The r.h.c. Right across to the north say l.a. And. Take you probably started telling people about this a credible show well being they don't Whedon's day this week so say you're a meth lab champion Dominic is back in the studio with news of a social Infinity event please before they will get us with that I'm going to be on the lively side to let me in the studio very said so ahead of his December at the water frog the one on the ne Slade's de hill is this show. That I'm in love with this. This is where the snakes and. For peanuts this is the record of the week that I'm playing for you. A life story 5 minutes from now so I let me just about a few Well bits of what was the. Main student we did have to close up to have a good time. Other ways that we don't have a good job so if you do the right. That's it that's a. Couple of them see that dramatic stuff that is b.b.c. Radio. 4 o'clock and then Matthew got in the same low you need to know from the rest of the world travel every 15 minutes to make sure you get what you need to go. On with this program is always on a Wednesday we like to focus on how we can all improve our well being and mental health socializing can be a great way to fall moods and self-confidence and today's well being that a Wednesday will discuss how our coming together can seriously help. Make is back in the studio. A man you get. To that. Life Oh yeah you know I mean you know me to say monkey Yeah give me give me a part of that week. So there's a big event coming up it's a social issue for you see if you vote against it with the students correct yes seriousness Yes All right so I've got 2 more right hand side here this young man here's my name who's part of the social mobility movement how are you good afternoon a right yes all right good to see you think this is what's going on. So how do you get to know each other well I tell you what. We've known each other through through various things really I mean I used to work in the city center bar 11 a long time ago and met him used to be a customer. And just talking through again through being sociable like Mars talking about the same kind of things same issues as men but also the same mindset about life and again we became friends through that and ever since we've been for the last year you know been talking about which do something we should. We should like try and put some event on you know get people together and it all of a sudden well it's materialized if you have no mental health issues yourself and you know I haven't personally but I've had family members and friends close friends who have had mental issues so I've seen it witnessed it firsthand I've worked in the mental hospitals myself but you're right so yeah. That's just been in the news recently all the clothes I worked in there but I left there working for them but for years ago when I had to come by that job. Because my friends were working it to me and then you know just come about and for them try out try something different and it was more it's more about in our culture it's a taboo you know mental health is a taboo must have to be sort of we for but not where you are thought about let me understand mental health firsthand and I think that's the best way to learn about 1st plant and it was it was amazing pleasure to hear that's just true I mean if anybody had mental health issues down the line if you start to recognize a pattern Dominic. You've had more than your fair share Absolutely and sometimes when you when you begin to understand it as we just been hearing you saw you get some kind of ownership on it. That. You can start shaking up a little bit. You're dreaming Yeah you're the soul singer and that's right and I Man So yes I'm a solo Motown sing and just for the record for those out there who don't actually believe about I'm a professional Yeah I want to do this for fun now I mean I make some big rigs out of this you know I make enough to make a. Game so yeah that's that's my profession I absolutely love it but what comes with it is there is a price to pay in. For me I have bipolar disorder I'm 38 now I'm going to be in December December the 8th by the way and. Yeah party time party time yeah yeah so yes all good but yeah 18 I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and you know what this is only just happened recently and I think this is really. This is so important to me to be here today of money because social feeling talks about you know mental health but about so much normalizing it because the attitude is the key thing in for me a friend of mine ways not friends anymore because of this conversation but you know back when I had my 1st breakdown of 16 you know a lot of people at a time to know how to deal with it and how to understand it and the worst can do for me shy away from it you know you need to educate people need to educate themselves and recently this this guy me we had this fall out and he said to me you know you know you know I don't care about advertising mental health you know of got you know mental health issues like well it's no difference here a difference breaking your arm or having any terminal illness or having a headache you know there's no difference and that's the thing is if if people understood that mental health actually all starts here everything starts in the Mind you know if Boris Johnson bar is if you will is that mean men are going to wear over and we're going to election period now so yes we do any politics we've got to represent all. Party yes yes yes yes just. Sorry but there are no votes on this just a few of the leaders of parties are available I should say yes in the early to tell you why we say because we owe it to the people we work with the people we live with the people we love and those who love us to let them know what's going on sometimes and all the friends we have to get through to them. So that friendship didn't go particularly well the night did not because for me you know you've got think about it is that everyone. Is affected by something yeah you know where his mental health related or physical whatever is in people need people people need to be supported by people who take the time to understand what it is this going on so if someone can't understand that person's issue then there's always going to be a conflict you know and I think because you can't see and if you haven't been through it that makes it more difficult for people I mean obviously men and he is work in mental health and he's seen it firsthand as a you know some He's worked in the services you know but for somebody who has it you know for me I go for every day you know go for the ups the downs you know I am I doing this am I doing that worry worry worry paranoia you know are feeling down you know so there's always things I have to consider some people never have to consider it so it's great that there's so much awareness now because it just needs to be looked at from day dot you know a needs to be looked at from the whole. I mean listen to this only savior Listen to this and you're in any doubt whatsoever what you should get out there for some of the top donors blood out 200 person you have you pick the right one number so you get out there share the moment because that because of my fair share of anyone list the program knows that but an amazing moment for a careful you may not mention names it was someone who are known for a long time who knew it was bottled up and eventually he just sort of texted me one day as about 2 months ago said can you pick it up when you finish work you know pick. We had a chat in the car and he has been blurred the home lot oh my goodness it wasn't that wasn't a very happy story but it was such a relief. Just to get that out just to have a silly game going to help change him to actually tell someone it's gotten down to the doctors just to have a have a chat see what the doctor might recommend as well yeah and it's made a huge difference it was the same situation with me it's not the. I had a few minutes she's as well not many hours in I know issues but it's just like the pressures of life and of thing and then I went to a doctor about it but there's a massive waiting list so I spoke to my friends about it that was my 1st bit of opening up that's why I opened up to them I wasn't myself anyone who knows me knows God knows me on those from start of when I open I helped open up the business where we previously had our means that knows me from there and who knows how positive and how motivation I was and then suddenly I just lost lost in the spark and from that I know that it's horrible isn't a conservative because when you lose that motivation it's very difficult to do anything positive drag yourself out of it and then like you know my friends that know me my best friend I spoke to many about today he even said it was all I used to be he used to be motivated every week just have something different just something going on it's not be a project you just you just about everything yeah sometimes and yeah and for example I didn't work out I went to doctors and they didn't have nothing for me so I went through 2 private mental health counseling and that is what helped me I've had 4 sessions I'm going to my final one just Friday which are now i'm feeling 110 percent I'm not going back on that I think it's amazing that on this program so many people have opened up Mr honest as you 2 have absolute Have you have today and it is interesting because when I had the chat with a doctor a couple of years ago I mentioned this before he was a lovely lovely guy just sat square on to me it never looked like the side on the computer screen yet he got Square. I mean look me in the eyes so that we can do this we do this but you've got to do something to help yourself that's why I love the sound of this event Tell me about the event yeah yeah you have so. Ok so so sure infinity came about through the Infinity movement so. As a professional singer back in 2013 I had a breakdown. A lot of pressure. And a year had to go into hospital had to restart medication but the same time one of the great things was is that they taught me about the recovery process so finding a new way to still do the same thing but adopt a new approach and one thing that I found was really important was peer support and I thought to myself there's something in this you know everybody needs to have their peers you know everyone needs to it's like you you know you know you're a d.j. You know you're on the radio if you've got a radio problem you know you want to talk to someone who can really knows about it exactly so it was me I needed to have people around me to football Ok only people who can understand me so I got a guy involved who's now been managing me as a king but also part of the movement are brought partners in who all businesses who help me so I've got a girl called Janine Lily who's got a sports Ferebee Fionn McNabb who's an online coach she helps my fitness. County services John hook so all of these people are all part of my well being and everybody needs that whether it's your your family your friends you know people you work with your best friends we all need that support and when you can see or not it's good to have that communication and you know it's just when you think about it Ok it's just such a shame that we have to say you know always good that you know you're talking about it today because it should be normal that everyone should talk this way anyway because it would come out so much. I don't the word is but it was so much that we don't need to worry about you know your anger and socialising as well to get in contact with people it's really a loss to my. Issues I saw the doctor and I talked to the boss here so the thing is the law say what is time off work Yeah absolutely the last thing would be no good to me whatsoever because I just said over and get the world grow Ok I'm sorry for myself you know so you do need to have such groups close yet right yet so when I had this idea that we needed to put together an event which had that social aspect in my back talk about not talking about it is such but having the mental health as the highlight so that ever comes along anything Ok we're here today to have a good time but also be educated about mental health so what we've done is we've got a great venue David Lloyd gym in knowledge has the I need the airport and on the 24th of November we're going to be having the 1st social infinity van where there will be guest speakers and live music and some free giveaways from partners and people who want to get involved so if there's anyone out there who are interested in coming along it's a free event Ok so there's no charge involved but it's just brilliant as it was that easy was easy to get sponsorship money coming in to get this go Well we've been very very useful of course the word very small it's it's more than me and Dom we're very social I would like to say me and all my very known in Norwich So these kind of. This ocean element of this is very helpful on our behalf for example me only 25 so my lots are now gone from the clubs to the bars you know this is why this is this is the main reason for me why I want to do vent as it is because a lot of a lot of my people all day The They're like going out and whatnot but they still there's a lot of gray area with mental health so far for me and Dom we've been speaking for one year and I'm 4 you know what we've had back to back chats but it's not going anywhere we have the same chats and I was like you know what is going to let's do something different here and I always want to put on some sort of event and I was thinking why not put on an event that has to. Of mental health and so that's how we actually launched this event so let's see what happens but this is literally for the like minded people who like socializing like going out having a drink or dance or whatever but there's going to be odd chats and here like other we've got for a good spirit just be yourself absolutely so it's important and the thing is well it's like you know. It's irrelevant how many people turn out yeah of course be lovely to have you know I don't know 50 odd people would be great be great for that however it's about the quality of that comes along and what they gain from it is the most important thing because you know having that in your mind you know that's the thing is that for me talking about mental health that's always been my every day so for me I'm very open it doesn't it doesn't matter to me who thinks or whatnot you know whereas some people be like Ok I feel more comfortable I can go along to a place where I can be me if I need to talk about it I can if I done by done but I'm going to be amongst people who are thinking like me who are open which is the most important thing in a lot of people I find a very oblivious So when we when I look when I launched this event we've gone I had quite a few people come up to me like I don't know what mental health actually is so I thought this is perfect this is what he's really given is what we do because you know because of like minded people who want to know what mental health is but maybe they're more fortunate where you haven't had to deal with any mental health all year and a lot of luck like Don said earlier mental health isn't have been diagnosed with a problem mental health can be a normal problem it could be money situations it can be relationship situation obvious the worst case scenario is you get diagnosed or something and the thing is is that it doesn't discriminate regard no you know it can affect anybody at any time and that's the thing is that that's what everyone needs to be aware of is that you know preventing it from happening is the most important thing so the more we can. About it the more you share them all week. And then you have even those moments where you even if you hit rock bottom yet talk to someone you start talking about meant love and you have a laugh about it I was going to say it was someone the other day who was one of the last people on earth who I suspected would have mental health issues when I started out you know I did another set to do you ever get that moment one of the sometimes every now and then one day you wake up and you can't see the point in anything and you know he said he looked at me said Oh God yeah we just laughed and laughed you know it just makes a profound Yeah is that just to know that someone out there yet that's just like I think that's another thing with mental health then things like you can be motivated and you can have like this little Bertha but motivation does not last forever it's the discipline that follows so if you can tell yourself and if you can work yourself in a way where you can recognize these little niggles and you can tell yourself I can feel myself dropping So what do I do to get out of that I feel is the key that's the key to getting yourself out of that little bubble you always dip back into Yeah yeah and that's the thing is if you've got people around you who can recognize it that's the really good thing yeah I mean we haven't seen each other for like 3 weeks about 3 weeks then straight away when it was like I can tell you know you haven't been yourself what's been going on and it was good because not just because of social 20 but because we have to understand you and I are talking only exception I pretended to be like yeah this is actually what's been happening and will run it know. She's 20 minutes a month Guys thank you so much from thank you so much want to go for more information and Ok so if you go to the easiest place would you say Instagram and Instagram and Facebook are both very if you go on infinity movement and all our stuff is on there if you want to get more stuff on there vent it's on our Facebook page and we have event on there so if you can click that you're attending or you want to go infinity movement doco but u.k. Chat sites are coming in the same. Yes I really appreciate talking to you shells a bit more next time on your. Love the b.b.c. Radio Norfolk travelogue people are some of the latest of the devil is ever the latest hello what's going on thank you Stephen I'll start with the a 10 it's queuing in both directions in west winds with reports of an axe the bison Mary's Church said the road is partially blocks that queuing in the right direction is partly seen playlists with writing Kings lanes looking busy in the streets and says from the night still round the Queen Elizabeth roundabout in a which now is heavy on an island right in both directions next to East Anglia University the streets in temperature afaik lights running their fists and right legs with p.c.l. High braids looking busy all round about just those normal delays when they report of problems on the trains if you see anything 080373. But I'm not sure I really just let you know in just a moment or 2 we've got pen ups and lazy b.b.c. Music introducing an over record of the week is really delicious that's all yours and Dave Hill from Slade is on the show ahead of his gig at the waterfront That's all coming up in the next half hour on b.b.c. One I can teach you to leave and you must let me much you mistrust the issue I took time to find out Mrs Coulter we are excited by the discovery he promised the governors of fish were protected and will fund it stop at nothing to rescue these children and whispers should they come with us in the wrong hands. Philip Pullman's His dog materials continue Sunday night at 8 on b.b.c. One. B.b.c. Introducing on signed undiscovered and on to the radio music. A record of the week this time is from brothers Jesse and Louie Baker together with friend Joshua gives it come together to form the band pinups would know the brothers for many years in different bands right now the affable. The few. Feet they have a fully extended version of a sound it's definitely worth checking out but this is the slimmed down version full of distant vocals over. It still captures the song of the sixty's. Meets 29 t. This is pinups and lazy. friend of the staff our friend another star guest on the program that's. Gone everyone's attention turned serious Christmas before too long a lot of stuff to get up to ration it will be going on trees will be singing along to brilliant Christmas lights Merry Christmas everyone is one of the best the most successful festive songs ever and the band comes in orange on the 7th of December terrace De Ville I met him just on the phone for the day and how are you doin fine man I was just listening to. Give you a bit of a good enough to get out before you hear of the program he's been over this is very fast as we spoke and has life been treating you then well like he's always going on . You know like his life. Has been great. I guess it's what you make a life. Just happening I think it's. What we say and how we react somehow I suppose really in many cases. Been in the band a mean and still do in a case me the opportunity to bring music to thousands of people across the world and. Obviously. Some 50 years on from my initial success. I think that's quite an achievement says we're still alive and kicking. Here I was going to bring you when you wake up in the morning we have an easy home still lay there on the alive that's here. Don't get me wrong I appreciate being able to travel and and may take a lot into extraordinary places in my life you know I mean I try Greenland the of the week which was a good. Mixture of Danish and Eskimos in the audience all singing our songs and I was quite amazed how it. Took quite a while to get there but what an experience and it's only because you're being asked to lie. And same ways to other countries to put this time on doing the English Di which is always important and coming down your way so. I'm looking forward to that because obviously got fond memories of in the sixty's and doing all the spices anyway you know kebabs a lot of events you know you've been doing this for 50 years what was it like when you when you finally reached that music legend status because I remember being literally 19 seventies everyone was talking about you in the boys in Slade What is that film where I suppose the the word legend wasn't ever used in those days it was . You making it and then you're trying to make the next station when you're making the next stage in you working in a process that thankfully lasted a few years for those Aaliyah make a movie as well when the word legend comes right here in a way like. Sort of like some sort of expensive war in which you are doing something on that but I think with us. We were always focused on moving forward and. I think some of the best music of that time from a working class band like Slade and you know cancerous Kate stayed wellies Well Siamese and we would probably call superstars in those days and things like that always called soupy up because numbers like the old ones. Misoprostol the comb which then I had to get all night with that night on this. And I think this is like ole Dean up to the Christmas song cause we had a lot of it and then we had it in the eighty's as well which is quite. Selfish to be in a job. That has kept me. You know in a. Roof over your head and a good family and things like that and things are care about. Them and able to. Almost reach a point where my grandkids are no more coming to watch me and singin already Christmas songs already. Know. I'm not a knowing anything about legends cause people call call us rock royalty it is no way. To tell what that said to you because people believe. National treasures and all that conversation is generally papal and don't well you know it got a big cause and all what go on the people we are the end of started in rock or no land of the cold winter sir you know it starts for the very late because of the you're anti establishment. Today you go today you know. What I mean said. It's always nice to be recognized with this eclipse Ment's we've never been snobs or snooty musicians. We believed in rock and we believed in what we learn we took it further and we have a really good manager and. Russell songs which was obviously a lot of other bands didn't. But we were different from any of the found no one was figuring that the Christmas song would be a legendary 2 which would. Get new people missing to us via that song anyway so it be you become a lot like you know you don't a song a bit like being cross these white Christmas you know it never goes why. You always have to remember the we made some great number ones price of us. And some good albums and. We have a little a lot of fans in different post the world rushing Plus is not the son I enjoy want to do and people say would it look like you're into a monitor. There is no better if they limit people come up to you and say well I got a forgot all the songs so I have needed to sell on them and realize I'm here that it's about when you play the it all comes back to they all felt safe they knew no. No that they really are not that they want to always listen to all music without go to yes. Arthur was you know that sort of thing militia's good is it you know if you generate good vibes you can't hold back from yourself can you now that's I will think about the stuff he was doing the night he said he's of the glamour music it was it was just such fun because a lot of people from council estates would get together making bands glam rock never took itself too seriously it was professional It was slick it was fun it was entertaining it was full on all those things and timeless artists love love doing a couple of hours of glam rock on this program every now and then yes oh my God it's all left in it's only. You know if you're if you're the sixty's when we're 9 years you put on these freight train bottom 10 check out albums of the fifty's and sixty's music. Listeners is really a pleasure on about a just to get in the car going traveling alone and their songs to simply sing and lyrics which you can understand there's no there's no massive you know you know it isn't all about a drum they particularly got it and yet it's all about rhythm and it's all about a tall lean. When Raechel to 14 chops and now plays with delight tonight. And then when our laptops in the we're now giving I think people were more concentrated on it and I'm glad I was part of that must mean a great feeling a must also be a great failing to know that you have pain such an important part of people's musical lives because music is such a knowledge on us and quite. Close to politicians and all that and soon as they get them to go straight back to school they just go for Charlie Rose to win the Bowie office records. And it takes roots you right back to the. They know Forte when they bought it. Because they were. Growing up in the world or whatever they call it because on the Eno and several people there was one Russian he was 16 years of age and. Need owns an energy company and he only wants to supply 200 people in this. Because he wants to get with it. And he was such a lovely bloke and he was well like you know. Not like this one concert to a block it got 33000000000 in the bank go you know he was rock and so Kate when he met. I was going to like you know any any chance in the last the market was. This is what he was playing it was down the from the point of the thing in common bill the noise and I thought that said it all I think probably right. Better than our movie does when I listen to your music the early 7 takes me back to me 131415 are we to tune into radio North Sea International and if you remember them they step back out your hits 3 through the summer it was just that's it a lot of them just really made to the film. Was not the 75 was aflame wasn't that yes it was it was. Yes when one in 74 released the song when the soundtrack album to it when some really good songs on that same chain was as you say which is a really brilliant song I think was written in the band and such good good. Good musical things were going on that we were changing of that is well. The film was a bit our eggs and it wasn't like a happy go lucky days no it was more you know sort of bits of criminals in the big dog agents which would move the truth. And what we grew through. We call the goal line because it wasn't about celebrity tad connotations of our lives you know. And then our story. In London at Regent Street Cinema special showing. There were actors and all sorts of people with them and it was it was great then with. Most. It's very now well mystery because it's got although it doesn't only swearing age it's got. It's got shifting right in quality to not see me say you know house chopped off because. You know. You see in the sack scene rather than the law you know about. Dad thanks very much for joining us on the program we're going to have to leave it there having a pleasure to talk to you yeah it's a pleasure talking to you. As well lovely and you can be the waterfront Nora John the 7th of December for the time being Day 4 thank you very much. And. sad all the polish that you have is great if you enjoyed the show find a mystique about it if you haven't enjoyed the show. The program for the group brings you the November sad news headlines tonight in 77 not to make 3986 of 99 he was a player knows something as I said for about 77. Wrap up today show up at 3 o'clock tomorrow. Nelson. Standing up for the loss I'll be finding out about. Comedy night and hear about that from Logan. Some of the Roses had alopecia for most of that a lot of the law had fell out of the During the regular show with 45 years. When it came to every interest to do was here says that there's more than orange room Festival on a few 4th of this so up and so much the lady and one of her walk relate Sejong will be it'll be about 7 or a true festival because I do have the great pleasure great honor of on 2 occasions in future John. You know of a certain About been starstruck. Some of it I go to tell your co for reception tonight some sections Stay right there are all more possible I'm protected and I'm just naturally I'm just casually walking talking. Out of My dear boy I gave an interview 5 minutes of this lovely well. B.b.c. Radio Norfolk travel family is here with a look at the very latest on the roads and then it's magic fly from spice of the swoops of what's going on on the road. Hi there David now starting on the a 10 it's queuing in both directions in West winge that's due to an accident by Sid Mary's Church the right is still queuing approaches there will be people not Queen Elizabeth writing Kings lanes looking slow in the speed senses from the night so roundabout over to the Queen Elizabeth roundabout We've also got reports of an obstruction on the right on the westbound a $103.00 between building 3rd and scolded not closing to me delays at the moment I'll keep an eye on that as well in Norwich it's heavy on road in both directions next to East Anglia University today's raid what's going on there and we've got no reports of problems on the trains if you see anything all kind of update may pull out 803-8973 c. One. Every Sunday morning on b.b.c. Now to a letter outlining a review announced by the secretary of state for energy into the plans Chris monk from course and parish council says they fear what will happen without an off shoring mine to collect the power from the county just devastating there is. Still so. We are really asking the government places to see signal look. The Welsh Secretary has resigned from the government on the 1st day of general election campaigning Allan Cairns quite tough to climb say he knew about a former aides role in the collapse of a rape trial the Green Party in England has launched his general election campaign with a call to make toss the December the climate election the party's co-leader shown Barry said the vote was about so much more than brags that Martin Shamir is the leader of the Greens on city council we've already said for example about a green new deal where we're talking about hundreds of thousands of sustainable homes we're talking about an energy revolution we're talking about the kind of investment that is needed to make our economy and our society carbon neutral by 2030 at the latest And today we announced plans to spend 100000000000 pounds to make that a reality Boris Johnson marked the start of the Tories campaign with a statement outside 10 Downing Street he says Hill and the paralysis in Parliament and take the u.k. Out of the e.u. In January. Owners of holiday homes have paid field never stop to being warned about fresh concerns of erosion that follows a number of strong tides of the last couple of months Karen Thomas the the head of coastal partnership East she says they're trying to find ways to reduce the impact with some of the business I mean is true we are very aware a Issues iteration and the impact of the has on people's businesses and their properties and over see we're trying to find some solution how we might go forward to resolve that. A charity helping parents whose babies died got 8000 pounds today from. The King's Lynn hospital bereavement fund is kicking out a hospital room for the parents the money comes from metals recycled the trauma tore him. In charge of the climate or him and cemetery I always think of it. It's using parts of the body that would have just been disposed of other people we're getting close now to the 100000 area. Since I think 2011. Minutes past. The dry evening but turning cloudy a over night and rain will arrive later on it's going to be cold as well with the temperatures going down to 3 degrees tomorrow will wake up to some persistent rain in many areas some heavy bursts likely turning brighter in the afternoon though with brisk easterly breezes and a high into double figures just 10 degrees. Below . 0 Wednesday afternoon program model railways these days they're often the preserve of grownups rather than children.

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