Supposed to believe Butler. Bring you a great afternoon entertainment and funk before then we need to cancel the latest news. Thanks Roger the organization which coordinates health services on the we're all has revealed plans to close 5 walk in centers and replace them with an urgent treatment center at ARA Park Hospital the clinical commissioning group claims the idea could help ease pressure on any with more G.P. Appointments made available as well Phil Gilchrist is leader of the Liberal Democrat group on will Council and a ward councillor for Eastham one of the areas which could be affected I say they're going to locate. Some services in 4 areas where the south west will Birkenhead Wallasey That's in addition to the agent treatment center and in the book there's no detail about where these might be and the key issue for people down my under the bill is if we am going to try our how do we get an edge Hill University student injured in the Westminster Bridge terrorist attack says he's disappointed no survivors have been asked to give evidence at the inquest for pedestrians were killed when they were run down by a car before Police Officer Keith Palmer was stabbed to death outside parliament in March last year Travis Frayne who was injured says watching and listening to the evidence has helped him I've only been present for one day of the actual or proceedings but seeing in the news some of stuff is coming out it's actually been quite relieving really to to find out more about what happened and to see more I understand that maybe the C.C.T.V. And things of that aren't for everyone I know many people who would shut off and would not want to see it from actually for me I would like to know once and I plan to know exactly how I know the victims commissioner Baroness Helen knew love is calling on the government to set up a central fund to help those affected by terrorist attacks she's been speaking at the Peace Center in Warrington Newlove told us there is similar schemes which are already in place in France and German. You know we've seen huge public donations but there is no support generally fall victims of terrorism and that's why I'm saying we have got to make the state the essential focus so that people are not going around with backing vocals people are not feeling that you know overwhelmed by having to fending for 9 months after a huge fire at a car park on Liverpool's waterfront plans have been revealed to knock the building down the multistory next to the arena went up in flames on New Year's Eve with almost 1200 vehicles still parked there and Liverpool boss you can club says Roberto for me you know is fetes and in contention for tomorrow's home game against Southampton from a no who suffered an injury against Spurs came off the bench he made week to score the winner against Perry center man and called hasn't ruled out playing for me no and Daniel Sturridge together this season at the store would use impressive performance on Tuesday night just positive impact Daniel had and most intense with us. And trust to get through to him so that's that's really that and that's the best news and so you know we know more about that and that a lot of games will come and so good to know about that and so that's why we're so pleased you whether showers throughout the south the noon and into the ceiling with Holly's of 13 Celsius B.B.C. Radio mostly side needs Thanks a lot Dave. I was going to Friday's Billy but the show was the color. Coding be disguised as Cliff Richard. We both begin with say. Dog. Knows me. To. The knoll. Your son told. Me. That look going There we are that's is you for his new record is 1st for a while a brand new record it can read what you want to in the lyrics confuted and rise up I'm least going on a nationwide tour as well I want to visit one of his live shows is being shown live at the light cinema in New Brighton So if you're the Cliff Richard fun you might want to be there but he through till 4. In the morning B.B.C. Radio. Traffic your with some songs for us later on in the program I'll also be talking to the lady whose head for a unique ladies' group unit and a unique ladies' business group in Liverpool What is that's Susie or will explain what it's all about later on so a lot more of your fiber to Korea from Gene Pitney my producer today is Nikki McKay all that I'm a through to for a great music as well. Oh . I. Was there a little slack. Illo . Tell us what. A. Place. To live. Stop lives. Oh. Oh. Live. Never faded out before the end or when Kenyon will kick in Kennedy will kill you because he is a massive Jeff Lynne found and the end and that's an especially on the D.V.D. Of it it's absolutely brilliant but you'll fall here on B.B.C. Radio you must add that jingle are played before paying tribute to our very good friend Sean Stiles SR show he's constantly in my thoughts. And when he got yesterday's show we had I played the brunt with what I thought was a brand new record by Abba it was called you in your white you and your you and your white sombrero it was great as all of us still fits and it's a it's one which only Abba fans have been trying to get at least as a single because it's only been available in box sets all add on's for special releases and. Holloway said Billy Jones show is always you just paid a fabulous struck by ABBA but have you had a track called The Day Before you came Can you play it in the not too distant future if you possibly could Yes Well actually actually it was a hit it was actually a hit for the Abba the day before you came and you probably hate it because you play most of obscene rules on the radio but yes it was a hit for them so yes I have to. It's and we had somebody on the line also since here because hope is that it was junk Wallace junk callers came on yesterday and it was asking for any proof that his mom is mom finished 2nd in the 1956 Littlewoods Basine beauty show. So one of our listeners has replied his name is Mike and he said if he googles Northwest beauty queens $956.00 he should be able to find the running order of the beauties there the what do you think is there Mike that possibly the only show the winners that does happen it'll be on the field the winners I just want to know it was ma'am came 2nd but you can go online and see if that's possible and if you could possibly do. Travel B.B.C. Radio. News is Mikey. I believe Thank you very much and starting off on the motorway softer than very 1st on the M 6 southbound severe delays in place has been a broken down vehicle from 1000 enough for through to 18 at middle congestion is back to the limits change junction 20 it is yet through the roadworks is currently at the moment about an hour's worth of a queue at making the way through so far no problems on the M 56 AM Just watch out for those road works at 56 just around Preston Brook at Junction 11 both directions just slows down to a 50 mile an hour zone and 53 moving fine central Liverpool doing OK Edge Lane drive little bit busy heading away from the center dance was a rocket but slow coming into Liverpool as well just around the innovation congestion is back to Queens Drive and into Kensington it's roadworks that seems to be the cause of those delays and the problems in and out of the Mercy tunnel so far this afternoon and without replacement bus service running between Hunt's cross and Liverpool Central sold you to a fallen tree on the line at St Michael's anything else you do spot to give us a call if it's safe or legal to do so I want 517140953 Michael Scott B.B.C. Radio by seaside travel. This Saturday from 2 can leave the full might get 6 league wins out of 6 I could get to buy a candidate for the ball back but the point was that I never actually thought I was up to the road so Southampton at Anfield why now the why. OK just a little quickly over and you Philip show today that what Roger was talking to somebody he mentioned about some statistics and he said there was a log minority just wanted walked along. Could you have a long it's not a minority or to majority I don't think enough a lot about our banality but who am I who am I to contradict Roger Phillips Now this is the call. You know what. Francis Rossi from the status quo. You agree yeah technically well the beat slightly dire isn't it as well some of their album is brilliant has the best of them will call us brilliant to snip X. And I have had them for a while and people for. After the song by George Gallagher and so want to accomplish in careers he really that has come on leaps and bounds we 1st told you Georgie I think it was 15 or 16 will be for it's use them at one of our shows and he's come on leaps and bounds He's a brilliant performance Yeah how old is he now then others about 19 or 21 thing Young got about 9 inches as well as bigger than me and I will come poke fun out of it didn't you David Essex yesterday which you'll hear in the not too distant future and he was listening to it as well and I know David we've interviewed him many times and he could take a joke and it's only a lovely guy he is the 1st thing I had to say which is so true about David Essex You can hear his smile when he talks when you let me tell you can literally hear and I'm a great believer in here you know hearing smiles and things like that can you hear my. And also people you can hear me as you can David Essex I said to the man who made a living out of being scruffy Yep God was he could look a cookie cutter he got gorgeous eyes you have all just and you hear it in the interview but I do say to him you know what David I was delighted with you when Paul did. That. He did that in the next week or so you know we got interview with another great guy as well. Russell Ross who watches because he could take a job is yes he's a nice guy. Unlucky to cause she's been through some things on a daily us. We've mentioned before with you we believe the will you know about this the headlines in the echo of you read it now well 5 walking senses . Don't down you know why Mia this is dreadful the lady put all of your Roger show got it right she said if you're little you want to go to the nearest possible place cause you read yeah right course you know I mean we'll be instructed older than you think you should be with slightly Yes I notice. You know your actual sex dreams yes douche the hospital no matter where you live yes when I was a kid you were ill to the hospital with and there were 3 of us yeah yeah you know and what once you shorten the distance what you make the distance long you make decisions Yeah yeah what's the sense of peace closing walk in so many of my argument with it won't make everybody at the A in the crowded out yet but my argument is if they're thinking of putting it park which I think they are are OPAR parking is a nightmare even when you go now as a walk in for the whole of where'll and Cheshire. Whatever where all. That is going to be it's going to make you not want to go I'm not quite frightening really I mean even now even though only a few days people do go to war consensus I'll have a long wait of course I will consent to take the paper with me yeah I tell you something it was interesting when Joe from the A team was doing this business about your heart beats and goodness knows what reception the people who came to the belly said they said you know why why didn't you go to the doctor and they said that they felt as though they were wasting their time going to the doctor NOW case of a chance to you know and it's true. If you've got someone with a bit of a lousy attitude towards you it's a rotten day for them you feel awful going for what you think is quite important to the story mind yeah yeah but it might be minor to them but it's not to the patient is it really now also in the case one of the prominent members of the the whatever the tennis club want to see mano cos they've been known they desperately need to hear the comment spec yesterday want to see me on a tennis club it was about a tennis club Nicky thrash most of the opponents of Allan a lot and Nick is also one of the leading lights in the the tennis club Chris team thought this would be the she would be the right person to ask these questions 2 things that you ponder over the time I was asked if people from Poland to call poles Yes Why are people from Holland called holds. And never called Shanghai don't put the whole of the call poles that should be called holes in the Holland Poland pole holes well that difference but it isn't a pig loses its voice. Yeah big loses its voice is it disgruntled are very good you know well this is a city of quiz that we like at our tennis club. And their love is blind Yes why is luxury so popular. I wonder just where more for you go we give you still more later why isn't noble every pronounced want to see what one wants to T 11111 it wants is he want. I'll leave it to. Your fellow members of the 10 if. This is it my theme song. a pretty big overhead for the medicine. That's was operated so that you got to be if you're a network and I'm Linda with the is what a net Wiccan is that I've seen some of the finest waking I've watched Lynn stolen from the Variety Club as she net Wix I want that which means if you go around everybody who is up the phone should you not make sure they know who you are and find out who they are so you can tell them what you can do for them and you find out what they can do for you. I think that's pretty likely is it Susie shoes or you're certainly I think spots on the wild yeah that's just what we are you have got to be a smooth operator to be you know that working because it takes confidence it takes confidence. We formed a group called unique ladies which we are on the networks right across the northwest for women in business particularly for women in business because we still don't have a voice and one of the things that we tell you we distilled all of a voice is women don't have a voice of Especially with your voice it's impossible by listening that well now after when when you're talking over may's well that's what happens at network or happens at Business Week dot the men still talk of us so we have a unique ladies' net. And we we were encouraged to have that voice know that they can see you or do you mean you know people in business so you do you think well we can advise you go to them as well we can go to businesses but we are and events once a month in lots of times but certainly in live the poll. We invite women to come along for a couple of hours we always have an inspirational idea speaker although actually we have mounted a 1st in Liverpool but we have. You know that came with talking about transportation as well absolutely. Sharing the story about its foundation but we always have someone inspirational we always have an educational pace we also do run the table networking so we have a really good safe forum for ladies just just to share who they are what the business is a model looking for in terms of introductions etc OK a little under he craft your the head of the Liverpool franchise I am OK though we go through a bad time when you agree to take this job. No not really it's a great way to work. OK So Liverpool one presumes in Liverpool you know it's going to be a bit easier because we listen great that's wonderful So in October we're moving to the Hope Street Hotel So our 1st one in the city center will be on the 16th of October OK I want you people in your branch of the world which in the loop will brunch there's probably about 30 which isn't bad to go no matter what we're what we're aiming foxy depending on what we're aiming for is to get 30 ladies there once a month on a Friday morning. And commit network there's a lot of business done on the back of it in the way that we do as well do people go through that we can see that we can enjoy that as well of course one of the absolutely that's what they do yeah. The other thing that we did we always got involved with different charities and felt from the groups of women that come together we network differently cements So it's not like a man bashing thing or anything it's about yeah it's about embracing the differences so we leave the men at the door and we you know we'll talk about shoes and handbags and holidays and all those fabulous things but we actually do business on the back of and support local charities and get involved with all sorts of different things how differences of the businesses involved in you know diverse assume of the businesses the involved in it and the very different so we have C.E.O.'s from large charities that home we have people that represent solicitors accountants that represent all the businesses that are employed we have people that may be out of multi-level marketing companies and people that work home on their own so we have a lot of ladies who are maybe coaches. Graphic designers seamstresses people like that that spend a lot of time on the road and don't realize until they come to was that they miss that camera and that's really one of the things that keeps them coming under supposed the people who control you who think well my business isn't really that big I don't do Doughty I will kill a lot of people or I want to share that with someone because I think what I've got is unique Yeah they can do they can come and. Talk to or do the ladies and hopefully increase their business OK so how did people become a member. You've got a network a lot of people different groups all that over the course 3 and when we launch in they're all just in the northwest at the moment I found Chinese than this year so we're looking for people in any time really but at the moment they're in the northwest so when we launch in Blackpool and January that will be number 9 so we've got inquiries from all the sense of the moment there in Bolton Preston surely Liverpool Manchester will launch week and next week we launch in the week after we've just launched stop or so the mix but right across the northwest so this franchise opportunities available anywhere in the country. I realize that I think every time should have a unique ladies grow because it's relays so positive in the feedback I get is it's overwhelming sometimes when you realize that you've got you know you've talked to someone who didn't realize you were doing it. So within the within the group we've got over a 1000 ladies on the database and it's that's growing continually but it's brilliant Yeah it's like a professional ladies' Dragons' Den absolutely that all the other great way to describe it is yes I know what you're asking earlier about you know people might not think the business is big enough and. Get involved with the wimmin get they really sporty they give a lot of confidence with people so the very good at sharing ideas are you know if you're struggling with that why don't you think about doing this so I would say to anybody come along come along once it cost you $20.00 pounds but what she called me remember we don't we don't charge a membership just a 2 and a lot and yeah it's a page you go to if you don't call me don't pay and a lot of networking groups you've got to pay a membership fee then you've got to pay every time you come and even if you don't come I wish it were a little bit unique like that because it's all about you know looking after each of the railing and being cost effective so I would say to anyone if you doubt it even if you maybe if you're unemployed and you're not sure what to do you might meet someone might want a little that would you know Hell Yeah absolutely it's that sense of community that is amaze me really and I always think about you know years ago you'd be talking over the back wall and think that we don't do that anymore people have on pads and stuff you know as right and this is a real nice way of you know of sitting and I'm in a chat with someone the fact that business is still on the back of it is even better OK so how can people find out more of a website or anything yeah so it's unique ladies dot co dot U.K. And they can go there we've got a Facebook page which is unique ladies H.Q. And then each different group has their own Facebook group so you'd have to look for like you need ladies at Liverpool and that's fine now that I spoke controlling that robot only further help just to get into it through the unique gentleman's network clear to believe. In we try and enhance everything they do even will. Thanks a lot I thought this one through the unique ladies group. Been some. Glue pole. Let me. Let. It's. Fixed. This is going to show so little. That fades out before it actually could because only 2 but it's 15 seconds for 40 seconds that's all and if age I thought just. But never mind. B.B.C. Radio. Good Mikey. Good afternoon. Following a broken down from 1000 that nuts with streets 18 at middle which is still very slow. But very busy because it's in the roadworks area as well and. 56 us moving fine is well perhaps a little bit slower. Moving through those roadworks just around Preston Brook around junction 11 where it's only slows down slots at 50 mile an hour speed limit that's in both directions 30 tunnels seem to be doing OK a little bit busy as you head into the tunnel just coming from the I'm 53 drive into Liverpool bit of a queue there just around innovation Boulevard can just about the queen's drive and it's a Kensington it's roadworks causing delays and also busy heading away from Liverpool towards the M 62 on the rockets no problems on timings bridge roads to make you aware of until the looking well through the central Liverpool actually we've got replacement bus services between Hunt's cross and Liverpool Central so because of a fallen tray on the line at St Michael's anything else you do spot feel free to give us a call if it's safe and legal stay so I want 517140953 Mike he's got B.B.C. Radio Merseyside travel Thanks a lot Mikey Thank you Sean styles brightening your weekday mornings on a child you program based on watching people in their living rooms reacting to the week's television to be hits you will believe me will jump off the form of a Gogglebox it's still a massive success. To people like. Them maybe mechanize folks I don't mind to told but Giles puts on a bobble hat and camouflage anorak when he goes out because he says he feels shy but then I've noticed if nobody does recognize and he starts taking off the Hatton looking around not perhaps $22.00 situation I'm not recognised ourselves but if I am recognised ourselves in style show a weekday mornings from $930.00. To . Dream. I'm always dreamed. Dreaming. Are just. Place. To. Keep. Dream. Dream. Dream come from. Dream. Always dream. Dream. Charges. Away such. People. Don't dream. Dream. Till much dream and comes. With a great loss is much greater. It's called simply dream OK I've got a couple of surprises. Yes you popped in the studio. For a treat that's been put on them by Lee welcome to the show late funk you're welcome and we've got a little lad with the little girl sort of a little girl sorry couldn't tell from a desperate to be an operator self don't out of touch the game No No No So tell us really were you hear. Me not a granddaughter sat up in the sixty's went on a vessel yesterday sources for supplies for them says I probably must open Sampras on Sirius OK so you're doing the show without between you good luck what. So it's Maureen and Len 60 years together now can you believe that that's a diamond elevator isn't this so many times would you've been given or not know when no one land outside is it brought your bottle of Double Diamond doesn't exchange Yeah she did actually the diving has been a long time coming off would fit the thing so it's great you both look great as well 60 years together on the ground has got more to it than me. Jealous of you and then we got a special record as to listen if you can loud enough for us. That Simon Callow will decide their part in L. . Which way did you 1st meet and I met him in the outer part will go away I used to do that when I was with a to see those in the sixty's I remember when you were young what you were but I was young. So what did you see only on a park board and then well didn't we already just out there that I don't bond others well yes I was in a band Dorset did and I course everybody used to dance that so but it was really God critic when you got to meet so many people so I came with you what I did it would be if and when I did to be 6345 So that would be after you went there Sure yeah I wouldn't been going there that night but I was standing at the by the door talking to some gals on the scene and more again I thought fancy him because. She said it was only a bit looser. So I said me friend I thought I fancy him so she turned Russian everything OK So that was it then and I don't know Iris I was like well it must be an hour and a half later this voice behind me said can have this dance I'm going to change round it was him its face 60 times still asking after a dance so I say Jim is that good looking fella I 1st met you on about Ball me says Mr Oh yeah you still see the you see this is. Not a line on the. Ground a doctor once or the B.B.C. Radio may just have went well I knew you value having to evolve to. A leisure you had already seen you there yes that was a really good brilliant relationship to get yes yes actually got to. The support of the Queen for your success Well the very heart of the adoption card in the post yesterday as well so learned. She was fun seeing you soon as she saw you how long would you been on Iraq before you got it for you before you want the audience to ask you for in that scene or before. I just asked well for that last dance I don't take a whole and I don't come from there was a last resort to be in. The body of a lot. Of thing you know everybody should knock your back yes but I think it could be right. 9 months later real engagement you could live under way to see that. So you got in there went away to see what Sally wanted you to go away to see when a matter of when I 1st met him he went away for 3 months and then he came back home and then we got engaged and then we got mad at 9 months later OK I'm just a liaison with Nicky about what we're going to play for you but find this OK so. If I remember correctly when I was younger let's go back a bit now it was very romantic in those who went away to see it was because are the couple of friends whose boyfriend would see you know they'd be looked at in the echo when the shots right for you to get the live reach a loop for the paper to tell you when that red ship would be that's right your entire deal with it was a big thrill because you get to eat the baits and sight Well what we. Will what we bring in you know how to have fun and so what did he bring you know not the last time. You have been happy but I'm going to let them talk Unity 000000 to feel like your coffee coffee that you like the play the hard work OK and the probably this record means a great deal see. Morning a shrink Oh hello from Les and your grandchildren thank you so much for popping in now you've got a funky but I'm pleased to come down my pleasure we finish now let you hear shouted the Smiths new record hopefully that we won't. OK. Agreements which fails to respect the E.U. Referendum result or divides the country into is unacceptable and the no deal is better than a bad deal she's given a speech in the last hour it comes after the remaining 27 E.U. Leaders rejected the Checkers proposal in Salzburg yesterday his Mrs May no one wants a good deal more than me but the E.U. Should be clear I will not overturn the result of the referendum nor will I break up my country we need serious engagement on resolving the 2 big problems in the negotiations and we stand ready 5 N.H.S. Walk in centers across where all could be closed with service civs moved to a new urgent treatment center at ARA Park Hospital the idea has been put forward by B. Clinical commissioning group which decides where money is spent in the borough it wants to make the system less confusing and ease pressure on A N E A consultation will be held to decide if facilities at Eastern Wallasey Birkenhead new ferry and Morton should be scrapped Phil Gilchrist is leader of the Liberal Democrat group on we're all Council and award.

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