We have a strong performing country we need to continue that we can't leave science about labor the Lib Dems in the S.M. Payable said they'll oppose a no deal break said this morning the leader of the S.N.P. And West Minister Ian Black for it's told the B.B.C. That leaving without an agreement would be cataclysmic for the U.K. I've got a responsibility it has That's the 1st minister to say to the people of Scotland look at the chaos in Westminster that is not a function of government many respects and people in Scotland are going to have to face that choice as to whether or not we stay with it Yuki or whether we become and and very briefly do you believe that Boris Johnson will be the father of an independent nation I think it's done today he could be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom social media has been flooded with images of the storm that ruin the sleep for many people in our region last night thunder lightning and Terentia rain struck in the early hours but no reports of any damage be more police say 3 children who went missing overnight in the storm in North Wales have been found safe and well meanwhile Forecasters are warning that tonight could be the hottest on record in parts of the U.K. Temperatures could remain as high as $24.00 Celsius overnight the warmest was 23.9 Celsius in August 998 U.K. Is urging people to take care of their elderly friends and family during the heat wave I.T.V. News announced they'll be 2 series of the dating show Love Island next year the programme that encourages people to pair up on their shared holiday villa as one record audiences of more than 6000000 this year on I T V 2 The show's been under fire though after 2 former contestants took their own lives I.T.V. Chief executive Dame Carolyn McCall says it's right to keep it on air the thing about Love Island is it is a dating show and it is a modern day dating show and actually if you watch it it is entertaining but it is also about the ups and downs of relationships and they are also very kind and very supportive and and they discuss issues that actually a lot of people value because they are discussing. Things that happen in modern day relationships and the Oldham Council has come up with a novel way to improve library services in the town from next month members with overdue books won't be getting a fine council leader Sean Fielding says the idea is to encourage more people to join a great amount as well the main the drawing very warm again just getting brighter as the day day wears on with plenty of sunshine later of 26 Celsius live from B.B.C. Radio Manchester I'm Paul Lockett. B.B.C. Radio Manchester travel Sarah Elliott with the traffic in trouble again Hi Sara good morning again morning my We've had a problem in 6 o 2 heading towards Manchester with an incident which was being dealt with towards the end of the morning rush it's all been cleared now or lanes are back open and even the queues that we're building through from Junction 2 they've got we've got a slight delay of 3 chatted snow on Broadway just towards the M 60 there Ashton traffic is slow from 23 to 24 to dense Niland hearing through the road where this is the 6 days later Buxton road to the turn off the hay field it's been quite heavy in the end let's fix it today I'm 6 inches 19 around the roundabouts and they've closed the A 5 to 3 now south of press Brita would field where they're all working on a bridge. Times the day now for the next 3 weeks from today the A 5 to 3 still road is closed if you know of a problem cool i hundreds to 18 double to double 5. Things we sweep B.B.C. Radio hunches. Still it's. Close. It is. The 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival which is really the granddaddy of all Pop Festival of those 1. 967. Was the template you wouldn't have anything any more. Festivals with the structure they have now without Woodstock I'm going to . Call in this weekend and I'm playing there with the sulphur jets on Sunday so I won't be with you Friday on Monday of this week and if you got scandal calling our I was a blue dog last Friday those festivals would start with a template for all of them it was the grandparents of Pop festivals Rick Lee was that stage Woodstock he was a member of 10 years after he grew up in Mansfield in a coal mining town and it was great to me in a spoke to me earlier and I said to him what was it like going on to the stage Jerry I mean I get nervous I'm sure you probably do when you perform. I think of your performer and you don't get nervous just before you start then there's something not quite right with it and assumes on Normally if I hear the 1st chord or account in a while I'm fine I'm relaxed and I'm off but. The nerves are still jangly in a bit as we finished the 1st song and then they got even worse when we did a good moral school Grogs read to start it 4 times because it was still damp you know from the storm and everything and the guitar just wouldn't stand and I often used to know really trying to musicals so obviously the pitch trying to tune his guitar and what he did was to tune the guitar in tune then he would certainly I was based the stock in his in his ear and there were 2 layers bass because lives turned so used to do and more to do that 4 times you know and from to 300000 people and this is kind of there's a fraction there's a piece of audio attributed to Alan Wilson from CAN HE Yeah who walks onto the stage sees that they're just getting notes was half a 1000000 people that it goes Oh deary me. You know when you look at all those that didn't get asked so Bob Dylan do it you know and do it Led Zeppelin didn't do it the baker. As didn't do it the Rolling Stones didn't do it this is a must see list and there were so many acts that would asked even though they were huge and OK after Woodstock 10 years after became a major international rock N roll band because of the film because of the failed however how did you get asked in the 1st place because you you were with all due respect a great British blues band really that's what you would know international it's all wound Well we had been working in the States for since 65. That came about we got the 1st record deal with Decca and Bill Graham in San Francisco as a promoter actually went on to manage Santana later on here on the Fillmore East in New York as well Bill heard the record and he sent a telegram to Chris Wright our manager and said if you're ever in America. Please come fly my venue and that spurred Chris to get as a tour over there and we went and did our 1st tour in 67 and the 1st band we played with was grateful that we supported them and Arizona in Phoenix and the 2nd member played with was Canned Heat and we're still friends that I'm free to. Become friends I'm Larry because they're the only 2 left and in fact which or and with them in the autumn this year we're doing well heroes in Woodstock so. When you look at era and down remember there are remember your early days when you eat before you started recording to me 66 or 67 and you knew about the band now there were loads of and I mean this with all due respect really good British blues based apps rock N roll guns with a similar. And so the made a chicken shack did OK It would make it OK but it was a massive market was so many great bands Why do you think you have done so excess. Because you did he it was just right you were just right for a while mainly for because of album I mean there's no 2 ways about it it was a star of the show and he was a great guitarist. It was sad I think that he got labeled Mr Speed for his captain speed figures and he hated that. Can fully sympathize with that you know. Monica because he was a lot more he could play all sorts of stuff you know would go. You know Eddie Van Halen you know would look at him and say oh you just missed the spacing out there would you say that I now know it's part of the technique now but it was it was not the norm in that sense then when we 1st went to the start we were actually the thing the tear in my you made it for us if you like was would chop his bowl of all things which was a very fast version number in Woody Herman's was done. By you know and I wasn't done that there and what happened was we've been back in the Ivy League in cover and stuff and we needed a new number to get him on and off and Alvin knew that the rest so she would do this you know and so we all joined in and that's a lot of how a lot of the why stuff got put together you know Alvin would know stuff did you know find it ironic that you go from do you know I did that cabaret club circuit albeit about 5 years later than you think into the seventy's to go from that and giving out you know club scene ladies and gentlemen is the i really good then I did that and then you're on live most iconic rock'n'roll festival ever it's the moment out of every festival you'll ever see know how ironic that you went from the so that it's in the you know it's really what you think maybe so special I mean I went to the pictures to see the film and begin in 90 something and it was like looking at a No the world was in color anyway yeah I'm the only American hit piece and the pounds and thinking this is some sort of rock N roll paradise what made it special . Well I mean they weren't all American and they came from all over the world you know it was it was ridiculous and in fact you asked earlier after the transfer we were not going to do it we were on tour we were doing we were doing quite a lot of the games with Jeff Beck Group who didn't do it in the end. And Agent Frank Russell and I was ringing CHRIS RYAN And you've got to do this you know the son isn't that kind of money I told him I was what was it crosses mind because we were playing auditoria in those as we could do which did about 3000 people on our own and we could do maybe 5000 or whatever if we were with the Mothers of Invention disengagement blood sweat and tears you know we were supporting those bands so we would build in reputation that way. And Christa's and 9 that we don't want to finally Frank rings about was as simple as just and I think Beck's inroad still as they said it to go right on said was this little festival going on in Upstate New York and when they were there port ready to go home in the store I said what's wrong fly up there fly by and then you can go you know it's nice Nothing big deal you know just just be good you know what and anyway Chris said about us he said Now you know and Frank said look you've got to be crazy not to do this he said who are doing it now Jimi Hendrix is now doing it Janis Joplin's did in Jefferson Airplane and doing it yeah absolutely out of the tree if you don't know it and I think that's what swung it for tourists. That's me in conversation earlier Rickly was 10 years after him was that Woodstock on stage 50 years ago they saw. Grew up in the coal mining town amounted to end up playing Woodstock in the blues rock man 10 years after and if you've never seen the film try and catch the film if you can D.V.D.'s and stuff out now and I didn't realize the acts that were on there that you don't realize Creedence Clearwater were there for instance some time aware that Johnny Winter was there as well and this amazing choose I do Sweeney's sixties classics on Sunday between 12 and 2 or 3 middle of August is that true 50000 averse to Woodstock and I'll be playing a children or 2 from the soundtrack of the 1st rock N roll pop festival it was amazing. After traffic and travel to a quick shout out to this young lady who think and I hope is listening at this moment in time and it's Lorraine Schoen who lives the Rolling Stones lives in order . And listens every day all the Ray I hope you're listening now loads of kids keep listening as we count the traffic and travel after that. B.C. Radioman just travel Sariel again Hi Sarah good morning Mike the 5 to 3 Silk Road just a reminder they have closed down the southbound side from press spray towards failed they're going to do this now every day for the next 3 weeks or so but during off peak times of the day just to minimize disruption So between $130.33 to $3.00 close from the flash lane roundabouts the BROCKLEHURST Lane junction across Greater Manchester starts about a tour that was an instant earlier on the AIMS M 6 o 2 where they watched a traffic cop in quite well locally and we don't have any problems on the 834 Wilmslow how for 3 towards the galley road traffic lights a chaebol it's a clear and maybe just a little bit busy on the 8th expect in road dizzily towards the turn off the hayfield be doing over that is now 108618 double to double 5 weekday afternoons with Phil trout are managed to people this week it's political commentator who was brought up in Stockport Scott nearly a 1000000 Twitter followers and is a regular on B.B.C. News in Question Time because it's a University Challenge out of a college's was separate from the university Oxbridge was a place which I presumably got mixed up with Oxbridge plus on the definition quiz your chance to win a pair of tickets to see the much anticipated production of family which is coming to match the Opera House. Weekday afternoons from 3 B.B.C. Radio Manchester on the 2nd part of my interview with after this quick throw forward to between 11 and 12 here on B.B.C. Radio Manchester go to. The radio Manchester. Radio Manchester. So looking forward to keep the life away so we've got zip it will be joining us on the program very similar dead good dead out Kristallnacht in the brand new dead good dead out quiz the 2nd part of my interview with the great lady from 10 years after I asked him what Woodstock was really line of thinking reason nobody going to much because his Michael Lang was actually out of meant that nobody went on that stage until it was cleared because it was soaking what they had just this piece to topple him flop you've seen the movie piece it's awful in flop and you know it wouldn't make healthy safety since these days by any stretch of imagination and it's amazing that those towers stayed with the piece because they were not really on a credit was just. Oh tell me about it that's what I'm saying I was OUR looked at the movie again myself and I thought this is ridiculous that somebody could have been killed by one of those towers fall you have a look at the equipment the monitors the way we have NO NO NO NO NO all that you could choose. Odd number one it is until 998 joke you know never never because we're used to do was sit between the 2 martial status leer and go full comes on the Alvin and forecast to my left and trip was further to the left and I purposely sat between them because then my ears won't get and because the sound was going straight forward who can all hear each other beautifully you know and that's how we. That's 20 years after how to have that and still does today because we jam a lot you know so you've got to hear it for that I mean we were just by Screw really you know that's where it came from for all that jamming and stuff so it was very very different you know very different I mean you I'm so delighted that we've met because you're one of 5 or 6 yes writers of of law and this year 50 years on I mean and you look at all the old We've lost like Johnny Ace and Jay and you know all those great artists the of passed on. When you look and your survival how well what she thoughts now 50 years on of office to. Well. It's as I said earlier is what it on the poster. Love piece of music it was what it did you know after that if you contrast it to the Isle of Wight Festival the following year that was not a good affair by comparison you know the kids ones might not a free festival started to pull the fences down they turned the dogs on them they had not stick some of you know none of that happened it would still say at the end of the book actually that would stop was the template in a way that we could all relive you know what you said they lived through a storm they lived through food shortages they lived through whatever and still no violence you know but a bees were born it's a way that we could live in the rest of the world if we took that on board that template you know I have to ask you. What we walk on the stage normally ask at the start of my interviews who are your musical influences when you're a young man and you start in the sixty's Well all of us as a city earlier we came from from John's really I mean my emphasis but Rich across. The Shomer. My church. I love Jimmy Smith. There is no drama. Chicks was assigned to it was Jimmy. Smith and Oscar Peterson albums in 1st to start with Bill Broonzy. John Lee Hooker search. George Benson before he went home on you know when they were just was funny Leo. Was Scott the far of that was with Bill Evans Trio and Bill Bill Black in the early days from from Presley's band and RAY BROWN You know they were all jazz is really you know states now it's as rich as well as are still plenty of 10 years after Does anybody ever realize who you are only a little of the kids do and then they go on. Are you going to go to go on Facebook or wherever you know a lot of the parents know as well which is nice when you play the song amazing you know I mean. You know a name dropper we got. Canned Heat we go Mosey vention we got blood sweat and says you know what we led zep with Black Sabbath you were that at the start of the whole the same English invasion but yeah $7071.00 so it's usually you Black Sabbath Deep Purple free all certainly us if you me you must have some tales to sell anything stand out well there's lots of I mean I was well this lovely one about Jeff Beck which I go out I did a live other for you. I lived in Kent and we did the 1st couple of American tours support to Jeff and in the band and some roads there was a singer Ronnie woods about Mickey Well I was the drummer and I read Jeff and I are ended up living there each other. We invited him over for dinner one day I was with my 1st 4th and he was living there was a top model and she was skinny as a writer and so she did not eat anything and if she did it was vegetarian which was unusual for them to find a vegetarian you know so he said we would love to come over for dinner so you know we're vegetarian so we're more often asked question as for when to cook for vegetarian so she some sort of us play Bush has this to. Do that you know Spanish and projects for the spots on the sun or any kind around that they loved it and I had a really good evening next morning just rang up and say Thank your nation thanks for the last time it was really terrific we both enjoyed. Just one question. And each answered. 10 years after talking about being actually being that on the stage you would start the day is going to Brown you so it's way after this from the people. The radio Manchester that good because on the way from Warrington phone with this moan when we're doing the phone in which we do every day between 9 and 10. So important. Heard me on the radio since I was on Piccadilly radio as you know Melissa is to one of the radio station. Whose name rhymes with Pickle and she discovered it this morning that we're doing this so if you know new to B.B.C. Radio munchies to welcome we do love having you with us so the debt good debt on Chris going to be on its way in a 2nd or 2 and if you on you a clue given by a young person so it's a clue and it can be too it could be a person group it could be an object could be anything so all of that is on the way in a 2nd or 2 very very quickly though a quick hello back again Lorraine I mentioned earlier and I said I hope she's listening she is there all day on the radio listening to rain an extra hello and a quick hello to Nick who's a mate mine and he's the reason I'm doing Kendall calling at the weekend with the sulphur jets and if you're going to go to Kendall I'm on the house party tent with that on Sunday if you see is around say hello and buy is a drink that would be really really nice so are you ready OK Much to the intro how this is not welcome to Mike Sweeney. And yes he does get you had not in his brand new head of quizzes Hi My name is Steve I'm a and I got. To remember the clues a given by pre-teens so days A is 8 years of age she's the quiz mistress now and we had Luca and the was born yesterday by the baker who was on T.V. All the time on lived on a farm and we had it correctly guessed yesterday so here's your 1st clue who's this civil. War lots of logs which means it could be almost any well it could be almost anybody in almost anything because buildings can win awards can they and movies can win awards. I don't work can win awards so who is this a listen civil one Lots of a waltz give us a shout 080218 people to double 5 and take part in the debt good debt out Chris for grown ups Well I always want to hunt. With a brand new clue I would love no wants a phone in. Genuinely I want the dates of when the clue is so obscure the you just don't phone in that you can get your head around it so his clue was. Oh. So many phoned it spoil everything spiral everything by phone in 080218 about suitable 5 Who is this civil war. That go down for grown up. By junk. the answer is No No I didn't Bob also interviewed Billy Cox who played bass with Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock I've interviewed Richie Havens Graham Nash it really has amazed me how many people I've spoken to since the time because I when it was very early 1970 the film came out and no I didn't and it's great question Clive to ask is in the meantime though let's move on with Iowa. And. Joining me soon will be the puppets that brought zippy to life so we've got that on the way that good debt on Chris for grown 1st clue from daisies this one looks a little long on lots of awards Ali National on the line is with us no Eileen good morning. How are you my child fine thank you very very wonderful thank you are always lovely islet and you know the days even more loving around talking to you that is not nice Yes because a care about you know an Outlook and about you know no in an inappropriate way you know not in a way that would. Do in a way that would embarrass the B.B.C. No not really civil one lots of awards I mean who do you think is Paul McCallum by Eileen. Oh do you like Eileen she's full Voller you want feel good morning Valerie. Morning Michael how do you great thanks it's not just like talking to Eileen it's not Paul McCartney Valerie No You know I . Think it is well I'm going to get a move on I'm not all day. But busy man busy busy busy busy busy broadcast that. Didn't get. Have a nice day Valerie. Bye bye Eileen and Valerie the double act obviously go issues both of them probably must ensure there's no Branka money. To create Well Mr King you know the show I'm going to meet Brian I'm going to be bromelain you following I only know Valerie now best big old well just saying I want to quickly just to get away from Danny Boyle. An 8.0 who's the director that should let anybody go. Oh sorry. I'm sorry I thought he said Gary Boyle. Is Over time they for my old Johnny call the old Johnny but yeah I could do that as well makes my program and I. Know about you Brian. With all due respect Brian. Brian said it. Just wasted 60 seconds of my life. But that can make zebra Thank you Eileen thank you Bower a. B.B.C. Radio Manchester travel. With this close civil law also award winning for. Salient. Informative traffic in travel is Sarah Elliott. Winning beauty sorry. Modest yet not true modesty. On a giggling. And say much better on the M $680.00 you now heading to its Manchester there was an instant going on towards the end of the rush hour but it did quite quickly deal with that whatever with going on then the keys. The A 56 through all traffic that's been slow today to the road works to the Chester ride round but again it looks a much P.C.S. 3 from Stratford now and the A 6 it does Leigh was just still finding holdups on the books and rode the A 62 with the turn of the hay failed and that the road went for 3 through fat to lie just remotely slangs if you've been through the right at the. Name or side road they've been issued that stay with the lights not working properly let me know if that's still a problem for you 08518 double to double 5 weekday afternoon. I did once hire a van for moving house when I took 3 of my neighbor's car. Yeah. How many driving less than $169.00. Since. I used to We're going to meet the man now who brought sweep from salty and sweet brains from Thunderbirds The Muppets and the Mir cats all to life but it zipped back to the property Iranian Le Drew had the longest relationship with 20 years relationship with zippy he's got a new book out now tells the story of an amazingly successful career Ronnie can I wish you a very good morning Oh good morning Mike thank you for having me it's great to have you are just imagining this young lad you say to him or in a moment that's what you want to do when you leave skills or. Expertise or say one end of the scale of want to be a plumber at the other end the scattered light to be an astronaut and he say a lot to be a property it actually thank you very much and you look at it you know it OK. So where did that ambition come from well really I mean I'd been doing a bit of puppetry I mean I come from sort of I lived in south London and we had a long school holidays and we lived in a block of flats and my sister and I used to sort of put Tom puppet show is a very sort of crude Sherry's I mean we upturned a table we had the kids from the you know in the. Long somehow is it sitting on the stairs or going up to the next floor so it's a bit like a break talk to Tory M. And we had a wind up gramophone and we sort of did puppets there I mean I goodness knows how good they were but funny enough I had a text from somebody today who's just read the book and said I was one of those kids that sat on the stairs I thought my goodness you know it's amazing but anyway that's how I started but the real sort of joy that or that the fact that I really wanted to be a professional property came when I visited the little angel theatre in a sling to and it's a puppet theater built by an amazing man called John John Wright who was the founder director and I went to see a show just before I left school there called The Little Mermaid and it was a marionette show string puppet show with an amazing scenery and props and lighting and afterwards I thought to myself This is what I want to do I mean I always love musicals and always want to dance and saying and be in theater but I thought I'm going to put that aside I want to do puppetry because I can be any sort of character and that was the start of my career working at the little angel performing well at the original I was sweeping the floors and making the coffee and doing the same changes but eventually I was able to work puppets and I learned all sorts of puppetry the string puppetry the glop up to the rod puppetry the shot of pottery all sorts of puppetry and that's really that's how it started. Did you ever feel when you working let's say we sweep you to do brains in film the air did you ever think what you were doing because those are 2 iconic characters even now Thunderbirds is over 50 years old where inception Do you ever feel like. I must admit by the time I work brains and it was for a commercial and it was I mean it was amazing I thought my goodness here am I working this iconic puppet It was specially made for the commercial because the original one I think it's sort of you know well. I don't know where it was but you know it moved on because it was several years after the filming of Thunderbirds but now I loved it and that particular advert it was a mixture of what we call C.G.I. Computer generated movement and also the live puppetry and I had about sort of I think about 6 people working or working we're all working together to get this amazing dance that he did which was almost impossible to do but with the C.G.I. That helped to do all the difficult bits and we did all the sort of main bits with it but now I thought at the time I think we all thought wow this is fabulous you know to actually work a part in the same with sweep on certain sweeps and that was just pure luck I mean sadly the story is that Harry Corbett to the originator which I watched on television when I was a kid. Had had a rather serious heart attack and Matthew Corbett was working with us on Rainbow I was one of the singers and he had to make the decision do I carry on the family tradition and present such and sweep before that he had been working sweepers the puppet so we came over to me and said look I've decided to do the press in the presenting because you know his dad they felt that you know process. It might be too much for him to take on the responsibility of the full program so he actually Harry worked the puppets with me underneath the table it's quite funny really but anyway. And I said yes and of course it was also involve me working on location so I did some lovely lovely things like you know searching sweet rock climbing and we were we did all sorts of silly things like search and sweep swimming and I would do sweep and I had to learn to do the reading that was that sweet sloppy squeaky voice which was great fun but that was you know it just afraid sounds a bit funny but these jobs fell into my lap really and it was just so exciting when you did the Muppets did you do some work was Henson still involved yeah. Well you know he was a bit of an icon you know because he. Sort of you know produced the Muppet Show a few years before and became like well worldwide it still is everybody adores the Muppets and and then he done a film called Dark Crystal and that was a more sort of darker story with amazing characters beautifully designed by Brian Froud in his wife Wendy anyway. After that film I think it was Lou Great who sponsored a lot of things at the time in the thought Jim was genius and like we all do is property is anyway Labyrinth was the next feature film and friend of mine said or they're having auditions it was a break in between Rainbow so I thought to stick arc and go to the auditions and I went along and I worked a funny little beaver Poppy that I had and. You know the answer was you know don't call us we'll call you but they did they called me back and said You'll be a one of the extra property is on the film so if you mention the scenes with the goblins in the film with Dave about me saying that amazing song I was one of the Goblins along with about I think we're in the end we had about 40 proper tears because the scene expanded as a sort of in production really but Jim was amazing very quiet sort of personality but incredibly. Genius for what he directed it with Frank cause what was Bowie like of a wonderful man I mean I didn't we never really got to talk to him until one lunchtime we got back early and we were sort of in those days to be allowed to take pictures so I took some pictures of me sitting on the chair a throw thrown and stuff like that they're actually in the book or friend took pictures I should say anyway we were so chatting away who should walk into the studio and was David Batty himself so he walked over to us and he said Oh you're right and I turned around went I. Couldn't say anything. And said Oh yeah we're fine thanks David or something and I just thought Oh how lovely but you know sadly. You know we all know he died recently but the document is always said and I was so pleased what a really lovely child but I mean well no he was a genius but I mean he was such a nice chap and lovely to everybody you know there was no sort of starry side to him or not that we saw or any way he was just we were one of the team that produced this this film really what's your thoughts on modern technology and the the interface with. The things you can do with computers and obviously twice story for years just arrived in cinemas but also the juxtaposition of the with real Poppins and because it we all think the property as it was would die help but it hasn't Oh no it hasn't I mean that's very interesting I thought that too when C.G.I. And all this lovely computer generated stuff came along I thought oh well I'll have to think of Anon and Joab you know when it comes to films and television because they'll be wanting to use all that stuff but what is very interesting I've done a few commercials lately and they've always said you know bring back the puppets because somehow with the C.G.I. Stuff it's all wonderful but it sort of lacks a soul if you see what I mean when you go to a property of working live as it were the puppet it has a much more of a strength to it and the directors are beginning to do that I've just worked on a film that will be out on Netflix I'm not allowed to talk about it I'm afraid because I've signed all these things but anyway I'll be out on the 30th of August people probably know what I mean but anyway that has pure puppetry in it it's absolutely amazing and of course is a little bit of C.G.I. But it's mostly for the effects not the actual puppetry not the characters themselves and I think more and more people the directors and producers are thinking we ought to get back to parties which is great for me of course you did of course work there so long you were behind the scenes at the book the book by Les cause it to me by Iranians true. Thing that some of the insider stuff I mean a problem there was there was a rude episode of it which did he say to the press I hope to talk about that OK and there was a little bit of going on with some of the musicians Oh indeed Well I tell you I'll tell you the the what we call the rude story one basically the V.T.R. People every Christmas had over 80 are being you know video tape recording the people upstairs are recorded all our stuff anyway. They had a competition now this is long before you had these programmes about the outtakes and stuff like that this was way back in 1976 we did that little episode and we decided over lunch time that should we make a sort of a sort of schoolboy naughty one we never swore we did it as rainbow you saw Geoffrey you Sorbonne go you saw the musicians newsource A.P. And George and we were sitting you know at the counter and course he started by saying our widescreen. 3 get all 4. And then George would say something that he could use. You know and all this sort of stuff and Geoffrey like playing with his balls now he's actually played. Is actually playing with like you know going to just both yes I hope I haven't the rain you know the radio will carry I mean it's not too rude but we it was all the schoolboy stuff and it was about 3 minutes or something and it was you know made as a say for the V.T.R. People I mean the B.B.C. Had their own sort of off cut tapes you know that they sent off as well and we won it that you know I mean it was a sort of competition I mean it was any space before you know insiders as it were and of course once You Tube Well actually I think it was before that was when the Channel 4 would actually show the 1st in one of their late night programs as they would look at this everybody you know that well loved rainbow look at this naughty or something like that and of course it was then put on to You Tube and the rest is history really people have seen it I mean luckily I mean I thought it was a laugh and it is really it's not in fact if young kids look at it I don't think they are really no so you know we were very careful not to sort of ruin the image of the characters on a great talking to you the books calls if you maybe are only drew the time ever on sorry fascinating talking to you really all the best for the future thank you for being with us well thank you very much Mike and it's been a delight to talking so much zippy I'm a great stories from behind the scenes. The Golden Hour I am dying to play the cheers We got some amazing shoes on the way and the mean absolutely amazing shoes guess the answer My random question. 95 point one digital radio and B.B.C. Sound. B.B.C. Radio. It's 11 o'clock Wednesday morning it's been busy radio much of the news now with Rebecca Barrett Boris Johnson is appointing his cabinet as he prepares to end to Downing Street for the 1st time as prime minister sources close to the NE pm say his top team will reflect to modern Britain there are reports that the former international development secretary pretty Patel's being considered is the next time secretary and it's understood that the Speight in the conservative leadership election Jeremy Hunt has rejected the offer of becoming the Defense Secretary Health Secretary Matt Culkin now heads the P.M.'s transition team has dismissed speculation that he could call a snap election I don't want to see an early election Boris doesn't want to see an early election we are not going to have an electoral pact with any other party we're going to defeat all the parties and we're going to do it by getting things moving and one of the reasons that the BRICS a party has risen one of the reasons frankly that the Lib Dems have recurring support is because of this sense that politics is stuck to reason I will tend to her resignation to the Queen after she has addressed the Commons during her final prime minister's questions Assaf to me and Mr Johnson will then be summoned to Buckingham Palace the royal historian Professor Kate Williams says the Queen's likely to be up front in discussing the challenges he might face in office the queen gets down to brass tacks the conversation with Mrs May Well usually be light wishing her all the best in the future plans the conversation Mrs Johnson will not be so light it's going to be a serious conversation jus to the fact. Also there are such serious issues to deal with. That meetings are going to take place in Baumol because that's where she's going to go the east chief brags negotiator is meeting the European Parliament staring at this morning as to Bosnia has said he's looking forward to working constructively with Boris Johnson to ratify the withdrawal agreement people have been arrested to every morning writes in Barry Rochdale in time side offices investigating drug dealing across the. Full team properties they seized once the will to be several kilograms of drugs as well as $20000.00 pounds to women