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That there are new ministers but we need to see swift action these families these businesses have been absolutely devastated and it just doesn't feel swift enough Meanwhile the Met Office is to spend more than a 1000000000 pounds on a new supercomputer designed to help predict climate change and identify where to build new flood defenses as the B.B.C.'s David Shukman explains the promise is it'll be the most advanced computer of its type in the world getting the big picture of future weather has improved amazingly in recent years the predicting the detail street by street hour by hour is an awful lot harder so the new supercomputer should help with that operating far more rapidly and accurately than the current system they say it'll transform their forecasts and also help understand the effects of climate change 3 people are in a critical condition in hospital following 3 separate stabbings in East London the 1st in Barking at around 430 yesterday afternoon has resulted in 2 people being arrested on suspicion of attempted murder the 2nd was about 45 minutes later in a Captain station and the 3rd half an hour after that in Ilford more than 70000 people in China are now known to have been infected by the corona virus and the number of deaths is now just under 1800 as the B.B.C.'s Nick Baek explains new restrictions on movement have been imposed in a province to try to stop the further spread of the virus every 3 days just one member of the family can go out and buy some food but that's basically the only time you are allowed out in terms of all the other shops apart from places where you can pick up food and medicine you know they're all shots and the use of private cars has also been banned so very drastic measures but the Chinese authorities hoping that this sort of thing will help stop this Corona virus spreading any further Love Island will return tonight after i.t.v. Cancel both weekend editions of the reality show following the death of its former host Caroline Flack the 40 year old who had been due to stand trial in less than a month accused of assaulting her boys. Friend was found dead in her flat in north London on Saturday t.v. And radio presenter Lizzie Cundy was a good friend to risk and she didn't have the support I know she was very worried about the school has That's all I can say like I just feel so sad of Alex it could have been prevented all the Crown Prosecution Service which has been criticized for pursuing the case against Caroline Flack as highlighted guidelines for how it deals with domestic abuse allegations goes associated with gangs need better support to escape criminal and sexual exploitation according to the labor group on the London Assembly it claims a 1000 girls have been identified by children's services departments across London yet only 6 appear on the Met Police gangs matrix the French foreign minister has warned the u.k. Should expect a bitter battle with the European Union when the BRICs trade talks begin join Eve Le Drian are has told a conference in Munich it will be tough to achieve the British government's aim of agreeing a deal by the end of the year because the restore lots of issues and some difficult points to deal with the boss because. I think that on trade issues and the mechanism for quality relations which we are going to start on we are going to repeat other a part that is part of negotiations. As you would Downing Street says the government's not looking for anything special bespoke or unique but for a deal like those the e.u. Has already struck with other friendly countries like Canada 20 years after trams return to the streets of Croydon the possibility of an extension to the network has moved a step closer Transport for London says the line between Colliers Wood and Sutton via Rose Hill is its preferred option for expansion but it admits it still needs to find most of the 400000000 pounds needed to pay for it in sport Arsenal and Tottenham are up to 10th and 5th respectively in the Premier League after both one yesterday easy for the Gunners 4 nil the score against Newcastle but tough. For Spurs who needed an injury time winner from song human to beat Aston Villa 32 tonight 4th place Chelsea are at home to Manchester United now Jill Brown has London's weather well a mixture of sunshine and showers today we could see I think some heavy spells of rain at times you could see a bit of thunder or hail as well but otherwise we will have some bright spells during the afternoon in temperatures up to 10 or 11 degrees and in seats in Iowa I think those showers will continue for a time but otherwise but the time we have the early hours of cheese day should dry up as we see temperatures dip to around 2 or 3 degrees Celsius and with the b.b.c. Radio London travel. Or. Use of the chiefs I'm afraid to signal issues of Gloucester Road means that the Circle Line is part suspended clockwise. And Edgware Road banquets and the district lines parks. Court and South Kensington and severe delays on the rest of the District line as well and also news for the trains because we now have cancellations and delays of up to half an hour of great northern Kings Cross and Stephen h. And more gates well in Garden City that's been caused by cycling at swelling Garden City nothing on the start of the Express at the moment selling out from Staten airport to Bishop store because of a sickening issue. At airports however looks like great and they are running out running out coming out from livable straight to the airport of this check that one for you on the large parts boards the m $25.00 in selling clothes anticlockwise bitching judges $26.25 for the a train collision which involves a lorry and a car on the. Junction 27 and 11 travel a quarter past. The. Weekday mornings from 7. 173. Very good morning to you this is b.b.c. Radio London and it is picture here with. All week on. The week. She died at the age of a Friends of a. Tribute on line. And I will get. Nothing. But I will try to make every day now this is a. Reality t.v. Show. Contestants took their own lives what responsibility do media companies have to offer their employees professional emotional support I'll be right. All the. Coming. When it's time to regulate social media. And. If you're in the. Get what you desire. 2001 of them. With. More and more of us are becoming the proud. Monkeys be hearing from. Hundreds of primates and. We don't have all the knowledge to. Do you agree with 9000000 of us humans living in the. Wild animals. Already crowded and. Full. And join in. B.b.c. Radio 1. 1031 our. Heartfelt tributes have been paid to the t.v. Presenter Caroline Flack who died on Saturday she was found dead in her flat in east London after she'd taken her own life a management company said the 40 year old had been under huge pressure since she was accused of assaulting her boyfriend Louis Burton a charge she denied with a presenter Laura Whitmore who replaced Caroline Flack on Love Island has condemned the way her friend was treated by journalists and on social media she started her show on b.b.c. Radio 5 Live yesterday with an emotional tribute you don't have to tear down someone to feel good about yourself because and only you are responsible for how you treat others and what you put out in the world I've had messages I've been harassed for just doing my job and this is where the problem is and I want to use my platform this platform to call people out because it's gone too far your words affect people to proper Razzi and tabloids looking for a cheap south to trials hiding behind a keyboard and off. And you could hear the that she was just about holding it together with a psychologist honey Lancaster James who worked on Levein and says you can never tell what people are going through people in the public eye are human just like everybody else and I think we do need to take some personal responsibility for the comments that we share are to think about what we're putting out on social media for example and I also think there needs to be better rules and regulations around that but again that's not to say that that was a causal factor here but I think we are talking about those issues as a result of this very very sad and tragic event and I'll be talking with honey Lancaster James later on in the program so are we right to begin apportioning blame here should we point the finger at i.t.v. Bosses Amanda Holden has this morning she said that they're responsible the tabloid press is it their fault. Or is it your fault for buying the newspapers don't forget it's a 2 way thing isn't it they print it you buy it you read it if you didn't they wouldn't print it keyboard warriors those of you who hide behind your keyboard and think your she usually important comments about how fast somebody is around talented somebody is really special is it your fault or is it something far more complex and I want to hear from you this morning I weigh 17312000 if you've got mental health issues today remember just think what it's like to have those mental health health issues and be well enough known to have people attack you every single day with Dr Audrey Tang is a chartered psychologist and she joins me now good morning doctor Good morning Patrick thank you for having me and you're very welcome 1st of all what is your reaction to this news now I know that and I don't want to be one of those people who sort of 2nd guessing this but clearly Caroline felt isolated enough to want to kill herself but what's your reaction it's a terribly sad state of affairs and partly a reflection I believe on on the way things are the moment and what I'm concerned about is this batting of the blame game it's not about who to blame next because if we just use the word blame we are we were refusing the responsibility that all of us have been all of us could take and by responsibility I don't mean to take the blame for anything but take that how it that we have to actually make a difference to make changes to make the world a little bit more positive a bit kinder. And my concern also is that a lot of the Kate there's a saying oh how could she have recovered from that she couldn't have come back from this it's not about that moment talking about somebody in emotional distress you're talking about recovery simple recovery and it shouldn't be to do with making a comeback in RINGBACK your professional career all something like that overall it's only. Part of who we all and that's where we're getting very lost and if I could I coach people every day with that concern that they're losing them selves in their job what must it be like for celebrities who are only seen as their role and then at that role. As people we draw them into our own psychodramas and then a lot of our visceral emotions in our sadness aunts of them when we see them in a situation that we can empathize with in some little way and I think that the problem here goes a lot deeper. When people because everybody's like you said coming out apportioning blame today and the tabloids are getting the blame but like I just said in my talk to you that the people Polly these top lawyers and anyone who's bought one and read one must take equal responsibility with the newspaper printing it surely it is about the responsibility for our own actions a lot of the time when we shame others when we have the shocking Freude that somebody else is getting it badly and we we feel a bit better about ourselves all of that it's often because we're trying to work out all right in issues and we're trying to help the away the doing so the whole problem about shaming others is that in a way it's become easy and it's become easy to write about it become easy to to keyboard warrior about it but that has consequences and I mean there's a beautiful quote from James Gilligan who's a psychologist who says I've yet to see a theory about the violence that was not provoked by someone feeling shamed humiliated already killed and the bad part is here Caroline Flack and so many other people have felt so shamed that that act of violence is committed against themselves that's the world we're in does this does that mean although we do apportioning blame is probably ill advised is stage anyway. Should should we all apportion blame to us selves to some degree maybe for the. Watching her oh I mean with his or other famous people in this position right now we're going to road absolutely absolutely we should take responsibility and realize that celebrity is exactly for what most that are human but we are human the human has capacity to do more than just a retreat we've got the ability where all words and actions have huge power and that also brings huge consequences we can choose to be kind we can choose to be white about what we do and it's about thinking critically about ourselves and thinking critically about what we're trying to gain here and why we're trying to do it to swanning thank you very much indeed Dr Audrey tieing So what do you think. Apportioning blame I 107312000 do you think she chose to be in the public eye and with that comes a certain amount of scrutiny get over it you can always not read it that's what I'm always told you can always not read it. A 173 was a 2715. And we have lots of issues with the train this morning. Because of. The trains we had. 30 minutes for services from King's Cross and. More than. That is suspended. Because of. Course And this just. For and to reading as well because of a signal issue in the West Drayton area so. We have. 2520 clockwise between junction 26. And junction 258 that's because of collision which involves a lorry and a car that must have happened at least half an hour. By the weather not quite. To work after the headlines at $730.00. Every. Day from. And not everyone is going to be as good as you are to them. By day. And. For me that is freedom free of liberty that's where I want to be. And a very good morning to this is b.b.c. Radio London and it's patchy here with Unison we'll be talking about Caroline Flack through the morning and I appreciate that that might rise raise some issues in your own own life or in your own mind so if you or someone you know has been affected by this story you can find help and support on the B.B.C.'s action line website b.b.c. . You case forward slash action line and of course there's always the Samaritans as well well just one London m.p. Is left in the Labor leadership race shadow bricks secretary and hope born and some punk Chris m. Paisa kids Dhamma faced his rivals for the top job at a hustings in yesterday Emily Thornberry the m.p. For something south and things break was pushed out of the race at the weekend off to failing to get enough support when our political reporter Susanna Mendonsa was at yesterday's hustings and joins me now good morning so Emily thaw out 3 left now Yes So yeah Emily formerly she needed to get 33 constituency Labor party nominations to get through to the next round she manage the she won and so yes she's out and to be honest I mean the 1st time around for the 1st round she needed to get 22 mpg he got in the last minute yeah she got 23 in the end since one I was very last minute so to be honest she's always been you know a behind in terms of actually getting that support so she's out but kiss Starmer is still in and of course ever Becky long Bailey is seen as the something to describe as the continuing. I know but that's not something I would describe her as was there you say yelling that you know she is the closest to Jeremy Corbyn and then Alisa Mandy is that the outsider and. So I think what was interesting yesterday is to see had 3 of them up on the stage and there's a London audience and they're all trying to appeal to Londoners and of course a lot of this race has been about you know that Labor needs to get out of London and be known London I suppose but they were. Well kissed on more of a season on that m.p. Say he was pitching as. Somebody who represents London but the other 2 were really trying to pitch themselves as people who Londoners could actually supports a long Bailey talk about London is also our heartlands we had at least an Andy talking about her background and she used to be a councillor in Hammersmith So talking about those connections so it's quite interesting what because obviously they're trying to appeal to the members but in terms of the focus of it a lot of it was about labor divisions all of them talking about how the party wanted to get on together exactly and be respectful and not briefing behind each other's backs that was one of the things that Rebecca long Bailey said that Kyrgyzstan was talking about the need for courteous debate and this is all I suppose reflective of what we've seen in the Labor Party certainly not just recently but over the past couple of years of you know the different factions kind of supposed disagreeing with one another and you know lots of goings on behind the scenes and certainly in terms of these campaigns it's been pretty vitriolic to some extent in terms of what you see on social media say all 3 of them referring to that but also talking about some of the biggest housing came up with the need for affordable housing was very important to a London audience you know the green economy was something that came out social care that's the case started talking about the need for a national care service so like a National Health Service but the care so lots of different issues coming up afterwards I was chatting to people he had been listening getting a sense of Labor members who you know will be voting very senior getting a sense of who they for had done well and this is what they said I was kind of undecided they said beforehand instead of maybe by the way they're going to I was really impressed by Lisa and therefore she were. Is outbreak a vision for what you wanted to reckon little babies vision about the Green New Deal popular policy but I'm still making up my mind although I'm kind of tilting towards key artists think right now our party's unity seems to be a unity candidate and he came across quite well doesn't think it was particularly good. Either to reinforce Rebecca Bailey which I didn't think I'd be impressed with the police around he was very good but overall it probably hasn't helped me make my mind up yet so as it is a few there's a career to go Rebecca along Bailey definitely has the policies. Is paying lip service to some things like national renationalisation of a utilities this feels Susanna land has been going on for hours and it's going to go on for a long. Now the realist it has been going on for of course you know the Labor Party lost by quite a significant amount in the general election back in December at their worst performance since 1935 at that point you had Jeremy Corbin announcing that he would be standing now but he's still not stood down he still you know standing in as leader as it were until they get a replacement and say we've got this kind of longing system of replacing the leader in the Labor party where you have to go freeze various rounds in terms of the leadership contest and so they're going to stop voting next Monday so the 24 February us remember start by saying so that's the real test voting closes on the 2nd of April and we'll get the announcement of who the next labor leader is on the 4th of April by which time is no more knockout and there's no you know that this is this is and this is it so the last These are the last 3 they've made it to the final hurdle hurdle so one of them will become the leader secure Starmer back among Bailey seen as the favorites but Lisa Mandy's is kind of dark horse you know she's somebody who people don't know a lot about and as they you heard in those rocks you know as people actually hear from her you know a lot of people seem to be warming to say quite interesting and of course when we get this announcement will be in the throes of the. The labor Merrill sorry the late Americans the the the London Mero contest so we'll have that going on as well so be quite interesting lots of politics I'm out well you know 2 women will manage to be very interesting because they need it when they say they need a woman but you know obviously there is a man in the race and he's seen as a front contender. Well listen thank you very much indeed the excitement builds so excited. Let's find out if the weather is going to stop being exciting without wanted to be exciting Joe Brown Good morning morning well bit of excitement today but really the sun is out we are going to see the sun reappear after that terrible stormy weekend we had but along with it we are going to see some blustery showers as well as some of those could be quite heavy locally charges some hail listen thunder times and very localized but yet that wind really is a say still around gusts of between 40 and 50 miles an hour but it does mean that it's still going to feel quite cool because temperatures be up to about 10 or 11 degrees today but it is going to feel a bit cooler than that overnight just if he's got to check out it should clear up I think that's more or another very similar Day Sunshine and showers a very mixed bag with some persistent rain towards the end of the day temperatures of 10 or 11 degrees again because we need more rain I mean obviously my garden isn't just my main pole now thank you Jill thank you very much indeed for that so you are up to date with the weather we will bring out today of course with your news headlines and your travel in about 5 minutes time but 1st let's talk to Rob It is in Croydon Good morning Rob. You know as troops are leaving flood yes apartment she was concerned. That may have been sure somebody come and she was never a student everything. That was like what they. Well be publicly humiliated and have your private dragged in front of the with. Old. Would be horrible for anyone wouldn't it. Appear to be but of those who say if you ever resume in a fight with boyfriend she could of the I mean look at Cheryl Cole she does a new trash name cropped and that was a private racist tribe and she got over not only the middle so talented interviewed by men women you know we used to and I know in another year or 2 of our devoted for gone she'd been working for them managed to do no shows or stuff she was too well known just to disappear and she has done really well in life you know the fact she she took it to heart but Robin didn't she shook his hand the 1st product is a plea to say oh no I won't fall on anybody's hands but it does and it does get the public people to see it and then the know so I mean I think that she wished she was so badly wounded which she'd done she was really nervous. So about with of that's about. You can turn and go with sumo story another 67 months 8 months between the somebody else and that's maybe that you do she talked. To your boyfriend if there is only that I don't see the virus a back problem and you're probably right for me probably wait for the bill never ending that she was a little known celebrity if they knew anything they'd a published anyway some point in the program nothing much to lure in every other than she is another issue is not an alternative I mean I'm always having I have an 8th of various things like when she was that you know that he going out with Harry Styles he was 19 or whatever I need. His name is and I'm going why is it that people believe that if you're in the public eye you view you people are allowed to gossip and they now think that's what I don't understand. I mean the 2nd aspect. You have got to if you're a well known pass manana He is we've said before you could have if you just some people drink how much of a crocodile you stand and the critical glory talk about it not spread across multiple posts here again there are many so those people will be so badly affected by it and if your money started being show business because and then and I mean it's like I said so the daily 1000000 cycle with 12 clicks to the year we get inside. The team I'm looking for stuff all the time in the current the Trinity and supplant media village that doesn't like damage to people but isn't sure is it is it because they only sell these stories because people buy them and I get really nasty by people claiming the haploid and them popping out and buying a copy Do they not realize that you won't because of the problem if you buy it that you're like oh that shocking to look at. That someone might want to listen as long as to the biggest cases to not but return people's eyes and I don't so trucks from the ocean won't see same with them they'll go the nighttime is horrendous case studies every day numberous cases are the carriers of the canary there's always an alibi presence made up of armor by zones in the jungle sure at a price appalling the sun with some salacious story on the fire I don't know but I don't buy that you see my point if here you are using of caution they wouldn't print this stuff but it's probably. Not know that the British public. There's a big factor in the British public they love and some stories that's for sure that'll teach them a good percent I would not I mean of the above people because of the headline memories of our free to copy the sun in the train I've got nothing better to do have a read maybe of Germany going to go well just a quick number by the sun relevant papers you know when I will never but the Daily Mail Dylan and people like Balthazar. So those are the 9 but now I mean you know there's really do a lot with their love the whole sky and I mean that's why. There are talks of about 7th in the country this is a little People just the largest cattle call to the possible loss of. Course then and then they had their hand in hand with the with the tabloids then because they wouldn't print it if nobody read it and put a has had an endless front page on. And people buy it by 10000 more copies what do you think that tells The Sun or the marrow or the mail oil ever. People want to buy less about the course taught you thank you very much indeed papers do trial front pages by the way they did those who did they tried to put kind stories nobody built it they really wanted to buy a newspaper with a nice story on the front cover. And 173-1002 join in the conversation you can e-mail as well Petrie p e t r I at b.b.c. Talk. Right now though it's $730.00 so it's time for your latest news headlines your travel and your sport starting with those headlines and ask. You morning more than $300.00 flood warnings are still in place across the country after storm Dennis brought to Wrenshaw rain to many areas hundreds of people had to be rescued from their homes in was to shore and structure and police in South Wales spent the day dealing with a number of landslides and floods and a Heathrow dozens of flights were canceled because of the storm and then to make matters worse technical problems cause major disruption yesterday afternoon the Met Office is to spend 1200000000 pounds on a new supercomputer to improve its weather forecasting is the biggest investment in the organizations history and will cost 12 times more than its current computer detectives are investigating 3 separate stabbings across east London which have left 3 people critically ill they all happened within around 90 minutes of each other in Barking Clapton and they offered and 20 year. After trams return to the streets of Croydon the possibility of an extension to the network has moved a step closer Transport for London says a line between callers wood and Sutton via Rose Hill is its preferred option for expansion but it admits it still needs to find most of the 400000000 pounds needed to pay for it London's weather a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers today and staying windy with top temperatures of 11 Celsius $52.00 Fahrenheit now with the b.b.c. Radio London travel bill Sheldrake. Thanks Matthew good morning the chub a signal failure at Gloucester Road means that the circle line there is nothing while at the moment between Gates and Edgware Road fire and bank meant and it's also causing severe delays on the entire district lines as well also for tear fell well they've just reported severe delays. And Pennington the 3rd some of the 4 and reading that's because of a single issue it's West Drayton and we also have cancellations for great north and Thameslink services to and from Kings Cross until for more gates and that's because of the sibling issue at all in Garden City update you can tweet us at b.b.c. Travel and heading to the most ways we still have the inside lane closing the m $25.00 anticlockwise junction 26 with mapping and junction $25.00 for the $810.00 that was because of a collision which involved a lorry and the car starts a queue on half an hour an hour from Junction $27.00 from the approach to travel at Squaw. Coming up are you one of the Londoners who currently co-exists with an exotic animal why more and more of us are becoming proud owners of a monkey I understand I'll be hearing from a leading charity who says the hundreds of primates are ending up abandoned and abused they're now calling for a total ban on these beautiful exotic creatures as pets do you agree that after this vote with Matthew sky. B. C. . Radio. Last in London is simple as Tottenham are up to 50 in the Premier League after they beat Aston Villa 32 thanks to a dramatic injury time winner from sawn human Spurs and are just one point behind Chelsea in 4th but afterwards manager Jersey Renia was asked if he's confident that they can finish in the Champions League places especially with Manchester City banned from European competition for the next 2 seasons. For many teams that saw the 4th position a little bit far they see the feast close Arsenal meanwhile put 4 goals past Newcastle to secure their 1st win for more than a month goals from peer Emerick Obama Yang Nicola pep a message and Alexander lacquers that mean the Gunners are now up to 10th manager McCotter says they need to regularly win games if they are to move up the table and have any chance of qualifying for Europe next season we wanted to put their draws into wins we talk about their margins that are going to allow us to do that and as well a consistency that we need to want to fight for Europe decision that at home we have to be ruthless You know when we will have to take their points and army we're going to have any chance at the end of the season now tonight Chelsea take on Manchester United at Stamford Bridge knowing a victory is important to keep them on course for a Champions League place the gap between the 2 sides is just 6 points of manager Frank Lampard is well aware of the threat United posed to their qualification hopes think they've added Obviously in a couple of positions now in the in the window but I think we're good to many are and always going to be a threat for top 4 of course with the players they have in their squad so I. Don't know what to expect and none of this job I do expect a tough game for us on Monday and of course it's. A direct rival in the long behind us some points so we need to take into account cricket and Captain Owen Morgan major number 57 as England chase down a victory target of 223 to beat South Africa by fire. Wickets and when the one day international series 21 Mowen Ali who hit the winning run says the series was useful preparation for the World Cup later this year in Australia 3 quality games so some amazing cricket took. Batting obviously and then obviously some great difficulty was off and some of the guys tough game today because it was amazing the ball flies or pose a grave and it's always nicer the way runs I'm coming out 7 something I'm trying to get better and in tennis the British number 3 Kyle Edmund has won the New York Open beating Italy's Andreas Seppi 7561 to lift the 2nd a.t.p. Tour title of his career on digital radio 94.9 f.m. Band on b.b.c. Sounds this is longer this is b.b.c. Radio London Patry Hoskins. And a good morning to you this is b.b.c. Radio London's breakfast show on Petri with until 10 o'clock this morning we've been talking about the tragic suicide of Caroline Flack at the weekend apparently she did it when her friend who was looking after popped out to the shops but we're not we're talking really about blacks everybody's asking about who is to blame is it the media is it the red tops is it the sort of the gossip and nastiness that goes with some news papers but like I keep saying people are abandoning them if you Bali one you all can piss it surely was Oh no no I only buy it for the sport. And therefore I'm not responsible for the front pages or what's in it. But there is a sense of responsibility if you're buying into and also love island is getting the blame although I'm I'm not entirely sure why. Because the other 2 deaths were attributed to the program Ab but this one doesn't appear to be all that we haven't got all. Appeared to be a 2 people watch Love Island it's hugely popular So if you watch it are you complicit with it do we take any responsibility or none at all give me a go I weigh 107312000 this text has come through says one suicide ended Jeremy Kyle So how many more before i.t.v. Executives pull the plug on Love Island or have they lost moral compass completely for money can't they also have a flak crown court case and the fact that she hit her boyfriend which she denied if he did that to her nobody would want the c.p.s. To drop it so if he did that to her no one would want the c.p.s. To drop it so that's been that's an unsigned tax that that's come through so do you blame Love Island I know i.t.v. Many people say i.t.v. Did not do what it should have done and looked after Do they have the responsibility to do that gimmick. In the meantime the number of people keeping exotic pets in their homes is on the rise in the capital in fact over the last 2 years they are specie is rescued around 800 exotic pets in London including 6 pythons. The boom it's largely fueled by social media websites which provide a way for people to easily advertise the sale of live animals Chris Wheeler shares his semi detached Kent House get this with a bearded dragon 2 is 3 parrots one cockatoo 6 Terrapins 3 dozen cold water fish and finally a 6 foot crocodile called Caesar he says it's perfectly safe like as a pap you call it a couple in Kenya. You can impact him in stroke in a mission that was not possible. By a lot made him pretty. Unlucky trying to reach him by 67 inches. And suddenly realize it's like Frasier. He can only his position I'll never have an attempt to block me from him for a number he's. Not for a number of years or so right and in that world Dr Oz clubbers from the p.c. And joins me now good morning good morning a 6 foot crocodile cannot ever be safe safe. Yeah we were out there s.p.c. Would recommend. Richmond to the public because 6 o'clock in their house one 1st safety reasons but also 'd in terms of nice and the needs of the animal accepted if you can be really difficult I am compared to your kind of more average cat and dog in someone's home so why why is the r.c.c. Attributing this this wrong is it just simply that it's easier to buy or is it I don't know Disney films that make dragons look interesting or Terrapins have a voice you know what's going on. In Kansas and the keeping of exotic said it does seem that there's a very wide range of species kept an eye on and they are becoming quite common so some research that they are speciated that suggest that for children the media might play a role in terms of the desire for as your kind older age groups it's more about how to change and circumstance that one means that they can they they've had hunkering for an exalted can their circumstances change and then they can get to it and it does take paint and and really the arse p.c. As the main message is we're trying to get atrocious really think about it carefully do your research look at Page expert sources for information and think about whether you can really care for the animal for the rest of its life you know there's 6 to 7 inch came and turned into a 6 foot truck that you really want in your home that's also doesn't the release of these animals which tend to just be sort of abandoned and destroy the natural habitat. Some species are considered they're considered in phases and so there's actually legislation tradition they brought settings which restrict the keeping and breeding of those types of animals like condones for example and certain types of Ted a pen because they're seen as a threat to our need to an environment and we do pick up I'm quite a number of stray and Ana moles to protect in the summer and frail and the windows are open sometimes animals are protected the garden to get some sunshine so that's a concern because once they are in this country if they're from like America or Australia then you know it can be very tough for them because they're sort of light on their owners to provide them with the right heat the right temperature breakdown yet would you like to see a bond you know an agenda sense of exotic animals well we really want people to think about getting in on a mobile for day care to really make an informed choice but some species we think just do not belong in people's homes and one group of animals as primates so we are competing for a ban on the keeping and sale of primates because they're just so complex and neither of which member of the public can really provide for their needs and we've seen them in really awful conditions and so we are asking the government printing today and still kind of coming into the Constitution how do you come across a primate that needs rescuing and too often. We say in this one year old $100.00 codes about primates and we took into care almost to over the page of a bite 3 years so I mean it's not something you know the numbers are small compared to cats and builds but actually actually finding homes for those animals in the specialist care they need is really difficult and we see really quite severe problems with that plea and mentally the people keeping mommies that part cage in their living room for example isn't on Coleman unfortunately a dog to rose from the r s p c I thank you very much indeed we're talking primates talk to Allison Cronin is on the mind now for. The Monkey World Rescue Center good morning to you I'm surprise good morning so many people are trying to keep monkeys Yeah the trade in these animals in the British pet trade has gone up exponentially in our experience we've been rescuing primates from around the globe actually for the more than 30 years now and our biggest ongoing problem is the legal trade in primates a spat in Britain today and that has been growing. Exponentially and the numbers of animals that we're bringing into the center and the circumstances are becoming more and more bizarre So what's being highlighted tonight on the b.b.c. Inside out is the trade in London where you know I've been called up to London to rescue marmosets that are leaping from scaffolding pole to Scott building toll road accident marmosets that have been killed on the streets and even a marmoset that's been you know leapt out of the window and fell 3 floors down you know it's the circumstances are becoming more and more bizarre I'm being called to assist the police at crime scenes where people are keeping marmoset suspects that's happening more frequently you know we're just being buried under the weight of these animals coming in and we've got more than 50 marmosets on site right now and I keep building facilities for the victims of the British pet trade and were full up I now have a 107 marmosets on my waiting list and that's from people well meaning individuals who didn't realise how difficult it was to keep these animals and to meet their needs and then feel upset and call us asking us to rehab their solitary marmoset that sits in a bird cage all alone all day. On top of the television set and it's just tragic So there are people that are being taken as come to trial by these breeders and dealers that are selling these animals for a ton of money how likely is it but I mean I've already filled the I already thought it was illegal to be fair to you but how likely is normal for most people do. Is it likely I'll get warm. It's just so easy and I think that the increase is come about due to social media people you know take pictures of their aquatic pets and share the other people think it's a great idea because it's not illegal and because the breeders and dealers are telling people it's Ok if you take them away from their mothers that are very young age. That they'll make great pets and table scraps. Be kept in your sitting room as part of the family and all the Spanx contribute to. The health. So health problems for these miners that that just are suffering tragically and you know people are being taken advantage of the last really need to change Dr Allison cried in from the monkey world ape rescue center thank you very much. Mourning the latest travel news we have a long queue on the m 25 now heading anticlockwise from the junction 27 am 11 as far as junction 25 for the 8 excuse me. And a car. Long long queues if you're heading towards the black hole tunnel. With direct market this May That's because. They had to close of the tunnel for about 5 minutes to fill that pothole. For the North Circular heading south from the junction for. The balance that was an allocation which involved a car. You can tweet us at. This morning I would still have the Circle Line participant. And. Asked you to act last about still causing severe on the District 9 and cancellations and great north and Translink services getting Kings Cross it. Finished. In Garden City because of a sickening problem at City Hall travel just after the news at 8. Is London. Probably you can check it out. Just running musical. Everyone else what you have to get what I hope. This is why London is what I want to know why didn't the buy decide that London a city to come to London be the place to be outside of me by in my opinion. This is London b.b.c. Radio. And if you were interested in that story about the monkeys people keeping primates as pets and you can find out more about it and both of the guests I was talking to on b.b.c. Inside out tonight at 730 on b.b.c. One I don't see it was illegal to keep them with Alison was to have a conversation talking about Caroline Flack and who's to blame should we be apportioning blame after all do you take any responsibility if you watch Love Island only by a red top newspaper I wondered 731-2000 with me in the studio is. Who's the founder of a group Code dope black dads. Just at the hand sick not. Taking Early of the word and kind of recognising that it is a positive Yeah well yeah I mean. Ellison is lovely. You've picked Well I mean it is the story at the moment the front pages 6 and 7 as well on Caroline for yeah so I think obviously it's tragic news that came out on Saturday night about. Caroline's death and and also you've been talking about it quite extensively this morning and a lot of people have been chime in about the circumstances around there and you know the responsibility of print media social media i.t.v. Itself and kind of the impact that that has had on her that she felt that there was no way out and also the issue to deal with her up while formally her trial that was going to happen in a few weeks time and the role that the Crown Prosecution Service has played in in all of that so I think it's difficult to apportion blame kind of and say that you know one person is more responsible than the other but I do think that there is something to say about what the impact of things like media social media especially with trolls and that type of thing how that can play a part in somebodies fragility and their mental health and his keyboard warriors who fire off these nasty calming. Delighted and pleased that they've hounded her to the death do you think they're feeling some sort of Ramos I don't know I think you know I was probably I was a victim of trolling myself just a few days ago because I had I had a message hey celebrity kind of does a lot of sports and stuff and he responded to my tweet and then that kind of opened the floodgates to people trolling me so for a good 48 hour period the amount of abuse that I received as a result of that was just was it was terrible but then when you kind of click on people's profiles you see that this person only follows maybe 10 people follow me I've got no followers you know so so it's very much you know it's about that but I think you know it's kind of looking at the responsibility of social media and how that is presented and kind of giving people that type of access is at the moment I think there is there is a lot of free access obviously to social media all you need in most parts is just an email address and it's quite easy to create fake emails and fake profiles but you know I think there's also something to be said about what support people are getting from organizations from their web play. He says you know we don't know the level of support that i.t.v. Were providing to Carolina was he she had you know she took the decision to step down from hosting Love Island I've never had a conversation from anybody at the b.b.c. And about whether I'm being told or not never not once yeah anybody ever asked me do you do you need some support so I don't I don't think that it's normal for. In the last place of work certainly they're certainly in. The more trolling you got they thought the better in some cases yeah but I think I do think that there is that because we're sorry aware that this is happening now a days and I think it was the b.b.c. Have a responsibility to do that or do I have a response to this is the question isn't it did i.t.v. Have a responsibility to to Caroline Flack I believe that they did I mean you know she was a presenter she stepped down temporarily with a view to hopefully being able to come back to the Summer Series pending the outcome of of the trial and I think it's about is in the same way that if somebody had a physical health problem and they were off work you know you would expect that work would be checking into kind of rely Ok you know you're Ok Is everything Ok kind of work you were living well. I want to live in that well I think it's going to be in that way I think you know companies and organizations are starting to move towards that I think maybe the media are now kind of trying to say or do they pay lip service to it because you watch an i.t.v. Program such as this morning they are constantly going on about mental health. And constantly talking about other people's mental health issues so they it just lip service that we hear from these these companies responsibly you know what are they actually doing you know I can it's difficult to say because without knowing what each company or organization is doing I mean a lot of places are putting solid mental health policies in. Place and kind of offering that one to one support on site work and kind of referring people on to external services or more so again it's hard to it's hard to say because honestly without knowing what everyone is actually do it's hard to say whether it is a case of yeah we're just doing it because it's the vogue thing to do right now I can't exactly did versus those who are genuinely in need of receiving that kind of help and I was I mean I do know of organizations where they've put in very robust mental health policies people have access that actually is benefited them and you know I've done last Audi's in terms of recognizing that with mental health it cost the economy millions and billions of pounds each over people having to take time off because of their mental health and I think more than anything I think for a lot of companies they are looking at it maybe from business perspective look at life in a way if it benefits Yeah it might be that it benefits the company but also if that person and fundamental that's what it's about if that person is receiving the help that they need and the support that they need to address whatever issues that they've got going on I think that's the most important thing of all of the world quick help me to to point the blame at other people when you know we might go out and buy a red top and read the salacious story and feed the base I said yeah let's have a look at the delay to the budget on our new chancellor she said Ach come right from left field yes I didn't even spot him Arturo vision I spotted him. Now he's more he's more in line yet with Cummings and Johnson Yes in terms of our politics but there may be a delay in the budget Yeah so I think it's obviously the whole reshuffle that took place last week and everything around such a job it stepping down because he didn't feel that he could accept the new way of working that number 10 wanted to have in terms of joined up thinking with with number 11 whereas rich. Felt that he could I think it's interesting you say you didn't see that coming but it was quite well I suppose maybe because I'm never Politico but I could see it during the course of the election the fact that he was being rolled out a number of times by the Conservative campaign to kind of stand in for for Boris Johnson in a way was kind of or dition in for a job of sorts within within the we're going to come not you know they've been pushing a few women forward as well yeah I thought from them yeah of course yeah yeah so you know I think it's interesting though that obviously you know he's now come in and he's taken he's taken a place and I think he's probably going to be there for a long time because you've lost one Chancellor who's willing to lose 2 very very careless by everybody else and so yes I think it will be interested to see how long this will be delayed for and you know what the policies are going to be and how different that will be from what subject was. Such It did they think would have been had his hand on the purse strings I think they were she's just going to allow the government to yeah and I think a lot of and what it was yeah I think what it wants you know unfortunately and I think a lot of that is you know they want a lot of more than seats and I think they want to be seen to be doing a lot more in terms of kickstarting the economy especially up north and I think the only way they feel the public to be able to do that is to borrow money and kind of you know. Definitely. Maybe seeing grave danger Yes So I think again another another issue which the conservatives have been obviously trying to attack the. The license. The you know the license fee and kind of what that means and wanting to move the b.b.c. License fee Netflix Thailand circulating Yeah and I think what's interesting is that a number of backbenchers now are popping up and saying actually you know what we're not going to stand for this so I think that's going to be quite interesting although yes the government has got a majority. 80 in Parliament at the moment it will be interesting to see the level of dissents that could arise as a result of that because in there you know the b.b.c. Is an institution and you know as I think they mean green is saying you know it's kind of you can't be attacking something that's culturally a part of. Standard and exactly how I was saying to somebody the weekend that holds up the rest of the the media by it's had 100. Drags. A level and without it who knows what would happen to the press it would turn into America Yeah exactly and I think you know the fact is yes people might have their issues with certain elements of the b.b.c. But you know you can't have a perfect media broadcast so whether it's in print online you know or you know in Britain or sorry and on top of things you know I think it is a very dangerous game that the government plane will be interesting to see how that plays out it will be interesting sic is that it feels a bit like the Brits thing with a sort of winding people up yes we say and that's that's fine if you want to think about if somebody is complaining that they only ever listen to the radio b.b.c. Radio never watch the telly so why should they have a license. Well that's. Exactly. Thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Order. Coming up after 10 o'clock I did that really well I think I should be in the House of Commons Roberts listed London I will be the former Speaker John Bercow 1st the newspapers were awash with. T.v. Presenter Caroline Flack who took her own life on Saturday the 4 malevolent hosts killed herself just 18 days before she was due to face trial accused of assaulting her boyfriend yesterday he took to Instagram to tell fans of his broken heart who is to blame for this a you and I is it the press is it all of us or is it Caroline Flack none of us are to blame just happens. On the radio $94.00 f.m. On b.b.c. South. East London. B.b.c. Radio. London's music Matthew Schofield communities across Britain are facing another day of flooding and travel disruption following Storm Dennis more than 300 flood warnings remain in place 4 of them severe which indicates a danger to life the new environment sekret.

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