Well style changed. Since. They are so well. Then you. Hello you're listening to the search show with Katie and Jay in a few minutes we're going to be talking to media and has just as well done multiple Ted talks and next year she's going to be on the selection committee for the talks picking the next generation of people to do. And we've got something to talk about as well Kitty in regards to that will be revealed show shortly later on as well we're going to hear from who's done a report about mental health coming to tell us a little bit more about her experiences with that as well plus we've got I'm Taryn back on the show this week and she's here this time to chat a little bit about one of her many passions which is photography and she's also hopefully going to share with us some of the ways she managed just to get involved in and so many different projects and she's a very busy lady always a very busy lady so I guess we'll find out a little bit more about that as well because the number of stuff that she does of people you know sometimes when she comes in and she's doing it is a little bit like how you know like what you do and just just Google not know what but you know apparently there is a way that you can get involved in all of these different things that she's doing and more I suppose as well so she was hoping that later on we're going to discover how to be tolerant. As an authority that visit. Going. To. Be sold to. Mayor Perrin is back with us tonight she was on the show this summer ahead of her talk at Texas no rich but she did it has just as I mentioned I mean has popped back in because next year she's going to be part of the selection committee of the talks and helping to get more people involved as well which is really exciting hardware Hi Thank you for coming in today so right I'm sorry Tell us a little bit about what you've been up to since we last saw you it's been a wrong and yet well off study a 9 say with n.p.r. Choosing my g.c.s.e. For the c.n.n. And it's been pretty all right since you come back coffee test refines full and we're just sort of I'm gettin more groups everything and we call of see great pictures. I'm not so excited raising how it will be acting going because you're in for to talk about that as well as yeah it was a while ago it's gone really good we've got all additions greasepaint made in a couple weeks time so you know you're going for. A little right. To sure we were in a few things down but you know. So how does a talk to us about how you got into the Ted talks and why more of all 1st of all what to talk is. Ted stands for Technology Education design so it's basically. Telling you how to explain it's basically something you can do it's a talk you can do that is online. And where you express an opinion or message that you think is basically an idea that's worth sharing and so you can go up on that stage and you can apply to speak about that I'd say tell us a little bit about some of the issues that you've spoken about because you've done x. Talks now you did one of your parents and you did one with your sisters as well just as of about to get an idea of what had talk is like whoa 1st to talk I did I did with my grandpa and my mum and we were speaking about are you worthy of your happiness and it's basically sort of all about how people can say like mean things to you people can be horrible and everything but you're the one who controls where the you take it like that so if someone says Oh you're an idiot you can either be like or why you being so mean to me or you can say actually you know what . Can still take it's about the I Am So what I don't really care like you can't let it affect you so it's saying I'm actually I can thinking on more positively It's Ok to have negative thoughts but it's how we manage them and like positive thinking is is quite a big part of your other one as well a little bit here talking about equality in the other one. That was a kind of like angle it came about because that's a really big topic and it must be hard to take an original stance on something like that you know I think it was I do I just find sort of I notice things especially in school. It's always if you write something down if Spellman is going to be in pink it's masking it's going and it's going to be in blue one day I was just you know well you know that it doesn't have to be that way and I think it was just the way it came across are sort of start looking into where and when. They reach out to make ends up to like to do another talk I mean my sisters so it's a brilliant idea to go forward with that and speak about equality and think actually no yes in the past we were a lot worse than we are now we are preparing but it's still not good enough we saw on equal to everybody enough and I think we should be more. Responsive you go in for talks. I think a lot of people just amazed that. 3 young girls go off on that stage and so off spoke about I had a lot of people say that they thought I was reading it from one of them. Yeah and I resented have you know I was thinking my earlier you all of a perfectly timed and yeah we saw I think the drama coming out. Of the law yeah. I think everyone's just pretty amazed that actually it's not just like people say oh yes young people change the future now but like yes it is simply go and hadn't wow their young girls got on that stage and did it and we the youngest. You know it's noticed. How everyone to me I only know we were we were some the youngest it was. My younger sister Katie was youngest That was my other sister. There was another boy Leo He didn't speak with to be designed and so we was all about the children that didn't. Have us kind of impressive yes or no and that's something I guess a lot of people probably why you know they might be more known to. Put their own voice out there for their own perspective out there as well because I guess that's quite important as well because the fact that you guys you know as you say you are the younger law did you find there were people more interested in what you were to decide purely because of that I think so because I think just in general when you have young when you have young people saying that this is what's important answer is not coverage De Young people need to get involved a lot more because people are more likely to listen to a younger voice because they see how much is affecting young people and so you are basically have to say to promote if you want to sign up to if you want to be an application to do of this year's tax. Yeah. You can go to Ted dot com and you can apply this year because it's brilliant to get an idea out there to spread your yaps truth so I think it's just a brilliant platform for everybody to sort of spread. So people can this is this this is your talks are online and you have to do in front of people obviously as well so this is a good way to get out there especially if you're not used to doing something or that you know I think it really builds confidence it's the journey you went on throughout it for from putting an application and to getting up on that stage was amazing it was like the whole journey we had loads of people supporting us all the coaches. Tim who can organize whole thing he was brilliant he was always encouraging our sporting you have mentors and coaches that helped he they helped you get on that stage and help you do your talk and I think it's brilliant because you gain so much confidence from doing it front of all these people and spreading that message you saw feel so I got that stage especially the 1st time it's just how I just did. How did it feel doing it with your sisters I was I think. Sure. It was honestly incredible because the 1st time I did it and I was. There was one other girl who did it last year but I was. So the younger one talking with my mom and grandpa and it was just quite a quite nerve racking sort of being one of the only children on that stage where this time I did it my sisters and they were both incredible being Kitty absolutely amazing and at 1st when the idea came about I thought I thought it was sort of almost a bit of a joke the light on I went on she didn't and said No do you want to pile that you know what yeah that's a good idea there are so you can govern that stage and it can be incredible and you can as you know just it just in case people you know think in sounds interesting to be interesting about not quite sure what I would talk about can you give another like examples of you know what sort of things you sort of like. It can be so by personal experiences problems you don't sort of you want to make heard almost So some people can talk about racial differences like religion we spoke about quality obviously you can sort of I know some people talking about like whether it's anxiety or depression it can be anything that is an idea that's come to mind whether you want to talk about your education schooling and everything you can go up or not so you can you are able to spread it so any kind of. And passionate and I think it's a question about yeah so a topic here pretty passionate now I would speak about that bit more lighter as well but I just want to. Say that kids if you have done anything like this before I have done it the night before I know that anything was before. I think I think we're going to go do a ted talk in the next few minutes and I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest I mean we do and we don't actually know what we're going to do it about yet . All is to be revealed Yeah and I slightly nervous just talking about it in fact so well actually we do reply so I'm going to ask you a shooter after the guy tried to help you says Ariana Grande and one last time thank you. Luck. Son. This is our show on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk Kitty half your school college just out of work every Wednesday evening. Well you know. And I. Thank you for coming in I did sort of allude to this a little bit. Who is on the. On the can this election committee for Ted x. Now rich and I thank you for staying but to do with that Beth. You came up with the challenge earlier that mean Kitty should be a little bit nervous about. Behind the scenes before you hit man yes this is just thinking what an incredible thing it is to be able to stand up and do it had to look and so that would take and both of all of the presenters here like I could never do this and so evil genius Beth. Exactly that that looking kind and just giving you about a minute 20 seconds a day. And as you know Ted Talk can range of topics we're going to give you quite silly ones to it over easy it is a competition oh oh it's a competition everything's a competition Don't be the judge is that right you got to be the judge Ok I've got a topic for each of you but who would like to go. I think I want to go 1st Ok. Let's go. That's fine and we've also got some inspirational music this is what was just a little listen to that. When I miss. You coming down the mean time now Ok you're joining topic right now Kitty you ready yeah I'm ready for it go for you've got the topic of why David Attenborough is a national treasure. David Attenborough The National Treasure doesn't mean that you . People have value David Attenborough above everybody else in the u.k. Why is this do we say well this year I saw him talk Glastonbury and it was amazing and people were shedding tears in a way that I've never seen anybody before. He stood up graceful as anything on stage and I felt inspired to do what he did and that moment I thought I could walk across the Arctic and wrestle with bears. And talk about birds in a lovely way and he really animates wildlife for all of us so that when you're walking down the street and you have a certain kind of music in you is a new head David Adams voice you can really see the life of a squirrel and its family just as you see human life and that is a really amazing thing for all of us I think that David Attenborough helps us to see animals just as humans on one equal footing go and that was. I'm feeling right now days not looking happy after say the behind the scenes we did not think that was go that well yes I would. Like well we can be honest and so we did a bit of a practice completely different topics and you were nowhere near as good. And. It was better. Inspirational music get back up get to so well so now. Ok and then it's going to I'm going to have a go and. Run here we go. Jay your topic is why flip flops are the best you wear now flip flops I think I've had a bad rap for a long time to see people outside walking around and you think you know what they're wearing a suit why they were in flip flops it seems a little bit bizarre footwear they should be wearing something smart they should be wearing something that really completes the outfit Now my argument is quite the opposite no no no you don't know inside somebody's soul you don't know inside somebody's brain inside of the way they think they move the way they walk and sometimes you just have to think about the way that they work inside how do they work and how their feet work well comfort comfort is sometimes the most important thing flip flops or sometimes the most important thing inside a person's wardrobe because you can get away with wearing that suit jacket that you don't mind too much you can get away with wearing those slightly too tight suit trousers but no your feet are going to ache if you are on the train all day if you're walking all day the one thing that you need the one thing you need to make sure you know is that you have that comfort and you have that comfort inside yourself so that's why I would argue that flip flops Yes flip flops the much maligned flip flops other ones that people should care about. What do you think about their competition I have to say. Can I decided I was Ok I forgot what the question was very end of. A very good. I guess that's why I'm doing this job and also but I have a disputing point I've been flip flops radio uncomfortable size the well that's that's not that's not what. Exactly is my idea I was there to enjoy my wisdoms flip flops. I don't come up with a question. And it's not true I also need to experience what criteria would be within the judging panel to think you know. We don't really judge a ted talk we're judging it today Ok. I think I think it would be sort of how passionate you are about it I was very passionate I was also passionate guys let me just not to help you. How. Sure you are well not sure about either of us really. Probably saw just how confident you are in speaking you know so if you call or rappel up to get them really present So as you're saying in ted talks they're out there you don't judge and this is not you know competition in that sort of way but we changed it just for one night only j.v. Kitty Ted x. B.b.c. Radio Norfolk is aware. I can't so I'm. Going to try. You know I guess. Because you to be a few minutes fighting if you feel in this is this is the start of my long telex career you just think you're just both very passionate about Internet I mean very empowering. Is that represented a toll of the normal Ted talk the way that we talked about. Passionate side of it could be some very passionate about why you took him out the facts may be no. Well Mayor you are actually going to have to do this very soon because next year you're going to be on the committee deciding I don't know how that's too long Yeah well I think it was I don't see done speaking. A couple of years. I did it this year and he had 4. And I think they said well young child what would you like to hear what you like to see on the panel and they said would you like to help people I said yes I would want to do that so also things do you think it's a process you have to to repeat his application so you will have to read the applications I think will have to. See a strong message what messages are important what people like to listen to want to sure haven't quite got that point yet say I can't say too much about it but you know can you select yourself I'm not applying this you know Ok I'm not going to be talking on this here but definitely be there to support and help they say and part of this is that you're encouraging students to get involved as well how are you going to do well. Just I think doing a lot of Facebook lives and obviously being on here yeah which is really good and people again how they can go to tax Nora dot com You can put in your application find out how to apply. And get involved because. It's incredible on the slate now you know if you want to flip flops and David Attenborough but anything else well I mean if you want to talk about wildlife and short spawn all very good point yeah see that but it's not about. Maybe you know maybe you know have you spoken to people about you know school normal or if they've been you know interested in. How much heard and school yeah same going in particular interest that interested me about it they want to find out about what I did never. And what people are saying so they seem very supportive of the whole process everything but I'm going to keep an message out that I would like more young people to apply because I think it's pretty fair and just before you and just before you go as well you mention before that you did it with your You're sitting here talking sisters what the names. Be and Kitty Kitty that's also your name kit isn't it and which name is Kitty parent and what's your name kitty kitty paradise Yeah I think one is a purple picture of the summer of 2 It's because we also look quite similar they just like the 4 Sisters me a very b. Kitty and join the 10. I need a lover we're always here. To confusing because if we talk to her and so I think it might be I think me maybe might get a little bit confused you have to go by a different name was the middle no. So. Beatrice from now on. I mean I've never met anybody with. You know that I had I have like. Really yeah with you and I don't know how it's just one time I just go. You know but not with the last name is when I'm Ok that's what I say Yeah Ok because I was so happy that strange find all these parents just so it's just one more time if you want to get involved the website text marriage. Thank you so much for thank you so much for coming in and for approving slightly maybe kind of. Encouraging us thank you very much. Thank you. To the sky spread. Yeah. I'm going to try new things that you need to sing because nobody thinks. My friends are. Yes but. The number. Course I never let him see I've been away from the bottom of the 1000000 miles but on the. Jet plane to the sky to this is the spread of planes and is going. To wait it out. To take me back to. The Middle. East would. Come into. Town to. See. Your. I know my. Missing like anything I write when bit of time. Never 5 times since no t.v. But I was told I was just don't need text in. The we're not concerned so that's just the way things go this is the reason for. The screaming to 15 in about in the public a stone to you when you go through tears with the people you love when you get to talk business because you don't and you can because that's still the way to remember that place is home. Playing head to the sky just spread claims a man is going to. Wave it around. To take me back to going to. A meeting and singing. Come on in. This. I think. Every time that she gets. Up and stop. When say can we go crazy. You'll take me places said Sam. This is. In the. Beginning. She says that she's never. Just picture everybody. Back to. Now really as it's a shame. To keep. His. Pants up Taken they say we have the guys from. Over to the forum to tell us about an exhibition that this week so I thought I'd put down to the market where they can be found at the gallery. We had a little inch of the exhibition yesterday we started. Yeah and it's going really well so far. And I say that looks really good we've had a few friends of family and a few people. Come tumblin. Yeah so we've had some of the artists come in who've done I from Co and everyone seems really interested so that's very. Well Have people been saying about the are. A lot of people who've been interested in the embroidery actually one of my mum's friends base Bretton Woods has donated this piece builds it's kind it's green I think it sprouts and then it's kind of patchwork it's to show the shades of the failed to it's not so different continents and then it to nice blue sky with it looks like it might be clouds embroidered I'm tall with some kind of other material and the people of love that I'm the one next to as well actually who grows and be people of love that one. Would for c.n.n. Last year she's an artist and she's done this amazing embroidery face that. It's really big. But from to sneak up some stuff to sell to you so you want to take the stuff and me what you put in. This school and. So I've just paintings. Some of it for my g.c.s.e. Some of that I've done I've lost a couple of years and some of it. I've got a couple of little ones on come less one of my chief friends and Nora one of the plants and then I've done some landscapes of a holiday that I went on and. And yeah. So you know if you we've been into kind of our in a big painter Yeah I've always been into art. Can you talk me through this one here of a field that I wrote which has it has kind of some it has some gray in the road and has green appeal but it's also got like paint and perfectly toned blues and I don't Ok so that I was trying to do a more like realistic figurative painting of my family on holiday but it kept going wrong and wrong and wrong and basically it had more and more abstract so in the end I tried to just have like suggestions of the people in the figures and it turned into a very abstract but colorful painting of the right of the old well I love it I love one of the less so colorful. So. Is a photographer from City College I think and she's already had someone come in and want to buy prints of her work yes people that's incredible how do you have you told her yet Yeah how she's reacting to what was it what was her reaction I think she was happy. With try to possibly contact details so we've got 5 of or 6 of her black and white prints and then we've also got her as well for them to look for a. Ring you know the throw. The exam Let's have a chat with them Ross and he's going to take me to go and see some of his work. Hey do you want to come in tell me you were. Worried he will be able to these pieces of these particular favorite of yours. I like it because it's kind of like. It's kind of bush economy in a magazine another kind of stories. I mean those stories. Are not saying that it's a real news type of crime there's no Yes isn't she we have a mockup of like to the front cover of Vogue magazine. And the muscle on the front like petals beneath her eyes and sort of always had a and flowers kind of stuff on the side of her face it's really beautiful it's kind of it's kind of abstract it's not but it's a like kind of cut through the color scheme so much to paint because you know and can apply for so. When coming up with ideas for you want to. Have like a theme in mind to just pick pieces that you've done even a line a few months with a lot about mortality I think and. Life and death and stuff so why did you choose that same. I don't know because it's interesting because a lot of people seem to be scared for this kind of just it's called to be interesting to know what happened after we passed away but. Also a model car so to develop. Follett's and stuff so the large con did some. Prints bar card of watches didn't seem silly really beautiful How do you create this and so to try and describe. Like you said there's a full shape but it's also you know empowered but it's also kind of looks like it's been. In the background is the background of my past still but how do you do that not kind of different shades of color while this one must have gone a bit twice which really kind of a stretch you know but we had to I had to use plastic so it does bubble a little bit but yeah I start with Fink let's start with the yellow one this 1. 1 oversaw the black just normal black print and it would have to draw in and very probably yeah very and then would. If you feel they saw the red scare about them just go with them. So you know how all of these lines created is not what is not with like am pretty special caustic this it took me hours to watch until it's everything I can see that is because the founders it means long stretched into this yeah the tree will be felt. Is kind of a lot of graft and to say. Have you always small in this way or a bit to me when you start out kind of feeling that you wanted to do all I have to do more if you just need to have you just always seen it's in your mind to go. More my ma I mean a solo I think it depends on the stardom it's Honda Dave inside us I just did it like this because I wanted to do it show and. I caught a felt like to do that for Peter today and all that shit and longer. Another great thing is that looking around might know you wouldn't play looks the same as anybody else yes not everybody has many individual style rules and it's not something that you really have happened yet so we didn't even know what would get its name from calls what was just random and if the system different which is why it's different because we think it. Do you have plans for any more exhibitions in the future Oh do you know what the group is going to be doing but I think we've got we're going to get we're going to record a sold out and I may have met a lot of nation people is mistake number one long enough I suppose. That sounds pretty and yet because a lot of people miss it so I owe it to people to say yes. Bring Now we're always encouraging people to current share and talk about the issues that they're passionate about and that's exactly what I am has done so let's have a listen to this report she did for us. Pression. That means young people brush from the stress of family life friends trying to figure out what we want to do of our lives I want to do with the temptations of drugs and alcohol. In my own experience it was mostly to do with the death of a loved one and I really didn't understand why it was happening to me I was so young and so confused why why is life so hard. That period I changed so much I became a different person I didn't eat a lot I stayed home and I didn't want to talk to anyone and was I had suicide a fall. 'd 'd but I realized that wasn't really me that was not who my loved one saw me as I ever . Saw me and my family decided I better talk to someone about my depression and how it made me feel so after a couple weeks I met with a counselor and just talked and I knew I was getting better with just talking to someone even if it was not my friends or family. 6 years later go through depression I'm a survivor because I know I'm better now I can overcome it. If you are playing someone just talk to them please reach out and contact the for your doctor or a friend or family member or contact an organization like Matt who can help and just talk to you about the problem. Sam is with us now actually head of and I thank you for coming in and you know having a chat with us you know that and thank you for doing the report and being so obvious thank you as well is that something that you can use or talking about now or is it still quite difficult from time to time it can be a bit too for the North but I think it is better because I know you'd like if I feel bad just talking out and I know you like it people that I knew from house people who knew my grandparents all like and even I can just know about what I was going through when they passed away and it was just it's nice just to tell stuff stories about them just helping myself to you so you say you know it helps itself in a way so it's quite cathartic I guess is that right words yes. When you when you know that at the end of that piece they talk about. Getting in touch with somebody and talking to somebody and you know for you how can you can you tell us how much they're actually how. When my 1st site started trying to talk to me and I thought oh yeah this isn't going to help me like What can you do for me but then like after I realize what they did like they you know they broke it down for me saying this is why you like it can happen the night the way that I controlled it all some like that but it just really really helped me just to know out who I really was not after just losing someone but like really knowing myself like and then after that just knowing what I can do of my life even though I have depression I can just feel so much stuff just because I may have like a little Florida hold me back sometimes I can still just push for and they really helped me do it and really overcome my fear it's interesting you say you know just . You know find out you know who you really are because. I was there that realisation that when you when you're talking through it when you kind of get you know this this isn't this doesn't define me you're just like ever since I started talking to someone it just made me realize like oh I am a different person like I've done so much stuff now in my life and it is me me Fink of like oh how I used to be and how I didn't really but do anything that really scared what I was afraid of but now I can just realize I can do it I don't need to be holding but I can do it myself. Do you want your opinion of what you think about depression you know before going through yourself one life else for I didn't really think there would be such a thing because I never saw like you on most visible things you can't really see what looks like and I thought it's only for like really really kind of sad people but now I just realize it but then after experience of it being like we don't have to be alone but you can I mean one can suffer from depression if like you with loads of people you can still some for all your all by yourself and you can still suffer from it like it does sometimes hurt you and it can really affect you and yeah it's just quite sad to hear how did you find that 1st times of asking for help I felt quite afraid and quite sad of myself thinking like oh like I shouldn't be really asking for help I can do it on my own but then after real.