Plenty of cloud that could possibly be smitten folk forming into tomorrow morning and say where we get that the cloud will cover it it can be quite a gray day tomorrow but it should be dry and it will feel mild again with temperatures again in double figures 10 or 11 degrees Celsius and lighter winds and is a threat seen b.b.c. Made you know Thanks Lizzie. Green trade on b.b.c. Radio yeah and don't you say it's an age thing so it isn't a guy I can cite but you've got quite good thank you so much for your coming this morning still plenty of time to get your dedication for friends and family and before midday the good guy is where we find the local country office on not doing that around about 1115 in 15 minutes time also in the South thought us will pop in and Updike this with a come in with the coming garden party which takes you there at midday Of course they vote already got the champagne on ice the maki is being launched and they will be here oh I would think popping in the stick in the head from the corner any minute now. This is a cold. Come From meal McColl. That when. I do 13 double 3 is my text number you go to stand it with the word Norfolk another come straight through to me if you'd like me to. Be very happy to do that if you know of somebody who's listening and you know is that both around of a story maybe possibly possibly and I hope you'll sitting on your own you'd like a shot I feel self a white 103 itan 9. 7321 is my telephone number or you can email me Keith dot Greentree at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. The reason why on that site at b.b.c. Norfolk and this is exactly what they've done little pump to school they've got a Christmas fire there you say and I say all the fun starts at 12 midday at little plums disco like a Christmas food good for the. Lips will. Swallow for. A touch was just. A. Touch of. The touch. Screen. Too often His name is Ross he Bailey she left love all over Mae thanks very much Martin slogan is drop me a line on Keith all Greentree at b.b.c. Dot co dot to he says Hey Keith I'm firmly back to listening to the end of the Rugby World Cup Well done to know you there Thank you excellent program today I thank you what's the name of that song that you play to write about 1045 I heard as I taking my own but couldn't find a Keep up the good work and pass on my very best wishes and thanks to old. Sherrington residence that's where he lives as you know working on today's Christmas fair in our village hole so there you go another Christmas fire Sherrington if you want to go along the spend a bit of money and I'm sure it's going to help charity it's a Christmas fire going on there let's have a look that to actually come it's cold Musta been the way I said it it's called I'd taken. A Titan man from Ashley Campbell obviously that's one you like and you're going to put on your i Pod Well done you hope you enjoy it. Slow it down a bit. Of a little drink. A drop of wine. Once a Patsy Cline says Matia Thornton. Do. Your. You know where he. And. Me. And. You are so easy on the areas Marshall filmdom bubble one of Patsy Cline and b.b.c. Radio Norfolk Of course. You know fuck Wade Keith clean trade on b.b.c. Radio No 560 minutes past 11 club only to have his b.b.c. Radio Norfolk in time we did the good God does have a look at the gigs for the dice not to buy the 23rd of November Brian mines at the Royal British Legion Sydney Street. Rightwing say in Essex a free admission for that one got to go along there I mean bold and you'll find her at the main the b.-l. E. Street money in Cambridge here today Capricorn of the golden spire a country music turning in Essex Craig Powell you find it at the North Social Club tonight at 95 Baka street and Norah Texas gun at the wild stallion country music club Plumstead road and knowledge and Baron Busby He's at the but in the Country Music Club tonight at the penny both club knob in Norfolk of course and Johnny Flint in today's at the Cambridge Chesterton indoor bowls club on to tomorrow very busy day tomorrow is the 24th of November lender and author James at Peddler's country music club but the swell from Conservative Club knowledge is that the tequila sunrise m.d.c. Buzzard's and Social Club n s a pat Jordan and Finnegan's rainbow Plus Steve Carmel of the old league come to music club that's only really told me a bust in the Lincolnshire rancher at the browser road March in Cambridge or tomorrow starts at 1 o'clock remember Bobby Graham will be at the Silver Dollar country music club and that's how the Park Hotel in this budget Coleman at the icon country music club hands be village hall that's home waters lane in the hands be tomorrow night cliff West and tomorrow evening will be at the lazy k. Country Music Club held at steeple Bumstead village hall in Essex and Joe McNichol of the show starts to convert 3 at 3 the Cauvery from $12.00 to $2.00 so the show starts at 3 the Cauvery from $12.00 to $2.00 booking is advisable Penley country music up at the penny Bowls Club new Navara and Johnny Flint and will be at The Celt pub in Gholston the Joe Devon show band which we heard earlier on is the opera village hall near house done and of course that's in Norfolk all to choose day Martin j. Winston's country music club it's time way road was football club in Essex Dave Leslie at the Jenny's country music club East which clearly told me it can play in the north but I haven't Brighty will be the Norwich be a b. Club at the local street off chapel filled road in Norwich I'm told Wednesday 2 gigs for you Bob Caley will be the country road Country Music Club West Cliff British Legion. And Essex Darren Busby he's not the kind with country music up at the time but United supporters Dublin the Newmarket Road in Cambridge Thursday 2 more gigs stiff Steve Hanks at the rink and home country music club at the wrong to home social club near King's Lynn try Jackson at the ghost Rogers Weston club nights at the conference leisure center School Road and Driton 2 gigs on Friday in the McCullough Di John Dr days at the Brosnan. And Mark James at the Ponderosa club and that's the Country Music Club at the start like a football club in Suffolk of course unless you know different my number 080-309-7321. This is Thomson Square. Millionaires. Cracks in the cracks. a little cold as Michael put Hello Michael I didn't realise I'd miss ladder up there you know it's looking a little bit busy in Norwegian now all police road approaching Durham road is looking for a slope on the southbound side grapes hill filled out that's getting busy now approaching since the VNS road and since he was already so he's still busy heading into the city King's Lane still the usual delays approaching the south Gates roundabouts on the trains buses are running for Greater Anglia services again this weekend between culturist and Mark's type if you see and feel kind of believe me call 803897321 I'm Michael Page with your b.b.c. Radio no for travel now you can clear your throat Thanks. Thank you Kate. a restaurant looking cross the table and you see some you sweet and she sing in that song. Let me like. An approach to that with me I'll be talking to her just a moment I'm going to the big news you know for coming and enjoying the Christmas music in the resists morning from the Salvation Army as they raise funds for the important toys and things a bill at the b.b.c. Norfolk Christine said Look I got that done very happy to pass it on because it was launched this morning on b.b.c. Radio and all fit with that we talked to him Foster in the Major a round about quarter to 11 and yeah it's going well and an approach what was amazing I don't know you probably didn't you're probably lying in your bed and so you should have got walls that said that it wasn't last until today of course but when she came in 5 o'clock this morning there were times in the slide because the slide he was put there in that good side is launched so people really don't know where it is and there's the slight and there's the lawn and of course is a big marquee at that at the moment in the hot mess it is a wonderful thing to do as well because you can. If you have young ones grandchildren children you can make it part of the shopping ritual you need to get something a little extra that we can put in there and it just brings us great understanding of people helping each other I don't think it is nice in that it's that time of the we go from children in these trying to which is brilliant because we then start raising money for the Salvation Army those who are not so fortunate as ourself Yeah and then I can hear a lot of people sharing their right you know what is he talking to and a pariah who because I'm sitting in for thought so that like I'm barking and I'm very excited because well it's a bit of a lads afternoon really apart from that nothing about you know there's nothing that is about me but my company are quite loud so on top so it's going to be call around when I can fit it already they're just going to get some drink a sim and me. But I mean who's to say who's to say what they put in them we have Alexander life who is going to be talking all things trees he's our tree man's If you know any questions about trees it whether you should be pruning anything this time of year will managing anything or how to get rid of things near it anything like that then since your man can help you with an old green tree can you help me with that probably. Like do you need proof. We go in roof and we've got Alan Gross Well mistrust of acreage just bowls of farm really kind of like the makings of a magical program slightly mad I think that's good that's the best people often are absolutely right so you're here between 12 and top 12 yes I'd like your e-mails your calls and your texts please very very simple if you pinging me an email you can attach a picture to that dot pair at b.b.c. Don't code a u k the tricky spelling for that is p e r. You will be mentioning it throughout the program pick up the phone as well I weigh 103897321 is the number to remember you can text the program attach pictures to technology we're not sure there. Were No Yes Do you have a. Didn't get pictures and I didn't know what's coming up to that I don't know why . Not mention this before when the engineer cell without computers. As a typical engineer was following is what. Turned off turn on the. Upside down I'm going to sit on my head Oh that's right picture of King or whatever . I like it's very good and I'm also going to be talking about the interesting mail that I had last night which was a bit like carry on dining. I would mention the place I went to put it very very very. Well things do go telling me you know. Ok I've got a secret. So $12.00 to $2.00 then the garden party. Is already up and that's an approach to government party time. Sure. To think. That the founding. want to Molly b. Was the name of the lady in this cold game and before that you had a brand new one it came from Jason Aldean it's way back I say it brand new but I played it a couple of times because it's one of those albums where it's been a songs have been dropped and dropped and dropped I've got about 5 or 6 of them I thought I was going to play the lot before is released on this release today the album is called 9 and it's in the shops all your favorite online store today. He'd gone. On. The 1st. Even tends. To come crawling back that row your own. Spinning you. Wasting. When the scum. In the. Land. Is Exactly. What he would. Look around and. Not man her elbow no way. To get these call. Radio. We always. Say oh my friend. You think we. Don't get it. All is a little foam. When you question burning. Man who we. Home. Last name a bride and the girl go nowhere on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk Joe McNichol and his band of go to the asp all theocracies on bonds that system Aspel slain Suffolk I p 14618 that's on Monday the 2nd of December so but 10 days time Monday the 2nd of December starts at 7 30 in the evening is going to cost you just $15.00 pounds for that there is apparently ample free parking discipled facilities as well license Pago to be one of those and tea and coffee if you want to go there you want to book a seat for that John McNichol and his band at the Aspel theatre give Bryan man a cold the number is 079128505 double for I was 79128505 double for. It was a bit slow from you. When the most. News . And good news today. I will. Move. In. When it gets turned cold. Shows me the strain of the. Show I let friends are back to the stud. And. Sarah dollar. And is republic other it's called for ever and thank you text 015245 I only wish I wish I could very kind of you thank you so much for your message really appreciate it let me briefly tell about the breakdown Country Music Festival next June 2020 brand new venue for them they're going to be at the wrong time home social club School Road from home on June the 19th 2020 so only going to cost $65.00 pounds per person there is going to be loads of artists there I'll read the more as we go through this coming month or next year the def you want to know more about I suggest you go 281953 double 89890 wanted to tell you though that got a brand new vet venue for the Breton country music festival run townhome social club that's where it sat next to. Travel the road looking. So looking pretty busy in King's Lynn approaching the Southgate's roundabout that's not unusual ready for a Saturday in nor age we're still seeing delays on grapes Hill communes chapel filled roads and Stevens road as well heading into the city looking busy just a reminder the road Coleman road and Farah road they're all closed at the other man . About the works this weekend on the trains and there are buses running for great angry services again this weekend between coach and my type if you see anything kind of by me who are 803897321 I'm Michael Page with the b.b.c. Radio Norfolk travel Michael thank you so much for your services this morning I've been drugs I'm sure there's a lot of shouting Thank you thank you cares you know. This week with me Chris Cora at breakfast with the general election around the corner we heard about the big issues prior youngest fighters in Norfolk I want a government that focuses on the n.h.s. Health and then the chess public transportation immigration climate change hands down climate change and with the latest research saying that more than half of us have had problems with our online orders spare a thought for all the livery drivers one of my daughters is a big boy fresh dog I've been charged out of a farm yard case all sorts of problems sometimes you can people have more of Norfolk's big stories from you on the phones Monday morning from 630 Chris Core I'm afraid 1st on b.b.c. Radio for your part of the b.b.c. I listened to that during the week it was a great photo actually because I was think when I was a paper boy I got a couple of times anyway that's about as far as we go on the show today thank you so much has been really rodeo north for the last 3 hours hope you've enjoyed music if you could pick out one song that you've enjoyed then you've made me happy I'll be back next Saturday morning between 9 and 12 o'clock unless you love your country music I'll be back tomorrow afternoon between 2 and 4 on The Big Country show. So how great we want the best out of our. Girls. Were. Found. Travis Tritt wishful thinking Oh it's fabulous nice one case available on the b.b.c. Sounds. Simple just download the app and you can listen to this thing that you've heard in the last 3 hours what an absolute pleasure it's the Garden Party now. Got the news at midday coming up that shortly there we have Alan Gross we have Alex on tape and we have in the roof to answer all of your planting questions exciting state shouldn't were Norfolk news your folks my. Skis before you see the range was 5 were. It's midday on Saturday the 23rd of November 29000 here with your latest Norfolk news is Claire wet and good afternoon 2 men have died and a woman's been seriously hurt a collision near to the Norfolk showground it happened yesterday at around 5 pm Steve Martin reports the incident happened on the Durham roads during rush hour yesterday a blue Subaru car hits 2 pedestrians the driver of the car a man in his thirty's died at the scene as did one of the pedestrians a man in his forty's a woman in her fifty's was taken to the Norfolk at Norwich Hospital with life changing injuries she remains there in a serious condition police want anyone who saw what happened to contact them particularly if they have dash cam footage of the car involved the family of an ambulance dispatch worker from Norfolk who took his own life saying they're devastated by the loss 24 year old Lou Grant had been based at the housed and Control Room 11 days ago he was found dead he's one of 3 workers for the east of England Ambulance Service to have died in the past 2 weeks Nick's brother Daniel who also works for the service paid tribute to him he joined today to soar save lives and help people rarely He loved helping and yeah that was just his nature he was good as job been everyone loved him there and yeah we all loved him as well so a dedicated Support line staffed by trauma counsellors has been established to help work with the ambulance trust and its staff. They'll thanks very much Hancock has rejected decision by g.p.s. To Lot b. N.h.s. England to remove home visits from their contracts the vote was taken at a meeting of family don't piss in London last night they say they no longer have the capacity to do them but they've insisted that home visits for patients with the most complex needs would carry on Mr Hancock has dismissed the proposals as a complete nonstarter which would not succeed in negotiations the editor of the g.p. Magazine pulse Jamie cafe says doctors are under pressure off think we're not to have any more it's role favorite to be coming out to say you however I think the state Democrats and I'm of every few patients that they have that part of Dr family coming out to say you haven't known for the last 20 years what is required for help and repay to say we have got too much on at the moment and there is no way that we can give patients care I need without looking at what they're doing a moment b.b.c. Radio Norfolk has launched its annual twenty's until his appeal today the donation should be new and I'm ram to make it easier for the Salvation Army to make them into gift Tampa's Major Martin we respond to the toys and tin stain he says it's those little extras that will make a big difference those things that you probably would give in a Christmas stocking even those small items which you may think are not really that important but actually to some families are vital in terms of reducing their own bills Christmas and the commonly held view that dogs age 7 years for every one human year is a myth according to new research scientists at the University of California found the aging process in puppies is much faster and that by the age of 3 dogs are closer to a 50 year old human but then the process slows down and a 10 year old Labrador is found to be a similar age to someone who is $68.00 b.b.c. Radio Norfolk nieces 3 minutes past 12 Thank you Claire. The Canaries travel to Everton. Just from last night's commentry. B.b.c. Radio in Norfolk whether it's a rather damp start to the day we've got outbreaks of rain pushing their way northwards for the rest of the morning some heavy best but My Space is fairly light and patchy but also be plenty of drizzle just falling from the thickness of the cloud at times for the rest of the morning plus beans the afternoon as well as quite breezy the wind easing down as that rain clears its way north which they could even possibly a little bit of afternoon brightness that is fading mild out there with top temperatures in double figures a tad or 11 degrees Celsius then even I tonight possibly. If we do get those temperatures will drop back to lay single figures but I think it's more like you see plenty of cloud that could possibly base mist of fog forming into tomorrow morning and say where we get that the cloud will cover it it can be quite a gray day tomorrow but it should be dry and it will feel mild again with temperatures again in double figures 10 or 11 degrees Celsius and lighter winds and is a threat Seine b.b.c. Made you know whether we are whether the girl said Carty on b.b.c. Radio no fact while looking out song today it's a little bit of a miserable dreary one it's just the weather to stay indoors and have a listen to b.b.c. Radio Norfolk because we're having a bit of not a lot softer moon in which seemed very. Ok I think this is a very exciting we've got Alan great resource and OPEC which hit a very very good afternoon to you just all in yellow to match your microphone Oh somewhere yeah amount of stock Alexander life not much you might find but I do believe you have horses on your shot I said it and I kept it up to practice and here was this baby on a lonely and rave how are you going down to earth and up exactly you don't want all you we all ready for lots of mourning in the afternoon and if they're going to bring it all on the back. Garden we have. And Alan Gray on b.b.c. Radio you know. It's time to pick up the phone and get your questions in if you got anything gotten me going on and you'd like us to answer any questions for you let me give you the details 1st a bit of a chat amongst ourselves and see what the guys have been up to this week but if you want to get in touch I want to join the queue also laughing all right to try to work out what we're going to burn this. Well it'll be far and I'm sure we'll we'll work together and work out so get in touch via email I'm dot pyro at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. That's p.-e. Double our own double t. If you opinion is an e-mail you can attach as many pictures as you like to that obviously of plants and things like that and then you can also pick up the phone have a chat with Debs it's her birthday tomorrow so if you do pick up the phone you need to pick up the phone and go hello Dave's very very happy returns for tomorrow. And she'll like that so to do that for us and pick up the phone ask any questions she'd like I want 103897321 is the telephone number 4 but all ping.