Island of silly ways a Patterson's more may have been killed since many regions have not yet been reached rescuers have been searching for survivors using their bare hands and he was caught up in the disaster and is still looking for his wife saying that have undoubtedly got the yes I believe. I was carried by the wave about 50 meters I couldn't hold anything water was spinning me around then a 2nd wave came even higher than the 1st one suddenly I was on a roof I was hugging my wife but when the wave came a lost her this morning I went back to the beach I found my motorbike and my wife's wallet Macedonians are voting in a referendum on whether to change their country's name to end a dispute with Greece which has a province with an identical title Athens says if the change to North Macedonia is approved it will lift its veto on the former Yugoslav Republic joining the European Union and NATO President Trump has joked that he fell in love with Kim Jong un when the North Korean leader wrote him beautiful letters Mr Trump who a year ago insulted Mr came calling him little rocket man told a rally in West Virginia the United States had been close to war before a thaw in relations and the weather forecast the softer noon will bring a mixture of sunshine and showers for northern areas and it will be rather cold further south a lot of clouds and just one or 2 bright or sunny spells B.B.C. News and weather it's 3 minutes past 3. And in just a moment an actor and singer who would have been 88 tomorrow sadly we lost him in 2002. Now you like to travel use his Clive. The earlier accident in a Parliament Street is now being played in the traffic is returning to normal there on the motorways the and one has road works between junction 23 and 25 and staying on. 3 link road that's between junction 24 and 231 lane closed there because of road works travel news on B.B.C. Radio. The B.B.C. Of the earth. To. The other 3. So. remembering Richard Harris today who we lost on the 25th of October 2008 and. That sort of song is really what this time is all about on a Sunday afternoon especially with the 3 o'clock thrill which starts next Sunday so what you need to do is get in touch with me let me have your 5 favorites from the fifty's sixty's seventy's or eighty's together with any stories behind the songs but don't worry about going into too much detail it's just nice to know really why you like the songs that you do and if you can email me Paul Dr Robi R O B E Y at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. Give me a phone number if you don't mind and then maybe we'll have a chat as well about some of those songs and some of the memories that they evoke 3 o'clock thrill starting from next Sunday afternoon just after the nice at 3 o'clock Tony and Bess would park got in touch enjoying the music and memories I should hope so too Thank you Tony Sonia from Beeston says much the same lovely to hear from you Sania Lorraine an 8 in the ball well branch talking about the 1st cinema survey went to Lorraine's was the Adelphi in bore well she went to see South Pacific it's a K.F.C. Now but think stopping you saying South Pacific there again AIDS was the future of steam base for it's on Valley Road C.S.I. I knew it well he has to catch the 53 there and they went to see The Sound of Music I think says Mary Rosenstock Bardolph the 1st cinema I went see would have been the Metropole will ensure what I was back in the fabulous fifty's with my mother and grandmother watching mostly musicals like Calamity Jane that in the sixty's with my friend June to the Ritz cinema in Colton mainly musicals again and it would have been clear for Elvis as well but when Stanton says he went to the Rio and the Dale also remembers the Cavendish cinema and the Empress mountain towns well road as well Pauline old Rich says so he went to see the jungle book at the Gaumont 1st time he ever went to the cinema there so if you got any more memories to mark the 1st cinema you ever visited I am the 1st film you ever saw the reason we're discussing this is because it's officially National Lottery. Before you go to your nearest cinema and you know knock on the door and say come again for nothing you must check they're participating in they set particular day I think the Broadway as far as we know but well worth checking on the subject of films maybe the sound of music which was the 1st film you have a saw raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens right cuppa kettles and warm woolen big brown paper packages tied up with strings these are mine the. Cream colored ponies increased apple strudel doorbells and sleeping with noodles wild geese the fly with wings these are a few with my neighbor it's the. Gals in white dresses with blue satin sashes snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes silver white winters that melt into springs these are a few My. Buds when the beastie when I'm leaving so. Simply remember my pain has been. So. True range absolute bruises and whiskers on keep public headers and. People packages tied up with springs these are a few. Cream colored isn't crisp apple strews dumbbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles ease the flight with their wings these are a few even. Chrissy's with you such insight She's makes it still. Brings. You. Fights. When. I simply. Base wakes movie violence from The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews of course who's 83 tomorrow everyone's turning 83 we mentioned Jerry Lee Lewis who is 83 yesterday and Johnny Mathis is 83 today Julie Andrews by the way was actually the 1st artist ever played on Radio 2 coincidentally today 30th of September 1967 when radios one and 2 launched Paul holing day plate Julie Andrews singing something else so she sang the theme to The Sound of Music as opposed to my favorite things so I hope you enjoy that nonetheless it's 17 minutes past 3 Stephen Long Eaton says give a mention from all Bolen played one of his songs or was it last week or the week before he would have been 71 today hadn't realized that so many birthdays and anniversaries to mark we include as many as we possibly can on a Sunday afternoon as you well know Lynn says she's enjoying the Johnny Mathis music today. This is a very very special one of his songs. And me. Just a perfect song from Johnny Mathis our featured artist on his 83rd birthday and certainly reminds me of my mom and a certain smile 20 past 3 hour play that for Lane who loves his music she went to see him or the any say in 1988 and Margaret's that she in Show words who I think I think I'm going to suggest Margaret in show what is actually nothing in his big ace Johnny Mathis fan or so she tells me and I know that's one of your favorites as well still time for one more of his songs this afternoon and by the way next Sunday featuring the music of Addie Cochran could be more different ready he would have been 80 next week so someone suggested that we should feature him and we never have done before so next week it's the turn of Eddie Cochran if you've got any suggestions just email me. You know when the White House on the wrong side of the bat well I didn't say or will get you through it. Somebody had called asking and if you knew and compliant though that snake like a plunger I got an image of like a draft excluder the shutdown whether you've had a nightmare restless nights or you're a night out. My Mrs makes this absolutely fantastic cause you called in all the greater and it turns into a more when you put it in I'm going to. Start your day with Andy and Sara breakfast from 6 every weekday morning. Back together some are. Related to me. With. My. When. Our. 23 minutes past 3. Favorites from the fifty's sixty's seventy's and eighty's on Paul right and straight after the. With entertainment news even in Mansfield says high poll Elvis also recorded. I know it's not the original and not the biggest hit. That's why it wasn't included in our 2 stolen songs the stolen song. The original if you see what I mean which was by Jerry Lee Lewis you may have heard and he also goes on to say the 4 Tops recorded the best 7 version of MacArthur Park no Hertha interesting isn't it Dave and Deb in all it and they say you're playing some great music and what memories that are evoked today by the likes of MacArthur Park and Jerry Lee Lewis with Green Green Grass of Home super happy anniversary by the way says Dave wife Deborah been married 26 years on the 25th so there we are still celebrating. Gail in top Valley talking about Sir 1st of a cinema that was the grove cinema on Kerr quite straight but used to spend as much time at the Imperial on Wilford road watching films like Oklahoma showboat and carousel as well David. Yes cinemas in the mid fifty's used to go to the threatening rush at the Victory cinema in Stapleford also the palace cinema in Stableford right next to the railway bridge there coming out with a few interesting places only today. Celebrating cinemas and the 1st one you ever went to just to have time to get in touch. Not before another birthday though now here's someone who turned 67. In the job his class. Oh. My God. For every. Song easy let it. All Saddam for you to sleep so close to. The. Smugglers. Slowed to. A A. Moving when the dogs clubs are a lost cause you must lose sod and you mustn't play splode asleep lol. Lol. What's the use of her I forgot how good that song was I don't know about you and probably he was ridiculed at the time for recording that but states still the test of time quite well doesn't it. Make shift feel good listening to songs like that from birthday boy Gordon Sumner who's 67 this Tuesday oh yes him staying over the police 67 this Tuesday makes you feel better doesn't it Barbara from gag says My 1st cinema hall was the Cavendish on Centonze Well Road Saturday morning rush their 1st proper film was Zulu same picture house a long time ago though David in Mansfield says you've touched a nostalgic nerve Paul my 1st cinema pictures all flicks however you want to refer to it was back in the day in the 50s the Saturday town a rush in Warsaw up path a nice etc Sadly as another one that turned into a blink in bingo hall when that finished I went to the grand Mansfield now I think we ought to get this out the way it's Sunday silly song just before we catch up with Travel use and it's all thanks to Wendy and Vicki and Bill Brett So I blame them. Sam. Tonight. We should. Yes me see. Today. Was on the you want to look at. The screen they. Want to. Thank you. Definitely don't call them the leader of the laundromat. And especially for Wendy and Vicki in bed. That's. When he says she 1st said that at 3 o'clock in the morning thanks to Tony Blackburn not so long ago and had a laughing out loud even at that time but now you've heard it in the cool light of day you having 2nd thoughts. This Week Sunday silly song definitely no doubt about that from the detergents leader of the Laundromat a little bit different from the Shangri loss leader of the pack but their way are not you can choose whether the saving mainly dry with clear spells becoming more widespread small chance of a shower and a low of 3 South yes 37 degrees Fahrenheit overnights tomorrow starting dry and chilly at least you have Andy waiting and Sarah Judy and back together again 1st thing at breakfast time plenty of early sunshine as well but becoming cloudy as the day progresses tomorrow's top temperature just 12 Celsius 54. Now well well worth waiting for you travel news with Clive. B M one has road works between junction 23 and 25 that's the junctions before the A 42 and Bronx Love way also on the M one the A 453 link road just by the airport that spine junction to. 4 and 23 closed Great musical memories every Sunday afternoon at B.B.C. Radio and I'll see him all right with you and him yes the stunt thank you it was it was Sam Cook good song is that. I'm on there now oh yes you know you know I've only been on there would you 20 minutes because I've been out of the day what I've only just see what you mean I've just had my cell phone well. Now you didn't know what he thought. About you know but the search in my but what year was the power the cinema the new look in the in the 5th day yes a I get you going with my mom and that was how it came back to her and it was yes it was the 1st film I ever saw that was going to be some star you know. Especially most of your listeners remember the Dow cinema on Stanton Dale we've mentioned it before yes yeah what we used to tell you Fact is in the lower face Ned the screen which again is not sitting there the friend when what becomes of to go to the loo when you sucked at the back in the 7th and so on and it was so you took on stare back in those days that it was a lot of Monday you know so yeah you got away with that yeah those people get that right below a prize because if you got to the low but back up can say that. Could And it's an outrage and writes noted today. I'm glad you got away with it and after all you could you can get away with anything today because. Yes it did not tell you are all that I am neither should you know. Don't send it up talk to friends. That you've been a good day. Back in the call turn you on and you're talking about intimate Well I mean it's. Just that I know you that there's no solace. Happy birthday and have a lovely day what remains of it back about. 6783434 if you want to get in touch reminisce about the cinema you have a visit to this film we have a song celebrating National Lottery. Some cinemas anyway. With. Good good good. Good good good. Good good good. Good. Good good show. The dog. With with her the. Good guy with with her. With. Eco. With the with the weeks. Ahead of her eco eco. From the. Talking of wait ship Brenda. Says Dr Zhivago at the A.B.C. In East St Darby 1st film I ever went to say for cinema as well unfortunately long gone now it was a great cinema she says Robert from West Bridge says Hi there I think the 1st cinema I went to would have been the cheetah in West Pritchard on cheetah Square Saturday mornings would have children's films 6 old pence 6 puts admission Saturday afternoon if with an adult children could get in at reduced rates keep playing the best music and memories I'll do what I can Robert thank you very much and making thorny what says the Grand and the bully of odd nickname the bug hole but thought Bradford Rhodes. Says my brother who is 83 went missing what afternoon was eventually found with his power in Leno cinema that just walked in without paying. Some outrageous stories only the. Thank you for sharing your memories with me. In this week's instrumental great Mozart's 40th symphony in G. Minor as it might you know definitely mine it wasn't it wasn't Jack Davis I believe you. God bless this week's instrumental great musical moments a little bit like I have yet to guess now oh go on then this week it features a Sunday. The actually open back in 1970 but it's just opened a revival in the West and this past week stories had a bit of a twist on it as well and it's. Actress in the leading role Stephen Sondheim. Well known to say you top it all just I have work to do. If. You take in all the 5 yeah they could look you know it's is it's own Blimey it's a lot of the good old because they are like. I don't believe. You're the person that we don't go to question quizzes we're going to involved. I wouldn't do very well no good you just. Be known as Google to just google and google Yeah any of the search engines available obviously many of the search engines are vital so that's like so whatever everybody does have to fiber in the meantime in catch up with former Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett he's back on the road explains a little bit about where really is kind of going with his music at the moment he was with Genesis for 67 years 6 years is the genesis for and then really sell across been much bigger than she is time with the band bass celebrating both sides of his musical achievements when he comes knocking tomorrow night you can hear about that and he's very excited because he got an orchestra 20 years has really thrilled to be doing that so you can hear from him and you can also meet the new man whose career took off 27 years ago when he starred in stars in their eyes when the 70s Blimey And you know immediately when you say OK All right Simon Hughes yesterday and Paul after all. Still. Think you. Have to be. And. It. Was. This week's. Show. From Chris Clark I want to go about well. Before that do. Bickley from Frankie Lymon or 6 only Lyman he's back 1st thing in the morning 5 o'clock on B.B.C. Radio knocking weekday mornings Frankie Lymon and the teenagers and Frankie actually would have been 76 today we lost him at a very young age he was just 25 when he died from a drug overdose in February of 1968 Believe it or not I'm not a juvenile delinquent that's one way of explaining what we do on a Sunday afternoon thank you for being that hope you've enjoyed our nostalgia and nonsense it's not Soviets fill in bigger says We used to go to the picture house on the eastern road in Radford don't think it had a name we just know it is the opus the road picture house if you can remember that's value in Bess Ward says I was the youngest person to go to the cinema were you you know that and that's the only message I have from you Val referring to another previous text message but I never received that's but nice to know you there heard from Sheila in Westbridge Fred hi paul enjoyed my favorite things by Julie Andrews 83 tomorrow from The Sound of Music and a happy childhood memory. My other movie moment would be going to see Grace. Cinema . It was the 1st cinema trip with friends without our parents I think I heard this week that Grace was 40 years old you know wrong memory that is just a step away from childhood to adolescence thank you and Johnny Mathis today. Thank you for your kind comments about him Bev a great show the great golden years 1970 nice to hear some Johnny Mathis musical or what you call Miriam music in memory of your mom. Says a certain smile which we played about 3 quarters of an hour ago reminds me of my ballroom dancing at the candy Ballroom on Wilford lane it was one of the most wonderful times in my whole life so thank you for playing it. Thanks for sharing that memory with me. When she and her sister were young they went to the strand cinema showing Dracula I took off their ankle socks put a pair of bearings on they turned the Cardigans around back to front. They got it. Over the top. 83 today Johnny Mathis some B.B.C. Radio nothing. Special for passing calls in as well as if you get a chance mention me. A friend at the Meadows art gallery who's going to be displaying my work from October the 1st sounds good doesn't next week by the way. So I look forward to that happy birthday so late. Chance to. See you next Saturday a breakfast I'm leaving today now with all your entertainment news and Joe Davis thank you we should be Paul Yes between now and 6 or you know seem to end a time knees including hearing from former Genesis guitar Steve Hackett he's back on the road back in the county this week and you can just hear his excitement about fusing a rock band and a 41 piece orchestra for his brand new show Plus meet the new mom whose career took off 27 years ago when he 1st appeared on Stars In Their Eyes on the writing. Stories music like. The sea lady announcing in. B.B.C. News at 4 o'clock I'm sorry Caffrey. To reason may has urged conservatives to unite behind her brakes that plan at the start of the party conference in Birmingham the prime minister rejected suggestions that she did not believe in Bragg's this and insisted she would make a success of this regardless of the outcome of negotiations Mrs May told the Andrew Marr show that her brakes and plans were challenging for the European Union and she needed the E.U. To tell her where they had problems with her proposals let's hear what those detail concerns are if they've got counterproposals let's hear those counter proposals are but what I'm clear is that what we've put forward is in the national interest and that we did it because what the European Union was offering us was unacceptable Merseyside Police have arrested a 32 year old man on suspicion of murder after a woman's body was found at a property in Burke and had officers say the victim who's $44.00 had suffered stab wounds a 28 year old man has been charged with the murder of 2 women in a village in Kent yesterday Jack Ralph from Hadlow is also accused of the attempted murder of a man in his seventy's remains in a stable condition in hospital the authorities in Indonesia say the number of dead after Friday's earthquake and tsunami could climb to the thousands when rescue workers reach some of the worst affected areas more than 800 are known to have been killed on the island of Sumatra A.Z. This woman called Mia was inside a shopping center with her daughters when the earthquake struck and. Suddenly everything got dark and the walls started falling around us it was horrible so I wish to the broken escalator with all my daughters and we made it to the outside.