Thank you that has been that about a lot you have seen as a panelist on the Jeremy Holland shop scratch and feisty. Face looks like you and the writer why across the nation council is now a realms minutes ago we had a message from Joe who said I want. Have a rent can I do on your show yes you can Joel is here right now Joe good evening you know and just don't now Joe You'll appreciate that this is very last minute however we've got a little jingle for you which goes a little bit like this Joe gets angry. Ok. Now let's get some context in this because you phoned up tonight and you want to have a rant about a particular song and this is a little clip of the song. Careless and it's called Mr Brightside suggested that the airwaves are yours my friend why if you got beef what's going on what would you like to write about. It just I want you to pry it was so subtle supposedly some of the northeast I mean. Think about what we got to take away with a person I think. But mainly I was going to I don't want the evening anyone can use week here and I'm going to I'm a big fan of Instantly you know if you want to me to yes yes Michael thank you. So much. For you but I want to you're there hasn't been awards music for me they've just said Justin Daly is won another award How's he won there and then I got onto the stage and said well I had to say so you come to the wards evening and every single person walks on to that song to last summer and I don't think it's bad enough here and every time. You get to hear. From you know 2025. You know I mean. Well you almost have now obviously your fate in this back to me it's not you having a rant on the radio and if anybody else has got any thoughts and comments on this place feel free to get in touch Did you take it up with the management on the night . You want to be. Very. Well if we have got anybody listening who has been to an awards do recently there's a couple of things here did you get to choose your entrance music I suppose will if you were to choose it that would suggest that you're going to win so Secondly if you've been sort of wards and you won some saying what was the song that you walked on stage to give me a call or text me once for example 3 start you text with Justin Joe thank you feel better you got a few jest better now I mean you're going to be awarded I mean I'm a plain Mr Brightside I know if you suspend. Joe thank you very much over the Easter Bunny bye for now angry Joe He's been to an awards to he hates the record anyway he thinks is overplayed Kell I just say that in the 2 and a half years that I've been presenting this radio program I have never ever played that song so it's not overplayed on the show because we've never played it but he says it's an overplayed record and he heard it 25 times in the same night at the awards do let's go to Monica who's in very Monica Good evening. Good even though coming up very soon Dez O'Connor is going to be on the show he's 87 years old he is an absolute legend What would you like to say that there's a comma well. That must be a. My job was he did nothing well then so called on the t.v. Interview about 2 years old and my husband said all the things you don't live in anymore. We will go take it live you know when and there are ways but those are mother tongue we got to the c.s. . She wanted. It was in doubt because it was already on the site they gave. A start and he said Excuse me where do you use for a just come from that we only we've come from Hollywood. So he said. Travel. Well you come from they said We come from Australia so is it all comes. From our companies chap time. I was trying. To help so any enjoy came down to us a guy bought a daughter a photograph of himself well it was through a pencil that that was on the bedside cabinet shelves she showed up and you know well you know if he wasn't sick all over. It was she was very upset and. You know was presenting this phone this phone in programme because you just get the most random stories like this Monica thank you so much and stretching days is on the way in about 15 minutes Ok Thank you Monica I haven't listened thank you very much bye for now that market. What a great story have you and here's a question I think the beauty of the show is that we just kind of see where it takes us I have seen so many videos and D.V.D.'s of comedians and entertainers who are on stage and somebody a bit like Monica and her family walking in late if it's a comedian whatever you do do not walk in late there's O'Conner is a lovely guy and I can't imagine him destroying somebody in front of an audience he was really really nice as you have there but have you ever turned up late to something and somebody has already been on stage doing their thing if you have walked in late were you identified. What happens pick up the phone and give me what you need the number field b.b.c. Local radio station which is coming out right now. Coal 080-389-7321. It's on the why in about 15 minutes after 11 we catch up with Cher Lloyd as well she was on the x. Factor 10 years ago Cher pops in to see me yesterday she was great fun there is a 2 acoustic performances coming up. One of her super friends now the super fan that we follow. So it was going to be her. On the other end it was us. We shall always you'll find out what happened after 11 or you can text me and of course you can email me just a dog daily at b.b.c. U.k. Here's the spread Sidibe was great give me some of the. a lot brilliant young man he is if you missed a Honestly one of the most inspiring interviews that we've done Kelsey 17 years old he's been blind since the age of 5 b. Came into the studio in the last week he's been part of the b.b.c. Children in Need a rickshaw challenge honestly he was absolutely fantastic just in across the Eastern Counties all we're hearing. About for a little bit of this. Rice pilaf every time yes this is listener Paul who is very geeky about his music he comes on the show every single week yes 30 seconds to talk about a song of his choice and then we play it we empower our listeners on this show Bob good evening Justin How you doing a very windy day very very well into a ball I'm noticing you watching it was couple to mine 30 good segue that young man yes teaching goals in a row now Paul before we go into your song we are going to talk about Christmas songs a bit like from when do you think is the right time to play Christmas songs on the right. About 2 weeks before Christmas what if we played once or not pop. That's fine and again about going to go much of the mission but when you do go around some of the supermarket sort of salmon stores and that the ones are now open Yeah you do have and you know sometimes like October and that's so I think Christmas songs you know months before Christmas maybe even so weeks but you know there's some great Christmas songs and of the best one I think ever made it was Chris restoring home for Christmas my mom my mom loves that song every single year she says to me ply Equestria driving over Christmas the same it's not about me it's not about you it's about our listeners if they asked for our pleasure. What can you blame us. Every year the lights are on we have got the shop workers perspective I was outside a shopping center the other day specifically looking for people working shops and I was asking them do Christmas songs drive you mad you'll find out what happened a bit like. So what if your play but Chris de Burgh spice bank I'm traveling one. Of my favorites as well that one can I just get a little bit deeper and serious on the show for a 2nd book is that you could have got me now you know no not you not you for those that missed the program last week we had Chris de Burgh on the show this was not Chris de Burgh the singer this was Krista the bus driver and the reason we had Christopher the bus driver on the program singing Lady in red is because for the last 2 years we've been asking the singer Chris de Burgh to come on the show and every time he said no so we said enough is enough we're going to find another course to to sing Lady in red and I thought it was great didn't you Bob It was very good indeed in fact when you've had a word with young dancers O'Connor the great man himself maybe he might even do a version of it and I reached number one in the Christmas shop which would be lovely now you're so you've got 30. Seconds to talk about is a reg I saw it's the pine is called let you know yeah I love this track you got 30 seconds to talk about it Bob are you ready to go how do you know you're good to go I don't need a script it's all in a knot Oh my God you've got 30 seconds Mikey 30 seconds not 35 not 40 your 32nd starts now. You time you caper. This is a poem isn't it Justin said let you know yeah but yeah I think it's when the greatest middle of the road reggae recollects written by Jimmy King a story Jimmy Cliff and produced by Jimmy Cliff and Sidney Cook's the lead singer of the pond is I remember hearing Jimi young actually playing this one is Radio 2 programme great middle of the road Rick I reckon I know the listeners will love it I love it and you love it Justin what more is said to be said old you know I want to become a story tonight Bob you have stuck to time and we are going to give you a big round of applause. But what do you have I'm going to make some sausages a minute and a cup of coffee would you like some. We don't my mum probably get a pass. Thank you but. Then I got a special one for you next week or I'm looking forward to it cheers mate by Fidel Yeah thanks a lot let's go up we're going to make some sausages do you want some from Sis says he and we were talking about have you ever got into a show like it and the person on the singer comedian whatever. It's called You have a band like Francis says that she walked out of a show made wine before Francis he kind of left on a cliffhanger takes me back what was the show that you walked out of that's the kind of really important part of the story for a double story starts your text with the word just in the poem is now coming out very soon there's a color what a legend. A is I let you know yeah that's your text messages very same Jerry Judy is on the law and he is in which I'm just I'm with you until 1 am a right the way across the Eastern Counties thank you so much for tuning in Jerry Jerry Good evening good evening to you hello i j. I didn't find going on just 77 I'm fine I'm still above ground. Yeah. Wow Straight out there what if you go for Sinatra and j.j. Well let's hear some reggae or as we used to call it regularly. From 1963 I was stationed in Singapore with the Royal Air Force and we had a big contingent of West Indians and all of a sudden this music started coming in from Jamaica Yeah and never heard anything like course we hadn't heard anything like you know Prince bust he. Was one of the Student Well I guess you could say he was still original reggae music boat. So much Prince plus the trucks you want then madness you want madness Prince passed the which was which is a tribute to Prince pasta wasn't it. You know I won't be original. As I'm supposed to Toby says You got it so Nugent bulks got madness Prince Busta That's a great shame Yeah Ok. Well there j.j. Before you go to my Christmas music what was your reply and. 24th of December how does the so measurable come out of j.j. Can now on that count on at my age I can be as miserable those I want all he. So you saw it and it's a question for you you say you 77 and you quite happy to reveal your I talk about it do you find the older you get the more miserable you can be and the more you can get away with it yes definitely they could say I would just shrug their shoulders and say Ah that miserable old bugger. Old story. Yes Now you've said if anybody's offended by that Apologize j.j. I think I think we'll leave them I am going to play a track for you and if you had a few or a few based or not maybe no not yet not yet. In fact I'll just poured one myself. And I loved up the floor a good bad Ok thank you very much for the cold Ok Mike just nice talking to you by Fidel that's not a big can imagine what it's like when you've got a few this is b.b.c. Local radio on the why next. Tonight. Is just been so random the why next we all go and speak talking to dads. I mean how amazing is about some great stories about that or if you've got a story about that so-called place feel free to get. Some. Practical advice. Of the holiday why it's the Lysis Daniel Daniel the real life who was on this program last year is he still in the woods that is a really really good question. And find out I'm talking about awards we spoke to earlier on said that you went with awards to this week for single person who won an award walked on to the same song the killers Mr Brightside he was free. They came on the show to rent now this message here says I walked onstage to collect some awards for Waste Management excellence I walked on to this. Step. She. Would have been furious actually. Who's written that text message thank you. I. Was off I wholeheartedly support the ban on Christa Berger and so he comes on the program enjoying the program I do not mind Mr Brightside especially the Paul Anka version. Thank you very much and Jill says in brackets I'm not your mom place. Please can you play driving over Christmas because that is one of my favorite songs ever single year my mom always says to me I'll come can you play driving home for Christmas just for May We are going to play some Christmas songs but probably if I'm going to be honest with you not tonight right on the why next desert corner after this absolute classic and genuinely I believe that I think this is brilliant they could. Happening on Friday the 22nd of November and so days is on the line right now there is good evening Well I don't know I didn't mean yet but when I have it right now I know the people who do you know how old that record is. But 25 you know. So not that old here again. Such as this show of yours with Jimmy it's pretty much anything goes it's a free for a while. But. I made a very. Careful about. Your word becomes you know I had you know what we don't know a lot. So. It worked out fine at the moment so what sort of things to happen I mean give us an example from previous shows of some of the chaos that happens on stage when I don't hear it so hard and 6 or something I. Don't know really I don't order for you No No No found around about all sorts of things and I want to go out me and I've got a bit of a sort so the matter is I never go out as we are not even to the 8 so many people down the years and you probably get asked the obvious question who's the one that you enjoyed the most but what about this album of the interviews that you've done which was the one that you were really nervous about doing take Freddie Starr of the equation because when I interviewed him I was wearing 3 pairs of underpants on because I didn't know what he was going to cite but for you Dez who would you say was was the one person that you interviewed the Cheney when the you were really terrified about interviewing Well I think you knew that I'd say whatever I was interviewing It was sitting on the same characters male or next to me so but I don't think there's any one person there's some that writers are giving it others. And I would be up to me to gee them up a little bit but most of all most of just great fun to talk to a must ask you about this what do you think of the I all because that for me at the minute is ruining football do you agree Well we're talking about where were the referees Sterns or someone else here were here say 8 days or. Refereed or not referee. I played a bit of porridge you know if we're not out of the ball players cobblers are nothing personal but. I remember remember remember the Bard said to me about it I said you're very fast and I was I was quite fast he said you're very positive you know it's very true the ball would be. Really True but they say you know I don't I'm not a fan of. That I think we got part of the 5 guys or of a ball but if you have a little you go the ref not a guy that's how to cry do you realize how well loved you are in this country well I. Dare say for you to say thank you it's nice to fear the wall when I walk out and say I completed that as well between as we kind of peers days later we were coming straight from the plate and. Well I learned that just a lot of. Noise that the public a prick never dies I'm going to prove to you right now just how well loved you are and trust me it's rare for us to do this on the show we have no one of these for a very very long time it's time for me to hit the spot. Were about to do a mini This is your life you had no way to do it we were going to do this we've got quite a few guys no idea that. We would see what happened that day you work with so many people over the years and suddenly people I salute really love you you presented today with a dozen mail for for many many years mentally Sikes was your co-host meddling has been in touch and here's what she had to say I done this case Malony how he loves Lenny so I'm just sending a message to tell you what you already know I thought I love you he say much and I'll be always grateful for. My cumulation share and the one we have personally and you mean well to me. And. So no you. Are God you're only. As well as being a brilliant presented as an Ok singer you have given people a platform and supported talent Bradley Walsh is one of the most popular presenters on our t.v. Screens and that's because you gave him a regular slot on your t.v. Show we've been in touch with Bradley and this is his message Hello days old love yes she showbiz plodders well what her life what a career that night and it was you who helps me off my Can't thank you enough I really really can't so lovely to see the other night bunnies do in London I just want to say lots of love to you in the family Joey and I'm a really really really miss you mate I really do and just have a lovely lovely Christmas Cheers mate lots loved it but it's so nice I'm a lovely guy anyway but it's not thank you. There's more do you have millions of fans this is one of your super fans Hello my name is honestly the corn and I'm the founder of the desert color fern group on Facebook I 1st remember watching does on television when he had his chat show on t.v. When I was growing up and no matter what kind of day you had he always just gave you that warm cozy feeling when you tuned in I also love his music as it really encompasses the social scene of the sixty's and seventy's so I hope there's keeps us entertained for many more years to come they go to somebody like the music Well that's right no I said you know you know. They're obviously lots of fans but you're also known for having one of the best suntanned in the world there's. Caller This is Kathy who is from the fake Association Hi Dan You're an absolute legend there is no week that goes by when a client doesn't say it doesn't go to police she stays I didn't know I used to also have a fairly normal to go away whenever I could for a few days somewhere lots just to top it up but it is nice to know the paper do recognize it and this is the final clip and this is me walking to a bus stop Iran and I just walked up to a bus stop with a microphone and I spoke about you and this is what happened to all of us Angela emerged from Poland to the u.k. In the 1960s What was the best thing about moving to the u.k. Oh there's a pun really yeah I like I like his humor and everything so I mean most people I think about England they think about big bang they think about all those things with the u.s. There's a comma there's no love there thank you so does I call. You sold something like 60000000 records entertained us for decades upon decades 87 years old you're still going strong that was your mini This is your life how is that for you to as well that's a very good I don't know where you know where you can see it was the very 1st subject because you know I go on me there were everybody. There was no there was it was No No 1st of all with somebody I was conductor and they had to go but then they were talking after about 10 or 12 years and everybody but it was a very I was the 1st one ever lovely you know I don't. Know the public you know more than just what they see on the stage and you know it's when the prince is coming. 23rd at the end is apparently Friday the 22nd however and I've got got Adam My son is 14 just 14 has never been on a stage where he should because he can play 5 instruments at 14 courage God So you know it is very fortunate I've been very fortunate over the years with people I would guess I'm with my well I'm I give I want to to sing. And she's just brilliant so I'm very fortunate you know because during myself on a question for you guys and we really really pre-show coming on you mention about your son Adam who's now 40 and you had to add him when he was 72 you got a lot of stick at the time too that you were not or no role to really be that it was given the proper way. I don't. I think parents if someone has a child when you're later on in life that's up to you you know whether you mean the kids where we have great fun together so you know I'll still play football with them occasionally but I was writing talent guard because he's got so much talent but he's 14 years old and already he's very very talented so it certainly sounds to me like show bass is going to be his career as well but not yours so you're not of course well known my wife my wife Jodi Jodi but was and she she's shy mother played him in some. Big big Albert hole so she started role you know he has got the. If you're like pedigree so very very very very lucky and happy Ok I'm now going to play one of your songs and as I want you to pick one of your songs up into the charity shop I've got your entire back catalog for. 50 pence which song we can supply of yours and why well I don't have any favorite. Songs but you must have a favorite one there are I know most of our not. So. Pick month I'm going to go into much ebooks in a 2nd because there's a color song days you're a gentleman thank you so much for your time and best of luck with Jimmy at times and thank you thank you. Thank you that said there's a color so that's going to the jukebox we're going to get Toby to pick out one of his songs and we're going to put it in there right now is good right does a color here we go this is baby see like with you until 1 am. Sitting here. Listening could step in this. And have to talk to me is the. a. Pretty . Something made her 2 Not just means to protect. My stand to the. Just been. Called I would change. How my sing was days what's a legend hello and good evening say is desert always loved watching his t.v. Programmes he was hilarious and also Helen says and does one appreciate this I have always a liked your music absolutely I know the more common was used to take the mickey. And then some but his music was good it was really really good Elaine says Sankey the plane does a color. Brilliant Yeah well said Jack. Easton can see. A similar show start there are still so much good stuff to come an unexpected surprising stuff as well now. It's been a random show tonight we got talking about have you ever been to a theatre show and you've walked in like if so what happened that was a light he found and he walked into light to one of Des's okama Shah did Jenny say hi Jenny good evening to Jenny have you ever walked in like to a show and if so what happened I haven't gotten laid to show I have had an experience this put it that way was ever 20 years ago if anything is the law I was looking at when took office in Great Yarmouth. I'm not I'm certain I've been a phone it yeah I know. Because I saw signs I thought not to think I might break if I wasn't good about you know if I'm going to pay the rest of the show I've never seen it you know cause I have a well I'm I'm always honest of the back of your little boy and then all the sudden you know you said we've got a nice young lady here tonight he said to the chef you know when I thought it was a fantastic chef he said I'm sure you don't like me. But when you know that I made you know I like Oh I didn't think I'm you know if they don't but he said she liked him then. We got to fight then. I made his name I made a bet. Made the end. Of. Time you were. Here maybe a month and in one year. I made about. Right and months again they got me. You sound like you've taken a good face but marched down in front of everybody to the stage where Jim Davidson is performing you must have been really really embarrassing cringing all the way down there. When I went back in the. Show and he got everybody in the bank I mean when I got. Paid or night. Before I let you go you've obviously been a chef for quite a long time and you've served to a number of stars as well because you're making food for people in the public to mine when you're making that how scared are you that you're going to get it wrong and upset somebody who might go into what we would often call a bit of a diva fit and how worried if you've. Got insurance. So I gets out. And I've never. Seen a poison from person. Oh Ok. Can we tell me about it I know it was my ex-husband I didn't because if. I don't know why you just say that I poisoned my ex-husband Oh yes my ex. Jenny I wonder where that phone call Skybus coleslaw the kind of keep me on the edge of my seat thank you so much we'll call him please call me good thanks yeah I mean I could meet you in the condo. On the bungalow the way not to charge her. And I thought that the place and the. People in the market you know I mean yeah but then who had so much to that day and then the American smaller up in the mo and then there's the rest of the playing and well obviously going through a tough time how to not show it as Might you smile made me smile yet that was because of the ocean when I make my way I'm always on route to somewhere waiting on the radio. I make up a book you know I wish that. Back in the mike. I wondered what was actually a place or something but anyway I'm going to leave it there for timing thank you so much for the call not the best buy for no. By that said that was a great fun cause she's now a lot of people have been asking if you are chaining in to the show tonight for the very 1st time you're about to experience one of our regular colas she is a delight but she hasn't phoned in for quite a few weeks now this lady whenever she goes to bed early she picks up the phone she comes on and she sings her words not mine she sounds like the 9 from the t.v. Show Katherine tight Kathy get a knowing. How are you my princess Oh rot my love for you not being seen Well you sent that said I can't say yes I had me at the dam truck everybody else yeah yeah. Yeah and you're acting so what you been up to today then Cathy. Next thing is no baby well we've been you know but also. To Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Eva good so you don't see a tape the next time I get one up until recently a couple times actually I'm taking a week off so because I think I've just hit that point where I need cycle break charge my batteries next time I mail will you come around and. My wife I think would love you. My wife whenever she hears you on the right is all that can say oh isn't she wonderful I said you know what I'm going to adopt her into my family because whenever I talk to you know whatever people listen to you Kathy what you do you lift them you put a smile on people's faces that's what you do Kathy. Well you know like you are now well sure here and you always phone up when you go to bed early and you sing us a song are you going to sing for us tonight Cass g. Well. Come on do I want you to of course I want you we all want you to play not up to get shot 2. So well you know things are not going Kathy Well you can at the choice go on so I'm back to China classic Yeah. May is a doubt like that for I. Don't make it make all now before you sing the song. For those that don't know your story you sadly lost your dog and you spent all of your money on that bill he wants it all. And you want to get a new dog and our listeners very kind they managed to write hundreds of pounds for you to get a new dog what is going to under $600.00 which is incredible what is the latest with the top in order know. That the baby mowing Sabbat will 6 weeks out so it can't be 6 weeks out so well wait right but I say what is it. One them spaniel failed Ok. As a side. By Big Pat So I think though I would say no if that left out Jack Yeah I think the woman is. Saying that makes bait. That oh really yeah i smile only on the top aide Yeah and she's getting the telly found them but sadly found them back yes and silently told made no I mean tri state right so that could be you're told that you're going to get in the next see which would you try to give you and your whole family a lifeline it well I've got Chinese don't get me in last. Night she said laughing it out as I said all along take your time might the right decision make sure it's voluntary you so when you do that let's not rush back Oh I think I'm going to have so what were the options going slow boat to China and may think that out you want to see him as he does time you yeah if I could Ok How long about 30 seconds without the right oh yes I was well I can't give you I'm not you know a fan of it but I think it in Holland says you know before my son and I made a not much of my life that leap. No laughs. I'm not going to give you just a little sprinkle of that kind and all of the theory I want you to perform for us right the way across eastern Kansas this is classic like not right after 3123 May say that said I was a doubt sudden Elaine say that they. Wouldn't you meant the touts and that was a get out said Lady Land he died a decade earlier I believe so. If the was clear and family to your yeah. Yeah yeah I'd say well why they'd out and. Outs and they lie and say he died. And I think that's and it's a little less than a decade earlier. You know. It's a Geo that it. Was perfection count. I think and obviously what you have from Sandy echoed that you haven't found him for a few weeks on I think you've come back I think your batteries have been recharged and I think you have sounded to not better than ever that from a was a 10 out of 10 before Ms cafe. A vote you spoke I was not a coward. And I may not you know oh yeah yeah yeah I get it so show. Me on. Just before the program I have a shot as well. In my NJ Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Ok Kathy it's been a pleasure and a delight and thank you so much for making on though and we look forward to talking to you very soon Ok well. We thank you it's a pleasure good not my princess by. He. Had a think you so much for tuning in tonight it has been one of those shows again where quite literally anything has happened and will happen and will continue to be like that you're going to hear my interview with Cher Lloyd Cher shocked to find it was incredibly 10 years ago on the x. Factor and I've always been a big fan and what I like about Cher Lloyd is and I said this to you yesterday when she came in I said what I like about you is the fact that you are so media trying you know some people that that here on the show with the greatest amount of respect that way sometimes and we try and get them out of it but they will give you answers that you think is that come from them or that come from somebody else Cher Lloyd is not like that just a free spirit you're going to really enjoy this interview and there's a moment in the interview where we actually find one of our super fans now the super fan thinks that her sister is going to phone it's not it's us and we have Cher Lloyd in the studio and she is put to share it's a great moment you're going to hear that very very soon too for the price of want requests and much much more to come between now and one on your b.b.c. Local radio station. In.

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