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Badly on our country mean more senior conservatives trying to block a no deal breaker considering a plan involving the queen it would include asking her to use her right as head of state by traveling to the next E.U. Summit and asking for another delay 14 people have been hurt some seriously in a crash between 2 cars in Steven age it happened on monks would wait at around quarter to 10 last night tributes are being paid to a 13 year old girl who was killed in Southampton last year Stephen Nicholson who is 25 has been found guilty of raping and murdering Lucy McHugh who'd been staying at a family home Lucy's former head teacher is Jason Jason Ashley I've got some students who are upset and they feel guilty about members of staff who feel guilty although I'm confident in the safeguarding procedures in the school I feel guilty as well was I had to and with what I know now but there's obviously more I want to do and I think about Lucy my stays a group of M.P.'s is calling for a multi-billion pound cash injection in schools and colleges in England a report by the Education Select Committee has found they desperately need more money the government says it except schools are facing budget challenges the U.S. Says it shot down an Iranian drone in the Middle East after it came close to one of its ships tensions have been rising between Iran and America in the Gulf to Ron says he has no From a shit about losing an aircraft. Donald Trump says his he disagrees with send her back charts her one of his campaign rallies supporters directed the taunts the Somali born Democratic Congresswoman Ellen Omar who the president told to go back in recent tweets Here's a response as my just east spewing fascist ideology on speech telling us citizens to go back because they don't agree with his detrimental policies for our country we tell people that you in. A sense it's P.T.I. a New research from a US University suggests relaxing music can be just as good as medication at calming anxious patients before Operation health reporter is Philippa Roxbury in the trial of 150 patients half were given noise cancelling headphones and played a song specifically produced to reduce anxiety blood pressure and heart rate the other half was given a drug which helps to cause drowsiness and increase anxiety before a local anaesthetic to numb nerves but is the 5 Live news now here's Nick with a sport RORY McILROY suffered a nightmare 1st ran at Royal Portrush as his hopes of a home win in the open were left in tatters a quadruple bogey on the 1st and a triple bogey on the last saw him finish on 8 over par Tiger Woods admitted he was struggling physically he ended the day on 7 over the American J.B. Holmes leads the field he's one shot clear on 5 and England set up a semi final meeting with New Zealand at the netball World Cup That's thanks to their $5847.00 whenever South Africa in their final group match Northern Ireland beat Barbados to get through to a playoff for nightfall Scott Moore finished 11th place at best after 8430 draw against Trinidad and Tobago as a huge shock in Europe League qualifying as Welsh side Connors Keno mounts 12 nil away at Scottish Premiership kill Monaco and then a 1st qualifying round 32 aggregate victory England's chances of regaining the women's ashes are even slimmer after Australia closed a one of their Test match from 2653 and will need to win to keep the series alive but bad weather is forecast for. Today champions was to ship but not by 28 runs in their opening match of the T 20 blast the rule so in some Middlesex and Somerset but in Simon Yates claimed his maiden Tour de France stage victory yes but winning stage 12 I mean Pharrell scored a hat trick to help with the move to 4th in Super League as with a 4616 when of Wakefield Trinity This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker. And the 5 live whether the showers in the north or west are clearing overnight except in some coastal areas of rain will spread into parts of Wales and southwest England during the early hours elsewhere mostly dry with clay spells lows in London the 15 degrees the Open Championship you couldn't cope better conditions into this week I was with a lovely sound that was still sold this championship returns to Royal Paul brought down on his knees calling the call to disappear any time there's moments to happen here and they can championship to a big travel champion golfer lifted Clara Jo these are the moments that make the major championship match for some short trip the place to keep you up to date with the Open Championship live from Royal Paul Raj coverage continues today instead on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live for listen using the B.B.C. Sounds us. Hello and welcome to up all night so on B.B.C. Radio 5 live with me Richard Foster on the program tonight what does Thursday's vote in parliament actually mean for the prospects of breaks it before the year is out and the State of the conservative policy before the new prime minister is even Also tonight subscription figures for Netflix on some of the streaming anymore they're more of a trickle far fewer people worldwide have subscribed and they were expecting we'll try to get to the bottom of exactly why that's happening and 2 decades on do you feel the need the need for speed. As he goes writing checks quote he couldn't cash a $986.00. So how might Tom Cruise who's now 57 fare is maverick 23 years on the trailer for The New Top Gun sequels strapped in for the ride or is it time to eject. But we still tonight with this I the sound of the Donald Trump rally in North Carolina as the crowd takes aim at the Somali born Democrat President Trump says he disagrees with the chance against. And there are claims of racism though flying on both sides Well let's discuss it with us now in Washington D.C. Is Paris Donald he was on Trump's 2020 Advisory Board and in Florida is Pastor and activist Jamal Bryant Hello to you both good evening. Let's start 1st of all with you Jamal what's your reaction to the president's comments the latest comments on this because he says he disagrees with the chads. I think that the president has really been doing that dance to his base that he has really on earth that is creating a culture of division and racism in America needs to be most Let's put it in his tone and not dodging it and you can't deal with that issue and still not deal head on with the immigration issue on these border states with children in cages both of them are systemic of the same disease of racism that I'm afraid this president carries and you've compared Florida in 2019 to Alabama in the 1950 S. Why is that exactly in the 1950 S. And Alabama and in North Carolina there were billboards signs that were paid for by the Klu Klux Klan that said if you don't like it then go back to where you came from there's a whole busy lot of black and white stock footage of African-Americans trying to integrate where they were met with jeers and signs that said go back home as if America is not a nation of immigrants and so this is almost busy. The remakes of Michael J. Fox's back to the future that once we thought that we were making some progress and it looks like we're making Aleck tricks fly backwards away from really being a place of liberty and justice for all Paris you you'd like the president trying to be reelected in 2020 How can you defend these sorts of chads. I think the president's remarks for themselves he was he did not agree with them and I think that at the end of the day the president understands that there is a frustration growing in the country there are a lot of people who are frustrated with the fact that you have United States Congress persons who are off time saying things are anti-Semitic that are anti-American that are anti freak free enterprise or anti-capitalism you have them calling the speaker of the house a racist you have them searching that the ICE agents are there all the Border Patrol agents that are near the border patrol agents who happen to be minorities a lot of are Hispanic I know this I am from Arizona calling associated them with Nazi Germany saying that they're building concentration camps as quoting them to naziism I mean these are people men and women who are giving their lives you know which are minorities and so I think that the president was right to highlight the horrible things that they have said about this country and about the American. System that they claim to be so horrible and the question the philosophical question he raised was if you don't like America at America is so bad if you are America what's that you're benefiting from greatly because only in America could the 4 of them become United States Congress persons but if it's so bad then go to the source was cunt trees likeness well that you think are the model of freedom and democracy they're not and the reason why they're still here is because they know that they are benefiting from President from an inclusive economy an economy that is reaping great results from an economic level for African-Americans Hispanics Americans Asian Americans including disabled Americans with historic lows and unemployment so I think the president was right to articulate some of the things that these members of Congress have said at the rally last night and yet center back is so loaded such a horrible thing to say another people have come out and said they've had it said to them and they know when they see racism this is racism placing the isnt it. It actually looked at its campaign rhetoric and I thought I think this campaign rhetoric and 2016 they chant to lock her up talking about Secretary Hillary Clinton and the crimes that she committed crimes that if I had committed I would be in jail but guess what Secretary Clinton is still living free and I think if anybody believes that any of the 4 members of the so-called squad are going to be somehow deported it's not going to happen it's campaign rhetoric and it's not racist and the president isn't racist and I think anybody who uses this term soul so freely it cheapens the fact that there is real racism the real discrimination that's happening in this country and when they are accusing both Speaker Pelosi and the president of states being a race at the same time they have 0 credibility to talk about this issue Jamal what do you think about what we can do potentially going forward from this do you think this is the start of a particularly vicious presidential campaign. A radio commentator said earlier today that racism is so American that when you talk about racism people assume that you are attacking America James Baldwin said you can't fix it until you face it and so for those legislators to raise what are the issues and the problems that are in this country it doesn't make them anti-American it makes them pro-American that they see what is the possibility and the promise of this nation and want to see it rise up to that call in a real they are doing because of the lifting to make it happen and not stick their heads in the Scion I think that this is the defining moment especially yesterday for the vote to be taken and it came out that they agreed in Congress that President Trump's tweets were completely out of order and were divisive to the nation and needed to be objectionable and so I'm appreciative for the strides that we're making and I'm grateful if nothing else that finally were able to able to have an open. And a candid conversation about the man that I believe is going to follow this entire election cycle so you think with we can only essential wait and expect more of this kind of thing tomorrow oh no I think last night was a sneak preview of coming attractions that as we get further into the election cycle are you going to hear more of it from both sides where this from McConnell Palosi but both parties are going to have to have a defining moment to your other guest point on what is racism what does it look like and how do we deal with the issue Paris you think you mentioned that this is just in your view President Trump rhetoric do you think he's essentially just appealing to his base so I think we need to be very the chants came from the audience and that was there at the rally but I do think campaigns are tough rhetoric happens all the time Senator Kemal Harris distinguished lady from the distinguished senator from California said in a comment said. To the media that President Trump should go back to where he came from so I think that if you're going to be outraged which I think a lot of this falls for. Apparently still let us not think that she said Yes I think you should be outraged at things that Senator Harris said when she said that President Trump should go back to where he came from I think what we happened in the campaign season that we're in is a lot of hypocrisy that you know Reverend Jamal Bryant who is the pastor of New Birth and greatly respect actually knows that in Florida more. Gillum lost the election because African-Americans turned out in favor of the status because of the issue of school or parental choice so it is still so you have to look at the real realities is not about racism we use this time too much it's about the facts the realities of policy and policy is on the president's side this is an inclusive economy the things the president of criminal justice reform the things with a 1st step at the things that the president is supporting H.B.C. Us with no press Reverend Jamal Bryant support the things that he's doing when it comes to the reckless deregulation deregulation and the things that he's doing to help small business owners in the fastest group of small business owners African-American women this is a president who has the heart of the people and is doing things that are actually benefiting Americans but specifically minorities in this country as a close McConnell And so this is a precursor to this what you saw last night is something that's going to transform this country because they thought he could do it in 2015 but yet over a 1000000 African-Americans voted for him I think it's going to happen again because they know that the president is actually doing things that are really impacting the community in a positive way looking ahead to the presidential campaign and this this rally was clearly a precursor to that do you think that when people eventually put their crosses in the box they'll deal go with the economy rather than thinking well I'm not too certain about to President Trump's attitudes towards African-Americans minorities Hispanics people out up I think that that number is going to have a precipitous fall in those that support him this time than did the last time I think that we're going to have to wait a minute for the oval cry. Outed field of the Democratic Party so as to get a realistic assessment as to which way that number a barometer is going to shift to but I think that the dynamics for the 2020 election are going to be are starkly different than what it is that we looked at in 2006 thing but I think that you're going to see a greater momentum of those who are disengaged in the last election cycle are really putting their foot down saying I can't roll over and act as if this is not happening that there's too much on the plate and too much on the ballot for me to dismiss a suppose when you'll standing where I am in in the United Kingdom looking at America you know several 1000 miles away with it we're not quite as involved in the U.S. Political scene as as you guys are but what I look at is I think to myself where all the Democrats went where the where the Democrats the Democrats you know great hope great figure that's going to come and potentially remove Donald Trump in in 2020 Jamal Jamal do you think they have a problem with that you think him they they they need that count too soon as they can as soon as they can the field busy is overwhelmingly too crowded at that point at this point it really gives the president who is obviously the incumbent the upper hand in a much larger war chest and as you're out the guess would be able to have much more data than I have access to in this crowded field then Trump what really emerges and we're really going to have to spent this as a where it is that we are and what is going to be very critical for the Democratic Party is that we're not just so heavily based on a personality but we're going to have to toughen and strengthen our platform and if that doesn't happen then not Donald Trump is just going to tap dance as way right back into the White House Paris us as confidence is that. I look I'm sort of the opposite that President Trump is going to be reelected I think that you have the overwhelming 2 crowded field on the Democrat side but it's also overwhelmingly to extreme it's to socialist It's too outside of the mainstream of where I think most Americans are I think that you look at the enthusiasm advantage of the president and Republicans we happy to get that the financial cash on hand the donation the financial stability that we have with Republican Party and the leadership of chairwoman our Rhonda McDaniel I mean we are at an advantage and the policies the policies are working not just for domestic standpoint were for putting America 1st and the impact it's having on all all communities but also on an international front the president has a record of achievement and a record that he can run on and will run on and when you're front runner as Joe Biden and you have seen or Harris saw but calling him a racist for his his comments about former senators and calling him a boy and not calling him boy and his stance on bussing and when you have some of things that he said about President Obama you know being clean and it would have meant nice dialect for a black person I mean these are the things that they have to deal with at the end for their party so right now as it stands President Trump is in good good shape to to become the president United States for a 2nd term because he has the policies the kick the the agenda but also the enthusiasm in the support to make it happen the Democrats are in a disarray it's a circus just taking a step back from from what you just said Paris it sounds Yeah it sounds as if what you've listed there however you put it just says to people that America still has a clear problem with racism he still has a clear problem with whites versus blacks with different races with minorities and it is this this perhaps this this chanting at the rally is just a sort of microcosm of that but essentially you still have a nation here that has real problems with race would you agree that the country here. It's founded with the stain of slavery there's no question about that you can't get a wound that you can't fix it after slavery came Jim Crow so a so you can you know reconstruction all these things that happen so that there there is history that the country as we can either look backward we can look forward even when President Obama getting 8 years being reelected as the 1st you know African-American to be elected president and then reelected you know we can complain and say it's discounter is bad and black people are being suppressed when I see the the fact that Reverend Bryant church can raise you know $100000.00 to support H B C U's when I can see the fact that you have black black people doing such great things like Robert Smith giving millions to help students at Morehouse and if that is that we have a form on the entertainment industry athletics and from the things that we're doing as a community the lowest unemployment things are actually good and they're looking up in part because of the of the policies that this president have supporting free enterprise supporting the 1st step back supporting things that are benefiting the black community so yes racism is real yes racism is alive yes we have problems but my God if you look back to where we are today juxtaposed to where we were back when Secretary Connelly's or rice was growing up in Alabama and had her friend killed and the bombing in the church I think we are light years ahead and we can be proud of where we are but I also acknowledge that we have a lot more to go and I am confident that we have a president who understands that respect. He can't to advance that he said What do you have to lose we have everything to gain and we put that agenda is showing that we are gaining as a nation so we have to hold these these dozen squad accountable and say listen you can't just label everybody a racist because you don't like their policies remember they just label that's a Palosi a racist they just label Joe Biden a racist and they will just label anybody a racist because they don't agree with them and that's that danger that we're in it that it's a problem when if you are African-Americans and that the Republicans support the president you might be labeled and you might be targeted but be harassed and cast aside that's not what we are this is America we should support everybody's independent right to have freedom of thought and freedom of expression and work to get out there and set up being talking about these things that are that are so bad about this country work together let's pump together Congress than the squad work what president tried to bring down. Prescription drug prices were present trouble every structure worker present trouble doing something for the 1st step that part too let's do some good things for the country and put partisanship aside Jamal what do you think of the the state of the current state of American politics and that sort of the the theory that racism is still very much alive and well I think all of America both parties off it just aging on thin ice I think that you're seeing a lot of tension stress and anxiety on both sides and regrettably and embarrass a lady on a global stage it looks as if the president is fanning those flames the tweets that he did on the squad the other day were very reckless and irresponsible for our Head of the state and so it really pulls off the Band-Aid and makes us feel as if we are still in a place where the Statue of Liberty no longer has the bland soul but there's a wink that has taken place to your guests point yes trads being made by African-Americans but that's at the top feel at the lower bunker where it is that you're seeing is that the Republicans all platform is really about securing the wealthy the Democrats about the middle class but we have yet to hear a full agenda on how do we elevate those busy who are in poverty and I think that is what is going to make the real difference Gentlemen thank you very much indeed for speaking to us here on a pole night that was Paris down on who's on Trump's 2020 advisory board president from survivors report and from Florida we have from Pastor and civil rights activist Bryant fascinating discussion thank you well all week we've been marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing but we've also been looking at the future of the space program as well NASA started automates which is a program aiming to return astronauts to the in a surface by 2024 including the 1st woman and the next man but according to the Hugo Award winning author Mary Robin it coaled NASA needs to learn from its previous failures if it aims to send women to the moon and beyond She joins us now how the robin merry Hello how are you know very well thanks very well indeed now the Apollo program of course put a man on the Moon way back in 1969 there was no there were no Apollo women astronauts do you know why that was exactly. Yes President Eisenhower decided that it should be a military should staff it with military men so NASA. Technology and all of that was all geared around making sure that these military men were able to do their thing he wanted there because he thought that they would be better able to take orders because they would be used to a command structure but the scientists at NASA itself that was not one of the criteria that they were setting up when they were initially saying hey maybe we should sit send people into space so essentially it was a program by men for men correct those gender biases still exist today. I think the NASA is doing a lot of things to try to address those For instance Dr Elena was the head of Johnson Space Center until quite recently and she was very focused on diversity and when you look at the astronaut candidates who are coming in and you're heard ministration you see that they were doing a lot to have gender parity or something close to it in their selection process but they are building on this legacy that's left over from the Apollo era and there are a lot of choices that they made that mean the women who come into the program are dealing with things that are still built around men for example spacesuits I understand that are very much designed for men very much so so when they started doing the shuttle program what they had of originally done with Dr Seddon was one of the early the 1st class of women astronauts she she worked with among designing an extra small space suit and they had a small medium large an extra large for budget reasons they cut the extra small but what was even built in they wound up cutting the small and the extra large but there were men who couldn't fit into the large and they complained about. So they brought the extra large back they never brought the small suit back which means that when women get into it they have to compensate Katie Coleman who was also a shuttle air astronaut talks about how when she was in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab which is the giant football sized American football sized swimming pool thank you for that yes it is a slight difference if. Phil it's big enough to hold a full sized mark up of the International Space Station so when she's in there practicing in a suit that is too large for her she has to put padding to keep from moving around in the suit this is something that they call a one G. Problem or an N B L is a which is a problem that you think on earth but you wouldn't actually face in space because she's still under the effect of gravity even if the suit is neutrally buoyant so like if they rotate upside down she'll drop in the suit. Has it has not so it's actually sort of taken a look at itself and said Yeah we did design all this for men and we should really do better yes they they've done a really comprehensive study of the spacesuits several years ago and started to work on attempting to make changes but they are constrained by but it suits are not surprisingly very expensive partly because the suits we're talking about the ones that go on the extravehicular walks the spacewalks that those are basically humans shaped spacecraft so they have to be completely self-contained and the ones that they're using right now are 40 years old they were designed to last for 15 years but they are still in use because of budget constraints. And what about other things is one of the must be all kinds of things that you have to use and work on in space if they all been designed for men and therefore women might find them a little more difficult to use sure one of the easiest examples is the pistol grip tool which is basically a cordless drill that was designed for the Apollo program it is still in use it's had some modifications but the the grip on it is built from man's hand. And this is something that you see not just in the space program but all over the place where you will have things that are optimized for a man and women can use them but they really are not built for a handsome is the distance ladder rungs is optimized for men and that's that's everywhere so when women go to use a ladder it is because we tend to be smaller the ladder rungs are often place just a little bit too far apart for us this is also governing then when they are putting in handgrips on the space station they're using the measurements for what is the ideal. Placement from ladders and ladders were designed with men in mind I see that given the budget constraints that you mention what's the likelihood of a kind of feel a much more female friendly space program. I would love to see that happening some of the things that are happening with some of the commercial programs are looking like they are attempting to rectify some of these mistakes. The the Boeing program has a woman assigned as part of the crew so she's being involved in decisions about the space suits and the fit of the suits and about the equipment Space X. Has an all male crew they say. They say that they have women involved in the design process that they have about 20 people who are working with them to to make decisions but the crew the ones who are actually doing most of the bulk of the testing the ones who have suits fitted for them are all men and and this isn't a case of someone making a deliberate choice like you can see that they are actually trying to accommodate by making sure that there are women included in that design process. Because the the people who are kind of doing the final in stage test. The ones who are actually in the spacesuits are men there there's going to be an optimization around their comfort even on an unconscious level and this isn't this isn't an active bias but it's an if a side effect so essentially this is all about involving women to a much greater degree yes absolutely NASA for instance has never had a female director. And that's and so it's going to be can you see that happening anytime soon. Not with the current administration. That's fair enough I think we'll leave it there Mary Robin Koval thanks very much indeed Hugo Award winning author just talking about the potential for females on s'posed space programs it brings me to a quote and it is this earlier Alan Shepard was the 1st American man in space not sure if you knew that he got into space 1st time in 1961 here's a quote from him he said it's a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realize that one safety factor was determined by the lowest bidder on a government contract something in that with all those nuts and bolts You're listening to up all night here on 5 Live it's $132.00 on digital B.B.C. Census sloughs figure. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live for kin and has the headlines 14 people have been hurt some seriously in a car crash in Steven age emergency services were called after 2 cars collided on monks wood way at about quarter to 10 yesterday evening the B.B.C.'s learned a group of senior conservatives are looking at asking the Queen to help stop a no deal bricks at the M.P.'s belief if the new prime minister ignores parliament they could get the monarch to attend the next E.U. Summit and request another extension president trumps distancing himself from the center back chance directed at a Somali born congresswoman or one of his election rallies the taunts came days after the president tweeted that Omar and 3 other female Democratic members of Congress should go back to their countries and the E.U. Has rejected a claim by Boris Johnson that Brussels imposed pointless rules on how keepers are sent through the post the requirements on the temperature of smoked fish were actually put in place by the U.K. Government that is the 5 Live news now here's Nick with support RORY McILROY suffered a nightmare 1st ran at Royal Portrush as his hopes of a home win in the open were left in tatters a quadruple bogey on the 1st in a triple bogey on the last saw him finish on 8 over par Tiger Woods amid. He was struggling physically he ended the day on 7 over the American J.B. Holmes leads the field his one shot clear on 5 under and then set up a semi final meeting with New Zealand at the netball World Cup that sank to their 5847 whenever South Africa in their final group match Northern Ireland beat Barbados to get through to a player for 9 for Scott Moore finished 11th place a best after 8430 draw against Trinidad and Tobago as a huge shock in Europe League qualifying as well as key moments 12 nil away at Scottish Premiership kill Monaco owns them a 1st qualifying round 32 aggregate victory England's chances of regaining the women's ashes are even slimmer after Australia closed a one of their Test match from $265.00 for 3 and will need to win to keep the series alive for bad weather is forecast for today jumpiness was to ship it not by 28 runs in their opening match of the T 20 blast the rule so in some Middlesex and Somerset Britain Simon Yates claimed his maiden Tour de France stage victory last by winning stage 12 and when Pharrell scored a hat trick to help Wigan move up to 4th in Super League as with a 4616 when of Wakefield Trinity B.B.C. 5 lines next week the U.K. Will have a new prime minister wherever I am whatever I do I'm with you wish you well I want to you to win above all it was a privilege to serve I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction I will surely leave the job that has been the honor of my life to hold 13 M. Peace through their hats into the ring to be to resume a successor but here's the next the next prime minister will be the Bar Styles and all Jeremy Hunt the race for number 2 and continuous coverage on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 live over a little on the B.B.C. Sounds are up all night with me Richard Foster until 5 as we're hearing in the headlines there 14 people have been hurt some of them seriously after a car accident in Stephen aged Let's get the latest with Simon Jones who's following the story somewhat more do we know at this stage Well it appears this was a meeting of car infuse Yasin Stephen agent. For a chair and footage posted on social media shows a large group of spectators had gathered to watch cars drive past and as well of the vehicles pulls out of a side road is hit by another car at speed sending it piling into a group of people this crash happened about 945 last night as you said left 14 people injured we're told 12 of those have been taken to hospital police say some of those have serious injuries they'll be taken to 3 hospitals a list a hospital in Stephen idjit self the work for General and the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow now witnesses on social media been describing the aftermath of the accident as horrendous footage that's been posted up shows a large group of people there a lot of people in the area at the time trying to deal with the people who are lying on the ground injured and the police say an investigation has been launched but they and the emergency services are expecting to be at the scene of this crash for quite some time does it look like the police knew that this was an actual organized car meet all was it just something that was arranged on the spur of the moment when I did ask the police Where's this known about did you know about this but they haven't so they're not going to provide any more details at the moment it appears this meat was certainly advertised on Facebook but the organizers were saying they didn't tolerate any sort of antisocial behavior they didn't tolerate people doing wheel is they wouldn't tolerate people racing it appears the aim of this was a static car meet where people could come with their. Cars and simply park our pump you would look at. Them but it certainly seems from the footage that we've seen online or a number of people took to the roads and the spectators were watching these cars driving quite quickly around the road system sun adjourns thanks very much indeed a reporter there some adjourns with that latest on the crash in Steven age 14 people have been her will keep cross that story throughout the program now in peace voted to back a bit that makes it more difficult for the next prime minister to try to force through. No deal brings it majority of 41 approved an amendment to stop a new prime minister suspending parliament in order to force through Britain's departure from the E.U. Without a deal earlier Britain's official public finance watchdog the O.B. Are warned that the government could be forced to borrow an extra $30000000000.00 pounds every year in the event of a new deal brings it that forecast has been dismissed as project fear by pro Briggs it politicians Well I've been speaking to Ned Simons who's the political news editor at The Huffington Post and also Mike Saunders chair of the Gloucestershire young conservatives who is a Boris Johnson supporter and I asked Ned to explain exactly what parliament has voted to do centrally what promise done is done its best to block Boris Johnson from forcing a Noto Praxair by suspending parliament. There's always going to happen I think. Parliament wasn't King idea that Boris Johnson could become prime minister and just say you know parliament your shot at live 31st Whatever happens we leave the without a deal and you can't stop me from doing it so they amended random law going to going 3 to stop them from doing it was the government who positional this what we do which we were M.P.'s whipped so to isn't a whip the Conservative party to vote against this change but unfortunately because essentially she's a lame duck and don't really care what she thinks in the party anymore you had a matter about. 6 cabinet ministers didn't vote the way she says that they should get 17 other Tory backbenchers who voted against her so. Boy ever she kind of thought she wanted to happen just didn't happen until like me at Phillip Island chancellor the only kind of staining So Eva belled he stuck his head out of number 11 of his house to let everyone know that he was abstaining space being quite a dramatic day and certainly a muggle James resigned as well and she is the Minister for digital Yes I'm OK James voted in favor of the change which meant she had to resign but I think a lot of these Tory ministers and current ministers that to fight the whip know they're going to fight anyway so Philip Hammond the chancellor they've a cork justice secretary quite Clarke that business secretary really Stuart development secretary they all know that they're out the door the 2nd voice takes over say nothing to lose really Mike what do you think of all this is what would your reaction to today's developments. Well there's not really much that I can I can disagree with from what they're for the gentleman just said. My my reaction is again I think it was always on the cards we know the nature of Parliament or the nature of. The M.P.'s were sitting in Parliament. You know I think it was a very natural kneejerk reaction that when it was 1st discussed I think was don't think Rob 1st discussed the possibility of the program a part of. It it just seems to be the very very natural kneejerk reaction friend pays that you don't want a brick set or they don't want to know deal Breck said that this would just be the natural route that they would take do you think this is essentially it's a case of whatever happens whoever it is whether it's Boris and he's looking like he will be Boris or Jeremy Hunt they're both going to face the same parliamentary with me take and they're both going to same face the same potential obstacles to reason may they are so I mean that would lead to my my natural conclusion from this would be that you know a general election would probably be a lot more probable now that we've now that we've had this vote so I think that's put it more more more in the cause but I mean you know the probing of Parliament isn't the only way that forest can deliver BRACKS It's not the only way this or No Deal BRACKS It could could come about so you know I think while this might be seen by some as a bit of political grandstanding by some M.P.'s who work and don't want us to leave . Or you know don't want to leave it out or deal. You know that I Then they it's a sign of what's to come and it's not the be all and end all of you know Bracks or no deal so you know I think there's a lot more events that will that will that will come so will we will have as an M.P. I think we'll have to watch as they unfold live to fight another day kind of thing and then would. We think of the likelihood now of a general election Well I think it's interesting what we just heard there is that I think this is a sign of what's to come I mean what happens it was important but it also shows you that Boris Johnson who I think we expect will win the leadership race his main goal is press aide really has promised that will leave on the table with a deal or without a deal and ahead of him even taking over he's lost his majority in parliament so before he's even Prime Minister what usually expect I'm M.P.'s of trying to suck up to the incoming leader for jobs or for that to reasons or party reasons or past or reasons they've already said we don't agree with your main priority so it's interesting that Boris on that from the outset is kind of had a not back and it does increase the chance of general election as the only way he then can do anything this is change the pollen Shalit measure arithmetic in the commons in any direction in terms of is a No 2 more likely I think is still properly now the most likely outcome because his Remember even if pollen is not correct even if M.P.'s can try other things the eve has to agree to an extension of 58 the labor access we have to ask for one I don't think Boris will ask for one I think no deal still remains incredibly likely even if M.P.'s don't like and it's not as easy as saying we don't want it to stop there you're to change the law. And that's quelled. My Do you think this sort of gives lie to the kind of theory we've heard maybe a few weeks ago that Boris Johnson had a unique talent to unite the conservative party doesn't look like he when it comes vote comes in like this does it well I mean how many how many M.P.'s Conservative M.P.'s voted for this member I think it was 17 so I mean that's there's no get to head off he did he did he did it with the support of I think just 16158 employees I think to send him through to be. You know for the for the leadership. Contest so. You know and we still have we still have the results of the leadership election this country coming in quite soon so I think I think that will be very interesting but like I say it's 717 M.P.'s and a lot of these M.P.'s have been very vocal before about their you know distaste for for breakfast or leaving without a deal so again it's not a surprise and this would have been all on bourses mind you know. Months ago years ago perhaps you know if it was thinking about something for a leader that yes there will be M.P.'s that just just disagree with with the direction that we went into with with then the general election in 2017 Mike I think Mike as a Boris fan what do you think of the idea of probing Parliament when it looks like you're sort of turning in the greatest parliamentary democracy in the world into a dictatorship doesn't it. I mean so is it a ship I mean the problem is that you know which have a side you voted on which side you you know if you want to sell evil to remain the fact is also 57 triggered you know that's the only thing that Parliament has actually has actually voted to deliver is the triggering of Article 50 which is the eventuality that we will that we will live with that we will he. Say you know Three's a May for that night of 7 votes where you know we said right OK Pick an option and power but said no to every single option so like I say Article 50 still when triggered so whether part of its progress or not I mean I mean one could even go so far and say probing is a is a red herring really I mean like like we've just heard I mean if the E.U. Still has to agree to an extension or you know and then again as as Boris could be or could be Jeremy as PM You know they also have their prerogative to decide if they want to extend or if they want to you know if they if they want to know details just done by their own choices so like I say and that would just be fulfilling the vote the parliament how to bring Article 50 into you know to true Article 50 So no I wouldn't say as a woman dictatorship because like I said the decision was made 2 years ago really now and we heard earlier in the way did we from the incoming. European Union president that she's perfectly happy she says to to extend the deal again can you really see that happening. I can see them I can see it happening Yeah but it is tricky because there's not much choice for anything I think to come back to a general election is that there's no majority for any agreement there's a majority for No 2 parks this immaturity for treason may steal there's a majority for a referendum there's a majority for any other outcome in the Commons and the only. To get a majority is trying to arithmetic in Parliament which means you need a general election whether that means that Boris Johnson wins a big majority or pick a majority for he wants to do or he loses and Jeremy Coleman Labor windfall what they want to do something has to change in the Commons because there is absolute deadlock and nothing can when everyone agrees that they don't agree. So to also an extension we have to ask for and then Majority to ask for and that's the main problem and also come back to whether it's right to propose I do find it kind of ironic I was about taking back control to produce parliament but certainly from quite a lot of kind of grounded stories with ideas of policy sovereignty like Jason. Who want to take back control and the thing they now want to happen is they want to Spain parliament to push through what they want now what do you think is right or wrong I think it's strange that people don't agree the Parliament is sovereign it's odd that suddenly the debate has got so polarized now Islam which when whether you should suspend common law is quite bizarre it shows how far we've come in the last 2 years and debate My Do you still believe in parliamentary sovereignty Yeah of course of the. Sort of is that they I mean parliament did they voted to trigger Article 50 and then the Parliament hasn't agreed on anything else since really so what is it what is one to do you know what is what is one today I suppose is have an election isn't it no would you fear that at the moment from a conservative party perspective. No I think I would favor I think elections one option. You know we have we have a well what cause we're going to play I mean it could always come down to a 2nd referendum again I wouldn't fear that it's either so you know I've voted leaf I think again. Their recovery out to referendum I would say is that for me it would make sense to follow on from the 1st referendum we had so the question . Should be following on from the 1st referendum should it be the deal the trees of May or any amendments the next province to get or no teetotaller not to meet just seems like the logical way to get past this impasse and pays the consequence anything in parliament had to get passed that impasse because all of M.P.'s are saying that they're worried about things happening in their own constituency so muscle how that how they're conveying that well you know a confirmatory referendum might be you know something that we can do as long as it follows on naturally from the 1st although I think as a general election we have one I have a general election so we'll go from there I really want to talk to you both as well about the predictions from the Office for Budget Responsibility saying that. We need to be a 30000000000 pound more 30000000000 pounds more borrowing in the event of a new deal brigs it Duncan Smith gave those projection short shrift Mike 1st of all do you agree with I.D.S. . Which part of it well the whole thing did you think Duncan Smith is right to give the O.B. Are pretty. Short shrift. Well I mean that was so that was that was war but it was one prediction that was made I heard I heard for the promised a call on Lost as well and I thought he was he was definitely. You know even even disagreeing with the figures that were presented to me and I can spend I just think this now we we know who we do know where we are we know where we are at the polling we look at. The elections we know where people are on the membership of the E.U. It's clearly we do have to leave so I mean some might say that it's just a rewriting of project fer. You know others might say well. You know we did we did have this during the referendum. People made their choice so it's a question of are we are we Democrats yea or nay nay what do you think of the predictions Well I think actually what might makes a very interesting because I think the number of warnings about what happens economically it's a country doesn't really matter now I think we should take protection seriously we said the Treasury's question seriously and actually some of the other petitions about the economic impact until much more harsh than what they are said today in the Treasury's suggestion was a bit more 90000000000 pound in past the economy but this is now about politics and culture and society and in a debate it doesn't really matter what the warnings are because people just don't believe them whether the whether they're right to wrong today does that kind of the cultural political dynamic is is almost We don't believe the numbers and you know the numbers are right we don't care because we want to quote take back control or on the remain a side the celebrations about. The media comic shop shop what happened the 2nd the vote happened didn't pan out so in a bizarre sense all the predictions are made about what's going to happen no one believes them or they don't care so in a weird way they don't really matter in til the impact is felt and if it is by. I think that's going to be quite a problem for Boris Johnson and the conservatives because they will get blamed because Boris Johnson is the person who campaign trip back said it was his plan it was his campaign and he has to be the one that owns it now it becomes prime minister there's nowhere to hide. Well I think I think we'll just have to see how it pans out I mean we never know we have a general election and. Delivering but absolutely so so there we got it well we'll have to see how it was I mean look we all remember what happened in the last 2 years you know it was predicted to be doom and gloom of what's happened you know record numbers the economy is in great shape you know the deficit is coming down so you know like I say we're right in the middle of this so like I say events are going to unfold. You know it's just going to be very interesting for us I'm on the side to have conversations as we're having this evening just crystal ball time for you both now gents just just to wrap up now I'll start with you 1st what do you think is going to happen let's say before the end of the year in terms of politics and brags. That while it's always hard and there are you would be I think the transfer general election rather to say it's now quite high I would say the most likely outcome is a no do a proxy then the October and then a general election in the summer of 2020 where Doris can say I did have a proxy and try and see if the backs of party and in the hope that Labor is imploding still as it still is. Mike what do you think. Well I thought 3 of my scouts were going to be our prime minister this stuff yes. Predictions are going to be very good but. What I would say is I do think I think frankly I think I don't I don't to count chickens for a fact but I think when we went to be our new prime minister and then it's a question of what he does from that. Will he will he pass an amended or ready you know the current version of trees a maze deal because we've heard. Quite a few M.P. Now saying that even though they voted. So many times you know to reject a reason may still they in their opinion they thought it was just grandstanding for members and things like this I think now they actually genuinely realised that the notorious I was actually serious you know it is that this is the deal so whether Boris wants to give it another go or not. That's down to him I think it might be likely that we do see a treason may steal or slightly amended version of treason May's deal going through Parliament quite. Now and Simon's political news editor at The Huffington Post and Mike Saunders speaking to me a little earlier he's the chair of the last year young conservatives also and he's a Boris Johnson fan as well talking about the latest on breaks it and that vote to back a bit making it more difficult for the next prime minister to try to force through a no deal arrangement well out from the U.K. To the U.S. Let's take a look at the stories making the Washington Post desk and theory on Ian a poor room is where the side the desk. Problems in Iran they grow further the tensions in the Strait of Hormuz what's going on yeah the latest I mean we. We have been hearing about there is a confrontation in the Strait of Hormuz especially in the Persian gulf below the so there is an. Link. Involving the various tankers and stuff but today we just 1st thing in the morning we heard from their Indians that they actually have. Seized a tank which the believed to be belong to the inner that Arab Emirates and this had to go to the smuggling our oil from Iran and later we found we heard from the president President of Trump here that tell us as downed Iranian drone that through very close to a U.S. Washer I mean this like I remember last month. In American drone was shot down by Iran and a dispute about where it was but it was an Iranian territory or international waters or whatever but it cost but millions of more than more than 120000000 dollars And so it was something huge and. The style of their kids saying this is we don't know what kind of drone it was maybe. Just a surveillance don't but it shows that every day something some kind of interaction negative interactions happening between the Western countries and Iran and it's not . Looking very good for what kind of negotiations that Trump wants to have come through and later in foreign minister was in New York today for some meetings at the United Nations he said. In to. Make some changes if you remove all the sanctions but I don't think Americans are about to do anything like that it's again a stalemate and don't trump as well he's now distancing himself from the US send her back to chant at the rally in North Carolina what his latest position yes he here actually looks like a lot of people objected yesterday not Carolina he started talking about singled out one member of Congress. Instead of the 4 women of color he just picked up one who's came as a refugee from Somalia and represent your mark and he said she's Tamarack and his critics criticizing American values and America are the leaders that he's rarely and all kinds of things and the Qataris shouting stand up back and he actually stood and listened to it for a while before continuing speech but today he actually said I don't like it tied in appreciate it and I want to end it quickly that's why quickly resumed speaking and we found out it was out at least 13 seconds he actually paused so. He is trying to play both sides because he needs to tell the base that he's not backing out of the symptom. Of the Republican establishment that he is kind of donning its rhetoric in some way. Because some people came back and let me Trombley the Republican Senate actually settle and I'm glad it used. Realize that he didn't support it I mean he doesn't really like that but. On it goes thanks very much indeed. For new bands too long it's. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live it's 2 o'clock on 5 Live on Richard Foster this is the main news on 5 Live moment a dozen people are being treated after a serious crash in Stephen Hall RORY McILROY has a nightmare 1st round at the open. This is B.B.C. 5 my time with the B.B.C. News on 5 Live his mitts Mansfield's Richard good morning 14 people have been hurt some of them seriously after a crash in Hartford cheer police were called to a road in Steven aged around quarter to 10 last night when 2 cars collided reports on social media suggest it happened during a coming to event and that a group of people standing at the side of the road were hit. The B.B.C.'s learned that a group of senior conservatives who want to stop a new deal Bracks are considering a plan involving the queen the M.P.'s believe that if the new prime minister ignores parliament they could ask the monarch to attend the next day you Summit and request another extension of political correspondent is Nick what desperate times call for desperate measures but I think constitutional experts would suggest that asking the Queen to attend a European summit would probably breach the rules surrounding a constitutional monarch which is keep her out of the political arena will be sentenced today for the rape and murder of a 13 year old girl in South Hampton Stephen Nicholson who's 25 killed Lucy McHugh last year to stop her from exposing him as a sex abuser has been staying with her family his father is Andy McHugh no parent should be alone to talk to rest as I did imagine the lead my daughter washed up then they should be made to rest not me don't hurt us there's all the things that we're never going to just going to see because should not going to Palm having it now it's never to have children he stole her whole life away flawless happened he did hopelessly come to learn from it a group of M.P.'s is calling for a 10 year funding plan for education in England the Education Select Committee says schools and colleges desperately need billions of pounds more in Cherry's Robert how often is the N.H.S. Going to have a 10 year plan and $20000000000.00 extra long term funding settlement Why should education be the poor relation. Tieless skanks Now this is the L.A. Angels pitcher who only a few weeks ago now was discovered dead in his hotel room in the early hours of morning just before the angels were we're going to play well it's been a few weeks the team as you can imagine incredibly emotional and last week on Friday night they played their 1st home game in Anaheim and it was one of those slightly fairy book stories that you hear because they actually managed to take the Seattle Mariners 30. Nil it was a no hitter which is very very rare in baseball combined no hitter absolutely extraordinary they all went out wearing Skaggs and his number 45 on the back of their shirts and then won 30000000 Seattle Mariners an absolutely incredible game which all came the day before July the 13th which was meant to be his birthday so hasn't any further word on his death no that hasn't this been nothing I mean it was the 1st of July when he was found dead there's no cause of death that's been determined but police have ruled out suicide they've ruled out foul play toxicology tests autopsy results they're all pending at the moment but No To be honest with you nothing yet it is a bit of a mystery but if you.

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