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At 7 o'clock it's time for the latest news details from Natalie. Tourism a has moved to reassert Terra Thora here for the government's Bragg's its strategy following an intervention by the foreign secretary Boris Johnson he was rebuked by Cabinet colleagues over the weekend for backseat driving after setting out his own vision for life outside the e.u. In a newspaper article the prime minister who's on an official visit to Canada was asked about the issue at a news conference the u.k. Government is driven from the front and we all have the same destination in our sights and that is getting a good deal for exit with the European Union that's a good trade deal but also a good ongoing relationship in relation to other matters like security and cyclist who knocked over and killed a mother of 2 while riding an illegal bike has been sentenced to 18 months in a youth offenders institution Cambridge's died following the collision in East London in February last year the judge told Allison he had show not one iota of remorse. The budget ally Ryanair has denied having a shortage of pilots despite canceling hundreds of flights over the next 6 weeks the head of the airline Michael O'Leary says an average of 48 services every day won't run because of stuff leave he told a news conference that customers who are affected which could be as many as 400000 people will begin to receive e-mails offering alternatives if they're not satisfied with the alternative by software they can have a full refund this is our messed up when we make a mess in Ryanair we come out with our hands up we try to explain why we made the mess and if we when we will pay compensation to those passengers who will take the compensation which will be those flights are cancelled over the next 2 weeks of business in Northampton that helps people get back into work has won a national business award goodwill solutions when the social enterprise of the Year award at the u.k. Private business ceremony the logistics company supplies warehouse services to businesses both here and abroad one of the company's founders Mike Britton said it was a team effort it's a very prestigious award very honored to get it to be honest I must say Are you a figurehead of your life and the entire team contributed by this award possible it's nice to be able to make a difference in. Your work. In football Brackley town have a home tie against either Braintree or Royston town in the 3rd qualifying round in the f.a. Cup catch him or go to base for United who are so far unbeaten this season and if they have see Rushton diamonds get passed after tomorrow night they'll go to Star page and those games are due to be played on September 30th a group of friends from Daventry who cycle from coast to coast in the north of England over the weekend have raised nearly 4000 pounds for a local charity the cyclists were raising money for the helping Harry trust the charity was set up to help fund treatment Harry Charles with from Newton who has profound disabilities. And the weather for Northamptonshire this evening it'll be cloudy with some sherry rain it will churn drier through the small hours with the clouds starting to break up towards dawn it'll be a fairly cool night minimum temperature 8 degrees centigrade b.b.c. Radio Northampton news it's 3 minutes past 7. Gave me the old now that now and now that how was the weekend we had a beer festival in our village. There were some very good acts playing but it was very mild and someone said to me if you're finding this too loud to be here while. I live in the village I ain't going nowhere so I had a couple of the beer the brew that I sponsored Comfortably Numb it's cold it's a cheeky little blog you can imagine but I hear you've got a good weekend I'll call the things to tell you about as well all that happened over the weekend but tonight I have some real treats for you it's condiment central We're going to find out about the rivalry between mayonnaise and Tommy Kay who knew I'm going to head out. To big business as well as well a comedy whether from the b.b.c. Weather Center and the best shed in the law and is opening its doors for still room for a small one in fact there's so much room in the mushroom house being told. To . Enjoy tonight yes he of The One Show you know the science he's got a new book out it's called the science of food oh we'll dispel the 5 2nd rule. Book on them gentle Cyma let's set the timer and get underway. Heaven must be missing an angel you're listening to Georgie tonight on the b.b.c. Across England and the channel on is about a bit of a situation today the Chippy was returning Steve to start building a wall in between well to make 2 rooms basically half one and he said he'd be arriving at 10 well Barry money's been organizing the be a festival we thought we're going to see him for dust today so in my infinite wisdom managed to gather bats get a shot well not so I get a shower it's a bath when I'm going to shower in the house a logo one bath upstairs a man outside privy downstairs which has been not through to make it inside privy and the external doors blocked up with our board and a lot of club hall so no one's getting. Or getting out for that matter so anyway I've done all me a blue sions before set arrival at 10 no sign so then I thought well I'll just have a bit of bread for some members of a sausage sandwich and I thought just make some lunch Well when I say lunch is from a t. Tonight Carbonneau or so onions garlic bacon sandstone thinking of a bath and all along getting all smelly and stinky 10 to 12 I thought right he's not here he's not coming south are we got another berth Well lo and behold no he didn't arrive he sent me a text that 3 minutes past 10 saying I will be with you till lunch time I thought well that's going to be about $1230.00 so I've had 2 bars today and I just slipped into something casual i.e. The gazes shirt which was going to charity and I and I rescued it while it was going in the rubbish bag and I thought home of a not so nice navy blue shirt you can see on the Facebook page because I didn't actually mean to come to work in it because it's a bit big. By the time I realized I was when I was in the car coming to work is too late for that I saw the arrived in his oversize shirt I got guests coming like a right stick thinking have you and do you often swipe his indoors or her indoors bits and pieces would love to hear from me tonight it's a bit of a fashion folk Paul it's a lovely show it's really comfy but it's kind of like you know it's it's like your leisure trousers you just wear inside the house not outside you don't mean so go to Facebook bbc Georgie tonight there's several comments coming in which I'll share with you a little bit later on but yes tell me do you do the swap sees you know every to new eyes in that comes in you always are quite like the little I love or does it work the other way you buy something and then yeah they've often just it let me know tonight 034531858 when you call me this evening when you text a one triple 3 star you message with the word Georgie and of course when the email is Josie at b.b.c. . Do you do than the king of clothes lovely. Rescue. Should be wearing it to work. Small media will mark a. Bruising. They finished Tom Jones in the stereophonic moment so we don't succumb j b s but on the old Texan I even thing she says j.b. Here we came pretty dull glad to hear she says today I've been helping a pal move on Alas you see 2 weeks ago I was doing the same with the the youngest diva she says I am never ever going to move me be the judge. She says But I so want to shed Oh you're going to be so covetous when we talk to Ben Oh but I'm from cheating phone with his shit of the year she's Anyone got a spare one for a writer in my garden you just pop in leaves a key under the mat j b. They just. Lady k. That's what it is yeah. Thanks for the sex I want triple 3 star you message with the word Georgie Yes I will be talking to the owner of the shed at the yeah tonight it's lovely it's a cute little number you know so we'll talk about that and also your commenting about mine that I have mistakenly walked out of the house and I only meant it for a casual run around you know after the 2nd bath today so I don't come in stinking of bacon on onions and garlic and he says on the Facebook page a few weeks ago I got myself a new coat my wife now has a new coat I now need a new coat Oh no Jeffries's my wife gives me salt she pours the wood too big she'll wear my sweat shirt sometimes and my 15 year old is always taking shirts for make the. I've done the very same thing and when he says yeah he buys shirts bags etc and I claim them good on you Wendy on loving you work you can go to Facebook bbc Judy to 9 Take a look at me in the keys I've done a kind of a fashion pose sort of so bear with me on that one you're talking tonight about the things that we saw. Nick nay off the other one indoors it's coming it's just come past quarter past 7 it listening to Josie tonight and I have to actually go another important question to ask you yeah what do you to be chips in. General would. Make such a song yeah I'm asking this because for the 1st time ever made a name. Is outselling Tommy Candy as British favorite condiment. Join me now is Paul Hartley restaurateur and author all these some are so you can't sell books even pulled out a very very well thank you so tell me what's in your tomato ketchup book oh wonderful recipes Oh I read it when you 1st we would take catch up they put it on things like to catch up and put it in things. Like sticky chicken coop Babs Oh it's about to catch oh oh. There's a pro Go kill me I would you have a cultural Oh well that is not make sure I and I catch Oh yeah make sure my eyes and tell me can I go outside horseradish. Oh I learned well you're a rebel but I got you really are you surprised by this the bout the Mayo is outstripping catch up very surprised actually very surprised to shame because tomatoes contain lycopene and what do you do to them puree them juice whatever. They still retain a huge amount of goodness and if give kids and people going to each of us as they did catch up so they get in the goodness of Ms and it's almost minimal trace effect as man is of course he's slightly the other way so that no one knows even. So tainted changing them fashions that changing tense a change Yeah it's funny though I've written 12 books I write I write books only about brands that are over 100 years old. Tomorrow to catch up and give Mason h.p. Saucily and pendulous sorts of things yeah and they've stood the test of time without a doubt you go to a food show and there's 2000 new souls if the picture was never the house but next year they'll have gone but the good old will still be that like try to catch up you you mention that you've written on the sink hole experienced and yes you do recipes with whole a couple I have to salute Lee used to be my knight telling staple pulled. The it's it's it's a great ingredient I have a lovely studio Kitchen Restaurant and we have this big tuna Holik so messing about just tried to put recipes together and I was basing batter for the temper about it for a fish and I saw his flown a big spoon the next in the bath and I tell you what we've used it ever since really makes it light and fluffy we put it in result we put it in smoothies all sorts of things you put a whole inks and resigned. Absolutely it from fit up. Oh this is a very handy hint absolutely merits it's it's it's great but it's just lovely when you're stuffed I mean I think when the obvious it's about to catch m.k. 3 and say well hides can do instead but I do that catch up book I do why I do that but when I'm old it 1st came. I thought now that's going to be a tricky well on and it was fab we did a really good book in the end it's they're all just such fun yeah such fun because you can just mess about with them in all sorts of things and some work I can remember a day when I had a very well known cookery teacher working with me we made amazing pie with I think it was h.p. Sauce and at the end of it all we will look at it as that's fantastic tasted diskettes. Really a really bad time we've had lots of successes but obviously if you fail you know that and you mention the 100 year old. How old is mayonnaise you know it's it's been mixing eggs with all of oil probably since the Roman times and when you come up with a man a book well enough to get to write very lucky or get approached by the big brands and asked to write the record books for them Manet's of course is it's 25 years ago salad cream with the same. Yes a man A's response to the post people have you know I was just a little girl. My mum actually passing I had to sort out the house and in the fridge there was a massive bowl of salad cream. Aspecific faces in it and we stood up we did you sell a cream for 7 things but man is this so wonderfully flexible and did you make your children you make your own mayonnaise and now now poll I am going to do this because years ago I was pool a funny little machine with a hole in the top on a windy handle that you can make mayonnaise weighed right political whiskey fingers at the ball you know with very clean so I am going to do it but how easy is it all how difficult it is terribly if you only need to make sure it's a good old. Gets all the ingredients out an hour and a half in advance the only of all the eggs the mustard for them to catch and keep them all to exactly the same temperature right it's no good she taking at the mustard after the larder and then the Bowl of all of the fridge or whatever and then you just break the eggs you u.d.a. Gets. You believe you want to cite spoonful of Dijon mustard a bit of soap ever when you reach that top and then just gently have the owner of all vigorous wonderful emotion and then tell him some gonna continue got a blunder forgot it may name or you can do all sorts of lovely things with it but man as I once made. We have these little challenges the chefs and I once some Instead try to catch up is the best so I say that I leave it to me so I took a day in a huff 10 pounds of tomatoes. It may well cause of so much a catch up nothing like it's going to find. That you can be a good guy that we have so many. Of Us About to work but originally catch up with it was a fish sauce came from the Far East they went to America with I think Dutch East India line or something and they then put them to the structure to know about things we didn't know I think we took that catch up a beverage of it became catch up and it was an American thing. That started of course and the biggest name in catch up is an American company pool you've been you've been fascinated I thank you for the recipe from my eyes that's brilliant Yeah go ahead go for it I will indeed good still do you Paulie restaurateur and author of the tomato catch up cookbook to know what's mayonnaise apparently is outstripping ketchup Muslim we're talking about it in Belgium they love a condiment wedding the next. Just. At the. Shop. Good to. Go a. Long way. The books. Take me it's just on 25 or 70 listening to children tonight across England in the Channel Islands this is coming from Rita on the phone from Bradford upon even she says her dad gave her a shirt and she turned into a mini dress looked much better on a low rate good on yes I've come out this evening mistakenly wearing the gazes shirt he was discounting is not rescued it thought this would be a nice around the house shirt you know to me never to be seen in public Yeah well sadly I got in the car started driving to work it was too late to turn round. So I'm in this rather oversized blue linen shirt take a look on the Facebook there and the worst thing is I don't think. It's Lin So I think how can I get away with it maybe maybe not the level of going facebook b.b.c. Georgie tonight but little comment on there Jim Brown says you are kidding won't be seen dead in his underpants long. What item of clothing have you swapped with him or her indoors let me know there's a one triple 3 star you message with the word Shorty when you call me over 34531858 now that we've just been here about how mayonnaise has defeated catch up in the condiment war yes but of course the British around characters when it comes to what we depart chips in Joining me now is Nigel Williams is making me feel quite we actually he's a comedian and he lives and performs in Belgium a.b. Nigel Good evening so you know I'm very well thank you but tell me what do the Belgians go all out with for their chips what I mean. I think I've got about another 50 odd salsa but they're all but basically what they all are basically all of them a nice just put different stuff in it and call it some I. Don't don't start I don't have. I open the subject on my Facebook said on b.b.c. Radio layer talk about mayonnaise on the debate is just blown up oh go on gone mad mad and how dare they interview an English person about mayonnaise going crazy. I don't know if we're going these are all these Belgians have again that is it we're not going to go but you know with all breaks it going on all the rest are just trying to keep me and down and I Yes you know what I see the Mannings reign supreme out because it's nice. Simple as that there is that there is a different Georgian there is a difference because there is a little bit of a war going on between the north of Belgium which is Flanders where I live and Holland where they have the same sort of it's mayonnaise based not they call it free too so switch means chip souls because in Dutch chips means crisps so we call it Brits so and yet so they call it free choice any sweeter than the balance in mayonnaise which is a little bit more vinegary you know and they're not allowed to say that is perfect great yeah there's a bit of a war going on between them on that one but I'm you know I want to stay here so on mayonnaise my. Day with the masses I go with the masses on the populist and you know I just go go with the flow you can start I mean if you want to start a war a dinner party or just say I think I don't think the host actually made this mayonnaise of how do you have a made man a because I haven't I've just been talking to a chef Paul Hartley on Troy's I liked what he said about keeping all the same temperature yet we say over here you cannot make mayonnaise if it's humid outside seriously and there's other people every turns into Mystic Meg here when you start talking about making mayonnaise they will go there well yeah but I got this little secret I do you know I like to make mayonnaise if there's a full moon or if it's humid and all I'll just get out of it but I just keep on going to give it a go and I'm going to see what comes out whether it's humid Oh full moon I'm just going to try it but that full temperature the same temperature with all the ingredients I mean that's the key yeah yeah but you know I won't say that to our citizenry Baljit listening I get an earful of the time. Against you yeah I'm an immigrant after all that time now listen I spot is a priest only an accent Oh ah now wants a key to Belgium then from Bristol I don't know not really I went from so like. I don't have to like the Bristol turn the lights out in the early eighties and so I left and then. I sort of gone gone downhill since then oh I love living here they've got a great sense of humor but there's not one ballot you say I was I I don't go to in 2004 so it's the best comedian in Belgium right but it's not in Belgium it's in Flanders so I can't even be big imbalance and never be done in Belgium not one bit Belgium you've got the French speakers of Flemish speakers you even got a group of German speakers and then I mean we've got 9 different governments I mean it's amazing in there and do you do your act in Bristol or D.-Day in London or I got Dutch act I speak Dutch but with Bristol actually can he do it. They can do and clap for telling it there's a lot of cynical probably most oh you have been very offensive then now and I was telling you I could tell you a joke well it's too early and I let you get a very nice accent Yeah but the trouble is I've never done standup comedy in English I mean I do run my own English language comedy club here in Antwerp now yeah monthly and we have comedians over from the Comedy Store and from Bristol from Earth control Yeah and you know Gerard level I want to do is just get one locate and do it in Bristol so if you could put I'd like to come in to a gig in Bristol I found not only sound that I but I'm at the time we ring in the book my idea no doubt. Listen even Joy thank you so much Ok Doug Rayburn really we're in a thank you very much Nigel Williams when talking about the m a n a c mayonnaise I like it. Swapping shirts tonight yeah this is Frankie mags on Twitter because I'm wearing the gays as shit and I've been told by Rick in Warrington he says that you do not nick your other half's clothing you liberate them. Liberated the blue linen shirt wasn't to come out to work in it but just slip. Into after the 2nd bath today I forgot to change into something that is my size not the gaze size and Frankie says it seems she looks good thank you very much for gets the cheeky angle we've taken the photograph out but she is with there you can save face but just look for b.b.c. Georgie tonight you'll see me you'll find me there now then she ask on 25 say let's get the latest now from Outer Banks Georgie Good evening in Cheshire the m 6 northbound is slow after a lorry broke down earlier between Middlewich junction 18 and that's with the junction 19 lanes back open but still some cues to ease off. A 59 a bloody houses that still blocked in both directions after an earlier collision there's also been a spillage of fuel so the a 59 shot between kicks Gill road and home lame in not sure naughty and Clifton like the a 453 that's blocked after a collision at Green and in London in Hounslow Staines road that's the 315 that's been closed after a serious collision shot in both directions between Frampton road and months to avenues that he sponsored the other problems to call him 130-123-0184 that's the latest I'm out of more. Moments just from you Jim in Sandgate He says 1st I love your program thank you it isn't you in the shirt reminds me of the day I was sanding down the tongue and groove partition wall wearing a homemade face mask made from an old night dress of my wife's I answer the door to the postman covered in dust with a night dress pushed up under my head like a turban the postman gave me a funny look but said nothing you see that's the truth posting Yeah yeah yeah what stays in the letter box yeah what goes on in the lead about stays and that's what I mean to say Jim thank you and Sandgate sanding down the tongue and groove with your wife's night good luck. Now that we call the weather from the b.b.c. Weather center coming next and shit of the year we're off to cheating folds. Where it. Can be. And. Strong. Was in the spring. And spring became the soft. Touch it. Touches me. I. Seem. To be. Wrong I am. Looking at the long. And don't seem so long lived. We. All lived. And when I. Heard the runs off my shoulder. Oh God I want to hold and. For. You listening to. In the Channel Islands is just 22 and about this time on a Monday night we ventured to the b.b.c. Weather Center where there is someone waiting in the wings but who could it possibly be. Just one look at. It we get. Up Close. To you yeah. It's hurricane. Yeah oh my word and music and I have. Well knots in the shorts looking pretty quiet actually was good. So what do we go the next few days down give us actually looking a little bit better actually Georgie's being really chilly the last since the 1st 2 weeks of September we've been temperatures a little below average so the weather sets become a bit warmer as the week wears on milder nights are turning to but the next couple of nights will continue to be chilly with mist and folk forming in places and the rest this evening looks like it'll be mainly cloudy some heavy showers clearing from the south and east area of rain across northern parts will continue to ease down and fade away as it moves southward since the Midlands and to southern parts by the middle of the night as conditions become drier for many in clay and then it will turn chilly once again the temperatures dipping down to low single figures in places along with some mist in for patches for me again so tomorrow promise me a much better day for most in fact it could well be the best day of the working week with regards to widespread dry and bright weather starts off with a few early coastal showers but for most it's a dry and she starts with some mist in for patches these will sense are left in cloud and then gradually thin and breaks most brights cloud spells of sunshine and light winds more sunshine around so it'll feel warmer and still some strength in the sun so will feel quite pleasant temperatures reaching highs of 17900 Celsius could even sneak a 20 Celsius when the south of the southeast Wednesday starts may find rather chilly again in a few places similarly sunshine around through the day thick clouds will push into western areas southwest winds will also strengthen up as a weather system moves into the northwest the u.k. So for us is looks like it'll be mainly fine through central southern and eastern possible could see a little bit of rain arriving across southwest England and in Seoul to the northwest of England warmest again in the southeast where we have most of the sunshine Thursday breezy with a band of rain some of the heavy pushing in from the west to east it will be slow moving which the southeast and some of the dog's attention at a fine day here. With little sunshine towards the end of the week it looks like it warmed up it'll become that quite bright with plenty of sunshine around south southwest winds that's always a warm direction. Now and tonight I'm going to be talking to the shed of the year. Old sorry I'm just wondering have you got a man cave staff. That I'm renting top floor flat but when I was younger I was very you know I love the garden from a young age as always puttering around the garden helping mom and dad with stuff and I built a built a fantastic pond. Oh do you have any so wildlife in the stock to help with fish but then once the cats the cats eat the fish then it just became more of a wildlife pond then I think get lots of frogs even some new says well. I'm going to play you out with. You. Thank you for the weather you're welcome. Thank you yeah. But a Stevie Wonder. Let play. Once in my life I love that cheap shot. Lovely now it is approaching 10 to a tale on the b.b.c. Listening to Georgie tonight right across England in the Channel Islands and I don't know whether this is sort of happened in your car your life at all My dad didn't actually build a sedan when we were kids out of doors and he built it under the apple tree and we were sort of sharing the space with rhubarb so we had this massive rhubarb plant and then he laid sound and then put some old doors down and we had this kind den thing going on but we really wanted a tree house is what we're all me I'm a sister that's what we were but he you know we couldn't stretch to that so medicine I sell them but I don't know if you've had to do this let me know tonight because we're about to talk to the winner of the shed of the year they beat off a shed load of competition you could say. In the price the 27th seed this shed the mushroom house was built by Ben Swan brother in cheating folder Good evening bad. Now how is lovely cheating focus I used to live their own Ridgeley road Yes I know many years ago yes very pretty yeah yeah lovely and even pretty and now you've got the mushroom house exactly 000 Tell me about the mushroom house describe it to. Well it's mushroom shaped. Go up to a larger area of the top. It's so cut clad with lovely wood to see to would anyone Gengel is on the roof beauty goes on the roof going to make it look more mushroomy. We've got a stained glass window and a glass floor that looks down to the river oh. Well where do these spiration come from for this for my daughter Elsie who's right she came to me and said that I want you to build me a house in the shape of a mushroom haha that's yeah thanks for that I'll see lovely. She kept asking and eventually I. Put it all bad Elsie Hi I want to tell you to break him down. Well me and my best friend he the we were we've been talking to make this mushroom house ever since we were in year 5 I love a friend. Helped design it and it was much bigger had a swimming pool. And a big old snog in the basement with the center room Oh and we only expected to make it when we were. Growing up and we were all kids that because that's what we want to be. Whenever really. Imagine that it would be this way we weren't really expecting it Safa no lovely idea nice surprise what a wonderful surprise your dad says it downstairs to do you go in to the stall and then you go up stairs to the the 1st floor how big is it. I think we want to big but it's not the family that it's how how ran off made. One direction of the top by about 2 and a half made just oh wow this is so you know you can sleep sort of a lot of sleep I was going to say how many on the floor 8 people comfortably l.c. 6 people comfortably do you do you stay out there quite a lot then I I do every time we have a sleep over we stay out there sometime not me and my brother stay in there and watch films on his laptop. Is just silly I mean I've seen the photographs and he's just it's a total joy and I suppose everybody wants to come for sleepover at your house Elsie he. Can't get rid of them. So what was it like winning the prize then when your name was announced by lovely George Clooney How did that feel well when we were on stage for all cats are great because we won the Catholic League before we won the House think I was just saying it myself in my head we're not going to win so what else is going to win because I didn't I didn't know what was going to happen but then they shouted out I like I said like. The mushroom house yeah look at that shot if they have to say shit yeah kinds of very exciting I was so happy and George was crying right now because you're right you both seem to say Well listen good luck with your career is an architect I think is going to going Larry well and you building anything now or is that it for you that was that . We're hoping that someone might get the boat build some. 'd really cool oh really good commissions and everything but you know look I think we enjoy doing it so much love to do some more interesting things for other people I'm sure it will how. When and you've been a delight the Pav you cut thank you so much for coming. Please give my regards to cheating followed I love that village. The mushroom house 27. Was. Oh these. Poll. Was. Oh man told Mom to You Tube. come to our. Job. Was to out of. The our. We've. Told. You our. Last few hours wow. The book. Coming up in the next. Going to be joining me with the science behind. The scenes at 8 pounds the head of Ryan has apologized for messing up after the budget airline announced it was canceling more than 2000 flights over the next 6 weeks Michael O'Leary blamed problems with on occasion leave for his pilots it could cost the company up to 28000000 pounds some passengers have already been stranded overseas. And the travel editor with the Consumer Association which says this is likely to cause huge problems for some time for those people who are traveling beyond those 2 weeks they said that the cancellations going to stretch for 6 weeks and they're set to publish those cancellations this evening they've told us for those people only get a refund of their actual flight costs and that's going to leave people out of pocket which is really really unfair for a lot of people this is going to turn into a real nightmare Boris Johnson is dismissing suggestions that he wants to be the government's backseat driver of a break said the foreign secretary has faced criticism from Capitol colleagues and white old chief stuck to station after repeating a disputed claim that Britain stood to gain an extra $350000000.00 pounds a week by leaving the European Union he's insisting that Theresa is in charge. The article I hope speaks for itself and as for backseat driving on City. One Drive in this called it's to reason what I'm trying to do is sketch out what I think is the incredibly exciting landscape of the destination ahead Donald Trump has used his 1st appearance at the United Nations as u.s. President criticized the organization for failing to realize its full potential despite spending more money the Us president says it needs to regain people's trust by holding all of its layers of management accountable he also said the u.n. Defense policy should be more focused we also ask that every peacekeeping mission have clearly defined goals and metrics for evaluating success they deserve to see the value in the United Nations and it is our job to show it to them Wayne Rooney has been banned from driving for 2 years after pleading guilty to a drink drive charge he's also been ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work under a community order b.b.c. Sports only Foster reports from Stockport magistrates court he was arrested and charged the early hours on the 1st of September Friday morning after spending much of the day in old Lee edge and Wilmslow he was arrested just outside Wilmslow driving a black v.w. Beetle but belonged to the 29 year old office worker Laura Simpson who was also in the vehicle tonight's whether she ran across northern England leaving southwards before clearing other parts drier with clear skies making it cool again b.b.c. News is 3 minutes past 8. Now it's only about the condiments on the show tonight as we take a look at the science of food with monkey jokes and we're going to find out if there really is a 5 2nd rule 15 seconds you know have a bit. Of a going to be really. We'll find out from Marty also going to share his 1st his last of his Everything changed choices for this evening as well and all of the text messages are you swapping shirts with the boyfriend and girlfriend yeah these are the Wooldridge Well I say swapping it's the things that you liberating wearing the watch time underage cycling trousers that's what he says. My advice is tell me this is coming in from the Facebook whenever my older brother wants to get rid of his plain jackets you know the fleece ones I'm asked if I want anything to force chucked out. And I will take something to the world my brother's 27 and I'm 25. Now wrong without a toll Natasha. She says I love my chips also tons of souls Oh that's very exhausting. This is high that I came up with a new recipe for onion gravy at the weekend sounds good. Instead of using brown day this is my constituents by the way says I used a good place only turned out to be a nice sweet source for mistakes that I had cooked neat things that well it's all round to my stake in baby's play used. big . He's. Saying get it on it's going to temp and stay here on the b.b.c. Listening to Julie tonight across England and the Channel Islands Oh my word now I've had some suggestions from Cullen re suggestions we're talking about condiments catch up this is Mayor and apparently mayor has overtaken catch up everybody's love in the Mayo Blarney is on the subject of booze he says if you like Bailey's try a double in a shot of whiskey it's my half chill I'll just hold off for a couple of hours it is alright with you Barry but thanks for the call 345318585 the wonder of the text message and the photo text message this is coming in from well can I just describe the picture it's sort of. It's a pair of legs sort of laying out on a bed and they're clad in fishnet tights because we're talking about the swaps the clothes that you liberate from her or him indoors Georgie boy and my girlfriend I'm rehearsing for the Rocky Horror Show that's my story and I'm sticking to it this is pizza in Alton in Cumbria and. I just say what a fine pair of pins you have Pete in the nets I'm quite jealous This is from Chris on Facebook he says even lovely lady some 30 odd years ago my schoolmate saved up for a printing gold jumper the in garment at the time and very proud of it he was well Chris his older how shall I put this ample chested sister borrowed said garment without asking. What he would put on the prize garment it got a bit stretched I have no doubt it is in an unfortunate area he was gutted as you would expect it's very unfortunate I didn't give it to it's true in the end now it's ruined even coming on the Facebook just look for b.b.c. Georgie tonight this is because I have ventured out today in the wrong shirt. It's kind of my stay at home sloppy joe shirt now I liberation from the pile of the gazes. Around while I slap stuff into the car in it and I've ended up at work in it so you can see a picture of it with me mates on Facebook and. See Jodi tonight and tell me about the ones that you've liberated and swap this is Dolly Parton again I'm going to check ups and it's about his book The Science of food. To give. You. Just. Dolly Parton hey you come again this is from June instant Leonards on the phone she says My mom used to put 2 lumps of homemade bread and 2 lumps of Cheshire cheese on a big dollop of syrup every day what Seriously I bet she's in route health June isn't she Thank you for the quirky food and date of on the day that we find out that Tommy k. Has been outstripped by mayonnaise we've got a bit of a food thing going on tonight Food glorious food and it's a subject very close to the heart of my next guest the one show's resident Santas Marty Johnson whose new book is The Science of food good evening so I'm looking at the back cover and it's got several questions is it possible to be a chocoholic know a really not the way people think it is people think that. There is a sort of a sign there is a physical addiction people sort of assume that there is some sort of addictive thing in chocolate that's not true the evidence at the moment the latest work suggests that if you are a chocoholic it is a psychological addiction and it's all down to reward you think about it yeah we reward us or we teach our children that chocolate is a reward from the small estate you know you you know what is the proper what is the prize at the bottom of the you know the pass the parcel Yeah it's a little bar trouble or something it's a reward so we grow up with that and then when you get older you think oh I deserve a reward. I got chocolates and I got my donuts and my friend Gaynor you know the salad box in the bottom of the fridge yes her salad box is full of chocolate Well that's a good place to let you see do you like culture to hot chocolate. As a drink you know as a food as a food you know I am quite addicted to chocolate I like I like really good chocolate yes got to be really good which is quite a problem because you become a bit of a snob Oh you're talking snarky slow you know chocoholic but it chalky so well yeah I've got just got a box in the fridge at the moment I haven't opened and that's just something because I'm I'm on a bit of a diet so I'm trying not to eat what is quite actually is quite good and their body else has dipped into it good Lord they wouldn't dare write well could you have a word with the gays or Mikey said because my neighbor bought me some chocolates from America Priscilla's they're called Ok after looking after her tomato plants and it was going and this is just it's not on it's sat on the shelf and I went last night to have a child. Empty wrappers Martie 3 empty wrappers empty wrappers he didn't have a put a rag or no you tried to put the marks there. Shocking isn't it just that he's going to need He's not really he's quite good if you have if you do treat yourself treat it as a reward if you have that chocolate there and you have a really good chocolate and then you just have the one Yeah and you've got but can you stop at one where you have to. Do you have to go we're going to start thinking I was I should write you so I don't like to take it out back in it for you. So look also in your book I think well I have a look at the science and I'm thinking oh there's going to be technical things in here and I've looked at the angle of a knife for instance. Uses a wonderfully sharp and sleek kitchen knife without a chopping board yes the. Board is the less glamorous but equally important part of this because yes you want to hear that there is he knew you did so it basically do you dissect a lot of things within this book tell me yes that's the idea the idea is to just look at what's going on in the kitchen I mean it's called sorts of food but it's more about it's not just about you know sort of the chemistry of food which is a lot of food is about chemistry but it's also about how we where do we get off food from how do we prepare our food what's happening in the future what's happened in the past yeah how do we get to these points you know like how does a wisk work oh there's a whole now that's right on the way so we go adding air it's one of the ones that I've sort of put my fall I don't want done I love it the 16th century the 17th century the 18th century the 19th century and we go from stick to my old man's way sc you know with the handle of the little of the cogs in it you have the not much good those on the you know rubbish Oh look I mean you wouldn't find one in a chef's kitchen would you yeah I dug into this and this is what I did when I was writing this you know it's all about every day stuff every day sonce and in the science of food so part of it I just wanted to be about stuff that was in your kitchen so I just went into my kitchen and wandered around and thought well how does that work how does that work what does that work and went away and did some work and did some research and dug into things in the the whisk was surprisingly. Fertile ground story say because the history is quite fun but the earliest recipes are are sort of bonkers because they're right you know they're sort of Elizabeth and the earliest recipe suggest you just use a noble e. Stick which is going to really just about I don't know the other way they suggested Elizabeth the ladies did we do it to hang out you know they would you would you would take us as piece of natural sponge Yeah and you would just sort of squish that into your egg and then sort of soak up the egg whites into the sponge and then squeeze them out and then just do that repeatedly seriously would error rate and sort of. Gross a. Repeatedly ringing out a speck of white Yes she said I find it quite offensive you know in these shepherds they they to separate the egg they pass it through their fingers and they just don't want to cover do that I mean to do the egg shell with the egg shell you know what I did make a wonderful machine one year which is goes on so there's a lot of the other parts of the book is all to do with food processing and how we process off food because I spent a lot of time working on that various television programs and. I made this wonderful machine that was using it was. A popular brand of kitchen put do it yourself kitchens and then write about it I think flatpack by their own lovely I mean you have 2 pictures instead of words. It was like one of those kitchen cabinets and I had like you know the drawer you know John the drawer part yeah imagine you pull the drawer and there was like inside the draw it was like he was 60 something eggs. Because this is how they process them it was like the industrial process that you have all these eggs in here and then when you shut the door you know all the bottoms of the eggs are automatically chopped off and then all the egg . Contents the eggs fell out and then the rule to Matic Lee yoked here and then all the egg whites when we get the other way so you can sort of you could separate sort of 60 something eggs in one island March 2nd in one to show it was great it sounded great to me the most amazing. What do you do you love food more than you love the kind of the chemistry you know because well new area for you or no it's I've always been into food I've always liked food and that's why you're on a diet here. Yes You know we struggle with that as well no food has always been something I've been very very close to my heart I started cooking sort of you know very very young when my mom she used to cook and I used to sit in the kitchen and when I wasn't doing the cooking I would sit and watch Yeah and and learn so I've always been into food always. Like cooking. So it's a sort of a natural combination of you know and do you do you experiment with recipes because I can't multi I have to follow if you want to eat it I have to follow a recipe. Recipe as written Yeah a recipe as written rule I can't do it any other way out but you can. Sometimes you stick to a recipe just because you're thinking. Just stick to the recipe or don't go off piste here. And then it goes wrong at least I can just blame the recipe I really want to talk more about you but this is Monte chips jumps in here the science of food and getting to excited we're here with Johnny Bristol now listening to the b.b.c. Across England and. The science of food will find out about meat in the meat to come money engineer. We're still feeling that it's. If I pass say on the b.b.c. Listening to Georgie tonight across England in the Channel Islands and I'm very pleased to say that Marty Jackson is here hello hello again we're talking about the science of food your new book and I mentioned about that 5 2nd rule in our house it's 15 I don't care what do you know let's say I'd say I can't bear waste Marty that isn't interesting are you going to tell me how bad the. Thing. So obviously if you drop something on the floor yes it will pick up any bacteria that lands on instantly right so whether you leave it 3 seconds 5 seconds half an hour makes no difference in that respect so then the question is is your flaw clean enough to lick because that's essentially what you're doing if you drop something on the floor then pick it up and put it straight in your mouth. And well most people draw the line maybe licking their floor but that's sort of what you're doing then you might be very very good point well you know food wastage is very terrible into the moment and washing away soon so what do you do so what do you do you try to drop things on the floor right number one because you know it's a stupid thing so yes you know you can walk sheet wash it put it under the tap even wash it don't blow it that's going to do and think oh you do you know you just sort of yeah I'm going to do. Here and it was you know I do you think to it then yes is it in to that I mean you might blow off the big kind of it's a dog have a more you know we have a dog actually maybe a blow is. A wash might be better Ok Just a quick rinse flavor should begin to cookie I mean if you cook it then that's what it's going to cook is that I mean you know I mean yes you will. Although the thing is I mean you don't need many I mean if you got we're talking nasty germs you know we sort of the some of the nasty eco lawyer food poisoning bacteria which will hospitalize you right here on Marquis even if you're relatively well and if you're tall you know under the weather or maybe you're pregnant or your you're elderly or something like that then you're in trouble right then you don't need many of those to be ill really so that you have to then look at it as a you know what is what is it worth the risk if the surfaces drawee I'm striking the desk in front of me I because it's drugs dry it's drawn then it's probably got relatively few bacteria on it but this desk has got one has had my hands on it which means I probably smeared kind of you know kind of grease from my hands you know bacteria rise and you know you look likely I look clear you live a pristine Thank you. But you know so it's about risk it's about you know what do you want to do you want to take that risk and if it is if it's a piece of dry bread or something can you drop it on the. It's a dry floor and. You know maybe before I. Come back to me I do not do not do there's a disclaimer here yeah I do know you lick your floor. And I mentioned about meat and you've looked into the science of me and actually we're going to end up by growing our own me probably meat so. You know we have a very large population on this planet and it is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and by you know it's going to peak 9000000000 before you know 2050 God which is a very very large number of mouths to feed and there is going we are going to have a problem with the protein how much where do we get all the protein from. The sort of the role carbs you know the little little easier to sort of get to but protein is more of an issue so we have to start thinking how we how are we going to get all this protein that we're going to feed people and we have to start looking at alternative protein sources and one of the things that people are now doing is they are culturing animal cells so they take literally gone to a cow and they've taken a biopsy they've taken a sort of a little Yeah a syringe full Yeah and the cow thing sort of one sort of presumably says Move wanders off slightly doesn't mind taken aback take that to the lab and they think Coach those growing that muscle those muscle cells up. The process is quite complicated to go into in the book but the detail is interesting Yeah but the end result certainly so far has been in this this time some a few years ago now I mean the probably the most famous one was the guys from the Netherlands and they made a burger out of this stuff Yes and pretty much the only complaint they had when they cooked it and had volunteers eat it was it was a bit dry and the reason being it dries because there's no fat in it at all because they only cultured meat so it's pure meat you know mention a beef burger made of 100 percent pure beef with no fat cells in it at all so it's actually a little bit dry Yeah so now they're they're getting they're coping with that problem and that's a viable that may be viable because after all you know there are things we grow. In vats already that we eat is a popular do you eat meat I. Mostly vegetarian. So this appeal to you for future then to have not really because it is this is one of those things you look at the meat substitute Yeah you know the very popular in supermarkets and stuff and they're great and actually you know if you talk to people who are who've been vegetarian for a very long time the idea of eating and something that looks like meat taste like meat has the mouth feel so that's the texture of your mouth of me I mean that's completely disgusting as far as I concerned so Vegetarians don't want to eat something that's engineered to be exactly like. They just don't want to eat meat yeah. So. Maybe a bit I mean I've you know there's a you know I buy sort of we have the sort of textured vegetable protein sausages you know they're a bit different Yeah actually they're very good yeah and the 1st thing you can do everything you do with a regular banger with those and they're also a lot less fatty but you know you know there's plenty of other sources of protein we can go so you know those into my face insect use me and to my face no I don't like saying you know what I couldn't do I don't think you could do you already do no way yeah but even so the 2nd rule of law I thought. Oh yes your ground but my flaws. Well if you can stay with me and do you did ask your last year everything to back to your car weight don't give any hints away already so Marty just in his book The Science of food an exploration of what we eat and how we cook I love this you know get me that you know that you know my my eldest a travel update from Adam thanks. To the 60 anticlockwise carriageway has 2 lanes blocked. Collision between junction 9 a traffic park and junction h 4 Carrington inside 2 lanes of 3 blocks through their. $42.00 northbound lane is closed after a 3 vehicle collision is also being a fire after that collision and it's between junction 9 pm 6 toll Cudworth and junction temper Tamworth a 5 inside lane is shot along and in Somerset the m 5 southbound carriageway. Blocking the inside lane between Bridgewater north of junction 23 and Bridgewater south and a 38 junction 24 spot on the other problems due to. 301230184 that's the latest on out of more things out in a moment we'll be doing the 1st last and everything choices for March he jumps in my guest tonight but this is coming about swapping clothes This is from Ben and Rob in Sheffield on Facebook they say talking about sharing clothes I say try being gay and you come downstairs all the time in the same colored trousers as your other half you know what you don't have to be gay to do that because often the gays are and I will do a stride and some cream chinos for goodness sake they say nightmare. The amount of times I've had to check I'm no don't go changing love the show love your message thank you so much on the Facebook page just that the b.b.c. . There and Iranians and come find the Moonlight Sonata the b.b.c. It's 20 to 9 and this is coming from Andy on Facebook regarding me in the Keys and I'm just wondering what you swap and he says my wifey is always making my socks it's outrageous. And it's sad that this is very exciting because I've tied into the desk since going to know what about. Those cops. Because they're not doing this really oversized. They're very very big but my daughter's just getting the same size as my wife now so. So starting to kick in. I had stepdaughters Luckily they didn't like any of the clothes I had. She's on the other had all different stories now then you'll have your 1st year last year everything we've spoken about you wonderful book The Science of things here it's available now but your 1st your last and your everything tell me about the 1st tune you ever bought Marcy so I was having to think about this and it was one of 20 it was the Smurf song. Can I just say your sporting a rather nice thank you Nicole Smith. Who was it was Papa Smurf Papa Smurf is the pop big grown up so that was kind of the guy that sang the song. No he was someone else. They do I want to pull through a star you mess is Georgie So yeah it was I was my song or it was. Brotherhood of Man brotherhood if you will your cases for me you were kidding me no that's not the one I thought you a lot of the new. York you ever been terrible No it's no losers and we won with a really big. You picked him up and we these days we religiously watch your vision and then I have it on my on my playlist. The hits and I love it you. Know. And we watch it religiously at least for a policy I say now the last Cheney aborted you download it to do 6 remiss was something I try to think again what way am I came across this this. Eva she's a Norwegian and I think I'm probably something like. B.b.c. Radio 6 o 6 which they were 6 Yeah this into a lot. Down the workshop and when I'm travelling I have lots and you get lots of new and exciting stuff oh Ok so this is Miss you more so a little bit of that. Consistency The last June the. Download it yes yes yes the modern way when it was just really get unlimited Like I said very nice voice Yeah oh I know I'm in it. For the Jimmy pieces in no but say. Yeah well we all coming from us from Smurf land where we belong. Thank you guys like that you put us all out of our misery. You're listening to the 1st last and everything to show his Amati Jepson and we're down to the everything she tell me about you everything she's so I have chosen. The Eagles right and oh gosh what's it called again it's something the monster one 0 Beloved my beloved monster you know my beloved monster. Why much of this is already chosen which is what this is this has been around for a while this is a song my wife a whole album in fact that my wife and I used to listen to a lot so it's quite personal in the back to me it was just we I think we were both places where we were we sort of felt. Where we were we were sort of look outside looking in yeah you know for various reasons I was just leaving science and going into a commute science communication Yeah and that was a big it was quite a big chance a big step when you change your entire life ambition to go. From a different direction so yeah so that's why it was it was just something that reminds me of early period already and a good decision that you made course yes absolutely yes well thank you so much for being my place I thank you and for coming in talking about the science of food what you're doing and I will I can't wait to get my nobley stick out and show you my egg what you were a very well. You know. Your everything seem artichokes in the Eels by my beloved a monster. And if. My beloved monster from the yields that is the everything she. Little bit they get they had that before that Brian is the last tune that he downloaded and her version of Miss you more and the 1st you never bought surprise surprise brotherhood of man and say For me it was either a slice of that. I don't know if. It's more welcome anyway if you would like to take part in my 1st my last my everything then please do get in contact with me you can email me Georgie at b.b.c. Doc u.k. Tell me a bit about the Chines that you've chosen the 1st one your votes the most recent one that you've bought downloaded and then of course the chief that means absolutely everything to you because I do love a little chat a little gossip a little scandal so just email Georgie at b.b.c. You. a trick there honestly you're listening to Judy's in the b.b.c. Across England in the journal honors and we're talking about food glorious food is swapping clothes as well but this is from Stephen he says why ask your guest why people look at me strange when I mention chocolate pizza he says I think tomato and chocolate complement each other well Steve Steve now might I say that that's a little trick for chili so with the chili con carne me and the tomato in there put a bit of chocolate in I think it's just ignore them Steve ignore them I think chocolate pizza in Jews break. Jobs are good and this remember in languages she says when I was lecturing in business studies I took the students for a day at a well known crisp factory to learn about the business of processing food. Now the manager gave them a last 2nd potatoes some very round and some oblong he told them to sort them as the round ones with the plain crisp potatoes and the long ones with the cheese and onion crisp potatoes. They studiously began the task until about 10 minutes later one student parked up just on a minute here we're being hand. I think I think they were Maria Many thanks for the email tonight you can email me to Georgie at b.b.c. The code at u. K. And we're also swapping shirts this evening and the clothes that you were you liberate from the other half Ted in a box as high Georgie friend of mine had an unusual use for his wife's old tights bare with he used to collect sheep's droppings dry of course and put them in the tights he would then take them up to the allotment to load them into the water but double whammy as when he was these plants he fed them at the same time fantastic crops although sometimes his tomatoes looked a bit leggy to it well that's a mouthful and a half Ted thank you for that keeping coming via email Georgie at b.b.c. U.k. Via the text like Ted's done tonight 81 triple 3 Start message with the word Georgie and when you call me this evening 034531858 now in the next hour we've got the 1st play of this week's b.b.c. Introducing Artist Of The Week cannot wait it's a lady called ever Hazel and one also find out about the the beauty studio in the garden it's quite something we've talked about the shed of the year happens to be the mushroom house in cheating fells but this is a whole different ball you could say on a whole different plane really you'll find out why after 9 o'clock. Groups. Come. To a. Group Michael Jackson the way you made me fail coming out. Of the week I'm already messages. It's. True. B.b.c. News at $99.00 my pal the Irish airline Ryanair says it's getting ready to pay on millions of pounds in compensation after announcing plans to cancel thousands of flights it admitted that up to $50.00 fried today won't take off because errors in planning pilots holidays was clearly a mess there's growing anger from passengers some who are stranded overseas the editor of wanderlust travel magazine Phoebe Smith says the situation's been handled badly by the boss Michael O'Leary you can't help but wonder with no we didn't take on quite a lot of Ryanair pilots with Ryanair that he's admitted they'd offered packages out to pilots to try and get to the airline is definitely something going on at 1st he was coming out with all kinds of random excuses like because of weather or because of a traffic control that's just insanely excuses bandied around and the way they've treated the passengers I do wonder how to recover from France and Britain have urged the Burmese civilian leader unsung sushi to do more to tackle the violence against Myanmar. Population Britain's foreign secretary Boris Johnson who's due to chair a meeting at the un on the issue said the killings had to stop I've spoken to several times since this whole disaster began and it is barbaric what is happening and we've also got to focus on the military and what they are doing we want the killing to stop we want humanitarian aid to go in and we want it absolutely clear that the rest can come back if they can't come back you really have to draw your own conclusions about the motives of those who are responsible for it Donald Trump and the Chinese leaders paying have spoken by phone and agreed to maximise pressure on North Korea over its nuclear program the White House said both men agreed that this could be achieved by name for some months of un resolutions a cyclist who knocked over and killed a mum of 2 has been sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders institution. Teenager Charlie Alston was travelling on a legal racing bike with know from brakes when he crashed into Cambridge's Last year Mrs Briggs Matthew was campaigning for a change in the law to ensure the dangerous cyclists can be prosecuted more easily he spoke out side court after sentencing today this case is clearly and evidently demonstrated that there was a gap in the when it comes to dealing with death or serious injury by dangerous cycling to have to rely on either manslaughter at one end or Victorian even mention . The other and tells us that there is a gap the fact that was happened to Kim is rare is not a reason for that to be no remedy industrial action by beam workers in Birmingham could continue until Christmas the Unite union says 92 percent of its members have voted in favor of the strikes twice rather patchy rain in the north sliding southwards most other parts drawing. Out of 10 in Cardiff in London 8 in Hull and Manchester b.b.c. News. Story. Oh my word we did it again with what he said quickly double quick time what's happening is that my age or is it just we're having too much but. I think that's what it is anyway in the last hour of the show I've got more small spaces in the Gulf than a high flying beauty studio yeah I kid you know the 1st track from this week's b.b.c. Of the Week Ever Hazel. And we're going to put to the. Brand new champion joins me to look at. The way. All the shades and food and clothes. She. Put the. Disgraced. And you got it it's coming up to temp OS 9 here on the b.b.c. Now Julie in calling it she says I wear my husband's t. Shirt as a nightie you know what Julie standard procedure and he will risk. Woman would definitely. Does he know Kelly Yeah this is from Craig Ingram spaces a couple of weeks ago my 17 year old daughter decided to wash dry and fold all the laundry after. That's all I can say Cripes that she's after something so step divas used to do they started being really useful around Christmas yeah birthdays that's when the mood changed. He says being out of a comfort zone she piled all the stuff together and chucked them in our room getting ready for work I needed a clean pair of pants but couldn't find any time is ticking on and so I rated the Mrs drools literally he said I had to wear a very comfy pair of her knickers for the entire day. Oh oh she wasn't best pleased when I came in through the trousers encouraged around and knickers in front of a. Thank you lucky stars they were Bridget Jones's and not a g. Yeah yeah that would be yeah fit with a touch. Yes What do you swap class. Or liberate you liberating the other half. The cry and the rocky baby you. Just. Forget about the shed at the bottom of the gun. We've talked about the mushroom house being nominated and winning shot of the year 2017 years in shooting fold it belongs to Ben and his daughter Chelsea it's beautiful well how about this my next guest has an airplane in her garden Amber Scott is setting up shop in an upgraded play now the luxury liner has been grounded in her parents' garden since they bought it almost 10 years ago with a dream of turning into a b. And b. But Amber has managed to turn it into what you. Would What is the plane Amber what have you turned it into and it's never a make up shit deal it's a makeup studio. Sound it sounds plush well sort of plain is it. Unfair for Forte So how does that. Yeah there were in fact the 100 invested she did great you Paris God must be massive Yeah I think I feel oh right Ok and what kind of state is it in. Only as it was sorry and when you go and say it's completely transformed other than the court. Oh wow so what do you cool you'll you'll be the studio. Called when we should do is make up going. To sleep with ideas like that of course if for runways and the fashion runway good I've got it so what do you do is it is it is it kills my 6 or is it is makeup artistry makeup artist and they're also going to have to reach a surgeon and at the end Neil's Herrick so it's going to be like a place that you come to get baby. Or even a way thin or whatever Oh fantastic I love I love the sort of how how difficult was it to convinces. And everything like you. Said about sex once in a while if tonsure and back and forth to rational sons because their main thing they join their rear work unless there's some reason so I was good so can you describe it as you will if you will help stead into the I can just imagine it must it must feel like you're actually going on holiday with me when you go he does not come to La But describe what I would see when I enter you'll see you do you have a so you walk in and in front of you go like heavy piece a scene that's our coffee machine I care and then you turn to the day and this got to and as you know it's a clean safe and 1 they have this just in on them this just you know hole so do not fear based media. On your life on your life and say give me thought stations and on that I can say to sail and the panic. Stations I'm tell you and yes sorry buddy. Hugo and I always just anything like when you walk into the last time say that's where this oil as but the toilets like and say to call. It was tough yeah. Yeah definitely and who's come through the dual have you have you it's a business Yeah yeah so I think it's you high regular clients and people just coming by to have a look and just less you know in the news and online and in the search so I think being a little anxious and the other the downsides of being in a plane. Well not like I thought surely he had just flying. In there that other day and he was you know 4 we were anxious. That because he rode on an airplane. Yes he had us fly and I don't know if that makes me feel I've even anything I thought you know you're not going anywhere so you know you ground if you will and truly grounded. How much of a battle did your parents put up because that was meant to be their luxury b. And b. Well if they join. Me feel less experienced and Shanks's. And they could always get makeup done and nails done currency for being grown. Up and a long interview here guess it is so she can check and they say oh oh fun to check and I like you check a really well are the best of luck with it I love the sound of it thank you very much I know it's really good you know it's fairy cookies. Thank you. I love that this is Duffy. Use a little place at the end of the. It's 20 past 9 a now look heads up tomorrow I've got a lovely or a Aduba on the show yes you are Henri he won Strictly last year and if you saw the launch of it to Will it be 2 weeks ago because the new series starts right he actually don't see the John if we see it's his partner who's now left the show but is going to be chatting with me tomorrow on the show I'm looking forward to that also tonight we have swapping shirts I've walked out mistakenly in the gazes linen shirt which he was discarding so I liberated it according to Rick I don't make it he says you liberate it's our liberation it from the charity bag sorry about that there were a lot of other things that went oh I don't feel too guilty. And I like this shirt it's kind of big and it's kind of baggy and it's not one that you should be seen out in public in 7. I want out the house I don't know matures that had 2 bars today off cook dinner for him and me Haley has separately maybe tomorrow I mind tonight but I stank of onions garlic and bacon and I had to get in the bath before the chippy game. So yeah anyway I put this shirt on just slapped around for a couple of hours before I came out to play and of course I've got to change it but your big I have a 2nd old Facebook page Thomas says looks good George thank you very much Danny says Look Smart thank you very much Lou She says We too we used to look good Georgie Well that's very kind of you and I even a kiss is on the bottom and Elaine says your own radio so you could be starkers for all we know. Now that would need a good guy and Elaine is all I can say to you yeah you like to bunk me under the Colby press other trials oppresses are available Phil says suits you and thanks for the wireless about 2 years ago pleasure. It was me they gave it to eat and he says My were are yes I've already read that I was making my socks so bless you for that and smiley face and he says have just my size Lol I'm not giving it to you Keith it's mine all mine and the living says Nice give it to me please what what you love the shirt off my back not if I can but he misses just coming on Facebook just look for me bbc Georgie tonight also that's on Twitter as well you can also text me with the messages sorting wardrobes and the bizarre food combinations chocolate pizza nothing wrong with that you know because Chilean chocolate goes mighty finally together is on the day that we learn that to Martic chop is not as popular as many. He's been knocked off the top spot so yes please do text one trouble 3 star illnesses Georgie when he thought Phone 34531858. Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road it says she is gone 25 past 9 Still to come tonight I'm going to meet the getting champion he's been at the agreement crab fair and he's returned victorious. Don't you look at me like that don't you look at me like that so that's before Ted and the saving your mess just keep them coming I won't trouble 3 star you Mrs Georgie it's always good to hear from you and coming after nearly 30 the 1st play from my b.b.c. Introducing artist of the Week this week is a young lady called ever Hazel and will hear the 1st year from her. We'll get to. Some looking forward to that but I'm still. Stuck in the middle with the. With this Walen stuck in the middle with you. But I found a place quite honestly you're listening to Jewel Spanswick that's where it our all you can actually miss is B.B.C.'s. Right across England in the channel and still to come my b.b.c. Introducing a list of the 1st play from the lovely and the hazel. Good luck day from them. Is the a $59.00 is still blocked both why early a collision involving a lorry and another vehicle there's also been a speech of diesel that will affect. Travel between Bolton bridge the sea to be a $59.00 shot between kicks. To. The 20. 6 in the morning. Along to junction 5. 26. 29. 1234. More. If you have swapped. With him or her. With. My house family now an Ocean Drive and after this ever Hazel She's my baby see introducing since to all the way from coming up next. This isn't Sunderland's she said on Facebook Fan show she says You make me smile as I sit doing tax returns after a hard day at work oh. I feel your pain but you know once it's done it's done and you'll feel so much better where you well done well on girl keep on going we've got some great chains to come as well you with Nixon take that to name a couple's company and you'll soon get it done you can't disappoint nature Massey because they'll come for you you know. Thanks for that on the Facebook just look for b.b.c. To tonight now we'll be talking about swapping clothes and that you've been sending me some messages liberating something from him or her indoors Gordon's on the line from Darwish even gotten greater joy oh right I did stuff swapping clothes tell you about your story you know anything about it or did about it or you know tell me Oh of course you know what it was well she wrote about it by about I'd. Say probably gosh if you were a parable about it. So well that was good to see. You got to what I had a supervisor about to get you got reprimanded called. Probably don't. Want to do it. When I would have to take our call it ever to. Discuss the total for all or several go about this great district there with your bro. Showing a barrier. You could over the trouble of it out. With a boxer shorts on when they just regular one. Fronted underpants so if you're going to nicely him out of style golden him out of style. You've got to try to go to. Bless Well thank you for that Ok Goodman Yeah well used to lend his wife his pants while she had to bar them she had nothing on the medical ole my word unbelievable please do call me 034531858 good many thanks about the Save me. Now listen it is Monday start of a new way you can you know we do we feature a brand new music star and this week my b.b.c. Introducing artist of the week is called ever Hazel and the hazel is from bullshit she's done a fantastic little video for us on Facebook and Twitter so he gets know a little bit better just go to b.b.c. Georgie tonight you'll find Facebook and Twitter now you'll hear more music from her this week and we'll get to chat to her on Thursday but to kick it off with this brand new week of my brand new b.b.c. Introducing artist of the week this is ever Hazel and a surgeon's hand. I live. Denise the thing. Can stand to. Lose. Everything. Plan. Has been sideways down. To Ever Hazel my b.b.c. Introducing artist of the week we will hear more tracks from her as the week goes on and we get to have a chat with her live on Thursday night she's from box here and we'll meet her and you can see it on the Facebook page and on Twitter as well just look for b.b.c. Georgie tonight now more of your messages please on swapping garments of clothing I like Rick's take on this because I said I need to out of the discarded bag it was going to go to charity and I just sort of on quite liked the look of that navy blue linen shirt lovely little bit oversized it'll do for when I'm around the house trouble is I've come out the house in it. Big. Picture on Facebook of me and you've been very kind which I thank you. But tell me about the close what we just heard from Gordon and his what it was desperate for underwear and up by wearing a pair of his wife runs to work forgetting that she had a medical with the company doctor you know what he wouldn't he wouldn't a told anybody that she was just mortified this is as long as they claim it doesn't matter to keep the messages coming we still got some time before close the place and I want triple 3 Start your message with the word Georgie when you called and I own 34531858 you can also put a posting on our Facebook page look for b.b.c. Georgie's and I email is Georgy at b.b.c. Code all you care now. Would you mind know please put the tongue away yet go on still grimacing at me like yeah and you can put your teeth back in as well I know what you're up to yeah the agrement crap their income Brits got you in the mood isn't it well this is been happening for centuries this show and this year's celebration 700 fish he is the highlight you know this is where you come in the world gurning championships the order of the day is pulling an ugly face the uglier the better and you know what Adrian Ziva long is the champion Good evening your do you know where you are I'm very well thank you may I just say what a beauty what a look you are Adrian. Good job no one looks at all. Honestly you have pulled some very interesting gurning faces but won't get you into getting in the 1st place. The inspiration was obviously my father before the days of internet on the t.v. Right now 50 times having to take your dentures out and read from the paper this is Chris's Italian We would he would never see bits because we couldn't get on the word of it so we would be streaming with prunes and he will have to use a function as you know if I can make people small lug He made us smile this is Moscow Well how much training is involved in order to get the best getting face to to become a champion Adrian while usually there's a unique special ability for every journey some folks assume it's the ability to take that youth out for some it's like to have a. Muscle missing so they can push the top lip out really for for me it's being able to get more bottom set piece has a more top set that's more your special ability C. I love it and I've seen you can actually consume your nose you can get the end of your nose inside your bottom lip It's very unattractive you know changing the environment kicking it with you having . To spend your time in front of the mirror I've done I'll do you probably weren't loyalist but journey for me is as natural as going to boil a knife or should I say riding part. Of the crowd always discuss kill signal to move about you know take you take do you actually remove your teeth have you got a plate does it have a play but only with 4 and a bit of Brotherly Love encourage that yeah don't take them out completely or just flip them over and use them as lot but some bottom part is all the beaches on my business say a basically you know for for beginner like me what would be a good sort of governing starting point. A good starting point would be to now it's whether you like to look the surprised look where you're raising Roy Brown Yeah you know a lot you don't know where your source for yeah with with a bit across all it not yet you know it's like Dorset Oh yeah and you can easily inflate your cheeks and look. Now even it is always week long oh. How the track to me is that yes but I dream even absolute joy to see the many bangs Adrian's of David and the Rebel Rebel. Against toppling that face you know when talking about food combinations and we've got pizza and chocolate it's nothing wrong with that they're all doing it Jews Brianna Yeah that's where the message came from tonight but my colleague here at the b.b.c. And has sent me the wheel of cheese and it's every cheese you can imagine and the wines that they go with oh all how long we've got Shannon I'm rather partial to a little schooner of that I can eat Kemah bear with that goat cheese and dullest I've never even heard of that. There's all the things in here I love it the wheel of cheese obvious sharing with that with you at a later date I'm sure the residues coming we've been sorting shirts all night tonight yes sneaking into the other half's wardrobe. This is Norman scum fault on the face book he says I hope you're well he says You sound as wonderful as always he says I'm doing a word search with the radio on in the background what that's great you see multi Skilling that's what that is Norman thank you for that sale do you see evening in Ghana estradiol this is a guy from new cape purposefully gone aground a crown top beach for the night loving a program of music in the Cornish. Cold will I've been to Cold War you know. And this little tweet from Nicholas has just found you on the radio great Chines well saying that bit about a Rebel Rebel you going to love this. Year it makes him the one in my song thank you so much for the messages. Thank. Now. Regarding the shirt that I have. Sorry liberated from the Giza John says he needs a new shirt. Like me. And then a big smiley face on Facebook and Maria's Doesn't she look great while your very. Martin says Does this make you a cross dresser it probably makes him across. It. But I was fairly happy about it thanks for all your messages to not do it again tomorrow. Good one the blameless one I will be back here from 7 your late shows next These I'll take that . View.

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