Always plays the how I think plays the right and you know I've got no doubt many times but they'll get just a late Nichols Now why do all the British people go so strict policy like you know this stuff take my mind you have to sing about the railways not in your underground . Like club where kids netball but I think that the clock comes to such simple rules that. I mean I'm not afraid they will not be pleased that gays day you know I mean then you do get some black people rolling their eyes. Looking at you like you've just been. You know I don't know. How things you know the minute you know I'm trying to say no I do yes you you want people to stand on the right on escalate as. Well as well yeah in an ideal Well Dahlan ball and yet on that thought about how that anybody else else these days out there is a thing I want I mean I'm a bit worried about the the Japanese and the Singapore way of making it sort of the law it would have on on here to make down laws already but people it wouldn't do any harm for people to be courteous and get out the damn like but equally if you say excuse me please and they scuse you please and let you buy them no homes don't use it. You know well and I was so I was walked up the escalator in the slot last year or something and at that moment may. They believe gave me lays there. And then I walked out but they do. That anyway but well. Not well I knew she would not be glad because. The way you know it. It could've if I want the whole call I've been using the stairs rather than the glass and I thought well you always want it on the place shortly on my place a. Coming coming to say it was your place of work what in the name of God really rushed to get to. Well you know Neal Well take your time on stolen money watch the rush you know waiting to class well now ya and so just being lazy and impatient. Pays you for what you don't you know what. My line along God I'm going to pay him for years chime in let him pay for your time don't rush after a month. Life the way. I had. A life less than bad because you know I thought on Friday and I've always rushing about mending Jack slow down months I don't pay him often and gotta change maybe I've achieved something from this fall called ongoing fall within line and yeah normally I would really be gone from my fil a. I may go in my childhood just on g m 808-0218 double to demo 5 you want to join his ass go down to an. Island parallel a very large joking that I'm sorry. If you're on the lake now. Hello hello oh ye of the. Left this is the was this is a. Health issue but. Some people will stand and it is not the same it's touched house some tape a little stand and a chap is that doing the house up. Now I noticed a few weeks ago actually it's about 6 weeks ago and the chap is driving the foundations of his house I don't want to be doing the you want to do and not all my house shook but that's beside the point so after that about 6 weeks ago I was looking out the kitchen window and I saw a rat coming from his from the side and it ran into my couch well since then I've called the council to summon the haven't up so the chap cave had a look at the. The go watch has a bit of a when Tim is yes is definitely evidence survive to set up butts of some bait so then I suspect. I think it might be him a chick should so if you know why I said because I found a loaf of bread that the speed no and. And some of the bread was on the floor the same and have to mix it with the stuff to make evidence of unwrapped. As it is not a mouse or said no this is if this is not there is put down by something that mouthful weeks from baked and if I stick to the puts in the something so it went under the same pulley the kickboard out from under the Saints and it took the bait. 3 date certain and it came back suddenly and they just take no live bait they put of more bait and also the one in the gun just take it bait in the village had been taken and the one in the kitchen last week he took that he noticed it's a taken a lot so they put some soft down in the hole under the kickboard of the same if you feel that and it came back today and it is taking place. As a reply is the best from statins is taking a lot. And it's all for take the bait the central position now is welcomed us isn't that sweet as of but I don't want us to suck me to death for the rest of the kitchen and for that I'm probably not as fun to cook or anything else of a dual time to try and mess it know some days around I'm buggin the jumps on the soil and so he said Well isn't the. Worst to forget it next week but there has been going on now for for over 4 weeks and I I mean Christmas is coming up I'm terrified of this thing. I just don't know what to do I mean this fasting coming up now for a whole week on the screen behind. Me from the local authority. Yes I call a 1000 if you count them the council had to pay for it to get that in obviously National Safety don't assume and it. Wasn't supposed to be about something like that anyway he says of the laws about wasn't getting it said well and he had a look at the side of the Russian ish says oh there's a hole in the hole there is a vote for me and then I said a lot harder against that little because I don't have a vacuum a kitchen so he. Said Well as soon as I get rid of the get rid of it he said then we'll drop that holds up but the point to point is if they going on for 4 weeks and the Christmas coming up I'm getting a bit to tend to boxes around astoundingly So I mean the process seems to be No one in the House process process seems to be a they put poison down. They keep putting poison down until the poison stays down without being eaten and then you know the rights that have gone by the losses during Yeah so but he's taken the bait a game it came today and had a minute and they the bag back it put some solid ha and I'll be able to put a plastic self a chain not a now is taking it take all of that under the frank the one in the dodgy sides is just it is hardly It's just nibbled the edge of it he said so I said so that is dying here is it must be but he says so I'll come out next week so I'll have enough to put wallpaper down to name but the point is with this was coming I'm terrified being a woman and I'm the son in the kitchen and friend to cook to do any cooking or anything . When I'm like this is this is a sort of bit of an environmental house thing that when it releases environmental How often do you use from the Environmental Health and he's well there's a council of. The council. The rock my Michael and the rap indeed. But he did the poem and he works on there is the environmental health department and their 1st job is to kill the rats that you've got and then to prevent access to the rats that after and that's what he's doing and he is a Palapa. What you could try you know is to buy poison yourself so it's about and put it down yourself because what you don't know is whether the right comes in the day after each gone oh I teach the poison each the lot disappears in another rock Combs you don't know what I do she was playing me so. How many have you checked behind the kickboard. Ok well in that case if you get a few took the trouble to buy some poison you wouldn't guess anyway where they don't want to go that there's nowhere to put eat. Well. If it's a lunch in the sink the kitchen sink. Cupboard door the sink the cable but no them up they take it away. Bit let it. Be. Yeah so he put me put the policeman behind the kickboard Yeah in the. Weather take the pit bull it away puts it yes and this put this poison and not the put some poison gas or what I'm saying to you is I have either you have to wait. For his regular visits. Well what progress is being made eat Yeah all you take a bit of a. She knew a south all somebody up about this article read to kill them this stuff not to do that I'm going to kill you and I mean I move on and all the while the right killing companies unavailable and that they will do the same thing they will put down poison and they will not know how much of a know when this thing wraps and I don't want it Macavity know how you will know which you will know it's no longer than when he stops taking the poison. That's how you know. Hello. We seem to have lost you my shins in apologies I'll do John I tell him I'm going to. See by. Your own free will is not a bones Yes. It is a good does or does a preachin really bridge I don't know the name of it's all there at any rate but they can make sleeves or pull. The same resources equally arsons is a very Cendant good guy mentions of where where the door says come are to my knees then as mortal soul or tear or whatever whatever kind of banner it is but some way to send a darn mention you know what I mean. Yeah I mean I can see him now. I mean. I know what I would have done in his situation is I would have got. I would have got a plate and I've had it drilled with a hole beginning for the flue and then I would have had the plate hold so that it can fit to the fire but I've put all the holes in the sole of the flue could fix to 8 Problem solved but yeah. He doesn't want to do that he won't be taken out and replaced with one I suggested governments altered he just wanted to bring you can't shut him down and get on with it. The sucker listeners sent or more because right now that he shall not I'm also my uncle for your we'll go over say your wife has a space created. A man insisted I was in the border yes the 74 pounds is lonely. Like some things together you know to me the both communities are very friendly community you know meaning people are far. Pussy's one reason I was still going well let's not call him names written no there was no him. But yes I mean there are solutions like I said he could he could get you could get an engineer to make a plate no trouble at all. I mean he's difficulty at the moment and I understand these difficulty he feels aggrieved and the great problem when you feel aggrieved you want the person who's caused your grief to saute teach that job they should Tsotsi they think it's just wrong well yes but you know human a thing if you're going to play a great 6 well we're going to go we're going to be like after those and they still don't recall any good to raise from you know to me for details are. Really what would. A minute or a semi in your favorite a thank goodness need for me to comment on that universal sizes so if he said well I need an h.l.l. And all the age old is of the same No no I can. Stand. Like. Yeah. I could spaces between everything go right scribble. You know so it's not an easy measurement but a piece of paper and I. Hold an. Earthy great hope there will be a paper there and just now you're just sending the pitch you know over and it will take your folder out of the hole to create doubt no measurement. And there's no measurement they will tell is the size will make a plate jumps off but now you know. If I knew. Because it didn't seem to overstate what you're. Right you're all know what people are I mean there are some people who I think the expression is Hyundai and there are all those who are not. And if you're not then measuring a series of holes in a plate is a daunting task if you're used to that if you do that sort of bulge you know time like many of us do. You think when I can make this work but he's understandably peeved because he's done all my work to get a new fire in there and it's not working and I'd be as angry as ease. For the Comes a time when you've got to think right. Well if you know how do I get to where I want to be most easy over with is it solicits live off the boat there is a lift off for a car. Or I go pretty easy option Rick the flow off the boat and so not forgetting you and me John No we wait we clearly are bone idle we do the. So a local rock and officials will be yes it's you can see the whole from the outside part is you put a rock on the outside and oh. Yeah on even the inside. If you learnt you don't want to going to take port to sea so she starts on the Never side go to catch a criminal Come on are one of your other. She may do a shooting that is only one exits many critics fear a problem Iran Surat catch it told me years and years ago that they can get through I mean this is how many years ago it was Iraq can get through a hole the size of Africa which is about a 50 pence piece yeah. Which is almost unbelievable he said that a mouse can get through a hole the thickness of a pencil. Yeah you know cannot be right that edge that given the. Well that's what he said and he in seems to know what he was talking about says it is very sophisticated it may be good at the same things as the front of the. Charlotte abundant with a banana color. As if the color lives very well thank you this is definitely a very important election year then I like sun in Great Britain because parliament then you didn't ask right my life lol I mean the level of party led by support out my Dago I led the party support but he passed away now Mike on. Monday and by the I'm going to see a lot of we need to do the leg our really cool part m.p. I hope she will become m.p. On Kokoda use and chase film something about the youth. And the Liberal Party please be carefully read this while let us what little I thin to possibly a deal with a state of immediately a lot of blues then if you need dial it then all do use people and then everything even most impi pl understand beating him to keep these people the undusted at the peak is due to low load juice Klute Blake did you do the Lem not to stream people or place teeth marks out of many play hockey goal White thank you. Thank you our do Michelle. Hello how do you how are you I'm going to well thank you very good. Mark I think was talking about going to the postbox and it was for us and it was fall and the only thing I could think of was Mr Bean. I remember that one yeah I do I miss him very well almost when I saw the laughing to myself. The beings that learned early for a lot it was him all along it was his fault. Today I went how it's. For a pub mail and this guy talks to me from the table across from me and because he had me toward someone else and he said excuse me to my me asking where you're from question not from here and I said no he says away from that says Devon talky and he says I love your accent is the way you talk and then he started talking quite a bit and at the end he says I talk to people and not a lot less as well if you don't talk to people you won't make friends and that's how you make friends by talking to someone if that's a very good point. He was saying to me that many people do not talk nowadays we'll go on to each other and the younger generation just sit there on their mobile phones in cafes and stuff like that without talking to each other. Yeah I think you see yes they do have mobile phones and they do sit there looking at the screen in the Doz drive me crackers but they talk as well. So the rest of them I have a I you can see couples and their own talk a lot about I think in a lot of you come up together he's just going to be on your mobile but you don't text me on a conversation on title something that's just some people I mean not you must have gone to restaurants and soul. I'll use the expression married couples sitting then they've gone out to dinner together the spending a few bob that I'm in a glass of wine I mean treated nicely by the way to all waitress and they only speak to the waiter or waitress so night. I was going to condemn moment later people now for the same thing I mean only difference is that the middle aged people who do something that we face is as long as a dead dogs lives it gives it. And the not told me to womanhood I must admit but I also know when you go to the supermarket that some of the people on the till they don't even smile. Oh yeah you would you you might for the 1st week in the 2nd week round about the 3rd week if ever you want to do with the general public if you want to kill them all. Well. I would if I was on the tele I'd want to assault the beggars out you know get a move on well yeah I don't care what assault of a day you have out fell your back and saw the Earth that's why I don't work on supermarket tills probably but I've got a supermarket still you know with a chain that night but you know. Other people get up in the morning and stuff. But I just think that people that talk to each other in our family you say you people I don't know whether you've ever gone to. 2 schools where teenagers and frankly the noises I got the frightening thing well let them grow no no no no if he thought if I may say you know I. Mean that's. How they talk to you they're not meant to have a conversation with you. Well enough. Because you're old as far as that can set and I know you know you'll do when he's getting in the way they want you out the way so they can go on being young before they run out of time Next you'll be saying because I was there and I. Know saying not to I'm saying that you are falling into the truck that older people fall into a nutty saying that the not like we were when we were young well when you were young I promise you the people your age now Senate have seen this loaded tripe they called Children on the bloody yelling we let them get in the we'll way the fighting was when they were that age we're going to if they don't care about making a machine guns and all that crap I'm not that old you know I know but I'm just saying every generation thinks the youngsters beyond the amount of waste a bloody space oh the round when they did. Choose in things like. You know I'm no good. I mean deed but you know I say again I just think of me the beam in. Every generation thinks the generation beyond them don't waste the time energy and space worth the 5 don't get out of it their wife the time I just think they're on the mobile too much so I don't think they're Well I agree with you know them Obama's too much but they're not they're not she also if it comes to sex not to I promise you I know some of them not to speak to some teenagers need to get good conversation out of quite interesting some of the. Same mystery out of it. Played around with and come to the away from it would be nice. But will support you be nice. Imagine how I feel I have to listen every night. I know I'm missing what I think. John. Allen. You were talking earlier to be about the Dali painting of Christ on the cross Yeah well draw your attention to an album cover that uses the same type of artwork you know it's about Cole Campbell. And they have an album called I can see your house for me here and it's got an astronaut all across the floor to no be or. I'll get maybe can get on the computer and shall we yeah so easy what they call it is called Camel who is the c.e.o. Of a k. City. Council and it's a 979 now if you know it was released on Decca Records one. Kamu mind. Who lives ruined but oh yeah they did that small groups I don't know what that is and I don't even know if it's legal it was a poll Gallup Poll noble. Novel Yeah it was a novel by Paul Gallico right I thought they were about and yes I was about to a novel. Musical version of the novel. It was an all instrumental album that came out Ok. I can see your house from a year. Run. Ok women never go if you can get it right I probably count I have managed to do so yeah and I was still intrigued by them being able to make an album of a of a noble Yeah they really just single from a cold. All cold. Flight of a small group. Where the signal from there was only instrumental there are. Mainly an instrumental group although they do do some. They still go and they've just got back together think they're doing a touch the tour next year and very late they think you're doing. Ok I'm I've not found an image yet so I understand who could. Let you go they usually give me the choice of him each but it's not doing for some reasons and they. Don't. Don't want to say to the right well an astronaut in space crucified Yeah and they float in above the earth and just say I can see your house from here well I don't want to say to that. But I'm going to accept nothing else for the novel. By Paul Gallico and they will then we've got it now yes now I've got it all were. See what you mean you know if you see the connection the. Weather and not know she who knows this also at the same time. I mean she should call Ed Welsh out an album out called The small groups well she was known particularly for playing on the q. Series with Spike Milligan April Avril h. To write songs with Spike Millie can. Write. His own album out the same ear. A Jewish told us in the vocal the senility to spit. The camel out of them is called music inspired by the snow the snow will do and they performed at the Royal Albert Hall. Well I until now I'd never heard of them and. You know music's not my field anyway but yeah yeah and we go and there's an interesting album called I'll grant you yeah or whether they'd ever seen the dolly and felt well webpage that I made just when they're just not when it is you know it's hard to know yeah. I mean I get on yeah Ok lots of people love him a lot I do is I guess I do Jessica Oh well I know Jeff when did was the words didn't he did yes. Right well took the book took a couple. Checkouts all reflection it's probably better to be wished to have a busted by someone who doesn't made a than the child to be sold off but somebody of jewels. I think you might be right I. Remember it so as we start to chop to somebody at the checkout to sell the other just to postulate like it completely is if you don't think that's yes crime is crime uncomfortable isn't it quite rude however the lady with the problem yes. Even Social welfare is the lesson that some type of lots of the whole block track deal with the state has got a heck of a probably diligence and for years I was caught she really let traffic well strops who spent small fortune in pay double check that I got to know what. I also saw the plug in which certain words are sorts of good and I got a different well what's worse Personally I'm not of any bias about 2 years. Once a month or so I put out a little mouse food to save his day see if I still love them and it isn't so it is work and should not try yeah it's a good idea and I could have those fall pests outside. And I've never heard of any one of them with a king but I suppose indoors where the sound is contained maybe they do. So much opera to 12 you can put in a corner of the room yeah but the ones that you cloak of a notch go through the walls otherwise I'd get one for every room all right and up stairs along dials. She turned on the trick. So. Well it's almost just a chat with. Yeah. Well fortunately they don't go to him which is their favorite food upon. Yeah. I wonder how they found out. He'd go have a good. Oh it's under 2 want to double 5 I suppose you've got to mention it it's a bit of a bag goes to try and mention it without mentioning the other patsies is tricky Johnson has said he might he might they'll get a little less definite as you get closer to the election he might look at the wisdom of the television license and yeah I thought I would just let you know that's what he said in 0802 when I double to double 5 What do you think of that's what he's an expression the American what do you think of them out bills I don't really know what it means but I've heard it used. And did you watch the fight on Saturday I thought paid me 2525 quid to Sky to watch the fight. And he Joshua one always titles back which I suppose is a good thing for them and he made a report he had someone in the region of 60000000 quid which again I say is not bad for him I'm sure he's agents in a lot of tech a slice but he would be left with at least a sandwich full book God it was boring wasn't. Going to it was a tedious fight to rob a scene and get not counted again then what she'd done surround want to get a girl's blouse doing gone it was tedious out there on a date. And the again. Very painted in Sicily. You know. Those one I remember as a kid and it was supposedly a. Tragic pencil of a little girl over the top of the bunker and was really down to the boy it was blond blue eyes and they seem to be worried in a blue eye that they had to see it come into her. Left eye and this painting must post lying somewhere in a big hole in the building. You are missing the Survive process pencils that ring any bells will see this you know no not a toe not a clue I'm just wondering and I relist. Does not for me jump. Several of the building. To be this want to talk to friends and not know I'm not a I don't believe all. Their profiles and. I could just painting of a child and I'll get you going it won't kiss paintings de. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo that sounds like one of them you should get from both since that kid with the candle unless it's a picture we really we. We really Winky running through the town of stand downstairs in the night gown knocking on the windows wrapping up the locks on your children in the bed it's past 8 o'clock or 6 o'clock go these days past quarter past 10 well you know the line now 22 minutes to midnight you want to join as you can we hear it's a 1 o'clock the nobody. To want to double 5 and you don't have to resign nursery rhymes I want to jump I you know I went oh yeah well I'm going Well I weighed about Doc I did the little blue eyed boy Payton name people pose like fire and I was. Both are crap but anyway I forgot about him up to now does that many things been said since Messiah you know. People talk to the children every time I go in a shop boys name by Jinn the look miserable and shit I just said Alright Mandy but some of you know me and those never smile often nice be nice to welcome everybody anyway I got on the back end of you know that guy said he got some and delivered some big moves on the badges on my every day was not about any one day I'm a cash dyin. Stove delivered Yeah exactly I want to I mean I I was going to stop but I all big stuff you know and you know when I think he says what about you know he my job I always say my job is a to b. Right now most of the stuff you get to a place de going to fall talk to lift it off by black that's it you know me but I wait for a 2nd call me up say I won't mention a. Job I don't sound silly He's a specialist now Dad only putting out too old a good spittle saying something you know people either supplying the goods from abroad or whatever and then you all come to where you want to write. I used to take big gear to places. On ad job when he said Specialist what they meant was you don't drop it on the pavement over there but you sort of did live it you put it where they want to right by obviously the ones plumbing and all electrics into it that's up to whatever I go down afterwards but the number of times up drove from I mean I live in Washington right and I'm too old to catalyze sculling them on it and they get it and they say op in waiting for you . Yeah so which one in the city but one in the corner or whatever it is something money in finish up don't know so I'm coming from well yes you know I don't know what I was taking I'll put money at the tail end of that guy I mean is he going to get on to the place in China that commitment it or do you all just called me because you always call me or say Look ate to be you know I can get it to the key so I order I can program John his position is simple he doesn't get in touch with China all the hall that companies got no contract with I mean only got a contract with the retailer that sold it to him Yes End of story. But quality board ship right from when I say I want a claim of sale and. He bought it from a supplier from a company that's where the contract begins and ends yes so they called me both total now they might get it from China but they Ok I know it's complete liberty Well it depends you know but it will be delivered and they have the obligation because he bought it to be delivered a day of the obligation to deliver it how they go about it is up to them and him when he owned a deed yet that's the point I'm making on them because you have drove through into the country got to a place. Understand all fantastic and we want to not clone little bit no my job that's what he said Specialist I mean that's just a silly name to say that I'm not going to drop it on the pavement I'll put it in the corner where you want to you know and I said I can't even get to the front don't I what I've been to places bad I can get into from the whole bowl there's no way I can get in that call and I have to you've got my sis's stock and shelves that it will fit through you know so I'm a 10 round and a ship but I'm getting on to the company now. Like I said I don't have to Lackawanna that it's like you Shayan along some goods off at I don't know pay acausal but I believe that right I'm not that van pulls up outside of that the name and blazon dolo bit right. But they don't wait for them they're just all it's company but the got just a name put on it you know they don't think they don't wait for the non-tax never get out but that's not relevant the only thing that's relevant is what was the contract now if when you were being a specialist driver if the contract between the the Maya and the seller was that you would all somebody on behalf of the seller would install it and that's the contract but yet that's one challenge Saillant because they as as it I'm just saying if somebody orders an a big a large item from company a Right now Company a can't move that so they get that contract to the only company I'm Dr Paul I know and what the company 8 say to the customer will deliver that and they will fit it all put it where you want it right so when I show up I'm not completely a I'm company baby I'm the one in between to when I go. And I it's impossible for me to get it into the premises right they don't get obviously they go back to complete a a human that I wait for them when I'm standing there scratching my head and say look but you have got to. Come on she won nothing employed by that and your firm has an agreement with I agree that you yes I know you can agree with what was it no no no no I'm going to change I know you're going to say because they have an agreement say we can we can deliver that So what I'm saying is to close them at the end the line automatically issue that may be put in open the wagon way for the need to bolt it off and I'm just the middleman so when I get there and say it's impossible I can't get this through the toll they should write rights and get on to your company but the company they get on to is the one the pages that up the she didn't come from. I don't want to rely on the middle I guess yeah I'm the guy in the middle it takes all the flak that. She will get on to the company Eden but I don't maybe you didn't buy it off my company because I'm the old it's got my company is black black black you didn't buy it off blah blah blah you're both of the 8 you promised to do this job right yeah I'm the specialist guide I can put it but what if what I'm saying now is that the automatically assume that the guide up pulls up in the wagon with the big name blazing on the side is the call made to boss it off. You don't come from a I do rock I'm not sure what contribution it makes to on discourse earlier but yes I understand what you're saying yeah still got some same way. You were the guy got it all he said about I ordered this item is he getting on city or it's called lead up no he's not there to hold these companies nothing to do with it it's irrelevant as far as he fell in the cave and the astronomy I found as he's concerned the hall h. Company did that jump and that was to deliver it to the towpath his job should be yeah his job was then to get eaten the narrowboat and then when he got through to any found that it won't work right now seeing that now. I know the job would have been in the supply of my job at a big time would have been to get it and him out of well you know me I'm not him you can be got to focus on that would be that would depend on the contract he had with the supply which is the only contract he house yeah right oh you know I say I came in the back out now and I'm just going out from the old deliberate in the mud I'm getting people always played the last basement opined to be like yeah you order something from the chump I'm in the chump on 90 I wasn't blaming the delivery for he was right he'd installed it it didn't work and it cost me money and energy to install it and he thinks because it didn't work and was never going to what he thinks the supply I should pay for him to have it taken out and this am no I don't go along with that all day long a cycle it's only now we have the I said Oh good on you jump I'll do Jack. Yak yak Rock River. And I just yeah I was a. Nothing joke or anything thank you. For the last few words was the 1st all clear Christmas mean to people I can't speak for people what does it mean to you know. Being honest I'm actually Jewish I don't serve a Christmas tree was seen it looks like choir it's joyful 1st of all. It will be a warm quiet looks to me that quite a bit of waste of money Russia best ever old. Things and personally other. People I think Christmas is a cruel thing to not relation of money you know it's always my editorials came out wrong sorry no no no I mean when I'm agreeing with you even though you think you are wrong I think Christmas is a complete and utter waste of money do you really know well why do you think that what does one get from Ain't nothing oh yeah but 1st of all it's especially in the most festivals whatever the spiritual base most festivals are a waste of time energy and effort. Yeah well you have a good night but you know you can have a good night without having to get some bloke in a red suit with a white beard pretending to be homo he. Don't come to lose. Oh yeah we have without book about now it's 8 days actually on a Can it yeah. I should know who wasted time yeah kind of there's a go no oh no no doubt we go to war nobody ever got to the gates of heaven and so that you missed on account you know going and going to going to don't. You would really go Yeah yeah well I haven't been booked I know what's going to happen at the gate so I'm going to be turned away and sent downstairs with the other loss but I'm lucky because I don't believe any of it exists yeah all right it's all tonight was I tell you one thing you think it's of a bit of a way for us. To quit our. Like cruel retreat go up there with the pride right. I don't know I did if you tell me Well you know you know when I go out on the banks what you said so far I could get in how do you know that helplessness average Joe because the maverick I have not the faintest idea that I go on average I don't know icons average the average. Price and only John have his ear I don't know. It for about 50. If you say so I'm prepared to think. It's probably about 50 feet about about average but about that if you had all right Ok. Well actually want 50 I don't. Put Oh no I'm not mean. That we can build up for entire found which tend to be quite big. So Hanukkah I know little about your faith you know as little of your faith as a do is all going to face on that on many but I didn't know the Hanukkah reclined that you don't know you know if he ever got to be Prime died of the price. Really 10 days of just 18 don't know she's not 88888 days of just eating donuts is not going to be good it's actually called the festival of lights a bit of a joke it's called the festival of lights right if you say so I don't know got the joke Hanukkah you feel anything quite like because you've eaten. I don't know what's wrong or straight out of yours rooting it. Explaining it to disprove that also sticks. I didn't know it was a joke. Musta missed the bit I don't know what Honaker is no idea I know it happens around Christmas time. And that's my lot really I don't know any more. It you shouldn't be sure the rate is actually very little but you get all found everything I might like like like like the camels right away so that film with David and I would write 3 candle Ok whatever 2nd I think it all family get together and obviously the mother from the pride. It's called luck or oh I found. I mean it's not a nice I tell you I don't survive as well and I hope I never have to face it again let alone me to. Fish. Dial that was. The law absolutely horrible No It's disgusting. I don't know do you describe it to me it's like a. Slew of like being me stuff. When I wanted something that would pass the test but whether it was called Vats I don't know most Jewish I don't know whether it's really Jewish food but most food I get from. When I'm going to describe it is a Jewish delicatessen most of the fud food in the joy he but that can filter fish you can shelf but put the rest of it it's been all right. You know when I worked for Sky telly we were in the West End of London and just across the road from the studios theatre but just across the road was Rubens is it the world famous Danny and they go in that they did hot salt beef and most did some we G.'s all kosher book absolutely gold use Photoshop it was it was a kosher shopping. Gone now but it was well known for years Rubens in the West End It was a kosher. Delicatessen and as I say they did they still have this big beef that they had on a on a warming pan all the time whatever time you went in day already evening you could buy a hunk of big from the. Cheap. Everything spent totally you go but the bread was magnificent to the bread was a thick Cooked Seed bread and with the seeds of magic you know whether to go to folks. I asked a producer I had many years ago a radio producer who was Jewish I said I want to try it because he introduced me to law case and I'd heard a lot about good filter fish and he brought me Shulman it was bloody awful. Horrible to do more than it was too silly are you not saying I won't say because I'm not his or her permission at the moment. So there you are how do you think about the size of what you call it Ruben you've been tell you know just restaurants yes we won restaurants No but I have been to all the Jewish deli meat. You know some of them kosher some of them Jewish deli in general by Jewish people but went entirely kosher although they sold kosher still fresh they sold all of the stuff as well but yeah like what was even. A condom and now you're the Americans and these a lot of it in New York and then they've got great few dummies in New York I'm trying to watch some of it no. Not just have to although I don't. Know I don't it's like a big me that turns around you know got a whole chunk of meat turns around slowly like by the by he I mean a kebab Yeah yeah it's called she wanted Yeah they suggest basically yeah but it would be better than I mean I don't want to be disrespectful to your average Let's not take away but it will surely be better than some of the kababs I've seen you know I'll tell you why because. Our type of meat that we get. There has to be kosher we don't pull the eyeball bowed such. Really well no I'm not laughing because you don't I'm not finitely implication that all those do I must admit when I bought a car bomb I've never have an i. This is not. Me I'm telling you that for all the horrible for meat that you read we actually know all about the that's what they put into this wrong with that's why we know it's not really but that's why not Jewish Wahlberg above us are generally cheaper because it's more like just left leftovers such Rockwell to reach one has rather left over from. I often wonder you know about some of the I don't just mean your faith but some of the rules of eating that dietary rules of faith and I get into whether centuries ago somebody I wouldn't thought we got to look after the truth you know and I remember you know the question I get off why does something that's in your stomach. Like how the how about best state where you go to heaven not what you got your start. Back push the law and try to yeah the young survive being given to them and I think it's one of the most honorable answers I've ever been given to such a searching question and I asked. Do you presumably know about the food detective Yes I I had the pleasure of interviewing the food detective years hardly ever in the country because he's all over the planet says you know checking every miniscule even down to the salt and pepper of everything that's available to be bought as it were claiming to be kosher and he's the kosher detective and I interviewed him many many moons ago and asked him why why would he thing a problem keep you out of heaven and he says there won't it's the decision not to obey and I thought it was a fantastic concept because he was saying that his faith and under the faiths have a similar view his faith says we have these rules that are in many ways the Russians and those irrational routines you abate them all disobey them your pleasure. Just testing you you'll think I'm nuts if you go not a faith you don't to be tested. Yeah so do you tell it you know you're coming out of that you don't celebrate Christmas No I'm not saying I don't celebrate it I'm sad it's a waste of money. That's not the secular state. Paid 25 quid to watch your boxing much on the telly the other night I went to look at me. Very much the result in a boring so what if I want to free will on the loft but in training those on. A Saturday night. To train the woman the one that broke down and. The one that broke down at Stockport Yeah. I know often that you know in life and the fact that on that last day you still couldn't get it right that's going to. Stop Oh yeah that was like it was that now about the 9 o'clock train. Going off so forth yet so I how I watched it free of that longer wall my history with it I placed on the train and everyone was watching it wants me. And what we all know how legal that's ace yeah nevermind everyone got drunk all the trade sick people seeking really not nice but you know a bunch of friends off there that have fun running the last 11 of a k. Yet I want. To. Try to get myself to get out. Clearly drunk we must move on good to taught you to do enjoy your Hanukkah Yeah well you don't. Use it I don't have a good comic or Israel always 100 to one I double to double 5 going to join as you can pick your phone and have your say and that's the one thing I do respect about it well there's lots of things I respect about religions but I respect the idea of having a set of rules which frankly culturally pointless like in Ruby all football or Chinese or whatever the real To just made up their meaningless but that a way of testing you with religion it's testing your faith what's wrong with you going to do it do it right. B.b.c. News that midnight time more old Listen to British women are among 31 people in hospital in New Zealand after they were injured in a volcanic eruption on an island off the country's north coast 5 people in 12 have died another 8 are missing police say they don't expect to find any more survivors New Zealand's prime minister just and again spoke at this stage we can confirm that amongst those currently listed as missing or injured New Zealanders who were part of the tour of operation and tourists from astride the United States the United Kingdom China and Malaysia and that is the basis of our knowledge Boris Johnson insists the conservatives the making the biggest ever investment into the n.h.s. It's often referred to a managed of a boy with suspected pneumonia sleeping on a hospital floor during an 8 hour wait for a bed in Leeds speaking in Bristol Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said it shows the country needs change should Tories have had knowing years to fund our n.h.s. Properly. It's time to bring the regime to an end I know that the Labor government is determined to fund our n.h.s. Properly Meanwhile Labor have been outlining what they do in Methodist 100 days in office. They say that Holden and he'll start a budget in February and begin the process of bringing water and energy back into public ownership as you these are thought to be outselling electric cars by 37 to one the findings come from the u.k. Energy Research Center which says it makes a mockery of targets to reduce harmful emissions over the past 4 years 1800000 S.U.V.s were sold compared to 47000 electric vehicles Russia's prime minister has described a 4 year ban on it taking part in major international sporting events as chronic anti Russian hysteria the bans being imposed by the World Anti-Doping Agency which found officials had tampered with lap data to cover up evidence of state sponsored doping but Dmitri Medvedev says it's politically motivated specially in the store in letters he's kissed around you it is obvious that significant problem still exists in Russia I mean our sporting community this is impossible to deny that on the other hand the fact that only decision is a repeated often affecting our fleet Sue has already been punished in one way or another of course this makes one think that this is part of the Russian hysteria a host of British talent has been recognized in this year's nominations for the Golden Globe Awards fleabag is up for best comedy its star and writer Phoebe will abridge is nominated for Best Actress in a t.v. Comedy a levy a Coleman gets the nod for her role in the crown the man who inspired the Ice Bucket Challenge which helped raise millions of pounds for such into motor neuron disease has died 34 year old Peter phrase He's had been living with the condition for 7 years the challenge which went viral in 2014 so people have a bucket of freezing water poured over them b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 12. Nights only $800.00 you want to eat. B.b.c. Radio Lancashire and b.b.c. Radio my. God wanting how I of out there. James hello hello some have few things relating to films and music. One of the did the film one was relating to a certain birthday this occurred on December the 9th which is now yesterday and that was the 101st birthday of the actor cook don't gloss he turned on during 3 years yesterday and many still alive in the way he's just turned 103. And is one of those actors it was a very high percentage of the films that you would somehow I would call it a good while very good maybe about its 80 percent of best films good or very good. And I remember. Reading At one point that. He regarded his own favorite film as the the film that I would regard as his best film don't you remember that one that's lonely all the bridge that was a 962 film you know the only the only one I know for sure is when I was a kid Hercules and then Hercules on train change and I don't think it was in those you know how he was astounded he was in Ulysses.

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