Been mulling to about what happened to Mark brunt of this month but that it could be linked to drug dealing is Dent Detective Inspector Sara Oliver has emerged through the course in course he was involved with the supply of drugs in the local community his family now want to if not before hand is left behind his 19 year old daughter who's absolutely devastated about the loss of a father and then to compound that with finding out the suspects his life that she knew nothing of it's just been very it's been tragic and 86 year old woman is still I did a house fire in Burnage firefighters were called to the property oncet Margaret south of New just after 8 o'clock this morning but they said that not currently treating it suspicious but their investigations are ongoing and there are appealing for witnesses opposition parties and some rebel conservatives have expressed interest in a proposal by Jeremy Corbyn that he should become caretaker prime minister to stop by no deal Bragg said the Labor leader said that if M.P.'s voted no confidence in the government it could lead the country until a general election was held the Liberal Democrats have rejected the idea this calls for Boris Johnson to commit such a 9000000000 pounds for high speed rail links across the penalty it's great to munch to Mandy Bynum's one of 19 northern leaders calling for the prime minister to pledge a Norton budget to unlock its full potential Mr Johnson said a very very good case was being made during his Tory leadership campaign place a warning the public have to potentially lethal drugs was stolen from an operating say it's Michael's field hospital a man walks into the said Calabria on cheese day night ripped a cabin off the wall and left with it offices say the medications are only safe in the hands of professionals and are appealing for information in a town of concern that manages sole Campbells left the club by mutual consent after just 8 months in charge the film England defender managed to keep the segment in the Football League thanks to just 2 defeats in their final 10 games former Manchester City defender Keith Co who is currently in charge of Northampton Town says he's shocked by the. Yeah very much. The start the season. The planning and preparation of going to the pre-season reshaping the squad. In a place you would have thought there would have been the platform in place to further his career next Tuesday's Barry vs rather immunised game won't take place that's the 5th mounts to be suspended this season officials say the outstanding evidence regarding a number of financial commitments has still not been provided by a Steve dialled side face being expelled from the Football League if financial that cannot be restored a good claim on the 23rd of August greats amount just as well that the Met Office has issued a weather warning of rain for some all right well that will be in place from until 10 pm but for the rest of the day it should be drawing tending a bit cloudy over the evening of 10 Celsius my family. I'm Rebecca Barrett. Radio Hello. It's a chap with Michelle $21.00 funny man Russell Howard is on the show talking ugly babies. See you tomorrow morning when you wake up. Travel. Isn't it babies and potato chips scum like a what's the difference is that anyway it's more of a potato myself. Just sort of the I'm sick so my fried fell got long delays because of an axe to the happened a bit earlier on to lend main clause 23 head out to do with congestion all about 26 and all now we meet with them for few days could take you a good hour to get through. Generally things do as you'd expect this time of day know the right answer and since to meet your wire of maybe just a bit crazy still around said Howland's I've got a flood non-college street it's Kingfisher drive but I'm hopeful that water level should start to recede as we head through the P.P. Area if you cannot that made them begin 802 when I. Went to Newsweek. a music. Along with hanging on the telephone on B.B.C. Radio Mr Good afternoon 7 minutes past 4 fill with you this afternoon through until 608-0218 still to double 5 you can text 813 double 3 start text with the word manic love to your thoughts on this regards to a woman who says that she was sacked on the same day that her family dog died and she's now started to come pain for bereavement leave when employees lose their pets instance they were Think about this it's all with regards to a woman called and the matter she's from Glasgow she said she was too upset to go to work after her terrier nearly died at the weekend but at the minutes by law employers don't have to give you unpaid leave or actually for that matter they don't have to give you leave it's all to do with peppery flints can speech Dion James who's manager of the pet bereavement support service at Blue Cross and will charity which thoughts on that do you think you should do or is it just a step too far let me know 813 double 3 Start your text with the word we can always keep Isabelle 080218 suitable 5 after 5 today how have the A level results be you know if you're in a family you have currently been shredding envelopes of parts to find out the news is one has funny days isn't it when if you put the news on you always see the celebrations people jumping up and down they always seem to choose the ones that do well don't like and I can imagine if it's the other side of the coin if it hasn't gone that well then there's probably a bit of an anxious house household tonight let me know whether you've got your A level results. I'd like to talk about them on the radio 13 double 3 is the tax number 80218 double to double fight is the number to call letters no these have to do right let's talk to Andrea Christmas Day Afternoon kid after I don't take them I did take A levels I'm a straight A student I know how you know that's a like I am I was I was shocked to be only this I didn't think I was going to get straight A's but on that shelf you can imagine they're sad were did you have planning and Plan B. No plan I. Thought you were going to do it oh yeah there's a university lined up university lined up went to University of East Anglia studied English literature I'm a bit of a bookworm secretly but don't tell anyone Yeah so and then I got to spend a year in overing University of Colorado which was fabulous absolutely fabulous this isn't it yeah very Ivy League school and then Pixar. Aspen snowboarding so you see if you do well in your A levels you can go to Colorado he had taken a like you and me on the post office a strip search. But look where I got a very have some say that to anybody look it's not about that piece of paper no it . Just you know it seems like the world but actually you know your whole life ahead of the Social Security changes and the. Rights and dreams here it's a look at the stories which are trending States ironic isn't exactly much in support of anxiety in the country today A level results day and yet at the same time it's national relaxing National Journal Luxation day which she didn't realize I didn't know this has been going since 9095 and I've never heard of it before start off in the states Knowsley everything that starts up over there comes over here and so it's about what are you going to do today to relax I was just reading some statistics and they were saying these are things that I recommend it read in a book which meant to be is the best way to reduce stress listen to some music which I learned of. Drinking a cup of Terry Oh yeah you're going to say walking out in nature and then playing games you know it's funny because I went for some of it 50 now I will lose over 50 medical things when they test everything and I was OK It was like for me if I was top 20 percent of men my age would you know at least for all the one thing they picked up on and I think they did this because they did you know so all the cardio tests and so on yeah I'm not very good relaxing. And yeah I just I just want to be doing something the whole time I am the water just sitting there and I think because of that you know I always want to be at 8 and you know I'm not very good when it comes to relaxing. So when you're at home you always like snow your goal is going to be doing something. Just sitting there what about going on holiday now again just going to do next really just don't like sitting there again and finally you know if I think my dad got one of these watches which sort of measures your heart racing and so forth it's always flashing up take a minute. Probably say you're going to do more that we've you. Know 40 comes up during the program so we can imagine being on the radio is even though it doesn't seem that you know it is quite stressful it must pick up on the fact that you know heart rates going through the through the roads a brewery. People having to make will have like the 430 brief minutes. Oh go no lie down in a darkened room like that. Can we talk about as you did say that if you make it sparingly one way to relieve the stress yes books there again the stress may return when we ask the question how would you make the perfect cup of tea Yeah I mean I have to say I'm up slightly rubbish I hate when people come around and they ask them to want a cup of tea and I'm praying police say you know because all fell out it really bad and so those that you know go beyond He put a time. About how to make the perfect competency and it's been great reading the responses some of that if you stupidity for more than 3 to 5 minutes that's completely Oh yeah your. Completely wrong there was someone who actually makes that take you with milk and sugar and oppression. And then someone. Brendan Sweeney said you can't is going to be made in a teapot to be that kind of kid. And you know I love going for you know Afternoon tea or gas somewhere where they make proper cup of tea and it's just that lovely thing isn't there if you know it's yeah yeah yeah because I I'm a proper don't care. Don't don't don't yeah it's a lot of mail in fact people in the office are appalled at the color of my teeth. It's a need. To go when. You have a school week and this was another debate to have a squeeze the teabag with a teaspoon Oh is that a big no no. I think you really just like a hot cup of water with milk in just the with a pretty bad. No no sugar OK you know good lie about yeah but I was never. To steep before you squeeze or do you steep and apparently this is when you basically have got the tea bag isn't it coming out of the cup and you're squeezing into Yeah yeah OK yeah yeah I'm just I know what I like that's what everybody else has and generally there's a lot of left cups of tea when I. Was never such a bad thing nobody ever asks again right more from Andrea Koppel Gnome's time we're To some. Tension and you B.B.C. Radio 18 minutes past 400 Crump looking at stories that are trending today Cowles all over the press today. Where you think 59 and I missed. Lost 20 pounds which is very impressive so is cut out we dairy meat gluten should get unfair and we have a confident Simon says on a scale of $1.00 to $10.00 of how he was a name now he's a Number 11 great book so I was thinking I was expecting loads of really positive comments but they haven't been encouraging or remotely flattering he's got it looks worse it looks like that about NY and I think he's aged 20 more years and one person said why do these clothes never seem to fit his body when she gets a victory you know Strachan if somebody has so much money he's used fashion sense has always been all over the. There is something a bit odd about his chances just seemed like. It was happening. But yet you know in the way that the shirts down to the label. You know you think you know especially when you're alongside me has been over the years some really stylish guys you know whatever he's on The X. Factor looks only on the train because. He was alongside Louis from one direction recently etc and you just think. You know what I mean comfortable in a suppose really do you think he's looking well do you think is I think. He's only lost a few pounds the only thing he's in the pictures that I'm seeing going to be Yeah I think he's out of the question definitely had some work continuously carrying them out. Kind of disappear like it's a fixed grid anyway good it's only what would be in a pound beyond Simon Cowell comes to fortune would you writes The other song. The other a story that we're talking about today I have to say I've read some unusual food combinations over the yes these kind of I think does take the base gate would you mix your hot dog with your ice cream you know just it's just so gross Oscar Meyer which is the food company owned by Kraft tines obviously we've all heard of Heinz there's a tweet with the image of this eyes. Scream struck 161000 views and so the traveling around New York at the moment and they're offering what's called an ice dog ice cream so this is what's in it candid hot dog it's hot dog sweet cream mixed with a spicy Dijon ice cream sandwich between a cookie now does that. Mean you're OK with the everything about that in fact the more the ingredients the read out the worse it became the over the way around a thought you going to throw in something like you know a nice bit of maple syrup. With us just down. Well I don't know why it's never been want to mix sweetly savory neither pineapple in peace or no. Blasphemy don't want a Hawaiian with a sweet corn. Say like pancakes you know I was thinking pancakes is a very sweet so you know yeah but not on a religion to tell her or whatever and you know when people fill them with bacon and cheese that's like an I fear I do like maple syrup or a bit of lemon and should get lemon sugars probably my favorite thing for pancakes I think their hot dog ice cream. Off the menu runs with. The radio man just travel updates 22 minutes past the latest on the road has that after they fell on the south part of the M 6 are afraid because 2 lanes of claws following an accident 23 head out for 22 and there were laws that congestion caused by the rush hour trail and all the way about 26 or away made to the M 50 a well over an hour to get through that so void the cab while people found alternative routes surrounding the M 6 from Powell back out of things to go traffic busier than usual in traffic also struggling with people on the sign says westbound the M 62 not very much better away from the M 60 over towards the M 61 lanes closed or broken down through the roadways 12 Rakhal street to 11 at Birchwood kids around Warrington when it roared approaching cock edge and their trucks. College straight down towards the bridge because of flooding back from hell straight through to Kingfisher drive and. A 100 to one I. Guess the 161-8198 was one of the most important events in British history an event that happened in Manchester that marked a turning point for democracy. Tomorrow is the 200th anniversary of the Peter new massacre and throughout the day we will be retelling the story of pizza as it happened 12 new album live on the site of St Peter's field as the city marks the anniversary of this often forgotten event numbering the day that changed the Peterloo massacre Tamara B.B.C. Radio Manchester. Police. It. To. The massive day of sports not really going England's way in the ashes all the details from peanuts in the sport at $430.00 plus the latest from Barry who've had another game suspended and we'll hear about that managerial departure from one of our greats much to teams that's on the way Andrew Crump is with me today just before we talk about Peter Lewin a couple of most times now we were talking about national relaxation deaths and I said on my phone yes I get a little messages can you read that I can see it from here what I'm saying is that says a minute of deep breathing can help you realize this is one of those words yeah where actually the phone is telling the time to relax OK so let's do some B. Deep breathing will carry on of a couple of overs Diab writes the mix tape on the way just before 5 today it's going to feature Bruno Mars also his say and Freddie Mercury B.B.C. Radio much to where tomorrow events are being held across Manchester to mark the anniversary of the Peterloo massacre it's a key moment in the fight for political reform if you meant 200 years ago this was on the 16th of August 196-0000 people gathered on St Peters field in Manchester it was for what was supposed to be a peaceful protest well at the time only 3 percent of the population were entitled to vote and the city had got no M.P. Well the all forests were fearful of unrest and turn into dampen the movement and they turned on the unarmed crowd killing 18 people and injuring 700 well Denise Southworth is from Fallowfield relation Mary Hayes died after Peter as a result of her injury she was in her forty's and she was pregnant with her 7th child Good afternoon Denise hi how are you yeah good thank you for joining goes to day just heart. Isn't it in her forty's pregnant with her 7th child going to what she thought was going to be a peaceful protest and obviously the events then too in the way that they did something really significant day for you and your family some. It is and it's given us a lot of thought as a family because you know we have a problem to say. Same EFI other family has but when you start looking back in history and see what our ancestors went through and just see in the film and date in the books is gave us a great appreciation of what we have today and what people in the past had to sacrifice in order for us to have what we have to take the freedoms and the right to vote and so forth have you always known this story Denise or was it a bit of research into your family history from you or one of your relatives that found this out well in 2000 that was made redundant and they did a bit of a hopping in the family history and they didn't find out because of quite a few generations back so it wasn't till 2014 that I found this time spied great ground called. Didn't jump our didn't they while I was in that same area Haitian people. Unfortunately we've lost Denise apologies for that we'll try and talk to the niece a little bit later in the program but just let you know that tomorrow at midday Becky wants is going to be at those Peterloo commemorations live on B.B.C. Radio Manchester and obviously throughout the day we'll be reflecting it as we will tomorrow afternoon from 3 o'clock on this program right bring you all the day's news and sport in just a couple of moments time then a couple more stories from Andrea be interested to hear your thoughts on the sundry we're going to be talking about it just before 5 today we're going to be talking about the woman who tragically lost her dog decided to take time off work and was sacked from that position because of it because she wasn't entitled to and she's now calling for pet bereavement so you know unpaid leave or maybe even leave this paid for by your employer if your animal dies which think. Well because you know it is one of the member of the family you know it is an animal at the end of the day I mean I know you've got you've got pets and we were never our pets as kids but I think I have to say no to on. I mean that's entitled to your opinion here but we'll be talking to somebody who thinks that maybe they're actually people should be entitled to it so the debate to have their way turned to to want to double to double 5 lets you know your thoughts text 813 double 3 Start your text with the word. It's just gone for 30 right there Big Dave sports come from pain in a couple of moments time 1st an update on the B.B.C. Headlines is Rebecca detectives investigating the murder of a man in Warrington just yards from where Gary Neal love was killed in 2007 trying to reassure the community Cheshire Police says officers to keeping an open mind about what happened to Mark Bradbury earlier this month but that it could be linked to drug dealing an 86 year old woman has died in a house fire in Burnage firefighters were called to the property oncet Margaret south and you just after 8 o'clock this morning police say they're not currently treating it as suspicious. There are investigations ongoing in there appealing for witnesses opposition parties and some rebel conservatives have expressed interest in a proposal by Jeremy Corbyn that he should become caretaker prime minister to stop a new deal breaks it and the artist who created an E.P. To a memorial in Manchester says he welcomes the discussion about its design after complaints from disability campaigners just as city council has said it will announce how it will create wheelchair access in the coming days great amount is whether it should be dry overnight attending increasingly Cloudy with rain tomorrow those of 10 Celsius or life from B.B.C. Radio Manchester I'm a back about. Radio Manchester sports with. MICHAEL FIELD town have confirmed that manager Sol Campbell has left the club by mutual consent after just 8 months in charge in a statement to the club's website Kumble said it was a great beginning to management and described it as a fantastic learning curve and former Manchester City defender Keith kill says the news has come as a shock Yeah very much so going to start the season the. Planning and preparation we're going to pre-season reshaping the squad put his ideas. In a place you would have thought there would have been the platform in place for that to further his career very have had a 5th match suspended the E.F.L. Have called off Tuesday's game against rather roam the club have also been served with a notice of charge that's after failing to fulfil their League Cup against Sheffield Wednesday earlier this week to shake his are still facing expulsion from the league in 8 days time Bolton midfielder aeronaut Suma has left the Wanderers leaving them with only 5 senior players under contract and more into the 2nd day of the Ashes Test England are currently 2 injured one for 6 at. From B.B.C. Radio in Manchester. 26 minutes away from 5 let's do the final couple of stories on today's trending today Andrea Crump is with us right can we talk about dental surgeons they want schools to go sugar free yes it could be the end of talk shops and because I was read this report and I'm really surprised by this but the number one reason for hospital child admissions is dental decay for those under the age of 10 shocking is really really surprised by about so which is why a dental surgery the Royal College of Surgeons are wanting school Soko sugar free and so they only if so that means in the county Moloney for dessert there won't be like the normal sweeties that's the big just fruit and fads and normally kids can be able to buy a lot the. You know the fizzy drinks and the sweets that would all have to go so be completely different from excited thought by this point with everything that's available you know flossing you know toothpaste me out of mouthwash etc to actually get which could be far off the point where actually no dental decay I think you're not really is not actually gone you got. To have even want teachers to show and teach kids how to approach the teeth did you start those little pink tablets at school here yeah. Maybe it's time they're all over there was a great. Big Blow you know so good. Everywhere didn't it right finally I love this this is a You Tube clip but bear with us we'll try to explain it the best that we can because we do like a dog video this is the cats that's gone viral on You Tube Yes indeedy the goal keeper. Now India's got his own channel with 350000 people who follow him and this particular video it's just like a 92nd video that's got. 58000 likes only came out in July's got 2000000 views so the sky is the coolest cat he just I think it I think he was a goalkeeper in his former life he seem of the only throws the book and he seem to the most amazing some muscles in the major amazing catches of these balls it's the coolest thing. And then just I think because they put it down to slow motion he just looks so spectacularly very spectacular and so many their comments the same that he should be playing for England or maybe we might wade in the one that gets me is where he went so far how you actually went over there. You know there is always a sad story you know it's every You Tube video as if you noticed his friend who's in the back there is just a little white cat is. Getting there were turned. And if I can have my own you know . How can you find that let me see if I can. See what. They want to try to find the cheap channel but it's a fabulous fit you know if he doesn't warm your heart then your cold hearted it's. Just What You Want It looks as if he's nominally waiting for the ball to pass and then he just sticks out as you know. Andrea thank you pleasure as always lovely. Straight A Yes yes. 23 minutes away from B.B.C. Radio it's got the latest on the roads next after a beautiful. Immediately Radio 20 minutes away from 5 by the way back with you this coming Saturday morning going to be in we're going for is this weekend's going to be up to all sorts there including finding out about a new art installations are going to be talking to some of the traders in we can see if you're out about there this weekend say hello. Advice with Shawn getting to the critical time of our chili plants competition this is where we've got a chili challenge myself Sean and Jackie The other 2 gardeners we have given the well the task of trying to grow as big a Chili's as we can so far is not really going my way one plant star you do in a render circumstances and the other one well there's little green chiles appearing but they aren't doing birch and all the leaves are starting to shrivel up to hatch fingers so anyway we'll get advice from Shawn about that and anything that you'd like to talk about gardening wise then you can do that from 11 plus Alex will have the nights T.V. And on Saturday My guests are going to be both talking strictly ahead of the new series in a couple of weeks' time test daily and former contestant Ben Cohen So that's all Saturday morning. Travel update the latest on the roads he's at Target after. The M 6 I'm afraid because of an accident that happened earlier on it looks like 2 lanes remain completely Clause 23 ahead on through 22 in the world that means congestion right away by 226 metre the M $58.00 are all going to take you at least an hour to get through so void if you can if not stick with it you can allow some additional time on your journey some people actually coming off the M 6 trying some of the routes that run parallel but they're just as busy of course specially this time of day so it with just sticking with the more in those lanes reopened. The M $62.00 fairly busy $93.00 to $28.00 Rochdale away from the M 60 out towards the parents broken down vehicle taking out one of the lanes that she had in the Michael Field area Chester was pushing Filbert roll because of road works and that's not how it got flooded at college straight on the railway bridge once again major routes Parks an alternative route for your health straight and Kingfisher drive to any other updates you have the number you need so a 100 to one I double tradeable 5. With gas if you had to choose between United winning the travel again all got a job on it I was off my big toes dog so. If you could have played in one game in history which would it be $99.00 semifinal against would be your post-game meal 1st thing that comes to mind is a proper greasy takeaway biggest moment last season scoring the free kick in the Champions League. With Carling gas weeknights from 6 on B.B.C. Radio Manchester because today is A level results day we just thought we would challenge gas and car a little bit later and we did go online to try and find some you have a question split me tell you they were the most difficult long and complicated question so we thought right we will do our own sweet got a nice little football a little quiz for the guys a little bit later after 5 today we are talking about A levels maybe got a member of your family who used to be in school today or to college to collect their A level results how to take Do let us know after 5813 double 3 text to start you text with the word monk we're going to talking to some students about success with them and also it's the other side of the coin isn't it actually because you often look to parents or grandparents for their advice so we're going to be hearing from some of the older generation about how they did with their A levels where 3 had a significant impact on their life story about that to get in touch more on that after 5 o'clock today so let's just come to this story it's a fascinating story actually it's only got people talking online today this. The most read B.B.C. Story a little bit earlier if you've lost a pest a pet rather you'll know how to fit can be to get over it and the toll that it can take emotionally but do you think that your boss should give you time off work to get over it well there's a reason behind this in the news today a woman who says that she was sacked on the same day her family dog died as starts the campaign for bereavement leave when employees lose their pets and is from Glasgow she said that she was too upset to work after her terrier Millie died at the weekend one of the moments just in terms of law employers don't have to give you paid or unpaid leave to deal with pets bereavement sets them basically whatever they wish to do that has been a lot of talk about whether it should become a thing well let's talk to Diane James Diane manager of the pet bereavement support service at the Blue Cross animal charity Good afternoon good afternoon thanks taking the time to talk to us you know it's interesting because you always know when a story gets as many hits as this do obviously people are really interested in it whether they've got an opinion or not on it and it must be something that has cropped up for you before whether or not there should be any sort of leave for people when an animal does like die you know it crops up quite regularly support services Blue Cross have a pre-code quartette great mint but I'm talking last year we got inquiries because people got sort of just devastated and distraught that they're very wonderful in how to leave happy there isn't any encouragement but if an employee is compassionate you know we would say there was a little Underwood and yeah it's an interesting one isn't it because I suppose on the one hand you know the employer would say well is this you know almost like the thin end of the wedge really what you can ask for time off next but I suppose unless you've had an animal in your life for as long as you know it's been around and it dies. You don't truly appreciate the pain in the agony that you go through. You know nothing is when it's power. Member of your family likeness ladies Cape school teacher genius it's a huge loss you know we are sympathetic All we want is people to give it more compassionate Eco's time or you know even if it's a day just to sort themselves out getting fell together could be vital and we know the effect you can have on business so we just make the sensible work with your choice yes this is much that isn't if you come in and people know that you've you know you've had a loss it's the whole thing of dealing with the well isn't it you know you almost need a little bit of a gap in order to return to work once you've almost you know consistent with terms with yourself it isn't that mean if people want you to be honest and communicate with them you know people are going to tell you that they're also a cause of their animals died if they're not going to get a good response. You know we have a trial 1000 people you're contacts also corporate law so there are a lot of people out there you do need to see what's your advice them when people get in touch which they to them what we say and what they're seen is totally normal because a lot of people can't understand why they are eating what they are a huge part of the life we say to them take it one day at a time talk to family talk to friends but we're there to be impartial and to listen and you know Mason when the time is ready we have a rest because you know it's instincts I think the 2 May be things that always struck me about animal bereavement is one somebody who's had an animal since they were a child and of them become adults and you know it's all been the friend throughout the life I think that's a horrible war but also I think older people when they think well actually has probably the last animal that can have you know you're so right that you know we often forget it could be the last link to a loved one it could be less so companion in a huge huge loss for older people because they then feel they can have a level on which they can and the same as with children I mean Michael a 9 year old daughter 17 year old daughter Elijah is going to be devastated she tells him You have. Just that thing isn't it always it was being in the back of your mind that you know that you're always going to outlive your animal. Any stories you know positive stories about employers that actually have booked this and said actually you know do take a little bit time off you know something and it's not like rest will obviously be an animal was mentioned because we do get. And I know that when I talk to others who've I mentioned are looking. Including some in London who contacted me to say it could go how do you work it so people are looking at you. And I s'posed you know the worst thing we lost our Labrador a couple of years ago I suppose the worst days that question isn't it when you do return to going to replace him yes and you know some of this one of them here all the time it's only people to get who is no huge lost people any animal that you have caged bird and I think the people missed them and say it's easily replaceable I think you know when you live alone you know I'm sorry if you can hear my cry I think I love that I love the fact that we've got a few animal sound effects little bit doesn't it. I have to want a chocolate working packet euro and then my older dog then you'll have a little story and its hero has been very vocal he time out it's our rights let us not stand in the way of the dogs to die and what a pleasure talking to you today thanks for joining us Dion James who's the manager of the pet bereavement support service at Blue Cross animal charity any thoughts on that sled is no 813 double 3 start a text with the word man or you can get in touch 080218 double to triple 5 right got state's last lyric coming up just after the news at 5 o'clock plus we're going to be talking A levels and Kyle from talking Bowls going to be with us and it's been a big day of sports we'll get you up to date with the actually is also a managerial departure and the very latest on Barry all to come after today's mixtape. B.B.C. Radio Manchester. I am. Just. A. And it's. Some. Really nice girl some really good she is. That is the day. Lazy so very much. OK that support about Zeus clock off work for 7 same day is lovely 17 days break says one thing I'm going to miss though is your show definitely not the traffic through. The good news is you really miss a week as well next week Phillips is going to be here as of Monday from 395 point monitor to digital radio on B.B.C. Sound. B.B.C. Radio much still. Going to be talking A levels in a couple of hours time plus tonight's last line after the latest B.B.C. News and 5 o'clock REBECCA BARRETT detectives are trying to reassure a community in Warrington the safe after the murder of a man just yards away from why Gary knew love was killed in 2007 says officers are keeping an open mind about what happened to Mark Bradbury earlier this month but that it could be linked to drug dealing as Chief Inspector Simon Maken on understand those concerns are really up additional officers in the areas while the currents are being such a short distance from either side the circumstances of this instance are very very different as it is a murder on the Stanley that causes shock and upset within the community and 86 year old woman has died in a house fire in Burnage Police say the not currently treating get suspicious B.B.C. Radio mount is to spin at the same I'm sitting at the entrance of some August have new shrines closed off following a fire residents have described as horrendous and devastating so coy area and from the outside it's hard to tell which of the need terraced houses the fire was in next to the bright.