Ours was full of praise for the staff absolutely wonderful they've just been very supportive and been very patient with us one of the midwives opened up the best center last night for us which was very special and very moving say there were really grateful we had a wonderful experience Mike Sweeney is live from our pop up shopping with unsure next and there was a very regal feel to the red carpet in London last night for the premiere of the new Downton Abbey movie the film is set in 1927 a year on from the finale of the T.V. Series. Just arrived. As a kingdom crema coming to. Describe it as a delightful farming joyful and nothing more than a T.V. Series in miniature Greater Manchester is whether cloudy but mainly dry this morning the brighter lights are with some long sunny spells chance of a shower and highs about 18 Celsius life from B.B.C. Radio Manchester. The radio Manchester travel update. Know what's going on throughout the great amounts through area Sarah good morning good morning Mike it's been a struggle on the M 602 today because of the region road road work also the middle would street closure and but it's improving thankfully now I am 6 o 2 and he was also really struggling a little pull straight as well at one point still flow of hail hail towards the end $56.00 at junction 6 either side of the motorway there seems to be a little bit heavy approaching the roundabout from the 538 it's getting better on the approach of Bolton on the M 61 Ramsbotham meeting up as well on the M 66 and Princess road through Masai if you are heading on the M 16 you're Cheadle there were earlier heavy traffic just because of an accident that was cleared quite quickly but they. Tabak lingering for a while and just be mindful heading towards Chilton and. The choppy life while working at the junction of Malta throwed West they have been placed on a couple of issues that. So just watch out for. And keep us up to date if you can I 18180. 3. From with him on B.B.C. Radio Manchester. Today for unit 21 right in the center with we're going to be here all week who were in our very own shop and it's it's brilliant and we've been saying this all week and we mean it. Was genuinely don't think Oh it's you know because it's very posh not very posh where your local radio station would love to say I'm in the shop window doing the program today which I've never ever done a program from a shop window before but you'll see in a moment. It was preschool at the same Ackles same like pockets in the same jeans all. Kids were about 3 or No more they looked really lovely. As well which is a little bit of a bonus to fish Patrick our political reporter opposite Me More from him in a minute so I want to hear from you though today how do you feel about what's going on in Westminster in the early hours of the morning M.P.'s again voted to reject the prime minister's call to hold a snap general election I want to said they said no chaotic scenes in Parliament including. Laying hands on the speaker the speaker stepping down as well has been quite a controversial figure there was chaos chants like football chants in Parliament the people holding up and I'm not sure the protocol is about. All the different opinions right from one end of the political spectrum to a little bit on the Think about this and I said this earlier on. And you watch politicians of all political persuasions. Saying that piece to camera . At the moment. In the Commons. For the next 5 weeks. Of Shame on you. Our political reporter kept Fitzpatrick. Visually an ordeal from parliament there that's what's never happened as it ever know and it's a very unique time that we're going through isn't it constantly we're using the word unprecedented in terms of what went on in parliament last night clearly parliament has been shut down from even if they slunk but not for not for a few decades usually it's a few days this time it's nearly 5 weeks so why who are opposed to it democratic and that's why they're angry but we're talking about why you know why all of a sudden there's all this the outreach going on in Parliament maybe in a way that hasn't been previously and we're in a different time out with social media this round the clock news all of a sudden these visual students people put in not. Being silenced signs and the M.P.'s the M.P.'s chanted they know very well if they make a force in parliament one of them just puts his arm on the speaker that will be filmed that will be she and that will travel around and so it's a way of getting the message across perhaps in a different way to when Winston Churchill was prime minister did you foresee the speaker stepping down that came for me yesterday shot from the blue Well he as you had said previously that it was due to Gore a while back but then he said well I'll hang around and see the break that process through clearly he's faced a lot of criticism from Bragg's it is you feel that he's been convention so to speak to give those who are intent on delaying Bragg's a bit more chance than they they feel they should have done but he's been adamant what he's been doing is ensuring that the voice of Parliament has been heard but clearly he's decided to come to the end and it's time to stand aside I mean you do this for a living you know political reporter I broadcast for a living will look at our elected politicians Very quickly let's go back a few months make an impact with the deal it from from. Softtail were made his point of view they'd rather they remained the soft deal to Parliament 3 times the whole apartment. Mate and we outside think right we're in a situation now and they're say why can't we have a soft deal the one that we got rid of what we killed on the puzzlement can't you from vultures about the political class Yeah absolutely but what people voted for was a yes or no Wasn't it leave all remain and then the whole process is through a process has been trying to establish right well in what way do we leave so trees in May ultimately she came back with a compromise brags it is work with you said it's not properly brags that remain and said well it's not as good as staying in so neither of them voted for it then we have an impasse they are stampedes All right well what would you vote for they couldn't agree then either and then 30 in the end fell in a saw didn't see Boris Johnson's come in with this brush do or die attitude on Parliament. Put big stumbling blocks in you ever had a time in your political career as a political reporter where you've seen conservatives saying wait a time my party leader basically I'm a part of the Labor Party waste of time my party leader when you've got such a divide in political parties and i've ever seen anything like that no one I don't think the husband because this brags that issue has divided the parties in a way that no big issue has previously never before of we had. A prime minister at such a time like this buttin 21 of his own M.P.'s out of his party just the time when he's desperately trying to pull together some kind of majority never before have we had the opposition turned down a request from the prime minister to hold a general election that's what the opposition are supposed to do but clearly these are very different times labor saying well we need to ensure no brags that no deal is stop. Boris Johnson on the other side of the debate adamant that something needs to change have found it's honest even worse if you will is now Stephen you 1st of all a good moanin buddy Michel money manager great shot your eye what do you think what why you think Mike I honestly think there's a lot of people saying he's an afterthought you are not but there is an anger and he's gay and came thousands of more angry should be sure you will from the No the name page saying shame on you shame on you we go it's a quiet night in show put on a show where the show all the local unpaid was told to come out and leave all. By itself a fact to Khomeini we're going to stand with economic collapse you move in with the show I'm currently in show for now we do you mean these recalled on the record employment everything be said it would happen the town the concierge not the news site. Is a fine a woman a heartbeat 27 countries in the. Can you name 27 countries because I can tell you Well there's only 4 contribute. One of the main contribution. Is the final make you go you go I got Warsaw and Burling they feel they are both so when you are. Getting half a 1000000 cold. You don't go to Germany. Because they have economic power which are he has no doubt. We will thrive our the I'm sorry. Let me bring Kevin face Patrick Steve is our political reporting on this because you saw me this morning. I saw you see are you thinking we should leave without a deal then you just want this to be over with and you feel that the M.P.'s in these these northern constituencies like solvent should just be allowing that to happen dear I think I think. Now what you've got is you've got labor labor now saying Patmos originate. Their software I don't think they are saying that. Well that's why that I would go but we all know that Labor won't won't do what they want is a 2nd referendum. That's what we're going to do you know probably 2 or 3 things on the table. For software. To make. The deal out of. The lab. And. They going to tell me all day long their loved ones that know every man as well when they love a deal no deal on remand that's what people expect on some of the questions Steve Stevan to me question how do you feel used to be how do you actually feel about what's going on in Westminster at the moment. Well I honestly think. That people are saying shame on you I'm going to be out of a job that we shot like I think and I think the conservatives should machine a check because he should actually get a job with your fragile should be played a big part next. On a change to the people who. So you won't make in 2006 they were not great. And it was you probably it was absolutely probably when we were coming out. We don't it that pretty pull everyone said. You know you stink you know are we going to be traitors we're not going to call our car brings. After conservatives about governors you know I mean we need a. State thanks so much of phoniness and of you others emotionally connect you with words the years give us a ring. 5 used the word he's angry about it because what's happening in Westminster Dog affect me I want to know how you feel about what's happening in Westminster the moment. The. Travel update. That will better news on the M 6 o 2. Will have been delayed this morning but it's hopefully now a better heading on with towards region road princes road is still looking a little stop start all the way through from Wilbraham road by the way through to Woods the Mancunian Way. We've got flights held back still me I'm 62 me a Haywood 1000 to 18 and once you're on the M 65 and right the way round. It's been slower through hell bonds approaching in 56 a game that steadily improving So hopefully now we're heading out there a shower but be mindful in the Chiltern area Barlow mall road the traffic lights have been out today busy junction is that as well the road Mulder throwed West and trams just a quick check we still got minor delays on the Eccles Ashton. It's just because of their early. Signaling. Anything you can add a 100. People. Trying to. Think the people in the areas know people stop believing in people of. Color of the planet somewhere with before you can. Be coming to see you. Think you can be. In the middle with. Anyone in the you're right in the center it's not paying down today if you'll pardon my little meterological observation going to be quite pleasant and the moment people all around the. Station you come in and say hello got the doors open there's no barriers. Give us a ring. To double 51 of find out from you what you think about. The State in Worsley passion he used was. A face. With a professional viewpoint on what's going on a professional perspective Barry and Rachel joins me now Rachel good morning. You think about what's happening in Westminster absolute shambles MIKE It really is when all this kicked off about well you know half years ago whatever it. Said said you know this is going to lending it's going to be a shambles. It's an absolute disgrace of the way today hazy a lot to bunch of who. You know all these rich people who should be ruling the stretch you know the health service education. Services police. Services they are neglected. I am sick. Of hearing about wrecks that you know we well are so nice out it would go you know for goodness sake get us out. With a deal we can all go out we don't. Know about. How do you feel. About the fact that we had a deal. Last year. And our political representatives of of all persuasions bulgy the deal down 3 times how do you feel about Obama. I think it was silly really because. You won't give us a good sound. Many times you go back. To your at Brussels they will not. Prove anything I don't think you're going to vote I really don't. Like the big lights do you but. You know I was born here by my. Skull. I mean. Rachel what do you think about the prospects of no deal I know you're saying we need a deal M.P.'s are adamant they're not going to support this one that you were saying is the only deal on the table but you talked earlier about the N.H.S. In place and the other things which need some attention well all these M.P.'s who are refusing to allow I was to leave with no deal they're adamant that a no deal would make all those things worse so whether you believe that or not is one thing but how do you think M.P.'s. Are they're not supposed to prepared to support the deal on the table a majority of them think no deal will be a disaster so how did they get out of that limbo. Because. You think steep the 2 absolutely impassioned calls which I won't politics. Do and you're involved and I found out over the last year or 2 doing this when it comes to politics you've got. Strong and you think about your articulate stayed and Rachel great great calls from both of you keep your music. Jubal 500 to one a double jewel 5 What do you think what do you think oh what's going on in Westminster. How do you feel about A. Good 21 a double double by. It's going. To. Come. Up. With. You know and it's an early dice the children here with tell you the bulls are awash with color and there's like beautiful boards there's loads of crazy. And pay payloads of railway tracks and lots of toys to play waves I tell you if I was a child I'd want all the days off school to come in here play regardless if I was pulling in so much goes on here there's 90 full time and part time stuff you would with children and parents making sure that any child who is a bit pull the into the why they can come here and be treated now we've rules really lucky this morning because we've visited by therapy don't know this parent P dog is a great day he's called Shakespeare but he often gets mistaken for a cow and that's because he's got black cow like. A beautiful such a wonderful temperament to be findin out at bit more about him in just a moment that this I want to speak to you and now you've been in here since when UN . Now you all 13 years old you got in a bit of trouble because you played rugby match to. What happened. When they were. Kids I mean they go oh no we stop. So does that mean that you had a few days off school and you just had a bit of a chill out while the men did you and. Yeah. And have you had lots of ice cream yeah. That was the best thing. You can say per anything it's just ice cream to it. I mean we don't Professor ice cream over say why. That was and I hope we get back to seeing. I'm going to speak to an older child she's old. And I'm joined by a moment as well is 7 years old now 10 days ago she came to this unit because she is feeling a bit one to the wife a you've got a new section. That involves having a lot of blood tests now blood tests where your favorite thing in the whales so you decide to do something about it you want to tell me what happened. With test. Came and then I. Said. I had to pull a test you for in a lovely leaflet giving them some advice and telling them what to do to call in and get through. Such a lovely thing to do you want to rates that you put in in the. Take. Before the test. And and have lots of to. Say is going to help so many of the children saw her. Leave them honestly a moment must be so proud to see your eyes if it we don't. And stuff they have been absolutely fantastic and say reassurance hours gotten better and better each day and it's been such a wonderful experience not only for head but for us as parents as well OK Very quickly before we go I just got to meet the main man he's. Going to manage just speak to his trainer if I can get He's like a big OK let me just tell me a bit about him and. Yes So this is Shakespeare he's with. nation why it and he's almost 2 years of age and he's been a therapy talked for just over 12 months he's been visit in the starlight unit hit with ensure hospital for 2 years now with his partner to his partners josh and he took a but from josh troubles that and he comes along and says hi to absolute everybody hit anybody benefits not just the chilton keep is it's the stan the to ups's the new this is even the parents at the children who were full of anxiety can be stress tired he keeps them and shares then the lowell i had a dot sates a made that was that this time hit seed his why they actually smile in the 2 weeks' time he'd been in a little boy be an inhospitable say eve really to make a massive difference to everybody in the house plan vironment we haven't gone which time go i just want to say what beautiful creature e a ism what joy use brought to their all the children in paris here at the fellow light you need already i can just see it before you with plane with and little a over that here's one and a hall for and play you know we've the race thing called health in the car with his nose to play with if i does they were i be pushed over by shakespeare dow he's about just gets you thought get a leave your we do you bike with on the by the way in the next hour or that's can you ring the today and tell me how you feel about what's going on a month just stuff only to call of incredible well people of comin to talked about this hour under got john these both with this allen with you in a 2nd rights when i ask you all the color or my skin you know how face to patient make what do you think what what's going on in westminster up thing was gone on in westminster out the moment is discoursed mall i'm a i'm people i make will feel sick your the months which personel to past 3 years i haven't got a clue While. The balance is of leaving or remain and also people Ryan opinion it's remained That's my personal opinion of people that's fine but obviously I want to remain because I think we have a working class society many many years ago England's always tried it I've been buying A My parents came up with it from the car bays they came over and they were in England so our way going to survive if you could wave a magic wand what would you what would you say to the politicians to do Dot dot dot What would you say to a get together not politicians show it is not a boxing ring you know man is not people trying to get news wrong no one's right and wrong in this I think personally people got volved and as soon as I did for not been pulled out I mean I don't vote for treason maybe I felt like she was from an alliance because obviously like you said she gets a balance me personally as a working class citizen she must know what's going on John it's great talking to Alan 0 as well as the person who has been amazing both on the calls a lot and you've quit a series or what do you think of what's been going on special the last $24.00 for you. He said It's absolute chaos in there. What I can understand is this people vote we've got the job just to leave. For 60 percent of the parliament want to remain and so every time this can go about. To give every signal No all it does about seem to be whatever the the commo with a last remains they don't wanna know what you want to do I'm just asking John it's them what you want to do the government generally. All of them. Everybody's given bodies or not. Barque the only one with balls to do what you said on the ice to leave and leave is what we want to do with the don't. We have the callers with. With him in a 2nd. 5 Give us a shout What do you think about what's been going on in Westminster over the last 24 hours. That's brilliant as well with absolutely. We're hearing it it's always good to want to. Travel. Good morning good morning Mike. And also you can meet you in the Mike you know it's well and need to check the road roundabout so there's road works have been problematic through the rush hour today but it's improving now it's quite in down the M 62 you find it's OK actually approaching from Rochdale traffic areas well it's coping well locally on the main routes heading through Not many issues today in terms of accidents thankfully it's mainly been the road works and an issue with the traffic lights in Chilton. Road West or approaches to that junction just a little bit slow as people are just slowing up taking a town with a tactic in your time heading through where the traffic lights are working and if you're relying on the trams that have been delays throughout the rush hour a couple of issues so altering him Ashton Eccles lying to struggling with money to lie if you know of a problem or a 100 he wants double to double for 6 late night phone. Sort of young on a 2nd I'll just get Kevin in a 2nd on that because I don't think he's much working it with us now. Go on your overview of this and the reason it's such a difficult situation for them pays even though lots of people say well just on or on of the will of the people am pays a struggling with a Dial M. Of the predictions of leaving with the deal are pretty dire especially for places like. The former chancellor. Of the party Philip Almond a recently said government figures expected it would call. 90000000000 times hits on the economy last week actually the Bank of England the governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney he said we don't think it's going to be quite as bad as we thought in terms of the impact on food prices bought They said they would reduce from they were expecting them to go up by 7 percent they now are expecting them to go by 5 percent in an ordeal situation so that's why even though lots of M.P.'s and I spoke to a number of them last week when I was down at Parliament said they do want to honor the Bolton and seals leave they want to see it with a deal because they're worried about the impact on jobs and the prospects of people in their constituency so they're in a dire level of wanted to honor the vaults but. Feel unable to back to reason as deal they don't think that was good enough and they definitely don't want no deal either OK if you calls great calls great live guest by the way hey I. Was in Wigan and she'll join you know Sheila good morning good morning micro you. Really well soon shining all's well with the world great listening to the calls as well what do you think he'll about what's happening in Westminster I am absolutely disgusted with them all of them and I think it needs. 3 full from top to bottom they're not fit for purpose they're not able to govern properly all they've got there so serving their own interest. In what way do you feel they're doing that Sheila what in what way are they serving their own interests. They're not. Democratically and that the will of the main. The Leibowitz of the referendum they seem to have disregarded it and gone their own way and with whatever their own agenda is individually it's Or it's a it's a leave country and remain parliament and that's the problem. We did have a situation and then Kevin just alluded to that there was a deal on the table and parliament threw out 3 times. What a tie does into the E.U. . It wasn't a deal it was a treaty and now it is crashing out with no deal it's absolute rubbish we all will leave with and with a B A W T O terms of the deal. And it's not crashing out of no. Time to be used. Once we've left though they will the day after no deal they'll start trying to solve the deals won't they and that's one of the arguments made to say well the best thing is to come up with some kind of deal because no deal is OK temporarily potentially even though lots of. Economists think it would be economically very damaging books also mentally we would have to do a deal in the future wouldn't way so a deal will always be done it's just a question of whether we do it now well whether we do one in the future. And we have to be on our. Do you think a general election could saw this so if you use we as you describe the remand Parliament you think the country would leave Paula minted and then something could go on for weeks with them. OK Can I just read this out for a 2nd this text is going to thank you by the way for the tax known in the population at large even thought of our membership of the E.U. Council Cameron came up with a badly organized referendum it's a get off the whole with the E R G lead your all skeptics on his back benches It was a fiasco interfered with by the rich and powerful. Before the E.U. Tax avoidance rules came into play revoke a 50 is our only way to return to normality and return no more politics in a ball and. Take it right back to the jealousies that Kevin right to the point where there's a school of thought that said if David Cameron but of come back from the you with a different relationship there would never have been a referendum they just didn't get a north and came back several haven't gotten off his a referendum. Boy Well people who've been in favor of us leave the youth for many years would said there is nothing he could have come back with that would have satisfied them because they just disagree with you you was an institution they think it interferes with with British interests too much and he said David Cameron underestimated the strength of feeling across the country in terms of the a year we underestimated the upset about immigration in some of our northern towns he underestimated how people felt the sovereignty was slipping away from the U.K. And I think you know the political elites on all sides of politics they were pretty shocked really that the the country decided to make this move but ultimately they have to come up with a way of leaving the year and they can't do it it's interesting because as we said right the program the difference psychologically between the 2 W.'s Westminster with and Shaw is incredible Maybe there's a communication issue there for all politicians to be addressed some by the future kept thank you so much for being with us. And we're going to be looking at something very fishy before we get to the news and in the next hour which we're doing with the. Birth unit 21 we've got a radio station right in the center with. The. Remember when it comes to great. B.B.C. Radio. In within. About what's happening in the. Here and when the show real food with the sharks food it funded by the National Lottery and they work in the community to get people growing and cooking fresh sustainable food we're going to get on a food journey right now and we're going to start this food journey with fish who. A key ingredient you listen to me then didn't you want to set fish to B.B.C. Radio munches on Depot with a real food within to find out how it's super charging Vera to help feed the great community because we're going. To get one. Thing got for me a. Cape I'm for it on the growing quarter nature for real food with chill this is a J. Down home so you know it's a center for politics so we can show people how to grow walk upon it like we take it and they love swimming into it. And it's the day that there is the magic ingredient for us doesn't sound very appetizing. To close Luke Rowan system so the idea. The idea everything feeds into that you will breed fresh fish you can eat obviously but also the fish will provide the nutrients to the plants the plants actually fill to the wall and give some clean walkabouts of the Fischel the fish thrive so it goes around a mound the cistern are really good for green leafy we've got spinny which. Bush do very well we've got packed Charlie anything fairly well. This is like the summer of what you do with all kind of starch right here well we like to think. So we we look after a fish here you can't we can actually eat the fish so we make these Corey which is really now I. Probably got about $250.00 next hang on and they. Did not all the tank they breed all the time so we have lost. And then I see the really delicious fish. Every month. What's the next step on this journey for that the work that you've got all the projects we then take. To. Civics and. That's what we do with it. Because they can. Just. Hear. People say. The population of here but you to behave in an issue. Which I believe a bit slower in. The music in the capital. A. I'm loving this I've never done a program of before from what is effectively a shop window but the shop is now. It's a studio say yours and I may not come walk in and say hello I don't think you could possibly do that it's not for the likes of me we had exactly for the likes of you doing a program gets on it there's a song being played Have you got time to say hello and you know a couple of minutes so please come along to say hi to us we have got to write the way for you next we're still begin to talk about fish to pop. Ways right through the program got some great music as well. 95.0 on digital radio on B.B.C. . B.B.C. Radio much. Well I mean with the Shah It's Tuesday morning you listen to B.B.C. Radio Manchester it's time for your news now at 10 o'clock with Paul Lockett Boris Johnson is chairing a meeting of his cabinet after failing to force a general election for the 2nd time parliament has now suspended until mid October M.P.'s mounted a protest in the House of Commons before Parliament was shot last night the chair of the commons Breck's a committee Hillary band says M.P.'s are being denied the chance to question the prime minister about what he's doing. The government to hold it to work out and for 5 weeks we won't be able to do that in Parliament and everybody knows why Boris Johnson took that decision to shut the doors of Parliament I don't think it's the right or Democratic thing to do and that's why people feel strongly about Official figures show the number of people out of work fell by 11000 in the 3 months to July it now stands at one point $29000000.00 the rate of unemployment lowest level since the 1970 S. Wages grew by 4 percent in the same period a crowdfunding campaign by the supporters group forever Barry has reached more than 10000 pounds the founds started the fund raising effort to help rebuild the Shakers after their expulsion from the Football League the supporters come from far and wide including other clubs a review is found that one in 4 adults has been prescribed drugs in the past year which could be addictive Public Health England is calling for a national helpline to be set up to provide support the health secretary Matt Hancock said the country was in the grip of an over medication crisis the retailer J.D. Sports has defied the high street slump and reported a 10 percent rise in pretax profits the shop made just under 130000000 pounds in the 6 months to war guests it's been.