On audiobooks front page of The Times newspaper today readers are swapping my candles for headphones so sales of books are going up while going down so the joy of an audiobook tell me that something that you've recently converted say and if you've only listened to an audiobook does that count of having read it that has threatened to split the b.b.c. Radio 4 breakfasting apart today we've got some people on the programme Richie here who's a firm traditionalist and says he's fine to listen to an audiobook but you can't then claim to have read that book when somebody asks you where it's end of the audiobook and says yes it takes just as much concentration and is just as much of an experience of reading the book what do you think audiobooks what's the big attraction does it count as reading if you get to the end of an audiobook 08038973 c one you can text. Message with the word. Grace go on b.b.c. Radio you know for. The beautiful sound from anybody who doesn't. Know this is breakfast we want to set. A debate on the program the next. Ok I want to settle this because my concern here is we all will get on well behind the scenes here on the air because I'm so happy Well you know forget it is a happy ship I've never known anything threatening quite like this. In my talk on the program today yet and we read read the story out from the Times which says. Readers a swapping Kindles for headphones books are on course to overtake e-books so forget the physical books for a moment there are things that are in their own right and people still love them and we understand all of that. E-books came in through Kindles now it looks as if audiobook sales are going to you overtake e-books this year so we want to know once and for all if you have listened to an audiobook. Using David Copperfield as an example if somebody says to you Have you read David Copperfield and you've only listened to the audiobook Can you just 5 me say Yes I've read that book Kaylee works in the program she's determined You absolutely can because she's an audiobook devotee Richie. On sport today so he's gone for oh he's gone for a walk around the block because he's furious that we were even suggested that because he didn't all he listens to audiobooks but he says Actually if you really like it you then have to sit and read the actual physical book for it to count. Or you want to read it twice I'm like you don't know I have not got pinions are going we really come down on either side I can see both arguments by I think you can count it personally but I'm not sure Sylvia says morning regarding audiobooks I still prefer to read the audiobooks Arkwright while doing house chores I have a side job as a cleaner in a hotel and I always listen to either radio or audiobooks white clip while cleaning However I found that I only like nonfiction that way they can is different when you read it but your mind creates the scenery the voices the information when you listen to an audiobook it's readily presented to you and the movie in the head is gone I. I found I often don't like the intonation but some good point is there isn't this what the other already homing in on what this comes down to and that is that if you are sitting and reading an actual book whether it's in a book or physical book that has got your attention you're reading it you're not being diverted by nothing else you've got to read the words you've got to interpret them yourselves that is your full 100 percent undivided attention when you're listening to something and we know what we're on now we know that people aren't sit there just looking at the radio or listen to their knowing other than. If you are for something to do people or people are doing other things like cleaning the house driving the car yet they are concentrating on another task and we are company for them yes so isn't the problem with an audiobook don't doesn't that take the place of radio doesn't that become the thing that's going on in the background that you sometimes home into but naturally you drift off elsewhere sometime in my experience are I would already agree with you there because I would just drift away and missed some of the story wouldn't have my full attention and in b. This is where my brother was applying for Noraid school many years ago my mother read him Watership Down so he was asked if he'd read a book he could say yes and tell them about it and they would cheat their. Text only 367 if you were listening to an audiobook can come across a new word how do you cross reference it later to find out what it means and how to spell it if you knew if it's a new word would you be able to remember it back at home tactile as best this case of music to you so much better listening to an album binaural cd while reading the lyrics rather than a compressed file on a phone or an p 3 player don't you agree Well no I would say now I would say that's slightly different I would say that if when you are listening to music if it's on cd for 73 if it's vinyl you can still devote your full attention to it or not it can be either background or it can be your full attention whatever you make of the sound quality Yes it's not I think it's nice to have the physical item but I think that's a different argument because reading something and listening to are 2 different things and yet they go and say both books and vinyl all say keep you any. 3 dimensional world lending and borrowing these formats is friendly to you and uplifting when finding a bargain in a charity shop etc With the benefit of helping charity is well good point surely an orange is a big fan of audiobooks and gets through several a year she recommends the Norfolk County Council library service if you have membership you can download the RB digital app and listen to audio books for free and you get a month at least to listen to them Yeah I I did do that earlier this year for the 1st time but I failed to completely audiobook because it wasn't having my full attention so I didn't know about this so the library you can borrow or your own but are already a pair of of what happened your phone yes and there will disappear after a month but why do they disappear if you don't renew it but why would they disappear because if you're with a physical book clearly you've got to go to somebody else it's kind of the order of what to do. I think they have a license for one person to listen to anyone talk has to go back I think. I think maybe talk about this but probably someone from the library service. 67 says if you are listening to an audiobook and we are read that want to publish that twice on my phone John says decrease I listen to wilt by Tom shop read by Dennis Waterman it was really funny and then read the book but couldn't get Dennis Waterman's voice have my it was he was reading along with me in my head which made the book funny and I then watched the film starring great grief reach Jones and Mel Smith and it was brilliant the most of the scenes we shot in and around Norris you should watch it Ok thanks for thanks for the advice will come much more these comments in a moment we're not going to get into whether watching films doesn't mean we can or we can all agree that's completely with a definite What do you think audiobooks I want to know if you've joined this great audiobook revolution to listen to more books than you read now or 803897321 you can text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Norfolk and I'm just the other thing I want to get to the bottom. There was the effort it must go to to have access to somebody and some of them some quite famous people Stephen Fry included doing this now sitting in a studio for a month it must be days upon end reading a book it must because it takes you must need a bit of a break every so often we go crazy wouldn't you so how I want to how long it takes for these people to sit and actually read the book out so you can listen to it later I will be fascinated tomorrow. Can you see when you travel news thanks Christiane looking around on the senses a $47.00 still fairly slow heading from Durham towards noise dance from Tottenham towards the hauling a matter short roundabout adding at least an extra 15 minutes on top of a normal journey time the Egle straight still slow on the $847.00 as well towards Great Yarmouth I think at least an extra 10 minutes elsewhere though we seem Ok if you can update to me there over 803897381. On b.b.c. Radio 4 go Kaylee come on and you were kind of shouted down by Richie earlier on he's not here at the moment so. He's probably upstairs he might burst into the door and any moment you know so listening to audiobooks you do this on your dog walk convince the doubters that he does have your full attention and that you can fully taken a story or whatever it is by just listening to it now don't get me wrong I love reading I love books I love that tactile thing we've got book in your hand problem I'm finding that I'm just too busy to be able to take this book around with me whereas an audiobook I can listen while I'm walking the dog or if I'm in the car and you can't concentrate without thought taking too much out of your life and so I'm very much taking this in like I've had some really good audio books this year and the stories are been great and I think the difference is because if you watch a film it's not the book is it it's kind of a cut down very hashed up version of the book that's just been made to sell well as an audiobook is the book it's just in a different form it is but natural Don't other things catch your eye sometimes I mean but I must say because when you're reading a book it's there in front of you you can't really see anything else but when you're. Dog other things happen you look at your dog as which he says you have to pick things up from time to time does that not reflect a little bit maybe someone like his multi-task I don't know but I also I think that is quite susceptible to sound because I will accidentally ignore people in shops of theirs. Because what is it like just choosing to listen to things I think accidentally ignore people. Like that has a good excuse Katie you know I don't know and also when you listen to your audio books because I don't think I have listened to a full audio book before also on the side of the people who have to sit and read them out when it gets to sort of traps $25.00 per start to read it a bit like so fed up with because it must have must be quite something to sit and read a book bodies are going to studio and it's good money to do it by the way it was the you want to be Ok but it's quite interesting you mentioned of how they record I know one of the streaming services mentioned it has to be a certain level of silence behind you if not they reject it so you could record this book and then they will reject it because it's too noisy in the background have to be absolute silence Wow It's amazing isn't it and is it getting to the point now where we've mentioned Stephen Fry's one of the people who does this having the right celebrity having a famous person reading a book out that then influence whether you would listen to the audiobook or not possibly I like it when authors write their own books because I think that's going to be the most genuine account of the book interesting we've got people coming in to talk to us on this one we want to know once and for all will decide by 10 o'clock well make a final decision Tim and I are under side at the moment so we'll decide by 10 o'clock if you've listened to an audiobook does that count as having read it on Sunday breakfast this week I was at the Salvation Army's toys and to the rich to find out how the appeal is helping families across our county this Christmas last week we had a 3 day collection there and we were overwhelmed with the amount of food that came in saw a big thank you to everybody who don't eat it the ladies who been hitting on morning it was gone on the shelves picked that specific gives tied up and put it in there and then after that we will distribute all of our volunteers worked so hard throughout this next 2. Weeks's guns v the most pressured to join me and the Isaacs for Sunday breakfast this weekend from 6 of b.b.c. Radio nor for your part of the b.b.c. Audiobooks are you joining the audiobook revolutionist seems that more and more people are downloading listening to audiobooks rather than e-books and in some cases listening to them more than reading them certainly in the case of George has given us a call this morning hello George Cross now audiobooks you've got a particular reason to be keen or haven't you we are well on blarney. Over the lawn for about 27 years for my use of the order of service. I understand the point you're making but if someone says to me Have you read cold comfort all. Over Again it's all easy just to say yes. Well no I haven't actually read or listen to it so slightly different while you have taken in what the book says is a just society yes and yes of course if you're if you're blind your going to cause you you probably can't so you read it because that that is the that's the only way you are able to take in these books isn't it another point I just said you know what's what this raving son financially may know said to the lady the sort of commentator on over quite well and you listen to lots of thought will come in threes as well how can a young offender when the you might use the phrase he range the going so well. Yes . That's true yeah you know he can be slow an old neighbor you can still read the guy well you know. In other words you can for intervention say is it how do you read a football match that's a very it's a very good question George I don't know we can supply the end of the program or like a. Hero things are very. Or we saw it with. Servants or you've been brought you know several cécile it's your job also you have to say yeah well I was actually left. For I. Just say. Yeah but you probably far more people say that they then realise what I said and they feel quite bad actually some people do when they start apologizing because all yours as well is just a common phrase and people don't mean it in a nasty right it's just a phrase everybody use and then some people say no you won't go enjoy yourself now yes I'm really surprised myself it's something that's a habit if I think your speech is now I can put the a cup of the Paralympics in London in 2012 and before we went down to London for a bit of. Briefing with some of the athletes and we were having not covered Paralympic sport before Main some other reporters we were all really nervous about using the right language and saying the right things and there was a wheelchair athlete he spoke to us and said look if you talk about us if you say things like well you go for a walk in the morning that it's perfectly fine because it's more of a figure of speech than just a you physically expecting them to walk and that's the same with you isn't it George say you like to that's what it means is just a cheery goodbye you know there's no way of so insulting you that it's difficult for the state your problem the sense of oh yes all normally saw it and. It's difficult. To know hey progress. With any so so what was worse never listen to our freedoms or I'm going to be careless point. Words and Tanny great promise in the Paralympian with the guest. Prevention Program Now you were talking about something in her life and they said well you know your family perhaps if you can't you say I'm a cry and. Yeah. He didn't mean it it's just a phrase that people use if you know what keeps makes you hope you keep your feet on the ground or not get yourself to a much much and she wasn't offended by that no exactly is a phrase that people use I mean you would be careful obviously. A common phrase people use the do over he didn't mean it nicely and she just carried on with her point he understands. What people. Are I understand by sorry I haven't read it in that physical sense of by actually reading words of a term as or other reason just to say yes or her brother get their way into the minutia and I think you go right to defend it with George you presumably then are very influenced by the the standard the performance of whoever is reading the book at that much make that must make he difference as to how you can enjoy a book. Does it does some people say 4 year old. Forgotten the books or talk about spoiler go here and quote free will and self and he's brilliant that his books and spoil are going to re-use the dailies or were props it might aisy about you know when a character or a funny bit you can actually hear which really is for them is laughing even though it's because Are you ready to settle for a man you wrote or you've written about and stable for over the fear of a sad but some people. To be caught on a softer $23.00 chapters the way they read it rather than not and then the emphasis is. Really all there but they're probably been sat in a windowless studio for hours trying to do that George. Said Stephen for having read Harry Potter in almost sort of saying there are no we as done other books as well but there are. You know at the end of the. The sort of catalogue for talking about which they give their readers 9 at the end so if you get to Knowles or even power denying then obviously you can choose that perhaps because you know he's going to do a good job of raising good point thanks George nice to talk to you and I would say See you later but he didn't take his men Thank you George. But in touch with her about the enjoyment he gets from audio books fascinating what about you 103897321 is the phone number you can text 813 double 3 Start a message with the word no for get in touch with us here on b b c way to know what we're looking at why audio books are becoming so popular and listening to an audiobook is does that count as having read a book last week coming through on this today I'm hopefully confident we can come up with an answer once and for all by 10 o'clock but I'm not so sure now looking at the the standard of comments we've got to. Listen Katy Perry and then we'll see what you've been telling us about 40 of books. Katy Perry with a role must remind you actually what we're talking about audiobooks as we are in this part of the program that Chrissy Jackson's here at 10 today she's talking about Norfolk wildlife but tomorrow is the return of course he's book club so if you've got to know what the the top sellers are going to be what the popular books are around Christmas they Chrissy will have all of the answers for you on a book club tomorrow morning always popular from 10 o'clock here on b.b.c. Radio 4. To. Travel News Thanks Christi seemed to be calming down at the moment on the stands in a major problems I can see he was have a point there possibly of a collision a Hingham on be 11 o 8 months. And the planet is still needs to be careful on the approach of trying to find out more details for that for you if you cannot dates got anything over 80973. On b.b.c. Radio. Coming in about audiobooks some people very much on telly side saying that listening to an audiobook does count as having read it others not so convinced I think it's fair to say 103897321 is the dumbest call if you want to get in on that one we're also on the lookout for the best set of Christmas lights in Norfolk not so much the ones in towns or villages but the ones that run people's homes so we said wanted to break from earlier on that we've had a call from head to set this morning for others coming in as well which of the ones of have been done for charity or just if you think in a particular spectacular on your house tell us about them and we might send Wally along later in the week to have a look at them because the effort you've gone to the amount you prepared to spend on your like Chrissy certainly deserves a wider audience I 1038973. The Beautiful Girl in the world. Take me back to 19779879091 and 998 there's a giant of a pantomime engulfed in this Christmas and Stephen makes cast member Matthew civets are the youngest Dame in all the land Mel cook from visit Norwich is back in the studio with a look at events across the county in the month of December who were talking audiobooks our producers right across all of your messages on this and with trying to work out whether we read it over and listening to an audiobook announces having read it and it doesn't require a divisive issue this doesn't that it is indeed done in Broome's has real books for me and none of this digital all the trite writing to the point if you can think of a very well we've had it we've heard a lot of stuff people really enjoying audiobooks you know something right it's a bit. Like whatever irakis has morning Christian themes regarding audiobooks by Richie's definition of not being able to say that you've read a book of his in order Bashan 80 saying that blind and partially sighted folks have never read a book just curious on his take on this more conveniently he's going out on his break something we did have George on a minute ago yes but that point of view very well about the. How much you rely if you're if you're blind how much you rely on audiobooks yellower and Nora to make a similar point she's registered blind subscribes to an audiobook service listens to audiobooks all the time she always says she's read the book of course text a 5 to a 9 camel folks get with it the clue is in the words is a useful listening you can't read by rubbing your ear over the pages don't be mup a. Text by 3 is to listen to an audiobook not your eyes therefore you haven't read it I don't think it counts Mike you know it and says morning Chris the definition of a book is a collection of sheets of paper bound together to read is to look and to understand written or printed matter listening is not the same interpretation of imagination is actual reading stories probably handy for the blind and those who can't read to listen not the same as read says Mike how many people are quite being quite so miserable about this question I don't know why we're in the same miserable would say they're very sure their opinions very forceful in the fact that you read something is such an immersive experience some people feel very strongly about reading and it's something that they enjoy and take very seriously and they don't like the fact that there's an easier way of doing it and people feel like you have the same experience kid says I listen to audiobooks most of the time my 1st one was Linda Belling him there's something I'm dying to tell you Linda reading it herself I pay 7 $99.00 a month for one free book topping up at 6 pounds a book I do not watch t.v. In the evening anymore bad light out and enjoy being read to Sharon says audiobooks just the natural development of the rise of podcasts one benefit of those living alone is that listening to an audiobook make she feel less lonely also a nice way to fall asleep without having to worry about pushing the book down and lights out which is a fair point there Steve in Britain says her late husband used to listen to audiobooks together the trouble was they used to find they would fall asleep. Have to go back roughly to where they got to they could go back and listen again yet another stand here but that's not a problem because that's kind of why you read a book or follow a book again is to wind down the worst one as if you're reading a hardback book and useful laying on your back and reading and then you drop off when you drop or you head like that but why would you say for yeah absolutely tons more work that would do some more and a bit crisper Suffice to say that the debate continues to rage on the text and yes I mean sure I am enjoying the so really. What are we what do we think 080-389-7321 do you think if you listen to an audiobook it's acceptable to say that you have read that their book and what we understand. Is Called we've had from people who are blind partially sighted the difference it makes so that's that that is a very potent issue in this because maybe you've got no other option but what about for the rest of us is it can you genuinely claim to have read and fully taken a book if you've only listened to the audio version I'm struggling with there so really people got very strong opinions on it so I'm still not quite sure which one I'm going to go 103897321 you can text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Norfolk we still want to hear from you if you've got a spectacular display of Christmas lights because we want to see Wall-E. Around Norfolk during this month to take some of the amazing spectacles m. And a Caylee's Christmas carols we played the 1st 2 earlier this morning they were great they don't actually have to be Christmas carols per se they can be a. Traditional Christmas songs they can be Christmas pop classics they can be ones that you've written or or come up with yourself with the choir or your school or anybody else get them to us record yourself sing them send us an e-mail to Norfolk breakfast at b.b.c. Dr u.k. And you may well feature on this program between now and Christmas Day Love is very much. For the more than. Giving air. If you have to be in me. Don't. Don't lean. On the. Only home. On my own. Down the phone. Call me come. Home. To be. Told it. Told. Me I'm still. The. Better Half of me b.b.c. Radio 4 is Chris Core at breakfast before we get stuck back into audiobooks him a couple of the story or might bring your attention to them a top 10 Norfolk hasn't might but we please not have made the top 10 and I can't they have come up with the top 10 list of most potholes by local authorities that would be good no it's not exactly so we can be proud of ourselves right you may be surprised looking at know who some of Norfolk's rides and it may change the winter goes on but never does no no for council in the top 10 for potholes. In Norfolk not seem she's got 253120. 3 Cancer Cancer Day That's the worst place for for potholes in this country the other one there are quite like the it's the time of the year where you often get lists of most popular baby names and what's in what's on trend and what isn't yet well it's got a survey. Of the most the way they're described is the most Marmite baby names and those that get an extreme reaction are the other negative I'll just go through the top 5 for you go on then. The boy you girls 1st because they're not your boys 1st think the girls are more surprising Ok the 5th most Marmite is Alfie Yes a Marmite name and yeah people some people love it some people hate it Oscar is 4th Harrison is 3rd Felix is 2nd and the most Marmite baby now and the one that gets an extreme reaction most often either way is Jackson are the spelt with an x. Or with 2 X.'s they've got it here. With a with an x. Perhaps I can see this could have that kind of reaction but I'm surprised at some of those like how few notes gone surprise they get such a Marmite reaction girl's top 5 Margot 5th winter 4th Stella 3rd Lola 2nd and Chloe apparently which I'm really surprised about. And that has been an extremely popular baby name in kind of in the last 10 ish years I think it sounds fairly straightforward here I am very surprised that you know. That that's what they're It's a survey that somebody has carried out channel manuever that is kind of that out so . You know you baby you tell your relatives we're calling we're calling him Jackson and apparently you get. What people say when they don't like you may mean that you can always tell God you know I can't can't tell why people would kind of you just say Oh it's nice name where they're whether you liked it or not this is a very nice you know this is a you know it is labeled you're right it's like but you can sometimes tell Oh you care you can sometimes tell audiobooks It's a massive discussion point for us this morning on b.b.c. Radio and also we want to know where we're audiobooks the sales of them the use of them is going up partly because I think nowadays you've got more access to them you've got more celebrities reading out books and things to make a difference but we want to know where. The consuming an audiobook counts as having read that book last basically what we're asking is it is money into often says audiobooks are exactly the same as reading the books I have had hundreds yes the library is a very good source of getting them I agree it all depends on who is reading them Stephen Fry read his autobiography and was brilliant he actually reached down Brown books is brilliant if you get one he has a dull boring voice and want to send you to sleep voice that's not very good a voice which it should be a local show presenter can be extremely difficult to follow I drive for a living on think they're fabulous. Thing I think that was. I think I was a slime and I think it was because of a much better stream you get a 50 commentary thanks for thanks for that thanks to sleep thinking Sorry I thought so when you read the 1st few paragraphs before we got to where there's always a voice which should be a little present and comebacks truly difficult to follow but it's good to see commentary was saying that I drive for a living and think they're fabulous I need so much radio who can you can just to go back to the audio books if I read a book apart from being on holiday I'm asleep in minutes awful city man into office maybe what money's trying to say if you can't read an audiobook in the style you do football commentary I think that's fair I'll say that Dawn's hands on this thing is not the same as reading something to read it got you into a book and I was the reader to pause every statement a phrase the meanings 10 back a page to check on detail etc much more satisfying but you do what you can polls an audiobook can't you go back and relisten you can do the same thing you can do the same thing yet there's no nothing to stop you pausing going to look something up and then coming back or we wrong ending by kind of stuff 3 d. Boy in thoughts and hand-wringing why I went out for dinner with a dog for a dog walk would not be concentrating on what you would doing here Kaylee Surely if I were in our wonderful landscape take the opportunity to soak up the glory of the countryside it scenery and flora and fauna it offers is it too special to. Very in favor of a pretend story what if you come across someone who wants to exchange some friendly chat do you ignore them can you hear what they're saying I think he's already so she doesn't know the no no no no no not always on purpose because you're so immersed in the in the story that what you. Think you know if you say it you know. Very well. And I do and you can't you cite but. It's raining a lot of them I'm not give you a question I mean and also you can kind of take in the floor and form of the countryside while listen while listening to and what you because it doesn't stop your eyes from looking around and taking the beach you see on a thought so oh I definitely would have thought so. Someone else of course mentioned to. You on here on Friday I was program I think Debs who works for p.v.c. I don't know what for saving the city stick it out just for the paper for me oh yes when she does it is on it would nearly complete our collection of me assess what Sun's collection but it's you know so I you know anyway. I think I need about 5 more but there was a camera wrote he was also listening on Friday one of the one of the stewards there and he came up to me put the game yesterday pocket and he saved his daughter's finished theses wife's daughters finished her album you know it's about left over and he handed me a big water. Thank you for that I may well be cleaning out my local co-ops. Stocks of North Sydney stickers like Toronto you might be completing it today then it could be like they. Were round up this discussion about audiobooks in just a minute but 1st for I'm going to play you I think this is the 1st proper single I ever bought but they are next going to plan for you I did buy things like I think I had the Batman theme tune Yeah I've been single for a while which I don't really care I don't count but I think I think this was the 1st one I properly bought I think it was anyway. This means that you move. The. Plug plug. Plug. The Sun. Know our. So out. To. The to. To our. Looking on broken glasses b.b.c. Radio 4. Breakfast program. Just a minute we've had a couple of other landing on audiobooks I deny whether I should get to judge once and for all whether that would read books counts as reading or not we really going to make a final decision on this one because we're going to set off a 40. 5 decision that's because actually this turned out to be a lot more device. And I thought and let me tell you it was only going to be a bit of fun but some people are saying that very seriously which is fine but I don't want to upset anyone by taking a side now so I just let Rich in carry the fight out it's Christmas. I. Found it yeah that's the kind of I'm fine someone says when they're clearly you know there's not a worse thing when you you know when you've upset some of us a lot when you're upset someone you think you're upset them or you know you know why and they just keep saying I'm fine you know that's nice but that's where we are almost sign trade where we are right now when he says Richard Burton read War of the world which was brilliant about that was yeah sounds good as an o.t. But perhaps when he read what no never mind has to get out while the going is good he I think we should yes actually if we were to thank you. For Caylee Well much. Good I'm going to actually read the travel now. But now you can listen to it I've already as well and possibly as the old year but version of nor is it a comment. On is missing from the sentencing filing now looking around still a bit busy Charles by positing in towards no ridge the county hall roundabout had some problems as well and there were written reports on the b. 11 called to say that the algebra row between great. Partners the car overturned which was blocking a varied in both directions not sure that's still the case but his take on the approach if you do support anything over 803897321 risk on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk. On general election night b.b.c. Radio Norfolk will bring you full local coverage join me from 10 pm as we react to the exit polling to from our reporters on the ground at the North accounts then from 1 am through until 6 it's me bringing you the decorations lawyers the north the results come in and keeping you up to date with the national picture will also have light guests and features to help make sense of body. General election on b.b.c. Radio 4. Legs Still. Such. A step and move on the failing Good morning it is to see Jackson and still on a clock 10 o'clock to sit on the ready Hey we got an a catch isn't from Norfolk Wildlife Trust will be here in the next hour the National buds of the u.k. Is slowing the spiral notebooks the black but also multiplayer but you think the answer coming up straight. 76 I was in. Norfolk news Norfolk on my. Skis b.b.c. Radio 5. It is 10 o'clock with the latest news to Mattick out a woman from Wyndham has told b.b.c. Radio 1st she was left frightened and anxious by an adequate home care in the barrack to some Force retired care worker herself she told us she'd been washed with nearly cold water from a bucket by carers paid to look after her at her house her from a firm source by Norfolk County Council who told us they can't comment on specific cases but take any concerns very seriously and are working with the home care provider Collin and.

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