After the bombing of a Russian airliner over Egypt the Islamic state group said it carried out the attack which killed more than $200.00 people. And knowledge or ports announced flights to a 2nd destination in Turkey to e-file operate a weekly Saturday flight and Tallia seats go on sale today. A breastfeeding charity has found a new way to help moms in Norfolk high streets the organization breastfeeding mom meets set up what it's calling a nip advisor scheme awarding stickers to businesses who work on breastfeeding moms Gemma germy is one of the moms behind it because there's a lot of moms on confident when they're around about breastfeeding especially with newborns it's nice for them to know that they're somewhere they can go and they're going to be welcomed and they can be made comfortable makes them all confident to breastfeed and about to normalize it maybe say right here in Norfolk news with to get going women for some reason sat next it's 3 minutes fast I think it was the nip advisory like that you know. B.b.c. Radio Norfolk weather dry day today some sunny spells this afternoon light winds as well talk temperatures up to 13 this evening and tonight should be dry patches of fog in places cold with overnight temperatures down to one yet lines on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk it's the airlines with producer and hello there yes named off to producer Ed who wasn't here but we're going to do it anyway in their own way so we've heard of birds flying south for the winter but can you think of any other animals that might head south for a different climate maybe during winter can't think of anywhere so here we go we need some Ed lines to this story today sheep in Spain have been on the move in fact at the weekend they replaced traffic on the roads through Madrid it was as part of an annual event where farmers can migrate their sheep from the north down to the south for winter grade. The traditional route for the 2000 sheep and 103. We need. To go with that story today what's it to be than $107.00. I'm guessing that you. Can you know You 103 I. Know if you want to take. The Word. London Bridge and I'll be thinking about you in the last hour the show we have a chat about the Bradford family who will be welcoming their 22nd child into their fold next year large families small families single child families what kind of family did you grow up in and what size of family was it we got up to finding a family that had Levon So there are still some large families around on this certainly were going back a few decades where their high Chrissie and all my mom was one of 147 boys 7 girls my mom was the 4th youngest and a lot I'm still going strong that's from Maura and scarring thanks for that Maura June on the Tx Chrissie I am one of 15 so going 1415 any more for any more yes from Sue intelligence and Lawrence my nanny had 2121 children my dad was the oldest I myself am one of 8. I'm sure we're not going to get more than more than 21 and the odd I would I put money on it now probably I wouldn't but I think if you if you know any mole we've got this Radcliffe family they're going up to not going up to 22 children we've got the 21 here all you all were you palm a very large family 813 double 3 stout you message with the words no. Lift Salim. The airplane. Play. The Air Line dig. That Jack Sava retie and greatest was. To. Get here on this day music history track for to the. 22nd of October when the 2005 but the song isn't from 2005 confused be confused no longer Waterloo by Abba was voted the best song in the whole of the history of the Eurovision Song Contest you is in $31.00 countries on this day 22nd of October $2531.00 countries across Europe voted during a special show in Copenhagen to celebrate the annual events 50th birthday Waterloo is the place where Napoleon Bonaparte met his defeat at an epic battle in 1815 and this song uses the battle as a metaphor for a woman who gives in and falls in love with a man he is her Waterloo so to speak originally recorded in Swedish It was Abba Swedish version the one the Euro Vision Song Contest back in 1974 given the band a huge career boost and this is one of the many Abba hits also used in the 1994 movie Muriel's Wedding and even though this song constantly repeats the name of the battle spelt the end of Napoleon's empire the French like the rest of Europe were more than happy to buy this song in large quantities the single spent 12 weeks in the French charts peaking at number 3 in Belgium where the battle of Waterloo took place that song there spent 5 weeks at number one Abba not only recorded this song in their native Swedish and then in English but they also recorded a version in French for the French markets and one in German for the German markets but think on it was on this day 22nd of October 2005 that this was voted the best song in the whole of the history of the Euro Vision Song Contest. Was. About and Waterloo Are you ready for your red lines today yet lines on b.b.c. Radio No 5 and here's the story producer I just found the story and what she wants is a great headline from you to go along with it we've heard of birds flying south of winter but can you think of any other animals that my head for a different climate Joe in the winter well sheep in spite have been on the move in fact at the weekend they replaced traffic on the roads through Madrid it was part of an annual event where farmers can migrate their sheep from the north of spy to the south for winter grazing some of the traditional routes for the 2000 sheep and 100 goats waltz through the center of Madrid quite a saw other thing so we're off to red lines for that story today what can you come up with you can give me a call 803897321 or if you want to text a red line. It's one for a double 3 that gets a message with the word Norfolk. That Jazz. Kids going to. Come. Back Jack. Said Jack. The long. Said. Jack. Let's. Face. It. You. 2 know. That Jack. To my kids to this day. I see Jags and own t.v. See radio no facts. Feel. Radio Norfolk travel 1st so his Laura. Good afternoon both looking heavier than usual in King's Lynn on Queen Elizabeth way that's between Grimston road at night till roundabout and gate and road of Queen Elizabeth roundabout further along Queen Elizabeth way eastbound it's queuing up from the a 47 at the Hardwick roundabout to gate and road looking happy in with speech on high road at the a 47 at the roundabout and elsewhere and with beech Levering to the right and north and simply struggling run the ad on the rails the replacement both of us running on great Anglia between its switch and Felixstowe that's all because of a faulty train if you see anything or can update me cold I weigh 203897321 I'm Laura b.b.c. Radio no for the travel. This morning leave me out Unit. Along. The way. Furtado and I'm like about. B.b.c. Radio folks. And here's your latest from Sunday thanks Chrissy nor a city splitting direct to Stuart Webber believes the team are on target to achieve their goals this season he admits there's room for improvement I there were 2 Premier League fussed for the Canaries this weekend a clean sheet and a white points in the nil nil draw at Bournemouth before that city lost 3 on the Spain old bit with a grabbing injury list speaking to the b.b.c. Weapons said everyone at the club has full confidence in the plan vision and the team's philosophy have to continue doing our way as a sort of it's an entertainment show we want to play football way listen you can park the bus get a different type of manager and win a couple of game one dollar you know what everyone's happy for 2 weeks in her all the pundits. But then you have 5 games in a row where you don't score you don't catch on 7 knows who says this and you know and that's why I think the Premier League can be clubs up a little bit whereas for us you know we've communicated this is what we'll do this is how we'll do we strong to it last year of course comeon prove on our style of course we're not we're not arrogant and go in this way to where we'll step down are we not all elsewhere it's a no no for Darby in the 1000 non-league books and welcome not united to Trafford Park both sides are riding high in the Premier Division with tonight's hosts in 4th just one point behind the planters in 3rd with attention now turning to the cup Roxanne's manager Jordan Southgate says they'd welcome a good run in the competition of course and you know we're not we're not too worried about liquidation because it's so early on what we're going to climb or it's not drop points and. You know it's a long season but let was not a great start we got it so it. Will save them so now I'm sure are not going to play I would save enough for St We know the prize will be good but it's good to see so stars Mark but in doing well. We wish them the best luck precedent to just not so not elsewhere in the 3rd Nunley cup nor c.b.s. And Fakenham town lot cones in another all know that clash at the f.t.c. So often town welcome you Mark in Thetford host Why the hell write this and there's another Darby in the 3rd I None 1st Division North Great Yarmouth town visit 2nd place mailbox and wondrous Mulberry park. 2 other football now in Manchester City and Tottenham continue their Champions League campaigns in the group stages tonight's city host as a lantern group say Carl Walker Nicholas autumn n.d. And Johnstone's could all return to the side and Spurs are looking for their 1st win in Green Bay That's at home to Red Star Belgrade at the Rugby Union World Cup in Japan England's head coach Eddie Jones claims his side's training session today in Tokyo was spied upon by an unidentified camera man from a nearby tower block but he laughed off the incident insisting they wouldn't learn anything ahead of England semifinal against the champions New Zealand on Saturday and so horseracing now is the final Great Yarmouth race course meeting of the season this afternoon with a bumper 7 race cars starting at 140 last season's champion jockey Sylvester D'Souza is the star attraction with 5 rides the feature race is the 215 the filly stakes over 6 longs made for all should start favorite there and local interest comes from him trying to Christine Dunnett's who sends 5 horses her best chance looking to be agents of fortune in the 5 o'clock finale hems be born jockey Lewis Stewart also has 4 rides so if you sport. The latest one I watched on Twitter at b.b.c. Norfolk lines on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk the story then producer ranch found this story for yet more she warns is a good outline from you we've heard of birds flying south for the winter but can you think of any other animals that my head south for a different climate in the winter. Or sheep in Spain have been on the move in fact at the weekend they replaced traffic on the roads 3 Madrid and it was part of or it was an annual event where farmers can migrate their sheep from northern Spain down to the south and they do that for winter grazing in some of the traditional. Routes for the 2000 sheep and 100 goats was actually through the center of Madrid or seen it if you were there so we're off to red lines to go along with that story we've got smoke coming in shallow knowledge traveling today be prepared for queues. With the use A.W.A.Y.'s yet bearing Kings lane traffic nightmare no just blocking. Michelle in coffee out Chrissie and her team for you had line today you wouldn't believe it high Chrissy she'd go for a Spanish stroll That's from pay to knowledge squeeze another one in Katyn Wroxham no run jump thank you midriff it's worth it to be there any more for any more I weigh 103-897-3212. Just. Afternoon is pretty Jackson and so on is b.b.c. Radio Nova Queen dad Stop Me Now Snow Patrol chasing cars before that and Stephen with you on your radio straight after the news at 1 o'clock today one foot in the grave is gambits He is 98080 to 94 and the year 2000. Calves in that corner again what's your topic today well it's International Black Cat Awareness Month apparently that toys in mid October the 27th being national black day and earlier in the year August 17th black cat Appreciation Day 3 facts coming out about what if black cats in particular long let's go for it and in 3rd place like Google bad luck when they walk across from front to all or what do you say Kev you know well a lot of the world think it's bad luck we in this country the majority of people in this country think it's good luck I think you'll find it's near the coast you all the more it's considered good luck to have a cat black cat walk across the path right 2nd place there's more than one breed of black cat a solid black cat $22.00 to be exact to including the Norwegian forests kept the Japanese and the Scottish fall I've never heard of any of those before and come to that I've never heard of the most popular one which is called the bomb bay which is what most black cats are neighbors bred originally way back in the not being fifty's when a woman named Nikki hall and I was so enamored with the Black Panther that she decided to breed a black cat and that became the bomb by your winning fact the modern day conundrum for most people is if you got black cat How do you take a photograph of it if you haven't got it right just look for a blob with maybe a couple of boys peering at it so it's recommended. You use a minimalist background angling him slightly towards the natural laws if you're taking pictures on your. Top or new cats fight then use the sun to brought up the photo. Catfights on you not the actual cat. Of the day it is because the Jackson until one broke we Williams. On b.b.c. Radio 5. Very popular on this story yeah they've done well today haven't they. And it's all be called sheep in Spain have been the move in fact at the weekends they replaced traffic on the road 3 Madrid it was part of an annual festival where farmers can move the sheep from northern Spain down to the south for winter grazing so we've had some cracking at lines instead of made Illustrated another few Nigel is gone foot you stop the traffic and she'll run Bungie like she loses a while but sheepish of this you know quite a few that well so we have Welcome to sunny Catalonia That's for old. John in a struggle but what's the winner today and it was really tricky Wilson it without a bit of a calm flap in here had a way we were down to the last 2 it was very close but we've gone for Gordon ignore it who has suggested it's sheep to live in the south thank you very much golden you're a winner not you want anything at all just the mention and despite that I'll do one Radio Norfolk travel like this one Laura. Good afternoon looking busy but moving in Westland only a 17 eastbound a 47 at the political roundabout with road in King's Lynn things to lay softer now between the a 47 and the a 10 at Hardwick roundabout and narrows way at the South Kate's roundabout in broad road stays closed in both directions from Clayton Road Clayton Grove excuse me to plain road the road works well they're installing a new roundabout on the rails with a replacement both of us running on Greater Anglia between Ipswich and Felixstowe it's all because about Paul t. Train if you see anything or can update me call 080-389-7321 I'm going with your b.b.c. Radio Norfolk travel. No AC stuff it's a full month on Saturday with this 1st away points of the season it's kind of like a logical to us not is such as putting our experience to the last point on the road in the Premier League so they have to do it without any regular central defenders in the end it is also the 1st 3 sheets in the Premier League and the 1st in any case that since they face a tough test at home is Manchester United comes account right boosted by their own results against Liverpool join us on Sunday afternoon of full her full March commentry from Fool city on b.b.c. Radio known for its of the b.b.c. Thanks what he calls any Texan everything else and just getting in touch with love it couldn't do without you that's why I need you to look Stephen is standing by his way the strike after the news a one have a good afternoon away I'll back tomorrow at 10. For. Another. You think you. And. You think I'm crying. And I didn't want. Anyone thinking still kava. And baby having me. Back maybe. My mom I don't. Like 71. And. I was small. And I loved it so. Just. Because if. You. Love us. And I'm still. Something you should go. For. The only problem was with. And I didn't want. Anyone thinking still kava. And baby having me. Thinking. Back maybe you should. Know Mom I don't. Like 71. And. The small. And I've been so caught up in my job. Because if. You. Know. And if you. Still hold it. In you should go with. RINGBACK That. It was out of food that you. Could see feel. You. Baby. And if you. Still hold it. In you should. You know it's. Good to feel. That much of a baby. And if you think down there still holding. Yourself. There goes just a baby there and love yourself Justin Bieber featuring the b.b.c. Radio will fulfill a monocle has struck that whole bit of the song thanks very much a Chrissie she's available to approx 30 days b.b.c. Sounds download the crate that you didn't start result of was magical and that simply look a song another version of the girl says when I can't release an article very different take that's all you'll start to date in 2100 in all folk music known for life. Use is b.b.c. Radio 5 crucial Thanks. For Mosley has the very latest for you now it's 1 o'clock that afternoon in the news this lunchtime parliament debates the bricks of bell again they could be green number plates for electric cars and the celebrity from Norfolk You really don't want to search for on the Internet. M.P.'s have begun debating Boris Johnson's Breck's it deal they'll vote on the withdrawal agreement Bellator if it's passed they'll then be asked to approve a 3 day timetable to debate it in order to leave the e.u. In 9 days time opposition M.P.'s say that isn't enough time to fully scrutinise it he is our political correspondent in what sense there is a danger for the government that they might lose the timetabling motion if they do then the question is what to do next because effectively this would pull the rug from under Boris Johnson when he says he can leave by October 31st so he might decide that he's going to pull the whole build and say Right Ok fine to Parliament I had a deal here I said no to the vote over the 31st you are blocking me and then I ask for a general election instead Northamptonshire police say some of their officers will be going to the us to interview the suspect in a crash which killed 19 year old Harry Dunn and secure us left the u.k. After the accident in August claiming diplomatic immunity. The chief constable Nick Adly says it's at the suspects request that lawyers have clearly stated that the suspect wants to be personally interviewed by officers from Northamptonshire police in order for them to see her on the devastation that this is also caused her family as soon as we have the visas available officers from Northamptonshire police will be traveling to the United States and they will be interviewing on the caution the suspect in this case the electric car drivers could get extra benefits thanks to I proposed a green number plates.

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