In the last 10 minutes keeps on top of the great bunches you know as a boss only going to teenage defendant Brian Williams with his man of the match and once watch as they beat Belgrade one nil ended their 11 game win this away run that stretches back till March there were also 5 out wins the Celtic to one and Wolves one to want to have a slave on buses lava Meanwhile ranges tree 11 at pool type knows how much and has defended his use of social media to raise awareness about global environmental issues he says despite having a high carbon footprint himself he won't be afraid to speak up the positive change while it's possible for Hamilton to secure his 6th wild championship title at the Mexico Grand Prix on Sunday or bring that he hailed on 5 life and in cricket New Zealand will be without Captain Kane Williamson for the t 20 series against England next month he's got a right hip injury Tim Southee will captain in his place this space b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Set small speak of. The weather and after Don't persistence and sometimes heavy rain will push north across long to areas of England the miles that builds a ridge promise of sudden Scotland demands an island for a time when the for some kinds of 8 degrees Celsius in Edinburgh and 16 encounter contrast. To 20. 6 trying. To. life. Hello it's time for the North American sports show here is James welcome thank you very much Tom Yes I am here along with Mitch Mansfield we're going to bring you a few insights into what is going on over the pond this week and of course Tom the some big stuff happening especially in baseball toward the way of. Putting the shows at double figures 3rd place I've read those charges it has a power struggle just. For the World Series curling w. Is in the an amazing game last night as the Washington Nationals took a remarkable 2 nothing lead over the Houston Astros in the World Series in baseball we're going to be joined by fans about same's we're going to catch up as well with 5 lines very and Seth Bennett who's on the way to Washington for their 1st ever home game in the World Series since exciting stuff but also in the very same day that they started the World Series there was also the start of the n.b.a. Season this it would be. Over to the Toronto Canada. With the north now we the jury periods for rappers was what she feared Cherry refers like yesterday doesn't it but actually that was the moment the Toronto Raptors won their 1st n.b.a. Championship in June James can you believe it was in the news seems a does seem like 2 days ago and it's been an incredible it's slightly sad offseason really for the Raptors as well in terms of the league changing of players and all of that kind of stuff so going to be fascinating I suppose the question is do they have any chance of retaining their underdogs last year can they do the same again with a new season starting this week we'll be speaking to an n.p.r. Reporter in Toronto to get have thoughts and predictions and of course we've got all the other sports as well we're going to be talking the Cincinnati Bengals they're traveling to London this weekend in the and fell and I'll be honest with you it's not going very well so far. It's been rubbish they haven't won any games not an example we've got baseball umpire in as well as Old come in the next hour. But. The manager. Has gone very well so far for the Washington Nationals who have a 2 game lead over the Houston Astros and now head home for the next game on Saturday morning our time Friday on course of the u.s. But huge news tonight out of Houston it's all about their assistant general manager he's been sacked it's been a huge scandal this way Tom Bennett's 5 lives very own set Bennett is covering the World Series and is in both Seymour tonight said that if you realize but Baltimore aren't in the World Series this year have you gone to the right things enough falling off the mountain to be in the World Series from quite a number of years to come in with a look at their roster and what they're going to be there and know what it is precisely on the route from New York to Washington so I'll just I'll just stop for a bit of dinner from the what was really great salons our sons absolutely said here are in this wonderful place and as a foodie you would absolutely adore what was on the inside of this old where houses here it's very very impressive stuff in a warehouse in Baltimore the story there isn't that Anyway let's talk a little bit about this story instead in Houston because as we said their system general manager has been sacked this is it's been a very old case can you just tell us what it's all about so. Yeah this is all to do with an incident that took place following the Astros' victory over the New York Yankees Minson in that took place within the locker room of the Houston Astros and it was something that broke among the Astros' said it was an incident that actually did happen the incident that talking about is that the assistant general manager came flying into the locker room and approached. Group of female journalists started to talk about how glad he was in slightly more colorful language that they have soon I'm assuming it was play for them on common because sooner had very nearly blown the game for them now this when we talk about a player who actually missed 75 days suspension following a domestic violence issue that he had he became a free agent and that the team that decided to pick him up with some Astros reporters in question. Found it a little bit strange Amongst the things that the assistant general manager. Would come into the the locker room and a make this kind of comments to them at the point that his side of gone through to the World Series I don't know who was written with time and space in Sports Illustrated for the Houston Astros respond they said well nothing happened for me in north the big world of media and social media said well I know the 2nd. You're not telling the truth quickly Hughson have just about apologized for what's happened and now they've decided. To get rid of that general manager and the interesting thing for me out of all of this James is I was in Houston in Mumbai this story didn't raise a single eyebrow all day Tuesday nobody mentioned it on any of the small store radio stations nor anywhere else she was Di night led c.b.s. News nationwide yet in Houston nobody was talking about it Wednesday morning a few of the talk show host did begin to discuss how terrible the situation was what a mess you seen a doubt with it. But I don't think it was something that particularly resonated with the fans in Houston and this will because in Houston it's kind of a I want to say melting public base given the asters of the folks who point of Houston. Yes very much the jewel of the Crown they brought success to the area in a way that the other schools themes just haven't done in the last 10 years. Very much the people if you like a couple of years ago. They were on a big long road trip plan away from home for 15 straight days they had one day off they came home and they spent the time out in the community in a World Series for that community I felt a little bit like the people of Houston I spoke to about this and I'm not saying that everybody. They own most didn't want that group of plays to be tarnished by another news story when they're about to go and play in a World Series and you have to be honest and this was tweeted by a number of former players. People wonder what Assistant g.m. Is do you know maybe with Houston soon offering them they realize that the assistant g.m. Could have a big impact on what's going on the baseball field I don't know how true that is but I do know that the players have had to answer questions on this a.j. Hench the manager has had to answer questions on this and I'm going to be honest I think that I dealt with this admirably well in the manner that he said anything that happens in the clubhouse is something that we're responsible for and some of the money is responsible for people shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable when they come in to do that job in our clubhouse which is exactly what the Houston Astros should have said in the 1st place but he was the only member of senior management that seemed to want to take hold of this situation and really this is a bit of an embarrassment for the Houston Astros and on top of that you know all of the people that bring which side of the side of the World Series to fall apart pretty much have gone the other why now it seems that Washington getting an awful lot support from the from the rest of America or if you like so Brendan has gone then and the Astros down I mean how much of a shock is it that the Astros have been so full. Most massive I mean these were the heaviest favorites in the last 15 years going into a World Series it is a room. That they lost that opening 2 gangs on home in a place that is really. It's going to great atmosphere in there that close Ruthie's perfect conditions you know it was all in Jack on cheese day night and the whole place was pretty much all into every single person in that it was just maybe a couple of 100 Washington fans just about money to sneak in but not only that descending to the mound to all of the best pitches. In recent memory in vice. When you talk about. You know of the mound in the 1st game and you're thinking well in the 1st inning Yeah Ok had a wobbly 1st. Briefly this is off with 2 strikeouts the strikeout pitch for the 2nd the inning was 98 miles an hour the final out of the thing was 99 miles an hour with really good movement and the thing that I know he's got his mojo is if you're going to school runs off him you're going to have to do very very well. As the game wore on Washington just only in that and they found a way to to get the runs that they needed to win game one Ok. Nobody expected the men to come back and be just. That one of the Graces pitches of the last decade a guy that big He's strong he's he's on that local radio stations you know advertising the lake life his brand of full Picoult. Which couldn't be any more Texan or more American. Than that you know he's somebody that crossed over from from just being a sports star to being the superhero yet he was fallible. Yes Was he was he fallible to the tune of 6 runs in the 7th inning no he wasn't. Even he didn't have his great day stuff and actually through this postseason he hasn't been a superstar pitcher a maybe one of the things that we have all been guilty of doing is looking at the Washington Nationals and thinking if you want to 19 you say for the 1st 50 Gangs of the season to lose 31 games out of 50 then all that good reality is that playing right now like the best. They have been absolutely outstanding. Enjoy your way house in boats I'm all for the evening good luck with that and we'll see you in Washington I think you know a few days' time enjoy the rest of the World Series and let's keep talking about the World Series because. As I said they're going to head to Washington for Game 3 on Friday night and that is Saturday morning u.k. Time at all yes so we thought we'd get follows a both teams together Eric Heisman covers the Astros for a fansite radio show and podcast and a more cheerful chase Hughes from N.B.C.'s Washington and the National's top post count I myself a mix started by asking Eric what he made of tonight's big news this is something that probably should have been done a few days ago this is. The right thing to do but as we've seen the Astros have released several statements making it look like the reporter was fabricating the story and that there was no validity to it but then after doing a little bit more research and talking to more witnesses they decided that it was offended Eric I was going to ask you actually I mean do you think this is affected the Astros start to the will series because it's not been great has it you know no it hasn't and I don't think that it really has I think the Astros have just been they've been skating in the other division. Series but for the summaries that everything is just coming to them right now the writers just going to sit there they're pitching their bullpen and everything was kind of decent but then also and coming in the World Series all the little demons that we've kind of said oh it's Ok we're still winning we still have Gary Cole who is out today still hitting So it just everything's coming in and the Astros just looked terrible expression in game 2 guys who we took more broadly than about the series how it's gone James let me ask you this what were you doing when you were 200. 0 my lats around so that on national radio I'd say I was in my 3rd year of college failing my exams Yes again I think that sounds pretty familiar some are we can relate to well the reason why I asked because the Washington Nationals won so say was doing bass work you know just player and he shot it clean up the charities and he chose. As you just heard a string with the right so that was him he picked up 3 hits 3 runs batted in and stole a base in his wild series debut in other words he had a very good game of chase tell us about this young guy it's unbelievable the media or cries that he's had only 20 years old and you know the homer that you guys mention and some of the things he's doing are you hearing names like Andrew Jones and Miguel Cabrera and Mickey Mantle is the youngest player in the World Series to do some of the things that he's done since them and what strikes you the most about it is just how 2 years ago no one really knew who he was you know in baseball it's different especially from basketball and football and I think even hockey where there's not as much coverage about some of the prospects coming up at least when he came through the international ranks from the Dominican Republic it's not like he played a major college program he wasn't in the major league baseball draft he didn't come up with the hype of a Bryce Harper or Stephen Strasburg who graced the covers of Sports Illustrated this guy century came out of nowhere and I think has emerged is really one of the best players in all of baseball and I think he's taking over the city of Washington and I think he's taking over the sport of baseball and I can't really think of a recent example really across courts of someone who has come from relative obscurity to become a star on such a big stage as he has recently here in the World Series and I guess he's become the symbol for what has been an incredibly successful well series for you guys say Phone We've just had from Eric feeling a little bit down about the Astros' understandably you must be buzzing. Yeah it's very unexpected you know the Nationals came into the series as the biggest underdogs in World Series since the Colorado Rockies in 2007 used an Astros are one of the more complete teams I've seen you know they want to World Series 2 years ago they just really don't have an obvious weakness in the sense that the Nationals have an obvious weak weakness which is their open but everything has gone so well for the National so far another thing that was unexpected as you know the Astros went almost went to distance with the Yankees in the Championship Series so they had very little time off so we thought they would be sharp coming into the series when the Nationals had to deal with a 6 day break which in baseball is basically something these guys have never been through you know the All-Star break in the middle years the longest break they get it's only a couple couple of days but they were able to come out of that 6 day break remain hot and right now they've tied for the longest winning streak in postseason history of 8 games Eric I just want to ask you a little bit about the Astros has chased them mentioned the bullpen for the nationals being the problem but I was watching the game last night and you know soon as Justin Verlander went off that was 8 the game was over it seemed you know it was just all 4 sides of the Astros really struggling if he can bowl you know if you can pitch for 9 innings. That's kind of why we've seen like Eric Cole pitch 8 innings even though he gave up her 7 innings even though he gave up 5 runs hope and we have weak links but at same time Ryan Presley has been the guy that we've counted on for a past 2 years but he's coming back from knee surgery and so he is not fully effective right now Josh James he can like we saw yesterday he struck out 3 batters but that one batter reached and that led to the beginning as well and it was just yesterday's game watch the lander fell on his butt and then he says this is Oki hit that Homer It just felt like the Astros could not contain the Nationals at that point now and he's he's going to end up playing on Friday night then as well I mean he going to be just. Going to have to get if the Astros are going to win this will series if they're going to come back from this position is he going to have to pitch in every single Amy. Garrett call I know you I mean been under right to me sorry. Now for liners that could come back on Friday I don't think I'm not sure when he's going to be starting again but I know that we have a bullpen game. Tomorrow would be the bullpen sacré q.b. Pitching tomorrow's game and then we're going to have a bullpen game but if the Astros are down 3 to nothing then maybe we see Garrett Cole come back on short rest and so if the Astros are facing elimination maybe they get desperate something like that but we don't have a 4 starter like the Nationals do we had one Wade Miley but also and he forgot how to pitch and so that's why now even on the world hears roster chase it's very rare we see a team come from 2 nothing behind to win a weld series and the national starting to celebrate cannot afford to get complacent just yet. Well you know one of the most unexpected things about this postseason run for the Nationals is that over the last 7 years they've been through as much playoff heartbreak as any team that we've seen in baseball you know there were one strike away from going to the n.l. Championship Series in 2012 they were up 6 runs in that game in Game 5 against the Cardinals and lost that game and lost that series they had heartbreaking playoff defeats in 201-420-1620 extension 17 there were one out away in 2014 from winning a game and a homer was allowed and the game ended up going 18 innings and it lasted 6 hours and there's just been so many things that this team has been through all the sudden it's kind of coming easy to them where were there you have a game like Game 2 where it was very very tense through the 1st 6 innings but once they broke it open it's just this unfamiliar feeling for national stands to have kind of a. Moment you can take a breath during a playoff game and now that you're there in the World Series so they are up to nothing and the odds now are heavily stacked in their favor I think it's over and. Sent that odds historically for teams to go on to win the series when you go up to and you went on the road but it has happened you know in the ninety's the Braves were up 20 on the Yankees and they won 2 games in New York and then they ended up losing that series but if you look ahead to Game 3 you since got a very good pitcher on the mound in Zach Rinky and he's had a very strong history against the Nationals but he's also had a pretty checkered playoff history and he hasn't exactly been their strongest starter throughout this postseason Meanwhile Annabel Sanchez the national starter has had a really strong playoff history has got to 5 the r.a. In his career and has been one of their strongest starters in this postseason so you feel like going home you might have a pitching advantage even though animal Sanchez doesn't have nearly the track record of Zack Greinke use probably could be a Hall of Famer of us Young award and I think Nationals fans though they're they're obviously enjoying all of this the sense I get from a lot of them is they're not taking it for granted because they've seen some very very bad things happen their team before but all that said with a bit of cautious optimism it's worth reminding ourselves isn't it that this is a new franchise to the city of Washington relatively speaking the 1st ever Wild series for the Washington Nationals you're looking ahead to the 1st ever well Series game at home can you just describe for us the anticipation and level of excitement that. It's really amazing you know it's hasn't been since 1933 and I wrote a story when they 1st clenched to go to the World Series about all that's happened since and you know the Jefferson Memorial for instance wasn't around that came in the forty's $1033.00 was the year that f.d.r. Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated they used to play in a stadium called Griffith Stadium in the Shah neighborhood of d.c. And it's no longer there then why didn't he manage to chase this is the last time there was a wild Series game in the city of Washington yes 1933 say 86 years and this is the 1st time for the nationals but you know back then there were the Washington Senators right and there's just a lot of exciting you know baseball I think. As a better connection to history than the other sports because it's been played for so long and because it's been around for there's been generations of fans so I think people are really excited about that and you know you see a lot of people talking about some of the old senators teams you know d.c. Didn't have baseball for a long time from 1071 to 2005 a lot of people have dreamt of this day because you know you have to be in your your ninety's to have experienced it before as a Washingtonian. Yeah I know it must be an awfully amazing thing to be in this city at the moment so I reserve you managing to get any more of the games in however the next few days. So that obviously the games are in Washington and I have some other commitments at work so I can't go to games 3 or 4 and you know I didn't think there was a scenario where the Nationals might sweep but Game 5 isn't Washington that's the one game that I can go to with a credential and cover it so part of me is hoping that they if they win this it's a gentleman sweep as we call it where you went 4 out of 5 games and you let the opponent at least $11.00 so you say you'll be nice to Houston we I mean how do you feel about I mean come on you know we're all in the Boss together all having a chat here and you've got a Washington found taking pity on you. All we need is to wince in Washington and bring it home and then get another 2 wins that he used and so the Astros are fully capable of doing that and it sucks the fact that we brought our 2 best pitchers in Game one in Game 2 but didn't your gaffs face them again so I think tomorrow's game Zach Rinky he's going back home to it and Al Parks's speak he's going to be able to hit and he's going to pitch a complete game shutout just to be able to hit 3 or 4 times in a game because that's how much he misses the n.f.l. But I think the Astros are probably go win Game 3 Game 4 is going to be kind of up in Erika's I know you are going have Patrick Corbin probably go and we're going to have Brad Peacock go so it's going to be a weird situation there but then maybe care Cole in game 5 takes care of business I think it's nice to sounding slightly out some mystic at least I think Colt is there a challenge maybe a combination of playing away from home and away from the pressure of the home fans and actually be this scandal that we began talking about is there a chance to do this my actually galvanize the team and bring the best out of them I think that there may have been sorry summers it may. I think that there may have been some like the players talking about things but I really don't see a really effective that fan the players themselves but you know they're hearing about it and you know that they're talking about it so I don't think that they're losing just because that but yes I think that there's a lot of pressure matches back he's a local furniture guy he's invested millions into betting on the Astros and he's also the guy that said that if you win it if the Astros win it all you get all so you get free match your says if you if you get it before a certain time so this guy is trying to pump up the Astros' and get more people to buy his match he says but he's like Oh crap what if they do and I'm at my back so he went ahead and did some side investments and now he's like Oh crap my mil is at mine so. There's a lot of pressure put on Freddie Astra's they've been there they're they did in 2007 seeing they have the best pitching staff with the top 2 at least and it just I think a lot of people are really shocked game on that was a little bit iffy cuz the Astros were able to kind of come back Max Scherzer was not in his best form but gang through 2 it looked like Justin Verlander after it 1st I mean was in complete control they all said he just fell apart and that's what happens sometimes in playoff games which on time will leave you with your you know pretzels and your barrel whatever you've got to watch the rest of the it Series guys can we catch a preview next week once who this is over and we'll see we'll see if there is one that free mattress or if we'll see if it such a set of my thing absolutely any time this was fun. Well thanks Eric and Jason a reminder that you can get to with us any time by e-mailing ople know it's a baby seat Ok to you Guy and putting N.A.S.A.'s in the Subject title North American sport shock through type restoration are the lies that come back from I wanted out of the World Series No I don't have to look up with that don't tell me I guess after the health Ok There you go very full of people dying lovely I 505 I please help me out no searching we're going to talk m.b.a. We're going to use the spangles I will find out how to school and all that after the latest news it's often home digital b.b.c. Sounds small street below me this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live at his office and thank you Boris Johnson is challenging opposition parties to agree to a general election he says M.P.'s can have moved time to scrutinise his brakes a deal if they back a vote on the 12th of December Jeremy Colvin says he wants a bill to pall until a no deal departure is off the table the process of moving the bodies of $39.00 people found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex is continuing the 8 women and thank you all men are believed to be Chinese nationals a 21 year old man will appear in Cote today charged with murder and attempted murder after full people were attacked at a house party in Milton Keynes on Saturday night the Tea people who died was 17 the U.K.'s biggest remaining payday lender is to close quit quits use us based on a sense the company will leave the country due to regulate uncertainty is the thousands of complaints and compensation claims remain unresolved and the news Katie Smith has this Bulls also left a late cyclo back a 32 win at home against Victoria game in the right plagued record signing Nicholas Pappas got 2 goals in the last 10 minutes to keep on top of the group made mom and his United boss Ali going to social has admitted the atmosphere was brilliant in that will know when I have a Potsdam Belgrade which ends there are 11 game win less away run that have been says I have a possible trouble possum played the last 2 year pay and home. Behind closed doors off to racist abuse by supporters the crowd was unbelievable so I think the crown should be very proud of the team and the team should be very proud of their crowds because it was an excellent. You know what we talked about before the game while the fans were great so shells are praise teenage defender Brandon Williams as his man of the match and one to watch in the future Well Celtic and wolves also pulled off a thrilling comebacks in the right play Chris for Julia nodded in a light headed as the Scottish champions beat last year to one school the $21.00 winning penalty for wolves against Bratislava Meanwhile it was a 11 draw for ranges. As west 6 time while Player of the year from Brazil has signed a new undisclosed length deal with American side a land of pride in the work be head coach Eddie Jane says the tactical partnership between George forward and Captain Owen Farrell is unparalleled fulls been recalled for the semifinal against champions the old blacks on Saturday while I went back to inside center but I bring a tech to go away and I think when every flying is nice though you've got to be technically shop and I think Georgia now and together probably the foremost the night air in the world and they go by it's got great work right and another clash between New Zealand and England will be missing a key player this time it's in cricket Black Caps caps in Kane Williamson is ousted That t 20 series against England with a hip injury Tim Southee will captain in his place the series begins on November the fest with full commentary on 5 Sports Extra former f one driver Julian Palma says he admires Lewis Hamilton trying to speak up about environmental issues on his social media platforms the vibes I'm world champion has been accused of hypocrisy because of his role in f one on the high number of flights he takes every year I have a lot of respect for him to try not to speak out more and use this part for the good and he can use his problem and he said today how he was really I admire what he's trying to do with the world but it's the maturity is also shown on the racetrack as well it is. It's the whole package that's changed but I'm also not quite so committed but at the moment while on the track it is possible for Hamilton to secure his 6th world championship title the Mexico grown pray on Sunday will bring you full commentary hair on 5 Live and a 2nd round of goal so is a Championship in Japan has been postponed due to heavy rain Tiger Woods she has the lead on 6 under the making 9 bodies in the 1st round as the latest from b.b.c. Sport c.b.c. Sounds download the free b.b.c. Sounds and discover the best of 5. Including you me and the big c I wanted to rub it in people's faces Yes it does happen life isn't a fairy tale I'm sick of t.v. Shows people just too much but then it's a happy ending life's not happy ending tragedy does happen and I just want to. Try and raise awareness for download to free b.b.c. Sounds out the music radio and podcasts this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on the b.b.c. Sound. Bite on Welcome back to the North American sports show on b.b.c. Radio 5 Live I'm Tom Green and I'm James Rick and this is the Chicago Cubs. Ok right we're going Ok so that's the the only team to what is it again the last team to come by for a moment it's happened 11 times in the World Series this team of done it 4 times Ok fine if you have any ideas please help me out a 558 time for that. Belt. Tom as you know we are specialists here on failure at the North American sports show I'm very aware of that fact thank you so we like to highlight when we can and in the n.f.l. This season there is quite a lot of fire around the Dolphins think they are all for naught and 6 on the season the Jets the skins the Falcons they've all only managed one win each although the Skins are playing tonight I think they're all level at the moment against the fire. Things. That will be rubbish Sipho and none of them though can hold a candle to the Cincinnati Bengals nor 7 for the season I'm now they've got a trip to London on the going to be playing the l.a. Rams who are quite good so it might be no slight Lindsay process and as with the Bengals beat them for Inquirer sports or what has gone wrong oh my goodness I think you could point at every position except for Kevin right now is special to me actually I don't know if it was a joke but if you call a pro football focus he was special teams player of the week because he was pretty much the only highlight when you look at this thing will seem just from the past couple weeks it's just from the defensive side underperforming guys on that front the 2nd there is definitely taken some injuries the good news we're in Jackson the 3rd will be back this week return to practice that's huge news for the secondary right now but I think one of the biggest surprises and you might say What are you talking about it's a surprise their own line is terrible but I think that they can't run the flaw it's a joke because you have to running backs and Joe mix Senate jewel Bernard and a bad ally last year and Joe Jackson was one of the top backs in the a.f.c. So I think that's really surprising for this Bengals often Sandy funds so the so is this a problem of the front office because you've got a new head coach the c.a.a. Who I'm sure wouldn't be expected to pull up trees particularly new 1st year but has he just not got the tools to play with that he should. Get a lot of things act I mean he's getting criticism right now that's just kind of I get the anger from the fans is acting is calling the plays so I can see where if you want to point a little blame on some of the play calling is acting learn said blame me blame me when you look at it but you also said every single player that takes the field is someone to blame when you look at some of these losses right now and you mentioned trades and we know how about organization works unfortunately that they're done business like that and we don't know what happens behind closed doors when I see my comments you know get a 2nd round go to Peter it's for you know if I can get in a 2nd round. For mom it's no go to the Patriots you have to wonder if somebody is calling and given a 1st rounder to green and I think you have to listen or you got us and the guy and there are other valuable pieces on this team that you could possibly trade so I just I get the moment I think it's just underperforming on the defensive line side because I think during training camp and preseason that was one of the strongest positions in the office of mine is terrible I hear people crying out for it Ryan send me back out there at backup quarterback Why would you put anyone in that office of mine it's terrible. No no absolutely So what's the. You know what's the plan and what's the strategy now because I think intension you know the new and 7 we all know that kind of out of the playoff rights even if not mathematically than all so you know what's the plan are they going to tank on purpose now and get a really high draft pick Now I know fans want them to tank now that they're all in 7 on the season but no n.f.l. Player. That's just not their mindset because this is their job this is their profession if they don't play well this year the team going to go out and get better players I think right now you get what you can out of some of the guys who could be on contract extension for next season you play out the season for different positions and I think it's so here which when you look at the quarterback position because they can cut any Don't next season and dead money let him go not exit not not pick up the the extension on their own have any money and pick up a new quarterback and it draft loaded class right now so I think at the quarterback position it's going to be really interesting I still want to know what Jonah winds can bring to the office up line because that was supposed to be one of their biggest picks this season and the 1st round in and I hear fans say I was happy to fix it all I'm going to go on and well they won 2 in the past 2 years I mean you look at Billy price he was supposed to be there Center and I guess good news because Terry Hopkins is one of the top performers on the office of line and he's a great center your 1st round draft pick in Billy price isn't playing his position he's playing backup he's. Point and you know left guard at times and they don't and he's not mean all that well so I think that the question mark going into this off season will be besides the green contract and what's happening behind closed doors what that run game how poorly it's been all season long of line is still one of the biggest question marks right now and linebackers I mean it's a joke and I was talking to someone the other day I said you look at some of these top defenses I mean you can name the 40 niners and they close up the Pittsburgh Steelers and Devon Busch this Cincinnati Bengals defense doesn't have a top playmaker I mean some have it has his moments it's had his rookie year last season but they don't have a guy evenly Jackson a 3rd is underperforming at times they don't have a playmaker and I think that would be huge for looking at out there to be one of the top picks in the draft and you want to do any of that then you quarterback was going to ask you I was going to ask you because you were so low he was kind of cool of his being somebody you could turn really good but actually easy is the fact that he's not very good or is it not he simply hasn't gone oh lines play with here's a thing and you don't splash year was 2015 on the team started no and he was having an m.v.p. Year young fortunately made a bad tackle after an interception in the Steelers game was a week 14 and that ended his season it never came back from it he had one of the best so I mean they had Andrew it worked out there they had Kevin sailor and that helped him here's a a little above average quarterback and everybody knows that with and you don't but at the time you got a huge decision to make because I think what's really killing their run game right now when they can't get anything for him decides they often supply because they don't have a guy like John Ross who can spread out the field they don't have a Jake rain out there and in the blocking has been pretty brutal So there's a lot of things that are factors and why any Don't not play in one of his best seasons even though will say he has one of the earliest releases in the n.f.l. And of course he does he want to get rid of the ball so it is good. Yeah absolutely doesn't necessarily mean he's ending up in the place he needs to end up of course which is the problem this weekend of course there in London does a change of scene offer any hope for the Bangor. Does it change of scene you know it's really funny because. I actually pick the Middle East pretty badly at least. I've been I've been pretty down on I don't know how in the world so I don't think this Ramsi when you look at the 29th they're not last season they're often supplying is actually in a performance. And Jericho office haven't Ok season time early is not doing too well on the ground but who knows it could help. With these linebackers out there I think the biggest battle on Sunday and look Jaylen rams it will not. Get that match up of jail and Ramsey and I think the biggest match up when you look at this game at Wembley Stadium is the Bengals front versus the Rams o. Line they have feel they can take advantage of that I still feel that there are plenty of talented guys on the front they've underperformed you actually looked a little better this past Sunday but I think that is how you won it and of course people say the whole time you know and the line you know and old up but I honestly think if there was any way that they can win this game it would definitely be the 1st is the Rams that line I know you've managed to escape this weekend away London you've had it's a desert and it would be crazy. It's funny we don't. Go in going so you go friends and you're in a coffee shop in Denver that's where we're talking to you from but you must when you've been in Cincinnati you must meet in coffee shops and listen to people talking listen to the farms talking about the Bangles What are they all saying oh you'll banging their heads against a brick will go in what is going on oh what are they saying Oh my goodness I hear every day I hear it and my treat someone is book everything they let me know how they feel everyone is really frustrating you know no. But he's going to games and we actually saw that last night but like that was more of a message oh we don't want Marvin Lewis to come back and nobody would come to games but we're seeing that again right now nobody believes in this team and it's just brutal I think that actually I saw a quote the other day and I use this on this this past week's podcast as I believe the debris around family wants but I believe they want to win how they run it not how the n.f.l. Has changed the n.f.l. You have to adapt to it and you look at the New England Patriots for example look it's easy to look at them and say that's the organization you want to be because they have all the Super Bowl rings but they do things differently I think they're on their own island versus the rest of the n.f.l. I mean they they wake up after winning 33 nothing in primetime football they say we want to get better we want to get better we're going to get rid of a 2nd rounder and yet it might have been a little too much Mahomet's you know we love them but it might have been a little too much and they would get a receiver because Josh Gordon sound right now so I just there's 2 things differently and I think Cincinnati had been stubborn. And I don't feel and a lot of people don't agree with me but I don't feel the Bengals are cheap I just feel that they were on their way versus the n.f.l. Has change and that could hurt them and it inherently has it's not the new a lot I still will it's amazing and I actually have taken a couple steps out of it. Go ask Robin a lot is there important things thank you very much to Lindsey Patterson for an opening on the Bengals game of course this weekend in London should be great Tom is it the Yankees it is. And I was hearing that your own zone as I know it is Yankees that had 4 times and 7 of the 11 teams to have got to have a known to hole in the World Series or from New York that made it sound like I knew about schools in the Duke is a surprise for jewelry my dear I worked in the hole and if you didn't get it why didn't you I'm from was promised I didn't do it right time for this. Yes new n.b.a. Season got underway this week that's wrong sorry wrong it was on the 1st championship in June but they've since lost their star Kawai Leonard to beat l.a. Lakers that Lindsay don't is a basketball reporter city needs to run is that Lindsay's at the Lakers he's going to have to have a moment you know he went to the Clippers I would say is was across the hall I thought that as soon as I read the one pass no right he went to the Clippers I knew it wasn't right because that's one of the stories of the new season isn't it because actually the Lakers you wanted to be this absolutely amazing team I actually might not be the best team in their own building now but you know what they did pick up a rapper Raptor instead a co-op they picked up Danny Green but yeah everyone saying like the Lakers are supposed to be the best team and they're going to be great and they made all these offseason moves but honestly I think we're going to see a lot of Hollywood drama there and I'm so excited to watch it because they think oh yeah they got Anthony Davis they got Lebron James White Howard's back for a 2nd Stan Rondo all these other players but they all have such huge personalities and they've never been known to play nice with other players so you put them on the gather and it's just a ticking time bomb to watch them explode and yell at each other and hog the ball but you know maybe they can play nice maybe they'll get some counseling they'll sit in a corner or play with their toys and then be best friends and place of good basketball but I don't see it happening because they haven't done it on any other team so they I think that championship will go through the Staples Center and will be the battle the l.a. But I don't think it will be the Lakers So you're going for the clippers then eyes here I am because I think it's much more than a physical game say yes you know injuries say you know Paul George quiet Leonard they stay healthy it's such a mental game as well you saw how quiet Leonard commanded as struggling and kind of nervous. Raptors team last year when there was a beautiful shot he made against the 76 series and when they were down against the Boks in the Eastern Conference Finals quite basically was like hey guys then he did that hilarious laugh and said we got this stay cool and just play basketball like you know how to do that I've been covering the Lakers or rather the Raptors for 5 years and they always would get nervous and crumble but quiet has that ability like by then master to get them to focus play and then also he can have those clutch moments the Lakers don't have no it's all the Clippers Yeah absolutely and it was fascinating to watch what's going on in l.a. But you are in Toronto you with a city needs to run to a basketball reports of those so the raps is all probably facing quite a difficult season because trying to repeat that massive peak is going to be very hard. Will it ever be hard yeah they still have a lot of that amazing core that they had in the finals run but like you mentioned they lost Coa Lehner they lost Danny Green a lot of people don't really talk about Danny Green but he was instrumental in the playoffs he was such a great team player he was making plays he was making shots but they didn't really feel fill those holes like they signed some players for longer contracts they bought it brought in some great rookies they brought in like Randy Hollis Jefferson from the nets but nobody is anywhere close to Danny Green or choir winner caliber they're definitely a playoff team but it's an uphill battle and I don't even know if they have the assets to make a trade or if there's even a player out there that could help bring them to the finals where they probably wouldn't be quite Lenora like they're definitely Oh I think they could they could even get swept by the bucks but it is an uphill battle I'm sorry to say that to Raptors fans I really hope they're not listening so I will have picketers outside my door and then it's definitely going to be an interesting season they won't have as nearly as many wins as they did last year well let's talk about you mentioned the books and let's talk about the books and specifically Jonas and compote I mean is he again looking. To be the m.v.p. You think this season Absolutely and it's kind of scary to think we haven't even seen the full potential of the Greeks freaking Yonathan it took who have 0 interest in one of the stars I made the sign to say one of the best make names in the press professional sports anywhere I think it is so I just want to do well so we could keep saying the great Craig the great free is the best thing ever but their depth they added some more players this year they added the other Lopez brother and the and they added Col Corker who's a great 3 pointer but you know if you honestly play like he did last year and he can he has so much more he can develop with his game which is so frightening he is just a beast so maybe the beast great creek could be his new name but I just think they that's the team to watch because even if say he you know sat out a game he got injured for a bit their bench depth is phenomenal but he is so fun to watch the so much we could told you about the very very briefly I mean look Le Bron James is easy still the force he will Miss Wells No and I miss going to be honest I'm a Lakers fan and it's not fun to say that but here or not he is still a young pop pop but in basketball terms he's aged and he's slower he like he can't keep up with everybody else he has the mentality that he is the greatest in the lane but he's not he doesn't really have that shot he doesn't the quickness of the game that he needs and he also isn't the best team player but he's definitely not the Le Bron We saw years ago so I maybe give him a couple more years if the injury bug doesn't bite him hard but he's definitely on the downward spiral Lindsey an absolute pleasure to talk to you hopefully we'll catch up again as the season goes on not is Lindsay done a reporter in Toronto for City News right let's do this. Sinister about a new way to watch baseball Moxie Williams is the man behind it we spoke to him earlier this year about the very core of formants of and and now he's come up with a way for you to track AC schools schools and yes it means you can check up on the old Pio as well as interesting at the initial research I did demonstrated looking at over 4000000 pitches that umpires got it wrong too many times the average umpire misses at least 9 percent of the pitches up to one in 10 times they missed so it's significant and it really influences the outcome of the game yeah and so you develop this new app so that you and I can bowl you obviously but me as well we can trust gates and so tell us a bit about schools sure I'm scores is set up really as a result of this research and it was to lay bare and provide transparency for fans like ourselves who are really interested in understanding who is number one behind home plate what is their reading meaning one to 5 star 5 star being the best and what are their weak spots and their strengths I'm looking at pairings for example I'm looking at relative to a certain team how well do they perform versus certain weather conditions versus certain part conditions there's a certain pitch types in pitchers so I'm really taking a deep dive data only I can procure and as part of this because you are yourself so I mean I remember talking to you and you seem genuinely upset I think to a certain degree as to how poorly on pirating in Major League Baseball was is that was inspired you to kind of make this up. Yes I felt that I had the ability specially the technical ability to create this transparency so if fans could really see the weak spots and where and how empires could perform better and this was a great opportunity so I spent the summer so since we last spoke I spent 5 months with a team of very bright students from Voss university to build this app Ok And so how does it measure what was so we what all the metrics is short one of the key ones is what we call the bad call ratio so looking at all pitches that are thrown relative to those that are judged balls versus strikes so how many times in essence did that empire get it right or how many times they get it wrong show and so what do you helping you'll be able to achieve with this because I know a lot of people who've been listening to this we going well that's the one who spoke to occasionally get about coal Well what's interesting is the extent of the bad calls in particular in baseball unlike for example in soccer where the consistency rate the accuracies up to 90 percent now with Hawkeye type technologies what I discover here in baseball at least in u.s. Major League Baseball is accuracy is only around 91 percent so there's a lot of room here for improvement and I hope that this app will really increase the professionalism and the performance of our umpires and I remember you saying that one of the major problems you found was actually with the age of the OEM pies and the experience in the on the scene slightly older at the time but you know I remember it is stuck out from a which was that the older the impious the wounds they go and the Is policies this is part of you master plan if you like to really show to the Major League Baseball 3 found precious some of these empires need to go. Well it's quite interesting right so I did the initial research and only towards the end I put in age and I connected that with performance and what I saw was a direct connection that is the older you are the higher your bad scores were so all of a sudden the reality is maybe i'm pyres peak just like professional athletes and that maybe it's unfair to assume a 60 year empire behind a home plate can do as well as a 50 year old or even a 40 year old so I think that's really the issue that is you know for a professional baseball game who should be behind home plate and last we spoke Major League Baseball didn't seem to want to be frank didn't seem to want to have to do a lot with you you know they they weren't taking a lot of notice do you think this kind of app is going to increase the pressure on them to actually take some notice of what you're doing what's quite interesting it's been very much an braced by fans already in the app Tony been out a week and I'm getting lots of fan support here because really in essence after every game Major League Baseball produces a private report card it's a score card for each op but that's not public so in essence fans don't have the access to understand exactly who are the stronger the average user that we compiler's So in a really sink way I'm able to score the amps and you can tell within one minute who's behind home plate what their name is how much experience their age and how good they are and where they're weak spots are so it's kind of fun it adds a new dimension to baseball and it makes it fun is there a concern soul should you be concerned about the the idea that if a you know if it implies a particularly bad game they're going to come into quite a lot of abuse from the fans is that is that a worries that some of you thought about highlighting the role. Well this is not blaming site what this app really does it really shows those strong performers as well as weak performers so sure if someone has a bad night just like a player or a star player can have a bad night and you know that's part of the game right having broad shoulders in and listening to fans but at least fans now will be empowered with lots more information and data so they can really track I hope some day that you know the best umpires fans are wearing their jerseys in the stands I mean that that would be exciting to see that kind of support for our best umpires to see them actually wearing the kids in the stones is not a likely thing do you think it's like a value in football. Not going to happen we all know the chancellor. Well there are some bumps for example the top say 10 percent on pyres are really just exceptional in Major League Baseball many fans don't even know their names Pat whole Berg for example will little These are top performing umpires and yet fans do know the umpires that are low performers like last Diaz for example or Joe West so in essence hopefully what we'll do is to shine the light on some of these high performers and they will be encouraged to continue to to do a great job and what's next I mean this so many metrics in baseball it's a game for statistical nerds and I mean that in a very polite way so what's the next thing you're looking at. Right so well we got to before the World Series we thought that was important I researched. World Series made like baseball did. Based on their accuracy but we hope that maybe Major League Baseball will listen to love it more. Because the biggest game deserved about. The North American We didn't even have to mention story about the. Investigation for tweeting about. Straight thank you very much coming up the South Korean. Feminist. This c.b.c. Radio. Regina King. Live on. The main. Has made and the general election. Is the day. The b.b.c. News on. The prime minister has promised more time to debate his breath if they agree to hold a general election on the 12th of December he says although he really doesn't want one he thinks the e.u. Will grant a 3 month extension to the. Deadline the conservative m.p. . Nigel Evans says he's backing the Prime Minister's plan I think that. Every piece of legislation will go through the same trauma that we're going through currently with the bill I mean at least you did get through the other day but of course you can get the program. If the programming is very important to them then he's going to give them a concession. But honest to breathe a leader of the independent group for change says it isn't good enough what you don't do is dissolve party at the same time you're trying to consider this incredibly important piece of legislation at the same time you're running a campaign for a general election crashing into Christmas he's playing silly games with our country and it's not acceptable Jeremy Corbin says he'll only support a general election of a no deal Bracks it is taken off the table a 21 year old man is due before magistrate charged with the murder of 2 teenagers in Milton Keynes the boys who were both 17 was stabbed to death at a house party Charlie Chandler from Bletchley is also charged with 2 counts of attempted murder police have begun the process of moving the bodies of $39.00 Chinese nationals found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex officers have been given more time to question the 25 year old lorry driver my Robinson on suspicion of murdering the 8 women and 31 man Sam Hudson is from the charity women for Refugee Women what we can say is that this is part of the bigger picture of hostile immigration policies that have close safe routes to the u.k. And force people into situations of utter desperation and really extreme danger the U.K.'s biggest remaining payday lender is to close quit quits u.s. Based Eunice as the company will leave the country to regulate 3 uncertainty it's believed thousands of compensation claims remain unresolved a 10 year old boy has been praised the hoping his mother after she was seriously injured on a mountain in Argyll the woman fell more than 300 feet into a ravine her son managed to scramble down and used her mobile phone to call the emergency services who ality her off the peak on a stretcher the leader of Iran Mountain Rescue is and the Raven Hill really helped his mother he probably did Saif a lot by calling the police and bringing us too. Quickly he definitely improved chances and talking to her and reassuring her he'd probably helped her faults and struggle through this sport now with Katie Smith a free kicks from substitute Nicholas Pappas saved all small as they came from behind twice to be put against side Vittoria game rash 32 in the right plagued pace 2 goals in the last 10 minutes keeps on top of the group bunch as you know is it also only going to social as teenage defender Brandon Williams was his man of the match and one to watch as they beat Potsdam Belgrade one nil ended their 11 game winless away run that stretches back till March there were also 5 by wins the Celtic Heebie last year to one and Wolves $1.00 to $1.00 of a slave and Bratislava Meanwhile ranges 311 at Porto I know is how much and has defended his use of social media to raise awareness about global environmental issues he says despite having a high carbon footprint himself he won't be afraid to speak up the positive change while it's possible for.

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