Laws to stop employers making deductions from money left for staff by customers in recent years some restaurants of come under fire from unions for deducting up to 10 percent of tips in administration fees Dominic rabbies to say that Britain's willingness to compromise in the Braggs it negotiations is not without limits the brakes secretary will today tell the Tory party conference that the government is willing to leave the E.U. Without a deal if necessary to leave supporting conservative M.P. Anne-Marie Trevelyan thinks a no deal brags it isn't something to be feared I'm not uncomfortable whilst it was not my fave choice with the New Deal situation if that's what happens it is not the end of the world and we are now becoming prepared so that we can make progress on the technical things that we need to sort out to do that the Indonesian authorities are scrambling to help people in sooner ways E.U. 3 days after the island was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami more than $800.00 people are confirmed dead put it's feared that figure will rise DR PETER MCCAWLEY a former deputy director general of the Australian aid agency. Says the Indonesian government has a huge task ahead of it but it is still struggling if you lie through you know to get on top of even the basics of the local situation electricity is out communications I out on the ground and so very very VERY yet have a proper scope of what the situation is Canada and the US of reach a deal on reforming a key trading agreement according to reports in Canadian media NAFTA is being renegotiated after it was criticised as one of the worst trade deals in history by President Trump. Scientists are meeting in South Korea to finalize a report on how global temperatures can be prevented from rising by more than one and a half degrees this century the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will warn that this threshold will be breached by 2040 less rapid action is taken our environment correspondent Matt McGrath reports this report is said to be the most critical and controversial study on climate change in recent years it's critical because I.P.C.C. Scientists say that without rapid cuts in C O 2 emissions and a switch to renewable energy the chances of keeping temperatures from rising more than $1.00 degrees will disappear the study will be controversial because it also suggests the use of unproven technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere there are concerns that some of the major fossil fuel producing countries will do their best this week to water down the report's conclusions finally a B.B.C. Survey has discovered that young people are the most likely to feel lonely more than 55000 people took part to making it the biggest such study in the world. Closer to home the weather forecast for the eastern counties for this Monday morning generally mainly draw a bright day but starting off with some early coastal showers they should be moving offshore and the strong coastal wins should slowly moderate as well sunny spells expected full this afternoon generally for most turning cloudier by this evening perhaps bringing a little more patchy rain reaching and A with laser on is going to be rather cool today with the maximum temperature expected to struggle up to 13 degrees Celsius that's 55 degrees Fahrenheit B.B.C. News at 4 minutes past 4 the next full US and fall you've led. On there to see a very good morning to you I have to find you well thank you very much for your company for this a start of a new week and a new month as well finish in a functional that for the 1st of the month let's get underway with some one suggestion for the opening choose to day stealing my spam and I've got a pretty out 6 correctly Cammy a fresh friends. Feeling Yeah very often we got something completely different don't mean of a double before have you stealing my spot and somebody has been very patiently waiting to hear that one for many weeks now as we put it. The list of your suggestions for early openers at 4. You are perfectly welcome to do so provided that you're prepared to wait a few weeks before it bubbles up to the top right Actually I usually at this point tell you what's in store tomorrow at 4 AM There's something more regular tomorrow tomorrow Napoleon the 14th and they're coming to take me away. Or we're right back after a 3 week break there's always that moment of trepidation no way us sit down in the chair the clock takes up to 4 am to think right now I can't remember everything that I've got to do if I miss that then I'm sure you'll let me know I'll tell you what I'm missing the early morning call from Ali from D'Souza always without fail for many many years has been there at 4 am with the 1st call in but this morning I fear that after the last 3 weeks he's been so used to having a lie in now that is often a lie in this morning as well. Let's press on to your musical selection in this hour we choose a song to take us up to the news at 5 am I give you a selection of for you phone text or email your preference we had all the votes together and the song that gets the most votes is the one that will take us up to the next full ballot in a far I've from these 4 today take a butcher's. Help all night and taking you into the early morning is what the web with early breakfast across the eastern counties the. This is then choice one Carlino good I should be so lucky to Wet Wet Wet wishing I was lucky 3 Lena love it Lucky Number 4 Daft Punk and get lucky. 1st of October it is today Oct meaning 8 but surely this is the 10th month Well that's right it was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar which began in March hence the reason why we call it October. You can get in touch by texting 813 double 3 remembering to stop the text message with the word Wally spelled W Y L L Y standard network rights to apply you could email Wally Dr web bbc dot co dot U K All you can call. 7. Votes already coming in as well. OK. I said and I know somebody has now keep you up to date with everything that's going on in the. News you. Need and if it isn't here all right OK. To give. You. That. I would. Give you. The AS. Slews. Good. Luck. With. That. And. With. Good. Luck a great. Via thumb once we get roll in the snow the snow stuff it is now and we'll just keep on going down or else in the Supreme's coming up if you like a little time a motel the taking a pallet next stop with your tanks and your e-mails and your calls thank you so much it's always lovely to come back and you're always very very kind and it's nice to be welcomed by but of course the the owners go to Ana Perry who's taken care of you I'm sure so ably over the past 3 weeks thank you welcome back while he says polo London a thank you and the text is a 133 start with the word Wally please the Jeff the here the lads the fruit and vege the Jets the checking in Donald for East and fresh produce Well that was the longest 3 weeks in history but I do laugh out loud Yeah OK it's not that funny is it welcome back number 2 please Well thank you Jeff's thank you and you hang on for the initials are the fruit and vege did down there ask the fruit vegetables and do the initials boyos here never mind a pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month how about a kiss and a cuddle as a welcome back gift. You probably had a lot of happy times which you may share with your loyal listeners OK Boy oh so much happened over the last 3 weeks that you know the program isn't even long enough to begin to start to tell you all the things that have been going on in some of them you would be very surprised out as well to think that just went away and how 3 weeks cruising around on the Norfolk Broads you'd be very very wrong we had 2 short breaks on the boat on the broads otherwise I was busy doing things Mrs Webb was doing busy things. And we was going to say we were busy doing things together as well but that might not sound too right Morning number 3 please many thanks make the trucker checks in from Clapton with the smiley he's going for Leno love it lucky number thank you and Bart of the. Morning fellow where balls pinch a punch and all that fluffy bunny stuff good to have your writing shop going to get it and I will go for number 3 please it's a summer I kept trying to dodge all the nightly roadworks listening out in nightly road but some of them have meant Shoojit diversions to not be keeping my eye on the pulse of it keep my finger on the pulse even though I have been absent in checking out what's going on at the travel this morning nothing major we've got a burst water main on the approach to the Capitol but not going to cause any problems at the moment. Poland going for number 3 thank you for that poll three's proving to be popular already a morning mush Welcome back you didn't hear any of the bridges have been taken out on the canal ways of Britain number 3 gets my vote this morning cheers SU in Rushton Thanks for the double kisses the OK So Lina astonishing a good early start while you don't let the B.B.C. Duck out at you K. And we've got Postman Pat checking in morning Biggles Welcome back to reality here I'll plump for them before this boarding please and I'll phone you Aspen no more OK I'll await your call post of Pat and I'm sure has been keeping you in order as well as it be Neil the way round off to Arizona and Georgia and horse Waco George says good morning to see to you all the welcome that you assume missed We have got a great time yeah no complaints here thank yous nice always is always lovely to be back though by 5 am It will feel like you never left yet you choir guy does are already number 2 for us please and I have difficulty keeping up with you all anyway but I do appreciate your communications Dave as we move to another part of America to San Francisco Bay hope you had a good time and remember all the knobs and buttons do just about thank you very much although it will all change soon here I'll have number 3 today please I weighed the dogs this weekend Kepler is almost 10 months old and clocks in a 101000 that's not a dog is a whole. A couple heavier than Faraday she's also told of than her mother but not yet as wide evolved so you can't get the saddle on yet then. Like you Dave say Janet Houghton Regis we've kept whiskey morning to you welcome back from your travels although Anna did a good job as usual yes I can imagine number 3 for me please thank you Wow And Mark from Little. Alternately good to have you back hope you had a good no complaints can I go for number 3 please whether ships go. To the docks. Early breakfast for the Eastern Counties Good morning to you 21 minutes past 4 am Monday the 1st day of October the travel problems. Come across that might cause a little bit of a delay today not much is that there's a lane close for a burst water main on the I want to 7 the south and arterial road westbound at the 12 Eastern Ave East you know which is gallows corner but traffic a scoping well at the moment so we're not too worried about that all when you now of course went out with using a song I've got some initials if you want your mind to something to chew over initials coming up very very shortly OK The choice is a music a song to take us to the news at 5 which do you prefer number one. Number 2. Number 3. Number for. One kind of you know 23 Lena love each for Daft Punk like me know by phone by text by email thank you for your calls and we've got Peter X. And Brooke 1st to check in this morning Jacqueline instant Colburn's Barry in sorcery. And one John and Jay and Lacey still no call from Ali and decide to hope that he's all rights of up to my 3 week absence either he's just continue to have enjoy a lie in in the mornings rather than get up and be 1st to call in or are due to the last thing we want to call Caesar is not too well at the minute anybody knows I'd like to know good morning for today please as evolving Cambridge are going dainty text thank you kindly for that morning hope you enjoyed your holiday number one for me today pleases Gina and pay for your big kiss and little kiss going for you know love each and. Have a lot. For free Vamos No that's right got that one right greetings while you're welcome back to the open it was down to me a favorite Still I spot a track says Dr Ian thank you it's my pleasure and yeah 1st back and I went to the list and and there it was it was. One I hadn't heard from stealing spam before but I always found the 4 am songs can very often be an education for all of us. One more text for the minute is from swampy don't talk to me about road works Wally we've got to road closures in Sudbury and too many temperate lights to mention no no and we could spend a whole program doing that I wonder if any so anybody ever made a programme about just road works you could shoot into now I don't suppose it proved to be too popular would it. Now let's see I fill it in Perth in Western Australia Phil morning Wally great to hear your back hope you had a good break I did has to be number one for me please never a great day well yes you would go for Carly be no that's perfectly understandable Phil thank you for emailing Wally B.B.C. Don't you K. Now that Kono lady Smiley's the faces with song glasses on triple big this is morning bloody Welcome back good to hear your dulcet tones again and a lot softer you'll see very well had a good rest did you I think hubby passed you and gave you a wave can I have known before today please yeah he passed me a can clearly Actually I think it was can plea when I suddenly said to share is we going up river and there was current Oh Lady cruising down river same easy to recognize the names. You were passed so he was out on his own Well you do in then me. Initials I want to please that these initials T C That's tango Cholly T. Se and the clue to help you find them what T.C. Would you only occupy briefly what T.C. Would you occupy briefly no prizes for guessing. It's just for fun but is just to get the mind going at this time of the boarding think about it what do you say would you occupy briefly for $26.00. Change. In the. Good morning I hope I find you well today Monday the 1st day a lot a little bit of rain along the East Coast at the moment drifting out into the North Sea should be clearing up to give us a fairly dry and reasonably bright day today but it's going to feel cold with a maximum of 13 Celsius $0.55 Celsius let me let me assure you it's going to get a little bit warmer tomorrow going to cloudy night tonight going down to about 6 but then tomorrow after a cloudy start and some patchy rain it tries to be said some limited bright spells are likely and clearly conditions and rather windy tomorrow but warmer 18 Celsius variable cloud amounts for the remainder of the week mostly dry some pleasantly warm bright spells expected and the winds falling light as well for the latter part of the week Friday probably rather cloudy with the risk of rain developing later. On this. Morning. It is 430 was using a song to get us to the next full news at 5 am from Kylie Minogue I should be so lucky choice number one if you text again just put the number choice to is Wet Wet Wet wishing I was lucky choice 3 Lina love each lucky number choice for Daft Punk and to get lucky I'm back after a 3 week break with my thanks to an apparel who took care of use. Well over the last 3 weeks e-mailing in its Wiley dot web B.B.C. Duck U.K. My web with a double B. Please Number 3 is the choice here from Nathan the Milko I've given away you were missed that's lovely Let's get back to reality Welcome back he adds loads as follows Thank you Nathan for the. Wiley I love Number 3 please says Thank you Liane Lina love it seems to be the most popular wall at the moment or do you think differently. Rusling Felixstowe Odyssey is Smiley Good morning Wiley a very warm welcome back and hope you had a good holiday please can have the well worn thank you but of course you can and thank you yes no complaints about the holiday although it was a bit of this and a bit of that if you know I mean. 3 weeks of getting on with the doing stuff some of it essential some of it not essential and a little bit of our Aadhar in between Welcome back to says Fiona we double kisses thank you number 2 please to no smileys their choice to Wet Wet Wet and wishing I was lucky Tony from Bedford number 3 please Lena love it thank you Tony good to have you back it's very kind of you thank you very much Wally dot web B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. Couple more from the email evolving from which in Suffolk I know peridot was good and funny Juno and she's such a lovely person and it's her giggle Isn't it is that the suppressed laugh that she just. Absolutely charming I know but welcome back Wally thank you evolve and Trevor T.C. Toilet cubicle No someone's already phoned in with that one no it's not a temporary chair what T.C. Would you only occupy briefly. And as there is no quick unusual choice to The Boo Radley and wake up though you have to play that at the stop of the balding W.H.Y. Breakfast across the eastern counties go bowling thank you so much for your company 24 but it's before 5 am is the time and few relief only from disses finally checked and he spent a very frustrating 40 minutes trying to Bell 35 but it's trying to get through desperately on a number that doesn't seem to be working in the area but he he heard our last number and tried that one instead so there we are it's a free phone number anyway so well only from days that we could also have. Through the big sigh of relief let's hear from Corsten is checked in as well Richard in Winslow and Doug instant all buttons thank you for those phone in vote text vote is an 8133 start with the word Wally please Gina big this little kiss is going for T.C. Is the answer a toilet cubicle it is not a toilet cubicle nor is it a time capsule somebody's tried Time Capsule it's not what you see would you only occupy refly or right Jeff in Southend he's going for number one please last reminder of our music coming up in just a momento 3 pleases Steve toaster taxies morning to you 3 does seem as though it's got the lead this morning boy oh go to T.C. For taste Curry net they'll bring food into it and Jay and Lacey did commander T.C. 10 pretty command while the commander is on Holly bubs I see what you did there but no. Choice number. 1999 Do you remember sort of thing thinking back 999 at one time didn't seem so far away I remember 984 seems so far away 984 we're getting close to that year the 999 look at us now Monday the 1st of October 20182018 Now let me see what we've got here Song number one from Paul Nurse who are e-mailing in welcome home from the well deserved rest and working holiday class and glad you took note I know has been holding the fort really well whilst you were away Kevin the blue tit to arrive home a couple of weeks ago Yeah Steve forwarded message use below for details glad to report that he returned at dusk yesterday and he's asleep and safe and well good old Kevin the blue tit excellent news communication that you've been having with the ad there isn't it about the lovely I'll have a full read up of your write up. Number 3 plays on your T.C. Is it a teacup says Pam in high winds with 2 big kisses it's not a teacup so far nobody has given the uncertainty I am searching for let me put you down for number 3 which would seem Lina love each has it in the bag this morning quite honestly and tasty what would you only occupy briefly we have ruled out now a temporary chair toilet cubicle a time capsule a training camp a tennis court and now a teacup as for the Jets with their fruit and vege alternative what to see would your New Yorker by briefly they've come up with some tender carrots salt nice thank you boys. a tragedy. Thanks for all the time around 12 minutes before I on this Monday morning the 1st of all coming up at 5 o'clock the news our top story this morning mass burials a Jew to begin to die fall the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in the Indonesian island of Soloway you see all that and the rest of the news coming up a full update plus your weather preceded by the song that's had the most votes out of our foursome this morning Kylie Minogue Wet Wet Wet Lino love age and Daft Punk have we're getting close now. It's time. Sophie Ellis back stall and love you just so takes me back to the music of the. It's very. Everything else oh look how close we are to the news let's see what we can do very quickly. Let's make sure we don't miss anybody else I think the thing and yeah. E-mails 1st of all Trevor toilet cubicle. Wall is a slightly increased size easier to read I was the humor intentionally censored. I didn't notice Oh I say but with the other bit. Toilet cubicle torture chamber much the same thing when you get to a certain age really I see what you mean I'm sorry to have you know what it's like they have to whiz through all of these and you're not going to vote be counted for a 2nd time by the way. Well don't you got it and better late than never Salvo the clown morning to you thank you for your welcome back banner that lovely I sincerely trust you had a well deserved break and like all your listeners looking forward to bringing us your excellent programming you have always guided salvo thank you incidentally and while she were away I had the pleasure of meeting John Davidson who had kindly come down from Milton Keynes to say from Milton Keynes I would like to say a really big thank you for what he kindly did it was really appreciated and I'd like to number one this morning please Well thank you salvo and lovely to be back thank you keep up that good work. Old Key dough key now gone and trying keep a tight ship Audrey in Lancashire double kisses Welcome back Ana did a great job as Miss fil a in A That's what she called herself I a K. a Misc Eagles Yeah she's gotta love that good girl and she can have number 3 plays your T.C. Is a transport car for a test center No it's not on the phones thank you any internet furred and being Clapton and Trish in patients were the last to check in by phone when. And. Who's this this is. Mark I think. Oh no it's no wealth wealth from treacle bum stood T.C. Correct for you have a peaceful day thank you P.S. Maybe all these phoneys banjo like it was a while back why he asked you has checked in no it was the number for Suffolk Apparently he was having trouble with age OK lovely photo here from Paul the nurse of Kevin home alone Kerno lady T.C. Correct for you take a point and it's not Tony's call it's the other ounce of that you gave by the way that's all the emails if I haven't read your email out because I haven't had it yet if you know what I mean right. Then let's have a look at the last of the text Geno T.C. For a train carriage no teak coffin says evolved with an extra kiss no doubling great young with Good morning Ali good to have you back number 3 for me today please a nice T.C. Yes it is Dubbo Yes 8 days well done right now here we go lets out all of those who couple more I don't I don't I don't miss anybody. So let's just start it was covering for you some sent emails were mistaken and put in the rubbish box and don't laugh as Jethro's I say I don't know cuz I wasn't here morning to Commander Welcome back all the initials T.C. Yes or train carriage no number 2 for me please Eddie in Lincolnshire you're the last one to get in there eddie to the news we go with quite obviously our winner this morning leader love each and lucky number. From the studios of looking. Up to the minute news. Travels every week. Parts of the B.B.C. In the eastern counties. Good morning to you it's 5 am on Monday the 1st of October 28th B.B.C. News on will the Web mass burials due to begin today for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami on the Indonesian island of so the Y. Easy more than 830 people are known to have died with burials needed to avoid the spread of disease.

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