Slave of the. Pledge. Allegedly told me it's told me it's the last and let it sit again I'm going to be a truck rolled. Let's again let's get gold gold Bitstrips old spits out so let's look at it. Kindle foot Suffolk Cambridge has $650.00. 1000 sheep and some line length 8 sound kind on stage. Tennesse This is Richard spend loves Well why why this program on the b.b.c. . It is indeed Hello good evening and welcome now. I would imagine that it will be a little while yet for anybody ball this to ring and then what will happen is about 10 to 11 year I'm able to get a line into the building so you know I'll leave it with you now 345-3050 double 07 but tonight gentlemen use it not because I've got a hangover but because of that it was time to off some. Jaws. Jaws. a. Smug tin the. Spear in the piece good dreams are Sieg the road. Leave. Our city. No peace. Just in the old sweet sun. Give your. Own. Mother. Nature how to remain. A. Slug chained. In. Peace. To these. That that was done I forced it right Charles the late Ray Charles and George are on my mind you call Michael wrote up made a good job of it as well anyway while you are most welcome here until 11 o'clock looking forward to your calls in a while on no 345-3058 double 7 if you will in the mean time have you I don't want to do things a couple of them from the listeners and a couple of pushed in and thank you very much for the many people who have come on the Facebook this week and suggested things let me say before we go any further that if you always didn't get into night it probably won't because there are so many situation A's I should keep them on their to refer back to them but if you think that yours has been forgotten then put it in again and you know will pick one of 2 out again because well apart from that thing else you know it's your show and quite happy to do it but this one then have you ever sold anything that you later regretted disposing of this is from Paula how Paul Howes to whom I'm very indebted I did do the grandfather clock once but managed after a few years to buy buy let's hear if you ever sold something that you treasured and if you did were you ever in a position to buy back as I was with the clock I think the 1st time a bullet was 973 I sold it I think in 977 and I bought it back in 84 and kept it ever since but anyway I don't know what your experience of that give us a call to law to me look at the time look at the long lines normally expect this to about off pos now I'm. Tired of it. Yes. C.v. Somehow sadly. The glory that was. Moved the other day. I've been terribly alone and forgotten man man happy. Go. To My City she. Left my. Cisco. High on a. Comes to me. To be. A little cable come. To the stock. The morning walk. To. The. I don't. Love would. You say. This go. Above the boom. See. I am. Trying to many Tyler My Heart in San Francisco keep him going over 345-3050 double 07 by the a little a good evening again you know Richard I have be out on a very intensive team bonding session this evening in very comfortable surroundings we all got to know each other very well and agree to do it again next week things are looking very promising for everyone thank you for looking after us all again tonight the gentle music will be very good well thank you very much house John Robinson from Wargrave always an early communicator with a thank you very much John bless your heart I just thought I'd actually what I don't know if you want to talk about these bonding exercises again. You're welcome to do you get sent home bonding exercises so you grow to love the people you work with give us a call if you do hello good evening by the way I can't play Charlie tonight somebody just for Charlie record the reason it is but because the 1st time in 28 years of forgotten the bag on I've got no extra record. You know going to get Charlie tonight I'm afraid I'll try to remember it next week because he stays in my bag with all the sort of C.D.'s are doubling him from time to time and the bag is in the pantry 03453050 double 07 Hello good evening or welcome to Brenda. Happened to me this week however and they go on. About 10 30 in the morning from Tuesday I came out of my draws and I was going to the supermarket right when I just got out ma drive and. And McConnell and I got in front of the bunk and I was. A mom who lives in the building and I backed right in to my car right and he said he was very sorry I said to him I You talked and he said and I was he was there are they do I add ins or something like that. And he said no he wasn't insured but he said I'll pay for it right so I asked said well I'll have to close to the carriage and say how much it's going to pay. And you are right into the carriage and they said well you want a new door and you do want a new mirror right and I said Rover do right on that and give me an estimate so I can show him and tell him how much it's going to paid yet so when I got back I told him and he said Got any money he said but while I was at the carriage the man said to me if he says he hasn't got any money he said you've got to ring the police Yeah so anyway I did start and told them unfortunate not Tom I hadn't thought it was a registration number. And they were I. Later on when I had managed to get it. Running them and told them. I rang my insurance papers and. I told them and I looked up and I said No I was a Wasn't In short they found that out yet and I said that I would have to pay the 1st $150.00 pounds which I expected to do and. They said that they would give me a cut to see cars and take the cats peach bar I said well I said I don't want her to see cause I said that was come to my local people like our age where I always did yeah yeah yeah but I said well in paper they do let's just cut to the chase here what happened I packed into my car yeah and I day by day in hell what I'm trying to say how did he show up did you get your money did the man call not so what have you done to be told the police have told them right. At the art insurance are going to pry on that your insurance is going to pay couldn't hold on Change Oh well well you can take comfort from one thing my love that will chase same because the woman money. Well ease his coward and he's gone to sorry his cot and he's gone because it hit me is gone and I haven't seen him since just to live near you right next door to live is next still what you're all right then well as I said to remind the police where he lives and remind your insurance company way lives and it's up to them then so long as your insurance companies paying you that's Ok but they won't just elect him off a lot broader and tell you about they won't do that my love of a chase and well I know the thing works out alright for you actually because you know that much of what is a nuisance anyway need to take is not good so I can still go out of the bag in my car it's not yeah I stopped that much but well Ok all I can say is keep or keep Not if you've got to keep knocking your insurance company and you know I'm going to want to place a few more times and somebody will eventually chase him all was a saying is that there was another car on the front of your lies that's going to die one ham in a mo paper rather than a bat with no tax and insurance to my name by fall and that want to bring them disks back I think they should do shouldn't I think show called general region one on a par with the number of calls or to run in about one taxed since they did away with the dish has increased significantly Yeah for sure but I would take my own bet is that they'll bring in my well my the mike average paper says you can take your cow way you like you don't have to take it where the insurance people sowed but he did cite a lot of people saying that you have to take it with Eisai Yeah but or I'm alone thank you very much indeed Hello good evening and welcome to Gloria Good evening Richard Laurie it's well moving on from last week's program. Note from Les Yeah I. Years ago I worked for a scientist and after a meeting with like minded people it was no scientific explanation the way they opened their jaws right at the screw tell. Us you know no it's true but imitates early and you get a very cozy looking the rubber back yeah you're around the top and I've done this hundreds of times without a say oh yeah right. Well thank you very much I do hope it's useful Well of course it's useful anything useful that the listeners get a tip from government have to be from time to jam a moment that you know you know kind lemonade but also a story. Like it was in your cook anything that has a screw trite. You remember years ago when we used to get we used to get certain things in Jaws and it used to say Pierce with the pain to open Oh yeah and my grandma my grandma she was trying to pierce one with a pin once and she never did it again instead of that every time she got one of them she pushed the carving knife through the top of. The tone did it. Never got that straight in with a carving knife I think my method is very safe I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure it is all right my love thank you very much indeed but. 553453050 mark story is suggested one which was probably inspired by the conversation I had on Wednesday with Martin b.s. Of the antiques expert he said very kindly suggested we ask what was the best item you think that you have a bought from an antique shop and I will add to that market what's your best buy at an antique market all fair give us a call about if you will thanks Marc thanks very. Indeed my best one and I think I know I don't know what I have told you know before I went to wanting Colton and that I want to go to a friend rang me and said Oh you need to go this certain things at the time he thought I might be interested when I got there the certain things were not there and just as I came out I looked to stall it appeared to me to be largely full of tat and only it's was a single metal with some paperwork on written I picked up and it was the Indian Mutiny medal that had been awarded to the brother of my great grandfather and that was only one for 120 miles from where you have a lived 150 years after the being given to him on a stole that I was going to go to so at a fair that I was going to go to send the you know 345-3050 double 07 so what about that then. Best are to me of a more from an antique shop and as I said I'll add to that and say What's your best by 10 am take marketable flea market all fair anyway give us a call if you will it will be a delight to hear from you this one to see. And Want other than Peggy Lee and the folks who live on the Hill John Collins says Dear Richard I suspect that your lady caller who was involved in a traffic accident with an uninsured driver will find out what my late father always maintained to be true you cannot get blood out of a stone all you can do is the right thing and that's very true Joan thank you very much indeed bless your heart right let's just have a look at live also say Good evening Richard we just had a sandwich with Charlie enjoy your show sitting here most Saturday evenings with the outlaws we while away the evening playing board games and listening to your program we don't believe him but my father in law tells me that Gene Vincent did a version of Unchained Melody if you could find it for emotion already love it thank you and keep up the best work that's the Elliotts and the Evans from ripple in Kent thank you very much indeed but you're very kind of you well I've just looked and I can't see a copy of it but. That's not quite the end of it isn't all the way we never look at it I've never heard of it but you may well be right and can I say the same thing about this is well how do you heard a song if I only had time by Bob McKinley And can you also say hello to my son Peter Preston of needs and say it comes from his mum Barbara Yes I can yes I do now about if I only had time I just looked on our machine. It's certainly not on here and yet I have heard a song called If only if we're only have time so again I'll see if I can find. Good evening Richard I do regret giving away to a collector my 956 Philips radiogram but needed because of the tension but it was in good nick an electrically sound but at least it went to a good home can I say birthday wishes for tomorrow to Stuart Little b.b.c. North Hampton and Coventry radio and Bernie Keith on Monday these guys splendid present as with you thank you very much indeed more but your heart. 345-3050 double 07 Walter of welter of Milton Keynes says I went on a bonding exercise back in 1949 it lasted until 2 years 951 it was called national service which I served in the Royal Air Force the best bonding exercise imaginable mixing with a more disparate group of folks you could ever meet best thing that ever happened to be and much of today's youth would benefit enormously from something similar today deep joy to you thank you very much indeed water which brings another one then I suspect that yes Ok Should we have national service bike given certain caviar it's one of which is that if you send the boys you've got to send the girls that's the 1st thing that didn't happen last time and secondly. Do the military want inexperienced people who are only going to be there a couple of years what are you going to teach him nowadays in today's technological Army I don't know but anyway you might have a view on that give us a call if you will it will be a delight to hear from you. Says Good evening Richard lovely to hear you if you get a minute could you wish my dear mother Molly from Holt a belated happy birthday as she was 84 years young on Wed and stay and listens to your show every week thank you and that's from and yes I do yes I did and nice to hear from you. Walter thank you very much indeed you have spurred this on then should be national service back and if so do I say what I in what form bearing in mind that both sexes have got to go. Another one I 1st heard in war no Warner Robbins in Georgia think it was more the moment. I can live for today. And to love for tomorrow. Is the wisdom of. Because tomorrow is promised. You see is that wonderful thing that the whole world needs plenty of. If you think for one minute that you can live without. And you. Listen. To. Just you know. This money. I was feeling. With. All my dream is turn to ask. It Back. And so on. Without a. Head and not. Being there at all over. The place. The but. Oh. I once had a smooth. Move. That . It's. Tom Jones there in the 1st all I had it was of little richard that it was a Macon in Georgia. What an absolute beauty without love it's called Hello good evening and welcome to you Alan. Alan Hello Richard yes my how are you muddling through yeah 1st of all on the sly how much I enjoy your program thank you and it's a pity to the rest of the right people Tom Pike a sample for how you put to a show program is great and I don't think they'd like to do that but thank you anyway Well yes because I'm talking about a no fault his fifty's and sixty's yes you know it was lovely but I think when you get 6 and 7 to show went on funny solo now is not well I shouldn't want to hold a will is not about the dole but you know your program is still with us you know I was named all that is so interesting my disk in a beach t. Saw sometimes think. Yeah see any way you know you'll chat talking about national service was all right all right I had 2 years in a row and I have full sun as a child he is a monologue far far away and Joe if you did oh I'd also tell you. Sorry go on oh yeah it was up certainly wonderful you know. I'll realize now it's all progress turn off our luck I'll was to have the opportunity to. National. I think probably I mean I did it and you know I mean I'm still in incredibly I think about 40 or 50 certainly 40 over in touch now from 19596060 want to and it was a yeah I think that if it had a particular value it was the fact that it heat to everybody yeah into one stew Yeah. You know everybody nobody was better than anybody else so it makes you realize what life. Is no. Service but. Yes I think so yes yeah but well you know I I mean I will say that I got married during the time and I didn't I wasn't happy after I had married because I wanted to be out then yeah and you need came out but that said while I was single I can't think of a better way of spending time. I got married in 96 and I was. Just a month well it was. You know it was a wonderful life might well thank you very much indeed was probably a call to more about that for me yeah. You know I will not listen to your program is absolutely one where you call in from what good good indeed one of my may actually came from go Austin one of my alma mater asked us well living. Doesn't live there now his name was Marchment Oh yes in fact interesting enough he's a particular case in point he was in our barrack room he says he's father was the I don't know governor general or something of one of the I'm a African contradictory remember which one now yeah and he was obviously very top of the tree if you know what I mean yeah and they said to him or you need to be an officer and he said no don't. Stop Anea undie state is a province hold Yeah yeah yeah and the governor general have gone I think he was own and I know they had lived in occur all yeah and he said No I'm an officer he sort of come in as a private soldier and I'm going to be a private soldier and he's done the same was a very high up or I might want his knowledge told to do ring me again if you will all will Richard and keep the program on is absolutely wonderful if we live in the Lord Spencer I might tell Go press Hello good evening and welcome to Josephine Good evening Regis helm of all ringing out false cheer you yell the way you play just soul. Not to know what Josephine Oh yeah and I wondered if I could get the seething over that well yeah so the rich are getting from our car and well I tell you what if you got a paper and pencil you know what happened to get bitten by the plague all of them some rotten day roll like. The dog when you get one. Paperclip right can you watch telephone number down when. You have to give me more good look not really over mind. You can go for a good week thank you Joy we can enjoy anything do you want to come down a good riddance raw right wing awfully. Ironic and take this moment can you take this no but I'm going to need to get home now so like I already. Well like 0 $1.00 already 0 $1.00. 01536. 0 no you pay one right all you want 5 by all follies No no 1536 oz for a stake 517 for life 179990 knowing ring in the evening yes and ask for Barry Barry tell him I told you to ask I will tell you. You know because if you don't have it would always be Ok to go wait a minute hold out well try try it out number try that number and he'll look after you or I'm alone thank you very much indeed can you say to Chloe get well soon and say comes from Chris Yes I can yes I do Milissa same as when you say hello to my dad tonight please yes indeed Mr Sims with all the pleasure in the world Melissa sends love now this I suspect you're going to enjoy poor Barnes played this last week and it took me all the way home and Tom Simkins has very kindly found for me and I'm going to enjoy the next 7 minutes like anything I've ever enjoyed for a long long time. After one. Week with no. One knew. You were. Have lying to. Me. Where Kidman. I should. Bring. To. My. Lost my. Book would of to. Get. Book. Of girls who have. Been. Seeing. Each spring. And long form of day when. Coming to. Be with. Ease of food and don't I know with. But of food can have this chill mom. I'm in love and. Lack of. Love the same ole sad certain situation. Lately I have not slept. Since this have find. What me own. Sin. But I. Mean all up. Rather than be who. I am. My seeing to. Each green to hit. And worship the true asterisk there it could. Be just. Above the. Room. Where needs to watch. This. Words to clear it. All up this chit. Harbors. Where speak. He's aired his vet. Vegs to him. Purple likes kitten. Thank God I can be over 6 to get. The. Other then be with. My. Ys it was. My ears. Aka hurtin you down. Tell your side I sat. 'd next. And he would. Know. Burdened. But durned. And now you have broke show you. The. Birds and the will. No more. Couldn't eat. One has to stand. Life was born. It was. An antiseptic. Since you. Finish. Your chair it's been. Those ants that in they didn't mind thing it's been. Good. And. No you. 7 many sins and one second of Ella Fitzgerald and b we just. Know it's right to spend 7 minutes anyway let's just have a look at this and see right Isabel die. Has asked that we asked Which singers inspire you and what is it about them that makes up happen that's another one for tonight and Diana Parnell has asked for us to find what holiday was special Where was it and what made it special for you so that's 2 more you might like to have a go out 345-3050 double over 7 Walter board says Following on from national service there are of course Benny fees in my own case the Royal Air Force Association and benevolent society were always there to help form a service personnel in times of need I feel sure that the army in the Navy have similar benevolent organizations they do indeed and my service in the r.a.f. Incidentally led me into a completely new form of an employment in the telecommunications industry after I was demobbed So there are benefits to be had even in today's military service Well thank you very much indeed as I say I have left it open should we have some form back if so what form should it take given that I doubt very much that the military authorities want somebody for 2 years now days but then you are might well be wrong I've also been corrected about the question of Gene Vincent Yes he did do it he did he certainly recorded it and furthermore Tom Simkins has found it for me so I should play it in a little while if we live in the Lord spares What if we don't we're doing that we're doing this we're on. John's her dear Richard now I believe it who hasn't recorded Unchained Melody from his discography I see that Gene Vincent recorded the song in 961 and it was released as a single on the capital label thank you very much indeed Ken we told Jenny of Red Dawn that according to the Internet the date of birth and King Cole was the 17th of March 1919 good dear Richard please could you play a request for my mum and dad i v and Peter Jones of mates to. And I would be grateful for anything although they love Charlie Lund's which up sorry to say they're not going to get tonight because I've left the Bagatelle I just want to say I love them both so very much perfect parents who are love to the moon and back and that's from Kate yes of course oh well I'll tell you want to. 345-3050 double 07 let me just try this 1st and see if I can say hello good evening and welcome to Tony I think her regular turning Yeah wrong thing all regret dong from years ago or hello you think it's a matchbox Oh yeah for while I was going to play a part a few. Little spoken word little 3 or 400 pine and boxes which I have yet here. We keep now will be so many of these things were when they died bought them is told you know they were bought as toys and of course the boxes went straight into trash and it's a pity but the thing is that the reason they're worth so much more in their books Is it because so few people get the boxes. Like you for I always wear my you and the flow still law so he's above it. All road safety own songs though not well look out yet with him in due course I meant what he said to me a friend of mine even reported. The place done nothing about it I want to go for when this rainy. Touch will call being. Short Well the I'm afraid is too much and I know as I say I still think I don't think it will be long before they bring the tax disc by. Done away with it in the should I think I think that in actual fight it's a question of face saving now I think almost at once it was realized that it was a mistake I'm guessing this. And I would say that it's now a face saving exercise I'm going on for a bit so that it looks as though you know they didn't do it in the 1st place or I might thank you very much indeed 03453058 double 07 Give us a call if you will Kate take this one I feel parents and indeed for many other people as well. I have to thank Mr General Maine for introducing me to this many years ago. A role. I have walked a long. Hike a 100. Never a fire. Of home. Raising is used. Ones you know. Along the way. And me there was a. Day. Before the song was gone. Cold her words on. Your mom were warm then she could smog. The rain. Gave them doors she's gone away. Won't hear me complain. I have walk alone. Hike a 100 a highway. Never find a home. You Frank Sinatra loved spin to me favorite favorite saying as Susan says while Bill us opens life Frank Sinatra and she likes Pabra Streisand well while Bill was just Saudi's at his dream come true that he might say 03453058. Double 07 it was a call if you will then about what holiday was special Where was it and what made it special being you singers who inspire you what is it about them that makes it happen what are your from. And that kind of thing turned out to be successful as much as a give us a call about any of those or indeed have you ever regretted disposing of something that's from Paula. Or. Indebted as well as I said to the grandfather clock once years ago but managed to buy it back several years later 345-3057 Give us a call if you will twill be a delight to hear from you. About the next record because I didn't even know it existed. The. Hole we live in. And. The. Radio fried is telling us that the wrong record is being played Ok The Last Song With been on a roll and this one take dot Well there you go when it's really. All right well I think you can probably check it that the machine is probably broken that 345-3050 double I always trumped And by the way. Right where we got on that one of the on this one of them that won. 7 all year let's play this where we were called gone oh just. My dear Richard hope you keep in well all the best to you and your family for Marc and mom in Belton we are indeed bless you all 345-3050 double 07 What time is it now 954 so you've just over now has it we were up for this time in. One of them hello good evening welcome to Malcolm Oh hello Richard hello my. You were talking earlier on about national service yet you said you're in the r i f No I was in the army or in the army Ok Well they already. Had conscription they were kicked out called being turned ugly so and are used to. Go to the scope on the side of the railway line and they start coming trying to have a kid out there used to leave carving turn and I think it actually went to bridge no Yash Raj to see these trying days to prepare all the way from Beit Cardington which I'm sure would never be allowed in this day and age rush and then because there's no running around facilities Cardington no and then that's used to come by our school work behind been looking for many many years because of that what a load of people obviously went into enjoying the r.f. And memories of Cardington but never ever seen a photograph of come train leaving Cardington going to poach bridge North Ryde from Fridays the day was to be one year to go from had no time to King's Cross and of got plenty photographs of that yeah but the ones that went from Cardington thought they'd sort of never seen a photograph of any of them well I mean you know you're talking to you know all of the area at the moment so maybe somebody can give you all number help you can do Yes Ok wait a minute let's just see what we can do I want to tell you what you give me your number it's a number which is 01234. 343 Yeah 196 right well if anybody's listening then they can ring that if they've got such a photograph yes or it might yes it's one of chalk most of all what's on the railways as you did find the tall man so used to be the station master called Intern and they used to go along with the trying through. The people read out a good going to join the try and he would sell papers and sweets and things like that at least get more money but then he did all these rel by pi you welcome believe that because when I started as a station master in November 19th 63 he my wage was 12 pounds 11 and temperance right for a week. Right interested here it is anywhere you go there you know 12 pound 11 temp and seems alright mate thank you very much indeed thanks very much there's that telephone number than if you've got a picture of any of those trains leaving Cardington the r.a.f. Troop trains as it were 123-434-3196 Margaret Squires says our special holiday was doing Route $66.00 last summer and country music on the radio all the way and thus money and Martine from in Portugal for the winter Oh Maggie and Margaret for me really in Portugal for the winter and why not more from all that our Spanish Hello good evening and welcome to Shirley Oh hello Richard hello I'm ringing to say would you wish my husband a speedy recovery yet is doing for the past 2 weeks thinkings College Hospital Gus Frerotte right all the family sending their best wishes and we're missing in very much indeed and really listening to you because I spoke to him earlier on the phone more than your do you've told him yourself Yes I have right and loans are going to be in there do you think well we don't know there are 7 difficulties salting out these problems all right so I hope. Paying that you know something will happen this week well I hope it goes well and this back to square one well indeed I hope it does I'll soon the blue suit may need he does like the Cliff Richard some issue nights you get around to play I don't know whether but anyway if I if I can get you to well all right thanks Ivan or all must wait till I ring me again I will keep us posted how he is thank you thank you hello good evening and welcome to Margaret Oh it is now whoa whoa yes I think of that inspired me very much in the fifty's was David Whitfield Oh with the Yeah Yeah there's one of them on tonight all being well oh that's novelist Yeah a wonderful singer Yes it was I mean I was holed up in hospital as you know for a team I'm here I think under all everybody in that because my. Parents and my brother they brought me you know one of those wonderful gramophone Jing That's right yeah I played him continuously Yeah of course when I was let out of calling we went to Blackpool and he was there he was being presented with this. But it was it would for care of me yeah yeah yeah I went to that because that was a member of his fan club Yes and later on we went to the shoe Yeah afterwards backstage to meet him the. Car I mean and I think be on the stalls were both orchestrated by my mum to Bonnie when the yes I think they were absolutely brilliant culmination about that moment only you know they keep it all right. Well now that I've got to wait oh yeah no way you'd get a lot of Mandy I did good or how much right as a compliment my next door neighbors bought me a birthday card that says 70. And that says if only she just looked at me she said you come back to been healed and I said to. Show you why are you tell me about it Margaret tell me I'm. Not much right yeah Ok the bottle of take a. Good evening and welcome to jail I'm. John Howard just yes my yes I know you talked through Christ would love the show I was normal Thank you. Could use wonder. Why. Which one. Gets on right what such Oh good lord may I well I Love Lucy pop out alive and want to plan the next record all she for us all know if we've got to tell play it but I'm not sure I can remember she don't know but I will have a look anyway I might thank you not all right you take a. Little Hello good evening and welcome to Nigel Good evening to you Rich Elisha. I'm fine I'm bringing cheering you from the hospital but because I'm in ospital no reach so riot and your program is great company of them in the hospital is still great company on Saturday Good I'm glad so I'm just looking and obviously I was interested in 2 or 3 areas of your show this evening collecting from markets and from antique store Yeah yeah on holiday I have a lifetime guest question of session picking anything and anything about linking to the Beatles I write. I've got records from all over the world I don't think people know this but if you will record in America after 966 they were different mixes to what they were over here oh right I got some from Russia single poor Hong Kong South Africa and their only pre-mix is yes interested then and then of all the singles plus all the press cuttings and everything else I'm very fortunate to have the war album and at the road personally signed by John Lennon Oh very nice just. You know it's just something that is a little bit different here nearly around say he thought the sixty's where is the generation where it went to wrong I don't think there is just the changing times so well I mean everything goes right but everything changes but think about the sixty's I honestly believe it was the last era where you could move with freedom and have space to put plants down as a teenager you're probably right Actually you're probably right if you look at it from a philosophical point of view yes quite your problem and I agree with that you know the world wasn't crowded you still had ideas you still. Go get it I wanted to do I think the bottom draw and then save up to get married except writing yeah for sure we say social change came in that it's quite right I think I can agree with you without thought not everybody would but I think I do and I think the only thing about it was that possibly. It was the last generation possibly when. Well certainly me out and about a body else felt completely free yes and the these freight this freedom it gave way to your aspirations absolutely absolutely you felt you could do something still you did you did in your fortune of buying a house you worried you did when you weren't scared of doing well and the other thing about it to is another side to this actually. And I was only thinking about this field today and in fact I'm glad you brought it up because I can you say I joined the railway in 54. I did not say this came out again I went back home in 62 and took very very rapid production which I was fortunate to get but you know time they would say to you you've got a job for life if you don't pinch anything or get drunk now can you tell me anybody's got a job for life now you know there isn't such a another thing there is I don't think there is you know it's lovely to talk to you because I know you've got a list and maybe you know it's got something but I mean I know that you play but you can sure you could find a little track that was fitting just nice something like Hey there and everywhere which is something covered so many jazz blues artists. Just fits in everywhere but the Beatles if you look at it in the visual sense there are so many people that are collecting their items whether it's photographs press cuttings singles C.D.'s It's amazing and I'm staggered actually how much I got looking don't understand I know what you mean well Ok I'll see if I've got Mel on the Beatles try my fate but anyway in the meantime I How long you going to be on spittle then it looks like to be in hospital after the big scandal morrow but I've had 14 months of hell because I had cancer of the kidney. And all this is complications from it unfortunately. It's a case of crossing your fingers and taking your choice so do you think that the largely mended in which they had had an operation in September very nearly ended up in the eternal sleep a smart world would say. But it's been nothing but trouble since and I'm back in l. But I do a great job of not knocking else please God they put it right and keep us posted do you run a very good show and by the grace of God You tell the way we keep on trucking. If they'll let me Ok I might take. Thank you Richard but I take care of 345-3050 double 07 Mark says the LAs and the Evans would like to say thank you for finding the tops cure record he never thought you'd be able to take care Well there you go about Tom put that down to Tom seem kins he's the one who found it let him he's a mine of information he was actually looking for another one for him for me and he said I just heard them work on the radio listener asking you about bins so I should have got it for you you see you never know hello good evening or coach Mike. I thought I'd let you know when you were talking a better wages back in the sixty's here it's very very bad in the world and I was in Rhodesia a near dismissal. Street here we were paid a man or a 100 and lost which was we need a better line I think we keep losing you May 20 find somewhere where your signal is better. And it should never be. Just keep an eye on the typical means by puppet William the signal is no good as it is let's just talk about what we're going to do now I tell you what we'll do now 345-3050 double 07 let's have a lady. 3 . Each. Round by 30. Which will win. In a. Very long. And. Some. Greek. Was published. Just one way. Into. Why. We. enough. Is. Yes. And. While. We were. And. Doris Day I'm 3 coins in a fountain right let's just reiterate what we've got on the list for tonight any form of national service back yes or no and bearing in mind the fact that both sexes will have to go if they do it again naturally population got in the 1st place one and I mean have a soul anything that you later regretted of getting disposing of and you know. Did you buy buy did you manage to buy it back as I did or do you still regret getting rid of it. As I said or so moch story suggested one which probably. Spied by the conversation I had on Wednesday with Martin B.'s of the and take specialist he's kind of suggested that we ask what was the best item you think you've ever bought from and I'm Deeksha up and I can add to that a bit and say well what's the best antique buy you harder to market or a fair or you know whatever give us a call about that. What singers who inspire you that's from Isabel colored and she wants to know which singers inspire you and what to do about them the team that does inspire you what makes it happen and Diana pano said we've got one back to this already as I asked to find out what holiday was special Where was it and what made it special for you. John Collins says Dear Richard you are correct in saying David Whitfield was accompanied by Montevarchi singing be on the stars I notice that the song was co-written by somebody called Trapani which I believe was month to Barney's songwriting Nanda plume that doesn't surprise me at all lovely night here once I did a complete month Vonnie night it must be about. Well it's probably too long ago actually when I think about I've got a recording of the show at home but I did a complete 4 hour program which went down very well and during the course of the program a lady came on and she said It's nice to hear this music tonight she came from Kent actually saw So yes she said I was special reason for liking it she said man to Bonnie my read my sister they go 03453050 double Oh do you know the desired not to ring now all of a sudden what a pity. When as I'm dead before it's done me. And too many law is the. Same too cool in the warmth of the sun. When I thought I saw the. Coming. Are our. Laws cause. I'm the moment. I get. By the way. Is Where I live on and off. With. Women. Knocking Colin know when I fall in love with you hello good evening and welcome to Joyce Oh hello Richard element only. Just wanted to say about the special holiday it took place about $997.00 which is just off drugs retired and I went to Best Friends to see a school friend in New Zealand all lovely. Not too best friends and now we took the 2 islands back out and then had a week with my school friend and my friends took a call and yeah you know went on the road and. You know as a side had this week with mythical friends and I hadn't seen a for about 30 it was raw I imagine Yeah Jack didn't we did indeed Ah but it was lovely she's just the same as she always was yeah. I myself but how do you speak to them on the phone now yes now I'm like going yes it's such a magical holiday you know sucking my you know that you know I was talking to somebody about New Zealand yesterday because of course they told me that it's rather like England was in a Sikh state is yes but except apparently for one thing they do tell me that the property is massively expensive. Yes that's what I mean I don't know I'm not sure about the property bust but now I know it's probably you know come about later actually they do say that the property is colossally expensive now so I don't know that or Ahmed Ali will thank you very novel and I must just quickly tell you I'll have a lovely afternoon the soft and going across the Thames Greenwich on the cable car no yes my nephew treated me for my birthday Well it was last so well Wynona vinyl or a mattress or case thank you bring me again I will take care bye bye. Oh hello Richard this is from Isabella She's the singer who inspires me the Alan Jones Yes an amazing voice and an amazing personality indeed 345-3050 double 7 this is one that amazes me the the lose lose. No god. Who Loves You didn't. Was trying to say with his own composition that is the man right let's just have a look well now 03453050 double 007 Give us a call because in very few minutes you will say no I couldn't get through to you know you couldn't because the shows whom it finished but anyway there you go I was going to tell me something just down of what it was it will come to me in a bit anyway yes I know they're going to. Join in Cambridge as a singer who always inspired me was Perry Como I used to love his weekly television show in the fifty's was a voice he used to sing a beautiful song called The father of girl was really sentimental but his version carries it off with such conviction I hope you can dig it out where the Sing is to day well indeed where they're like today that's for sure John got the one you want and I have sought and tried and Tom's gone but here's one that I hope you like instead. Perry Como and I love you. Helen in a long but b. Says in addition to my. Note I sing a that was truly inspirational is the control toe Kathleen Feria unusual distinctive voices haunting her ordinary upbringing and rise to the top so cruelly halted by illness she was beautiful and remain grounded throughout her career having read her diaries her sense of fun was infectious Thank you Richard No thank you because you reminded me that you was also my father's favorite singer and next week she will be on the show if I remember to bring one in I think I've got a cd of her somewhere and if so I shall play one next week whether it fits with the rest of the music or not thank you very much indeed coming back in a little bit for Helen in long but me next week right hello good evening welcome to you as a recess. Thank you so much for playing children it was one of my favorites Yeah and for the love it when you've just played Perry Como what I'm bringing you full Richard can you and let me all right remind me because my memory is getting a bit I should not take the name of the singer that is just saying because he did Paris she was sung with all of that really well solution only one of those and he was killed at the time that the couple to Paris was doing that the 2nd World War Lord it's been on the tip of my head for a lot of. Mine. Well I kind of don't remember it do you know I've got a cd of his and I can't I can't remember his name but. Somebody ought to tell you what we should get to know before the night how we will thing is my late husband bless him was a great Been Crosby son and we've got a terrific letters of records and that makes a hero big Close be record played a lot played a few have you Yeah well did you. Listen to your like right Paul bomb factory Oh yeah I'm said to do you know and he did play and I mean Crosby was one. Of the it was been Crosby and. John Amos. Mr Mandela Yeah. So this is something on your show to actually hear Bancroft and I will I do him from time to time. To I'm not that regularly but certainly we do him from time to time a lovely and they will come up again as well and that will. We've got several Louis Armstrong to see that I am strong so years ago to months and months at home and less still less to. Do with this what handkerchief consists Brendel drop it's right. Stuff what I will do will be full the not shot somebody will come on and tell you who that is that singer is yes all right Ok thank you very much knowledge to all who was a singer. Who was killed at the Cafe de Paris during the war give us a call if you know. I'm Drew West westward debate it's interesting you should send me a message out because I was going to congratulate you because I've read the paper but anyway we'll give the story great show as always tonight I'm creating a new web page on the Hill to shim website whilst listening to you this week Commonwealth War Graves to private Willie Bannister of the Cambridge pals battalion house after 100 years been really anger a with that. By the Commonwealth War Graves to finally recognize his military medal for exemplary bravery the 3rd battle of each player in October 917 he was gravely wounded and bought home to the 1st Easton general military hospital where the Cambridge University Library is today indeed sadly he died of his injuries and passed away a 100 years ago on the 4th of December 917 he's buried with full military honors on the 10th of December 917 it is also the centenary of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission who as you know keeps all fall and across the world graves an immaculate condition the story was into night Cambridge News I was going to congratulate you because I know you've got a hand in this but yes they bring scribe he has a war grave a military headstone and it missed off the fact that he had the military medal and there have the thing reworked so that it is now his name and m.m. a 100 years later but nevertheless entirely appropriate Thanks Andrew Bless your heart the singer in question if you're listening June with thank you very much to John Gilroy was boley. Yes You know the one boss the one killed. In the time of the Cafe du Barri now mug says Dear Richard the singer inspired me most was Johnny read as he reminded me of my late dad thank you very much indeed bless your heart. Let some and all the lady. 'd does my lover feel. I. Debbie Reynolds and Tommy I want to talk a little girl from. The pictures I'm submitters in the House of silly thing no Suffolk Cambridge 6 said Fitz. See this is Richard spend loves wild wide while this program on the b.b.c. . It was $955.00. Was a an. F. . Us. The was the. Sea for. The. Us or. Was. There's no answer to that really Philip Stephen he says great show tonight thank you very much indeed Hello good evening hokum to Celia Hello Richard Lamm I love it you know like to know your head and if you request Northamptonshire this weekend diaf to be very straight. Right and my right. Right and remember no it's 58 when we got married for no it tough to Woods he went into to businesses as I remember signed about. No Thompson Castle station Rao I stationhouse right draw me always a lot what we both were saying and he went to counting turn and then he went to bridge No I went to experience show it and other places yeah and he ended up Sweden did the house when the me you was on the boat the road know it well you were to go up and then well he used to come most weekends and he add an old Norman motor bike yet go back to camp on the in the early hours of the morning freezing fog some tall and not say always snow. Anywhere that for certain when he got to swim in the bay is my son to lift him up fees motive always Yep Sichem the story they. Fall over in a camp yeah and so every night for him to work the next day I have Quadrani I can believe you have to be told in the morning state Yeah that was a bleak old road that was just it wrong oh it was when I went through that I went not road both ways and very nearly every day during the winter 62 to 3 yet when he was in from 50 to 60 Yeah always a not made by the elderly 46 Mr Yeah that's right that's a lot to forget that they used to used a lot on my name yet we used to press a lot of these nights uniform Yes Sir Arthur Well my husband passed y.i.t. Months ago but I'll bet there's another chap so Pratt's remember him and somebody who used to own any 30 uniforms Indeed yes yes indeed all used to start. She's close waiting I know the weekend will be wrapping how I know because I know you are then I think put a collar on it yeah yeah that's right a lot of money. A lovely name so you know much as you. Take care by John says band leader Ken snake shit was killed on the 8th of March 941 booking and palace was hit that night to looked upon Google and got a story done by the Mail newspaper the blitz 70 years on thank you but it was not also the night then that elbow Willie was killed I wonder probably was I don't know but may have been the 103453050 double 7 and John Collins says I'll bolt he was killed he was killed on the night of the 17th of April 9411 a w what our World War 2 landmine fell outside his flat in London he appeared that evening in High Wycombe and. Turned down saying they're staying there in favor of coming back into town my late mother maintained that he died he died unmarked because the bomb sucked all the air out of his bedroom and suffocated him. Thank you very much John bless your heart. Still not when they're still in the 345-3050 double 07 you've got about 17 minutes and then tonight. The late great and award winning Paul Barnes has lost his voice good job being got to be a martyr carelessness want it any way they go and prone is I think our name is upper and I think bleed that's a name anyway and if I said it wrong then I apologize is standing in for him tonight and will be taking you through until 1 o'clock when I wouldn't be surprised similar music to his. In all the show stopping him to take. Believe me leaving use. To leave. Form. Would be. If you shoot wood. And c.v. Me good. News saw I leave use a. Lol before. The smooch. Lol before. Bed. For one more. Form. After all the good news. I heard that. Your old. Saw. Lol before you hit us. Lol before. I'm scared badly. Oh I'm sure. Of the war was. After all the use. I got. Syria. Lol. Son of. The view that. Hasn't been to the. Monroe and softly as I leave you now 10 for to shake. In the moment. And Tony if you will listening. Of Love. Was. In. Your. Fears alone. Was. Jennifer Rush The Power of Love Hello good evening and welcome to Joyce Good evening Richard I live and I understand you was interested in knowing how people here have enjoyed their holiday Yes Well my husband and I used to go Year in year out to Norfolk right way for spent many happy hours in this yacht is back to and I right yes but we used to ride into crows and go along the pier and book to see is a variety show this year with all the beautiful girls and dancing here and one day we was walking along and I said to my husband I'm sure that Jimmy cricket sit in that house or hockey so he said we'll go I was going to have a look and I did and I plucked up courage to have a very nice conversation with him was a lovely man he is and he knew quite a lot about you know that and I was quite surprised yeah yeah well my husband is older doesn't really can drive that far right can't go no I don't know I'm missing right there where were you quarter Northhampton area yes and so long all trek into it from that it is yeah well I'm glad you met Jim is a lovely guy I've been to want to function to a been and I've met with a well spent time with him but I think he's been in the studio here with me as well yes he's a lovely bloke getting on a bit that now most Well it's like the rest I was I know domino I think. Yes it's true all right my treasure Ok thank you take care and you. Jimmy cricket lovely folly have you get the chance go and see him he's clean and funny at the same time so is that all you broadcasting on Cambridge next week yes I am Monday Tuesday Wednesday afternoon she'll be on between 3 and 4 and then back if they're loudly on the region next Saturday. Evening between 9 and 11 and the mean time back to the music. Tony Martin. That's a look at the try this was upon all it. Does Barbara Streisand and woman in Liberace. We live in the presence. Between tree unfold Monday Tuesday Wednesday afternoon I'm back. In the region hopefully next Saturday evening between 9 and 11 in the meantime thank you very much for your company been a delight and absolute delight were there and actually some of the music tonight are enjoyed as well anyway if you're listening on your own from a very special and a very personal good night published Take care and by the next. Thank you very much to Mr Spenlow. You're listening to east in the eastern region I'm on a pair o. .