WATERS The Russians blocked the strait which is completely unacceptable in our national practice by putting a cargo ship in front of it and there be a special UN Security Council meeting to discuss the escalating tensions later on an investigation by media organizations around the world has found that some medical devices haven't been adequately tested before being used in patients the study discovered that some implants including pacemakers and artificial knees and hips were unsafe the main border crossing between Mexico and the U.S. Has been reopened after trouble broke out earlier hundreds of Central American migrants broke through a security barrier in the Mexican city of Tijuana forcing officials to close the crossing correspondences will grant there was a military presence there were helicopters overhead and it was all very dramatic tear gas was fired from the U.S. Side of the border at sea and certainly clouds did affect some of migrants and some of the journalists including some fortunate some of women and children police in Lincolnshire is searching for a prisoner who's on the run 39 year old Wayne Jones he's serving a life sentence for rape escaped from North Sea camp prison people are being warned not to approach him and to call 999 if they see him a parliamentary committee seize thousands of Facebook documents from a U.S. Software company boss while he was on a visit to London the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee which is investigating the Cambridge analytical data scandal says it believes the documents contain information of a very high public interest Sainsbury's is going to start putting labels on its shelves reminding shoppers that food banks are in need of some items a trial of the idea alongside products like tinned meat fish and fruits or donations triple Karen Williams runs food bank plus injuries brain. So when I talk to our kind of science which is one of the supermarkets that supports a lot seen already on a lot of insight when I go into the chills and they see that our nation point they remember then they should have done I say it's split now with E.A. And have swept the main prizes at the world rugby awards in Monaco lends to fly off Jonny Sexton was named player of the year the 1st time an Irishman has won the award since Keith Wood in 2001 coach Tony Smith was named coach of the year and his side named team of the all still both you know I am Reese's he expects more from his team despite the fact they're now unbeaten in 17 games in all competitions they beat Bournemouth 2 want to move to within a point of the Premier League's top full Emery told the media off to a tee spoken to the team about their mentality and needing to draw less games well wins more of a premium for Huddersfield they got the 2nd of the league campaign wolves to jump up to 14th in the table and world champion Lewis Hamilton paid tribute to top 2 rival Sebastian Vettel after taking his 11th when of the Formula One season at the year end. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker and on the weather now some showers continue across northern and eastern England also across eastern Scotland and into Northern Ireland elsewhere should be dry it's a mist of patches in the south average highs of around 7 degrees Celsius brand new decree simple on B.B.C. For they've arrived for the big night and as you can see right there we do this is that. What you do best about having a tough life and stuff like that I guess which is John to gymnastics I haven't gone up to see go becomes a big night out to provide some quality and channel they are looking up to our stats Wednesday night at 10 o. B.B.C. Full. This is a board of 5 live on Dawson had a bio on coming up in this hour of the program in a moment we'll find out what's happening in Crimea where Russian special forces of see these 3 Ukrainian navy vessels the Russians are accusing Ukraine of provocation also the final checkered flag of the former one season and look back at the race in Abu Dhabi. And what's going on elsewhere in the world we're going to be looking at North sense you know which is a remote island in the Indian Ocean outside is a band from even approaching the island says to protect the people who live there and their way of life untouched Asbos by modern civilization the complete isolation of the sentinel leads people means contact with the outside world could put them at risk is their lackeys have no immunity to even come in and see such a flu measles so would you do when a missionary was murdered on the island and this is the conundrum for the Indian authorities who have the trying to figure out a way around that. 1st Ukraine's president has described the seizure by a Russian of 3 Ukrainian navy vessels as an act of aggression Russian special forces opened fire into control of 2 gun boats and the tug as they tried to pass through the straight off the coast of Crimea Ukraine says $600.00 sailors were injured well Vitale's is Russian uneaten for B.B.C. Monitoring joins us now from Moscow the Tell Me Tell me what's happened in the last 24 hours Jim I just recapping that for us. Yes when a crisis erupted yesterday morning when race ships attempted to pass through the Kurt strike separating the Black Sea from the Sea Now this is something incredible done several times before and it was not based on that was stopped by Russia they refused to surrender they wondered if they realize they're not making it through to the sea it was overturned by the Russians gave chase and captured them the Ukrainians are saying that all communications were lost but over knows that at least 6 secret incrementals were injured and there's dramatic all just doing the rounds on the Internet of a Ukrainian navy captain calling for help. The Russians accusing the Ukrainians of provocation and has the Ukrainians are accusing the Russians of aggression Anyway trying independently to find go you know what the different parties motivations are in this. The key question here is why this. Is the crane 1st of all because there are 2 huge costs there there are dance convert to what she uses to export projects like the oil and grain and they're also the gateway to Ukraine of vital supplies such as coal so once Russia builds a bridge linking Crimea which is the territory Russia annexed in 2014 to Russia across the Kurdish strait they started inspecting all the Crimean vessels commercial vessels trying to pass through the straits and Ukraine says look this amounts to an economic blockade and we want to reinforce our military presence in the area of course the Russians have objected and hence the crisis is is out of the ordinary given what's happened since 2014 between the 2 countries. Well you could see the tensions rising and the fishermen for example in the sea of us all they have complained about being harassed and detained by the Russian border force but what happened yesterday amounts to an. Incident of Allah the incident that we haven't seen since 2014 I see what happens what happens the jeering. Well the key question now is what happens next because Ukraine is definitely not going to be able to resolve the crisis on its own given the difference in the Shia saunas of its navy and the Russian they were deployed in the in the Black Sea which is absolutely enormous later today on Monday the Kringen parliament is going to vote on introducing martial law and that can lead to a further escalation and also later Monday the U.N. Security Council is meeting to discuss the crisis. Thank you Vitale pre-show it's on the show of Shanghai the Russian editor for B.B.C. Monitoring talking to me from Moscow earlier I spoke to Tom Nicholls who's the professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College and he told me that he's not surprised by this collation Well it's never all quiet on the Crimea front and of course my views on this don't reflect that of the U.S. Government it seems at this point that the Russians are escalating the tension with the Ukrainians the Russians are obviously in the superior position here because being a larger country and having that now the access to Crimea which they next and they closed off a strait now. Who was in whose territorial waters it's still early it's important for the German people the early reports are often wrong. But it both the Russians and the Ukrainians agree that Russian the Russians fired on Ukrainian ships supposedly the Russians were there using as they detained 3 ships. And whether those ships are on their way back home or being towed back home is unclear at this point but there is clearly been an escalation and now the Ukrainians are talking about imposing martial net nationwide martial law. Which I think is a very worrisome development since then exaggeration of Crimea by the Russians is it clear definitively who's Waltz's. These. Well the straits that we're talking about are very narrow and so I think it's some at one point it's only about 15 miles across so at some point both of these navies are going to be pretty close to each other's territorial waters both of them by international agreement have the right to use the Straits into the sea if as of but unfortunately again because of the close proximity and the tight neck in and out of that sea. It's going to take a it's got I think part of the problem here is going to take a while to sort out exactly where everybody was when this thing happened but again the Russians blocked the strait which is completely unacceptable in international practice by towing a cargo ship in front of it or putting a cargo ship in front of it so what happened after that is unclear but it ended up with. Many where from 2 to 6 The Ukrainians say 6 the last Western reports said 2 but let's just say you know several injuries among the Ukrainian forces and at least 3 ships damaged and perhaps still either in Russian custody or as the Russians are claiming detained and released what you make of the Ukrainian suggestion that it will declare martial law as a result of this is not the right response what does it practically mean mushroom of. Well it's difficult to explain to you know whether it's the right response because. You know it depends on what they do with it I mean one concern I have is that this is going to be perceived as a political maneuver by a regime that's you know not. Very popular at the moment and you know it's nationwide martial law after naval incidents pretty unusual so it could be that they're trying to use this the I think the best explanation is that they're trying to use this as a kind of state of emergency for heightened readiness assuming on the assumption that the Russians are going to keep pressing further actions the worst possible I think at least one terrible possibility is that this is just a political maneuver and it could even be that the Ukrainians may be trying to press forward with some kind of retaliation but it's simply impossible to know at this point because it hasn't even been put into power it's been sent to the Crimean parliament they'll have to vote on it in the morning so we'll see what happens but my gut reaction is this is not a good development how key strategic to these trades. Since to NATO and to the west not as important as the Black Sea itself but there's a larger principle here which is that you know you can't just close off international waterways at will and I think you know in terms of the material or immediate effect that it's there strategically very important to Ukraine. But for the Western community and for the Atlanta community I think there's a much larger issue here of again international law international practice freedom of navigation this is part of a pattern of Russian behavior of simply rewriting rules of international conflict and conduct at will as the Kremlin sees fit and I think this is one more step down that road to kind of flex their muscles and to say you know look we're you know we're Russia we can do all we want we can. Ignore custom and law and tradition at will because where we have the whip hand in this area that that's what I think is the larger issue and much more worrisome for those of us that are not directly in the line of fire in Ukraine well they can do what they want to Sensi called the we saw how Russia Swifts POS The Ukrainian resistance to annex crime in the 1st place there is a much Ukraine can do can you mention the imbalance in power there isn't really much Ukraine can do to stand up to the Russian aggression is that. No and you're quite right that if the Russians want to choke off this access point they they can't. The rest of the international community can try to make Russia pay a price but the Russians are already under. Huge number of sanctions as it is for their previous misdeeds elsewhere in the region but we also we also shouldn't assume that the Russians are. Have complete freedom of action and unlimited resources they were able to sweep into Crimea in part because Crimea is so heavily Russian and they were not opposed they're quite bogged down. In eastern Ukraine. And I think that they may have overstretched themselves there and they could end up in a similar situation here but a lot depends on what the Ukrainians are going to do in the next 2 or 3 days. What we're talking about in the straits we took an essentially about a military front in terms of between Ukraine and Russia. It could be I mean it's a it's a short it's a short path from Russia to Ukraine across those straits. And it's not clear to me what led to this you know to this action today. Whether that's part of some kind of larger Russian design or a larger Russian plan I think it's not clear I don't think any of us have seen at least I haven't seen any reports yet of any larger Russian movements I mean we always have to start from the assumption that's that these things may be what they look like which is that there was muscle flexing and things got out of hand which is what I suspect at this point we we may be facing is that that this may have been something that went further than either the Russians or the Ukrainians wanted to but you know that's how that's how little things turned to big things but yes the Russians and the Russians have local superiority there's a lot they can do and there's not a lot that the Ukrainians will be able to do about it at this point and is not a NATO issues is because even though Ukraine at one point wanted to become a member of NATO isn't. This NATO can just stand by. That's just an option. Well that's correct and it's not NATO Ukraine is not a NATO member and we are not the alliance is not obligated to come to NATO defense nonetheless there result as I said earlier there is a larger question about the peace and security of the Atlantic region here if the Russians decide to make a point of it that they can simply close off international waterways whenever they feel like it then that is something I think that the rest of not just NATO and the European Union but the rest of the world needs to take into account and again I think I would argue this has been part of an ongoing breach of international norms that we've been seeing from Crimea and even before then going all the way back to Georgia that the Russians are basically creating a foreign policy that says we do things because we can not because that they not because we're part of or respect the norms of the larger international community was Sunny what's that one until Nichols a professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College Indian police are trying to work out how to recover the body of an American missionary killed in the Andaman Islands John Allen Cho was killed by the scent in these tribal after he tried to convert them to Christianity in this beach up Tandon is in cocoa so I'm sure this is a huge story over there because the how unusual this is just remind us of what happened. You know an extraordinary case really now the Sentinel leaves live on the north center in an island in the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal off the eastern coast of India an area that's very popular with tourists nowadays Dalton has some of the best beaches in the world that John Allen challenged decided that he wanted to basically meet the scent and then means drive and convert them to Christianity they really don't have any contact with humans that old so he paid 7 fisherman to take him illegally to the island he mission when he went on for the 1st time they sent in their leads attacked him with bows and arrows when one went through his waterproof Bible and he made it back to the boat but instead of returning home he then went back on the island in the night away he was killed when a fisherman who told the police that they saw the scent in the leaves dragging his body and basically burying it in the sand on the island 7 fisherman a current have currently been arrested by the police and they're questioning them as they work out what to do next intent of this case and whether it's going to be possible to get this body ever back because remember the Indians have left the scent in the leaves basically on their own for for the last 2030 years so as to protect them not interfere with their lifestyle and also not to give them any infections they have no contact with other human beings and things and experts say something as simple as a common cold could kill them. How were the police trying to recover the bodies. For the moment is spending a lot of time trying to talk to an anthropologist who may have an idea of the sent a letter sent in the least but the honest truth is we most people don't know that much about them what has happened over the last 24 hours is that they sent a boat to the north Sentinel island it more off the island where they were trying to observe what the scent and these were doing at the moment they saw a group of men armed with bows and arrows on the beach now a number of years ago what happened was in 2006 some fishermen accidentally ended up on the sentinels island and they were also killed in what happened with them is that after some time their bodies were basically placed then hung up on the beach by the Sentinel leaves as a warning to all of the others not to come to their island so after seeing the Sentinel leads with their bows and arrows on the island the police have retreated now the chief of police in the end of an island saying this is the most difficult case that he's ever had to deal with and at the moment I think they're just scratching their heads trying to work out the next step in this particular attempt to recover the body of the American. Jews should move. Officially. It is officially part of India and it means and then it is a part of India but that is an area that is had traditionally many many tribes I mean India has the most times in the world it has 100000000 people of tribal descent and what happened when the British conquered India was that a lot of the chives came into contact with the Brits and basically picked up infections and many of them died you see not with the great around dominie's which was the biggest tribe in that particular part of India so what has happened over the last 20 years is this idea that the Sentinel made it very clear they don't want to have contact with anybody else they want to continue to live as they've lived for centuries is the Indians have said we're going to leave them alone we're going to get on with let them get on with their life they monitor them from helicopters they monitor them from satellites and sometimes go to the to the island and more off there to see what's happening but the honest truth is we don't really know how many members of the tribe that there are Indian census says 15 but nobody actually went on the island to count them nobody really speaks their language and I think we're moving towards a situation where if it becomes a choice of recovering the body or disturbing the life of this tribe the Indians are going to opt not to recover the body. Is broad some food is the size of. For example a smaller groups all could grow this quarter Loews if there are only 50 members or a handful of members of the tribe that's new clue. No they're not this is basically this is a tribe that originates from Africa it's supposed to be one of the oldest tribes in the world some of the reports have described them as sort of pretty historic but know that they're not from from India originally they're from Africa and that's why in terms of Antropov anthropologists who being there some about 20 years ago try to make contact with them speaking the language is very very tough there's another tribe the job where tribe who also traditionally have tried to keep themselves away from the public but over the last 5 to 10 years Dalton There's been huge concerns in the Andaman Sea about human safaris tourists coming in and wanting to see their job would try paying people illegally to get to meet them and that began to disrupt their lifestyle there was a famous video a few years ago of a woman dancing basically on the orders of a policeman which caused a lot of outrage here so I think what this case has once again done is raise concerns about how do you protect these I think tribes in the Andaman Islands who want to be left alone but unfortunately we live in a world where people don't want to leave them alone. Is moot if the induna for Jews to choose use of yards do you. Know to. Bring somebody to justice. I think if you're looking about who may end up being brought to justice in this case it's the fishermen who are going to face criminal charges because if we look historically at the case that happened in 2006 of the fishermen who were killed there was no case brought against anybody from the center in the least tribe and you come into more complicated question here of if you want to investigate it and you're absolutely right somebody has to bear responsibility for this how would you do it this is a child that had no contact with any human beings a tribe where you know a cold flu could wipe out the remaining members of the tribe So how are you going to get people on the island firstly without affecting them with disease and secondly how are you going to get on the island without any sort of confrontation because even during the tsunami there's a brace famous picture that some of the listeners may have seen as the helicopters went above the North Sentinel Island to check on the status of the tribe and see how many people may have lost their lives we had to. A man from the tribe basically firing a bow and arrow up at the helicopter so any attempt to get close to the island is going to lead to confrontation with this tribe and could actually see it being wiped out it's almost and you asked the right question and there really isn't an answer at the moment I think and I think we go back to that that that that died let me have to weigh up to bring someone to justice which may eventually lead to the wiping out of the tribe or do you let them be and say John Allen shall sadly lost his life because he broke the law and went on to an island that he should never be in any way in earnest in what you say that the authorities who tried to talk to him through Paula just broke how they should approach this even the anthropologist must be scratching their heads because there's going to stand nobody really understands the language of the center newly there is no form of communication even if you try to you know to land on the are going to communicate it's going to be impossible. It is going to be impossible and now there was a very famous Indian answer. Who tried about 2025 years ago to make contact with the the Sentinel leaves he took the team that went to the island they gave them gifts exactly but in the end they had to leave because of the hostility and you know that they were facing and the danger that they were facing I think what this case has really brought into. And people's attention is that India is a country where you do have a number of times like this in other parts of India rest I've been there myself too often there's been a growth in tribal tourism sometimes they're saying look to survive many of them are economically you know at the bottom of society we want to resume and in a recess to have tribal tourism where you can go and meet the child not in gnomes but in markets where they sell their products there are restrictions on the number of people who can do that the tribe that welcomes that and that is help them but in other parts of India the Chinese are clearly saying we do not want to think contacts with anybody and I think that has to be respected so it's going to end up on the tribes themselves of whether they want to have contact with people or not but the growth of tribal tourism is huge in India wrote thank you very much. Far more headlines now has to be our new. Home digital B.B.C. Sound small street. Is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live to reason may will face M.P.'s in the Commons later where she'll warned them that rejecting her breaks it deal will lead to more division and uncertainty E.U. Leaders have back to agreements but the prime minister is expected to face tougher opposition in X. Months parliamentary votes the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the flare up in tensions between Russia and Ukraine Russian forces have seized 3 Ukrainian navy vessels accusing them of entering the waters illegally Mexico says it will deport a group of migrants who tried to force their way across the border into the U.S. American security forces used tear gas to disperse them and closed the border crossing for several hours has since been reopened and a new independent body has been set up to help row passengers who are unhappy with how their complaints to being dealt with all of the U.K.'s National Rail franchises have signed up to the dispute resolution on but it's been let's get the latest from the cricket now England are looking to read up a series clean sweep on the 4th day of the 3rd and final Test in true Lanka and good morning joint. Good morning to you on a hot and very hazy morning here in Colombo to the 1st ball of the day actually and Iraq yessing and needing just 6 wickets to wrap it up a day early and become just the 30 member to come to Sri Lanka and win a 3 test match series 3 nil they're very much expected to do it at the nightwatchman Sanda kind of a moment who's facing Moeen for this and he took a couple of wickets for the close of play last night Mendis is undefeated the other one hasn't faced of all yet so we're expecting him to chip away during the day and to win the match today I'll keep in touch with that but meantime here's the rest of the sport from Hugh Croft all end of count the greatest year in their rugby history by sweeping the board at the world rugby awards in Monaco 6 it was right out of trouble to go I wasn't going to make it was tired 3 or $88.00 yards. Were still there was no seed and that was I'm very cold drop you know by anybody's standards Jonny Sexton became the 1st Irishman to win the men's player of the Year award since Keith Wood in 2001 while Joe Smith one coach of the year the 6 Nations champions were named team of the year having lost just once during 2018. Emerick about me and hit all stores winner in their 21 win at Bournemouth in means he's now level as the Premier League's top scorer with 8 goals his manager. I am very happy with area play Years holiday are walking today and. They are coming in and helping not pushing up and I think for the next week. We want to play there another match and we we set up to me like I think it would mean for 4 enjoyed. Resting for the fastest 22 to win today how does field have taken 7 points from the last 9 available to move off the bottom of the table and not to 14th they beat Wolves 2 nil at Molineux a pleasing victory for their boss David Wagner think it was a true serve percentage they have shown a lot of bravery to preserve Poland with this offensive Poland to speed up the pitch and we were able to minimise their opportunity especially in the 1st time and in the 2nd half and they have done everything to keep this clean sheet and I'm delighted the resettled couple of birds Doris final 2nd leg between Boca Juniors and River Plate has been postponed once again it follows an attack on the bucket scene by scene when as I read on Saturday world champion Lewis Hamilton completed the Formula One season with his 11th victory of the year he took the Abu Dhabi groom free it means he ends the season 88 points clear of his title rival Sebastian Vettel it's been a real honor and a privilege stressing and Sebastian I've known him since former 3 days and he's always been an honest hardworking racing driver and he's always right it's hot out . In straight sets to secure Croatia 2nd ever Davis Cup title win gave them an unassailable $31.00 lead over the hosts and defending champions France and Aaron right held off fellow Englishman Matthew Fitzpatrick to win his 1st European told title by one shot in the season opening Hong Kong Open and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. . 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound this small. Very good morning to you looks like Monday's going to be another quiet and chilly day across the U.K. Before the weather really dust. From choose States a case of increasing winds rain even up to gale force winds in some of the southwestern parts of the U.K. But still to come that's a little way off let's concentrate on the here and now because there is some frost around in northwestern parts of the U.K. We've had some. Most major towns and cities not too cold this morning typically in the range of around plus $1.00 to $5.00 degrees Celsius but in the north in one of minus 3 so there is some frost in the morning and now the weather itself on Monday is an. Across many western areas of the case if we basically split the U.K. In half western parts will have some sunshine in the morning but the afternoon. So Plymouth Bristol Liverpool throughout the Lake District of western Scotland here you are in for some sunshine However if you live in eastern parts of the U.K. Anywhere from. 3 Newcastle down into hole. In the London area. To noon is going to be mostly cloudy we still have a breeze so it will feel chilly how the temperatures on Monday will range from around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees in the northern half of the U.K. 5 to 8 in the south so that's Monday Monday nights into chews day there will be some folk forming a morning for the rush hour. Some of those country lanes could be some folk around then later on Tuesday late Tuesday morning into the often we start to see the rain and wind sweeping in. 5 days is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on the B.B.C. Sounds. And it's time for the final. Yes and a look back at the race in Abu Dhabi. 5 lives shattered from the cast Hello and welcome to the checkered flag Lee final post race of the season and that Alice Ace Jack Nickols Joleon Palmer as ever capably Joining me to discuss exactly what happened on Jenny couch and Jack Nickols if he wouldn't mind just give us a quick run through of what happened in the race because you had a little bit of everything yeah a busy Grand Prix wasn't it Lewis Hamilton had told position lead from the start but then you go commercial Romain Grosjean came together whole Coburg was sent rolling and rolling and rolling 1st roll over of the season can't really remember another one so there you go fact of the day. That brought out a safety car and then there was another virtual safe to go later when Kenny rock a number type of Ferrari howled and pitted at that point he and Charlotte Clare really the only front runners to do so and from then on he was sort of in the midfield until everyone else pitted and then he resumed his lead of the girl free to step in and Ricardo tried to close in a little bit on Sebastian Vettel they couldn't do it the very bottom of the big loser slipped down from 2nd overtaken by Vettel and then to stop and he decided to pit in the end before we lost too many places and that cost him 4th place in the drivers' championship but Hamilton takes the win commanding win for a commanding season I suppose and they almost commando podium celebration taking his top off showing everybody his tattoos whilst asking to be sprayed with champagne. Louise Hamilton is a unique character Palma but he seal such a place in history is alone say that steps away from for me to want but you really feel like they season has so many huge market points to it and Hamilton securing a 5th Well title to equal Fangio this is another reason why the season has been historically epic. It's been a great season but the individual races really have been very good red bull coming into the mix at the end of the season and the beginning of the season as well they want to add the 1st 6 with the new record or. As an extra ingredient to the battle not just 2 teams for cause it's 6 cause in the rebels are so aggressive in their moves as well they didn't really get a chance to show it here they were they just petered out a little bit the race for the win at the end but it's been a very enjoyable season a lot of very good racing I'm so so challenge right now with how much we reflect and they said race how much we reflect on their season or how much we throw forward to next year cause I'm just excited by all we've got a special talk us coming up and we've got to we've got a seasonal told cost later in December or early January and so we can leave that till then OK let's leave the race we're not going to talk about next year we're told we can do it a little bit at the end maybe Jack Nicklaus says no so we need a producer says now is also we move on I want to talk a little bit about Holcomb bergs crash let's get down into the meat of that because it Turlough warm crash came Gratian came together and jelly in as a driver just tell me what what are you aware of when he had a big crush on that barrel roll flip tell you for after coming together with Raymond Gray's on the right hand never actually had one of our oh so far but actually I want to tell the training I said be honest get out a lateral roll from somewhere. Yeah. I've always been intrigued myself what happens when you're upside down in a in a racing car in general but hopefully and I never find out Well here's the thing with the whole crash it wasn't a big crash it wasn't a went upside down but it was fairly low speed it was fairly harmless The interesting thing for me if it landed back on its. On its floor he would have hopped out find the go. The interesting thing was the halo actually because it did seem to stop getting out of the car and if there and I don't want to turn this into a halo tirade because we kind of got over that at the start of the year Jody and I are against it but you know if we heard him on the team radio saying I think there might be fire that kind of thing if there was fire and he wanted to get you know he did seem a little trapped by the by the halo basically because usually if a car is upside down the driver can just wriggle out we see that all day every day when there are cars upside down he couldn't hear it the most interesting part of the crash I think was the panic in Holcomb bugs voice when he came over the radio said he was hanging like a like a dead cow Yeah like in a in a you know in a butcher's shop Yeah so he was it was held in by is. Belts I guess upside down but he couldn't get himself out of the car and then the panic when he thought there was a fire around and you don't know when you're in the car where the marshals are what's happening is it easy fire to put out is it a big fire how long it'll be in there for Actually he was in the car for court long time as they were as they were turning it but the right way around. Don't want to they did they didn't want to sort of grab him out as soon as possible because you don't know the risk of injury when it's an upside down if you could do further damage but there was fear in Holcomb bones voice I think when he realised that that was interesting and. Because he couldn't get out of the car easily which is normally a requirement you've got to be able to get out in 5 seconds I mean it was more like 5 minutes today it was it was really lengthy but in fairness the marshals were there very quickly any state but if I was put out very quickly so it was relatively safe but that was a different it was in the car for a long time I was going to ask you and we had a little chat about this before we came on air about how much training you get as a driver for extricating ourselves the marshals go through a fair bit of training but I don't know if anybody ever gets training facts to create in themselves from a car that's upside down all the marshals get training maybe they must stay you think the marshals Well the marshals look at training Absolutely and the medical teams especially yeah then that is absolutely part of the but the job really because it can happen and you don't want to be clueless when after the charges don't there he start the year or any new job or the stars mid-season you have to do a test that means you can get out used to be 5 seconds you have to get out and then put the steel wheel back on in 5 seconds I was pointless because if there's a big fire you know it too fast up in the steering wheel back on you just leg it but that was then changed this year so there is an extra couple of seconds now to get out because the Halo was introduced so it was deemed the Halo was good enough benefit to warrant an extra couple of seconds getting out the car because it's just it's a club or a little bit higher and it's hard to get out so 5 seconds it was no longer practical. So you had to do that and apart from that is it if you do that and then you get the race and everyone passes you don't need to do it at one go so you base it just keep having a go into your basket so you don't get a lot of practice and especially upside down I like I said I never went upside down in my career so I never had to go I don't have Holcomb bird has I can't think of a flip that he's had very least ended up upside down before so it's not like a common occurrence like it might happen once a season and you want to be dialing in for that it's just it's a. It's a one off and in a driver's career unless you're very unlucky OK so you don't think they should bring in some sort of training for joy is just you know they all get together so often G.P.D. a Special Christmas dinner I feel like it could have got out he would have. Got out I don't know what more you know yet if you can get out it's like yeah if you can get out there then you'll do a long day when he had that big crush on 2016 it was not a car a 2nd and it was amazing here it was a monster crush along as one really high speed Hulk a big one was actually low speed just a bit of a bit of flipping and bouncing which made it look more spectacular along those what was a monster shot really high speed end of the straight launched in the barrel rolled as well ended up against the barriers and he was out before you even really knew it so I think that's the difference a little bit the halo can make there but if you can get out then you get out basically OK let's move on then from Holcomb Berg and were there any other clear points Jack sit out for you in the race in Abu Dhabi. Dot aspx lot that is the big one for me. Another 5th place finish that's for 5th place finishes in a row and in that time the top 4 in the Championship have all had at least 3 podiums 3 podiums for housing in the last 4 races 2 for Vettel 3 for Reichen and 3 for Staten bought ass for 5th place finishes I mean it's just not ideal it all and I think to be in the constructors' championship winning car and not win a Grand Prix. I don't know what to say really because for Stepan and Ricardo of both one in in what was clearly the 3rd fastest car over the course of the season they certainly won when it was the 3rd fastest car so I'm not trying to start a campaign Botha's out. No I don't think I am but not running but he's really got to improve next year. Since Germany Hamilton is $18.00 of the 11 races including Germany Germany almost as unbelievable but almost Vettel 2013 as great as a clean sweep 2nd half of the year and he's not always at the fastest car that's been well documented but he's just been delivering the result and the time that has won 8 of 11 Bottas had 4 podiums out of 11 it just in the top 3 the team won the constructors' title race early Hamilton wrapped up the drivers tied to 2 races early and Bottas came in 5th in the drivers it won't look back on the season with a lot of pride I don't think it's tough to know whether. POTUS is struggling to take Lee or whether Hamilton is just driving absolutely brilliantly he's had the best year of his career I really think this is been a sublime season follows Hamilton so that reflects badly on but us as well you don't want to be the team at the guy that had the year of his life but I never got to reflect well and in terms of feel pace there kind of they're all they're about it's not like Bart ass is. Stoffel Van Dorn esque where he's been out qualified 21 nil by by his teammate Fernando Alonso Hamilton has had the upper hand but you know by tenths of a 2nd not half a 2nd every race when was that OK but also qualified Hamilton in Sochi and should've won the race but he wanted to make a mistake in Q 3 or even 2 mistakes in Q 3 to get that the butter us but us took a poll in. Austria as well yeah and Russia and rarely are really should have won which I just said but in the grand scheme of things it's not I don't think he's been he hasn't been obliterated to the level of finishing 5th in the in the driver's championship there's something else going on there I feel you know the 1st half of the season was pretty strong to be honest he was really was actually it was pretty 5050 in qualifying and he had some bad luck him back in France he has a bad lot the 2nd half of his season has been really torrid I think is a psychological thing for him as much as anything and he's going to have to dig very very deep and figure it out the next year because Hamilton has been driving just so well when your team mates on that sort of a run making no mistakes just delivering epic qualifying performs after epic qualify performance you just turn up and you think you get beaten by a U. Turn in any sport not just Formula One if you turn up thinking you might lose is not good you know and if you're one nil down before you even start you know Surely if you're a number 2 driver which bought us was for at least half of the season at Mercedes team if you were the number 2 driver isn't it almost all role to be that person I still think if you come in 2nd in reality if you can but you're sacrificing points for the benefit of your teammate and trying to trying to start I know you're saying that both US has done nothing in the last 4 races where he's finished 5th intentionally to help. Hamill's at the but I still believe the only one is Russia that's the only one where Botha's has been clearly sacrificed to help and the very rich vein of form that they say he's found them and. Found themselves in in the middle point of the season he didn't come through with the goods then as well which is the time we lay that you think he should have done their way to say what on the run and that's when he kind of did come in with the goods in a way and not in Singapore but that was maybe more Hamilton the miss a days but Russia and Japan Mercedes were very dominant but US should have won potentially in Russia and came 2nd in Japan so he'd when they say he's had the outright best car clearly he was he was there he was there to pick up the pieces to potentially win in Russia but when it was close he went missing in the 2nd half of the season 1st off he was doing a very good job the wing man common in Hungary he was over it was a very good wingman at that stage but his 2nd off tailed off fired Lee he'll be very much looking forward to a break now I'm sure a few months away stop you know thinking about form and on all the time for December at least switch off he's going to come back and it's so tricky to come back after a season like this mentally be ready for the fight with Hamilton again next year you know how voters are going to switch over some 5 term Egypt he wants 7 is relentless process has got to turn up if he turns up with the mentality that Hamilton is better than him it will be it will be a long tough year for him next year maybe as last of his eighties How can you turn up with the mentality that I'm better than Lewis Hamilton is that even a possibility not necessarily the I'm better but I can beat him like Rosberg did I suppose exactly Rosberg. Probably if you are sneaker Rosberg he will say Hamilton is a more talented driver than him but Rosberg got under her skin he worked unbelievably hard he found the niggles in the little cracks in Lewis Hamilton's overall game and he beat him and any particular weekend don't think bigger picture who's the more talented driver just think Melbourne how can I beat Lewis Hamilton in the same car on this one race and go from there race by race just go through it qualify EK crashed in Melbourne last year in qualifying but you're about all about for Actually he recovered quite well in the next 3 races but you can't afford that and that's where Rosberg was good at just just chiseling into the Hamilton and getting under his skin and how to miss making some more mistakes having some off weekends because of it is not the same as Vettel does Vettel have to do that. Well Vettel got a very different job actually Vettel outperformed his teammate well throughout the year so yes he can he will be critical of his own season absolutely everyone else will be critical of it as well for him if not but. He's not had a bad year Sebastian Vettel is a result and he's not won and he's got to go away he's got to go through the winter surely M.S.S. How do I be Hamilton he's got to ask the same questions as Botha he does but Vettel at least has won multiple races this year he has taken pole positions he's taken the fight to Hamilton he's in a different car each beating his teammate and where Vettel season unravelled is in just isolated mistakes Germany France. Monzer Japan Austyn 55 key mistakes will to will or just dropping it out the lead in Germany that's where he's he's got a one in those out but even the last couple of races are filled with Brazilian about race but he's been a little bit better Mexico and Abu Dhabi he's been more decisive in his moves and he seems to moved on a bit from it I feel like I've changed my mind a little bit about this championship I felt to an extent it was a championship that Vettel and for Ari had lost because to me they had the the strongest car over the last couple of races. Where things have gone OK for Vettel not a huge amount of mistakes like a dozen of a great race here. In Brazil as you say but even if you got rid of all those Vettel errors I actually think Howard would have still won the won the title I think if you have asked me 5 races ago I did said Vettel threw it away now at the end of the year. I think Howard's and did win the title and no matter if Vettel had kept it on the road in Germany it was it 88 point winning margin in the end for Hamilton it was 25 years ago right that was the Germany thing if it was 40 years ago that was that mistake that missed I don't you can attribute that many points to Vettel Zara's there were a number of errors so it wasn't just the Germany was there was that I would say the for the 5 that I discounted yes that were cost him a lot of points but no Hamilton was just superior this year in general Misael he's did a very good job as a tame generally the start of the season the strategy was in a lot of question but as the as the year went on. As an example really they did it they did a good job for Henri didn't do a lot wrong Vettel finished 2nd he did it as much as he could no mistakes but Hamilton was just better so that wraps up our conversations about potash in Hamilton I do want to ask you a spinal cord out of a Dr at the end of the season yes he will D.M.'s Sadie's reserve driver next year would you rather say and let's hope Valtteri Bottas is not in the bath and listening to this would you rather see boss ass in there or con Fernando Alonso. Is a valid answer in Venice but not going to happen ah I don't think it's part of the young driver scheme at Mercedes I think that if all counties in the bath listening because apparently this is a thing now where people listen to the check of progress in the bar. I think I'd rather have a car in the bath in the in there in the in the seat for the next year personally personally get today Jacqueline daughter has had his chance you've had your chance Jenny and yet if it's between our kind of bought our side rather seok on I think we've got excitement for next year already and looked larynx ghastly coming in Ricardo Holcomb bergs interesting a rare they finish 4th in the constructors maybe they can pick up but. Do they need to miss eighties needed to be bought us knock on the next year can they afford to have potentially warring teammates actually having bought us next year if you've got a real need for our a challenge and you've got a Red Bull Challenge is it better for them and Hamilton if it is bought us along side it can work both ways you don't want warring teammates obviously but you want at least team mates you can score as many points as you can get and if you're already coming 2nd behind Hamilton a part of his 5th the construct is going to look so rosy at the end of the year so it's is just a question of team harmony which bought us brilliantly he's been a very good team player from a Sadie's you could understand why they kept him on because he has helped I want to win this title it's been a more comfortable position even the start of this race he qualified in the front row it allowed Hamilton a more simple side of the race I guess he knew there was going to be some Red Bull Sebastian Vettel flying into London the 1st lap so he's got his benefits. Just for the sport I'd like to see your con in C. Instead just for fireworks and actually that's what Rosberg Hamilton provided us I mean if you look at comfortable teammates and you want Vettel wanted to keep Kimi Reichen and Ferrari it's not gone that way the club will come in so you could potentially have feisty teammates at Ferrari with Clara Vettel feisty teammates I feel a guaranteed at Red Bull with Pierre ghastly being elevated from Taurasi and going to be alongside Max Staten there's a lot of feistiness I mean it was sassy nurse on the radio there was sassiness in the commentary box today at 5 life sassiness all over the place and Feist for next year it but I feel like if you have Fox teammates they are pushing each other to get the last 1000th of performance out of the car whenever you look back at feisty teammates yes they cost each other points at times but they have been delivering the absolute best they can on the day how to no longer 2007 arguably Ferrari had the better car and yet they were just getting the absolute last little bit of performance to beat each other because they hated each other in 2007 and sure Reichen won the Germany by last point and shit because they were fighting each other but did they or did a lazy because along as I dropped in Japan and Hamilton crashed in the pit lane in China and had a gay book but remember still they would have won the title apart from a very unlikely last 3 races so I think for Ferrari it's a very good move basically to get Charlotte Clare in the car to get him nipping at the heels of us to Vettel. As soon as possible even over the winter get better in the in the factory will get better working harder I'm sure it works unbelievably already by the way but you know there's always something more you can do it's an F one job you can go to the beach or put your feet up and the drivers will deserve a bit of a break right now because it is such a long season and is the little bit of time they get off but you want everyone to be just going through the last bit of information in the simulator work on everything and if it's a bit comfortable because your teammates not as good maybe one day you'll you'll not go in and you'll have a cold or whatever you know you want there to be pressure on the on the drivers just to listen I thought it was about time for actual photo that I really can't commit to interesting actually because where are we going off on a tangent here but I never really seen F one driver with a bit of a cold yet but you've not been around in the week truck when they meant to be coming into the simulator on a cold Wednesday morning in January yeah oh there's colder than in fairness a small print of a W. In those points is they get a groan for the race and not so much they're OK though and is a made winter's day in coming into it and Stone for example or many other. Times. Journey my work ethic could never be questioned everything else everything else. Yeah. That's. My job. I say Lewis Hamilton wins the championship $408.00 point in total with Vettel on $320.00 and just as a record along as I just got squeezed out of the top 10 but I can lost sight she was wearing the number 14 tribute helmets all weekend which was nice of him. With at $39.00 points on his debut season in the South but I feel like they'll be into triple digits next year for sure in that Ferrari. I mean you'd hope so yeah definitely So I'm excited to see. Next year the show I think is the driver I'm most excited about next year it will be called Avalon don't Nourrisson George Russell in the but in terms of absolute front runner has. Yet to young Brits coming in so you asked for me to give us 3 Brits and all know the start line for Australia which is next March make sure you join us then and we also have a festive top cost so you can download that from B.B.C. Sounds at some point when we put it off but of course keep the course the B.B.C. Sport website for all your Formula One News thank you so much for being positive the show we love hearing from the B.B.C. F one if you want to keep it going with the hashtags and Jack one final mention for me please because we're running out of time Dr of the day driver of the day will be probably. Call of science or you could say Fernando Alonso just because Frankie so much for being taught at the show you can keep in touch across through into hash tag. And from all of us. Are Still this a B.B.C. 5 Live Good morning it's 5 o'clock they say morning reports on 5 life I'm Giuliana CASSIDY And what's hot story this morning to reason may will challenge pays in the Commons later it's a back seat plan or risk crashing out of the European you.

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