I'm Mike Powell the powerful u.s. Group the National Rifle Association has backed calls to regulate devices that can turn guns into automatic weapons Steven paddock who killed 58 people in Las Vegas used what's known as a bump stop to modify some of his firearms the senior Republican. Indicated that Congress should look into the accessories something Sarah Sanders from the White House backs members of both parties. Are planning to take a look at. That would like to be part of that conversation. The fact supporters of the former prime minister say. Into allegations he sexually abused children an investigation by police concluded if he were alive Heath would be questioned about 7 suspected. Royal Mail workers for 48 hours in a dispute about pay pensions and job the action will take place today reports from Washington say that President Trump is planning to decertify the international nuclear deal with Iran a move which could lead to a resumption of u.s. Sanctions against Tehran according to The Washington Post Mr Trump say the deal isn't in the u.s. National interest b.b.c. News understands the Navy could lose its ability to enemy held beaches on the plans being considered by the Ministry of Defense Newsnight discovered that 2 specialist landing ships. Would be taken out of service under the proposals the plan part of a package of cost cutting measures has caused alarm among senior royal marine offices but the told the b.b.c. That no decisions have yet been made the Hollywood producer Harvey. Weinstein has been accused of decades of sexual harassment against young women he produced hit films like Pulp Fiction in the Queen's Speech break a Morris reports from Los Angeles aspiring actresses including a young Ashley Judd told The New York Times that Harvey Weinstein had pressured them to accept his sexual advances in exchange the Hollywood heavyweight had offered to help make them famous the women worried if they didn't oblige it would damage their career prospects in a statement Mr Weinstein says the way he behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain for which he apologised the producer said he plans to take a leave of absence from Hollywood while he works to conquer his demons in football England's of qualified for next summer's World Cup finals in Russia when counting Gary Keane scored a goal in the 94th minute against Slovenia at Wembley Scotland beat Slovakia one Northern Ireland loss to net at home to the world champions Germany tonight's weather clear in Chile loads of 7 Home 9 in Ipswich and 12 in Plymouth b.b.c. News at 3 minutes past 10 and Alan basics like the i Phone 61228. 5 b.b.c. Radio in Lancashire and b.b.c. Radio Manchester. Go Dave neighing. So much I love them does it get is the on a bit late night phone and we're here until one. And that's it really I said as if I had so much else to say but frankly I haven't now is depressing The Nic if you want to talk about anything then so do I. I'm in a sort of I dunno I got absolutely soaking wet to the skin today which rather bizarrely made me feel cheered up a bit I don't know why I was cutting the grass. There's a field narrows and of course the grass on the field near rules and I was cutting the grass and I knew there was a risk of a splash but I thought if I don't do it now when I'm busy to mana I'm busy on something I'm busy on Sunday I'm busy Monday I'm busy today I'm busy all next weekend when I'm going to get a dome fought die so to hell with the I'll do it now and if it rains just keep going oh hold. Off way through I mean hey ved down. Leahy Vday down on our sucked through to the skin it is a salary tale of woe a sorry sorry tale of woe but you know. I've still got me Alf. Reading in a mental out of his sleigh and here I show it all I got to be you get Shelby when you're out walking No You know so if you still make it profitable it just felt funny when I was on I thought was being to reason made then somebody has come in the studio. Just brought me the papers because I forgot them I left the moment desk i know i'm about this but we all do know that not all of us all to the right should we call them 016-1328 No I wasn't looking for sympathy I was just I was just giving you a vignette of vignettes is what I was giving you into what passes for my rock n roll lifestyle Exactly. But 16123 double to double 5 at least it was lucky here a how do Graham. But I know you know the story make one second I mean also never satisfy me no one sick. Person me precisely what I want and what you want to talk about you know religion yes you know. Sort of course you would say I was just going to ask you again if you haven't heard me do carry on. Korean father places a safe place. On. Human they get some human Well I guess I sit here frequently hoping to get some humor but some rarely present I still can't write. In today's limited so I'm diluted in why I can do a walk and watch a walk in a so you know I look at radio much as Muslim radio with respect and I don't mean not. To be derogatory in any way shape or form. Why would anybody presume that the word Muslim is an attempt to be derogatory well known. It would be for my truck please Well I will learn but but not if you go up a little to ludicrous times I look. As Burt was on radio because I share a name and minister of that for a couple of weeks now. I get radio mentions to write. Again and I wish to make Sweeney and you know that makes me feel really sorry. But then. Your radio station late night Shiites and therefore I 1st heard that joke done by Michael Benteen in the 1985 at a dinner. And a house are talented shut up shut up to tell a lie and you want to be real good size it. I've never derogate ties on account of the word nothing existing Idol is essentially melamine you only 5 pop you can do it Ok. All right well you know but it's not a quid mate and no he said 5 lb I'm sure I got some 5 pounds worth of commodity I can deliver to you and be that way to all of the Weiss In fact I was close in the grass today I think I found quite a lot of stuff I could put together into a 5 pound pound you'll be all right with that. Silly matrices actually it could be all. If you want to. You can leave whatever you like going to get your money you would not be allowed to know so you know money which I think that's what I just said so you feeling b.s. Like I do and I don't know what you mean by b.s. I have a guess but I'm glad we're not going to meet I don't in the. Aisle could tell yourself what i'm so I could tell you also could tell myself yeah I said when I wasn't about to. Go I want you to come clean and then. You can it is permissible insults and so they want to talk about gold want you want it was not 1st I don't think you do need to warn me well they should do it no no no I never accept Daz so I stopped doing that one is around 7 yeah me. But he you know your. Kids. Actually like you well we all have our faults and he you know she's no friend of mine. I'm remarkably surprised that you have such a thing but good. Enough spin that I feel that such is life you know and you know I think it's so simple even self and I have no idea who you me when used to increase the welfare of my summer son I've never been a welfare rights officer when he was the c.h.p. Than I would see I'd be. I wasn't a Welfare Rights Officer Well I. Take. The recall the name Adrian Felton I'm drawing less a him. Out of they were the main people in the 70s stroke elitist that know it so if I can fill welfare right he's and he was a member of the c.h.p. Color with respect bridged limits fine and dandy in a few human human. No no I don't mean in the sense of like you want to use walk I mean why he so contentious you don't know I didn't. Want for my being Leeson it's needed that he did that is there and he was good no when he got. Pushed so profession to other people I commented to myself Oh and I've got people from around the world next and over the past few days to ring you up and sought you why. Just to say oh you know this guy reckons he's got a point but you know you know. Manolo I want. Such a nice place a new chapter she said yes I had worked it out but thank you for the explanation. I'm not really sure how to keep a lid on responses in court you've got ego ego got it brings you right and he's obviously got mental problems but I think quite wrongly when I'm talking to my friend Mike in general if you give any more never mind I feel I've gotten more names I will cut you off Ok I call it. Binocular you know when I call him by I say let me put you in an you know he's got mental illnesses and me how can I write if you want to get me if you How can I clearly know anything about an anonymous individual because. You've got medical overtraining. What should I then do but if I think come on baby yourself I'm asking you a question I'm sorry if it challenge right so once I accepted it I'll ask each of you What should I do about somebody who I have decided has mental health problems what should I then do treat them differently Well you know it's a question you just decide did they know how I don't make not judgment but you're assuming that I did in your statement and I am great and examine right you just write what you just write and what Graham. I make a presumption in the question in order to facilitate your ability to give me an answer to the proposition you pose Yes Ok so if I decide it and I wouldn't like you cite it and I wouldn't if I decided that somebody had a mental health problem when they've called into the program what should I then do in your view. Then. Take them away from I can't take them away I am not in physical contact with them what should I do within within the limits of what I have on legible. Do you mean I should stop talking to them. Is that what you mean. No Ok and then tell me what you do mean in the next minute you know up and listen good night how do David. Call to be. Taken off. That way that you can call in the future of the time to go there say what you call an awful awful. Thing that I did. You never got. To I'll give you. A date it's a seeming so I need a middle course offer that is. Only so but go on if you want to give the last person who doubts you know the story to give us the most visible food. That has been changed. I'll admit that I made it a place. I thought they were all the. Places as the place to stop so nothing more the euro zone just. Like with all these little places on the lowly paid stuff a lot of the edge of the state when you go I was out there. But. You seem to have lost even talking about it again. It's the dull with no no no right but you give me the last verse to scream that I am going to give you . The story only goal since you'll. When the failed or why with still little to go all open each. Funny thing sounding didn't they fully think about the story is told will preach Well if you told the realtor when they found out me that so the point this guy points is this guy that's left out of this know what was that was a shall we do we don't know all this knows if those are dollars down they hope it was to be because the smell they wanted the only way all without any risk was the guy. Then you sold will trade off and he still be churning don't even go away with Dale to that for off the floor what I'm saying. So it's obvious to me if you can see. Anything that actually thing that can. Cause you to. Do it not that last a long time Sawgrass was the books I've got some books so you can read a novel was the point I. Read it again Alison the lion was in the sequel to a called the state house the after big balls for the drink it while out here. He said he would go today cracking a. Ball so I think as well in the world of it all call me dating at all it. Was honestly kind of now always will be going to watch no doubt they will say I get all he's allowed to. Go Cheryl sure will share OSHA and also the model themselves I would suppose that the only go there anyway I'll let you know the score points in forever eyestrain forever. 016122 a double 2 Jovo 5 if you want to join as you can just pick up your phone and have your say 17 minutes past 10 I'm being told by the why is service this disc rolling news Palabra the landscape my day. He taught me he of Bradford fame about all of the Grand Canyon has been sold to $6000000.00 I think it is it might be pounds indeed it is pounds 6000000 and 800000 sick or dead 6008750 it's still the bees contemporary art auction on Thursday evening just now in other words 6000000 quid for the picture by that's a big old how did Leslie go and. How are you I'm all right down good and if I may I'd like to talk about the sad administration nonsmoking a line Ok. We my husband and I traveled back. Last night we got into Manchester they have. Just gone midnight last night yeah traveled with Mona. 5 times returned alone this Shia. Fortunate that we've got a little house and in Spain. And we've always found them to be reliable on time and Mike to say a line of choice around here when we my husband won't know very early Monday morning to say. Unsettling news love and I said what's that and he said the monitor going into administration and I've said well not really sorry but we were in the fortunate position and if I may that. Went to days and days of delay we still had a missile over there yet because you've got a house yet we've got a little has. This is just those well over 2000 staff of Mana who have lost the jobs. The it was very effectively by this civic civil aviate. Scares me as I repatch. The website was up and running instantly I do gather the kind of b.m. Kids knew that this is going to happen fortunately for us. $110.00 size and. To be. Brought back to use. This in my understanding left a lot of people who were. In the u.k. Having to travel back to destinations where they have a. Basically. They had to find their own way home. Is a little bit disconcerting and in my view naughty that line. And who maybe jumped on the bandwagon of people who needed to get back. To their destination whereas. I spoke to a friend whose sister need to get back. When she found about the monarch. Administration within 20 minutes of logging on to the airline's Web site to actually bouquet the flight that she was the king had increased in price by 60 quid. But you see if I were if I was an airline and one of my rivals went bankrupt so I was suddenly getting lots of requests for seats I put a price. Because I'm in business I'm not a charity Ok your costs. Increase by that I might have known but that's not the issue it might be the issue from the point of view of the woman paying the money but if I've suddenly got a problem somebody wants the price of it goes up Ok I see I see that and I understand your point of view I mean I'm going to live just to expand it further just for a 2nd if I've got a plane and I know that you know it seats 201 stuff got 100 on and all the bills are paid when I've got 120 of it on 8 I'm now getting profit should I give the all the rate 2 seats away. No not give no away just cover your God that's it that's not what business is about business isn't about governing it costs business is about making a profit and when when there is great to demand it cost small Valentine cards if you went into the shop now to buy a valentine can I promise you it will be a dump site cheaper than if you go on the 13th of February the same with a dozen roses it says Absolutely and I need to create a family like so to get my trousers I'll just say not to do what the airlines are doing to be honest but maybe I'm just a greedy pig because row. That says that if you define You know I just think it is. Jumping on the misfortunes of your cousins to that is how I see it and that is something you know that I'm potentially agree with however we call the whole dive a From all accounts to months just yet on the the flight that was deposit saying the same time yes the guy that which was wonderful Well we had to do obviously because I'm on a boarding passes with a defunct and so the Web site you see a website with credibly in foam a kit as to what we had to do We had to arrive at the airport 3 hours early which we normally don't have to do because we travel handbook it's only day and because we have a has said well you know if you do out that's the thing they say I excelled at it. And out trying to pull there was excessive staff on. This case can we check in is that was incredibly fast we were called to board. They had failed to leave the children with families the disabled boarded incredibly fast the tunnel from. The Gates directly into the aircraft and it was an Airbus 330 Ok we've established. Where the magnificent right now are you sure there's going to be a bolt we landed at Manchester Yes and the handling was less than. We had we circled because it was an Air Bus with you have a callee on the front of the seat in front of you and it shows you your altitude your landing time and it was just tell me a funny story tell me how you go I Ok so and so I we we circled and circled in circles it was almost as if I failed we were ready for it. To land we let 15 minutes circling we won dates and we with 55 minutes on the Tomah. There was a. Staircase to take his there wasn't Buffy to take his now we're doing who is blaming for they so do you feel I blame I feel months months as the handling had quite a go on the boat that I imagine because it wasn't a normal scheduled flight because it wasn't a monitor but surely they should have known that well you know that we were right on you were coming and I can forsee what the problem might have been I may be absolutely and totally wrong but the the flight handling people a tap will dissipate fall by the airlines Yeah now if the airlines gumballs Yes the Civil Aviation Authority sought out flying and everything they may not have been able to easily sort out the the the service at the airport at the landing apples at Manchester and it might be that there was some palaver going on around that I don't know but that well my guess think no I think the Palapa was sausage because when we were on board we received each passenger. A printed letter and document with a questionnaire from him Government. To say that we were being the touchy take the cabin crew. Referred us to a rescue flight. And that we would give. Our own volition. Details of who the bits with how we paid Did we have travel insurance. So that potentially it costs. Could be so that some of the cost may be recovered Yeah well Leslie I'm sorry you had a bad experience at Manchester airport you know the 1st to do so still no Alan I'm just glad that I got home exactly so I was going to say at least there was a system in place to get you home just imagine if you'd been from another country like the people you know the Spanish people people yes yes I got nothing they got nothing exactly I know I'm not you know taking it and we film at so I'm just you know clearly. Giving information let me but I'm glad we're home thank you I'm glad you're home is about Glad you're home safe and sound I'm going to keep your house in Spain after Breck's it. Well mine may know me as the I don't know but your holiday home and you going to keep it just breaks it absolutely yes good on the allegedly lovely to talk yes I'll do an old. I am right I want to drink that will affect society. I wanna know ways. You know when you laugh you've got no brains that chain your locals and I have no doubt about shouldn't bank on it but you know when you laugh you off you're off. You know when you're not free not a pool of not I don't mean laughing after a full blown no money joke yeah why does that sound so far off I mean I have no way of answering. I'm not in your point I mean the old joke. Between you 2 do you feel I was what you do. Ace your job and then after I nothing so I will I'm not why you force your laugh I'm gonna leave me I know it's not a genuine Glaspie you're making. As well. Can you answer. That or it is in question it's impossible that it is impossible for me to answer because your question contains. I know if I'm a shit and I would say so position but enough of nation that my life is false Now if I say the reason my life is false is they say that I am conceding the t.t.s. Wet as my honest there would be it isn't I only lost one of the Ok well. Well I'm time in that case you must not hold. If you think my life is false I don't actually care be the Feel free to carry on thinking that but I cannot give you an answer to your question because he's based on the information that I disagree with so if you'd like to come up with your own theory as to why my laugh is false then I'd be happy to hear it well kind of just seriousness if they think to say I'm sorry and how would they on see if I don't know it's Ok to you and mother may well do that a believe as well Ok well if they all believe it it's universally that they are wrong but that's like well Billy the Kid Well I'll believe he's only just now I have no idea what you mean I'm not about to try to guess. Which is why I started the sentence with would if if they all believe it so be it there's nothing I can do it's the life of golf not a little bit of believe it well that's fine I'm happy with that's and that's not a lot to happen all sad I don't care but I know please post on the same stand things can make you funny just so listen it's just a joke to absolutely explain that he don't you don't give a no I don't train I think only what you want you to I don't know me I'm intrigued this is my job some may say a silly job it's a comfortable job but it is my job I do it for money obviously then when you say it's just a job to me what else could it be. Called Kill up but well in that case it's still a job isn't it because job you still live the noun so it's still my job it is a very good job I love this job but it is just a job imo I know it doesn't pay me I wouldn't Chrome but why would I get the. Thing to me at Duckie just look so much commute up a full mile Ok well you don't I think I don't know why you got. Asked for why you got that far when you had no idea. Of purplish socks a load of almost people I knew I follow when you do that yes you've said of that I don't think we're making much progress here you've sent one little question me there's no one out of place I want other people to run I thought you said the drink wouldn't affect you but never mind. Exactly well this is where you go online you know there are some of the planks amazing I want a lot of people just fallen and I say you don't need believe your last fall Ok when that really invitation is God Would you like to give him the phone number while you're not seat. I'm the one that. I never remember anything non-O. Least of all you know I do Brian Yeah. You know a lot of. My cat you know some well even then I shall laugh more often to gently in future off. This is John I. Don't care I still want to talk rather. Here in. The and out right and medicate you know that big that they want to keep that goes over the cubicle Yeah yeah the National Rifle Association which a point in this country where we would have the right cycle. With the to believe you included. I can I could see a situation I'm not suggesting next year next decade I'm not even suggesting next century Yeah well not on those I don't live next week or whatever but if somebody if somebody was about to invade Britain it may well be that the government would decide that everybody should be part of a militia and would on the Mall if you question really is would we have a half people carrying sidearms in this country in a entirely civilian capacity My guess would be not within my lifetime on the lifetime of someone who's being born right now. Yes so it would never happen no no I come never and I don't use that would because if you know and so on oh yeah you know that I wouldn't think it would happen within the next 100 years but who knows I my lifetime value will watch certainly not to mine is my view but do you think it would. Blimey. I think you know but the way things are going not thinking I think some. Would Push about. And I think it would be acceptable thing out think about things what do you want your opinion on my you know to think. The country has the most guns yeah vailable to the general public by a remarkable possibly coincidence also How's the most deaths by gunfire except for yeah so I believe I think I read a statistic yesterday and I'm happy to be correct if I'm misquoted on pulling only way from wrong but I think I read the rest to below 18 years old shot dead in America every day yeah yeah now a government a British government that decided that that would be a risk worth having. Would surprise me. Given the topic everything could happen that's the problem with. Her and now her and all those you know it you know would talk to a public opinion or with the watch guy deprived cook but it could be a thing when the somewhere you sail on the bike you know in our lifetime in my lifetime you know arts are full they could be a thing. It could be a thing it's rather like I mean when you say public opinion could press for rights and you are correct public opinion coud public opinion has been pressing ever since 1960 odd when capital punishment was abolished public opinion has been pressing for it but it's not even going to sniff of the people do you think I. Get to a certain film and also a coffee can supply work to process what should go on to obviously think it could happen well I can talk you are going to become a contango against the wood code it's impossible because everything could happen yes I do I think it's high time that lessons are that if you have a spread that it's not is started so well I've been that of an occupant a month and I've been to New York a few times and not been to Las Vegas but I spent a month and I was on holiday you know started off by yourself on coffee I will talk about you SAGAL. Yeah I mean. Really on this saw you know that soft. They are now right single this. Is residents of the Constitution and the rights of bad when they say You see we can argue this all day it isn't written into the Constitution as a freestanding statement they have the right to bear arms they have the right to bear arms as pots of a national militia however how I mean yeah well it was against the British at the time but it was and it wasn't against the British it was just a national militia but that's what they would do the nationalists you fought at the time but the Spanish and the French were possible to have a go at some as well but that's that's where it comes from now back I think in the early parts of the 20th century of the 1920 on some possibly. One organization or one group of lawyers all politicians or whatever decided that that meant you could bet a full stop there was another. Superior Court decision not that many is ago that said no the the act the the Constitution doesn't say that the problem the Constitution's is that frequently available for an interpretation but it doesn't it doesn't specifically say you have the right to bear arms already throughout the other night on the program it says it preamble is it by talking about the defense of the realm and then says the right to bear arms. Oh Ok Yeah well I mean here you bought some of the Vatican believes that now right the n.r.a. Definitely Yes Lisa you know they don't go in. Saddam was. I think you know they n.r.a. Today just just in the New Year is still like it is President really good signs of change. Well. I don't think he wants to change it to be almost to get it. I don't think he wants to change I think he believes in the right to bear arms I think he said so joining his campaign but the n.r.a. Today now the n.r.a. Every time anyone has attempted to make any change in the legislation restriction in the lead in the legislation all create legislation to restrict firearms the n.r.a. Have been diametrically opposed to me and they have been emphatic that that would be wrong and they will come pain and fight against it and they withdraw funding from any politician who votes for it today and I thought it was a massive my massive thing it today any presidential campaign today what they've done the n.r.a. . As far as I'm aware for the 1st time they've actually accepted the need for new rules not about guns per se but the the chap who committed the murders Yeah the belief is that he had an automatic weapon but not one was on continuous fire one was on pull the trigger for every bullet. Because the ones that are on continuous fire od a legal. Yes Now what he what you combine I and what he did by is an adapter the turns that weapon into a fully automatic weapon. And so on now listen to this listen to this fish just listen to this fish stupidity it is against the law to have what's described as a rapid fire weapon Yeah it's not against the law to buy an adaptation for a semiautomatic to turn it into a rapid fire weapon Yeah now the n.r.a. Today have said that they think the time has come to to tighten the rules new rules for Rapid Fire tools as they're called and I think that's the 1st time there have been a knowledged any step towards. Restricting weaponry Sekai cell chilling rumor we've received all think about the money fights are these weapons. That's a business that So you work it out basis yeah oh yeah when you work yeah I work in this spot to make these all sponsored by here but you know I do. Believe if I can remember people see old rhythm but I must say that it could be a bucket know where it was yeah I worked at this spot so it would make me but I'm going to many I'm going we can't condemn the Americans for the hockey remember them us if. I don't I don't disagree with there was a massive campaign in Hungary when they tried to close down what I'll call loosely the bully factory Yeah absolutely you must've campaign all those jobs are going to go Yeah so we can't condemn the manufacturers Yeah because they just make the product to be sold Yeah. Some politicians to write the law that protects those. Yeah plus it's own all of the sexes so human condition to think I don't want to kill another 1st the bull gets over safe and I think by cop that was nothing like not. 40. I don't think if they made it the law that it was Ok. I don't think I'd buy it from all the hell they have to bow out of you know. I mean c'mon I signed on to be a soldier one of the things you have to acknowledge when you sign on to be a soldier is you might have to shoot somebody I talked with however I wouldn't have a lot where we are in g.b. Yet you guys well obviously have signed on in the u.k. Yeah well by the guys in Vietnam we were conscripted to watch it well yeah I mean what about the guy from the 2nd World War and all of them Omar stonily. Anyway Brian good to hear from you Mike 161-228-0507. Yeah I didn't know about John when it don't come out well I. Will probably say 2 days in it it's what well probably day I didn't know that. Yet over the years that right now I bow at a particular on struck by a car elk effect Ok. You know kind of fish from the Greek economy as downs and Officer recall. I didn't but time prepared to tell you which of that I really just read that says Ok a 2nd thing is a well phosphates meter side of it there is a son's I believe. This page is a paintings of the tell you nobles down things that have lupus and I had movements and the slows the stylized feet move was and you can read if you look at it if you know we take these to look at you can tell what kind of guns his there would 1st be getting to do when he 1st began and then I resisted of Frances as a child. And decide to take you back to friends. And lose a fortune to some king was a 1st case with the downs it was the 1st one of the downs. And the best stuff which is so in itself is just hot sauce faith and yes about mean did not the Romans done sold the ancient Greeks know it won't die knowing the way now and when when you say well you know so every time you use the word bond Don should only referring to Bali I just saw no job Tim talk about Karla Faye as a pleasure fresh referred to by a way as to the time in a songs I mean I'm sure these Jews were just down says they. Suffer glee and they beat. The article I'm sure there was I'm sure I'm sure there was downstairs on the article. And I'm sure there was I'm sure Lysistrata Sasa with the stops on Ok so we knew what you're talking about now so which is good. So tell me what you want to say about choreography Well the interesting thing is. I like. The fight they develop from counting on the toes of famous down so tightly timing only to the father was accounted for of I think he's the sofas and chairs out and you can you can tell if you look at the old about the ninety's and trick. There's not many men in them and the women you know go there's a lot of stylized floating down says good grocer stage and back of his and that's because that was a 1000 of the time so it just sounds so phase and I think he's. Really Willy's it cause i really is it's like the mist in the faces of sufferers you putting all this stuff is interesting to me No no I don't know if opportunity it's stuff that has everything we don't change phosphates it's because that as you know I never read the story of a religious issue about. A coach ago. Who is well known to cause changes in me Steve Mounties are not shy because the Fed has come down in the maze and the times to challenge Sit down sit down so she dies to take a so and then not so is with the other willies and they attract men and get them lost in the woods and they die the opposite she cheats guy he's trying to take you back to life. On the rich low but that was one which caused the trouble. And they both died the same as dial one phone dies one called it does have blood to both tie the 2 men all one the missive out one of the side to be coachable I survived all that good use of eyes whatever they call views and ways just us I just know it but you see what I don't get about ballet be you know I was a a judge in the mentor student news drama to watch so used to go to the ballet and all the other things I must I do like Martin. Not custom but the the classical ballet as it's often known I have a bit to difficulty with because. You've just told us the story of the ballet now I maintain that if you took somebody that didn't know the story and didn't give them the story before hot and I maintain that they couldn't watch the Bali I'm cool Mt no in the story. You know much less possibly true you know you've got you've got to have it in opera they call it the red libretto I don't know what they call it in Bali but you've got to have the program where they tell you know Mabel do as they say and then he does that and then the king dies you know that's all to think and and I think well if it's if it's not good it's x. Pressing the tail how come I don't get me. This stuff just the part of the going to be spent if you take it really got a bunch of you if you try to push have done so on the ages we've got to think that today the school wished us free movement. Yes Again no supreme. Stays with me. But many people like to eat me but I think it's just it's just you could speak out that. I just wish we could say guys they don't die during the school when yes you can do that's another you know that's that's a form of entertainment I don't see anything wrong with that I was just when you were telling me the tale in the story of a particular ballet yet I don't get me because the story is you need the story in writing or in your mind before hand was a book there's a book yes I know but that moment almost to the bows I got a stage so yeah. Loads of books what I don't get you see if I go to a musical which I hate most musicals but if I go to a musical I know what's going on because they tell me I hear them speak I hear them sing even even in the opera if I could translate it and icons but when I go to English operas opera sung in English I know what's going on because they tell me that they sing the songs and they tell me yes but with done 6 just people moving about and I can't get the story from that it's Ok because you. Know been trying to Dunkin for the profit college to be done some of the. On the chose of Taglioni is the 1st one to do the dancing on the dance to 5 positions. There's 5 starting positions of the downs and the finishing position and they did not show the movements around the. Sketches such we might have to get. Around the can upset movements and positions from that you've got to know these things germs. Was one movement was fluid they all move no back body fluid move move aside and they can't even touch the piles of room from friends to go to is famous by Swan Lake and they don't crack a totally different again they were at least cost get a guestimate I. Didn't get. It if I could. Find the right way. Oh no. I think it's yeah I think it's fiber that will know your teachers or does it just it just stumbling down ideas I say is a big reviews people just famous people do you see is the statistics show where age is just it's obvious fun plus but when your friends. Agree with you it's easy it's not an art I appreciate many. Many many do I mean getting tickets for the ballet when he saw me just a robot pool like it's not easy you know you've got to be quick particularly if it's one of the great companies but. I think that's all that's not just of the kind of effect I mean I I'll say this I always it should. Make all Ok where I meet up with a bloke tried I mean I know people are going to show you an interesting makeup but you know the makeup for the body does is for the like to buy the guns of the lives so you have. This do it from the guy like no which was a famous brand of the make up now I get noises about it so wrote a letter to the b.b.c. And I didn't get a reply that I can piggy about a sucker MCO I just asked a lady about to show we don't use like going to book you don't use no numbers to Broward allowed to 56 below either you know I use my phone to use the hot killer yes but television makeup is substantially different than stage make o. Clock because he's lit differently now when if you look at the television in recordings there are you will see that the actors in dramas will winning stage may cope and they look stupid but. I don't know that it is until I. Check my island is in the farm I don't really know it but it's just there to lovely to hear from and I didn't know. It was World ballet day and I'm glad I do know 16228225 I'll do prom i.r.l. And I Ok I'm very well that's funny throughout I think a little flap so my Yeah I'm stuck could still be false if it was lovely could mean Ok I was a response to not even planned to laugh about some of it is that yeah well I want to talk about a space all condonation. Yes You know I do agree with that I think it's a great thing well the government is going to bring you can now if you have to if you don't want stalemate you all can tell us Ok well what I'm thinking right now what you're going to find out if you opted out no you don't wait to take it comes to the house and said Now show me the cut I think now you know me not what I think . Because you could whip you don't have it on a big target you know that and I would you know some of the all going to not be easy to go by mistake to back will put you back in your coffin and it could affect the 3 days on critical night that well it won't work like that for sure I might as well you're going to date the everybody you don't even pay you know even though if you've opted out even now. That don't take the organs generally they don't take the organs of people that just die I want to figure that out today now that. The good well they don't say the older people who just die if they take the organs of people who have been on life support usually as a result of a traumatic incident a cock crash or some of the things kind and they are then being kept alive right by the machinery and then if the if it looks like the people say Naish you know if their brain dead they talk to the relatives if the person has a driving license they'll check them out but they always check at each hospital has a person whose job a tazer or a team whose job it sees to check the all been done is register which is now computerized to see whether the individual they've got in intensive care is prepared to have their organs used on the occasion of their death right so if you die at home yet they're not going to you. Usuals. You know what to say in the Shockey John there is a desperate shortage you're. Going to get you all can from well they'll get them from the same people they get them from now but at the moment there is a presumption that you do not want your organs used unless you say so in advance what you're saying but what about a child a child a child and the the system is that that is a decision for the parents now if they do change the rules I imagine it will merely reverse the register instead of a register of people who happy to have that all guns whichever ones they want used most people these days say all of them. At the moment it's a register of people like may have said you can have any bitch you want to have many actuate and all they'll all they'll change it into one that says nothing so dies in a road traffic accident although he's taken to hospital and he's kept alive for a few days and then they think well he's finished you know he's not with recent interviews he's program but whatever the reason they think he's finished and then those say well let's have a look at the ready stuff oh is name's not on me that whole he's happy for us to take the organ Yeah all night as he says at the moment the name is all meat and he's happy for them to take the organs but in most cases I can tell you yet they won't just take them even now they go to the relatives and they say we want to take his organ they don't put it like this the very very good at said yeah go and they say it was his wish for us to use his organs Are you Ok with that and if they get the relative say no they don't take them they don't pay they don't take them. A member. If you try old creep in my state I mean if. I would get you know make the parent. Well as it is at the moment they allow the well the child won't be on the register it count they isn't valid enough but in the case of an adult I might even if I were if I died in the 2nd stanza just outline yes they would go to my wife and the she died as well but they go to my wife and they say We'd like to take his organs he said that that would be his wish she would have the right to say no what she could tell that she could veto it yes that's just that's just a courtesy have to be to make changes that your wife wouldn't be able to say well I doubt that she will remove the relatives I doubt that she would do that hi Judy. But at the moment there are however many tens or possibly hundreds of thousands on the register but if it's a read of refusal then there will be probably more organs available because a lot of people who would have their organs used Yeah I've never got around to fill in the farm but have to end it there because we're going to do the headlines if you do want to carry on stick around afterwards and do done well with them. You said 11 I'm Mike Powell the pro gun lobby group in the United States the National Rifle Association has backed calls to regulate rapid fire devices for guns Stephen Paddick who killed 58 people in Las Vegas use such an accessory called a bump stock to modify his weapons the White House and senior Republicans have said they would support a review now correspondent in Washington I'm tinnies explains why the n.r.a. Has made this concession it's part of the n.r.a. Strategy whenever there is an attack like this to go dark for a little while and then they come in and they try to shape the debate toward something more favorable for them and they're doing exactly that year and that they're calling for and Ministre to response rather than a legislative response they want the Trump administration to review bumps docs possibly increase regulation on them encouraging increased regulation but not new laws supporters of the former prime minister say Edward Heath have called for a judge lending choir to investigate allegations of child sex abuse against him saying they groundless went to police and carried out an inquiry said the politician had he still being alive would have been questioned but said there was no in Ferentz of guilt think Forces Chief Constable of will chair Paul Mills who oversaw the investigation said there was no merit in now having an inquiry we feel that the investigation has been subject to significant scrutiny which we. Commissioned ourselves and in relation to that point of finding were guilty or innocent we don't believe the English legal system is such that anyone could come to that conclusion we would not support one of Spain's biggest banks is to move its legal base out of Catalonia because of fears about the impact of a declaration of independence next week's meeting of the council and parliament has been blocked by Spain's constitutional court a challenge was brought by the council and Socialist Party which opposes a breakaway Paul remember he is Catalonia as foreign minister. There as the constitutional court. Even more. Info boy England have qualified for next summer's World Cup after beating Slovenia one nail Scotland also defeated Slovakia with the same scoreline and could still qualify for the playoffs as could Northern Ireland despite a $31.00 defeat to Germany one of the most elusive species of songbird may be so rarely seen because it never actually existed according to research as the Liberian green ball was 1st spotted in a forest in the early 1980 s. But it's escaped the search of experts for decades now University of Aberdeen scientists believe the bird is actually a common ice to remain green bull but with an unusual plumage because it didn't eat properly it's going to be a cold night and then dry and bright tomorrow b.b.c. News. Basics going to be seen radium just b.b.c. Radio. Good evening 3 minutes past 11 as the man didn't say you know maybe I was about to say it now I'm just having to work work let's go back to Palm we were talking about organ donation in the and they planned to change it the government's plan to change it yet but it was a lady on the t.v. . A full Could I add to it and she was saying that I chatted with a narrow traffic accident be donated to check out. A few more Alkan and that that she thought I had a child with rabbit life and that it was going to trial and that would make a feel really good that must now snap the body of the child of God It's all good no let me now thank you again that's a lovely way to thank you that's better way definitely a way to see you know what I think I cook actually thinking yeah you know my mom dad it was there let me tell you but only if you don't know the all but gonna say well that's it. You know when if it can keep somebody else going out on well that's what I think I mean there are people who have a very strong. What I call ethical challenge to it a people who say no I I don't want this to happen to me and that's fair right you know and some people some faiths hold the view that the body ought to be buried intact Yeah you know that's fair 8 seems a waste and to a non-religious person like me seems daft but that's their faith and that's their personality and that's their right also to know what else can say if you have probably had it. And people have all been. Donates had to write the piece. Being counseled us. If that if. Has happened to tease them how true that Iraq. Could be find out. What Yes they could they can't find out there is always a risk when you get an organ that you're getting itself somebody who wasn't entirely healthy quite often no he doesn't think happened so rare that you can't use it quite often but in most of those cases they didn't know they were able to say the circumstances in which they take all guns is fairly rare it just doesn't happen for every one that dies I've signed you know what I've got on my driving license and all that and I'm on the register and I used to carry a card but you don't have to now but if I keeled over now and snuffed it and fall down dead they almost certainly would not use my organs why because by the time they got me to a special day would have started to decompose. So they need you want in life support machine buy it to keep the store fresh where they can be. Seen in the country. Rather than a thousands and found. So right and that's the way it works as follows imo I don't want to go on correct me if I'm happy for them to do so but talking to people as I'm doing they still interviewing people about it not to tell me but that is what the money thing yeah you could go. And that would turn out to be goofy. You know that could happen but the alternative is getting buried Yeah you know if somebody said to me simply said to me your heart's not good you've got about 3 months to live yet we've got a shot here it's out of a fit bloke you will mate I wouldn't stop thinking it was you've got the thing if you know. Oh yeah. Yeah the challenge because I've got certain death and possible life what should I go far yet. But now they can do anything they can do the colony is the new high sky where they can up a lot everything oh god yes good to talk to you about how Dr go anyway Absolutely I will pharmacare with your front door when you go. Out So how do Emmett Island. And Co know that to speak and see if anybody any call is going to help really spotting to a friend confide in me and to me recently. That partner. Is gone I'll call problem and when he when he has it doesn't drink regularly born as a drink it comes really abusive to also. Being physical with us she's only be minimized a short period of time. Both Each time there's been an issue we should talk like such a confide to me recently was talking about previous incidents that seem to be getting worse but she just keeps coming back to this guy. I'm just wondering if he'll get help me so they will do things to get itself back to not doing anything and I'm just wondering. Just after some advice for her really I mean how does she lightly got situation I don't know how she lays it but that's what she needs to do yeah I don't know how to do my kids I just said it won't change and I know it might sound really bad because I don't let people come change to me don't think this guy well he might change but I've got a person who says I'll change and then does nothing about say it is not saying I'll change the same show to get off my neck until the next time you say just you just say he won't drink well that's fine and if he doesn't that's fine but then what he does is only those drink Well you know my and I've been aggressive with the yeah so get rid. I mean if it was never should not listen then people don't but what you need to do is to support that but frankly it's down to him that he you know she come not get him off the booze only he can do that I think so but. I think he's got the whole problem started alkali could rely on it I mean. I'll call it he thinks heavily every day I mean clearly quite. This guy with Hey just think of the odd occasion. Stress is a. Train kill and take now and. Then please be safe actually physically abusive towards Well you know I'm not a counsellor I'm not a my guidance counselor on Relate is the now call booked my answer would be get shots of him he's not with that yeah. But it's not what you call it be what it was they have indeed done I'm sure you so that's the situation Pam's friends partner gets drunk from time to time should we say but when he does he gets violent he keeps promises he won't promising he won't drink again and then he gets a bit stressed so he drinks again and then he abuses are all upset so educated. And well if you need to stop doing that I think it will be to the. Right I always I always try to imagine life as a lot of death and when you stand on the wrongs of a lot you can either get off all climb now. It gets is to climb and the top of that ladder is him stop enough not to she want to take the next step. That's to say to her I just don't go in and just your seat and I just say to they send this with you dead that's how this ends they send with you debt free will one day you will if you tried to attack a dog. Is trying to place well tonight so I would hold a knife to the dog when she needs to get out and it will just tell a tele they send emma when you speak to your friend Mabel Mabel they sends with you dad everything else you say is irrelevant she just needs to know this and with her dad. Let me be more honest that I think is well he scared of him in a way to be able to say well yes. You can love him and knew all the rest of it but your loving someone is going to kill you you know that means there's no you being together that long and it's being aggressively game with fight she told me about way only she only open to provide recently and when she told me and the things he's done a lot how he was a little odd knowing that I was a lot it. Just that it's you. Don't have to get the value chain. It's not doing anything to help you know go to me. Doesn't do. That in England and Wales this is a figure published in 2016 in December in England Wales 900 women were killed by their partners in 6 years 900 women in 6 years. So how many is that a year how many. Yes it's about one every 2 days so every other day a woman like your friend says I think you've changed I love him I think you'll change . And now she's in the Senate. This one of which I like. It but I do your best farted really hard I bet it is relevant people listening will will have Mother rest rather less stock help me. But. I don't want to. Try to try that because she needs to see what's going on and she won't do anything about teaching to she does and at the moment she's saying to herself It won't always be like this Yeah well you know what she'd like. Unique she needs to be talked out of that position but friends are often a bit Flannelly and say well you know you want to move out and all of you will say to her they sends with you Dad Yes You know well the problem is that you know it's Shockwave that he's going through that say too I'm with you all the way I will support you all the way I'll help you when the levy must stay with him I will do my best to help you yeah and the last thing I'll do for you will be to come to you funeral because they sends with you dead yeah right Ok well I plan to but if I call now anybody and. See what he's doing she actually don't know when a voice she's just not doing anything about I feel like think people Ok I just tell them that I look like the grace about it is not you know going to be me only 3. Like made to go down but yeah. I money will just go. Home and be. Paid if anyone listening has any better advice for Emma for her friend then please don't indeed to re-inforce not on vice or if there is another process there is an organization which may be able to help it's called out . Yes and it's for the families of alcoholics he's a l. Dash. And. Now whether she comes to choose family by that definition I have no way of knowing but if you if you talk to her about even they may be able to give us some support about how to get him off the booze but frankly a new relationship to God get. Tonight thank you thank you a little right if anyone can help Emma beyond the rather brutal advice I've just handed out give us a call 016-1228 double to double 5 it's quite fast enough. When basics like the b.b.c. Radio and b.b.c. Radio. Souls. I think it's the 1st time he's with us but. I don't know why I'm very well thank you we'd like to talk about and just a quick why don't I take up a much of your time Ok but Colin you had regarding you and all. Right Ok what up long made himself look like and I said. I wouldn't go out because I don't think any I mean clearly no one seems to think you'll laugh and say Can any for what shape he's clearly trippin in some form or shape and I think the alcohol got to that or he's just clearly delusional. I mean like you might just be having a bit of fun with me no he's not my don't know. He was very serious he he was not having any of it but it really wouldn't work if he was serious. Well clearly don't take anything too hard you're a good mind loving and you doing a good job and you clearly love doing what you're doing you're very passionate about it and I love to show I only listen I've never called him but. I mean for some reason he just it takes a lot to push my question about what I hope is listening Alan your life is not fake in any form of shame. Kind of your jobs have a good evening. To them they are an old Audi he said very maturely out of. What we'd like to tell you about I'm a very. Strong local We're going abroad I'm born on a council I stared at my real We're going to. Have to watch in England cannot play football. Now be delighted to watch one complaint. About is that was it. You have a nd my little Evan the something is. Not really that bad well it was so boring I mean there's only one or 2 players involved at the time a general belief all $26.00 players are involved all the time it's far more exciting than this but passion and chandeliers passion in my opinion yeah I mean I was in the paper I don't believe I don't have a member. I'm not a football fan so it's hard for me but I've got to tell you the ruby league that I've been watching recently and testing do you think so yeah I like it I find it. Less entertaining than it used to be oh. Yeah some of the games just saying no room really really good you know really good some of them not everyone but some of them look when I finally I find the game quite now compared to what it used to be yeah. You know if I'm such a function when I watch it you know well I was I was a function on Friday night. And there's a man I bump into very occasionally He's a dyed in the world we game fan and I of course I'm a not quite died in the world I'm a wanting to I'm fine and so yes I mean I'm like yeah so we have a bit of should we say oral fencing Yes timing mates and he saw me in full force and he was walking towards me down the corridor. We go you know we had on get on by the skin of. Not really got much to cheer got him just because he never woman out there to be known by the skin of a safe and he walked towards me and he said Bessie how boring is rugby league and I was I was rather surprised because I felt the same I don't think it's anything like his entered I think they've ruined it there yeah I think they're absolutely ruined Well a lot of concern. Of the much info below yes you still but I don't call on light on one channel phone but on the other there's no way would I watch a football channel but yeah I mean you know I think having my hest set fire to might be better than watching football you know which to me and I don't like football but but that's different these I golf to God you know we can mix bowls that ought to leave tedious but I think the powers that they have ruined rugby league I'm really doing well. Been saying about the robot they've been already a month just on Sunday afternoon and I know people don't seem to believe it and I bought the systems that haven't needed a zes complicated quite. Find Systems assets etc There are so many people who can't understand them including me but they diodes as well and they don't know what's going on and what's up and where this qualify and that sets etc So I said well this $32.00 teams playing rugby league why don't they all 4 divisions with 8 in each division and do that event Scotland play Joe the 4 times but for give every team $28.00 games and 2 open to doubt and so even at the end of the season the teams in the middle of the league they're still going to chance of either promotion or relegation I said everybody can understand that simplified and far more enjoyable than I can give the answer to why they don't do that still into 10 and Sky tell me they don't want to load in the plane you know I figure if a team of chimps gets to the top of the table by luck or good judgement and then they get promoted they could have no plane in Super League I'm not up to it I mean the management and the way they have done all I agree with you is completely stupid and Congress kind of summit is just nonsense to push people off the game but I think the games got boring the actual game takes place on the grass never mind all the all the stuff I think it's gotten really boring and I now prefer and will be union Yeah well after. 2 I mean I went to Catholic school I think you did a mellow only as a kid I went all time scholarship and went to a going to tag where you went to learn to interact I did you well not wanting to tat want to be meant seconded to be conspirators go and oh yeah but you went to a Catholic so did you 1st I was brought up my original to lean I was lost so was I and I am an Apostles I'm scholarship and went to attack it was great to stay in my life. I'm not sure it was a great thing I should like it well it was certainly a good day when I know the greatest Well there was no religion when I went away going to himself for. Most boat to go on with the support of the. They say he still went to the same which I was. There I couldn't believe a grand laugh our son last time I was 11 years old 12 on a personal time Scully and I was so nervous at school up to 11 to 12 when I went to check I couldn't believe I was great it was and well grandmasters we had and sports have ruined the afternoon. Mind you in the so my that wasn't so good. That you weren't on the cricket team yet to go cross-country running I said that's what we did you know God I hate that I never liked when it wasn't. Champion actually you know you need to maintain seen a you've probably run against me dad he was when he was a kid was a yeah but he Mornington Yeah I don't define the 220 thing myself oh considerable. I must really go under mansplaining feeling when I got to talk of the modes that I was a me off to a lot still it was there's only people of me on edge most of my dad and. I think they know all about sensation that we have I don't talk about it I don't believe you know fell in love the tutu and good to me and I'm sort of the football wasn't any good for you tonight but at least they got through right they got out I did I start what's next after a lot of off I don't know if it's own too boring good to talk to your fellow I'm all right as rugby league been really no I'm not talking about the complicated bit of how you get to the next round of can't be doing with it is a pain in the neck but the game itself has I'm sorry I'm a big fan but the game self has got boring really boring I'm sorry but you know talking back to when it was the scrum that was not about go you know I didn't believe Billy got you know I didn't get him barely get input on drowned in Oma and then the wrong balls of the screw. What. Why the no contest it's just stupid anyway they manage me when I know I'll do Graham. Hello hourly Hello Graham what you want to talk about well I was on the back about Walgreens and yeah. We could get money to get a group of people to Walgreen's so I recall yes. And out of what you said God was. The knowledge just getting. Out there and then I think we got about 3 on great thing at the moment and who they got not from I don't know I think because of a need that usually can right. Now is going to I see they can get one of the people on the same time on the I think they won't sign do things like car boot sales and think wideout is dying gate. And the Aristotle used to come in on your program that got me started telling him to check all these things out and when you check them out he said yeah we've got some money coming in March All right any. Good i just wish it because somebody said to me just think like a 1st boss that sponsors people and charges and things and there's over of an i.j. Actions a little moment you know lots of companies sponsor charities lots and lots Yeah. They all they all have different ideas if you like of the kind of charity they want to support but there will be some that want to support what might be called military charities. No I said to them. Look out and see what we can do right look at the military challenges things we still appealing to the air and then I said. If you're interested in Elf instances really interesting what you get away I said very young not just to not be interested but also you have to go to the person in charge of the program you want to get on to yeah for sure yes and then aviate think it's dangerous and then else they might because I know they've done it in the past false people in the army and doubtless legally things. Well the other thing that they could do I mean I don't know how easy it would be or how formally it needs to base but there's a website called just giving. And people make donations to various charities and sponsored things via the web site so they might want to look down the road I'll follow I'll mention to all right well I'm glad you're doing well so far 320 not matter they are much do you need well we need about. 415 pound So there's a way to go yet you know for a little icons I think they say you know I got him. Good on the right keep up the good trick yeah just that will affect. Our main the more the people I go I found like you really is someone from the regiment and things are the way they are that humans not donate something. Yeah they might they punish regiment or one of the regiments come to the British Legion in Blackpool from time to time. And the lands that I mean that's the the lands that are currently sort of in it might be worth talking to them when the find out from the Legion when the next they're. All of a work of them all right good on you make good to see a good look with a 016-1228 double to double 5 out to shut feet oh you alone I'm very well thank you no shit freak you don't have to speak very slowly Yes slowly started you blame me just people yeah it was sometime you I knew talking one time used to be blame be just people yeah. Then Sat. And salve Elis. He was put in to us it's just too damn Queen Elizabeth one about 500 years ago. And. One painting indicated to me it was mine or let's say. That I just was that I you know in $0.25 at a more than generous on beaches we now thinking a lot of. Pasta Denyse on their wall was that I thought you know you know why my friend I don't I'm talking you know I'm in this civilized Condi and this was b. 10 is number one in this was before Gordon a single mom out today I'm talking out of the blocks by doing it don't blame the dish people if you lend it if you can I'm going to shift the let's just stick to one should Yes So tell me you said did you say you were talking about the blood yeah I'm talking tonight about the blood Ok let's do that man yeah tell me lad the whole human being same black blood color is good at what Messenger knew all human being this case done you who did you is mostly one blood from what messenger know what our name and we seen in d.c. Are now with God Miss and no. One was a white team fought it was a match in d.c. Out because of God myth and did a great life and keep people out on the standing people not all you seem you seem shifty You seem to stop talking about blood now so can we get back to blood. Yes. That's my little bit center and if you stand understand nor understand that what I'm going to do my friend is a blood group one blood Galati blood clot he said you can't taint the blood gun nor balloon oil I don't know why one man. Was mentioned so. You've been on for about a minute and I've learned from you not complain I already knew but all I'm all I've learned from you blood is red blooded I knew that yet what I would miss and know I do you know well you know about the good medicine and well I thought we were talking about blood not God's messenger. Because all the while we don't have because if you want to talk about blood you can you want to talk about God's messengers you can yeah you have blood I'm talking about the blood. And only about that bit just blood and don't like that word up in entirety blood he. Might I thought to go and talk about I think you'll find I think you'll find all nations royalty all. These reds and outside the thing in man seemed to be no. I don't know where she should put himself which has made a jump out of jobs. Jones Hello I'm wantin to talk about the Tory conference at Manchester Ok I'm going to let you do that but will you turn your radio off it's only in the background Oh yes they're causing a really well no I don't want to hook a. Yes. What happened when the prime minister gave that speech which everything seemed to go wrong for her now I'm not against anybody but. But I don't think that they are to political government by politicians to stop drawing to an event and I think prime minister Theresa May May be our last British prime minister because God said I would just to experiment with the tail wagging the dog social thing instead they monitor Kate really how a kingdom. Like you think on the back what makes you think that to reason May is going to be our last prime minister by which I presume male saying that there will never be another general election well she's the 13th prime minister that the queen is had to deal with Gerry and long range. And and God has allowed us to expel him and but it's a. Backwards way around ruling of a kingdom. And I noticed this a few things which remind me having read so the Bible there's one of 2 things said when the letters were falling off a backdrop behind with the slogan the f. And the 8 fell off that was just one of the things that went wrong for Boston Theresa May. It's a bit like Belshazzar's face that you'll find in Daniel where when. Shout was making a mockery of the holy vessels which had been built from curiously in the exile from . God drove his people out into Babylon captivity. They turned on itself without a December good hand say well that. Bell South had been weighed in the balances and was found wanting him and that very night his kingdom was overthrown by the passions that lead to the passions Well I'm thinking that we've had nearly 3000 No 333 years as Tory not tell her political misrule of say. And God so that listed the nothing and now we've got ourselves into a mess with a brick set we want but yet the politicians said powerless to give it to us. It's going to need a change we're just now sure just for the record the politicians are not powerless to get his breakfast the politicians are embarked on a process that will end in about 17 months time when we will cease to be a member of the European Union. Well they're not powerless to do it they're in the process of doing it that they disunited of the may well be disunited I'm I'm not I'm not asking you to change your statement I'm just pointing out that the statement you made is factually incorrect Ok You mean they have a little power no I don't know I'm not making no comment about any specific any general powers you said they do not have the power to give as Breck's it well they do when they are a house divided against itself no no no no please please please I don't need the jibberish and I don't need biblical quotations your statement was very basic It was the politicians do not have the power to give as Breck's it and I say to you they do and they are well why I don't have to answer why that is a fire that well they're not going to number to call me on getting on with it there is a timescale involved and they are in box upon the time scale Well it seems like they want a lot more power and normal enough to ask for more the most time it is already decided that we will leave the European Union at a given date I think it's in April in 2019 well unless this is a complete government level Well now you're making predictions but I you was saying the power doesn't exist well sadly need a stronger power than one party say you know for politics in that well you know what I'm trying to hold that view but you're sort of changing tack now anyway get back to your thesis but please don't make stupid statements again well I want to just say that prophecy is coming to pass in our time and and don't be surprised the which prophecy you're referring to now well in Revelation it talks about that the sun's wouldn't shine through that's part of the day and the moon said part of the night showing that there was a limited time when we would have the power to go. Just going there just for the record just for the record the noon doesn't shine it reflects Yes I know that oh right well you didn't say that you know that you said the moon wouldn't shine for the 3rd of the day the moon does not shine at all you have a house never will. Well I have to go on what you say it's the limitations of ice a limitations of conversation reading minds is a step too far for me Ok well they will just stick to the sun then they close out but the sense symbolic symbolic that moment of case and we have a sense when you say the sun when you say the sun symbolizes the moment which moment we've got doesn't have any choice but to say it's our Bible I would say disciple. One none of the do none of the disciples were British none none of the people that wrote the Bible were British old on New Testament not one of the were British we have come from the likeliest all of us half way migrated Yes but not that many put the whole spelled out so that well then I'm right and where in the Bible does it say Britain will no longer will never again have a general election it doesn't say that it did that Montessori I thought that was what you said well what I'm saying is I'm gone I'm I'm now confused I'm a simple man you've already made one statement that was actually bunkum you're no you're really a said there will not be you didn't say specifically you said to reason may will be the very last prime minister I presume from that that you mean there will no never be another general election and we will never get another prime minister that well right now well you know Senate might happen Well I think I should have said hey you should have said may. Not it's not exactly a word you can forget when you're talking about the prime minister who thought he would have been the. At the very front to your lips before 2022 believe that change would have come but like I said the other day it teaches them self said but said yeah let's say those days shall be shot himself yeah did he mention Did he mention to reason may and it was a mention and I said yes no question why did he mention to reason Mayo you know did he mention a British prime minister my name meant no no I didn't say whether your main name was mentioned that I would never even ask I can work that one out for me self Yes but did he did he mention the British prime minister the method I didn't mention the British prime minister Jesus Christ Well the star of recent years yes no no intake really did Jesus Christ have a message in the British prime minister. Symbolism yet in symbolism so we didn't mention it. When asked so we didn't mention it the stars so we didn't mention it that bike to be mentioned Yes So no well let me go you have told me one thing it was called was yes they did because oh right I told John to write down the Book of Revelation right and does not mention the star of happened that this and all of the crime well just don't represent all of our many bloody awful it Como's all the rendering finity of stocks all many all of the crime wells and then there's only the one that the $650.00 today is that $656.00 that plays in parliament nothing but you'll get a hell of a come well there's no $650.00 of a column Well if he's only one and he still the Marquis gave him one inch important a bloody grade that's. About over the field that yes politicians come in and go and I thought about all of that. Anyway did Jesus Jesus mention all of a crime well. I mean the symbolism of Revelation but read it to make you read it to me. That you said it was that well it's that read it to me well I thought you were religious I'm a bit religious some religious but it doesn't stop me listening to you read it to me revelations walk. Chuck to NY well. Well. Well it may already become a me all. But knowing number 9 the Beatles that this song about people talks about the science side you know. The 5th angel sounded his strong pitch and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to earth and star was given the key and no I'm going to confront this doll was given the key to the shaft of the a bass when he opened the a base smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace the sun in the sky would Dokken by the smoke from the base I know the smoke locusts came down on earth and were given power like they bats of scorpions of the earth they were told not to harm the grass of the earth on any plant tall tree but only those who did not have the seed live God on the on their foreheads they were not allowed to kill them but only to talk to them for 5 months happy lines on the agony they suffered was like that's of the stink of a scorpion when it strikes during those days people will seek death but will not find it they will think they will long to die but death will unload them it's a chafe a little tome another mention it's a raise I'm a I've a good night no 161 through 2 a double to double 5 if you want to join as you're more than welcome. Even if you do think they'll never be another general election. I do the general election programme on the radio the better be I know that I need the bloody money. Joy. I'll do Joyce I do. Like you laughing at the last thing I really might call a revelation one to. Call on day I may I think my my question is a little bit simpler than that. May have just come up from my head today right. Most of the way but we stopped at the same stuff. And I drove the rest seems to have been in the 50 mile an hour speed limit I would say 7 nights of the way why do they do such a long stretch of motorway at once that's my question. You know I don't this in exams you would because they don't give a stuff. There's nobody working on it so I did but it working on. Those sorts of explanations are they often it's because that going to be moving along do when they were keen on me as it was I'm told so they've got great trend she's do go up because what they're doing the most of those is that putting in they the cables and of the stuff I think fall. Motorways on they're also having to to to strengthen the hard shoulder because our shoulder despite everything isn't as bad as we thought it was. So it's alright but why the why they do such a big section at once I've no idea yeah I mean I. Think it took all I know it's. And it just seems such a long way to do you know all at once and I think if they did about half of that here you'd feel oh how to drive them but it is really so. Everybody takes I mean I. I've had to drive through it myself more than once and he says use this in their thinking. What how long can this go on long. Term on me and they say it's going to make it clever and it's going to make it's going to make it so it be a lot faster for everybody and you think what I saw right but I might be dead by then and therefore don't you think I was thinking the same. Question anyway that I am the faintest if anyone knows please tell us because I want to know well yeah I just I was wondering why didn't you know it yeah. Because it's about about it's miles 15 miles 20 miles. I just said 20 to 25 miles one crash and then we came onto the end 6 day so when that starts again you know I'm 60 and oh yeah I guess I have to go now a different way. I live in you perhaps don't know it but I live in a place called Abbots and so there's a direction for me to go home I get on the the m 6 o 2 and then I come off to a little bit of the I'm 60 and then get on the a road that easy. Got do that now 1 o'clock in the morning sometimes I want that once I came came along I am 62 I got to the I'm 60 and you have to go left and then right over the bridge and he said you can't go over the bridge we're making the make in the Motu I smile and. Told junctions I was a poll out for junctions because I could turn round and come back me all the way I want to go on but the other way I couldn't get off of me turn I had to go all the way oh i go i'm 6061 I mean what you don't know about got me going on me yeah. Yeah well like they did they completely closer. Than I don't like so much time Jack so. I got all the people that are going to benefit. Hi. Steve I think it's a longtime long time well if anyone knows they'll tell is good on your show yeah thanks a lot Bob Hi Joyce wants to know why is he on the m 6 Yeah I'm 6 to. 6 o 2 sometimes as well why do they close such a great big baked when they don't appear to be doing anything only it's where you've been down the m 6 and you're sitting there like a 50 mile an hour wind Lauri's be a bomb one don't you know the let me a big comedy merely because they want to do $53.00 mana now whatever and you just think why Easy's along nothing seems to be going on I'm with are all alike 016-122-8222 extension 5 want to join is your com How do John. And now John want to talk about well. I was sorry about I don't. Listen to the program. Certainly of course a dollar. All the people made to allege his body parts. They doubtless you know it's not modern To top it. Many years ago. By Dylan made to buy the banded science. Right if he wanted to use and if parts true. They could have and this is wild. Child was 7. Strong They know I'm. Good but now possibly with 15 years I have. This knowledge of too long and. This. And the support of the entire idea no no and that is. Why. Age is a joy in this scheme. And they took his book day to. Day want to have a. Used. Book Day. Parade as one of the singers. I. Use I'm a patient. Patient. And I support him on the side. I was quite pleased about his job because few people about to hit and. Why waste. The majority. Of also them better days. When he could do some good when he bought a. Subway so hard to tell people who it. Took supposed to don't have the volunteer a. Day and send a suit to do. A. System. And you can tell toss out. Let somebody else have all are. So on to say really. It's good advice and good information do you think the in the Tory party conference yesterday it was said that they will try to change the system at the moment you have to donate your body for them to be able to use it with the trying to change the system so that if you haven't said please don't take my body they can operate do you think that's a good idea. Well yes it would be very hard in. The State. Court what's a worry since. It's a terribly. Yeah so they view the issue just say oh it's a must play. Case because it's. Painful to grieve at all or us. Then our turn and they go. Well they're not I mean we have to think about various individuals who would be against it for all sorts of reasons even clued in many who would be against it for religious reasons and we have to allow people the right to to hold their own religious views don't want. To do. Harm us saying. This stage I'm good on a bit. On the floor I've got. To see your snake about leasing You know this. Is why most. Water wasted says you know but to any good use. Or terrible I agree I don't buy a working knuckle it's. Expensive it doesn't mean getting up in the modern. Thought but a bit of good luck with this symbol of saying if we go a little too well we're likely going to laugh good on you John thank you very much indeed thanks for joining us is over goodnight 161228 double to double 5 if you want to join It's just that easy I was talked a little bit about all condonation well as we talked about tonight we've talked about my faults life apparently we've talked about the world ballet Day 2017 we're going to a year before we can talk about again and we've heard from and we're going to complain in the England football team with rubies tonight talked about world graves something about Queen Elizabeth the 1st and blood is red which is a great help. And go blimey we've been on a joke to get us going you know a funny one but a joke nonetheless outdo Chris. Servo you know me if you will Chris then yes yes sorry I was. Listening With All right good onya. Thought I was. Only been married. 30 odd years. To Tulane's stray years. Struggling. In what way are you struggling. I'm sorry it's going to be. My why would you not cross or. She would not go to cash machine all alone I had to go with the. Issue and told her not to go with her. On that asylum. Now and she's the mom. Saying. Please don't don't they don't even say what product days but I can say. She is among the supermarket now. It is I mean test. Your own car. But 23 years now. I feel like. You know I'm just montages don't suffer you. Again I mean not yet but I'm sure you're going to tell me further. That I don't want to tell you man. We can Kate's 2 bodies. Inside. A hole when Tina is trying to scare her off you know I mean what do you mean by the expression my parties don't. Sorry you said earlier just a few moments ago you said my potties done what do you mean by that. Not at. Her. When I got it. Out. So well my need is trying to. Make sure that everything will announce when you ally. Each of the shit she. Just did he couldn't shoot she wouldn't cross the road. She wouldn't go anywhere and I said she's trying to test she's now among here in a safe well. Now if I fail I everything I've done means nothing. I've not yet grasped why you feel that everything you have done is nothing because clearly everything you have done has contributed to her ability to go out and get the job she's gotten to live the life she's living you've been a part of the creation of that. Won't I thought so on the whole saw but now all. This. Started and blaring the shit comes out of my rooms a sign thanks for the times but nothing if you know I mean I I only know what you tell me so you're saying that she is now. Appears not to give a damn about even think she just in the way is that what you're saying to yourself is I add. Everything I don't. I don't get it because I love us and now by it means nothing if you know I. Don't really know what you wanted to me. That she was going to do and does she not well I don't think so does she say she does yes. Then why would she why do you think when she says so why do you think she's not telling the truth. Mabel hates. When you see him believe it. I don't know what that means when you see it you believe it when you see what you believe was on the lines of the show is here if anybody wanted to cheat yet lives of those days I love you what that means means nothing but when the show only that means something else. Well why I would have trouble in my mind with the person saying I love you if they don't mean it why do you why would she bother saying it if she doesn't mean it. Because some people lie just told you the hate that. I'm going to be a pain may have got to do on I've got some allowed to be done the news headlines at midnight so if you want to stay on the phone I will happily come back to you after the midnight news which is about 3 minutes long so I'll be with you in about 3 minutes time if you want to count on this conversation you're more than welcome to be seen ease at midnight Good morning I'm Mike Powell am breaking news the form a conservative party chairman Grant snaps is calling on to reason may to hold a leadership election he comes a day after his speech to the party conference a Manchester was a vision by and nagging cough a prankster and a 40 sat cd a conservative to verging party members to keep a coal head but the former Culture Secretary Ed Vaizey is warning that many inside the Tory party are very concerned in public most people are being pretty loyal are you private people very concerned are going they'll be people who will now be pretty firm in you should resign the Tory party conference was a great opportunity to reboot the party National Review country to give a clear direction and that the b.b.c. News understands that the row Navy could lose its ability to assault the enemy how the beaches under plans being considered in the Ministry of Defense to specialise landing ships age m s own b.n. On Bowl work would be taken out of service under the proposals the m o d told the b.b.c. That no decisions have yet been made and you campaign is trying to encourage more people just sign up as volunteers to support local policing across England and Wales at the moment 38000 people donate some of their spare time and when he put it all together it works out today of a 5000000 now as Mary Bailey has the coordinator of national citizens in policing today. Constable and then stand by Chaplain don't section put the socializes walk volunteering is being invented within the face of a long time several appeals principles of plea which we still. Place in the public and the public and the plague. The government is proposing a ban on the sale of ivory in the u.k. Environment secretary Michael Gove says a 12 week consultation more now take place the new law would cover items of all ages Stephenson is chief executive of the campaign group stop Ivory the government has gone a long way to closing what we regard as a fundamental loophole is effected in the manner in which the consultation period suggest it will be the U.K.'s and will go even other really significant step being introduced like the us like in football England have qualified for next summer's World Cup finals in Russia by beating Slovenia one minute Wembley Harry Kane scored the winner in injury time Scotland beats Levaquin one nil Northern Ireland lost 31 to Germany the former England player and b.b.c. Pundits Phil Neville says it was in England's best performance yourself it will be happy with the way they have been happy with the qualified that was the job they were set out to do at the start of qualification but it will be and everybody in the stadium will perform says tough to get better the weather after a cold night tomorrow would be dry and dry for most but cloudy in the northwest with some rain likely that b.b.c. News it's now 3 minutes past midnight. Late 90. 6122 and still to. Radio a.b.c. Radio. Morning 3 minutes past midnight as the good man just said I'm on a message this is the basic late night phone if you want to join as you can just pick up the phone with till 1 o'clock in the morning and the numbers are 161-2282 Bill to double 5 talking to Chris before the headlines out who were going. To interrupt that. So the situation as I've got to say is this you were a great support to your wife when she needed it. Because she had some difficulties and those difficulties are now overcome to such an extent that she's now got a motor car what sounds like a quite nice jump probably a taxing jumbo quite a nice jump and your no longer happy. On off a lot of care and many don't but we've been together 23 years. And I don't know when I've told. It's. Response to me is. Vicious. You know I. Know this years few John that. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Only a sigh everything how little is is a so gotten. And. Kids just. Very vicious. When I talk to about something she's a. Face you know I shout place blame. So . You seem to be saying that she's not grateful for all that you did for a. I don't want to you know I don't want to baking down with failure I want. You know this I think me a 23 year I've been saying everything we do. Now is a time to you know I'm sorry. I was. No in the job. If you. Strip an engine down on the couch and strip the team need out and so I've just been out but. Nobody now will not let me delete I'm still not out. Of the 10 year so now I have a job. Just getting the job I don't bring in the moment he can bring in. Does not matter. When we made. Our premium twice what she brings a now. Only to me doesn't my. Wee wee wee give saying. Bring the money. As long as ends meet. As he's called and. One of this brings him on a. Day he looks things quite quite a lot of men. I don't know how many but quite a lot of men get very. Challenge that if their partner earns more than. I know it's not Ok ask us to say 7. Will say it's 70. She didn't do this you know. She'd bring him all amazing case oh so all those things you needed to do for when she was having her difficulties when more than 7 years ago. And us still. You still think there's some kind of debt to be paid now. You're saying. I was raised that I was going to get 23 is yeah yeah. It's his own problem not the. Gold So cash machine. Goal to me still I was waiting for that was over 7 years ago now all of us can you know that was 7 years ago she's a she's a manager she's just told me she's been bringing in more money than you. For I think we got to 70 is somehow. Well and so on I presume you don't go to work with and I presume you don't sit on the toilet. Well so all that you tell me before was a long time ago yes so you are saying is I'm of saying anything I'm just trying to get to the fact well please do I don't have anything to say to be on a star I mean I'm just trying to. I'm just trying to account weigh us. Because you're saying. I want to relation I would elation ship isn't working when I asked you the problems you immediately started to talk about something that went on more than 7 years ago. Yet realized that you know now. She's a money you owe shawled. And I think you should be as lines or he did I don't care what. Do you think do you think she should cat I mean. When you're part of the reason well. Whatever your gender when your partner is on well and needs help is it not the job of the other partner to do it yes and not should one should 17 years later still expect some kind of response and. Yet the should question why you won't me to remind how times right now with you but I you suffering hard times now apart from the discomfort the wife sent to not not me I'm fucking sorry I don't want to come you I am a strong person but I'm not and I'm ringing you and asking you because I mean to the point of this fat. Ass that's why I am I'm thinking what was going on and you know I really is I hope I name I do you know you know I wouldn't. Let. People today they just evolved they've all it was so quick. We thought we as a need but now. $23.00 is gone I'm thinking whoa oh oh it's going on well oh it's going on what do you want to be going on the Tisn't now not 7 years ago now what do you want to happen now. I will when she knows me well I really got into starting. That's why I want him right and you don't wanna know what it's Ok now you say that you love her and she apparently says that she loves you. Yeah well that's what you want so that's what you go. There goes a lot of say she's gone from not being able to cross or old you know any time I was told her she just I mean. I eat. Well you know if I said to you you know dislikes you but in some weeds are some day just like. You know you know I'm saying I do know what you say news yes that is oh I'm getting the flight aren't you it's like it's like if like. All arguments you could sort of I lose some of it from somebody that I. Could not cross it we're back to 7 years ago. If I if I could give you one piece of advice. It would be give up about 7 years ago it's gone you did your job you did you you did the right thing it's gone and if you did it because you wanted to feel indebted to you for the rest of your life then you did it for the wrong reasons forget 7 I think that's what you keep talking about I didn't do that's what you keep talking about. Go and that's that's the one piece of advice at this stage I would give forget 7 years ago you did what you were supposed to do. You looked after your partner who wasn't well you did you jump that's it. Now it's gone. Now you've got to deal with situation you're in now and if you want. And you immediately tell me that you do not and yet that's why don't you come say sions go if you want your wife 7 years later to say yes I money just supermarket Yes I've got a nice car Yes I've got more money than you bring in but I couldn't do any of that love if it wasn't for all that you did for me if that's what you want you know I'm going to get it and you don't deserve it. That was your job that was what you were meant to do no more no less and you did it and that's right but it's gone now. What you need now is to think about the relationship of today not on the basis of how does it compare with what I did for you. Nothing else to say I mean I counsel Tao that problem for you than no that on the words I can give you that will make it easy but. I don't want to meddle for i days now we're back on my want to surprise you no I don't want it oh well I did it why you still talking about it why 7 years later is that what matters to you or is it that you liked it because you know your wife was weak and dependent and you with the king. Was a talk show it is a talk show and I'm told well I'm in tow and I'm talking what I say it I don't want to meddle so here you mentioned it. And that's pretty well I'm wondering why you said no no no no you finish that I'm gong carry on I will listen I don't have anything to say I want them Same to you the thing was crazy I don't really care what you thought it was I'm not all this go crazy crazy results you know crazy album I was out I was out could not do this you won't because no one really outed Dave Oh it's all a challenge in life full night from the way let's talk about. All takes a bit of me and he should be a much more assertive. Little pull appliance up because obviously it's too much of a double chill people in. The control and you know it was the government and from. Right. To the issue to the most. Awful sob thing up against Michele Kelemen. What do people in this country a lot. Of those mall shootings in this come to learn that is in America today real as well. As for the size of the country oh you mean proportionately Paul Shanley Well he's got his portion at least because say old is all the shootings in America if they've all got goals and all my stuff they did as well you're going to say I'm going to say occupies x. And also hold it just thousands of miles the quays like a little dust in the color the u.k. As it's mostly shootings fatal. Shootings faced with America we have all it's a fact longer than a bunch. Of little own example to say no ha you don't know what the numbers are you using numbers as the basis of your argument well something like population so America is in the hundreds composed of those. I'm not sure what you mean by the statement it's excellent plumes the statement I'm Our population is about 60000000 sellable in the eyes of America that population is about 300000000 bytes so if you divide them say you don't give us an exact amounts of propulsion. Well it would give us a proportion that is the most simple way of doing it and that is working out the shootings pickup it to an American in the shootings per capita in the u.k. And seeing which is the greatest Well I would say the whole thing missing something gave us what little cake I think he wants missing made in America firearms are legal and that his career in motion they legal not is correct so people buy into the mix it's a shocking It's absolutely frightening Titan fighting thing I post and believe. Well so much of the world this country is heading for Total Total time for want of a long rest of all of us to people that you know fallen on me I mean look at this is will tell you when mama Quinn Vulture of the day in the papers the following day said. It's the biggest British repatch nation in peace Tong we're going to solve all of this country's a wall well wall in case people don't realize I would have been at war for all I want to sold it. On on a link to that today believe it all it was this is your life. And it is about you know don't trust the politicians. None of which of them had no vote which John Frost is the guy you have the bridge on and he's the launch going on I know he may now yes i'm people use gentle Yes people use the do is type to rather than his name I didn't know his name go I'm sorry Al The dog was gone and I know I know too much about on him Madonna and ask why we lost a lot of these men you did on the a was basically was all this is all ice I don't believe it was in the seventy's medicine when it was over the fellow waves Dicky estimable the bridge to cross to find it still on the Gulf of Aden the kidnapped and pasted that the as your life. I may not snip it's almost old founded because that was the guy's name will leave goes to show that this is all lies a mental well used to be am an underage s. Why even on days he said to him. And the 2 things he did loan was to take the dishonest thing the deal is probably true because the low 2nd big thing that is sorry was they talk radio talks so maybe they are in the end of the lines and from you basically could not say radio Yeah it said it was a you know disaster waiting to happen to get a new successful I want to come down separation market gotten when it was over non basically to turn around and said that all the people it was all me out something like falling to the homeless control on the cold bottle of believers loving on that . Now when they don't didn't still chew on this is all life. Is just event not a day that it was famous fall and you know what it was I'm sure you're going to tell it Major General Yeah it went to the wall I guess with the walls it was a racket all right. So people say without war with Iraq for the last 10 or 15 years an Afghani started all this with him and ultimately place I would really I don't want it here so we have been out of it but but I take your point. It just seems to be a never ending saying to me Would you agree the cultures of all juicing would increase stumble do you think it depends if if we're going with your pedantic and that doesn't make it wrong by the way but if you're going with the open dancing definition of wall and that is that a number of. Troops are involved in battle then if you think that his object is a state of wall then we are still a law but it is not the nation the 2 G.'s Well I mean effectively it is just a small number of troops not doesn't make the job any less hard and difficult and frightening but it doesn't mean the nation is at will so are you saying I think we should be civil we either are or we aren't going to do something for you that you do full of people do when I want to guess on all. The reasons a yes or no on soon immediately available because I need to define the question 1st if your question is as that. British military personnel the moments and gauged in using their weapons in the answer that question is yes but I'd word it differently I would say if British forces Army Navy or a false are overseen. Fighting on training other people to carry on with it will eventually fall outs so me why is a wall well I understand the definition it isn't it isn't the definition used in international law. Well but what I'm really just army soldiers do we need a bit old for the culture to be out all that eternal and there isn't a number and that isn't how the judgment is made and the judgment 1st of all these made whether there's been a declaration of will and I'm not altogether sure that the has been a declaration the world that involves British troops anywhere in the world at present largely it's all well the whole thing with all these walls I'm only sorry I'm just choosing not to but I don't think people really are as like the sort of all America composed of those people just still don't think about our local interests all just think or that's also the America we could i should I say heritage and I'll tell you they are in full days not every day by any means but I can tell you that people do think it's our country but when you tell me the that that I Momo this per capita in the United Kingdom rather than the United States and Russia for the numbers you don't have any so I think you know what you want what you want what are you basing that on well I'm putting obvious also obvious I don't offer you stuff doesn't mean anything really does it but we all know it on the whole of the u.k. England Scotland and Wales all you want to include. Isn't even a template comports of Saddam I know all of that and we still in order for you to substantiate your statement We need numbers not just to the longer way of saying the same thing why we're all down how many minute is whether in 2016 in the u.k. Do you know. Told by well firearms on just such a minute as at the minute. I don't know you don't know what about your part in quite a few What about quite a few and that's the sum that's the basis of your knowledge quite a few Ok how many were there in the United States. Only a downside of all would imagine so what about with a guess and then imagine so your statement that there are per capita more in Britain than there out in the United States you have nothing to base that on older than you would be munge in common sense that's what you base in the on the non-existent common sense you know just what existing compensated how can you how can you say there were mall when you don't know how many there were. Quite a few I'm going to manage and Eason's and number you do need to know. Then you are not a statistician I grant you what you know but you have not got a very sound argument either because you don't know whether it's correct or not Ok I will say there's a lot of. God yes we love figures. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a good night I want 6 trying to through a. 5 in 2016 there were $570.00 full moon does in the United Kingdom $574.00 the population is about $70000000.00 Feel free to do the arithmetic you get the per capita does. I don't know what the figure is in the United States I haven't bothered looking around to thought Dave would know which was silly of me out of Tucson then oh I am. Just click and your last caller doesn't look at me when I don't think 1000th how many Sorry I don't think down into the pit Thank you don't think they were right. So. Yeah I can't work out like you'd like I thought. And I can't do the sums in the head because the numbers are too huge because of all the millions in zillions and all the rest of it but I think the way to work out ways. About 5 times a day people in America Britain would not be facile 5 times as many. 70000000 into 300000000 so 4 times and I write on Jeff 07 is 20 or so foreign a bit yeah I 44 times 574 is knocking on 3000 Yeah I was 17000 in the States so yes so propulsion I think USA put about 6 times as many yes a lot of any one of us want to talk about you well listen to the guy and I thought I was. Doing the same time. Ok yes I am anyway I would like to talk to you about the banks this can be an end how about the banks all basically. Please Dad you might get help out as well because of your very wise and I know don't mean to listen maybe I think it is if I call names Ok I found out I had it the fault of my account by a guy I would measure the bank in case it gets you to focal. Point my counter several years ago I think all of the later problems they never even both let me know about it. And it's just basically like I say he's messed up my life in so many ways and. The bulk of the volatile to let me know about your doing about it and you'll miss him a little bit about all of that. If anybody and your listeners only self because a given advice to multiplex. In order for somebody to answer that I mean I don't even know really want to do you fall tease line account at the faulty they. Basically if you don't pay all your bails you know I that the photos knew count and it needed to get they hear about credit rating right now in the stock and yes so I don't think you're happy with myself I took out what loan to create development live when there's a loan to pay for a training call yes the probably the training cost provide a way to ministration the terms of the loan state that if you don't get a training course you don't pay your loan back so I didn't pay the loan back and the people who are like. You know right under one if any of you will live with only felt by that advice of what to do next. Who funds Staats I can't imagine the bank forms itself. The company based bank the other. Security like. To buy a car that you like about us so. We're really right so and you have it written down somewhere in your agreement do you that if the if the Course is not completed through no fault of yours the loan is no longer payable That's right yeah almost I mean I'm not good on. It but I think that this is the let me link to the to the course you know you're paying for Coles went with a life. I had a whole career development life to take the bait you have to help you get on in life. To educate. People like myself yeah yeah I understand that side of it without much difficulty but. I'm intrigued that the bank would lend you money to buy something and then say but if it doesn't turn out to be fully working you won't have to pay those. Well I would imagine the same way with anything to probably not a better product if you want to work well yeah that is true Yep but that says you've given me that was so so I go to the bank and I bought a 10000 pounds yeah and I want to down the road to buy a car yeah and the cars a bag and nonsense I can have all the rounds I want with the com produce. But the banks there won't have 10 grand right about a 10 grand the same with the if I go along and I take the money out of the bank and I write a check to the person selling the costs and I say they are as you 10000 pounds when can I have the con I should be ready in 6 weeks new 4 weeks he goes bankrupt. I've still got to pay the bank because I bought a $10000.00 pound and that's the bit I don't understand they seem you seem to be telling me that you bought of money under the specific had a new bunch of money from the bank yet gave it to the Colts. Boast and you seem to be telling me that that means you don't have to pay the bank that got heated disagreements as a try when I've heard of that before a lot but I'm surprised that the bank have. I mean. Again I don't know this they've put a default on your credit rating Km be challenged it got me I think I need and have you done that I wouldn't trust the company to. Respect for this. That patients come to the bank on the banks even to do it all to because a fall back and said Look I've got no payment in May which is the truth that I've been made but like they'd call the temptations of the life I took out payment should be due to be made. But I wouldn't even have a stop it's advising you without reading the clause and then you'd probably need a lawyer to enlist on the fully booked I mean that without reading the tenements haven't in front of me and reading it I wouldn't know where to stop because I'm out of my depth 1st of all I don't understand the terminology Secondly I'm not doubting you but I find it I find it bizarre that a bank will lend you money to buy something and then say but if passé don't want to we don't want the money back I don't see what they gain from that. I want the gate from now I get extremely high interest rates 1st place and if Alan compassion. Still to make quite a bit more help myself with all the students Yeah but they don't they don't they don't often take that sort of risk. Demo likely more commonly they would say. Yes we'll lend you the money yes is the interest we will challenge you on that date Yeah so the clause about the consolation it about the failure of the organization. You tell me the bank of examine it and said nothing do in here and also tell me the banking ombudsman who presumably has seen all the documentation and the banking on Belgium and seems to say well I'm afraid that is the fact what he called it a little bit more difficult than that well we all know that he said was the banking question how to find the Course via the forecasts for the money back and the 2nd goes by the provided for May. Also if liquidation I'm not going to back from them I didn't say what I wrote them a sad to say that I don't know who them is because you stash out talking about the Ombudsman I think I'm going to run a bank robber to buy the story right so the circumstances have changed since you got a decision from the Ombudsman will be almost the same walls. Bar the bike in question How to Survive the 2nd or 3rd of loans by up and they did that an alternative loan supplied local supply a local spot Ok so the bank provided and the bank did that they did that on the same situation has happened I think I'm being told that the time the trading is sold and the student goes liquidations Well right. I had them bought by the bank Ok. So what you need to do you need to go back to the bank and say the ombudsman said to the bank that you have to provide me with a No the cool yeah and you have failed to do so so I face a No we haven't we've we did to me boast you say well I'm lying is it now necessary for me to go back to the ombudsman for him to make all to make the same decision they made before because the circumstances haven't changed from the previous time they. Had a Costco bushed you know your 110 quid to that but the problem I have now is that by Thielemann to the bank a thing they've investigated to that complaint presents a lot of all they can do about it and well you just have to press them and say I'm sorry but the circumstances are not the same as when you 1st did. The of you know very little I know. That is the process that needs to be invoked if they are saying we've looked at states and we've got nothing else to say Well I think a letter from your m.p. To the Ombudsman might make the Ombudsman to think again that the fact that the circumstances have changed is the important thing the op does if the OEM but mn had said nothing do in my and then you stuff Well the on Been didn't say that the Ombudsman said Usama not correct the bank is wrong the bank needs to take this action Young took that action. But because the company they I presume chose went bust. They are still not they still are not doing what the own bill German told them to do which was to provide you with the Colts they've only provide you with a part of a course and then it went bust Yeah so my argument would be that the bank of not fulfilled on obligations completely owned the terms of the Ombudsman statement so when you got into it through the Ombudsman the 2nd time if he was yeah he looks at it and says we've adjudicated right but I would say no you haven't you've adjudicate you don't the original circumstance but you haven't adjudicated on the new circumstance which is the course of action taken by the bank was not adequate to resolve the problem you told him to provide me with a cool the implied Tim of that is of course the time I can stop and complete which I'm not able to complete it because they chose the wrong most Ok and if you get no joy out of them afterward really I pay right I'm going to say because I grew that thing you're saying that I have tried as you say and you almost been he's just saying not under the guise of questions and they won't do it then so often the problem is these days it's about over banks and all these people and these Colson's miles away from people I mean. How many. You're basically just a name on a sheet of paper while the natural person about back in a police across your own bank can speak your bank I judge and sort out my friends in the street in the green grass or the pub whatever this is a bit more voices human contact that now I think the whole thing is just going to situation where every just a number to try and take money out is possible and I would put it run the most simply than that and wouldn't bother mentioning call centers all the rest of it I would say that the banks today seem to be in punching gangstas. I'm not going to disagree that. I have a good night try try getting back to the on Belgium and saying look I know you said that you've adjudicated but the circumstances have changed in the implementation of your own adjudication is not alleviated the problem because they chose a company that went bust Yeah I definitely think I have a new complaint Ok I will give a try and if not then we'll talk to you and take notes Thank you Janice outed Duncan well and. Indeed Carol in a. Quick. Thanks awfully but. Is that one of the questions you know well let's get to the 2 question isn't that the 1 o'clock. Care thing with kids still being anything. Mental health flying Montane by the way in case Allison Sam came in a 2000 I say when I went down to. Move with it I don't know. I suppose your question in distillation is do we need a new mental health fact my doctor. I don't know well if. We have lots of acts of parliaments The older than not the principles remain the say and that is the all thought it does have an obligation to look after people and I don't know the new Mental Health Act would change that when all was the 2nd one I would 2nd one. 0 yeah good deal is a. Commitment to. Go let me say that any real way they mean just because you're giving. I'm not be cool quit. Saying well they're not saying the end of oil and saying that we. Should make fewer exhaust fumes with motorized vehicles and that you know what to do that we're going to introduce legislation that will require vehicles to have an electric element to them. But any go yet you can't just go insulated not just during the war like it I do on a go you know I honestly don't think anyone is suggesting that we cease to use oil . To get up when those on the road instead of. Know they're going to put time on the road I would imagine unless some point we come up with another. Something to face that we'll use that we're going to be as well you know they've done then I want to. Well when oil is gone completely and there is no more in the world we rather hope that we will have found something else by then. We don't know. We don't ask me if. I would like. So I'm about ready to go I don't think if you think about it all collective guilt I've had many of. Suppose. It's not 45 but I'm sure we could I could count them if I was driven to. You. When I. Went out in the alley were no hits when I was in the night when I was a killer when I've never been in the Navy. Ok. Yeah you know I tell me I think about it all you know the most Ok I want to live and die but tired. Of the. Room that morning. You know think about it I'll go up. You know nothing wrong with anything going on and. Having gone dead no I'm still here. Nothing like confidence in the parents just so that's not a can I say you know I'll be on film about. It regularly by Bandung and I'm telling you No I'm just going to tell you guys I meant call me by name very well I'm not one I'm not a vegetarian and they don't know that you're going on I'm not. Cooking. A little bit longer than we think they own up girl and they joke. I don't know why we count a lot on it put it down in the valley and then why why why is it the same color black as the older ones saying like you probably didn't like it was it 28 they came the whole thing if they don't pay you call. You didn't write your mobile phone doesn't it might. When it daily life like in the let me down left I had no like in the valley and then that college on that still out on the thought $100.00 in there and the thought of that didn't help because well you know I was. Thankful scapegoat in the chronicler running all the time then that in my hand I'm just like. Today you can't be on the technology now it's and I. Couldn't doubt why so we can be friends green when there are a variety of mobile phones on the market is specifically aimed at people who have. Difficulty with that and all that he's. So I think well. Without. It i would but I'm looking. Down the aisle Yeah well if we're going to go no no no as a show you possibly need a different kind of mobile phone than if the one you've got you're not able to operate and there are those who will want to quote will go yeah we want well what I don't know what Pop Pop a lot they want to play. On that plane. All right not summary of crime here good to talk to you don't come down to David Cardwell and I doing I'm doing very well thank you this is quite wonderful so there's room and point it out about War 2 missile Yes Is it good for that race or does no war declared over the focus that's correct that the focus was not Kennedy Well it was a relic. That's the discussion we were having with Chuck Berry when it was the time when all well by every definition that you and I might use it was a wall but by the formal definition it wasn't because it was never declared the proposal that the family jewels was a clean war bill official police fashion question call to police well the Korean war still going on and the size it is it is not mysticism or you know. Not the bizarre thing about Korea North and South technically still a wall no one I know Amish disown peace agreement has been signed they are still technically law. School and the main point once made Yeah the reason you tell midnight I did not come out to these a man. Made me believe it being challenged yank around the ground shops yesterday and it was well enough for you that's not a said just a way out. Goes without saying a size of a said the Congress was quiet cattle. Not more than just a little stone. That says it all visited. But it was the eyes of people with those who I will finish the only was it chapel of dissent there would be $45.00 in the bogus people the 5 yes it was bogus He was a comedian if you will how do you get that close to a well that's that's a question that is being asked by many people including the security people the event. Is so so so so think so yeah I was out that loser a suspicious. Allegation my stupidity my sis's kids it. Just for the record all you were right and I was wrong there was an Amish do signed between the North and South Korea but no peace treaty was have a signed so technically they are still a law but it was a non Misty signed you are correct on the 27 the jew lie 953 little sister little joke aside but if one treatise to war with Bush. Well I hope they were. Then one of the commie war broke out. Who was it could buy was Scotland England and they want to leave because there's still a dispute over we part of all the. Strange things happen in the ne in the ne and a little while and whilst I was there there was a film crew and they were making a film then loudly was in it was mouth come out of. Out of Alvey to same Pat and he was in heat and the den he swore to men I think he funded it but he was in charge of any he was in heat and it was a film about I think it was Bishop all kill and going to play in the world cope in Italy in 89 he helped some really good film he's got a phone film I've seen it on a society where making it when I was there. Has a very lean to this by the time lord and the Saudi is out but it has a film about a stone with the trees or a is alerted that he wasn't doing well yes he's easily accomplished he's an accomplished comedian I mean are you suggesting that he was a. Student. Maybe only thing students maybe it will be full of them would just step back for a moment to consider what happened yesterday of the sudden prime minister day because of the people he finds. Out to vacillate him a moment to say to Fox. That was not the about him but it is to me to be his rise of a joke there's nothing about his interest in the fall upon the supposed people concerned it did they don't that they don't have a fair point on them they did it behind the scenes it's dumb to know that you know this so you think that the comedian operates in yesterday whereas my Would not been an agent of a Tory group or a Tory individual that wanted to angels to reason may. Well to suck at such an obvious. Fanny Kofi buck jump in I don't know the man they might well have been and then again he might just have thought I'm going to publish it and it will sell out only. Only concert dates for the next 12 months still mind. Biased campus security dog Yeah maybe maybe. Maybe maybe in the terms of security maybe not what should have terms of security because seeking riches I don't mean for them and see the insanity that would have been that you stated if it if it had been the president of the United States oh my podium. It wouldn't go anyone needing. Me my attachment I. See. That the example I live 5 a gallon. This is the sign of showdown Yeah I want to live in the eye of the camera well it was meant to be in the line of the camera though I mean that's I mean you're correct but what I would have been the point of the sign if it wasn't tongue camera the whole of the party political conferences now the whole of it is for the telling it's not for the people in the on it's own I'm telling you of all the fold down that is this is inside of the in the process well the falling down I'm afraid you haven't visited side. I mean the line kind of middle I have to say De Mint I love conspiracy theories and Ulysses a crack at the Good night my dear Jeff Oh I go to a psych and I was Ok oh me. Oh and yes. You do you think it's all. I tol is is too big a question you know you've got a nanny Veni Vidi rat I was thinking you can do all these I was so easy you don't. Very rarely Yeah well if you get an old it don't like it never like it never liked me all my life I haven't liked it why yet to pay for a. Get free if I workout I don't like a I don't like the taste I don't like the effect I guess I just don't like alcohol and I've no idea why it's quite common and it right I was a lemon metal sent Ok I was going into. Was going is it current turning on those young Africans got on the bus and that sat tots got on the bus but about what I'll toss. In cotton that was the whole I'm the guy on the bus. But the so I reckon that they can well take the can do what they want in this contest on this can I get to a cause I'm a bus stop and they know the process drive this a check in a mile on that they just want to well I mean so this concert how much can your question why do well I said this concert I'm not a props because you are entitled to be here who knows no no I'll tell you what's happening in this World Series I'm a God but alone in this world I think I'm the yeah I. Did that definitely doing it well Ok what's going on how can one is to manage people hey if it's going to happen. It got to some of them let them on the bus would be a start but what would you want your cake doing with them well. Remember. They killed a lot of them over that enough to commemorate. Nobody else that's rather imprecise for me to understand what you mean they called it cold it's cold outside both today in Africa they killed a child but I don't remember if you have no idea what I remember that's the 1st thing the 2nd thing is that I don't know what you mean by they killed a load of them over there it's a meaningless statement it's got no information in it that can be used you know well I remember it happening and what. What do you remember. Showing him on the television you know. Who's they. Think and what it is when you say Africans What do you mean. There are still many to many a moment yeah I'm not a comment here I really think it's Jeff Jeff Jeff Yeah I really have to go and I really haven't yet understood much of what you've said because you say things like they went over there over at the community of the Czech You know who were you referring to what do you mean. Talking about all. Right you know let me say some cannot and remember let me start I commend over on the post and although. I'm sure you remember I don't you know I don't African people have been coming to this country for over 400 years I know that's old do you remember it. Yeah I remember you remember 400 years ago you know I remember doing them of that so when you saw someone you fell so when you said a postcard So when you said so when you said they started coming over here you didn't mean when they started coming over here. It doesn't come apart so it's not like labeled call it so clever pointed I'm just going on what you said that's what I said to you I don't understand what you're saying because using very imprecise language and you saying they and this and that one and then you said Do you remember when they started coming over when I thought you meant at the beginning when they started coming over and that was filled 100 years ago so I said no and then I asked you if you did and you said no but I meant when they started. You know. So what is it you want to say just say what you want to I don't need you back and there's not many of them. Commenting on how many on its own are. Going on let me tell you what's going on there are these do come on over here and the Indian. I always listen yes or no but I always listen yeah yeah they would run and yeah and all that nonsense. Right there are you so you think you're so you think so you think so you think you're. So do you think me so are you saying that they should drown you know. All right disgusting reptile get off my program you bag of filth 016-1228 double to double up after that you know all right Jeff 016-1228 double to double 5 you can make a call in 30 seconds you can mean on I doubt that you can and so you won't be. Seeing got you to see. You could have a bit of number 9 clue talking about Chapter 9 early in that was interesting not Chapter 9 News section 9 What is it. In the Bible rather they should not. Remember this. God it was awful. Because on like this all the time it's The Beatles I don't even know you say any number. 9 revolution a number 9. No idea it. Got the Beatles did some trite other did good stuff Israel don't have it wrong but by it gets. There we go it's a bit. Like you oh my God Oh that's not a bill on the phone because all of the other. Oh dear. Muslim women it's not a bomb it's. And. You know it's. That's the way to do it. Yeah I'm only finish on ring of Stomper seen them Phoenician on a bit John Lennon tonight. You can see. It's me I know it. Was a Christmas is a new day and that's what he says in the sense of the Daily Mirror on the front of the Daily Mail minister Britain's too selfish to care for the elderly on the front of the Daily Star steady collect around given the boot Daily Express drink tea to lose weight on the front of the Sun our you might say a Prince Charles Prince pirates good fish hanging on by her fingertips is what the Metro says of to reason may in the time says senior children accused of leading a plot against man.

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