have to be clean and times on Christmas day before the relatives come or even worse you go to visit relatives and you've got to stand there and be polite you may not particularly like them the list is endless There's only one woman on this entire planet who can help us with this and they miss Judy James she said T.V. Relationship expert you know from things like Big Brother she's been on things like Sky News she's just basically an all around good person and she can sort this out for us Judy hello hello I'm glad I wish I could so I know that I got a big introduction is a very short interview. Thank you very much for that so what do you make of this I mean I was I mean I was alarmed when I saw this I thought you know that's going to be me 10 o'clock Christmas Eve I'm just going to topple over why are we so she dressed about Christmas. I think the Grinch right that article actually. No more stress worrying about the Heart attacks are going to have but I think there is an absolute truth about the fact that we do selves under a lot of pressure not just Christmas but I think a lot of people nail were trying to finish every single stick of work before they broke for the Christmas holidays so it's almost as though you put yourself under a load of work pressure and then instead of relaxing and going on holiday somewhere you then pick up on the the Christmas social pressure a lot of it I have to say something it's a kind of inherited stress and I think a lot of people the minute you start hearing those Christmas songs and start in the Advent calendars It's almost as I always asked the body says this is the time of the year when I should be stressed Yeah yeah a trigger mechanism isn't it it is it's you know you could say to people what are you stressed about I don't know but it's part of the tradition. But I should actually be failing like if I'm not stressed out or how I should be stressed it's Christmas you know what do you do I blame all these good one the glossy T.V. Ads and I'm talking about you John there were some Marks and Spencer because they betrayed this. Perfect Life in the kitchen is all perfect and all the Hollies on the wall and everything just looks so nice and we think well I've got to do that and sometimes it's just not possible is it no and then I have to say Longo to this there's this kind of element where you turn into stress martyr which is where you refuse all help you actually go well above and beyond the call of I mean I was literally the other day because it's my turn to do a Christmas Day that you. Think you should only make the crackers. Should I embroider that So because I'm over the whole gardening 3 designing in case the weather picked it it's almost as though you even if you've got it covered in the shops are open you know. Shops right like the next day it's like the old days when you have to sort of bind for some sort of salmon or something that you do find yourself just sort of going and there's always that one thing you know you've never managed to get or you've forgotten that you start running a dressing over we've done it I think it was packed some stuff in the other year we got what we got back from Tesco the supermarket available by the way the people buying 18 loaves of bread next to us just in case of the shops are closed 24 hours and what we did the classic We in the car we haven't got the stuff I know that Christmas is ruined that's it and I think we had about what it was my fault Jodi Ono it wasn't her fault it was my fault because I was nearer the stuff in Alden why she was getting the sprite's all the money I had the worst row over some Elaine or I remember Nigella Lawson one year said that you gotta roll your potatoes and some Elaine is like nice and crispy and I stood in the supermarket I could not for my other half walked up with a can assimilate or put in with a BIG be more new face and I think that stuff is around I'm not going to roll I mean. We just got to take the pressure off yourself of ourselves you got to the pressure of yourself you get crackers in shops you want to be standing there making your own life I know it's ridiculous and you know I would be the 1st one to advise people how not to get. Thing with the relationship. I was prepared to pay you know war people are planning for all people because well they have a thing with. Just the general. Thing if I'm just going to. Take a call passive aggression I love it. Christmas time thank you very much let me speak. Love a. 40 minute 6 season headlines council tax bills are set to go up next year to help for Nottinghamshire police as we've been hearing on the program elsewhere Trey's M A is meeting E.U. Leaders in Brussels to try to win fresh assurances on a elements been charged with a robbery in Radford where one of the victims was stabbed in the face the other headlines let's get some trouble. But it is very busy in all the race around not in the ring right especially busy on Clifton Middleton Boulevard and very still on the I 610 heading from the ring road wards they not allowed in 3 Cindy Hill released. It was closed off because of these instances around about half an hour guy and there's sort of ice around half an hour on the M $123.00 after up to $24.00 I for the I 50 actually had 3 the right works. On B.B.C. Radio Nottingham. Looks awesome You. B.B.C. Radio Nottingham 11 minutes to 6 so good to have your company I hope you will be a little bit bar one but this Christmas thing we're talking about heart attacks and the stress stress when to remind me before we finish the show to tell you about the other side had Christmas spirit lives on a butcher who is handing out free Christmas hampers to people who need it so hey maybe there is there's the other Father Christmas right there we'll talk about that story before we get to 27 o'clock lots of you have your say on this is well this is the paddy tipping interview we did or I did a what about half an hour ago now talking about how this government green light for local authorities to now or police forces to be able to raise council tax to put more bobbies on the beat all police resources into tackling crime so the figures we've got here Paddy tipping told us the Police and Crime Commission a $24.00 pounds is what they're proposing is going to consultation will be added to your council tax bill it could rake in 5000000 pounds a year to help with placing the county someone doesn't put their name on it here on the tax says the prison system is fundamentally failing society offenders who have already committed crimes against society get Porter been a 5 star establishment with tv's and pool tables at the cost of people whom they've already committed crimes against not having to pay for their own food water electricity etc This tax that goes on to say the sad fact is that even imprisonment which would. Which would have one day long ago being dragged. It is more than a more of a reward than a punishment people get to live for free for months then come out haven't saved thousands of pounds that goes on to say here crime is too attractive to people is the root of the problem do you think police are too soft that is a common thing that's coming across actually discipline of the police been a bit too soft and the courts they don't give out harsh enough sentences but even when they do the prison system fails us stop heat in prisons that maybe go a little bit far but take a sentimental bind T.V.'s for criminals and put it back into society to the people who actually make a difference for the better thank you very much indeed for that really appreciate you getting in touch with such a considered view on that Mo in Newark is going to hurt as well she says interested to learn this has the budget for policing for our county all gone for 2018 what I don't think that Patty tipping point is actually saying that that most goes on to say maybe not why the increase in that case I think he's talking about next year thank you very much indeed for getting in touch Mo I thank you that text is what if you actually put your name and where you're from on it it's always good to know who you are and will the world get through get through the tax and your e-mails on the show by the way the e-mail I know a lot of you find that easier if you're online and you've got broadband because pretty much is free to send isn't it Carson with a C. Like Willie or Frank if you research generation like me Carson dot Wishart wish I was good art W I S H A R T B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. And I do read everything that comes in and I promise you I will get through it all and mention it if we can right now the time is 7 minutes to 6 let's talk about this next very much rumbling on in the world of politics trees a May is back in Brussels for an E.U. Summit the day after surviving a vote of confidence that the prime minister is seeking legally binding pledges from E.U. Leaders on the backstop or the. Plan to avoid a returned to a man Northern Ireland border the E.U. Says it will not renegotiate the backstop but may agree to greater assurances on its temporary nature with the B.B.C.'s Europe correspondent is Kevin Connolly He's been at the conference and pleased to say he's on the line there good evening to you Kevin evening I wasn't alone so how damaged in the eyes of European leaders to reason may after backing down over the vote on the deal and the leadership contest of course. Well that's an interesting question because in the course apart from all the obvious differences there are on the issue of Briggs's and what could be done to help to resume a Westminster degree of fellow feeling I think all the other leaders of the E.U. 27 are Democratic leaders lots of them have their own problems at home Anglo Merkel has just lost the leadership of the Christian Democratic Party in Germany and then your macro has the problems of rioting in Paris that you've probably seen on the telly so everyone understands that you come to the summit with your own domestic problems and you know people here are keenly aware of the parliamentary arithmetic at Westminster and of the atmosphere surrounding Bridget in Britain I would say that you know most government officials lots of people in the various different member states would glued to their tellies last night just like people in Britain were waiting to find out what happened to Theresa May So they were aware that she came here from a bruising encounter at Westminster they're aware that she's come here seeking their help seeking concessions and they say they are in the mood to help but the big question is whether that help will be enough to carry her deal over the line at Westminster or whether they'll be helpful but not quite helpful enough she really has a tough job on hands is she to get concessions here Kevin because you read the comments of the our story the Austrian Chancellor today has said there's no chance to reopen negotiations that's something other European leaders have also said tough words for their own domestic audiences all a genuine red line for those leaders Kevin. I think it's a genuine red line you have to remember the deal that's taking Britain out of the E.U. Is divided into 2 documents there's the giant doorstep sized document you know about the size of a Victorian novel called if it withdrawal agreement that is a legal document it's immensely complicated it governs all sorts of different issues but then there's a political declaration that goes along side it which sort of sketches out the relationship that the E.U. And the U.K. Hope to negotiate in the future you can't change the withdrawal agreement the big one but you could make changes to the political declaration that's the small of one to make the whole thing sound a bit better so you come to a sticking point like the issue of the backstop on the Irish border that insurance policy to keep the Irish border open they may at this summit offer to resume a more helpful language around it talking about how it only temporary how the E.U. Doesn't want to be stuck in the Irish backstop arrangement either and they would hope that that might persuade people at Westminster who really don't like the idea of the Irish backstop to find it maybe a little bit more acceptable I don't think that's very likely but that's the kind of scale of change they're looking for at the moment you know people here don't think braze is a good idea they are trying they say to make it work but there is a point beyond which they won't go and at the moment that point is any idea of renegotiating withdrawal agreement and that by the way would have been true if the reason may have lost the Conservative party leadership and somebody else was to turn up in January or February leading a conservative party asking for a renegotiation the message here is they wouldn't get one either. Just wondering how worried are you about a no deal we got a lot of focus here obviously the U.K. And Parliament particular don't seem happy with it and the public are divided on about how worried are the E.U. Of a of a no deal and if they are where we could that be trees of maize biggest bargaining chip if you like. I think they are worried I mean you know all governments are supposed to some extent are about maintaining order so the idea of a no deal breaker U.K. Simply ceasing to be a member state without any kind of overarching agreement or any agreement on where the future arrangements might be heading rather frankly people here nobody knows what would happen at the Channel ports no one knows what would happen to the status of aviation agreements to keep planes flying between Britain and Europe all medicines flowing now if it really started to look as though there was going to be no deal then I think most people think there'd be an attempt to at least manage the ukase exit so there was some sort of attempt to do agreements for example governing aviation and medicine to mitigate the worst of the chaos maybe extend the negotiating period find some way to avoid a real crash nobody wants to be part of a generation of politicians and officials who presided over a continent wide descent into chaos but even here you know when people in Britain talk about a new deal being bad for Europe as well that's true but most people in Brussels and most people in other member states think that as bad as it would be for the E.U. It would be worse for the U.K. So yes the E.U. Has an incentive to avoid a no deal but they would say the U.K. Has a much much bigger incentive to do exactly the same thing OK Kevin thank you very much indeed Kevin Connelly the B.B.C.'s Europe correspondent at that conference today if you would have your say on this is well you're always welcome to do so and where you know what next what next or you just bored of politics altogether Have you lost trust in politicians of all parties what's going on and is it right to question leadership does it make a better democracy or does it just put a lot of cogs in the wheel always good to have your thoughts on the program about everything we're talking about 806-783-4348 extension 13 double 3 to start your tax with a word not. So coming up on the show we're going to hear about this kind hearted butcher who has given up free hampers this Christmas we have the index as well your local entertainment guy for knotting I'm sure. Lots more besides and are you be honest. Not enjoying Christmas like you he's doing is there too much stress that report out today were most likely to get a heart attack on Christmas Eve at 10 o'clock. Stories music. Scene lady announcing and. B.B.C. News at 6 o'clock with Kevin Stanley council tax bills are set to go up in Nottinghamshire next year to help fund policing the government says given local commissioners permission to add an extra $24.00 pounds to the charge for a band property that's twice as much as the increase was this year not police and crime commissioner Paddy tipping explains why the money is needed most of all people are concerned about street robbery and knife crime and secondly everybody knows the most we'd like to see great to produce a presence on our streets and I guess so the 2 issues that we counsel to the residents about Theresa May is hoping to secure further reassurances about the Irish border at the Summit of the leaders in Brussels tonight Downing Street confirmed there would be no further parliamentary vote on Brecht seat this side of Christmas but one will be held in the New Year island's prime minister says measures to avoid customs checks at the border if there's no trade deal on not up for negotiation as the year. In Union we're very keen to offer explanations assurances clarifications and a thing that may assist these to understand the agreement and hopefully to supporters but the backstop is not on the table a man has appeared before not saying a magistrates charged with a robbery in Radford where one of the victims was stabbed in the face 31 year old. Mick Ober Avenue in sometimes is accused of one counts of robbery and 2 counts of attempted robbery on hold in street at the end of last month he was remanded in custody to appear in Nottingham Crown Court on the 10th of January a police officer has been jailed for 25 years for sex offenses including the rape of a teenager the court heard that in North who's 30 joints Cheshire Police say he could gain access to vulnerable young girls and the girl reports from Liverpool Crown Court nor was a student police officer based at Crewe in Cheshire when he was called to a domestic incident at the home of a 13 year old girl he contacted her online and a few days later raped her in his car in a victim.