$87.00 he guided his side to elite title anteriorly Cup wins in his a is in charge and at the u.k. Sneak a championship Steve McNair's Steve in the alibi 6 frames to nail to pick his place in the final he takes on China's decision way for the title this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sounds small speak I was going to be one windy for most of his overnight Sundays looking windy with severe gals in some hot showers in the north in the West they could be thundering as well sunny spells and showers expected in the south and east now free time is about 9 Celsius breakfast. For the start of food. Good so it does happen doesn't it when you eat it then you have a ball coming straight out I wish I could quickly read this one for the for 32nd year in a rug the toilet sounds so with. A red upside down from the take pride of place so much very much like Paris with my son Alex which feels like the main reason I will never forget the look of love and pride he gave me when he presented it to a car he made it a story all those years ago 4 o'clock breakfast back Monday morning. Like Good evening it's 5 past midnight look this is going to make good on the radio will tell you why there are so many great stories to talk about through the Sunday papers there's a lot of politics to talk about. A lot of time tonight for your calls only to wait 591613 the kids better because we've got 2 of our favorite paper of yours on to right now how much of the brain the curry the pig with is years they're good Hello Bahama adds even steven even craving Hello Edwina how you will I'm doing Ok And some people are going. To have done with the shadow secretary of state Tony Lloyd so much sorry for him. Thought he did really well someone just tweeted me and said I very rarely swear but I make an exception your kiss you. You are a 1st class bastard for the hottest job you've done on labor and especially Jeremy Corbin on your 5 live show tonight you can interrogate without art right bias as you just did and that's from someone that describes himself as Chrissy away pay I think Chrissy you need to get a bit respect for yourself does this mean you're going to believe that you're talking to an individual that's me doing my job and let me bring in some calls and that let's get your reaction 1st of all do you think that you think that Tony Lloyd did a good job and well I spent I tell me why Well just quickly I spoke to him just as he left the studio and he was very complimentary about you Stephen he thought you did a very good job you're a professional. Both mean to me and have a high level of respect for you but I think he said Howard Walt The challenge is awful labor in this election he took on those difficult questions and you put him under the microscope and I think he did pretty well in the circumstances wouldn't have been great if cabinet ministers had had the same opportunity to be grilled by you. Know about me tonight why don't you make it work 20 law instead tonight. I 99 you know it for many many isn't easy very nice bloke but he was not up to dating with I think the questions I thought you know about the fairly obvious ones to ask he is the shadow secretary of state for no the moment and one of the key things about Koeppen he says he's always been a friend of a Ira He has denied being a friend of the Ira But you know if they lie that. He wouldn't have denied they are being a friend of the I right when I was in parliament with them he was talking about a donation fee in a political party house where the British government I would point out have been. Rights right but he also attended memorials for Ira men who had been shot dead by they are by the essay I should say he the site that he took Stephen was always. They saw it to people who during the British papers disgraceful but I'm sure this guy is others who are saddened by that I just don't consider serious do not require that you should really reflect just like in the interview time I did when a let's refer to the interview that we played tonight you pick from it's very interesting and it was and it was from August 25th and Jeremy Corbin condemned all violence. So yeah but I mean he's not sure that's a platitude Oh sure we take notice but even in these times. Away with that sort of propaganda he has been a consistent opponent of violence and terrorism across the girls not. Show me Tony Blair Jonathan Powell Alastair Campbell were all talking to the sheen Fane there was. A huge number of politicians from the late eighty's to the early 2000 who worked Ok to get a peace process on the idea that Jeremy called Binns supports terrorism is a disgraceful thing he has told you on your part but it just shows you the absolute ridiculous buys that you have like you know let me bring in some no no you must have gotten a minute Steven I think I need to defend myself because I served in parliament with Cermak open for 14 years and he used to sit and listen to him making these sorts of speeches he does condemn violence of course he does but he condemns only one side of the design. And telling the rest of it is a platitude. It's really really are boring and the moment you start to put in question to before he became the Labor Party leader 2015 years before when he was still a backbencher almost unknown except. Well actually that that such a before he became the Labor Party late I think wasn't it then the whole thing went on tour in the summer then you find that his has realised that when Labor Party members are longstanding Labor Party members condemn him for exactly what I've just said you have to take that seriously and advocate to vote for the Conservative party you never being supporters of the Labor Party I'm going to you talk about supporting terrorism we have Margaret Thatcher friends and supporting Pinochet in Chile and he was a to state sponsored terrorist who pressed his happiness. Don't give me these that . So I don't want to hide but I do think in the interest of balance I don't need to point out to you something that you know when you're choosing not to say tonight which is that the British governments have been talking to the ira since the seventy's but this is a different thing from between because they're conservative I mean and now there is a huge difference between trying to get to the point we genuinely get peace and part of that whole process is trying to understand what is behind those people who support groups that are terrorists that's what's been happening that's has happened that's happened in South Africa I just happen to know that on and we have to be very glad that these Precious's have existed during on time that we can continue talking about all of this Stephen Biddle spreading state if I stay with. The Word of God No more obvious. But where the fuck you're right is a lot probably all of you want your I want God you know and so what are you saying Steve. By what you often call before we call them Bob you're buying a gnostic paper novel I love that I would like to follow that would be your pocket for going private very much why not. Because that's a really important point when you interview Boris Johnson or conservative politicians you don't ask them to condemn British atrocities in Northern Ireland you don't ask them to condemn loyalist atrocities because we assume you will be rightly assume that all politicians in our public life whether the conservative or Labor have a consistent record and stance of opposing terrorism and I just think you know desperate measures from the conservatives because if they were as we are some of the papers are suggesting for a landslide victory and a majority Conservative government they were would be putting the slurs propaganda weekend before there is even one saying that we are here to 1 o'clock. Helmick or had. I just want to say to actually interview. You like I was actually. I live I live. Local to so many lights only light is a very good. Local labor m.p. Is a very is a very decent mom and I don't believe for one minute that he agrees with or buys into a lot of the rhetoric or support Jeremy Corbin House and the opinion that Gemma Coburn has had over a number of years and I think Mr Lloyd certainly tried is best to defend the party line which of course he should do as a Labor m.p. But Chemmy Cool Beans defense of the Ira is indefensible and I come from a an area that is quite strongly Labor says that there's a strong labor Holland here and I can tell you that the people on the ground they do know they do not buy into Jeremy Colvin they do not buy into a defense of the ira they don't buy into it the sense of how much and has a lot of this isn't as as Mohamed says right wing propaganda this is just what people see. Out there as evidence well he's never he's never and Dos the ira he has not had. Time I didn't say he had what he said. He said to me ma'am and I didn't say that I said that he he has not condemned the Ira So it's kind of I'm going down here no he doesn't why don't why do have to be selective in terms of you know terrorism. I'm not being I'm not being inspected you are my friend no I couldn't I'm all violence why that is from my list all Republican Joan Collins consistent against welcome you don't tell me can you show me I mean can you show me I'm happy to be corrected if you can show me can you show me somewhere. Jeremy Corbin himself has gone and paid you to 2 British army forces that have. Any any forces like that that give that life in any conflict I don't think you can in time you want to I mean what relevance is that going to the idea that he suddenly supports terrorist groups. I mean are. We going to get. Suggestion that Jeremy suggest supports terrorist groups that. I know I know the interview tonight that we played from 2015 this clear the chairman Corbin was not prepared in the interview he was not ready to condemn specifically or a violence when I asked him to specifically do a show he chose which he had the entitlement to do James. And you have the entitlement to show you're not jam sure Damien right yeah he was then entitled dance or whatever way he did and you're entitled to return to it whatever waited one James in Wales you know happy tell me why. Hello champ. In the way you conducted valiant do tonight I can I just say to the young gentleman speak in payment for before I did you talking a load of tripe I happen to be old enough to remember Jerry Nikko been standin in a campaign against I thought it was the end The upon a dream in. In Africa and Mrs Currie that's with you there was a government that that had about him supported the apartheid regime in fact. My reset your called Nelson Mandela a terrorist. Jamie Coburn was a rested for standin in and saying he's no terrorist he's a freedom fighter no if you call it what Jenny I can tell him on a terrorist Well you know. You I'd be to Africa. And Stephen and I are going to like this but I'm sure you would agree my father was from Southern Ireland a passionate southern Irish gentleman my God Right up until the day eat and he would tell me of situations and in no with an island with Catholics would bond from job. Do you have any clue. What is exactly the c m. This is kind of. Prime Minister. No that's not. True I'm sorry I mean that if I may respond from listening carefully to all of this you know we were targets of the ira conservative members of parliament were targets of the Ira So now I know we were particularly targets between between 1979 of course we were but with respect. Yes yes 5 members of parliament all conservatives died at the hands of the ira not all conservatives with one unionist in northern and western and they but they died at the hands of the ira between 1900 $79.00 when done and the end of the 1980 s. 1900 when in doubt was killed so what would we expect in 1904 when the headquarters hotel in Brighton at our party conference and I'm on that at that party comes when that was blown up by the Ira what would we expect our parliamentary colleagues to do we would expect some sympathy what did we find 2 weeks later China comments bringing They Ira members into the House of Commons I can't outrage was you know in the same Gerry are Jeremy Corbin would say that he was reaching out to people and you are trying to find I just tried reaching out. To the items that's what the British government would do as well surely I mean this is this is the point. We agreed to you you've talked about the little you know even mention loyalist terrorism and you didn't mention the discrimination and harassment and killing of Catholics in Northern Ireland but with with the old geezer like you try some as well they're all wrong. You know we're all wrong Big Jim and call Been says all wrong he's like couldn't he's clearly. Didn't I write show but 2 wrongs don't make right chairman was a member of parliament when membership that house who had been killed within the couple of weeks away he said you're not alive still matter. I'm not saying that Catholic likes Monash. That is just not saying I'm not saying talking about suddenly I mean saying. When we talk about last night's not just when I saw some type talking of no point because it's not talking about another thing about people that you have seen in the tear him since you have seen in the lobby as coping would never actually be friend any Tory he wasn't one of those labor and peace in Northern Ireland Very well let me but it's a long process and it's not as simple as that John Major reaching out to Gerry I did a little chat over each other because I can tell you know every line into 5 life is jammed over this lot so if you want to talk about it some of you know how you will have a place on 5 life Jim's calling us from Northern Ireland actually Hello James. Street . Are you go for Parker to hear. Your plan or a 4 year old. Girl McCall one week before reelection. I'm not talking I like him you know what. Most of the people I have one clue they are trouble fair so I'm no good but a part of that I am very disappointed when a courier and I think she owes me cold I'm not sure let me I don't let you speak Edwina directly let me just answer for my part jams it is completely valid to hold politicians to a kind for what they've done join their career especially if they are wanting to hold the office the highest office in the land Boris Johnson is rightly being asked questions about things that he wrote 20 and 30 years ago the. Moment one of them and I don't let one moment chance it is the labor. Party themselves who are citing some articles that Jeremy that bars Johnson wrote when he was a journalist over a decade ago and when you say that it's absolutely right that that should happen you cannot surely thank criticise may for playing an interview that Jeremy carbon did just 4 years ago but also necessary Johnson remove. A mentor to Aman you may look the same so you know what those lists are and you can draw your conclusion from. What you need almost a complete But just on message one point. A lot of them live in Germany call them it's always condemn violence like everybody like also here in the north we've come down violence from every quarter of course also collect through the whole Black said to be at this poll not laid back and. A seasoned politician like a winner card to come by and say what he said lie on little or you know just not all really I think just out just look this up but just to make sure of my facts. The people who were invited by German equipment to come into the house that comes in we saw them that just after the Brighton bombing where Linda quickly and try McLachlan both convicted of activity connected to the Irish Republican Army he should have made sure that people like that didn't come any what you can imagine how scared we are sharing here actually. Yeah but when you're just going to just talking to the ira from the seventy's. When are we for security here where you where you had to live clearance he needed somebody to calm I'm told you need to talk to people could get what you're saying you speak softly and you carry a big stick you have to have defense as well you have to make sure the reason the ira gave up in Northern Ireland in the end is they knew they couldn't win it throw a bomb on the wall that way and when it no and they had mentioned that I think speaks softly but I don't carry a stick for anybody because violence is long all filing Why do you think James Jeremy Corbin 4 years ago could not say when I asked them it was a purge to condemn violence why do you think he was unable to say yes but did he not condemn all fine he did yeah that's a platitude I don't like to do you know not having you know really you. Know Happy Christmas like you know. But you see so you know you're going to you know what back you know it's easy to insult people what we need to do is kick people we need people we need to. Use our brains like you know how we don't are rich are we have we have the right not to take people that own estimation Jimmy Koeppen think she's a peacemaker other people know that he has encouraged and condoned violence. No no no he's only going to go it's not that is unacceptable and it is all much safer and it's not always by you would sit you can. Decide that letting people you know frightens people who are engaged on the moment not wish it on your down or else is going to get everybody still and I know that you installed at least all places you know you will go to sometimes I need to stop Mitt I need you to stop you've all gone let me host this I'll give you a room of course I will that dogs cross the threshold for me there is no evidence that Jeremy Corban has increased violence indeed to do so would be a criminal offense and there is no evidence which were that he has done not stand the next Hello ami. Wordstar you mention in school college I split up one second jambs hello on me Oh Stephen you know I just wanted to bring up when you were talking to Tony Lloyd about the n.h.s. And the figure of 100000 unfilled posts saying within Yes yes yes you said that a car organization it was saying that you know 90 percent of them are temporary some labor have said in their manifesto there are $100000.00 staff they can seize an n.h.s. England including shortages of 43000 nurses when I asked Tony Lloyd tonight what they meant by stuff they can see he said nurses missing whose were his words and what I pointed out to him is that according to n.h.s. Improvement of the 100 for use and staff they can seize an n.h.s. England including shortage of $43000.00 nurses n.h.s. Improvement says 90 to 95 percent of them on 10 day they're filled by temporary staff. Well I mean I think anybody has had much to do with the n.h.s. Recently Mike you know take issue with are you know there's lies damn lies and statistics on that and an n.h.s. Improvements are pretty am House Call motives for wanting to know. The n.h.s. Not seem to be in a message saying because my partner had a sighting at 18 months ago and he was in hospital fright months 7 months in a neuro rehab unit they had to discuss serious brain injury and there were days when they were so short staffed that they hadn't got enough nurses and carers to get him out of bed to do his rehab which was what he was there for and they were really apologetic obviously it was not their fault but they just didn't have enough stuff because it takes 2 to hoist somebody out of bed and they just didn't have enough people to do it and now he's home he's been home since February he's And the community brain injury tame and they have had no. Near of a psychologist since February and they mean trying to recreate somebody and trying and trying and I still can't recruit So it's not just nurses it's all sorts of stuff and I don't know I mean I didn't have on what you know when my partner 1st started you know with with them so I don't know how long the post has been vacant for I waited 4 and a half weeks system a fridge g.p. Appointment I mean really for you know to sort of say that there's not a shortage of stuff in the n.h.s. And this just in attempt assignment of the state I just think is realistic it's hunky and Clive and Twickenham who try and the Mahommedan will turn over the papers are hostile to the problem because there's lots of stories here we want it stuck into the something from pieces come up after have 12 Go ahead try. To. Tell you though if you came out on. This or any. When he states. There are tons of it all when. He clearly stated that the Conservative Party for the past 2 years have been coming out term America and trying to sell the self to our more recently has clearly stated that they have no interest in doing anything of the sort even the result. Of your citing don't want to believe. They've been going out there as minister song because. That's not true it's not minister not true Clive officials not ministers that's not true John don't wish I wasn't picked up at the time most and that was true he stated explicitly and I was why did he say that and if it wasn't true well I don't see stops and anything will Donald Trump says because he I don't think you remember what he said in the morning or what he said indeed mean. I think I think you're absolutely right I think you're absolutely right there are has been 2 years of negotiations on those leaks papers to suggest that they're all pharmaceutical in American medical companies who will jump at the chance to get into the n.h.s. a Woman let me get into the papers there are stories in the newspapers which back up the back up my claim in the claim of the Labor Party Yeah I mean are you going to say we already import about $20000000000.00 worth of drugs into the n.h.s. Where not one of the biggest importation of fat the amount that we import is tended to be going down the biggest company that settles to us is Pfizer which is an American company and guess what they make Stephen that used to make it and not that I think they make Viagra say or into some quite short of important materials for a gentleman as I understand it and poultry Well I don't know about that. We import what we need we buy what the n.h.s. Has got to be able to buy what you want what you. Needs anywhere in the world and it always has done ever since it was set up in 1948 they didn't decide then that they were going to have nationalized drug companies session and Russia a Labor Government at the time decided what they were going to do was have a public service and that it would buy what it needed and hopefully have skilled negotiations who would be able to buy at good prices and it seems to me that the bigger they are they supply chain that you've got the better you know going to be able to find what you require and to get it to a reasonable price that's that you know this is really us this is our this is a scab that isn't well until it's really I know you've said to be honest it's a reality if you look at these a u.s. . Problem who all who are waiting to pounce on the n.h.s. Pound if they can this is to. Reach into by selling data to those companies that are stored in the Observer which we could talk after a bit about after my client finds you very much of a fight you certainly as soon as they can. Thank you well falls there might be this problem that people are. Going to have 5 by the 1613 Listen this is what 5 life is all about on the note of weekends if you there are no good news stories around and we want to give you your place on this network to have your say simple formula to this program you take the day's big news stories and you talk about them all we do at 590-9613 will pause there we'll get the news at half past 12 home to you told b.b.c. Silence small space. Is b.b.c. Radio 5 live with the headlines I'm Lisa McCall Mike has regained his world heavyweight title to beat on the Ruiz Jr in points in Saudi Arabia and he's got more than that in the sport in the middle and it's the city's working with police to identify those behind racist abuse at yesterday's Darby the club says anyone found guilty will be handed a lifetime ban to renewing his call for the government to publish a Commons report on Russian interference in British politics after. The document about u.s. Trade talks was linked to Russia Labor says its Who's the conservatives want to include the n.h.s. In the deal with the Americans Boris Johnson's denied us on the Saudi Air Force officer who shot dead 3 people a naval base in Florida is reported to have played videos of mass shootings at a dinner before the killings us media says the information came from an unnamed American official sport with Katie Smith and Anthony Joshua is the heavyweight champion of the world one small 6 months after losing his titles and the Ruiz Genia just beat the Mexican with a unanimous points victory in Saudi Arabia it means he has to bring the idea. But story titles back to 1st and I can put up the really books I like to fight the war you know sometimes we're no use in talking about no Sometimes it may have been seen by so good though it happened to me and I didn't want to make no excuses when you all correct my wrongs and the money because of all mistakes Well you can have a fight again on 5 lives bull's eye sure this morning from 7 Meanwhile the Castello . With all the reaction will be available as soon as you wake up via b.b.c. Sounds on his 50th game in charge on even a social side have dented their rivals title hopes you know as he came out on top in the mountains to Darby beating City 21 at the f.c. Had they now trail league leaders Liverpool by 14 points but this O'Shaughnessy as his best win as United manager if you consider playing against where we play and I think so we're playing against and seeing with some top top players. They're going to create chances against any team Liverpool have an 11 point gap now to less to city and 2nd that he describes possible in the 3 nil Well it was the 1st time in 14 matches that they haven't conceded a goal his manager can plop most Jews were to address or no moment to screech he's trying to sell it out of both of course halves wonderful performances really good game of a lot of players so that helped when I was also a clean sheet for Jos a marina at Tottenham they put a. 5 possibly Well some solo one to go made the headlines caps and hurricane also weighed in with 2 goals of his I'd. Start off on the death not too often also outside the box and then somebody goes and does that now Fantastico that's the quality of that fantastic story hall for the 2 men and then as you know he's got I know doctor so. You can go Go to wait at home with him. Take advantage of Duncan Ferguson said he had taken his eyes as he watched his efforts inside be Chelsea 31 to me the house of the bottom 3 will fit in Crystal Palace finished goalless hearts have appointed Daniel stand though is there any manager they lost one nil to Motherwell some sad news also it's a bring you the full mass of the manager room so and as he won the 2 Lee Cups has died at the age of $87.00 the players will Web it has less to city tomorrow it might be unions champions cop pulled a summer since last $103.00 to mint stunnel comps and will also beaten that was by lengths to their wins for Glasgow. To see McGwire is through to the final of the u.k. Snoopy championship in you'll keep by 6 frames to now I don't believe will perform so I thought strong from the start I just felt like more just by sheer rage and I wanted poverty which could feel well Ronnie O'Sullivan would be playing in this month's Moscow will take his place instead and teenager free on the sin has got his 2nd goal this time in the 200 metres freestyle swimming's European short course championships has also Silva for Britain in the full by 50 metres mixed freestyle relay washable Maria Khan I won bronze 2 in the women's 2 me to individual medley is now from b.b.c. Sport 5 life election. Law You were just opposite the station in the foyer of Croydon 1st and foremost there is a need for certainty there were 30 years if you want to go out I think interest is suddenly increased than just thinking am I going to be able to afford to buy a house when I'm older it doesn't matter to them then of the. I think still the consequences of the Al if you've got something to say and make your head the essential coverage of elections 20000000 see right here all the 5 lines this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sounds a. Lot of bile coming up at 1 o'clock Hello Hello Stephen we're going to be talking boxing as you'd expect after the clash in the June with Anthony Joshua retaining his or regaining his world side since it was a 5 like presenter you could get into the ring with for children in need who would you like to law know well there's only one name on my list who would you like to really floor there's only one name on my list really you should talk about Nicky Campbell or. Your 1st your very good Steve Lockyer that I would say Whoa that's me George she was talking about how food he was to get a 2nd chance at the world SAGAL So we're talking books frightening about 2nd chances because people like us sometimes get 2nd chances so we're asking our listeners what's the choosing that you gave a 2nd chance what's that the you didn't like initially but you gave a 2nd chance and what did you around that made you love it Stephen Cohen thank you very much and a 22 minutes to one ad we know and Mohamad here to look through the Sunday papers and you're continuing to call us way 28599693 let's turn to the Sunday Times Muhammad exposed as the headline the secret labor files of sham labors failure to stand by drop an anti semitism in the party can make s'posed today says the Times a massive leak of documents for its own disciplinary Department files into the Sunday Times within the party still overwhelmed with complaints about anti Jewish risk. They've been left on this hole for months or years mostly resulted Ling and punishments are no sanctions according to the documents despite Chairman Collins election campaign claims of 0 tolerance promised Well I I don't know the ins and outs of the disciplinary process is on the numbers and so I don't want to take this in face value but the fact is very clear that. Exist within the margins of the Labor Party and there are people within the labor movement who think it's Ok to be racist and xenophobic towards the Jewish community and it's absolutely appalling you know how the Labor Party should have taken a much stronger stance at the beginning and they should've have had a 0 tolerance policy in suspending ops to anybody who's involved in that. In a better place now than we were 34 years ago I think yes we are the they strengthen the strength of the process and made it far more stronger now what would be interesting if the Sunday Times were so passionate about tacking on the semitism it talk about the 3 conservative candidates who are today exposed for their anti semitism I guess was what did the Conservative Party do there they're under investigation did suspend them and portions in the leaders' debate on Friday last night said that anybody involved in Islamophobia Lanty Semitism will be suspended and investigated and booted out and we know that's not true because today has suggested and I'm looking I'm looking this I mean. One of the things that's in this particular piece I can huff way down the middle paragraph and it says the secret files show half of 100 anti semitism cases between last summer and this may lessen here involved a warning or no action at all some members were told I'm coaching care to attend diversity training although labor has not set up such a scheme despite promising to do so now well there is already an education program running in the Labor Party to educate and. I mean as you probably heard Tony Lloyd from labor disputed this Sunday Times article and said some of it is on trade. He also was pushed to admitting I don't know what a month in that interview I mean. The person who's written this is let me just have a look. Several people on this job Gable pub George I both know Jonathan Calvert you know it's from page it's in the story the newspaper doesn't work out. Well but there's a reason why they all have the freedom to do that they haven't always done it in the past one of the reason it exposed that conservative racism and Islam a phobia of the times I was there is not how the national they have it where elements were reasoned from page 3 conservative candidates Mohammed The accused of anti-Semitism start it's not just subject I'm not sure Jim the subject of this article you know we were talking about it was interesting you want to talk about the semitism but you want to talk about just in the Labor Party not the Conservative Party well where the burial candidates have been given to some as it's anti semitism today it's not in the article Well I just told you the biased with respect I've just mentioned a 100 cases and judges are in this summer that we do respect the chief wrappers and condemn one party at the moment and the Chief Rabbi is a saint and scholarly man he's a man who would not normally get involved in politics and he has been stating is condemnation The problem is I think right with Corbin and some of his acolytes the old Labor Party which I think you joined wasn't like this they Old Labor party was full of Jewish people Jewish people for many years a bit socialist I've been you know they've often been the underdogs because they come from immigrant communities they know what it's like to actually have to hold yourself up by a bootstraps and to find Jewish people and to find Jewish M.P.'s communities you know well but that's yet of course they do of course they do but the bulk of the British Jewish. Community in this country certainly Ashkenazi is that I come from come from having been. Desperately poor immigrants in the 890 s. And before the 1st World War and then you get the refugees in the 1930 s. As well but they were always socialist that the point that I'm trying to make they wish drunk support of the Labor Party I used to get a lot of stick in the pool for being Jewish and for not being a member of the Labor Party and it was felt in on that basis I was let down just in the interest of balance let me remind people some of what Tony Lloyd said tonight in response to the some. Time story that we're talking about the cases highlight said. In the article everyone of them have been expelled or suspended from the Labor Party but I'm also. Sure that when there is a quote a number of cases on resolved over the weeks and months that again these categorically untrue now as in the Sunday Times says the following and Frank you for for providing your counter in this it says in a leaked audio recording from the party's disciplinary committee a little over a liberal official complains that more than 130 cases remain like standing even though the vast majority were reported to the party months ago and I'm told that is absolutely true. And that's really important because look at the moment the the quote is a Human Rights Commission is looking into the Labor Party and I welcome that and if we've got to learn lessons from the the commission then those lessons we've got to learn labor was slow on this issue and that is to our shame but she would change the procedures an awful amount does matter because we've got to prove now that we can really win the trust of the Jewish community in particular I don't want to be a member of the planet where there's anybody who isn't Semitic and when you say that it's racist and when you say that Labor was slow when they say share not as to your sham should Jeremy Corbin bear some of that Shem Well Jeremy Coleman has apologized he should be ashamed of his Georgina's sorting this really Coben is apologized for that and he's right so to do and the issue now is we've got to make sure the new procedures really do work but I'll tell you this Stephen what isn't reasonable is that the Sunday edition before the election the Sunday Times transport for facts that simply don't stack open outs really quite interesting because I can trust them. That leading article is the one you just mentioned I don't make any argument that the question of anti-Semitism to them shouldn't be discussed but I do think when we see talked further down the page in much smaller type the question the 160 pounds and cancer patients who are not treated on time because that's of course is a challenge to the government the Sunday Times doesn't break this story Lloyd the shadow secular state Mohammed. Sorry I I just think you've got to be consistent and I don't you know you know the sun the times on the news of the newspapers have given the same sort of coverage to some of our being the conservative party Muslim large do also March on racism towards Muslims is unacceptable and today 3 candidates accused a conservative parliamentary candidates accused Amanti Semitism they haven't been suspended and I keep going back to just point said that there be suspended and there's no mention in any of the newspapers not the Telegraph The Sunday Times The Mail on Sunday and so you know it just shows you the agenda is directed towards very clear have an idea that I think the summit ism is absolutely vile and disgusting and the Labor Party you know made some mistakes at the beginning was slow to respond back and he's calling us from London tonight you're a supporter of Jeremy Corben tell us why Rebecca. And I think the cool thing is the credit the principles and more importantly crying. And I think that all the fine line between critical of the state of Israel and its behavior would have been. Mantissa I said and I have been. That the happy times when one good friend in the other and I honestly believe that chemical is not anti-Semitic but I think it has been crisscrossed by Israel and I think there is reason to be critical needs have tentative because no mindful of it as a pastry the faintly what we have and I am in defending a simple response in a passion and feeding of the Conservative Party and now tonight we have the right on side and the left which way side and move on from it but I think cocaine is is at. And. I think perhaps in the past you have seen and he has been Chris Kluwe spaces now and on Jewish 9 preschool the state of Israel. That my auntie. And I. Put it on enough to. Repent Rebecca thank you I'm aware of manners find a little know not just yet because with 12 minutes left and I think we need to talk about Boris Johnson as well the observer calls grow to stop Johnson with tactical voting his wrist tightens across party alliance as observer of opposition politicians has launched an 11th hour pail to ante Tory voters to consider switching allegiance in Thursday's general election amid signs of a surge of tactical voting in a few swing states could deprive Boris Johnson of a majority in Parliament why had we known should this country a lie Boris Johnson to keep his job as prime minister if he doesn't tell the truth all the time on are you going to tell me he's telling the truth when he is suggesting that there will not need to be any checks Dawn whatsoever and his Bracks a day between g.p. And Northern Oland despite the fact that his Bracks it secretary has said yes there will have to be despite the fact that goods coming from g.p. And to Northern Ireland in his own deal has acknowledged that because those goods may be going on to the Republic of Ireland that's why they'll have to be checked because they would be going on into the e.u. And he is standing up tall saying there will not need to be any of these checks there will need to be checks Well there are checks now on theft I mean there are differences in the v.s.s. New tax Well you know it's not well I'm not I'm not I'm in it. It is what 10 to 1 in the morning a lot and getting into the details of the checks and the balances and all the rest of it in the details of trade deals and what might be at the moment we do not have any kind of withdrawal agreement there isn't one and we can't get one through parliament if we want to get anything done that if we want to carry out the if we want to make effective the result about the look which I did in question it 3 and a half years ago if we actually want to what's what's the phrase that everybody kept Breck sit down. At all what if we want to do that yes please God if we're going to get about done and actually at some future point Stephen and I have a talk about something else that can just get regular news about he said I'm with are to get a majority in parliament to judge will I just give you one simple fact that you were wrong there's no such thing there's one simple fact and. There is was there is there is the Boris Johnson's deal passed a 2nd reading in the Commons So the idea that his deal could not pass he was so eager to parole Polman and how the Queen's speech was so nice it's just in my mate it's not just going to be unionists support it it was passed with a majority it was in the twenty's so no you said it won't pass parliament that was a significant moment because have to have 3 years and 3 years of to resume is still not being passed by parliament day you had Boris Johnson is deal in a 2nd reading and it passed by our common the exact number but it was definitely 20 plus you have to have it at the airport show the record you have to have a Met You know this this is why you're after a majority and you're going to have a if you have a majority what Germany will do is go back to Brussels and try and reopen it and he says definitely I'll get another Dale in 3 months flat and nobody is accusing him of lying there thinking to themselves you'd be very lucky indeed to get that and then he's going to have a 2nd referendum but one of the things that won't be. The 2nd referendum is just leave on your ally you could leave it to find a way to deal by the way we were told a partial answer on the korban This often happens we didn't mean as using talking about Boris Johnson's a small example is he telling the truth to the public when he stood at the d.p. Conference recently flew over into Northern Ireland and said new prime British prime minister could or should ever put a border to him now to say well then his deeds don't know but in the end we are trading goods backwards and forward what's more important for all our economy is our finances not finances but services that's what our rights what the British economy is all about and services cross these borders without any checks any way you want to buy insurance you can buy insurance and the jurisdiction you know there's no I don't want to you think do you think it when I notice the door I think he's fudging it probably from page the independent tomorrow touch to go voters could still deny Johnson the majority without your question do you think given where the polling the polling numbers have been quite relevant consistent over recent weeks and the live the Sunday Times You Gov poll puts the Tories 10 points ahead of Labor at the moment so do you think this is the Conservative Party's to lose and that's why Boris Johnson has avoided interviewers like Andre Neal did he went by double or is he entitled to say I'm not doing it or not because I think he likes Judy etching I'm better than I but come on why do you think he ducked under Neil Craig possibly because he doesn't need to get it to do it is running scared of the next port I mean there are some of us who think that actually this whole thing is far too presidential and you get into personalities and carry it to an all the rest of it as we've been doing in the last few minutes far more and we should look rather more what the policies are and how that's going to be carried forward and what the team as well who's behind the people you know is John McDonald someone did that you would trust to show and it's shown Milton somebody whose politics you know agree with that kind. If they don't Dominic Cummings and he has said today I'm going to do this but what's interesting what's interesting is what you think it's about a person on a tangent but I'm Don Gonyea let me come back to the question you're asking about tactical voting and so that's the headline in the pantry could start the majority but that's always case that's always the case tied to coaching and various constituencies can make a very big difference what I think is actually happening something different opin the Midlands and the North of England where I've been Otto knocking the Labor vote even in some extremely safe apparently safe Labor seat which is very fractured and it's French office several reasons one is actually even just don't like coal but I'm sorry but he said he's not great news for you it's interesting how we talking about tactical voting by the Conservative Party and you start talking about Joel called me but I just wanted a way in which and scads of the to tell him all the whole bit just under. My own theory the independence of the 10th of the electorate could put her to switch allegiances and photon take Lee at the general election this is a survey of 10000 voters released by the vote for a final say Campian So you. Find that 44 percent of Labor remain Fodor's would back the liberal Dems were their best placed to the feedbacks of backing Conservatives 39 percent says the Independent of Lib Dems supporters are prepared to do the same to help the labor counter that be the Tory So you've got Tory breaks it Party coalition going on in those conservative seats where the party stood down and it stops the right you know progressive parties on the left on the Center Left look at who's best placed to be told the problem for you Mohamad and that article which you're jumping on is that I don't question it learn well was find a 44 percent of Labor remain voters the clues of. The British public are been told by their labor is to remain party or leave. Party Well I've seen other polls suggest that many lib Labor voters are coming back to. Your point there's not a. Party isn't it well I think if you want 2nd referendum we believe in democracy and if you want to kind of let them vote for Labor Party opposition let me let me 1st of all you're right and let me just showed you the 3 years chaos the that you've delivered over the last 3 years well let me let me let me just let me substantially address the story I think this is about you know voters out there in every election people will make I've personal decision as to who they least like you know 1900 you saw a lot of that would label it voters switching to you know to kick out the Tories on you will probably see some of that in this election as well it's you know if your sole aim is just breaks then obviously you you know you will stick to your position on the other issues called performance that surely. Yes good morning good morning try to be quick for me just because I don't like you are going to mean Kerry please . Who would think this. Sort of. He is not suspended. Candidate for the not close up here surely just stop there I need to stop there we come back in a 2nd or take this I would need to find out the details of what you're by the savage Mr Dunn and I know across the board a life program let me find out I behind the scenes said next Hello set me. My pleasure steering mystery my father hey cage on my great show guess what he told a lot of sense and I'm boasting Concetta I've been a staunch Labor supporter all my life since I was a ball by Limbaugh but now I have to vote and Chavez can shout when the last line is which ain't because I go to least even I'm not like it's even I want my children to Bill go out and Bill go well and total fields I want to take but again not got a chance yet because. People if you go this time know the goods you want them to pick up on me even when I'm an English Premier League with it's not only saw diplomacy to sometimes play middle and I watch a while how dull my life get down to a stall and to get you in the fountain I watch out my best I now hole in the goods were gaps in massively hollow best then applies more to this economy pop culture that goes Caldwell bitch that night but doesn't that he's a Lady Gaga he comes from a strong chain doing nothing and a lot of his friends in no time and I can hardly I can give you thousands of examples of immigrants who come to this country can tell you the same today is just another slice of the population of the n.h.s. I let no work that's not what I said I thank you showed I did want to cut you off go ahead and you can make your point in 30 seconds of the helpful charity Yeah well I guess when you know I started down the candidates for 30 bucks here and I'm the candidate for the Conservative party where do you tell kids the Labor candidate coded the hotel where he was talking with turban I think that is disgusted and terrible because God can come and turban was very very special to him and he had no rights saying that it was most offensive and I would care but I don't think it going on banging on it because the Labor Party only kind. Of one. Wrong with Shirley thank you very much indeed but he apologized on reservedly immediately Yeah well well he did mamma just a point of order with you as well Joe you've talked to night on a number of occasions about the 3 conservative candidates who are being suspended they haven't been suspended or they haven't that's my point but you want them to be suspended I'm saying that they're under investigation but a lot they haven't been suspended they are I'm told that if you go. Thanks very much for just listens all of today will. Give you 30 seconds my friend I'm sorry. Your. Now basically. No one else is listening to. You know what you want to call out a lot. You very much thank you. For a compliment for a way to. Thank you thank you my goodness I was busy night here comes to see even thank you what the experts made of the trash of the jeans where the books and city Joshua reclaimed is coming up also from books for time what's the chain that you could show that you didn't like your 1st Johns and what did you hear 2nd time around they made you love it. When you. Play nearly anyone on this. Radio. Radio from across the b.b.c. This is a full night. Of the news on 5 Live month sister gave a lifetime anyone found guilty of racist abuse after yesterday's Dolly. Redemption for. He's the heavyweight champion of the wild once again you can listen to this program by downloading the b.b.c. Sound for music radio show that you subscribe to the program so you don't miss the next episode this is b.b.c. 5. Live. Thanks to both announced he just has reclaimed his world heavyweight titles and is very much against the rules genius going nuts and sports in a minute says he's been inundated with the. Port's the racist abuse during yesterday's Manchester Darby nonsense he says he is working with police to find those responsible and anyone found guilty will be handed a lifetime ban our correspondent John Morey was the at it was during the 2nd half when Manchester United will leading to nil that midfielders frayed and Jesselyn God went over to take a corner Fred was struck by one of several objects thrown from the stand and the United manager early going to social confirmed afterwards both players were the target of racist chanting by one man in the crowd the anti racism organization kicked out said they were inundated with reports of alleged racist abuse the conservatives are pushing for plans to allow entrepreneurs to come to the u.k. Even if they don't have a job offer if the party wins next week's election it wants to implement a points based immigration system that would also be a fast track to the people working in the n.h.s. Labor is focusing on social care on the final push for votes ahead of Thursday Jeremy Coburn is promising free personal cash and glint and an extra 10000000000 pounds of funding scientists are warning that climate change and pollution are depleting oxygen in the oceans threatening many species of fish they've identified about 700 sites with low oxygen compared with 45 in the 1006 days back a whole bodies from our fish which campaigns for Sustainable fishing. Basically the ocean is absorbing all of the excess carbon dioxide and excess heat that we have been producing from ow fuel burning activities and it's actually from the worst of the climate crisis but it is starting to really have a big impact and it's starting to break down as a result of my long passages will have to look out for new logo from today taking over the services from Version trains which has run them since 1997 the new operator probably more than 260 after services by 2022 when the Japanese bought train started placing the old ones 20 miles from the Modern Railways magazine The shouldn't be the same sort of teething problems were sometime soon elsewhere because effectively they're taking on the whole business the management team stays the same right up to the managing director so for most of them it's business as usual all they do is change the biology of the Shouldn't be any drop in performance or in quality at all it's just going to be interesting how the stuff get used to working for a new overall management company where they want to be changes Dame Helen Mirren thread but some stories to the crowd count every night in Trafalgar Square in London as part of a global effort to raise money to tackle homelessness Will Smith if there is another big names of course in the world's big sleep out has taken part in New York Times Square Katie Smith house boat and see just us says I'm a warrior itself that reclaiming his world heavyweight titles from Judea the fight went the distance in Saudi Arabia with just 2 winning by unanimous points decision he's only the 4th heavyweight champion in history to win his titles back at the 1st time of asking well a.j. Has also called on fans to head over to the 5 live Twitter and tell him who to fight next Pep Guardiola says Manchester City have to try and continue in the ties who race the now 14 points behind leaders Liverpool after losing to once rivals United at the s.c. Had while Liverpool were in trouble once again they people must remain the way a stunner from Sunday in men was just one of 5 the top men as they thrashed Burnley Everton climbed out of the relegation zone with a $31.00 win either. Chelsea and it was go less between Wofford and Crystal Palace in Scotland hearts have appointed former Bonzi boss Daniel Stengel as then new manager and at the u.k. Sneakers Stephen Maguire alibi 6 frames to Nel to book his place in the final he takes on China's decision we for the to.

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