9 sites Flast Sutra Viso today Fitzmaurice Champions Cup match against Bennett's on changes will be made to the same stalls that swims with the win against Leno last Sunday and the couples manage Keith kills the fans are starting to get excited about his team ahead of tomorrow's match at home to Grimsby which is whether outbreaks of rain clearing to leave a bright morning with sunny spells and just the odd shower more cloud around the soft alone with a chance of some rain or drizzle the Celsius that's 48 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio farms and news its 5 possibly. See radio Northampton. Very slowly a full chain around Roswell around junction 4 was queuing it looks to be easing then now heading into Northampton on the a $43.00 by round spinny that looks a little slow on the monitors a 45 round whiling Bridge doing fine is building up around toaster on the a 43 and I'm good he's And one looks to be coping well. If you spot a problem call 845 I'm Gary Scott I love that you gave me 15 minutes. And great b.b.c. Radio in your time to. Mention the fuel. Is quite immature and come out of the room during the news then he will come in and he will draw something silly I. Just noticed it. In some of the making. The. Child. You could have put it on Michael McIntyre. It was the golden opportunity. Y.c. On the night because he's on the programme as right as they say we hear from him in a few minutes. I thank him ahead of the new big show coming. I he talks to be about service station. We're also looking ahead to the same 2nd match of the Champions Cup They're off to Italy did this on the top cool songs morning. To catch a. Regular that kind of thing will have a chat to a couple of fans who are in the Apple this morning about to head out to. Go see if they're these people that think it's absolutely fine to have a beer past 70 kind of have been with it and that they are. The rock kind of people . Some going to be in a very fancy God and. More on that in a moment. And make it out will be with us. I received in the post yesterday my 1st Christmas present there was absolutely no note in their eye but from the conversations I've had with Mickey this week I'm pretty sure it's from him. Very paying very plastic and it's something I'm not sure I will use more on that a little less usual numbers if you want to get into that So 800-0030 double foldable 58 wonderful great north of the front of the attack and it sound about at b.b.c. Don't cry don't you care and about a great b.b.c. Radio New York Times and I. Am told is what I said he's going to be in a very fancy Garden this morning he's used to that kind of surrounding he's been poss this way yesterday it was swanky Bay and big day I'd imagine not so much sausage around today. You know a lot more open the. Good news I mean I've managed to put a coin in the meter to get the satellite to work so when they want to scratch the fine line to you must be delighted. Really well though I do love trying to decipher what you're saying from the distance. Well that's pretty much every morning he was in it with me so there's a bit of a delay as well so it might make our usual I was about I'm going to use that word our usual conversational style it might make it a bit tricky I can't use the b. Word it makes me want to kill you can i thought i even thought you were going to go with top that and that we would have cut you off straight away. And well you have to cut yourself off from the rest of the program. Have you of the what's the earliest you've ever had a beer in the airport. Oh I mean probably about 7 I think yeah I think sort of like high anything sort of like 6 30 in the morning. I mean this is if you know you know what game I want to get around me Yeah well they don't you have to be up when you came to get you through flying No I quite like flying are I do like the ideal quite like getting well Ok wrong that we're on the radio so going to be careful how describe this I quite like having a responsible drink on planes and if you get my drift that's absolutely fine I think that's Ok it's no one's judging just pieces about the. The thing is right look I'm 6 foot one and I want to b.b.c. Salary so I can't afford anything other than economy and economy when you're 6 foot one is is not a fun place to be so so really you just you just have to get drunk. Put it out there you see then forgot that you're on the radio. Lovely thank you very much we're going to that with you a little later Thomas think. Voted the visitor's favorite garden in England by the National Gardens game which is quite something isn't it and if you've never been where you might well have seen it on the b.b.c. Because you know those ident that they do the one where the flamingos were in the garden that was down. More than tissue news sports and weather and travel unavailable and break the b.b.c. Radio Northampton. Now I have to say my children are not often that bothered by who I get to speak to on the radio I mean you know politicians their life. But today they were excited because I've been chatting to comedian Michael McIntyre his big show is back this weekend and for those who haven't seen it before well I think it's very funny it's good family viewing and there's things in there like sending a prank text message to everyone in a celebrity's phone there's an unexpected star where someone thinks they're doing a small audition only for a curtain to drop and reveal that they're actually on stage in front of hundreds of people in the audience and millions of people at home and in this series a lady called Jane from Northampton will be pranked while on board a cruise ship so we thought let's catch up with Michael and have a chat I didn't sleep great how did you sleep to catch up on this is it Mikey you are talking to someone who's along for 40 am so my simple Oh that's very sorry tour is very very low for us now with the window open until we know I don't do you my wife insists on. Every. I don't know what I've seen she was really temperature but it is a room to garden temperature and then the fox. But I do not know that annoying Michael was all good because I'm speaking to North Hampton exactly have you ever been to Northampton Michael of course I have. Thank goodness with Google junction 15 of the m one surely a. Junction junction where the nearest service is what forget point quite an absolute class I would rather thought wow I mean come on rather pleased. You know what I don't think we do. Ok yeah I think. That's that. Now my go I mean we in my house we love you are very excited we are so our trail on it the other day my daughter was like well almost screaming. How exciting that it's back we're very excited to be even more excited that it's gone so well with the surprises and pranks and silly things that we do that it's very nerve wracking if they're going to work or not and touch wood they've they've all worked and it's been great because it's just a natural thing that you know as we get more experience making the show we just can push the boundaries a bit further every series and we've done that when people will know what they they're getting to expect a little bit when they for example I love the center wall where you get a celebrity and you send a random message to one of the people in their phone I mean I presume given that people have now seen that this is what happens is it trickier to get the guest. Amazingly no want to jinx it but I think they realize the full ounce and it's just a bit of fun and I think they want to put themselves through it. It's not you know that no one's got into any trouble no one's not enjoyed being on the show and I've got to be honest every time we do it I can't believe I had to be there but I think when they part with their phone you can see that they immediately regret it we've got we've got. All that I have to say. It was a bit of a trade off if you did it I would maybe do his show but that is a nightmare Oh I have. A very worried about that but he's already very good about that but sometimes you have to you know it's a bit of give and take so we got bad girls Emma Bunton Harry Redknapp Golding in right Sharon Osborne have all been brave enough and yet they've got no idea what I'm going to put into their phone and it was actually girls is a good one this weekend because a lot of people have celebrities in their fame which is fun but then it has so many sort of old friends an army friends and all teaches it's got a lot of very different kind of spin on it and everyone believed the text that I sent which was about him making a new show where he parachuted make it into someone's garden by for a week and everybody was up for it. Literally everybody wanted to go to well so this is a family show which is what I love because this is what Saturday nights needs and my so as I said My kids love it so I thought when I said that I was speaking to them I'm not going to lie they were a little more excited that I was speaking to you than I was when I was chairing a debate for the parliamentary candidates for coffee a nice Northampton chair so they decided to put quest only a little bit. So it's a marginal seat is it. Can I play you that questions of course say Here we go this is my 9 year old daughter for you and I'm Michael I love you as shy and I think you'll very fine. My question is if someone did the midnight game show on you how would you react do you think you'd laugh or scream. That's a very good question and I think I would almost certainly be in a terrible terrible state. I mean my only experience of that. Is when you woke up in the night with a phone call that crazy tense land line in the middle of night or the alarms going off and I'm just you're just all over the place and I suppose that's why that's why it works so well is that catching people in the moment and this is the game shows all celebrity I think you can feel a bit sorry for people you know just everyday people but people never feel sorry for celebrities this series over. Judge rubber and who didn't enjoy the experience or but it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen Craig Revel Horwood and it's worth it just to see it just this is out to be. Easily buddy and he was brilliant and the whole of Westlife one of the time who is going to hotel What a lovely man and if you haven't seen the program well I mean I love it I have to say is very good entertainment for a Saturday night is the big show tomorrow night b.b.c. One Tempah States and the lady in Northampton who is on it she features in one of the upcoming say she's called Jane and Michael tries to get thinks he's losing their marbles with a bit of deja vu So I think he's on a cruise and he takes food from her freezer. For the chef Marco Pierre White to serve it back to her and he also takes some of the clothes a picture that was in her bedroom an ornament of a dog to place on top of a cake which sounds far isn't a nice. Now then you will notice if you're up and about it's going to be rainy Evan I don't see how we're looking for the weekend to head south. L.a. Good morning and yes and we've got some wet weather around this morning in the form of showers that's drifting its way northward let's just take a look at the radar doesn't showers across parts of Cambridge and down towards. The northwards there may just great Northhampton share some I've also share as well but I think largely dry in the moments and it should stay mostly dry I think through the morning maybe some more showers as we head into the off the name we are well placed to see some Sharia to Vittie I think through the day it's a different feel to things as well it's mild it is not quite as chilly is it has been and there should also be some brightest times as well today temperatures of around 9 degrees Celsius overnights not with frost free with leis of around 6 or 7 Celsius again there will be small showers just drift in the way northwards as we head into the 1st part of the day tomorrow so it's quite windy stay at a fairly brisk south easterly wind is still going to be quite windy through the day tomorrow I think there will be some rain on and off through the morning possibly into the afternoon and then dry a once more by the end of the day temperatures on Saturday of around 10 degrees Sunday dry for most of the daylight hours but against and rain and some strong gust of wind on Sunday night into the 1st part of Monday morning Monday it's very unsettled but it will feel mild with highs of 11 or 12 degrees Celsius I think Monday and cheese day some showers around at times also some brighter spells and then things settle down again as we had 3 to the middle to the ends of the of the New York and wheat that's the forecast for now in about thank you. Now if you are just waking up. Has been one story that's broke in the last couple of hours or so and it's this tragic story the death of grace Malayan you know the British backpacker who was found dead in a suitcase in New Zealand a 27 year old man has been found guilty of strangling her she was last seen on a night out in or Clint last December which was the day before her 22nd birthday just hideous for her family and Grace's father David maligned spoke outside the court twice we strike the right philosophy most brutal fashion a year ago their lives have been unfairly been ripped apart. This will be with us for the rest of our lives rationally beautiful talented lovely dog. Died she was on charge and she will be rich. She did what you did we made it in such a by public by really difficult to listen to His grace is said to have met the man on Tinder the dating app defense lawyers argued that her death was an accident saying that it was a game gone wrong the jury didn't believe it and this is the killer telling police why he failed to call an ambulance I told 111. Didn't hit the button. Because I. Was scared that. What you think look. More. Personal in my room now obviously has been all sorts of people reacting to this news that's happened in the last couple of hours the prime minister of New Zealand made this response here is just overwhelming sense of shame that this is happened in our country a place that prides itself on our hospitality and so on behalf of New Zealand I want to apologize to Grace's family your daughter sort of being safe here and she wasn't and I'm sorry for that Grace's killer is said to have showed no emotion as the verdict was read out we can't name him at the moment for legal reasons he'll be sentenced in February and Grace's parents say they're now returned home to try and pick up the pieces of their lives without their daughter. B.b.c. Radio Northampton just gone 20 past 7 Here's Gary. Watching the cameras only a 14 I think Stephanie something going on on the westbound side just after Rothwell he's queuing on that westbound side there to be only cameras whatever's going on I can't say on the cameras but definitely a lengthy queue that it's quite a long queue as you go towards the junction for an around junctions recently heavy they're going towards Kel marsh where the generally doing fine is come off the a 14 into it by round spinny that the a $43.00 is queuing also as you travel from Multan towards round spinny and one still running well going past North Hampton where the a $43.00 a toaster looks like if you spot a problem call 800-0030 double fordable 5 I'm Gary Scott I'm up there you go in 15 minutes. Now I don't know if you were a fan of the crown the series on Netflix which the 3rd series was well they put on all the episodes now this how. Works isn't it but they put them all on last Sunday and there's been lots of talk about them I've seen the 1st one I mean it's brilliant I think I have to say Coleman is playing the queen in series one and 2 it was Claire for Livia common in series 3 and 4 but there's been a bit of a question mark over who would play the queen in series 5 and 6 but there's an exclusive in the Daily Mail this morning Page 3 I say that probably means it's also in the times in the mirror but will go with it's an exclusive and they're saying who is taking over in $5.00 and $6.00 and it is a male the storm turned acting royalty isn't she she is going to play the queen in the crown in series 5 and 6 She's 63 years old she will take over the role of Elizabeth 2nd when a Livia Coleman ends her reign as we say Claire for you played the young man in the 1st 2 series she was approached the stones and by senior producers to play the Queen from her mid sixty's on so this is how it works they're doing I presume they'll do it up to the present day all day. Interesting times at the moment won't it she was approached by senior producer next door guest Imelda Staunton in the West End in the lead role in how Hello Dolly but in 20212022 possibly even into 2023 because they put some serious work into these episodes and they throw a big budget as well she'll be busy filming 20 episodes of the Crown so there we go Claire for Livia Coleman and then Imelda Staunton as the queen. General election I mean a few weeks away keep listening to b.b.c. Radio Northampton for information interviews and debates will be cutting through the jargon to give you all the information you need to be interviews with the politicians bizarre presenters and reporters delve deeper into the issues that matter to you election debates from across the county and special all England phone ins giving you the chance to have your say general election on the b.b.c. Power. B.b.c. Radio and here if you missed the call be any still time to cheer one that went out last night between 7 and I so be on the b.b.c. Sounds that if you want to have a listen if that is where you live and then there's that all England debate tonight so if you want to have your say then from 7 o'clock that should be an interesting lesson now we love an award winner on this program so Tom's going to have some fun this morning he's Coton Manor where visitors voted the garden their favorite in England not bad Tom At imagine it's well is it even light yet. It's just starting to get light here in kind of one of the rolling Valley parts and since you're on about it's kind of a cost I'm not going to lie feels a little bit damp but we're going to a great time this morning as you said National when I voted the best garden in England gardens here. 3 and a half 1000 gardens eligible for this competition it's run as part of the National Guard in scheme that thing each summer where gardens some of which aren't normally open to the public open the doors of course cut and run is open throughout the summer months. But those are 3 and a half 1000 gardens were judged by a panel of experts they put together a short list of 30 and then the public voted Coton one the best garden in the region and then won the overall prize for the entire country and if I tell you that this garden has been in the hands of the same family a couple of generations of for the well almost a century now you can see the amount of effort that will have gone in and the current customer would you know this place is Suzee Paisley Tyler and her husband Ian and they're both going to be with me this morning so Susie 1st good morning good morning 1st of all congratulations This was earlier in November wasn't it the London's garden museum and the garden Museum in London that's right on the 4th of November and did you go down there with any inkling that you're going to win because I think sometimes people kind of tipped a wink that they should be there did you have any sense that it would be a city know lots of hope but and certainly not that we were going to win the whole thing we were hoping we might just scrape the Midlands region which we were in with 4 other gardens but we had no idea to and so was that was there a drum roll someone elect said you know in the winter is it like that because the National Guard and scheme operates in 6 regions around the country in England and Wales. They had 5 gardens in each region and they started with other regions and ended with the Midlands and. She said we're ending with this region because the National winner is in this region at that point. Our hopes did sort of go up a bit but we still didn't know if we were doing this in the region. And so we were the last one to be noncitizens say it was the end of it yes wow did you have to give a speech what happened. I worried that if we should we did a thing I might have to give a speech but thank goodness it wasn't a sort of occasion it was just a presentation of award and photographs and we we were awarded up a plaque which we're going to put up. Which to include unity is made down the red it didn't stand just a couple of miles away the current students were great so so so they would local in the gardens as well. It must feel I can vouch for someone not you know you put 30 years of your life into this garden it must feel. Like vindication or kind of like fare rewards I don't know I think it's recognition which is wonderful because. We know lots of people love the God and they tell us that all the time and we we we sell a lot of season tickets a lot of repeat visits some people come every week. But it's it's it's lovely to know that the wider public. Really appreciate it. Particularly for the people who work here who work so hard and I had gardeners been here 40 years to see Richard Green. And it's just unbelievable in this day and age to have somebody working for you for 40 years and there are others who've been here whatever 20 years to say it's incredibly rewarding for them as well of myself because I was going to say there's no possible chance that the 2 people with 2 present hands could maintain all of this as a huge team of people behind you that look after it yes that is still quite right I mean we've got a new Several people in the nursery at running a nursery and I have. A new one full time helper which is Richard Head Gardener and then I have a variety of part timers and volunteers and I couldn't possibly imagine on my own nowhere is there ever a limit to how many visitors you could have thought because having the satellite dish only going to mean an influx of people next summer would be very interesting to see I don't know you know how much further public States court beyond those possibly who've watched the National Guard scheme competition going on during the but. We'll have to wait and see. In terms of numbers the garden can absorb quite a lot because we've got 3 acre wildflower met in addition to sort of 8 somewhere 8 or 9 acres of garden and we've got 5 acre Bluebell woods it actually people can spread out and it's one of those extraordinary things that we apologize on very busy days to people they say they haven't really noticed it needs a pinch comes the catering and. So a bigger oven for the cakes perhaps the money Ok. We're to wander through and have a look at it in a little while yet right thanks very much so I look forward to that so thanks so much for Nancy appreciate it Susie Paisley Tyler excitingly. And for all lovers of when he and I went to Chelsea Flower Show together your brother is going to be here a little later on Unfortunately I forgot to bring a bottle of pins to welcome him but I'm still turns up can I ask I think I remember that I think the parrot that they had there was called rolled me I think he sadly died you know he was famous for a while after they haven't replaced is it was it Rodney just check. The various birds of man or Suzy road was it Rodney your parents as he died is when was that. I suppose it's coming up 3 years I can't believe it is 3 years Wow Would there ever be a point where Rodney would be replaced my husband would love to have another ordinary Bartsch. Where the age we are and they live for a very long time that he didn't fulfill the. Years he should have lived. I don't think so I'm thinking I'm going to put the brake on that one I would start another city might nip somebody we get sued as well. Really bad news yes I have the. Impression that a couple feel like a headline from The Daily Sport when I got nicked by a power in an award winning garden. Oh I don't take it I thought I was doing quite well then I felt like I was being quite professional joins me to come on you've got to bring in Rodney C's he's got the most wonderful voice as well hasn't she said her talking about Rodney The parrot is a joy. Lovely we should be back with you later. On d.a.b. Digital radio and freeview channels $73.00 to us is b.b.c. Radio. Just going half past 7 will get the headline says Andrew at 27 year old man has been found guilty of strangling a British backpacker whose body was found buried in a suitcase in New Zealand Grace Malayan disappear the night before a 22nd birthday last December she'd gone home with a man she'd met on the dating app Tinder he'll be sentenced in the new year back home the still uncertainty over the future funding of some daycare centers here in Northampton Ger it comes after the leader of county council Matt Goalby refused to give assurances to the voluntary sector over continued funding at a meeting of the full council $1600000.00 pounds social wellbeing contract which funds a dozen organizations will end in March the group safe it isn't extended some could be forced to. Loz the government's being urged to bring home more British children caught up in the conflict in Syria after announcing that some were being repatriated there the 1st to be returned from an area once controlled by the Islamic state group Karen Donnelly is from the International Rescue Committee there really welcome 1st steps and a knowledge meant by the u.k. Government of their responsibility to take care of these children who are after all u.k. Citizens but it's only a 1st step there still $57.00 children that we know of who are trapped in Syria who have u.k. Citizenship and are hopeful that the government will build on this 1st step to bring more and more kids on the brakes at parties due to launch its policies for the general election later today the focus will be on securing what Nigel Farrar just described as a clean break exit from the e.u. It's also proposing a cap on migration 50000 a year and scrapping the House of Lords scientists are warning that most of the world's children are not getting enough exercise data from more than one and a half 11 to 17 year olds found that Bangladesh was the most active country while South Korea came bottom Leon Riley who worked on the World Health Organization study blames the growth of digital entertainment is the ticket rage great schools we have had this electronic revolution and it seems to me to have changed adolescence movement pasand and encourages them to sit more to walk less less active in general and as you've been hearing a garden in Northamptonshire has been voted the best in the country Coat Man in a gils Brown well known for its snowdrops and flamingos topped the list in the competition run by English Garden magazine and the National Guard scheme which is whether it's going to be breaks of rain clearing away a brightish morning sunny spells in just the odd shower but the more cloud building the softer noon the chance of more rain or drizzle the high 9 Celsius that's 48 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio Times news it's 734. And interesting c.b.c. Radio noise and. Morning ran. Bit off with the why well. Then it's Friday when strange thing you know how somehow you wake up having dreams and someone has been your dream and then you see them that day. Well you were very nice and it was thank you from your just a bit frosty really frosty we were going to limit games. Which ones I wasn't sure which wasn't the point you were quite off with me how. Was it because I was doing a better job than you at the Olympic I think that's even stranger Unlike you I just remember you being yes Frosty was the word you but you know I've seen another side to you I didn't like it's gone. Just made me think I was in a field with Ed Sheeran last night yeah. It's all and if you want to overlap scenario there was nothing to limp in about that he was a friend of a friend and he just suddenly started singing and he was when. He was wearing a one z. . They were very good you're one glad you have my happy dream while I was big require her to play with Amy Well please remember I'm just a nice person I'm not who I am and you drink Well it's. A let's move on to the cricket to stop that's when I'll cheer me up England had a pretty good 2nd day of the 1st Test against New Zealand they lead by 209 runs in them bowled out for 353 in the 1st innings Ben Stokes top scored 91 before they reduced the hosts 144 for some current 2 wickets while there was also one for Jack Leach who admits the 1st inning score was a bit under par I think we would have liked to have got more to say 400 definitely So we did very well yesterday then he starts very nicely we want big score obviously we want our century and so that would be something that we're working hard to do and hopefully acting comes 2nd. Because Saints fly to trivia today for tomorrow's Champions Cup match against Benetton changes will be made to the team that started the tournament so well that win against Lille last Sunday Proctor made his debut for saints in that game he'll be hoping for his 1st starts this weekend in Italy his 1st European experience places that I haven't been through before so it'll be a pretty cool experience in itself a probably a persuader for one is also going to make sure to get the one 1st and then experience the City Year but I mean it's also like I haven't really done much I've been around Europe before so for me to be able to play in Italy this week will be something but the front part you know it's something I'm looking for to was always exciting and you're off to Italy after the program's morning I presume. Because you need to be there to reason be early lunch time again 1 o'clock. Excited yes but yes yeah I'm very pleased you know you can check in online Yes I did that last night and I was very pleased I've got a seat away from you that's just how the end of the things are since Leonardo and Graziano. So I thought you know obviously you will need to use the phrase I will and yes of course so I thought I'd get a couple saying oh good man well. They're wonderful coffee Manik have to tell you. He's authentically a tally here safely and can I test you in a couple of phrases these might come in handy not very good for me but let's give it a go he actually won the Lin noodles. There was a Lenny Yes. There again I heard again yeah he actually won the Lin noodle sorry. I don't know as soon as this is snoring. I love it when let me snow this this and then what about this one so no yard to just go down to the lobby one young. No recognizable expression and about the. First World War someone no ya don't just go down to the lobby one young What is this board of hearing about the 1st one. Ok And then if you believe in demeaning. Charlie. I don't know 20 minutes we create. A very unique Iraqi thank you very little bit well might be handy that's in line with the 2nd one the be. Football problems boss Keith girl says the fans are starting to get excited about the team this season hillside a 7th in the league with 4 wins the last 5 they have Grimsby tomorrow Cole says the expectation is on the couple of the fans with the will of taken the time to identify players that they like players do certain things that they don't like another but that's great and I don't take the we know then the support again in a game for the players because now the allow their favorite players or don't like their players they see doing certain things that they think he can he can do better at that. But I think that the support is now becoming familiar with what we're trying to achieve and I think the Appreciate it we should which is must I haven't got any phrases from Grimsby Thank you it's a home. They were done the trip in the in the lawn leads to more brackets around his chest in the f.a. Trophy while capturing our way to Peterborough sports in the Southern League f.c. Russian and dimes host low softcore host Berkhamsted Daventry are at home to tame Rory McILROY one shots off the lead after an 8 under $64.00 1st round of golf season ending world's top Championship he 2nd behind Mike Lorenzo Vera Northampton's Charlie has 7 shots off the lead off the opening round of the l.p.g. 8 championship in Florida she's in a tie for 33rd Georgia holes made a strong start she's 5 under 2 off the pace Great Britain beat Kazakstan to win their group game and reached the knockout stages of 10. This is Davis Cup in Madrid they will now play Germany in the quarterfinals and Great Britain's 4 man bobsled team have been awarded the bronze medal in the 2014 Olympics the year well the Russians. Have been disqualified for drugs so the courts get their medals Ok lovely stuff thank you Graeme Come on you saints for top Saints for such a force that's a. B.b.c. Radio Northampton still watching q. Saw me a 14 around Rothwell going westbound very heavy there are no reports of any instance but something watching on that westbound side of the moment and Joe just off the a 14 I should be a 509 b.c. Coming into Northampton now in the a 45 by Riverside and by round spinny the a 43 still slim heavy on the monitors if you spot a problem call 883 I double fordable 5 I'm very Scott thank you again in 15 minutes . I'm talking about the Saints. We're getting into the Italian spirit this morning. So testing Graeme on is Italian phrase is there. She we cross to an airport where we think a fan is well a number of fans will be waiting to head off to say to see the Saints in action Chris Long is one of the morning Chris good morning how we do well I'm very well very excited which airport are you at are Sam said Don't stand there were a bit of this a bit of a longer trip isn't it. Very morning but you know so we don't know how many of you are going I was very wise very nice a romantic trip to Italy you said oh yes all in Beautiful. Not worked out how wonderful how I got her I think Ed's how long ago did you get the tickets are soon as I came out So 'd you would have had a few months now fabulous So tell me how much of a Saints fan you are how long you've been supporting them and I've been saying to get this for years I've been following that since we moved up into the area so yeah . Every every home game and there is no new why games I can fit in in Ram I'm a self and yeah so this is 2nd game champion scout they did pretty well on Sunday didn't and if you go to that I did yes yes standings play off or 1st off are excellent controlled by really well. And then were able to respond READY to your business from each compact convey with the bass guy. In the 2nd half and I had out very strongly on to him while I was more centered I So you are at the airport you're through security are you not yet you know it says Yeah Ok fine say I was going to ask you whether you had a big I presume not are not not yet but that will be the next thing on the agenda on the security level they said you are with your wife I want to cross to another fan who was on the other line morning Rob hello good morning how many are you with and who we have 4 of us here at the airport we have a fix joining us flying in from New York Me chance in the Venice so we are a couple of 5 looking for 2 games which would have you had a big yet no but the bloody marys will be starting in a couple minutes I get you now are you the group have been making special way skates we do indeed yes oh yes thank you very much Tamara are wonderful said Talk me through them. Typical Saints colors. We made actually. I think was Thailand they were originally from but yeah I hope people apart saw soul and elegance to match the Italians were you guys in the My stock market Saints fans ever on you how do you know some flag I love this Yes Yes What's the plan for tonight. I think it's nice tell him so much washed down with quite a lot of. Red wine I would have thought marry. Us. We were he wrote your I think we're through security. There seems to be a lot of strain supporters down there so that's great it's a wonderful well enjoy your time with the lads and very much and we look forward to seeing photos of you in the way enjoy the Bloody Mary and Chris you too enjoy your pint or whatever it might be have you got a waistcoat or have a no or 3 very left out now. I think you need to and just bear in mind this phrase. That would be good for you the 1st 20 minutes a crucial that's. A nice. Good lots of the saying oh come on you saints for saying so quite. A ways from midday on b.b.c. Radio news and I had a situation where I had mortally offended somebody because I have offered them some . Advice is that all you've got to worry about. Want to take a long hard look at yourself later when you say to me. I automatically singles middle age to call the gentleman into a he's doing that kind of thing he's very far from our base our existence in the song. Astounded that he's cool looking in hill just isn't. Because my car struggles when Rocky I'm hanged if I'm going to be completely honest said going up in a rickshaw limbed lady weekdays from midday on the b.b.c. North to b.b.c. Radio north and south and quarter to 8 it's time to cross to Mickey Clarke as we do at this time of day but the business news but we have some other things to get out of the way 1st morning Mickey Molly sweet might. We had a little bit of a chat I enlightened you earlier on this week to the world of the sea we didn't I did indeed hear I learn something every day and didn't do exactly and I said that I had never used one you suggested that it should maybe on my Christmas list and then yesterday Mickey this happened. Gosh look at this and of a lame ass b.b.c. Radio and since it's a package. It's a. I don't think I've ordered anything. Go. Stand up and take control of the original female device. Vailable in 10 colors 20 year anniversary. Is my pink she way making. You absolutely god. I say making I mean there is no no way there I'm really hoping someone else has sent me a she way I presume it's. It was no doubt a trait a woman. Can I just apologize to your wife when she looks at your shopping history . You see Mark one getting under the tree and I was the rise of the eyebrows and she carried on to what she's doing. Not again darling. Well you like. What I do what I like about this and I have the c.v. In front of me there are there are instructions and there are 55 points to the instructions say There we go you can get You Tube videos as well if you are making . Browsing I'm going to. Make a thank you very much as I said I've now got to think about what to get you for Christmas I'm looking forward to it so we better do what you're supposed to be here for. This is well the Thomas Cook was the main story wasn't it last month and has traveled the ones that snap them up and they're employing Yeah and this is a good good news story your way so I never bring any good news but this is going to use they bought the stores as you say they snap them up to the administration rock bottom price took on 2330 staff it had been thought they were going to lose their jobs but I said no we're going to keep the star phone so presumably thought is going to be overlap there's going to be towns and cities throughout the u.k. Where there's already high ease and a Thomas Cook on the high street you want me buy so they'll close them and that that probably will happen but it won't lead to any job losses in actual fact they're going to take on an extra 1500 employees in the course of the next well the next year they're going to take on 200 people at the head offices Sunderland 500 to handle foreign exchange transactions which of course is an important part of the travel agents business and each of the $737.00 remaining branches are going to have an apprentice so that's not only a sort of showing. There is a marketplace where one of the died but they're also covered in the future and you don't often see that to be honest yet because I mean it had been presumed that you know it was going to be edged out by the Internet the high street travel and well that's certainly the impression that was given your earlier this week we not only have expanded in this market but Easyjet said they were going back into the travel agency business so you know you have a demise of of Thomas Cook as such and the new opportunities for other companies for the wrong evils and that that's why I think we're seeing here and of course he's trouble is a privately owned company it was formed and is currently run by John are in high yes there has been a more and you know they've been around the block a few times without being derogatory and they're you know what their business is about and I know that they can grab market share so I think they're quite confident to go ahead with this expansion I suppose the only worry is it's a very rapid expansion isn't it yeah yeah and with all rapid expansions you know quite often in the past you've seen big companies acquire something and it's usually quiet through death and then something doesn't go wrong and then you have the cost of all that and the problems and then they start cutting off bits and pieces here to to reduce costs I don't think that's the case I think these 2 think it through and it's their money don't forget there are no independent shareholders or magic money Trey's this this money is coming out of their resources so they're not going to spend any more than I have to but at the same time if they think that you know it's worth doing then they'll do it and that's that's what we're seeing then well Mickey brought is good news in the business world and you brought me. Oh how wonderful present I just looking at the tips Remember gravity when positioning your Seaway the pointy end of the photos to be held more firmly There we go lovely I think we should recall that when you 1st use it the weekend. B.c. Radio Northampton is Gary. Knell still queues only a 14 around the Rothwell area past junctions $3.00 and $4.00 the westbound side are just updating it certainly about 4 miles of queues is showing about half an hour travel time from Junction 7 at Kettering can't see any issues being reported though I'm sure there's going to be a language or something on the road slowing it down but something I hadn't reported check with highways they're not reporting any issues so if you're in that area on the a 40 and can just less know if you see any lane closures or any problems on the 840 I'll be grateful if you do give us a call or give you the number in just a moment looking fine on the m one it's toast to the a 43 looks like if you spot a problem call 800 the affordable 5 I'm very Scott I love that you gave me 15 minutes. Now this man is in the papers a lot this morning before he could ring the bell granny open the door a huge gust of cabbage blasted him bends face it was like a great big slab of smell. She was very much a textbook granny This is David Williams reading gangsta granny and the reason he's in the papers is because he has joined Harry Potter writer j.k. Rowling in the 100000000 pound league of top earning children's authors that is quite something isn't it 11 years since his 1st book was published that was the boy in the dress 2008 and well he has now made more than 100000000 pounds from his books quite something they are great books my daughter is waiting one at the moment and loves it but they say that comedy is all about timing and his latest book was published yesterday and it is called The Beast of Buckingham Palace more than tissue news sports and weather and travel unavailable and breaks the b.b.c. Radio in Northampton. Now we like to celebrate what is good around the county on this program and this morning is no exception Tom is in what has been voted by visitors in the National Garden Scheme the favorite garden in England it is Coton Manor and it's beautiful town isn't it. He is absolutely beautiful and about even on a slightly grey overcast autumn morning one of the wettest worst autumn's that we can remember but still looking splendid and best among 3 and a half 1000 gardens that were in the National Guard and skiing this year amazing accolade one that they weren't expecting Thankfully they didn't have to give a speech when they won the prize they said they weren't really ready for that but we want to spend some time in the garden this morning it's kind of down the hill a bit and the signal gets a bit scratchy so earlier on we walked around the side of the manor Susie Paisley Tyler one of the owners and I and how to look at some of the work she's got planned over the next few days yes to morning I had the luxury of 5 helpers. Of the 5 weekdays I'm on my own on Wednesdays and Fridays and I have various help on Monday Tuesday and Thursday and 2 for the morning we were 5 and we managed to get through this quarter pool which is as you say massive hacking wouldn't ceased my health sorry. I said I should have started this what if I say I know nothing at all about gardening I said I was or so for most of the summer. When you make a decision about. The winter maintenance on something like this what's your approach because I saw it from a few stems sticking out of the ground but no maybe an inch or 2 in some cases or a bit more than that in others and the occasional spot of green still that pretty much everything else has got. Yes it's very difficult to describe. But. Basically I have in my head a clear idea of the colors of plants here and. Some of them are going to need cutting back considerably others need cutting back by half say that the wind in the winter doesn't rock them because if it does the water gets into the base of the plant and then if it freezes that kills the plant so things like Salvias have to be treated like that and pence Timmons other plants need dividing because it got too big and they're swamping their next door neighbors others need regrouping or lifting and then sometimes we get we have a list of changes we're going to do in fact in these 4 beds went into specific changes because we did a lot last year and then where we've taken out the new as we put into loops. And there are 12 groups of tulips that went in here yesterday 20 in each case. You know it's quite a lot of. I mean at the bonfire and the compost heap increased substantially as if they can imagine because I have got it my house is I mean welcome back in Paris and you're going tiny obviously but I would say maybe 10 metres across and maybe 12 metres back and it's Victorian So it's got some age to it but even if I'm just taking a couple little things out there it feels like I've got a vast amount of stuff. I wonder whether there. Are any jobs that you dread. I think Leif clearance is the least appealing most depressing job that you can think of especially at this time of year endless and this autumn has been super attractive there hasn't been one glorious moment it's just gone on and on and it's been the way sort of I can ever remember picking up where Eves is even more unpleasant than picking out dry leaves I need do we do keep them and they become leaf most it is invaluable but it's not the time it's good when it's finished I know this but you did yesterday the bit behind you you're saying you might you might start on today so this still has a couple of dead heads on things and everything looks like it's had its summer growth so so so this will change significantly it will 1st of all I'm going to prune the roses we prune them as we go round to raise them. And then the pence demands are going to be cut but by half sacks planned so they don't rock in the winter than in the spring they get cut down completely. There's little leaf clearance to do and we've already taken the Daily is out to the space to put some tulips in here and then I should move on to this raised bed here and do the same sort of thing. Is there ever a time. You can imagine giving the garden over to someone else so I mean it's so personal to you isn't it it's very hard to imagine that I've got 3 children they're all working in London and they're all in their forty's ones just late thirty's. And they're very preoccupied with their jobs say this Nabi stepping forward trying to push me out as it were and I would be very reluctant to hand over the moment because I just love what I do and I couldn't imagine life without doing it say your answer is not at the moment but this will be a moment when I find it's a struggle I didn't and Tom she's not signed you up. Can you imagine you would have to be desperate to sign me up as a. Group if we can protect. Your brothers just arrived here we were here joining us makes of this place in the now of the United Mine. The place with the Flamingo. Is quite impressive given it's just in a very small village just make Ellsberg. Online c.a.b.g. Just one radio and freeview channels 7314 this is b.b.c. Radio Northampton. Friday the 22nd of November at 8 o'clock the b.b.c. News now from Andrew Route 27 year old man has been found guilty of murdering a British backpacker whose body was found buried in a suitcase in New Zealand Grace Malayan who was from Essex disappeared the night before her 22nd birthday in December last year her family say their lives have been ripped apart by what happened the murder a can't be named for legal reasons the B.B.C.'s reporter Phil Mercer has been covering the trial in Oakland but times the evidence had been graphic intimate and having seen the parents going to court and to listen to some of the evidence you can only imagine how excruciating it was for them Grace Malayan she'd been in South America and had only arrived in New Zealand a couple of weeks before she met a man on an online dating app who would go on to deliberately strangle her he had claimed it was a sex game went wrong but the jury simply didn't believe him back home I still uncertainty over the future funding of some daycare centers here in Northampton it comes after the leader of the county council Matt Goalby refused to give assurances to the voluntary sector over continued funding at a meeting of the full council $1.00. Impound social wellbeing contract which funds a dozen organizations will end in March groups say if it isn't extended some could be forced to close the charity is calling for all British children stranded in Syria to be brought back to the u.k. Save the Children estimates there are up to 60 of them in the north east of the country which was previously controlled by Islamic state militants the foreign secretary Dominic Robb announced last night that some orphans are being repatriated all I'm in the crime Save the Children says others should be brought back as soon as possible all of these children need to be repatriated now and especially as they face into winter conditions the camps are are not set up for these kinds of harsh weather that we might see in Syria and that given the unpredictability of the political situation means that there is the brief time window that must be capitalized upon now the conservatives have announced plans to introduce a new stamp duty charge on all houses in England purchased by bias from overseas the party hopes the policy will ease demand for housing stock is the B.B.C.'s business correspondent Theo Leggett The conservatives say companies and individuals who buy property in the u.k. But are not tax resident here will have to pay a 3 percent surcharge this will come on top of existing rates of stamp duty including extra levies which are already imposed on 2nd homes and buy to let purchases the move is expected to affect around $70000.00 transactions per year with a significant proportion of them being in London it says the plan will raise up draw $120000000.00 pounds a year which will be directed at programs to help tackle rough sleeping. Brecht's it Party is due to launch its policies for the general election later today the focus will be on securing what Nigel for arge describes as a clean break Breck's it it's also proposing a cap on migration of $50000.00 per year and scrapping the House of Lords more than $600.00 people have signed a petition calling for a 20 mph speed limit to be introduced in a village on the edge of Northampton the petition from residents in western fable village was handed in to Northampton County Council yesterday it calls for the new limits to be introduced in High Street and church way claiming the current 30 mph limit is too high to metal detector ists will be sentenced it was to crown court after they were found guilty of failing to report a Viking hold they discovered in Herefordshire back in 2015 George Howell is 38 and 51 year old Leighton Davis unearthed more than 300 Anglo-Saxon gold coins ingots and jewelry estimated to be worth around 3000000 pounds and as we've been hearing a garden here in Northampton sure has been voted the best in the country Cote Manor well known for its snowdrops and flamingos topped the list in the competition run by English Garden magazine and the National Guard scheme it was one of 30 shortlisted by a panel of judges before visitors then voted the best owner Susie Peyser Tiley says it could mean an increase in the number of visitors in terms of numbers the garden can absorb quite a lot because we've got 3 acre wild flower met in addition to sort of 8 somewhere 8 or 9 acres of garden and we've got 5 acre Bluebell words actually people can spread out and it's one of those extraordinary things that we apologize on very busy days to people they say they haven't really noticed it Susie pays a timely that you know have more with the sports news with Graeme McKechnie starting with cricket's New Zealand close the 2nd day of the 1st Test against England on 144 for training by 209 Ben Stokes to.

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