Yeah but the language they use know the sound of the bell frequencies so I like to introduce myself with my own phrases that. Kind of like 2nd reaction you know. I'm also of reaction do you get from these cows another going to try this in a 2nd but what sort of reaction genuine they do you get from these cows it's really up to the age I mean some of them why young can't run away if they have some moms with them you know they just want to be Mom baby but the moms of course. You know interstate and I and it's actually you know even old school they are quite confident sometimes they know me. But I know you so you know you've got about 30 right you know interviews this week because your story has gone viral Yeah that's absolutely correct is this the 1st one that Eva great to do in a field and you're about to sing to the cast is this the 1st one that's kind of yes I love the 1st RADIO ONE OF COURSE I'M DONE THE VIDEO BY Yes that's in the 1st one so this is an experiment you are about to sing to the 200 cows in the field at the moment give us about 30 seconds of a song what's going to sing for us in the couse I say that's why we just you know seen in the bubble so many of the 10 idea of how much you know we've been told I could be doing things share a lot of. The air why is he always my friend. Or reading. Old. Oh. 00000000 don't want. To move on onus was on she was home oh. You. Mean eating. Meat oh i Phones are so very moved by that but this is not about May This is about the couse give us a running commentary what is going on in that failed them IMO sort of reaction a lot of love to tell shaking basically a stance which means something new things happening and so now they're approaching me now the next you can hear them yes I can use yes the person up very close to me no. Hear all of them now just in front of me for sure we can we come to a you know like a video stuff yeah I got all of them just by me you know what a lying is before you started singing that I would much for a why now. You are friendly why yet to me the notes the picture how to. Picture can you ask the couse can you ask the one simple question Did you enjoy my performance cars you didn't tell me to leave. Yet no one complained yet. Still here. So I'm not like that when trying to respond. To. You all you all one of the funniest I don't know whether you realize this. But you want genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever interviewed there's just something about the way you say things and the way that you react to things I think you're absolutely brilliant honestly you're so you've heard. This may I love this and just before I let you go obviously you've now become a worldwide sensation out of you know where you're looking for a record deal or do you really really enjoy being a full time that out of the 2 What would you go for next I can leave we don't count in my life that's a problem. So. Being there not just because I think it's not really what I want to do but you know why not. Well I mean just you know my group you could maybe be a full time that because that's what you like and then maybe once every Christmas you could release a Christmas album I like also very well blatant Yes yes. And you could release the so all I want for Christmas is a cow or something like that I don't know if it's an idea floated in my head. West Allis you know that probably yes yes don't call us we'll call you Alphonse or listen thank you so much for being a great sport that was a salute lay brilliant and I wish you a very very successful future all the very best thank you so much thank you so much for talking but I like by phone now they have THAT WAS AMAZING that was Alfonso come Assa he is the singing vet who has gone viral this way he's done a lot of interviews but that was the 1st one that he agreed to do in a field singing to the couse And you heard it there the cows were were in the distance they heard him sing and then they all came towards him in a friendly Why look I'm going to ask a really silly question now but if you don't ask you don't get have we got anybody maybe you who sings to their pet it could be your cat your dog your rabbit your guinea pig whatever the pets whatever the song if you sing to your pets we need to get you on the show tonight pick up the phone and give me a call the number for your local radio station is coming out right now do get in touch would love to hear from you. 080-389-7321. Dave is injection Good evening Don't worry my friend I'm very good bigger much raw and we follow that what have you got for us tonight I've well over there also is my friend Eric is over from America is. Happy wedding or whatever it was when we had your family. You know. The 1st ever radio sang it was last year so many people still ask me about that in the radio industry and I say to me how you still employed by said look we did it we took a risk and I said about you died but I thought that was a great not since time and I think it paid off I think was my most Yeah yeah so you might say he was on the radio sector Yeah it's been. You know week or so and he was over the other night and we were talking love music and he never heard take. On I mean the play itself. I play the mother and I played in the top of the Pops Wesley singing at the piano look at all who. Yes truth is life has changed. Almost 30 years but 7 years of my life where music being so how has it changed his life I don't know if you can speak to what was his name again Eric. Evie yet it makes American you know it makes perfect sense to you put him on he's got a funny accent so with mine. Oh Eric how are you my friend I'm very well thank you ARE YOU listen I love this accent I can understand every word your sang i love Americans anybody who know. Who listens to describe going to regular basis would know that so whereabouts you from in the states really San Francisco but I now live in Washington State on the West Coast so look you might tell you that as played you what the ring haunts this wait for the very 1st time where have you been for all these years what's going on Eric I have no idea it's been a revelation it's changed my life and I'm so excited that you played this song for me where have you been though because this is one of the most popular songs of all time and you've never heard it before I've never heard it I mean the only song I heard that charted in the U.S. Was up there were running up the hill Yeah yeah so do you were saying that this song was change your life. Almost nonstop the last week wow to loop old I have read I well almost not quite Yeah Eric you've now discovered Kate Bush and clearly it's had a great impact on your life I'm going to play the song for you right now how high do you get when you're singing this song Erik. And I just light up when I hear it I'm so excited it's quite a soap and have a great evening and next time you're back in the U.K. Make sure you farm income in the program I will I will indeed thank you so much if I actually found a question for you in terms of American right it's always been my dream to be a right here present in America how do you think the show will go down in the States. I think that's one question. You know the British radio shows are not quite the same as they are in the US The stock is in the US aren't quite lively and entertaining they're more Monday and then the next song yeah but what about how it stood how it stood. You have mostly transitioned to just plain talk. You know so it's a bit boring the right you know out there yeah yeah yeah yeah all right listen thanks very much respect so and all the best All right thank you to. Every cat staying with friends in the you can say you can text and I'll come to your text very soon I want to start your text with the word Justin I think you can probably gather tonight it's going to be one of those shows some serious stuff to come as well. You. Mean. Me. morning I spoke one hour confronting people who were parked in the disabled by its who did. Have a blue badge your pants and disciple there's only 2 here and you haven't got a blue badge come out if you want you've done that. Just because I'm like. The Shins on my car for a. While how utterly pathetic. You're going to hear that report after 10 A you somebody who has got a blue badge but a bit like one of our other listeners you quite simply cannot get politics because people appalled by you don't have a blue badge and if you have confronted these playful what's happening next. Plus we have a legend on Tonight Show it's clearly wrong I was backstage with this light and now as soon as I play you this you know who I'm talking about strike. He. She also member around on the program like so. I know so for the last week show it was just sound cards. It was just everything was going on last week we had one of the most random phone calls we've ever had and it was from Mary who went on a blind date to the point where 844 years anything on one under the law plus the underground station in need Thanks but I didn't report it to a local pub or I want to be chucked up once with the boy in one. Home to fetch. A mark. On. The right. I know. I couldn't resist we have lined them up for tonight's show called Barlow he's now 60 years old a little boy from his ad but he's going to be on the show after 10 o'clock on Monday Palace are going to be here as well and of course your phone calls about anything and everything I want to hear from you off the back of that cow place do you sing a certain song to your pet if so what's the song we want you to sing la. The shouting. Your requests. Anything else you. Feel like you need an invitation to people started. To talk about something give us a call. To the family state in kind bring David Carr. Article right like caucus site and. Look at how much kind of tired and. And I said to you during your wonderful show thank you and I like your show very very much and your your gentle by now are tell you are you to cry it would sound right. On are used to listen to a pop part starts right here Caroline that is number one for about 6 way in 166 or i course follow new projects that David I must say delivered beautifully you could probably be a writer I D.J. Yourself that sounded great. It was just it was just so slick it was I want this song for this reason eighty's Allan price I put a spell on you book it was very good I like that because life. Is speakers. That begin you know when one goes into a chair or into a cafe talk if they experience the beginning then I always go like that. If you were going to play it for you right now I pretty sure you can words and make sure you call me again oh before you go do you sing a song to a pet. I have to got well I'm getting much I haven't got. Anybody anybody who's ever started singing a certain song to their pet. Yes or no I want to Unfortunately I work at one of the colleges and unfortunately it's less now. Right it's no longer with as I please sing a. Song. What we should find some pay for David I will leave it there thank you very much indeed for the call appreciate it I think now many Gay Pride There you go that's diving carriage by the by talking about listeners doing the right things on the show last week we spoke to Bob but now I'm a music man I'm an absolute music not. So when Bob used to Fina Bob used to work for him our records a fund of about 3 or 4 weeks ago and he requested a song and. When he requested the song he started reeling off all of these catalog . It was great. As a music it myself I absolutely loved it when he started to fund the show on a regular basis so what we thought we would do and to know is the premiere of this we're going to get bulb he's I'm featured on the show it's coming up at 10 o'clock it's called 32nd ball he's a great sport whatever you do don't miss that feature it's either going to be absolutely brilliant all absolutely awful We don't know it's on the why in about 35 minutes. Just the face of the combat. Saying she's a ball B. Go in a. Can sometimes I forget. And. Our say to her Come on no. Come on Bobby that SCO part say she's so tiny but don't ask me to sing it Janie That is exactly what I'm going to ask you to do Janey we are going to phone you and whether or not you pick up that is entirely up to you but we would love to get you on this program singing that song you can just imagine that I'm your dog OK and we are. We can do it like that Alan says that thank you for your call meant happy to help in any why your boss thank you the city. Pretty happy where I am. Sees Me not run those Jackie Wilson say because they like or write their course they seek Thanks for the. Things that aren't listening in fact. This is a good show. Like. US and. So we started the show by talking to the singing say he goes out and sings the cals and cows like it we know that because we tried the on the program genie she got in touch sang that she sings to her dog Bobby go she's on the line right now Janie Good evening Hey I Janie So you said to us a moment ago that's what I'd say but I'm not singing is there any chance that you would sing for us tonight Janey. That's what we're asking you long to give you some accounting. Office Roy I want you to go OK So you're working oh yeah well I think I'm on the. Gas coast 7 years old yes I know this is from a puppy farm right I. The Suntory me. When I was a bell on a melon a bell I go. Oh you know Bobby well. I need an instrument in the car and I think no one's about our saying Come on Bobby let's go. Through you know. What would you mind if I can't you down a cat I'm going to carry it out after a story I want you to do the last for me again because I thought it was OK So after 313 Com He later called me. I think I think you're better than Aqua who actually released that song it's not exactly hard but I think your better in the modern in the 67. I age is nothing but a number Janey 76 in a wrong way when. CHENEY Thank You have been a good sport have a good evening bye for now thank you. Janey it was something that if you just Chaney thinking what on earth is going on we got some serious stuff to come after 10 and that is May come from seeing people who have been parking into cyber by without a blue badge some of the excuses you are going to hit well and if you. About annual Johnny's see this sort of thing let me know and if you have confronted paper yourself again what I said here but on the lighter side of things we started the show by talking to the vets who sings to Cal's and the like if you sing a song to your animal your pet. Would like to hear from you can phone or you can text. You must start that text with the words just in right what's coming in here Bryan as farm day in. 74 tomorrow Happy Birthday wants to hear a song from the 960 cause we can do that we're going to go the rolling stock. So let. England cricket moment see a palace song book is out cold. So we all saw it on a cricket pitch right now and you still got ambitions to place your country haven't you yeah still ambitions you know to play for England but 1st I want to play professional cricket obviously at domestic level and I'm just still knocking on the door still trying to get and get with the county so I'm hoping that the law is a good month for me and I will to get involved with county and start playing fresher cricket let me check out the link here because you were on Dancing On Ice last year and you brought your ankle how you recovering from that what my ankle a little rehab. And it's everything's fine we've done fielding sessions this week up north moving around so. I'm actually fitter than I was a German playing days so I'm very happy here very happy with my physical fitness and everything seems really good at the moment reality T.V. I would love to see you on a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here do you fancy that. Would you like me to. I listen that's not for me to decide that's for the public to decide Would you fancy something like that I would love to you know go on one of these kind of shies and then have some fun with the show I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of there other higher ground I did really well on that show Yeah absolutely so yeah it's opportunity anything that comes or any other T.V. Show that's want to see you know still goes off to cricket transceiver and you know get back on T.V. And try and work as a T.V. Personality so yeah in your book The 4 months and you talk about mental health and one of my listeners what was talking about this recently he was saying that the people need to deal with it themselves and I couldn't really get that and he was making comments in relation to pop stars that have been at the very peak of their game and then when it's over and they've got nothing they need help he was saying you've got to deal with it yourself and that's something that you've been through playing cricket you've been absolutely loved and then you weren't playing for England just trying to scrub what was like to be so hard and so low I think it's you've got to have the courage to speak up I was in denial for us long period of time I don't want to tell the coaches or my teammates that something isn't you know something doesn't go right but then it gradually when they saw my behavior being quite so erratic and I remember just you know I remember one day like it wasn't that great went down to the pub What about football start to have a point the mood so I you know uplifting a little bit. And I thought oh just go town to the public starting point and suddenly I'll use drink as a way your combating it and now I don't drink anymore you know stop drinking or use yoga reading or use place of congregation because isolation is the is the breeding ground for mental health issues so play club cricket or go to my temple or the place of congregation or come in as a local local cricket club so I think you know you can pop stars so you know celebs or anyone you know this like the normal people who do 95 jobs with my story whatever they feel if they feel like connect to it and it helps them great but my big message on mental health is you know try not to use medication use a holistic approach and don't let yourself it's good to know that you're fit and healthy again the moment final word on some of your celebrations you know wall you just lifted the nation with those 5 expressions the celebrations they just wonderful I never used to actually celebrate like that when I paid county cricket No Never did I. Think Northants like my last year contract in 2005 and 50 wickets and 8 games and then got propelled into international cricket it was only the magnitude of the 1st Test wicket such intended everyone refers to him as you not the God of cricket and someone asked me what is the equivalent What is it like it's like being a young Tim Henman at the age of $22.00 facing Roger Federer we're more than 1st round and beating more defender I think that's the magnitude of such in terms of how you know he I remember watching him playing World Cup cricket and everything like that and that's where the celebrations came to the feelings of this enthusiasm Exubera nation where the whole nation connected so when I 1st played international cricket I was straight away into the public eye so that's where you know when things weren't so great as where is Monte So I'm back I'm back in the public. You know we're back now everything is really good and we're here to do some good things now. The top man that was made talking to the former England cricketer Monte Panasonic His book is now out really really interesting Raiders Cawdor the full monty just seemed to leave across the eastern counties. But we're trying to catch up with Terry very soon Terry's phone then off the back of the singing vet earlier on Terry sings to his pussycat and Mark says you need to clip for that lady what Jeannie who sings to a dog he later called. Clipped Don't you worry Jimmy is on the line he's 70 years old is a sixty's music in C.U.Z. S. And we love him Jimmy Good evening. Good evening how she died been then Jim Good I am now what was the good 1st of all he's been a good guy. And why is it been bad why did you sing to my mom all. Day He's 7 years old and he's getting stuck her right into our foreign one why wouldn't you sing to an animal Jimmy. Like I can't say you know with joy he. I don't when I'm going to win you and then plus. The let me tell you this Jimmy I don't know whether you heard at the start of the program teach you hear the singing vet at the start of the show singing to the cows . Yes you had that now he said to us that when he started the cals were further down the field by the time they had finished the cows kind of looked at all what's going on here and they also rounded him in a friendly way so although Cal's can't sing The vet says that they certainly enjoy his opera. Yet. You don't sound convinced at all if he had. Blown. AIDS come in late in the night. In stocking it's got all the jokes so there's move on to the song because you are a man who knows your music what are we gon supply tonight young Jimmy 9 my I think really this song is a little bit why out there. It's different and dad with. A fan of this track as well. You know a lot of Oh thank you. I don't. Think you like that I don't I mean that is why. It is on this question trip again. In lots asking questions look there's nothing wrong with that guys I'm going to leave you to fight this out with the market funds tired of that I would talk to you next week thank you very much indeed for the Coast Guard or the Best Buy so. Microsite. We need to get back in as some point. Was found in bald is up for his future tonight this is a geeky Bob who's been funny in cooperate recently and he's been funny up for certain songs quoting all sorts of catalog numbers as bag him self as I'm feature is called 32nd ball it's on the way in 10 minutes it's again one of those features that could either pay absolutely brilliant or absolutely awful but now I'm Bob and why they know his music I think he's going to pull it out the back it's on the why at 10 o'clock and then after 10 we're talking about the cyber buys and the fact that some people are parking in them without a blue badge we know that because I spent yesterday morning confronting those very people. You assume Must know I'm not. He's just a little bit. Genie says you're naughty boy put me on the spot I just got the giggles at your show is so much fun stank you Joel says the stones track you play very rarely brilliant and Joey says earlier on you played up her spell on you I would love to hear the version one week by Screamin Jay Hawkins that is brilliant it's one of those songs that is so kind of divisive that absolutely love it or you absolutely hate it but yes certainly at some point on this program we will play that version for you just just in dealing across the eastern counties especially tonight Jerry is in Norfolk thank you so much for all of your phone calls by the way we can and we wouldn't do this show without you Jerry Good evening whom you may know you not too bad so I wasn't a big fan of that Pink Floyd track if I'm being honest I want you to put it right now then Jerry So what are we going to play for you tonight. Pretty we good look John Young man we want you to be. Great you know 629-6963 was one of my favorite years for music also 1979 and 99 say I've got this random memory of years of music. To my. Home still going to 60 music always what 9960 modern for you yeah. I'm stuck in the 60 tonight well if you're going to be stuck in a decade when it comes to music I could think of worse decades to be stuck in because for me and I've got to be honest I think the $960.00 S. Was the decade he took it was brilliant it will do the job there was so much going on OK well I'm going to play the song for you now Jerry and make sure you stay tuned loads more to come on some Hot Shots thank you very much for the call thanks young man by Fidel that said Cherie there in Norfolk so this is the king. Good luck. To full of clothes over. Launch. Is. Elvis Presley and good luck shall we say like Already I'm just in day thank you for company with you live until 1 o'clock in the morning. Brown on the why after 11 in our music section so I was today's patient from falling stock. At a point next time I can it's pretty his debut 32nd ball. With all its new ball it could be right or it could be old it's the arsonist. Inside. It's. But I want to hear reports also we're going to play it a bit so that's really already personal so I'm not going to mention your name but supply the song at some point between now and one so stick with us. It's Saturday night. B.B.C. Local right to drive across the studio. So I can study to be. Off to the 2nd hour. Now this all started about 4 weeks ago when Paul started firing this program he used to work pretty M.R.I. Records numbers and stuff. He's a music geek like me. Really come on the show I was saucy quite syntax a lot numbers in the last. Week so about given. That we spent. The last week of the show we put it on the spot you said you got some 30 seconds to talk about your song if you missed it here's what happened I wonder why it's a great record you might even like it as well 10 seconds can go well it was the 3rd record refute only Apple label and that it was a great sound I hope you and the audience that you love me as watch as I do this keep it ready to finish him up but I think this could be a regular night I reckon it could be called 32nd pulp. When you know the full minute you know say well if you're up for it do this every single week search the 2nd ball yeah I'll be around next Saturday you have just got yourself you've backed yourself a fake right the way across the Eastern Counties How you feeling it's pretty good. That's how it was like. Start to not salute Lee perfect so you are welcome back next week you want to do this on a weekly we can buy happy you don't have to go along with it right Bob thank you very much and we would still choose next weekend for 32nd Bob. Thank you Justin Thank you Toby and thanks to everyone on the eastern counties right I too enjoy it you let your love to strike out so if you haven't heard it already thank you very much Bob. Bob. Bob. Dole out loud. Thank you 2nd ball I think he's got legs.