Culture as they call it up to go he should obviously withdraw and apologize for that and I really wonder what it takes for the Tory party to withdraw support from a candidate who hold views like that b.b.c. Radio Norfolk has contacted the Conservative Association in Broughton for comment understatements to come out himself despite being told they would be sending us a statement that they are yet to come why do you need a wayward statement anyway before you were on the 5th floor I would dial that you made and would you not say well I apologize I stand by that apologies apology it's as important yet so hot that apology is so genuine that c.c.h. Who are going to give you a statement will start with some breaking news and in the last half hour Nick Conrad the new Conservative candidate for the borderland constituency has to down for Mr Conrad his very short entry into politics has come to pressure against from the Liberal Democrats some the Green Party have formed an electoral pact agreeing not to stand against each other in dozens of seats around the country in Norfolk It means there will be no green candidate in North Norfolk which was previously held by the Liberal Democrats Norman Lamb Well I think this is a really positive and nice bit of parties working together in the national interest the BRICs it Party leader Nigel Farage has announced his party one stand in any of the seats won by the conservatives at the last general election things have got hold of the Tories not the probably bit easier for the Tories in the original tonight's kitchens and mph the can down the road and not running this year said on picture you know the one thing that you can always rely on with Boris is he will let you down in the end of the by the people of this country do feel let down by all politicians is of the 3 and of years they failed to deliver Britain on that was an issue which generally mention All right we're a very it's he thought it should be stopped I think it's a great thing we need to get on with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell says they'll be major investment in ports such as Great Yarmouth. I don't come so frozen in the past because there hasn't been state investment when I want to happen and that's exactly what will be doing in these regions will actually make sure the state investment is there the candidates hoping to become the next m.p. The Norwegian or the been debating each of them live on b.b.c. Radio in Norfolk in the past hour that is from Dr happen often on which hospital I don't think she's lying this need to get in this need to get has not I'd be delighted to meet that doctor will I suspect she may be a Labor activist as Karen has been able to rustle her out at some Twitter well but it's applied to me I'll tell you no it's that basic layout an item on the lectures realm like telecom gave out I'm not going to vote at all because none of the party are going to do what we watched everything just needs to change. Everything just needs to change the verdict of a member of the public we spoke to in Great Yarmouth during the election campaign I'm joined live in the studio here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk by Professor Lee Marston the head of the School of Politics at the u.e.i. And lay it looks as if everything might change does look that way yeah yeah I mean a very disappointed looks as though we're heading for a very decisive victory for the conservatives. And yes I mean it seems all set to go for breaks it I mean the reality of what's going to take a lot longer than far has been letting on but I mean clearly significant changes also in the labor heartland I mean there's quite dramatic seeing some of these seats which look as though apparently going to go to the conservatives who are at least run very very close indeed I think that signifies a major shake up really in politics I saw some comment from on social media out of here pointing out that it looks as if this might be an election where people in working class northern areas like the conservatives and people in affluent middle class southern and many London areas vote for Labor Yeah I mean that is a tendency which has been affecting the labor. Party for some time drunk Curtis who regularly appears on the b.b.c. . Says that the Labor Party is no longer the party the working class is the party of young people and I think that's beginning to be borne out really you've always had blue collar Tories. But now I think that's being given permission if you like to be able to to come out and to vote Conservative in ways that they would have done before and it does help that process so what might that reflect on the situation here in Norfolk then there's the the one seat that was really a big labor conservative battleground in this election or its north we were hearing from our political reporter Robbie West just before Jenny's program finished at 1 o'clock that some labor activists there at the count he's out of the Norfolk showground a perhaps feeling less optimistic than they had done earlier in the evening Yeah I think so I mean those 2. Seats really in Norfolk that you would sort of want to consider North Norfolk and Norwich North. At this stage of the ring you probably have to say that they're both likely to go conservative although I appreciate that North Norfolk is particularly. Closely poised at the moment Norwich North I mean those conversations earlier on are listening to colleagues talking about that terms of North-South why the voters dropped their very little campaigning going on in our south all of the activists were campaigning in Norwich North for the Labor Party and whether they'll be hoping that they don't end up with a Portillo moment then where all his campaigners for his seat was safe and didn't bother campaign Enfield Southgate 97 and he probably lost the seat. In that So that is a danger and Clive is obviously been out and about I think sort of not just within his going constituency so for north south it is a quite a big majority then. I don't think the Greens properly contested the seat so take some swing I think for the conservatives to actually take to take one production off moods a different proposition altogether really and I'd expect Smith to hang on there Rudy maybe even increase a majority Well you mentioned North Norfolk which is one of the real drama seats of the campaign and during the campaign the B.B.C.'s Becky Milligan went to find out what people in North Norfolk make of it all it's a pretty miserable morning in school question windy and getting colder the weekly market is a sulky affair and this is being liberal Democrat land for years even though people here voted by nearly 60 percent to leave the e.u. I get the feeling that people here are a little shocked that so Norman now has stood down praise for a politician is a rare thing nowadays pinafores the former m.p. Here for Norman Yeah it was a problem and so yeah what makes him so special if I just think you put yourself above. The d.m. Learn Troisi Aaron may be on the bridge carpark I'm not sure the sharp end of the courage a bit want to speak to him if you had an issue we did Roy Don't go I forget. What the National Review would say for my side he's you know absolutely absolutely You always could cause local issues really yeah and around here. People think of people like local issues not so much the national interest topic local issues and I cherish and I care yeah yeah right yes and by using house and moving local house local housing here in the price of the housing. That was the man in the party I mean what are you going to do you think. I haven't made my money direction did you remain. You know if I take you to yes absolutely the yes I mean we can say well you know we were going away the most wonderful thing. Ok go ahead but troll so you might even vote for a party that is a remainer in your behavior Yeah yeah exactly are and that's and then there are great you so you want to say to others. Or stop a couple of women in the market on a ride with them. To defeat it right. But no I'm afraid you're going yes because of that one barrister is related here. So you know how to train my co. And probably. Right it's whether to take tactic play or to get I sound like the type I have I want to stay away from the way if you want to play there so I mean sharing a room and I'm just looking over the wall down at the sea front. And this is a typical North Norfolk seaside resort in the town I meet one woman who didn't want me to use her name it's raining so we talked in the car about how she might vote I used to always vote phenomenon and why's that because no man is an amazing man are you was anybody you could have any political stance and still fight phenomenon because he's just being grateful for his people he really has and it's quite a really worrying time for your normal person to know who to vote for you who do we vote for you know my children from different to me and they tell me here to vote for because a young who today I think she's very labor right are on friends are probably hard to tell my daughter yes I was taken back to university and are still probably won't fight and she told me if she really took me off and she said you've got to because of all the suffragettes in of all you know and being a woman you must fight and I know I must bar who do i Phone for well. Who I don't know who. I haven't got no land like role Oh I I it depends if you want Brooks or not oh yeah yeah yeah for my sins I'm. I suppose really and conservatives on your side with I would focus so that the 3 choices are one last walk along the beach and by chance I bumped into a former Conservative councilor she sums up what might happen here Norman Lamb was very good he's been the m.p. For 18 years and I think towards the end of his time he wasn't as good as he had been the beginning really and traditionally the full Norman Lander Susan was a conservative say I think is completely open to you right yes isn't it yeah yes yeah I really wouldn't like to hazard a guess. So that's a report from North Norfolk by Becky Milligan of the b.b.c. Who visited the constituency during the campaign for more information from our political reporter Robbie west on the ground in March ne tells us that are some labor activists are now telling him in north that they project that they will lose the seat by 3000 votes that's a guess from one of the Labor activists they're not north speaking to our reporter Robbie West the turnout in March north this time around 69.09 percent last time it was 68.7 So we were hearing in Jenny's program before 1 o'clock that summer turnouts in Norfolk were were bit lower than last time but Northnortheast have gone up slightly that was held by the conservatives by $507.00 votes last time but some some glum labor predictions there according to our reporter on the ground Robbie West that they could lose it by 3000 this time I'm joined in the studio by Professor Leigh Marston from the universe to be in knowledge and I guess the if that did happen that would be really symptomatic of what the exit poll is suggesting how Labor's even would go as a whole you know I think so I mean I was thinking. Norah north if it went labor you might have been hung parliament territory anything in terms of increase the majority you're talking a very clear conservative majority really and I think just that increase in turn turnout compared to North South where we had a similar drop in turnout is indicative really of the importance of this is this is a swing seat that both sides were keen to win Well in fact the interesting fact about Norwich North is that in the entire lifetime of b.b.c. Radio often you have someone in the studio with problem which was that very start of these radio back in 1080 very pretty good that we're coming up to the 40th anniversary is very appropriate the year with us well it's great still to be here that I'm not sure this through the entire lifetime of the Norfolk it's always been a bellwether seat it's always gone with either the government of the. Artist party or one of the parties that goes on the form of government service or labor so throughout writing off its history not as always been an indicator yes it has and we were talking about personal support for so Norman Lamb earlier on. In Gibson having won the seat for labor developed a very strong personal support and when for example in nor itself Charles Clarke's majority declined in Gibson's actually increased so there was a personal vote for him as well but of course that all ended in 2009 when he resigned. Over the. Expenses scandal. He felt I think that he was sort of hung out to dry a little bit by his party but anyway he he quit and that's when. Close myth took over in 2009 but yeah it's it's an interesting seat that majority of 507 is very slender I happen to know that. Last time you see what happened in 2017 was the conservative vote increase so in Origin north I happen to know that. Their returns were clearly showing they were getting more votes and that Chloe Smith I believe went to campaign in North Norfolk to see if she could help the conservative cause there not knowing that Labor's votes had increased by even more. And it was very close run thing because basically the votes of the minor parties collapsed in that election and in Nora's north particularly and labor was coming up so fast on the rails and I don't think the conservatives actually realized how much they were garnering I guess the problem is we don't know when the parties don't know what we're not seeing until it turns up you know it's the old On wrong thing the Young No No No Yes Yes Absolutely yeah and . Yeah I guess there's going to be quite a number of these over over the night which will be who should be interesting yeah it's not a foregone conclusion this exit poll but yeah of all the signs are looking very much as though. It's on the money now we talked a bit about the minor party votes collapsing in the last election a problem which the former head of the regional political unit at Millbank in London was just talking about and we do have various minor and in some cases it's a really very minor party candidates running in the actually including a man that we think is possibly Norfolk's 1st ever Monster Raving Loony Party candidate certainly the 1st of a long time his name is actually in which he stars him self as Elvis about well and I think our or someone else who was there at the very start of writing often 180 on her 10th general election with us our west not produce a job and I think as Ashley with her now don't you tell yes Lord it l.l. This outfit with me aka actually into it he I have to tell you this he's either magnificent bright orange suit with a d. On. Decoration on it a whole lot of wonderful badges on it oh and. And his name on the back which is really terrific and a top hat with an orange decoration he is by far the most colorful candidate in this room at the moment moment and you have a most colorful a manifesto as well which I think most people have joy to. Absolutely make sense all 26 of them and we got a few local ones as well for know for itself what he'll once been offered then the ski slope on the highest mountain in North for the storm. To draw in the washing King's Lynn Luther King's. Crown Jewels through 300 years ago. And if to make it a national park the Thomas the Tank Engine. And food to nationalized Dami museum so everyone can go get free of charge and to bring the beach back to a speech all the carbon emission people go to Hunstanton to the coast of the weekend. We speech to preach the water what more do you want to have you enjoy this campaign believe a brilliant 1st time I've done it not send it to the last but. It's about so much response people. And locals and people who don't normally vote vote 1st on so it's just been it's been an experience Yes and you just showed me a letter where someone said they were so cheered by your manifesto that they decided they would vote for you just at the bloke I mean the post some or don't know to said there was a 40 Dawoud of the full 6 years and it just cheer them up. And see that support has been great and the radio and t.v. Interviews. With experience I'm just wondering how wise it take for a virus to count a few votes. Well I'm sure they're doing it very well behind us here but I'm let me just tell people want to chill your policies and airbags to be fitted to the Corn Exchange or the stock exchange sorry beat it leave ready for the next crash. And the one other I rather I was rather taken with your on about. Having returned. Vehicles to be fitted with Bungee ropes in order to save fuel on the return journey I quite like that yes it's the obvious really so it's petrol I mean not the best one released. I have. 3 cheers all put Earth in them and plant daffodils as you see with the potholes of and. Now this is the actual issues from the. Head office this was. It so. The mind loony policies and apart from the known to no one Pico and that's not mention there. Of wanted on peak oil in the pocket which much nonsense everything is not in on pay $1.00 pound 90 No And of course a penny. Just makes total sense it's not a real one but that there have been some into it. Just tell me I understand that if you don't lose your deposit then you get chucked out of the party yes I've been following this so it's a lose those are the words but after last election I think 5 percent is 3 and a half 1000 voters so I think it's very unlikely but. If asked to resign from the party I would join up under number 9 What simple. Is the 1st time you've stood here just tell me why you did it in the 1st place I decided off the last an election not watching it through the noise. Just something I got to do try it once and join the Loony Party and went to a conference and that was that was an experience the conference NASA 10 minutes music went on for 3 days. And it was just so many people there and even more loon you know I am believe it or not there are a lot more people living the noise in this world but now it's just an experience and you've obviously enjoyed it absolutely yeah. Fortunately worn down during and then. The next election. And current rates will be met to your store but police in the summer next door and not in the winter that's been a disappointment has having to campaign in the winter when I had low salt so it's printed and put up. Between mostly as the day people can't see them and it's cold in which people don't. Move votes in summer Well you've cheered up this counter day in your wonderful suit and. Very nice to talk to thank you very much and just very quickly jail house the house the appropriate says looking their house are all going is it speeding along well I can hear there's an announcement going on behind and because I was talking to o.l. This I didn't I hear what I was saying let's find out what that was jealous when I come back a little later I what I can tell you is that they have been very fine they haven't finished I don't think very fine Southwest Norfolk but I think it's getting close to the mark for Northwest because all the counters a back they've been having a bit of. A tea break and they're all back again ready so I think we're close to verification on. Northwest Norfolk but of course the boxes are coming to come such a long way for Southwest takes a lot longer I was talking to somebody earlier and the Southwest Norfolk constituency even. Includes Garbo. Which shows you how far they've got to come to come right in here Kingsley in it's a very very long and difficult Czerny to come all the way from there so I think it will be a long time before Southwest is very fight yes as the case for much of the County of course a long way from books is travel Joe Bennett sporting kings in. Thank you very much indeed we're going to be having our Went round our other reporters all around the county council in just a moment but in the studio with me Professor Lee Marston from the u.e.a. And Bob which former head of the b.b.c. Regional political unit Milbank and Bob has been another Tory game always been to jail yes it's their 2nd of the night in a Labor seat there's been quite a lot of talk in the press and on air about working to and man the constituency in Cumbria has just declared and the conservatives have taken it from Labour's sue him and and the majority is over 4000 so the conservatives share 49.3 percent of the vote and Labor's 39.2 majority 4176 now but that is I know a seat that was heavily targeted by conservatives in a remain a story in a lever voting area. But it's it'll be a real shock to labor to lose fairly convincingly in that seat would you say I think so I mean this is a big shock and they've lost votes really Bracks it party of 6. And Lib Dems up 3 so they're losing both the remain and believe vote yes really which is yet quite a serious problem losing all over the place it seems at the moment we were like come back to the national picture very shortly let's find out what's happening at our Norfolk counts starting at the Norfolk showground were there 3 counts taking place our political reporter Robbie West is keeping an eye on the north count which we thought was going to be a very close one the saving but Robbie you were telling us earlier labor face is starting to look a bit more glum there. Yeah every As every 2nd goes by poll people are looking the king more and more upset and they're all Labor supporters there is some good news so that if the democracy that is in 2017 the turnout was 68 percent this to. Around 69.09 percent so turnout is up here but it's not looking good for labor I've been speaking to some of my like the source's and they expect those by 3000 votes remember this had just a $507.00 majority for the conservatives last time and it was the key target seat the labor they wanted to win in the east of England and tonight it doesn't look like it's going to happen. Ok Robbie thank you very much indeed we're going to be nipping back over to the show Granny just a 2nd to speak to Paul Moseley he's keepin on the broad and Cal for us but Rob is analysis there on the basis of what we've seen you degree without looking unlikely Labor's going to take them out yeah I can't see that happening really of I imagine you'd agree as well yes I think I was saying at the start of the night that. Voters loyalty to parties is nothing like it used to be and this is been happening progressively over the years you know back in the seventy's. It was only maybe 15 percent of the electorate who would change their allegiance between general elections and in the last election and I'm pretty sure it will emerge in this election people are switching directly between the 2 main parties red blue blue red and it's. Almost everything is up for grabs because the electorate is so volatile I also think I suppose I can say this is our no longer a member of b.b.c. Staff. I think a lot of people were going into the polling booth whichever they way they were voting and holding their noses. Not particularly proud of what they were doing or particularly supportive of the party but thought this was what they kind of had to do because. I don't know. That many voters thought they had a perfect choice. Well speaking of switching between people we're going to switch between reporters of the Norfolk showground now broadly is a constituency which has been conservative quite a long time is expected to remain there in this election after they eventually found a candidate for Mosley's keep an eye on that one for us. And get it good good morning in fact all the yes Welcome back to the Norfolk Show ground and yes I have been speaking to a number of the candidates here as you say the Conservative candidate is Jerome Mayhew he replaced Nick Conrad the form of the b.b.c. Radio Norfolk presenter who was initially selected but then was stood down after controversy about comments he made about rape a few years ago obviously missed it making looking very happy tonight it's almost certain that he will get this seat here in Britain and it's being conservative since it was 1st created back in 2010 turnout usually is pretty high is well above average last time around in 201772 percent of the electorate turned out now I've also spoken to been Goodwin from the Lib Dems he was. Obviously with the results not going so well for the the predictions for the Lib Dems not looking too good Ditto for labor as well just on our she's the candidate for labor here sheeting seemed very disappointed a lot of gloomy labor faces here with the national picture at this stage counting has yet to begin but hope will get in the way soon and we can update you there Paul thank you very much indeed now of course we have 9 seats here in Norfolk none of which have declared yet but last time around the 1st seat to the Clare was at 1 47 in the morning so it's only 17 minutes away from where we are now and it was South Moore folk who got the gold medal match occasion where they've started counting that and whether they're in a pole position again this year well we'll find out because our reporter on a pair o. Is also at the showground and Anna Your keep going on south of course you feeling confident of getting the gold medal for 1st result for us. Or will I do hope so because I tell you what Mr Hayes My my your warning has started. It started really a bit too early Actually I often say so I'm north Norfolk showground for south Norfolk this evening it's a conservative say the as she said one of the safest This seats in the county and effects supposedly not might be more the question of whether conservative majority can get even larger really in 2017 they had a majority of 17000 I mean usually a very high turnout for cells North one of the highest of the whole county in previous is over 70 percent and we've just had it's just been verified and it is now at 72.83 percent for sounds in Norfolk so still a very good high turnout for that consists constituency it's been conservative to 69 years which of bacon has held it since 2001 and he's standing again his pro bricks and leading Tory backbencher also standing Christopher Brown Philip Beth Jones for labor who is devastated at the polls that we've been hearing and the results coming through at the moment Ben Price for Green The question is full of people in cells Norfolk akin to some bacon so I had to do it. Dear oh dear I want to be your date as a general election not an er it's exciting it's thrilling it's democracy you stop your there oh sorry I'm sorry there's been sleepy Pope both. David and I think that you've got the caffeine don't get going get a Coke or a coffee or something and animation she spoken to Beth Jones the Labor candidate of south of we're going to hear our interview hopefully in a little while here on the program but let's flip from south to north now North Norfolk we heard a little profile of the seat from our Reporter Becky Milligan a little earlier in this hour of the program. It's been the received wisdom that it was held on the personal popularity of some perhaps rather than the popular to the Liberal Democrats as a party but could they hang on there are reports Bob Carter is in North washin up account. I think the simplest response to that is as share of. To cope of from the Liberal Democrats said to me earlier wait and see what they are counting now and the piles are going on that there are 4 different palms up to the full 4 candidates and the blue Powells and the yellow piles are a lot bigger than the red in the White House and that says far as I'm prepared to say I think it is going to be a close and very interesting contest here in North Norfolk the Returning Officer Steve stood up a little while ago and gave us the 1st lot of numbers my one being that 71.39 percent of voters in North Norfolk turned out to vote this time this as opposed to 75.3 percent lost on what I can tell you as a resident of this constituency the software known the weather was particularly horrible absolutely throwing it down we still have no sign of the any of the actual candidates they are presumably out having a final drink before finding their way ere Duncan Baker is the conservative hoping to unseat the Liberal Democrats. And Catherine Ward who's a district councillor here who's I think was trying to have a bit longer to nurse the constituency before paying thrown into a general election he's standing for the Liberal Democrats we've got Harry grandstanding for the breakthrough party and have a call it for labor who I gather spent quite a lot of today actually trying to get the photo out in another constituency not 100 miles from here where it's a much closer fight for Labor to actually get a seat. We've been advised that we should have a result at around 3 o'clock in the morning which is pretty good going fake which is normally a bit later but things so far straightforward Let's just hope that it is a straightforward result which. Counting all over again Bob Carter thank you yes sir 3 o'clock some in that region would be about right was 317 last time which are from member was was was earlier than had been expected and other North results last time or early than expected 2 years ago we got the last Norfolk result for 45. Years before that we didn't get the 1st North result or 430 but I think the model in local council elections happening there as well and one man is hoping that there aren't too many recounts because if he's there for too long the Abba tribute band will be trying to a push him off the stage is a team out of court who's at the halls in Norwich for the north south count. Thank you Yes Our been here for a concert or fest. This building is really quite lovely originally the nave of the Friary is completed in 1449 it's got high beams ceiling stained glass windows limestone columns and a large polished maple floor you get the picture that's where hundreds of staff are now opening up those ballot boxes counting the votes in fact we've gone beyond that really we just heard from the acting Returning Officer Laura McGillivray that the candidates and agencies adjudicating over the votes so we've got through the main can't stay by the looks of things and the piles of different colored votes are there in front of everyone so I I reckon that I might be the 1st decoration that we get this evening or this morning I should say I'm positioned up in the stalls elevated looking down across the buzz of that camp 5 parties contesting the seat labor who've held it since 2015 the conservatives liberal Democrats the Green Party and the Bracks a party traditionally very good hunting ground for Labor of course they won they've won 12 out of 19 general elections since this seat was formed for the 1950 election before that Norrish was of course just one constituency tonight then the 20th running in the general election for Norrish staff since it formed then Clive Lewis vying for his 3rd win consecutively which been achieved by 2 Labor M.P.'s before him John Jarratt in the mid seventy's the late ninety's actually won 5 elections in all but not consecutively Charles Clarke the former home secretary for labor as well he was the last Labor m.p. To win 3 consecutive elections here until he came 2nd in 2010 to liberal Democrats Simon writes took back again that year but. Getting the seat back into 1520 again 2017 should say. It sounds as though it's not likely to happen but if Karen Davis warmed the marginal seat of north north to stop the row for labor it would be the 1st time since 2005 that the whole of Norrish was read politically has happened 7 times in the past but from what Robbie West was saying it doesn't sound as though it's going to go that way equally if we get a surprise here if the conservatives want him both North decision says I'll be the 1st for the 1st time since 1983 and the only time 1st and only time that the city has been completely blue politically the poll forecast suggesting though that it's 99 percent chance that it will be labor and Clive Lewis that's taking that hat trick liberal Democrat school their only when. Into 10 as a mentioned their vote has waned in the past 2 years at 2 elections as they and the Green Party just this year alone have seen their numbers build on the city council at the my local elections the Greens increase their number of councillors from 5 to 9 climate change big issue on the forefront of many people's minds in the city we've seen that with climate process this year at the presence of extinction rebellion to general elections though they tend to come in 3rd or 4th but maybe with the increased awareness of those environmental pressures faced locally you never know Green Party could pick up a share likely to be at the cost the Lib Dems if they do Party finally standing here because not to for our society here stand where the conservatives didn't win in 2017 but with North voting for a main in the referendum the only possible thing to do so of course you wouldn't expect a surprise from them but it could split some of the conservative voters of course but if the national polls and things go by I think this is between Labor and the conservatives tonight we have the likelihood of it being Clive Lewis retaining his seat but he is the only candidates. By the way who I haven't seen yet in this building voting is what the votes have been cast the counting is well complete here at the holes in our saffron hoping that we could have a declaration within maybe an hour hour and a half from here but candidates agents have been adjudicating over the vote so I'm I'm pretty confident Paul that I could be the 1st decoration this morning yet I'm out of their knowledge south very confident that he could get the gold medal for the 1st Norfolk seat but I know that Andrew turnover in Great Yarmouth is a very competitive fellow Andrew How's your count looking. Quiet by the sound of it so let's go over to a mid Norfolk and speak to Andy trig and to medical thinks he could get the gold medal for 1st north result how things look know there Indira Yeah that might be possible I think they'll be attacked a great declaration here probably between 330 and 430 the verification process has finished so there can a 2nd stage of the can is now underway some of the parties here have been in the sports hall sampling some of the the votes I spoke to the Conservative Party they wouldn't say what the what what what the something told them however they did say that they're not expecting any surprises and some whispers here actually say that George Freeman the incumbent in pain here will actually increase his share of the vote of he won't know until the declaration is made the turnout is 68.7 percent which is slightly down on 2017 about one percent drop but last time the tenor here was higher than the national average so still a good turnout unlike say yet we won't know declaration won't know the result until between 330 and 430 we are expecting but of course yet will endeavor to bring you that as soon as we get it. Andy thank you very much indeed and we are going to see if we can catch up with Great Yarmouth now because one of our ports and return has been speaking to the conservative candidate there he's held the seat since 2010 quite a senior figure in the Tory party he's been chairman Brandon Lewis has been speaking to and return or the counting has been going for about 45 minutes or so and it could be in about an hour's time or sorry that the result is called Already I've had labor saying to me that they expect Brandon Lewis the m.p. Who served since 2010 to come back with a bigger majority this time he's we have with me now or do you expect that Brown and increase your majority in this election I never expect anything but the count of the moment looking at the polls is looking positive but we're still a bit of a way to go so we'll see where we end up at the end of the night it's been something where nobody's really known to have this was going to go I think even the exit polls may have surprised some Tonight the exit polls are a projection they've really positive but they are only a projection of the early results saw kind of backing them up but they are still very early results we got to see us get these quirks of course and exit polls have been wrong once in the last 6 elections but only once who is we see where we go over the next few hours and of course you were chairman of the Conservative Party under Theresa May What is it that's different about the way Boris Johnson has run this campaign to compared to what the reason made it 2 years ago but it is a few things I shall think I think at the core of this of people really want to see breaks it down I mean how did Charlie in particular constituency like Great Yarmouth with such a heavy 72 percent leave people do not trust and do not like Jeremy Corbyn what labor saying for the moment of the problems then Semitism racism that seems to be through their party but I think all support has gone up so he's in the people really choosing to. Say one of things we did do when I was chairman was we put professional campaign managers over 100 in the field across the country and that gives us a better structure and organization we had in 2017. You know hopefully that's made him says Well I think just overall the ground games being good boys just choose in a positivity that people like having served as chairman What were your thoughts when you saw Boris Johnson's reaction to the picture of the the child that was in the hospital up in Leeds when he avoided Piers Morgan be interviewing him live on Good Morning Britain and hid in the fridge dairy What were your thoughts about him avoiding the media and voiding scrutiny in the campaign 1st I think you're buying too much into the Labor propaganda there and you know Bush has done over 120 interviews over this election he's done Life Facebook for the general public only thing I've seen being hidden is the Labor Party's position on brakes which has been proven to be catastrophic for them both locally where they literally just would not answer the question and nationally where Jimmy Corbin was just in an utter mess over it and actually I've got to say one of these I know from Boyce Johnson is and he's he's empathy that he showed when he understood what happened at the hospital and I know his passion for making sure people get the care they need is something that I think people have tuned into That's why he wants to invest in n.h.s. And hopefully this kind of majority we can deliver on that for people there's a lot of work to do no doubt in bridging the divide that's been driven through this country for the last 3 and a half years how will he how will you try to heal those rifts in communities where bricks are has cause division Yeah I think one of the challenges you've had as a country over the last years is Parliament been in this column mess haven't had that vote in 16 has led to some real challenges and the only way to get through that is to get it done so we want to move very very quickly get the withdrawal agreement through parliament get that done so that we can come back together and we do that by Focus on those domestic issues investing in education the n.h.s. Our police service and everything structure as well which is hugely important in Great Yarmouth and as someone who did campaign to remain back in the 2016 referendum campaign are you convinced that the country that ordinary householders can be better off outside the European Union you know there's a couple of things that for me 1st of all we're Democrats who are. Kountry there was a vote in 16 We've got to deliver on that I'm respected and that's 1st and foremost but also as I've said before actually since 2016 what I've seen around the world in various roles are held the opportunities for us in those Khana trade deals we can do with we would talk about the USA because India Pakistan Australia this in huge opportunities which can be good for business and even tonight we're already seeing the pound strengthening somewhat on what they see as the projection of those exit polls but still a long way to go tonight of course you have served as police minister fire minister chairman of the Conservative party security minister have you got your eye on the job sounds like there's a lot of work that's going to be starting pretty much from day one that the election results are called well on the on the security minister are very happy with the Mrs of a huge honor to hold the kind of job I have of them I will work with the best agencies I would argue in the world and if the Prime Minister asked me to serve all be very happy to continue but we all serve the pleasure of the Prime Minister you've got your eye on me you can love to do to be the member part of the great yeah but hopefully in a couple of hours that will be confirmed. Brandon Lewis there the conservative candidate in Great Yarmouth held the season 2010 yard with I think the constituency with the most out of candidates in Norfolk this time around 7 candidates vying for the arm a sequel or catch up and return to life I think after 2 o'clock at some point and find out what the latest is there but nationally we were talking to you with my guests professor at Lima Austin and Bob Ledwich about working to man and Bob now is perhaps a darlington man as well yes sir the conservatives have gained another seats from labor in the northeast. It's Darlington and the majority now for the conservatives who've taken a seat is $3294.00 and the Labor vote is down 10 point one percent so there's a consistent theme coming through particularly in Labor seats in the north of England if they're not really safe seats they're in danger of going to the conservatives because they we were talking I think off air about how some of the other Northeast states I think maybe as how in south London as well there where they can serve the very close and perhaps might have taken one of the more if there had been a substantial break that party vote as well yes yeah I mean bricks it has confused things a little bit I was reading the Daily Mail this morning has one does and they're targeted 40 specific states telling breaks at voters basically to deceased to enable the conservatives to get in Cleveland not taken that message necessarily . And yeah I mean the labor been able to hang on but also I think they're losing votes to bricks it is as well themselves and so you know it won't always work out that they're just able to hang on I think they might shift it just that other way and we'll see were 2 more of these strong labor traditional heartland states fall into the conservatives. Swing seems to be mostly itan between 8 and 11 percent drop for Labor vote say that Peter Bergen just gone to the conservatives. That was the one that was won in the by election just a few months ago here labor they very nearly beat off the Brits a party you know and that's now that's not going to themselves Well it's going to a slightly wider view of the national picture now because in London the B.B.C.'s political reporter Georgia Roberts joins me on the line and Georgia this exit poll I think surprised everyone with the scale of the conservative majority when it came out at 10 o'clock predicting majority and but it's being borne out in the results we've seen so far is that you know as Labor's vote share is just plummeting especially in those early seats we saw the clans in the north but as we were just sharing with you I guess there was labor Hollins just not holding up the toll I mean we had Workington earlier that phrase work to. Being batted around a lot during this election campaign it was meant to symbolize a key target voted for the conservatives labor lever to go from Labor to the Tories for the 1st time Labor had were right to be nervous about it that ended up being a conservative gain we've just seen another conservative gain in Wales and you were just talking about in Peterborough too it's not you not see it from Lisa Forbes only in the job for a matter of months actually Lisa Forbes taking over in that by election as you just mentioned you know that 1st big shock of the night imply folly in Northumberland that Labor stronghold list seats Labor held since it is creation in 1950 that went over to the conservatives and that really does look like the patten we'll see throughout the night although the conservatives are still right to be shaky about certain cities that they hold and also we're still yet to see really whether or not this labor this swing that they're enjoying from labor is going to be really born now in places of the Midlands in the east and west middle. Ans as well but it is looking pretty good for them so far as we really are hearing voices in labor for example the chancellor John McDonald talking about what he calls the appropriate decisions being taken about Leader Jeremy Corbin's position the blame game is starting to get in the way on social media amongst Labor Vegas' and the labor line here tonight looking at these dismal results for them is that brags it is dominated and they couldn't come across as well as well as they wanted to on the domestic platform but actually a lot of Labor figures on social media pointing out well when we went to knock on doors on the campaign trail the one thing people were bringing up a lot when it came to the issues that they had with labor was the leader himself Jeremy cool been so we're going to be looking at a lot of finger pointing and blame game in the months labor in the hours to come but it really does look ultimately a question of when not if the korban steps down and that could be issues for other leaders as well of say here in Norfolk with North Norfolk we know all about battles for liberal Democrats but a certain amount of speculation that when the last election Tim Farron their leader then and he just managed to hold on to his seat in Cumbria speculation Jo Swinson could once again she lost it before again lose the full very nervous whispers amongst the Dems about just win since she is said to be on a knife edge that although there's a lot there is quite a few Cs across the country that just forecasts say too close to call at this point but they do have reason to be very nervous I should say she did lose it in 2017 so we could actually be looking at quite to pull Tylo moment there couldn't wait and that's Leigh she's not the only potential pull to the moment we have on the cones we're looking at both in Dobie as well the labor m.p. That Denis He's held that seat for almost 50 years for labor you would have been the father of the house if he had been really if he's going to be reelected that's the title held by the longest serving m.p. In the Commons. Now if he goes which is going to be declared in an hour or so that will be a real Another indication actually in fact of the real obliteration of labor heartlands by the Tories if that goes about Cooper up in Leeds as well leading lots of labor party Hersey set to be in play to do so actually Joe Swinton if she does end up not being victorious tonight she's not the only big name that could potentially fold this evening is set to be quite so not so he's on for then Georgia oversea lots of speculation about what might happen with Mr Corbin's future in the coming days if the result is as it looks from the exit poll now we see there's been a great number of people activist and campaigners have joined labor because they very much agree with Mr Coleman's point of view so if they are looking for a sort of son of Corbin as it were do you think our a man our man in north south Clive Lewis you think he could be a contender if he is returned for labor Well it's looking like there's lots of talk in labor I will say of the Corbin Night Project that Clive Lewis although not so much recently has had quite a few issues with the leadership but he does very much come from that sort of strand of the left of the Corbin East as have been pushing in the party is looking like tonight that project has really fulling down in front of people's eyes and so there will be questions surrounding the direction of the party whether it's dragged back more into the center more Blairite position not leading figures like his star Mashallah Bragg secretary shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry tend to but another thing that people might be saying as well is is it time for a woman to lead the Labor Party I think a lot of Labor figures are quite tired of the charge of they're the only major u.k. Party to not have had woman leader there will be pressure to have someone taking Jamie Corbin's place like for example Rebecca long Bailey Laura Pitt can't they're both women who harbor Corbin's type of. Politics on that very much more left of the party but also as I just said shadow foreign secretary and lethal and we could well be in the play there all calls for that to be a woman leader now so it definitely is plenty of conversations Labor going to have to be having in the coming hours and as I say it's looking like is just going to be a matter of if and when not if Jeremy Corbyn steps down your own Sunday Mail in Ipswich it's looking like a likely tour regained them as well from labor perhaps So there's plenty of Labor figures that a fooling down tonight we're going to have to have a lot of questions to answer about the philosophy over the past few years since joining the cold was elected and what exactly they do with that pitch to the people of this country going full would. Just point out on behalf of the people screaming at their ideas now that tapes which is in Suffolk a south of the border from us I'm afraid but some of this is a little bit of I know I know you're the Westminster bubble for York something I know political bunker somewhere in the center of London are doing bring reports Rawdon radio stations all in a row so we'll let you out just this one sorry everyone. George will catch up with you in a couple of hours' time yeah thanks a much George reporting on the the national picture from London for so she mentioned women and she mentioned the Labor Party so let's catch up with the south Norfolk Labor candidate Beth Jones she's been speaking to a reporter at the ground an apparent on a pair here reporting the South nor at the show ground I'm joined by best Jones who is a candidate for the Labor Party in this constituency. Your response to the exit polls we've had so far. If they are correct it's absolutely terrifying I got involved in this to come in because I care about our n.h.s. a Public services and it terrifies me that I dare another 5 years of Tory government and what they contain the damage they can day. And it. It's damage that hurts the most vulnerable and I vote because being the best I could was no longer enough. What happens next that's quite a scary thought. Within within the constituency of south Norfolk on the doorstep was it was a big topic that people will want to talk to you about today confused by Labour's message and such. To some people it was a very big but for others it was actually the reality of having families where both parents working full time and they were struggling to make choices to mean paying to go to the dentist and buying shoes their children it was less real fundamental issues. For other people yes perhaps it was a massive and I think it was a confusion in terms of all parties on that. Watching a few of the. Counts being being announced now. What about now for your well in south Norfolk particularly which should bake him previously has had an overwhelming majority hoping to close the gap. And it was always the name but it was all say to provide to the people with a visible alternative a labor camp that wanted to can speak to them I've been knocking on doors every day I have been working on my shift as a nurse so every day that I have been talking to people I have hundreds of conversations and it's actually providing that person he's willing to be there and listen and at least we've achieved this time and you mention pressure on patients within the n.h.s. That that that you would look for as a nurse what we're about as a staff member. And. I think you know as a staff we always work to provide the very best kak. Regardless the circumstances and I worked with some amazing people and I can be proud to select alongside them and will continue to ride the best care we possibly can in a very upset or I'm absolutely devastated if this is the reality and moving into a from a the n.h.s. Is nice fundamental thing and it's part of being British really are n.h.s. And I I don't trust the conservatives with that. They frightened yes. But we can come back and we can come back stronger. As a labor party we've got a lot to offer and we're back I look forward to being back in Southall for. The campaign doesn't end today the way it carries on and I will be back talking to people finding out what Mark says back on the doorstep the soonest possible but just thank you so much for joining us thank you that was Beth Jones the Labor candidate in south Norfolk speaking to our reporter there an apparent We have reporters all of the counts for all 9 in Norfolk seats taking place in 6 different places because some of them are counted in the same place but we will be bringing you the results as they happen through the winning this is Paul highs I'm with you through until 6. Election 2019 on b.b.c. Radio in new folk This is the picture so far the exit poll which came out at 10 o'clock showed us a large majority for the Conservatives and the worst labor total since the 19th thirty's the early results so far have borne that out big swings from the can to the conservatives in several seats and the conservatives making several gains including in some labor heartlands in the northeast of England no results for us yet here in Norfolk but Labor activists who had been hoping for the party would take Norge north which had a slim. The conservative majority last time around are less hopeful as the evening progresses when that result comes in all the other results come for the county we will bring them to you here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk. Election 2019 on b.b.c. Radio No 5. It's just gone 2 am you are listening to b.b.c. Radio for your part of the b.b.c. It is Paul Hayes with you through until Chris Coren has the breakfast show at 6 o'clock with me in the studio the head of the School of Politics at the University of East Anglia in Norwich Professor Lee Marston and the former head of the b.b.c. Regional political unit at Millbank in London Bob Ledwidge and Les I think while we were hearing from the south of labor kind of their best Jones there was actually a game there there was actually Bob predicting that. London would be slightly different so we've seen. Life again in Putney which was marginal. Do you want to talk about how you see London going well I think it will be different to the rest of the country I think the swings against Labor in the north and northeast of England that we've seen so far won't necessarily be replicated in Greater London where increasingly in recent years the capital has become more and more of a Labor stronghold. And that seat of partly was highly marginal and labor have cut through there and gained it I mean overall though it's not looking quite so good for Labor because they've lost 7 seats they're down minus 7 and 7 gamely lead there as well just come through they've conservative taken by couple 1000 there that's the former constituency of Andy Burnham who's now the mayor of great and yet of course and here perhaps not really signed up to the the korban project he was the shadow home secretary for a while but that's found it easier to leave the parliamentary party and then run as the Mary Manchester there yes that's right but it'll mean Manchester as in Greater Manchester is just a hugely labor area and. The the Labor vote was down 15 percent in that constituency which must be a huge worry to the party the the swing being 12 percent from Labor to conservative So yes this is a big worry for labor I'm sure the the blame game the introspection will start very quickly because this does not look good for them I know this is slightly outside of our purview but I soar over your shoulders rather was quite into one from Northern Ireland from I think it was the alliance part of Northern Ireland getting to make again from the u.p.a. And the alliance their sort of nonpartisan party in Northern Ireland broadly alive the Democrats in some respect like they did have a seat at Westminster once before but. As close to what they've known from the d.p. That I will tell you I just for managed to get so you know Ok so that's I mean there has been remain coalition really fruition Frayne obviously he won't wouldn't take their seats anyway yes they'll pay in the airlines party and obviously to try and stop the pay influence really it. Doesn't look as though I think he's going to get this majority I don't think there's going to be I mean it is but Northern Ireland will be a big continuing issue. And you know. Breaks it isn't going to be done as easily as some people think and there will be some bumps along the way and Northern Ireland is is a major issue but you're right the Democratic.