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Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20191025 180000 :
Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20191025 180000
Well thank you for joining us tonight we have got some fantastic guests and more of the new fit including solid lead in from the positive betting movement she's going to be with us shortly We've also got a new Women's Institute group coming in retro skating Great Yarmouth the designer and my cousin Eileen and cine And we also have a brilliant panel in as we do every week and later on tonight we'll be hearing more from Laura Middleton He's in her life is for living list which she compiled after being diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer but let's crack on with the money Zick and then we'll get Charlotte lead him in. John to be with. Thought to bring you. A new. Look. Culture skull. So. a little bit. And . That. Was. Was. Thank you so we let's talk about all things Parenthood on the show and often have guests into this gas issue surrounding pregnancy babies children and the days today things about parenting so we started off with a really important issue tonight and that's how we approach to childbirth is being seen through the worldwide positive but in movement So I'm joined by Charlotte leader he's been into the show of force in a hit not betting business but it's not she's back to talk about her role in this movement in Norfolk and how it helps to support women hellish all of that and I do and I'm good thank you thanks for coming in thank you for having me you're very welcome I love the you know about being on the. If I'm about giving birth on. The radio I'm sorry. So tell us what you've been up to since we last saw you well I've been continuing with the hypnotising business and teaching lots of lovely couples in Norwich and around which has been fantastic I feel so lucky to do it is it getting more popular Yeah absolutely I think thing is becoming more mainstream which is fantastic there are certainly more people teaching it now in Norfolk which is brilliant means more couples will have access to it and that's fantastic yeah yeah it's all been going really really well I mean well hidden a bad thing makes it sound like you won't realise it's happening that's all there was you know and I understand why you say that it's not about being hypnotized in the traditional stage show kind of way it's more about deep state of relaxation which is where our body works best go well thank you for clearing that up because I didn't want other people like me to be out there thinking oh maybe maybe this is going to be easier than I thought it is not. So you're here to talk about the positive birthing movement yet so don't just give us an outline of what that is absolutely said the positive path movement it's a global network of free to attend sort of antenatal discussion creeps really was set up by a lady called Millie Hale who's a journalist and author and she wrote a book called The positive path pick which many many pregnant women will probably be familiar with she's also recently published a book called give birth like feminist which is fantastic really really good read and it was set up really to off their ability for mums to be for new mums to come along to meet other mums in similar position to them to access positive birth support so you hear positive birth stories learn from each other about bath writes about choices in bath and just find a really good network of support so that they could carry through pregnancy feeling positive feeling confident and continue that into motherhood as well great so I guess as a as a new mother particular. Someone who's you know carrying their 1st child I guess it's quite easy to just go with the traditional route you know this is what you're told this is what you told the hostel this is what you should do it is easy to go along with that without asking any questions or does a positive betting movement and your organization just does a lousy access to people to answer this question absolutely I mean it's a peer to peer group so the idea is that you go along and you find support from women that are in a similar position to you but I think that it's a really good eye opener for a number of women who perhaps didn't quite realize what their rights are in Bath what their choices are what they can say no to which is you know basically everything there isn't anything that you have to accept in Bath and the choice is really yours and and I say that enables women to feel much more informed when they go into hospital if that's what they're choosing to do and to have more control over their birth experience which generally leads to a more positive outcome for them because it's a terrifying time for somebody isn't it for some women absolutely we have this society expectation that birth is something to be feared it's traumatic it's almost a disaster waiting to happen and for a great many women they do end up really sadly suffering a traumatic birth experience I think something like 20000 women in the u.k. Report having post-traumatic stress disorder after having their baby and that's terrible that's that's you know that should not happen that shouldn't be how it is I think a lot of one of the hats that realize there are choices that they can make you know that's the thing and if you don't know that you have choices you can't make them so it's really important to be as informed as you possibly can be when you're driving along this significant journey in your life absolutely So what's your role particularly what do you do so I make a facilitator for the Norwich Norfolk positive path may have meant I facilitate the great alongside my good friend Shawn or I as you know him I think teacher she's a dealer and maternity Nass but we don't attend meetings in those roles we attend meetings as moms just like everybody else who's there and we are there basically to kind of put it head on if you like and start the disc. Great so just mention that she wanted to do low just exactly what is there is so I would do is there's different kinds of dealers you can be a birth to so you are someone that would support a mother and her birth partner during their labor and best experience and you'd be there to kind of advocate for them and support them in any way that they need support and there is also a dealer who can go along and support a mother after her child has been born and support the family as a whole if you like in any way that is needed by them so you've got the the positive birthing movement but it's not just something that's here in Origin Norfolk is a no no there's around $200.00 groups across the u.k. And there's also a believe now over $200.00 groups globally too far reaching is New Zealand Thailand Brazil they were all over the play really there absolutely yeah do you feel a more sort of positive vibe from women there I think that women are far more aware these days that they have a choice that they have rights so that they have a voice and I think that that is going some way to ensuring that many more women are having a more positive experience of starting their new life as a mother in a more positive way but I do believe there's an awful lot of work still to be done or as somebody who isn't a parent my initial thought around childbirth is out of the play unless that's what I say is that one of the biggest fears are you finding new mums I think so yeah I mean in my work is it my batting teacher of a c I big part of what I do is dealing with fear release and for the vast majority of women it is the idea that it's going to be a painful traumatic experience but so much of the pain is experienced as a result of fearing that pain you know that makes sense if you're scared of something then you know you're producing adrenalin and you're preventing your uterus from doing what it's designed to do so in many ways it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy that if you're scared of it it's possibly going to be a more difficult but then I guess there are learned behavior. An education is that it's the most painful thing on the planet Yeah yeah it is but it's only relatively recently you know if you look at the kind of humanity as a whole that that has become our perception and that's because of things that we see on t.v. Saying that you know we read in the media stories that the generation above us have told us because that was their experience but it doesn't need to be that way with information and with confidence and with belief in what you're designed to do it can be a whole lot better for you you mentioned about the generation before us so you know all mothers they've gone through childbirth and therefore they pass down that information to the daughters and you think this is what's kind of stifling women here having children do you think it's this kind of passed on information or you should do it this way we did it that way I think possibly Yeah I mean you know thousands of years ago you would have had a group of women who would have supported each other during birth and labor and there would be experienced older women who'd been through it themselves and knew that it was a perfectly natural physiological process and so younger women who were pregnant were taken of confidence from that these days you know unfortunately the majority of our mothers would have given birth in a potentially quite a sort of well you know they possibly would have had their dignity taken away from them they'd have been made to lie down on a bed they possibly would have been shaved given an animal one of these sorts of things that thankfully now are not common practice but the generation above us that was the case and so we've been given this idea you know 3 no sort of malice but you know just unfortunately there but is something that isn't right and that's the normal Yeah what happens yeah oh well I must admit everyone who knows me knows that I don't have any children that never really said that I want any children the main reason is being because I'm terrified of the idea of doing that but I can genuinely say having had a good look at your website earlier and speaking to you know much calmer. It's incredible the women that I see and they're both partners whose perception. When they come along and see me is there it's going to be awful and there really isn't anything you can do about it and by the end of our time together they feel so much more positive and really excited and I loved seeing that in people I really do it just makes me feel so happy and proud that actually their whole sort of mindset has been changed because I really believe that's how it should be that must be a lovely part of your job being seeing the theatre and the excitement absolutely at the back to go right well tell us more about where we can find out about the positive birthing movement the groups that you hold and where people can go to come and meet you so we have a Facebook group you can go to the post of both movement websites and you know know which you know if it repeats on there but if you know if you want to look at one in a different area they're all on their team we also have an Instagram feed that you can follow the next meet we have coming up is this Wednesday the 30th of October that's taking place at the labyrinth Cafe which is just on race lane and expectant moms moms to be new moms babies dads birth partners birth workers everybody is welcome to come along t. That anyone who's going interest in Bath is welcome That's 11 o'clock I believe it's a great place actually if you've got children as well because there is a fantastic sort of play we're going to have a lot to entertain them yeah. Well that's very interesting thank you for coming in and talking to us about it and I really hope that it encourages lots of new mums expectant mothers to come along and speak to you guys just get a different different feel about what they should be filling before they think again through job but I would say to me I was sure they were thank you very much oh let's play another track this is blood on me by some for oh. Oh. Well it was great to have Charlotte lead in the studio talking about the positive better than movement she's doing some great things for expectant mothers in the north a canary So we've got the next guests in the studio I can see them from here we're going to be talking over things w.r.i. Hello there waving at me. With the new group that set up an attaboy But let's play some more music festival this is kick a bang by the Alan and gigs. From a few. Rocks in the last. 6 weeks trying. To specs could. Move. Close to a mostly from. Such. Chiefs. Suggests 6 weeks because of. Salutes. To cut costs. Such. That the to. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. You were listening to this so you feel a little shy. Q e 2 out of sight. Alex. Thank you our thanks to our. Thanks. To our thanks to our thank you. Thank. You e. U e. O e. O e. E Q e. Thank you each. thanks but often in t.v. Crowds cake and jams all the staples of the Women's Institute as we know it or is that the House not completely correct anyway tonight we have afterburners new women to talk about why they've set up the great and what they bring to the tradition how everybody has I like you how you doing Ok. Thank you for coming in and say did I get it right. And cake and Crofts mainly. The Certainly cake. Approach John Yeah. But when you into something sometimes Ok so you're willing to take direction if we you know add in. It's a pub visit thin today so here's something for you that possibly yeah. Do you feel that down the center if we go in the room so my name's. Treasurer Attleboro twilights My name is Angela Riley and I'm the secretary of the 29 Hello my name's like and I'm a committee member and a focus on. Raising funds through reforms Hi I'm Jackie McGuire and I'm one of the committee members and I'm also the craft coordinator Wow now I don't know whose job I won I think raffle organizer sounds quite good and. So goes over here tell me how did this all come about and also tell me about the name as world Twilight What does that mean oh we thought about this long and hard and we him up with a few ideas and then we got rid of one idea which has connotations of elderly people we had Twilight as initially it is to me that sounds like vampires. And there were other connotations of also so you came up with the idea of Twilight only that we meet in the evening as opposed to the afterbirth afternoon group yeah and that came out that great and you got the why with the w.i. In the middle of it well we had to make a model to make modern art and yeah and it works tell us why you set up this other group and how you starting what you shot up from a personal Yeah go directly Ok I gave up working 3 years ago. For a full sort of missing I was but also working full time and then could not work I got to require one to go to Zimmer but I didn't know many people in October because I used to work long hours and then we saw a an advert on Facebook from a lady from the Federation Federation appetising What about ladies starting up an evening of I and my. Yes I'm going to go for it and then here we are and we had a number of other people saying yes only arranged a meeting and it's all compromise that's fantastic so for you it was setting up a social situation it was good to know what over 30 years but never really got to know people because I've long hours and so on but it's been actually fantastic for what 34 times now and we meet socially as well and it's been really not changing I must say that although that is much I think yeah I think tell us when you me and what you do in these groups so we meet every 3rd Thursday of the month. And we're just kind of developing our meeting content in a sense so we've had some speakers we've had a really interesting speaker who's a celebrant and we had a gentleman come and talk to us about. Life as a trucker. And terms a local company. List last month where you made earrings and so over there where are your parents. The other night I was we've got lots of plans in terms of the future actually of having a good look at these things. So we're going to hear more about the future for me ladies and in a moment but I kind of want to know more about the group and how it came about and you know is at a bar are missing more social things this is why you did it I think probably for the evening I would suggest. I mean we just literally did answer a Facebook or so we had it was a Facebook post that was put out by an advisor from. Norfolk w.i. Federation a number of us turned up on we liked the idea of it and I have to be fair there weren't very many of us know where I was and I. Think our 1st meeting was 66. Yes. We had just enough for. The committee and we thought we'd give it a go and so it's really important for us to kind of get out there an appetizer. When I meetings are so we do quite a lot about the right to publish. And publicizing on Facebook and things like that so I think it should be really celebrated that you know sort of going oh I wish there was something you came up with something I think people did that are definitely more vibrant thickly as you say in the evening when people want something. And when it's really important to us in terms of. The focus on something for individuals who are in the evening who may not have the time to do things during the day I mean most family members are very fortunate in terms of the way we have the time to devote some of this but we want to make something. That. Women could come home. I think less Actually this could be me time you know leave the families at home once a month and have some fun time with us a little Twilight because the town of Attleborough is growing and we have to smile and you know we think there's a real need for that and certainly we've already benefited personally I think that yes we have a chance of benefit from personally have the benefit from it personally Well I've only just move it feels like I've only just moved to out of breath so I've been in Attleboro a year now. And so I had an amazing career in the health service but chose to give up work and move to Norfolk from the Midlands. Finding it wonderful. Holiday you didn't know for many many many. A day and I did. Yes we fall into that category completely fall into that category . Having given up a very busy lawyer you know I needed something to kind of get me out of the house and to help me develop new skills. So you know I've not done a radio program before so this is a further one picked up you know and I've never been a treasure before and that's morrow night so you know it's something that I'm getting from this as well as making new friends and creating a social life for myself which is which is brilliant and that he feels you know things are those nations where you can make some earrings all of this is fantastic Well we're going to play a track and then going to come back in the other half of the kind of I guess 2 thirds of the Committee of the twilight and that's better about kind of the actual craft things that you might say Let's play a track this is a easy life. Story but so far changed all been Michael soulé shoes on these. People for one song. The song giving the people something to charge since a collapse a car can see for the stars read in the fields follow the plastic then we fill up with junk food I'm blue in the classics look at me I'll just try just said Excuse me Miss Saigon. I left. To get. The same is. Not the cross. You know let alone let's. Let. The console Let's. Talk let's. Go from Burgundy are my headlights straight from the pavement I miss my friends I don't miss the lines on this occasion I could just push you away from. Let let. Let. Let. Me Thank you to be items that you have got Norfolk on Twitter for I'm sending is the message thank you. Hearing stories from local folks all we do as well so thank you for that so is the Tess nice feedback so I've got the Attleboro a twilight group in which are Women's Institute groups and then you hello ladies again I said we were just talking about yoga. And I suggested that if you're going to do it go get a group with your friends is to create we should definitely bring one of the guys into the studio and we will do a live or Lego yoga so we've agreed to that now yeah this is the thing Ok we will say yes we did was I mean I think. That was. Saying we are here now with Jackie and see the other part the committee they're in with us today and you guys have some quite nice job arose so we've got raffle coordinator fundraiser really I guess yeah and we've also got craft coordinators say tell us what do those 2 roles really entitle that must be more to it than just doing the raffle. Was an important part there Apple Well yes at the moment. And been going for 3 months. We are still in the process of trying to think up ideas to run its money which is at the moment quite important to us because we are such a small group we are very long funds of course so yes so your when you say your role is raffle coordinator Actually that's quite a start on the road isn't it yes I mean you have to go and find prices for the raffle each month. And it's particularly challenging moment because of I can't spend more than we're likely to make or the raffle so we are relying on donations and those items at the moment so I sponsor come in what do they have to fund and I hope to. Speakers that we have at the military in the events that are doing this we're doing so many local businesses are about birth and the want to get involved with the After a while like great they should give you a shout which is only right. Or any local goat owners that would like to go so I went Jackie tell us about your role as corrupt or mater Yeah cross-court tonight are some going to be starting a twilight crafting group which will meet once a month and all members and possibly no members you can come along and meet up and we'll be learning new skills sharing what we know what is it that you know Jack you know. Very well the track was back in time that I'm an Instagram blogger I've been doing it for about 3 days and I started to cry Shane I did I set myself a challenge to crochet a granny square Di and I posted them on Instagram and my following just went Yeah. I am Instagram's very positive platform and I've met some fantastic friends and they're also going to meet up with some other bloggers saying you're a sim crafters something interesting with Instagram what's interesting is that you get those kind of nice things I crochet or we have a lot of our guests in talking about parenting and lifestyle things and you know you find these only to cop together and build communities online it's really really good I've got friends in Australia and America it's really really great so what's your handle Where can we follow you on it's you know my name is little I get time crochet little all the time yeah you know I'm going to kind of like starting kind of You Tube video on the possibility I'm still I'm working on a website so that's going to be up and running soon so yeah yeah great progress and I think you also get the kind of the job of finding ideas. Events are going to be happening yes yes we are in talks we're going to do a thing called walkie talkie grope which we get fit to get some exercise and we can walk around October and beyond go around. Because I'm quite new to the area so I can find different places to walk and yeah I get fitter and perhaps stop at the pub when I. Was going to get a good job Jackie said only from there it's another you come from I've come from my Sussex I've only lived in out of for 6 months. I was so pleased when I saw the Facebook shout out I always wanted to be a member of the w.i. I tend to diffuse a few w. Ois serve as a guest but because I work full time I couldn't do it but now I work part time I'm able to to join and I just absolutely love it I've met these lovely friends and it's just great Lovelace great yeah it's nice and as well so yeah so you know the only one I haven't asked How long have you been in after 2 years as the order of the thing you have all the 30 years. You can definitely have one are out there. So what are you looking to do in the future I mean obviously you want to swell your numbers what else are we looking to do as a group. Just where we were going to show going to learn a new skill we're going to look at doing similar things in the community perhaps set up some things and I think there was talk about setting up a community cafe in the town hall so we went to talk to the town Clark over the next few months about how that should be quite good as well so I would like to raise money not alone charity as well as Beth and I believe there's a centenary that we need to speak about yes yes yes I thought we have to mention I think there are 2 new talking about life serpent in Norfolk this year in its interior here so we need to make a special mention of the all the latest our last 100 years who have been faithful followers of the w i a been great celebration serious well and we've recently completed our centenary penance for punting a spell which looks thank you to Jackie for organizing. There making the whole Bunting so every penny and it's from each other 2 groups so we were given a plane why don't you talking to a complete. Letting you know what's a pen is a piece trying to go like Yeah right so the father saying yes so we were able to we could do whatever we wanted embroider Yes So we've put on the go which is the owl on the yaps only with everybody else's So where can people find out more information about this w.i. And Attleboro that happens in the evening when we falling in contact with the. Facebook we do have a website now as well yes if you go into Norfolk Federation there's a link there to our Facebook and also explain a bit about us so yeah I'm aware of people turn up if they just want to rock up to be a lot wy group at a town hall but on top but we do advertise in most places in local the whole of the library central whole Most places have that are social so local shops about. What's happening the next meeting so people. And I run to confirmation venue that is always something on the food says day month effect and then get in touch with us through Facebook right and there's a contact number as well to me on this but he said that he thought that the day of the month yes at a bar at twilight w.i. And he's the ladies' boy should we say I like to. President. Ford and I think. They say I did all I say. She went yeah I did say I was sorry I'd say I'll be here Yes Well and that's literally your committee isn't it yes yes you're right so let's follow those numbers let's go after Barry doings more Twilight w.i. Thanks for coming in ladies we're going to play another track now this is what you're feeling by Jessie where. So we're going to head out to the coast now because on the phone with me is Gaynor read from Retro Skype in Great Yarmouth hello they're going up hello now tonight is the last night of retro skate and you're going to be saying goodbye to their own skating rink a new hosting a union disco so all the former skaters can head back for one last case again unless no How's it going over there Ok it's quite mad to say the least I will not have more us how mad mad Well it is I have got probably about 300 people in. There also like you know we we when we 1st opened is a go right through all the way up to the current day so we're all coming from these guys where he went with their forte and all of the 24 the crackly Yeah so it's quite bizarre because of all of the big braces and everything else that holds our group what are the architectural scale and all this or things go oh yeah it's just a lot of party members I bet it's fantastic you must are such a wide range of people there yes most definitely I say we've got the people who are here with their youngsters their property that might have their families. Also because of the rather high roller skating history we had in the car and you know we thought like it was always had the old people coming because they you through it was the way to God as well we've got guys here that in the fifty's sixty's used to hold the A's and now there's their joy against fantastic about the levels of nostalgia that a pretty high on the yes they're all reminiscent of all of it also like how they were some of these to be less the most the best of clay and how we had to do it I. Tried to look at everything that we had the whole social media sort like a generation coming where they had to come in but they literally said to me is apart from each other and text each other that'll help. With as. I would like it was a really nice you know level to come back. So it's more of a let me just like what stories of 3. Dollars I can say they like the way they also it's not because they don't.
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