That full publication would not be in the national interest but the shadow bricks it Secretary secure Starmer told M.P.'s that the government had be willfully refusing to comply with the binding Commons order the M.P.'s rejected by 311 votes to 307 a move by the government to refer the issue to a cross party committee for further investigation and they'll be more on this in the next hour as the voting continues here Manchester's Christie Hospital will be the 1st in the country to offer high energy proton beam therapy therapy to patients later this month along with another center in London it hopes to treat $750.00 patients a year clinical oncologist Professor nix Levin says it's fundamentally different from conventional X. Ray treatment the physical characteristic of the particle therapy is that has a limited range in patients So in other words it travels through the patient reaches the tumour and then stops what that means in practice is that you get a very precise treatment with much less radiation of surrounding normal tissue and they'll be more on this with Phil just after this bulletin the B.B.C. B.B.C. Has expressed disappointment that an agreement could not be reached on its proposal for a televised debate on breaks it it's not clear whether a proposed debate on I.T.V. Will go ahead on Sunday or not a metropolitan police officer who knocked a teenager off a moped to stop him from riding dangerously could face criminal charges the officer used a new ramming tactic the 17 year old who wasn't wearing a helmet was taken to hospital with serious head injuries but was later discharged the court of appeals rejected an attempt by BT to cut the annual increases it gives to thousands of members of the company's pension scheme Here's our personal finance correspondent Simon Gompertz this could be an influential ruling because hundreds of companies with pension schemes based on their employee's salaries had been watching out to see of BT had found a way to reduce costs around 80000 of bts key members have a promise that their pensions will be up rated each year in line with the. Retail Prices Index or R.P.I. Instead the company wants to follow C.P.I. The Consumer Prices Index which is usually lower so the pensions would be cheaper to provide but after losing earlier in the High Court bts appeal has now been rejected as well the soffit been man better known as Santa Sam has started his round collecting gifts for local charities Sam Barry is asking people to leave Christmas presents with their Wally Benz that can be donated to go causes B.B.C. Radio Manchester joined in the Smalling in Eccles and spoke to some of his helpers . Presences that little. Make it special so as to be involved in any scheme presents the kids are going to get anything on Christmas Day. People will do the best. And transport for Greater Manchester has thanked passengers who had to push a tram in sale this morning to help them close the doors video has emerged of the passengers pushing it from the side it happens when the tram is busy and becomes too close to the platform so the doors stick. Radio munches just boards with Michael Caine came to draw as me Manchester United have slightly altered their objectivity manager a Marine you know is says he thinks that they may not reach the top 4 by the end of December but won't need a miracle to finish their their play Arsenal tomorrow in the Premier League Manchester City fans are on their way to walk for the manager head of tonight's game says his selection dilemma is all the reason City keep improving and B.B.C. Radio Manchester understands Bolton manager Phil Parkinson and members of his 1st team coaching staff have not been paid bonuses for keeping the club in the championship belt and have declined to comment the weather cloud will thicken into the night with outbreaks of rain moving in from the south some of the rain could be heavy later a minimum temperature one Celsius. The 3. Radioman just travel update Good afternoon 4 minutes past 5 the time latest on the road says George looking very busy if you had asked about on the M 60 the clockwise side away from Junction 7 all the way out towards junction 15 remains very very heavy still quite normal though for this time of the afternoon also looking very busy in the higher Broughton area barony road V.A. 56 both directions they're looking slow partially blocked on the northbound side because of an accident they're also beginning to build now on the east flanks road the A 580 is in the Swinton area said perhaps expect delays and a yell so the M 60 their junction 14 and still looking very slow through Hazelgrove both directions on the A 6 Buxton road if you want to give us a call on 802 when I use double to Double Fine. Weekday afternoon from 3 B.B.C. Radio Majesty. 5 past 5 How you doing you just heard you in there talking about a bin man who is going to be dinner presents that he's collecting on his rounds to local charities charities you could say it's a good idea I apologize just going out myself also before 6 today will be talking about the proton beam therapy units at monsters Christiane's middle and finding out what you've been talking about all about you ready for tonight's last line this is your last line lyric this is where we give you a line from a well known song but Robin it be at the start of the song it is at the end and today you these are your words want to try you want to try. Getting today any ideas 800 to 18. You can text 8133 stocky text with the word magic the words today want to try you want to try. I am giving back to 6 out of 10 for difficulty tonight if you think you know 800 to 18 double to the 5 or you can text a 133 starting text with the word imagine you going to take a selfie to find out what the answer is I don't think is the obvious from these family. Goods trying you want to try. To. I was just reading an article about social media stars. I will say this point I've not heard of any of them. I don't think many of them will probably. Pay huge media star this year is only 7 years old I'll tell you a little bit about him before 520 this afternoon but he's the highest paid star on youtube in 2018 He's got 17000000 followers and he has 7 it's ridiculous isn't it 52 I don't think I've got any followers or You Tube there are no got a You Tube channel which could help but I guess incredibly it's 70000000 followers it's 7 years old I'll tell you a little bit about him on the way we're going to be talking about this inspiring story with regards to Santa Sam He's the man that goes out not only collection rubbish but also clicks Christmas presents on behalf of charity I'll hear that after 530 and it's all going spectacularly well well for me anyway for tonight's last line lyric I like it when it's like this trees in Oldham you want to try me he says is the uncertain note Julian collie Hurst is the Commodores why you want to try and eat which same as trees No Actually now it's blindingly obvious work or so I've got the answer so I would say that only Alan in little brother so far as managed to get the right answer to any Again your last line for this evening is want to try you wanna try it is a song that you will know that we have played many times on B.B.C. Radio Munster might even be amongst your favorites from this particular artist but do you know what it is 080218 double 2 double 5 text 813 double 3 start text with the word monkey up till 530 will reveal the answer and you will kick yourself we've been talking injuries today maybe playing the last line lyric is the worst of these wanna try you want to try the last line from which song now is just approaching 12 minutes passed by the U.K.'s 1st high energy proton beam therapy center will open later this month at Manchester's Christie hospital the 1st cancer patient is currently undergoing preparation for treatments it means that people with certain types of tumors will no longer need to go abroad. The treatments will stay all reports Jacqueline Payne went round for a little look where all the treatment happened yes we're just moving around a bit of a sick ain't intimate area so this is what we call the treatment base SECAM Valley Stream is this it stops radiation going outside the room so it's a protection for this stuff Professor next level I'm a clinical psychologist here the Christie and senior responsible owner or just a proton's it's a very exciting time for the Christy to have this new equipment it's been tacitly exciting I mean I suppose our central focus of the Christy is always to provide access for patients to the latest technology and to the best possible treatments and so we see proton beam therapy as being a step change for certain patients with cancer so tell me about the science and about how the proton beam therapy works why it's different how it's different yes was fundamentally different to conventional X. Ray treatment in that we're actually using particle therapy and that it travels through the patient reaches the tumour and then stops so there's no radiation to the patient beyond the distance where it stops and that's very different to conventional X. Ray treatments and what that means in practice is that you get a very precise treatment with much less radiation of surrounding normal tissue patients like children for instance that that's a really important part of this isn't it yeah also at the moment our focus is on treating children and young adults with cancer rather than them having to travel overseas for treatment and in addition we will treat adults with certain types of difficult to treat cancers those on the at the base of the skull and those very close to the spinal cord because it can be directed it's safer than having as it were obviously with patients younger adults where the tissues are still developing it's really really important that the really ation traces little surrounding normal tissue is possible and for the adults it's obviously important that the treatment is very precise. So as to avoid sensitive structures like the spinal cord and the thing about the building here you are generating the protons that take part in this treatment aren't you a lot of the building with is going to to actually physically make this equipment that does the treatment here so the particle accelerators call a cyclotron so that accelerates the protons to a very high speed but 2 thirds of the speed of light a lot of the building here is actually concrete so the building has 65000 tons of concrete really because radiation protection so in addition to the cyclotron accelerator we have 3 separate treatment rooms with Treatment Camp for us and those countries can retain it $360.00 degrees around the patient and then a lot has to plan very elaborate treatments to each individual patient think about how it feels to be in here and to me see myself in the news of some sort of space space curve where we do have a lot of. This is a. Very Star Trek Espaillat new patients patients and I'm at the ped's the treatment whatsoever of what they need to be paid for well obviously it's very important when delivering any radiotherapy that the patient is positioned in a reproducible way every day Monday to Friday for the duration of the treatment and the typical generation of treatment will be about 6 weeks so they need to have an immobilization made then need to have scans done with the mobilization device on so they can then plan the treatment on the computer and then after the planning a Spanish we can then do the treatments and once the patient is having treatment for all sorts of imaging checks to make absolutely sure the treatment is being delivered accurately so they need to sit perfectly still day after day after day so that the treatment is in exactly the right position and actually be lying on a treatment carriage and the machine actually can retain it 360 degrees around that treatment catch the lying. Same position every day there are other places offering this kind of treatment what difference will it make to someone's she think she having a favor in this country. Is actually sending patients to patients overseas for treatment that's generally to the United States so if you can imagine children with their family in the United States is extremely disruptive in all sorts of ways socially as well as economically to be able to provide that trait much closer to the patient's home is a real courts and. The advancements that we are seeing over the pay in the U.K.'s 1st high energy proton beam therapy center which is that much does Christie Hospital by the way the next 24 hours if you like it's wet it's the weather for you. Play. Play. Play play. Issues like the Living Dead limit order at least for about 3 days. Please ladies it was a lady with that comes in the lives of the only way is up on B.B.C. Radio much to 20 woman days past 5 So who is the highest paid stall on You Tube in 2018 he's name is Ryan extraordinary to use 7 years old he shares his reviews of toll use online to 6070000000 followers how much do you think this is insane in the last 12 months Kate just from reviewing toys at 7 years old. OK sat down 22000000 tons. For reviewing Tori's. Radio Manchester travel to think a 7 hours and even allowed a paper round right latest on the road says George still a very busy M 62 in both directions between junction 11 and 12 where we have the road work so expect delays there also looking for 60 on the clock one side particularly heavy heading away from Junction towards Junction 12 for the Eccles interchange beginning to build M. 66 on the northbound side as well out towards the berry area looking very slow a 56 barony road in the press which area looking very slow to take on the side towards the M 60 a junction 17 through Pendlebury and Swinton it remains very busy only a 5 A.T.V.'s particularly on the outbound side towards the M 60 and away from ASH and underlined Stampa straight towards the bridge looking very slow as well and heading into Cheadle it remains fairly busy a 34 well so one 4th bypass on that northbound side if you want to give us a call on the 800 to one H. Double tradeable fast at 6 trust is when we say your the most important voice 6. We need to hear from you your stories this is what matters to you so give us a ring. Because. There is so much going on in these parts we've got 2 great Premier League sides we've got a Football League action as well 6 clubs now in the league we've got other sports British Cycling taekwondo there isn't a day doesn't go by without a story. Phone text or tweet and I'll speak 4 to 6 week nights on B.B.C. Radio this is a subject you can get involved in from 6 o'clock tonight with Mike they are talking about the lack of English football and starting in the Premier League some fascinating facts coming out. About this at the moment I think this is been the fewest in terms of home grown talent in Premier League teams since the start of the Premier League that came out the other day they can be talking to former England demanded to City winger PETER BARNES He might want to chip in with that's Mike tonight from 6 o'clock it's all gone very well with tonight's last line lyric fits me as any rate Alan Warrington you've got the right answer Harvey in Cleveland I'm afraid you've got it wrong day even sail you've got the wrong dancer Paul who's in Rochdale Nopes not that either any ideas got 5 minutes to go 080218 double to double 5 text 813 double 3 star you text with the word Manc want to try you want to try is the last line from which song now staggering figures have just been published one day one death a day here in Greater Manchester it's directly caused by alcohol scored its figures published by the N.H.S. Today which reveals that the death rate is around 50 percent higher than the average for the rest of the country well as a result of surveys being carried out here in Great Manchester is to explore public attitudes to alcohol Dave Bolger is from a local Health and Social Care partnership that still devolved N.H.S. Here in Greater Manchester afternoon see Dave. Any age group in particular that we're talking about here or is it right across the board Well what we can say is it does affect everybody in Greater Manchester this is an issue that affects women and children across the Burra one interesting thing can the statistics today is that we are talking about an older population so we are talking about 60 to 64 year olds who are the most likely to drink more than the recommended limit how difficult is it to hone in on in on the cause of somebody's death it's obviously we got another report out today saying that we're all living very unhealthy lifestyles is this just a contributory factor or would this actually be the determining factor it can evolve so in many cases it's one of a number of factors in people's lives that influence the level of how in some cases it specifically our. All that is causing that death an illness and was the reason for the older age group is just this just something they've grown up with and therefore it's something they've continued to do or is it a sign of being older ingrates much do you think that they are requiring this level of Elko I think is that a number of reasons for I don't think one single calls I think you've touched on some of it there and our own person personal choices and behaviors I think some of that is to do with the increasing shift towards drinking at home I think when people drink at home they're less Achuthan to how much they're actually drinking so it doesn't take and a great daily each day if you have a couple of glasses of wine or a general Holme all in the build up to Christmas a glass of ale is every day to start to drink the quite harmful levels I think in terms of all the people and what we all talk to is that there is a culture of drinking that existed in Greater Manchester a point in time that continued amongst an older generation what's really interesting is actually if we don't Sion and alcohol consumption amongst younger people which is obviously good for the future but with regards to this current generation which obviously you know a struggling with alcohol is this just drinking too much alcohol or is it just the regularity with drinking it's all so I think it's the regularity that cumulate in too much drinking so drinking most days of the week drinking a few glasses and is harmful in the same way that drinking and Benjamin wants a drink in a lots to drink on one day is also home full so there is one reason why and people in Greater Manchester Sealy a lot of the power it's lots of different reasons lots of kites of drinking in lots of settings so what you hope to do with the results of the survey data. Well I think it recognise that we don't have all the answers and we're not here to tell people what to do what we want to do is engage people in a conversation that allows us to better understand what people Greater Manchester want to see happen so when we talk about statistics like today it's very easy to talk about the at one person a day who die. The stuff I think is really important is these are real people with real lives with real families neighbors house friends and so what we want people today will be part of our conversation people. But also to have conversations with their friends with their families with that children with a colleague make OK to talk about how they've got to. Build your cues from a local health social. If you are. The next 60 seconds. It is. And it's looking went from what I think ventilate when it turns up it's going to be wet for a good portion of the night and what we're looking at in the 1st part of the night when you know it's been a cold day today we stay in that cold vein through the 1st part of tonight the temperatures between 0 and 20 for countryside areas to you for most towns and cities but as the night goes on with a line of rain coming toward us the cloud will build the rain will come on in and the wet weather will spread absolutely everywhere not thing that boosts the temperatures up so by time you start the day tomorrow generally around 4 and 5 degrees but you've got this line of rain coming in after midnight staying all the way through and actually for many places staying until after lunch tomorrow so once the wet weather comes in it is going to be on and off all the way through tomorrow morning as the day goes on it will gradually start to pull away and behind it not going to say it's going to be a massive improvement because to be honest with you will be a lot of cloud cover for a good portion of the afternoon but at least it gets dry and I think by the time you get to about 3 o'clock you might start see some chinks developing in the cloud cover so brightest guys could come on through but yeah you're right it is a fairly wet spell but it does introduce some slightly milder air which after yesterday and today I do think is much much needed and temperatures between 9 and 11 degrees I thought the ice cream on a gun little bit mad or maybe just had a little bit too many sprinkles on his 99 because it suits a night's last line there Rick is just put do you want to try easy Now this was something new for me but I've just checked there is an artist called Easy and do you want to try hip hop and rap I'm not surprised I've never heard of it well yeah tends not to be years young like gets a lot of play it here you know but I mean Press Keith that you know you can come up with that by the way in hell I'm sure you've got the artist just not the title Who else Tina inducting field you got it right these are your last line for tonight you were in was in here when I was giving this out a couple minutes ago don't look to him he's not got a clue rhyme it for me you in mind that phone OK this is it want to try you want to try the last line from what I feel like you threatening me. I want to try want to try you want to try. I'd like to try but I just can't. And you and forgot. The word for God is a typical Manny knew the answer 20 minutes ago he was studio he's going next door God OK this was what we were looking for. It's also misleading this quiz isn't it that was Queen's kill a queen ask you and in 30 minutes he still. Writes for. All the day's news on the way. With the day's headlines here is US M.P.'s have ruled that the government is in contempt of Parliament by refusing to publish the full legal advice it was given on the brakes a deal and pays have a long night ahead the 1st of 5 days of debate on the withdrawal deal is now getting underway the U.K.'s 1st high energy proton beam therapy center will open later this month at Manchester's Christie hospital the 1st cancer patient is currently undergoing preparation for treatment the B.B.C. Has pulled out of the running to host the televised debate between 2 reason may and Jeremy Corbyn the corporation says it's disappointed it couldn't reach an agreement on the proposed format and transport for Greater Manchester has thanked passengers who have to push a tram in sale this morning to help close the doors it happens when the tram doors are open and lots of people get in and the doors stick on the platform. T.T.C. Radium anxious to. Get to city who play what food in a moment but this is interesting but a climbdown for Joe say Marina summer certainly seen it that way Oh those are choosing to look at it as simple realism Jones a Marine who's told his press conference ahead of the game against old rivals Arsenal that he's had to change his object of swell slightly he thinks they can still make the top 4 just not as soon as he'd been hoping because of back to back draws against Crystal Palace and Southampton. A little weak before. I told that my hopes my targets were to mean the end of this. Position. In the sense of let's try to close the distance as much as we can and try to be. Very close to dispositions you can decide whether that was a climbed home or not at home the easy isn't it of this end of the table right at the top city they've got a Premier League game on the way and they've got what fits so this week the top flight football just keeps going from the weekend essentially City fans will be on their way to victory road so let's hear from the club's manager Pep Guardiola has been asked about whether having to choose between the likes of Leroy SAN a man of the match of the weekend Rod Maurice and run him Staley who's been billed as an early contender for Player of the season is making his team better Many players don't. Have to be. The next thing. To shoot. To stop pretending to be one close to me. We've built up and coverage of that game on the way. Also. E.U. Him from there we also must tell you that B.B.C. Ready Manchester understands Phil Parkinson and members of his 1st team coaching staff have not been paid bonuses for keeping Bolton Wanderers in the Championship last season the club has declined to comment there's also E.F.L. Trophy matches tonight which include Sol Campbell's 1st game in charge of Maxfield town they play Newcastle Under 20 one's at the old places Barry are at Mansfield sound and Jay O'Shea have been nominated for leaked who's manager of the month and Player of the month the November awards ahead of that Manchester City's Under 20 one's at Barnsley OK I thought I didn't of trash talk but no let's do a proper trust talk this is boxing yet they coming from a former welterweight champion Cal broke and it's in the direction of Bolton's. I am a card that's not actually he broke is fighting at the weekend his opponent in Sheffield is Michaels at AFA before dealing with that bout but I always have base to say to COM for me is 10 days back on the British public is doing everything he can for this fight not swap and. Me to change his name leave the contract have a face transplant not to 5 min lazy go get the very them and just get this as always with these things we'll wait to see if I make our own response hell broke that it put downs for Craig Revel Horwood. Finally some recognition for a local Paralympic. Fields that Manaf its Patrick to be precise who will be received the disabled sports person award at the pride of Sports Awards it takes place on Thursday evening in London the 20 year old who's blind brought home 4 medals with her guide Genki out from they see is Paralympics in Pyongyang plenty mole sport coming up from 6 with Mike Minor on B.B.C. Radio Manchester all eyes all once again are going to be on how many English players start in the fall games tonight as less than a quarter of all starters beginning games the top flight clubs in the Premier League game week 14 were from England the for Manchester City in England Wayne got pizza bones will join Mike on sports 6 to talk about what can be done to get those numbers up. B.B.C. Radio in Manchester. Telling. The judge would. Say hi. To skills. Because. It. Says. It's. It's because if. It's. Missing. This is. A miss. Trouble minutes away from. The M 16 we have to slow traffic because of an accident involving 2 vehicles junction Pfeifer the prince's Parkway. Was junction 6 a sale so expect lengthy delays to journey if you had in that way said in a few very slow moments also looking very busy in the Barry area as well be a 56 months the road on the southbound side. Because of an accident it's the junction of Radcliffe road the local diversion in place at the moment it also remains fairly busy still in the area and the Swinton area on the. Right both directions particularly on. The 60 junction 14. Road in both directions if you want to give us a call on the 800. 5. Was like you. Know our life from a probably other night. There's a really one of those you know them all night 6 maybe it was us like. Oh my oh my albums I mean my singles from like 97 say to 9079 filed in you. Get along with a slight if I broke it. I'm just going. To kill you. Chelsea have breakfast weekday mornings from 6 B.B.C. Radio Manchester still quite envious of laugher with he's a man she had not to mention his collection of 7 suits you can hear from them MORNING 6 o'clock on B.B.C. Radio Munster back for breakfast in a piece Wednesday as well tomorrow midweek already right strickly if you've been following this series if so you'll know that it is the semifinals this weekend I can give you a little nod as to what they're all going to be dancing Ashley and Pascha remarkably in the bottom 2 again last weekend they're going to be doing a passer Dobler and an American Smooth Lauren and A.J. Going to be doing the somber and the tango to Bush city limits they'll be good Stacey and Kevin they're going to be doing the Charleston which I know is the down she's been waiting to do and they going to be doing that to 5 foot 2 are used by Spike Jones G.D.S. Plus the going to be doing could be a nice waltz to your my world by Sarah ferry and Giovanni of course got a 40 last weekend they're going to be doing a somber and an Argentine tango and Joe and Diane are going to be doing an Argentine Tango to read right hand by Nick Cave and a V. And they use worlds to this she is loved by the brilliant David Gray who is from so you don't if you know that that's strictly this weekend on B.B.C. One as we narrow things down ahead of the final quarter to 6 is the time and if strictly is coming to its conclusion then Christmas ain't far away you know you might have heard of Santa Claus but have you heard of Santa Sam suffered been some Barry has earned the title because he's encouraging local people to leave Christmas presents out with their bins so that they can be collected and donated. Charity B.B.C. Radio much this party joined him in his round this morning which started at the city's refused in weeks well it might be cold and foggy out ahead. With festive cherish you get a good day every doctor right now is right there in the back all the big man wearing less red tie this son. Sam Barry is a reason to doubt he's sulphides very own son says Sam. It was basically an idea it was an initiative to trying. To get. Over the past years has been several. Years. Because the BEEN minutes in favor going through every property in any way everyone's going to. So it made sense to just present from now we're going to be supporting Street Mission woman as a group by on the scene local charities to deal with domestic abuse look kind of things do you want people to buy from anything from. Make OK it's also got a load all of. Us are we've got sons his health is Brian Todd Dalton So what do you make of this game but it's Christmas is a struggle anyway so for those families they just. Buy those little presents its not little hope for them to make it special but kids to be involved in any scheme to get presents the kids are going to get anything on Christmas Day for people who . Will do the best. Just standing by a shipping container about to go inside and you've already got 5 full box and you've only just begun the game right. Present stone age. And so we call a whole load of stealth football games the Army figures for that for that you know we've got. Scrabble half 6. Means to him a company on every house having the and we've all. Of presents that have just been picked up by some of the bin men and they're just being loaded onto a white. Says Sam how many present did we pick up the 5. Different ages it is it just from the shopping in yeah that's just off that's what I'm on that let's say so in the space of a novel one crazy 5 present for me how do you feel about the. Right if it's going to be my safe like easy to stomach hopefully that in the open obviously I don't want to be an odd one off thing got turned this into a full on char and I'm hoping that we can get the local counseling involved in Manchester and try to make it a month just stop a pale rather than just the appeal is not just brilliant I love the whole idea behind that and some of the president's the it was just describing that some fortunate youngster he's going to receive on Christmas Day along with son to Sam the big. Not minutes away from 6 on B.B.C. One Gogglebox tonight Channel 4 is a repeat of last Friday's but worth watching just to hear them taking the mick. Ouch the fact that Tony Blair consul Breck's it he says brags that since when there is the Regina ness in Bragg's it Goodness only knows I'll get this is on B.B.C. 2 at 10 o'clock diners include Josh Widdecombe Adrian Chiles Melbourne the doom and Holly Welsh watches for the 1st time last week it's quite good actually they do a series of come like bizarre games and then whoever loses at the end of it has to pay the bill and if you'll be watching Stacey Dooley on Strictly still not entirely sure who Stacey Dooley is one of the documentary's is on B.B.C. Want tonight at $1145.00 Stacey Dooley in the USA hills behind bars stinks of his it's America's only prison camp for women right today you've been talking about which what you can be doing at Christmas is what you had to say. Carol. Nondenominational one magical real Down kid that command line saying little dunk a Usually everyone comes to me but this year I'm going to mom. Cooking for. Them and then went. Down to. Buy. One thing I look forward so once a year Christmas day moaning I get all get all be on the wife got my children my grandchildren miles away they let me roll shop so a car celebrate with and you know we are far a black. Box 1st. Right. Where. They video which showed it all down once a year. Thing in Christmas. Morning you see women still don't get there is 2 day to go until Mike's charity extravaganza the lineup includes Tony Hadley from Spandau Ballet Peter Hook from New Order and Joy Division John Thompson film Billy Plus live music from the Munch to survivors choir and I know a little bit earlier just between me and you there is a name added to the laced. Completely . But. That's what. The sea. Radio. In a couple of moments time on B.B.C. Radio. 5 Sporting questions are going to speak to pizza Barnes for Manchester City and England winger all about the lack of English players in the in the Premier League as well that's coming up next after the B.B.C. Radio news with you and Doug the government has suffered significant defeats in 2 parliamentary votes the softer noon in the 1st M.P.'s.

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