Clean original and creative as weather wet and windy at 1st so it's but the rain will gradually clear by the early hours of the morning tomorrow will start fine and dry with plenty of sunshine but showers are expected later on and some may be heavy with and squall the wind tomorrow is nice no time to 15 Celsius squally we. Only window that's what winds are squalling outside. My dad used to call it a lazy way and it doesn't go around you go straight for a year Marty listen but back to the old name in the grits a truck think we could call it Mart to get your clean and you'll run into the tip. Thank you very much are very going to say great immigrant face. Of our original There is no it's not not moralistic a bit like delicious. See radio. Let's get the latest on the right. When a great audience and the a $45.00 is partially blocked eastbound it will be way that's because of a breakdown which has happened on the roundabout there so it's looking quite slow on the approach heavy a 6 time Ferris bypass just on the northbound side if you had to watch mail looking a bit busy there and Fairfield on the m one northbound there is a lane close just on the exit slip road a junction 11th danceable south is because of an accident there are 3 schools in Houston built up on the approach and on the trains and Virgin Trains west coast delays of up to 10 minutes southbound between Milton Keynes Central one for Junction and it's all because of the on the train if he spots a problem call of 8030 double for double 5 a man Marie Walsh in the next update is in 15 minutes thank you America. Oh yes she can cause i just got back from Morocco which is a French big country so my French is really good at the moment. See I don't know any so I'm really sorry for shit. What a mystery to. Watch. The 7th the weigh in but even Dr Chung show live from the time to just counted down till 7 o'clock tonight lots to squeeze in his fleetwood mac to get us on the way you might love the farm not. Just. The be. Right back in the country 6 days for me all the days and I was really looking forward to getting back the plane started to land and looked out the window. It was old. My tank made me. Out of the world I just yet. It is set Tempest for another busy show coming up for you today between now and 7 in the next hour we're going to be getting the latest on a story that's been all over the news this weekend across the country really about a teenager from Northlands who was killed in a car crash last last August and how he done he was only 19 years old from Charleston and he had to Brackley his motorbike crashed with a car earlier this year now the reason it's making the headlines is that the wife of a u.s. Diplomat was made a suspect but is currently in the u.s. And has been given diplomatic immunity diplomatic immunity it's too big words you know what it means in the next few minutes we'll be finding out exactly what it does mean in the just a few minutes time also coming up Boris Johnson all over the news again a u.s. Businesswoman denied getting favorable treatment from British Johnson he was mayor of London to morrow over the t.v. This morning on their own g.m.b. Will be getting Peter Saul up local reporters views on this in the next half hour or so and it seems that everything nowadays everybody is naming things these days yeah they did that boat didn't it has just been launched they ask people to name the Greenpeace boat and they called it bug face but I was just just ridiculous was the Soviet of calling it of the sedated atom Bro a little sub that does go on the ship did Guy actually get called bottom a bug faced in that and authenticated Council and making preparations to get ready for the wintery weather which is on the way so they tell us over the coming months or giving you the chance to name their gritting lorries all 22 of them have been thinking about this you could have spread the mercury named after Freddie Mercury can you you can have David Plough we. Maureen gripman a good long it will be hearing from. A local council about how you can get involved Ok Jane. Since May This will be joining us you could name your. College charges out the months. a cold Hello how are you that this is the way in by even show and bold will be launching again and read about 15 minutes time looking after it for the last couple of weeks and that big thanks to him but. The message. Stan and Gina who are regular listeners to the wind by even show said while you were away the days that themselves renamed abatements bolts to Griffith's grip thank you for that e-mail Stan and Jane I don't know when John Rose cover me for a couple of days as well and he called it roses rock it. God changed the name of Beethoven's boat and it's back just before for 3rd. Way. Now both Johnson is calling on the White House to reconsider the diplomatic community of a woman who's being investigated following a fatal car crash Alice Akula says the wife of an American diplomat and she's wanted for questioning after a collision that killed 19 year old Harry done but she now returned to the United States despite telling police she wouldn't leave the country so always terminology can be a little bit confusing can it what exactly is diplomatic immunity and who does it protect Emily and I has more details. Under the $161.00 Vienna Convention diplomats and their family members can't be prosecuted in their host country the rules there to protect embassy staff from being harassed when operating in hostile places it's a convention that dates back centuries and in effect it means a select group of foreign visitors can break the law and get away with it whether they're crimes not paying parking fines or something much more serious like sexual assault or even murder this protection from prosecution can only be lifted by their claim nation it's provoked controversy numerous times in the past after p.c. Yvonne Fletcher was shot dead outside the Libyan Embassy in 1904 a number of Libyan diplomats were deported diplomatic immunity when the police couldn't search their bags before they left all Libyan diplomatic. And anyone else in the Libyan people's brains and James. Will not be required to leave become more recently the former tennis star Boris Becker said his appointment to the sport and culture attach a to the Central African Republic meant he couldn't be prosecuted in bankruptcy proceedings although he later dropped the claim. Sometimes though the crime is so serious protection is revoked in 1907 a Georgian diplomat had his immunity waived by his government after he caused a 5 car pileup in Washington d.c. Resulting in the death of a teenage girl in the case of and secure less who was driving the car involved in the crash that killed Harry Dunn u.s. State Department has offered its deepest sympathies to Mr Dunn's family and said any questions regarding a waiver of immunity receive intense attention at senior levels but he added The team unity is rarely weigh the U.K.'s Foreign Secretary Dominic Robb has urged the embassy to reconsider. Show we heard about a little bit more clear to you now remember the 19 year old a teenage boy hardly done was from Northamptonshire We'll have more on the story on the when Babe in show after 5 this evening we'll be chatting to south Northants m.p. Andreea led some who will be live chatting to us here on the show that's coming up after 5. C. Radio Northampton 20 past 4 now and Marie Walsh with the latest Oh still looking quite heavy only a 6 Haim Ferris bypass out from the northbound side as you head towards chance mail that some of the usual delays we see if time of day and also traffic on the 85 just a bit busy now as you head towards toaster road and Jim Well Imbra on Harrigan road it is slow moving now between Northern way and the center of well Ambra now having a check on the trains just a bit further afield the Rajah Lays of up to 10 minutes on Virgin Trains West Coast that southbound between Milton Keynes Central and what for Junction and it's all because of a fault on the train if he spots a problem cool of 8030 double for double 5 man Marie Walsh in the next update is in 15 minutes thank you on the range. Any weekdays from knowing b.b.c. Radio North times a. Buck a cool. Yes claim not yet claim not to $75.00. Our little. Scheme of the right. Has worked everywhere stables last week Britain's Got Talent Skegness this Friday then true story boy do they need a camera of the goddess that is. An area you I'm good how are you I don't think anyone has ever said Britain's Got Talent and Skegness in the same sentence. You have made my money I'm so excited. Days from now on the b.b.c. . B.b.c. Radio. Make sure you are listening to Bernie tomorrow as well I certainly will I'm a massive fan and Byrnes chatting to Andrew Ridgeley on the show tomorrow. To the. Same has to be a thing nowadays doesn't it that we named things can remember the boat boat face the name put forward to the environmental ship that actually got Coulter David Attenborough back as they didn't go with the public vote they said no it's a bit of a silly 9 a little sub that went inside the ship did get a name but a bug face well at Northampton County Council making preparations to deal with the wind to me weather that we're expecting this winter of the next few months and they giving you the chance to name the 22 great seeing lorries that we keeping North Hance road safe over the winter with the winning entries printed onto the front of every truck now proud. If the name you chose ended upon it. Truck councillor Jason Smithers joins me on the line now to tell us how you can get involved Jason good afternoon good afternoon wind lots of councils of done this in the past it is great why did you know salvage a council decide to do this. It's a great way to engage with local communities in children and you know and people like yourself I mean spread the mercury. Offer that was naturally fantastic one you should go to the North hand highways Twitter page running you know you never know you could say your name going around on that great over the winter period I got another one for it was well it's a bit a teeny weeny yellow went to sleep machinery. Bit long you know I don't think that's a good one but you know there's a lot of pain involved in that one it's a bit long suggest when you actually start monitoring the weather and to see to see if you need to grit our roads when when does that process stop Ok for the monsoon starts here in October and it goes right through to. And you know we monitor the roads quite heavily to say where we need to put our great sense our news about a small technology which always helps weather forecasts the received from the Metro group which is a company that provides really accurate type of forecasts and and that mix with local knowledge of the net. Sort of gives us a great. Idea of where we need to deploy the thing to show them that great is a pretty much armed and ready to go whenever they're made from now right of the winter absolutely that 1st so ready to move right we've got to find out how to name these wonderful pieces of machinery then how do the public get involved with them in the grid. So the best way to do it is an absolute fantastic lady is dealing with its competition not anti-war and enjoy Peckham Miller So you can email Rebecca our Miller at ws pedo code or u.k. Or. You can simply tweet. And highways which is not and I was and you should include suggested names as well as the applicants line contact details so we can sort of you know if you've won and try and keep it clean and original. That was a fantastic So if someone successful and gets the name picked did they get their own name on there as well it's. Pretty murky by the way but even so I don't know about that it could have to put your name in lights or anyone with Excel as one of the Voyager James Gridley Houston. I want to reach with somebody I want to feel the best of them How about Britney Spears opes I did it again yeah you can have true grit Harry greater you know that no one coming here but you are very very original only how about that famous tennis player Roger spread around. That. Well you guys well I'm on holiday and you have been. Discovered to be just committed to me that listen thank you but it's a pretty great film is 22 trucks that need that name me in a Will you could just tweet and highways Jason thanks for chatting to us. But I. Radio Northampton the one begun show Monday tea time and produces if you like a cult. I'm sorry without the h. Because I would say so. I say all right so yeah say Rosaura not about the dreaded tomato tomato a specific kind of a pizza yet I've been called many things including Santa you've got a big smile on your face that's because you get to launch but even about the 1st time you haven't done this I think I'm out on a bit full you should have produced a beautiful b.i.v. I think in the boat with me before I view your if you will this lead memorable obvious old usually memorable is that fresh in your mind to how you might take those lovely slender feminine arms of yours and pull but my big chunky. Yeah we. There we go flying through the skies it will come to kill I'm going somewhere perhaps. The added aground of the place and time we've landed today is mass y'all sounds like Beverly Hillbillies what it meant y'all mess ya'll and e s y a w L's Mazzeo if you've been to this place. I think I might have been yes I hat it's quite a unique place in Northamptonshire for reasons that we will reveal a little bit later on but for now producer Sarah thank you you as Sarah will give us a clue right about $10.00 to $5.00 if you're struggling with it Mares y'all m e s y a w Well rearrange those letters to form a place time a town or village somewhere enough. And then call away 100 Osorio double fordable by way of tribute to the taxi ignore the star I read about the. Da be digital radio and freeview channels $73.00 school this is b.b.c. Radio. 433 Headline News now with Martin bully Downing Street has the us to reconsider its decision to give a diplomat's wife in unity after she left the u.k. Despite being a suspect in a fatal crash in Northamptonshire Harry Dunn who was 19 died when his motorcycle collided with a car near our way of crouton in South Northamptonshire in August. 2 men have been arrested on suspicion of offenses linked to incidents of illegal sheep butchery in Northamptonshire police say they responded to reports of suspicious activity in a field near Welford last night and stopped a vehicle on the a 14 shortly after 1 o'clock this morning a Scottish judge has dismissed a move to force Boris Johnson to comply with legislation aimed at avoiding a no deal break said campaigners that argued the government couldn't be trusted to write a letter seeking an extension from the e.u. If it wasn't in place by the 19th of October but Lord Pentland said there could be no doubt the prime minister had agreed to abide by the law catching General Hospital is one of 21 n.h.s. Trusts around the country to be given money to prepare a bid for new hospital facilities but is expected to be more than 2 years before plans for an urgent care hub for Kettering are approved the health minister visited the hospital this morning. The refund website for Thomas Cook customers who had booked holidays with the firm is struggling to cope with demand on its 1st day of operation this Civil Aviation Authority says there's been unprecedented demand the country is whether wet and windy to nights but dry and clear in the early hours of the morning tomorrow will start to dry and sunny but rain is expected later and tomorrow's top temperature 15 Celsius b.b.c. Reading on time to news I'll have a full bulletin at 5 am to ensure school board c.b.c. Radio in your hands in the evening will start cooking news Chris Silverwood has been appointed as England's new men's head coach the 44 year old has been promoted from the role of bowling coach and takes charge from Trevor Bayliss who left the post at the end of the season England's director of cricket Ashley Giles say Silverwood was the outstanding candidate during the recruitment process in football the draw for the 4th qualifying round of the f.a. Cup has taken place this afternoon Brackley will travel to Hartley Poole United a week on Saturday when that time I and Kevin Wilkins men will find themselves in the 1st round proper. And the cobblers went into the weekend looking to make it 5 games unbeaten in League 2 but were frustrated by struggling late and all means I was on his toes here or I might be in for the 1st goal and they were the positive side and form of the face of the counter-attack they want to move forward by James rising in the finish in the one to the back of the story by the way and the one nil win was orients 1st win in 7 league games and cobblers boss Keith curl Ses It simply wasn't good enough and I can't I can't even trying Smudger smudge over I think the emission of Charlie upset the rhythm thing and a phone call to 10 o'clock saying that he's. Not going the other and not going to play they have to reshuffle the park and I think not. An effect on the on the team little bit of uncertainty and. Tomorrow night the cobbler's travelled to Cambridge in the league trophy coverage commentary as always b.b.c. Radio Northampton Rugby next this afternoon in 3 defeats out of 3 for the Saints in the premiership cup and a repeat of last season's final Saints hosted Saracens Franklins Gardens losing by 54 points to 26 Kris Boyd side had led 2826 before Saracens pulled away in the 2nd half and coach Matt Ferguson says he knows where he's wrong is pretty simple for me we lost the physicality too often in too many areas of the game and. That's just not enough playing never mind playing a team like Sarrasin although there are some pretty big pretty big learnings from America I saw fit for me under one heading and you are going to be wrong but that's not Africa is a big difference between physicality and effort. Works incredibly incredibly hard and at the Rugby Union World Cup in Japan Argentina lock Thomas Levet Nini has been given a 4 match for a high tackling and captain in Pharrell 11 he was shown a red card in the 18th minute of the puma's 3910 defeat which ended their chances of reaching the quarterfinals Meanwhile the England scrum coach Neil Hatley says believe is a doubt for their pool see decided against France on Saturday and elsewhere saints and Wales fly half Dan bigger has recovered from the head injury he suffered against Australia will start against Fiji on Wednesday and finally for now in golf not have to inches Meghan McLaren finished 3rd at the women's Indian Open final round of 72 left her 7 under par for the tournament 4 shots behind the winner Austria's Christine Wolf more sport to come a little bit later on. Has . Looked like them she's coming in on her chest a Herman Kettering Gandow fellow Gandalf going to get right as well down in Jena standing in along but be getting it right on the e-mail today Sean Taylor High show and getting it right as well quick recap for you all the behaving as bolts today they add a gram is Maggi all meds you'll. Easy is that every s y a w l rearrange those letters to form a place name somewhere a town or village in the county away 100030 double fordable 581 triple 3 north at the start of your message we shall give you a clue in about 10 minutes time. Easy way do you. Know Us a business woman has denied getting favorable treatment from Boris Johnson when he was mayor of London but Jennifer who really fused to say whether she'd had an affair with the prime minister or not a political reporter Peter saw is in Westminster and joins me now Peter Good afternoon good afternoon I watched this interview it was on g.m.a. This morning Piers Morgan giving a quite a hard time she she was very much she very much sat on the fence she wouldn't say whether she did or did not have romantic relations with Boris would she absolutely I mean it was quite interesting watch us and if you haven't seen it it's worth watching it back it was good television if nothing else didn't learn a great deal from it but she did say to her and Boris Johnson how do what she describes as a close bond that he stopped by her Frasse in East London maybe 5 or 10 times on his way home from work but yeah on that idea of whether or not they had a sexual relationship or not she said Well it's really not anyone's business what private life we had much more important than all of that really is the idea that potentially there was a conflict of interest there we do know that she went on 3 trade trips with Boris Johnson despite being initially refused access to those trips he spoke at 4 different events that she organized her company in attack was awarded 26000 pounds in public money but let's have a listen to a little bit off that interview shall we she told Good Morning Britain that despite her links to the event he did absolutely nothing to help either her business or her career for some. For ever gave me favoritism never once did I ask him for a favor never once did he write a letter of recommendation for me he wouldn't know about my true asking to go to trips and also Boris Johnson himself he says that everything was done and tiredly in the proper way he probably is getting a bit fed up of being asked questions of how to he was asked again today and said I think I've said everything I'm going to say on that massive Do you think he's done Boris any favors and all made it worse I mean it's all over the news today so I don't think he's really done him many favors of course the investigations continue dunny the Greater London Assembly is looking into whether he broke their code of conduct one he when he was in there now he obviously denies that it's but the code says the holders of public office must not act in a way that favors friends or family and if there is a potential conflict of interest then they should declare it so even if there was no favoritism even if he didn't help Jennifer or Curry's business interests why did he not declare that he had a close relationship with her and that is the question that certainly labor are asking today he has to respond formally to that investigation by close of play tomorrow Meanwhile there's a separate investigation by the police watch Dawkins with his grounds for an investigation into the criminal offense of misconduct in public office so you know for Boris Johnson This is not going away any time soon it's something you can certainly do without it such a crucial time for breaks there West Minister pizza is there anything to report on that well apart from the noisy extinction rebellion protesters very little else to report I'm afraid no sign of movement in Bragg's it's Orks that Downing Street saying that they feel they've made a fair reasonable compromise offer to the European Union it's up to now Brussels to reciprocate but the e.u. Has some pretty serious concerns really about the proposed that it can be put forward they say there are some questions that remain. Answered that in phone calls taking place between e.u. Leaders but no sign that they're going to end so what they call the tunnel which is the place where they take the really serious negotiations the the nitty gritty of things and the e.u. Wants things to be moving towards that kind of thing by the end of this week in time for the e.u. Summit at the end of next week at this stage very little prospect of a deal being done so a lot of people looking towards what happens next some positive news for Boris Johnson today in the shape of a court ruling from Scotland which says that there won't be a court order that would force his hand to a bay of the law which means that he has to request another delay so Bragg's it if there's no deal by the 19th of October the only reason they found in his favor I think the court is because the government admitted itself in its own submission that the prime minister would send a letter to Brussels asking for a little bit more time so it looks very very difficult indeed for him to wriggle out of that piece of legislation the suspicion remains that there might be something up Downing Street sleeve but it's going to get very very messy indeed with the government insisting still do although I will be out on the 31st of October watch this space and finally Peter. Has been talking about another story it's been all over the news that the sad story of Harry Dunn who was killed in an accident earlier this year from Northampton Johnson saying he'll go to the White House if he has to yes yes he says that he is prepared to speak to the White House about this should it reached out stage now you might thing this is quite an extraordinary situation really this goes back to the Vienna Convention which is dictated the rules of play really when it comes to club diplomacy for some time hence why the wife of this American diplomat has diplomatic immunity the moment she is in the states Boris Johnson the government saying now they really are hoping that they can get this resolved that she can be brought back to the states so that police can question her but others saying that it is now time to look again at. Vienna Convention p. To Seoul for now thank you thank you I will bring you more on that story about how the 5 on the way in by even shot will be chatting to South North Korea let's. Radio and all that to the way in Bayville show Monday to Friday from 3 o'clock we are here a little earlier on the program we spoke to Jason Smithers from Northamptonshire County Council who are asking you to name their gritting machines for this year their 22 gritting lorries and you can name them by just that tweeting at and and highways at a big long e-mail come in from Rick should from his put a load of names on there ready spread to go rumble sprinkles gritty gone as gritty glitzy bang bagus Well thank you for the e-mail what should you need to tweet them out that's what you need to do tweet them out and you could have your name. They named all one of North America County Council voting machines how exciting is that. On b.b.c. Radio Northampton. Is waning days in. Coming but even today we have a look at the 1st time this week it is followed by. An advantage in the place the am a gram of which is mezze all. Why a w l rearrange those letters to form a place name town a village some way here in our fair County joining little hall and getting it right in saying welcome but wait thank you John Marie and does Brooke getting it right so I'm glad you had a good holiday Thank you don't say I miss you Wayne welcome back oh stop it you lost your old big sloppy sausage it's 080-0030 double fordable 5 give Sarah a call if you know where we are I want triple 3 north at the start of your message please we're going to give you a clue shortly. But before we do that we need to check out the roads in case you talk at all for the day ahead and hollow memory Walsh has everything we need to know don't you. I do indeed Well I'm afraid it's looking very slowly for the a 4500 pound from well I'm going to was rushed and it is some of the usual today's there but it's looking quite busy on the senses also very slow for the a 45 non-value way eastbound that's when the Queen Eleanor roundabouts will change and on the a 6 Him Hi I'm fair is bypass we've still got some keys out of northbound as you go towards chance mail now further afield on the m one northbound traffic is being held temporarily between junctions 10 fleets and airports and 11 for Dunstable south because of a breakdown there so keep you updated on that and on the trains further afield delays of up to 10 minutes some 13 chains west coast southbound between Milton consentual and one for junction if you spot a problem call at 80302. For example 5 a man Marie Walsh and the next update in 15 minutes America may love can you help me and indeed me all the days right on a plane so to Morocco when it was really hot at 41 degrees the hottest country in the world it was the week I was there and I'm just trying to do this radio show cut the I mean skinny literally peeling off me I mean Little Brown they're all flaky what can a do could well mean though this kind of stuff you just do oh dear Crean. Yes it does have to be all over Iraq. And flaky everywhere. Just as long as it's Allah Vera I think that will be great like thank you I most like. they had a hand. Which is a sure clue but it should give it a why shouldn't it Ok this is a newly built village now you don't hear that very often. Built villages are you familiar with this place you say Yeah I've certainly seen outside a bypass till when we say newly built village how old it would you say this. What. Do you say 2990 s. Anagram is m e s y a w l Mez you all is the underground It's a newly built village which is a little bit like we don't tend to villages anymore we think of villages being really old where our way our 800030 double 4 double 5 tech site will ship a 3 star a message with North Palm revealed the location is a bit like me. And. Told. Me Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Brandon you Ray And that may be be say radio Northampton this is the way in by even shot at Monday. The 7th lead story on the show after 5 today add that the story has been all over the news this weekend about a teenager from Northamptonshire who was sadly killed in a car crash earlier this year how he done I mean 19 years old from Charlton made to Brackley his motorbike crashed with a cockney it's who have crawled in at back in August of this year and the stories making the headlines. Because the wife of a u.s. Diplomats was made a suspect she's now in the back in the u.s. But she's being given diplomatic immunity Boris Johnson's already said he got the White House on this and now after 5 o'clock will be speaking to South North and sampai Andrea led some fun of what she thinks about this also to come on the show today. The today than. The. Reality Graham was Mel's y'all m e s y a w l The clue was this is a newly built village we were of course in the village of Moore's Lee College in sight James Well done Jim from Weeden getting it right as well as his way how about the getting one for lorries about 1234 just 9 the numerically bit boring not very now. In Rushton mostly getting it right so nice to have you back Wayne Jim asked if I'd bought him back a present now I have. To buy things in Morocco everybody wants to barter with the everybody joining little Holsten getting it right Barbara in Abington getting it right as well Karen Hi Karen not telling us where you're from Herman in Kettering Gandalf p.c. Makers Well I will do another Bavis bolt tomorrow around about the same time and I would have to make them a little bit harder I don't know how hard they were last week in the week before when I wasn't here and how hard John Griffin made them but I'm going to easy for year and have to make them a bit tougher. And I will. All the news that you're talking about coming up after just a. Song from the next piece as well together. On line d.a.b. Digital radio and freeview channels 7340 s is b.b.c. Radio Northampton. Now and up again are you sure that we started just a few weeks before I went on holiday the Monday night list that returns after 6 on the programme. Monday teacher imo it's exactly 5 o'clock time now for the latest b.b.c. News says Martin boldly Downing Street as the us to reconsider its decision to give the diplomats wife immunity after she left the u.k. Despite being a suspect in a fatal crash in Northamptonshire have redone who was 19 died when his motorcycle collided with a car near r f crouton in the south of the county in August our correspondent Gary O'Donoghue has been following the story in Washington there's a sort of generic state State Department diplomatic issues that has said that it is not this stage looking at waving diplomatic immunity I think the appeal from Boris Johnson there will be heard at the White House they will respond to that in some way or rather we're not quite sure how. To manage been arrested on suspicion of offenses linked to incidents of illegal sheep butchery in Northamptonshire place say they responded to reports of suspicious activity in the fields near Welford last night and stopped a vehicle on the a 14 shortly after 1 o'clock this morning 2 men from burning on the age 23 and 35 have been arrested on suspicion of theft and criminal damage there both in custody the vehicle is to undergo forensic examination. The m.p. For the n.p.a. Stephen Hepburn who represents Jarrow in South Tyneside has been suspended from the Labor party while a claim of sexual harassment is investigated it reportedly relates to an incident at a curry house 14 years ago Mr Headland says he completely refutes the allegation Scotland's highest Court the Court of Session has rejected an application for legal order forcing bars Johnson to further delay Breck's it if he can't agree with draw agreement with the e.u. By the end of the month a judge ruled that it was unnecessary because the Prime Minister's representatives had given assurances he would comply with the law passed by N.P.'s obliging him to seek an extension in such circumstances Catherine General Hospital is one of 21 h.s. Trusts around the country to be given money to prepare a bid for a new hospital facilities but is expected to be more than 2 years before the plans for an urgent care for capturing are approved the hospital says it's any department his seeing twice as many patients as it was designed for the chief executive of catching General Hospital Simon Weldon says the hospital is badly in need of improvement we've got a department that was built. Really in the mid 1980 s. And it was built for about $40.00 to $45000.00 people this year will have $100000.00 people come to that department so double and more the amount that the building was designed for 135 people have been arrested at climate change protests in central London organized by the activist group extinction rebellion the demonstrators have blocked roads and bridges others locked themselves from mock Trident missile they're demanding more radical government action to address global warming possessions belonging to the project the star Keith dent are going up for auction next month they include in a rate of nose piercings and a bed decorated with steel forms Clairon acres has.