Good morning to you why we. Would say this is not a day to relax if you care about the result of the general election in which so ever direction you care you need to get out of bed and start thinking about how you're going to vote today very important the most important election of a generation the most important general election of all time ever so welcome to the program great to have your company this morning it's 6 minutes Wednesday the 11th of December and there's a frantic day of campaigning ahead. Trying to win the vote but that labor and the conservatives facing control for say a secret recording emerged yesterday in which neighbors shadow health secretary John Ashworth was heard saying he didn't believe that Labor would win the day in the election in fact to use the word to describe his chances and the father of Jack Merritt who was killed in the London Bridge terror attack has accused the Conservative leader Boris Johnson of using his son's death to score political points Dave Murray told Sky News he was upset at the way Mr Johnson had behaved where most of us will watching this. Tragedy unfolding in front of our eyes instead of seeing tragedy. Boris Johnson saw an opportunity. And he went on the offensive he saw an opportunity to score some points in the election Well let's meet our political reporter Suzanne I'm and Don this is an a good morning to you let's start with the election headlines neither of the main party leaders has had the best of campaigning days in the last few days really having no I mean you know you heard the father of having to go Boris Johnson and this was a very. Bad day and a half after the London Bridge attack we had been talking about changing sentencing and things said that I mean many people obviously Agustin horrified at the tragedy that unfolded under bridge appalled and full of concern and sympathy for the the you know that those people left behind by the bye bye by these things these tragic tragic killings but many people question sentencing I mean it in a way you could say you know what a political opportunist a part of the prime minister mentioned but in a way you could say how could you not to mention it would have been peculiar and strange Had he not meant I think when I think the point it was making was that it was too soon certainly you know obviously he's a father he's grieving and it was too soon from his perspective for the prime minister to be talking about that as an election issue and say that's something that certainly. Means that more control for ca Boris Johnson just a day before the election but also because on the labor side of things you've got John Ashworth who's the shadow health secretary who had had this what he thought was a private conversation with a friend who'd been recording him and then put it out there basically saying that Labor can't win so I think you know both Labor and the conservatives have not had a great couple of days ago sports Johnson's also had issues with questions about the n.h.s. And you know they go into this election which is just going to be so fraught really in terms of seats in London that could change hands and you've been heading to make hustings a week what if then what have you found out from your it's been quite interesting because so hustings are basically these meetings where. The candidates within the area real challenge by members of the public and there are questions about all sorts of different things I've been to a few of them when I went to Chipping Barnett particularly interesting seats in London because it's a 353 vote majority for the conservative trees of Ilya's of course it's the environment secretary and she potentially could lose this once it's quite an interesting one knows asking people where how they felt about the hustings and also how they felt about tactical voting My name is Jenny ran for i OS The 1st question which was about Rex It is it helps you decide how you're going to vote or had you ready decided it is so difficult I haven't quite decided yet what will be the defining factor to you is it breaks if it is paid for because on the run it remains . As I am a breakfast and to bits of I'm flavor Woodhouse I'm in a bit of a peculiar position now oh well I think we all are because for the 1st time in our lives our vote is actually going to count. Because it's been so strongly toward He thought all my life. That. I had intercepts the luxury of voting. For whoever I fancy. Wherever smell how it's good is it it could bring it up yes it could swing it I could that hell I vote could actually change things thank you very much to Susanna joining me live in the studio the polling expert Professor John good morning where's the morning business so right to the presumably business saying that the conservative majority the one that was expected by some isn't going to materialize in the way that it might have been thought it would what is your take on that well the truth is what we've heard this morning is a mega exercise some Hugo of 100000 people on a lie statistically to try to work out what's going on each individual see taking large amount of data all of them says. Being placed on it simply because 2 years ago it Christiane to surprise you that there was going to be a hung parliament much other poting was saying the Tories are going to get it over with Georgie Well this morning this but the reason for the headlines is that 2 weeks ago when this excise was 1st published it said the Tories we got 359 seats now it's saying 339 I never thought to call I means what people are going well counted towards necessary guarantee to win in truth I think it simply reinforces some messages that have been there in the polls for some top crucial point number one is that with the Tories at a 9 or 10 point lead which is where we seem to be out at the moment then they should get an overall majority which is what they poll is suggesting however what is also the case is that the hot lead is not sufficiently far above the lead of $6.00 to $7.00 points though the conservatives probably need to get an overall majority for them to be sure that's what they're going to get and we have to remember here that if Boris Johnson is going to get his withdrawal treaty through the toys don't simply need to win they need to get an overall majority what will happen if the Tories do win but don't get a naval majority because some people are saying the toys don't get an eval majority there's a possibility the jammy Colvin will end up prime minister anyway if the Tories I mean I've Saluki Well there's a compass now is there's there's a very narrow range of results for the Tories in Iran 32321322 when that won't be the votes to put Jeremy Kovan into office but they create that won't be the votes to pass the government that will treat you not to censure because they know the not into you p.c. On not wanting to allow Jeremy Coleman to form a government but they're also opposed to the government with your old treaty what happens in those circumstances frankly your guess is as good as mine I have a bass for us probably Well I mean I think the honest truth is the government probably would find itself forced maybe to apply for another extension as it attempts to to rewrite the nor the nod and bits of the treaty yet again in such a way that might satisfy the do you. Pity because soon if they do you remain adamant that they don't like the tool treaties currently crafted the government is going to have to go away and think again if we don't get the Tories much below 320 then we probably in a situation where there is a majority off M.P.'s from Labor Liberal Democrats s.n.p. Greens implied except you're in favor of a 2nd referendum and although Labor will have many fewer seats than the Conservatives we will reach the point where there is basically a willingness to put a minority library administration in place under German coven charge with the toss of holding a 2nd referendum by the summer of the a because that's the thing that all those parties have in Coleman and we have to remember that the reason why we're having this election the end of the day is by the Liberal Democrats and the s.n.p. Said this is the only way that we've got any chance of getting a 2nd referendum so the Presumably if the opportunity arises to go down that path then they will do a deal with Labor to ensure that that path is taken. Gough's so so so people who fear dead and you know endless finagle ing and to ing and fro ing may have good reason to fear unless there is a sure. Fire would of course if you all remain Bartz of which there are plenty in London you may think the deadlock will be potentially rescuing the u.k. From leaving their opinion so the truth is the word deadlock is itself now a politically contested thank you for pointing that out you're absolutely right to say so but I think this sort of states of states this is a warring state whatever your particular you want to be in a what you want to be out is really the state of not being either isn't good for if we don't get another overall majority at some point the pen is going to drop that this will have been the fulfil action in a row in whichever that school system doesn't deliver a safe harbor majority for a party and therefore perhaps our politicians are going to have to adapt to what might be a new reality whereby actually we can't presume that elections are going to reach a secure overall majorities and that governments have to negotiate with the House of Commons in order to get legislation through and does that make use of proportional representation Well I think certainly there will be an augments about Proportional Representation renewed in the wake of this election because you know we're probably going to get a very high level number of M.P.'s elected from parties that are the Conservative Labor one of the arguments in favor of our current electoral system is meant to be the 3rd party M.P.'s don't get in given particular the strength of the s.n.p. In Scotland it's been well the fighting in that respect to recent recent elections thank you very much indeed for coming in like us again need stamina in the next few days president because he's there the polling experts people who say that unless there's an overall Tory majority a stand up majority there's a very strong possibility that gentleman will end up prime minister even if the Tories win I'm not wrong says the professor that might be good as far as you're concerned you might feel great Rhapsody great about that we might feel comes to nation it all depends on your choices you're basically choices do give us a call 807312000 it's your vote and put it wherever you like but you should try and vote because it's going to make a hell of a difference how this. One comes out the most important election of a generation or the most important general election in history depending on your perspective but very important let's underline that 8712000 will be straight back with you after the travel. To heading away from London remains blocks just after the m $25.00 because of a collision with queues back towards Dartford Heath plus on the m $25.00 around the Dartford junction in the $82.00 towards London also looking very busy at Tottenham the a 10 the white blocked in both directions near to Henning and because of a collision very slow on the a 3 from new Moulton down towards toll worth after a collision earlier on also busy only a 3 all around the m 25 junction 10 roundabout after a collision Forsett road in Kingston remains closed off because of a crane that's collapsed as a 20 minute delays for southeast and trains between Victoria and Bromley south Wales on the cheap has no service on the Northern Line southbound from Finchley and Golders Green to Camden Town because of a signal failure there's more travel at $738.00. This is. Tell me the last time that you did that was probably the London. Bridge to do it. Without hearing some. Of this is this family arena it's pretty big I mean I'm most excited about coming out just said hello when. He was here this is. From Cedar you passionately. B.b.c. Radio London. I listen to Mark in his on the lie big news stories today there is a beastie forms a suggesting what we need on food specially junk food is not just what the ingredients are of that food and not just the calorie content but actually an indication about how far you'd have to walk or how many hours of exercise or minutes of exercise high intensity you'd have to do to burn off the calories say one muffin for. Example You may have to do 2 hours of walking that's put it that way in which you then eat them off in a would you decide to have a piece of lettuce instead that's the question now 871-2000 mark says he's on the line until morning long cause i tell her you were right thank you what do you make of the idea of changing the labels and putting different information on them. You know so good will that the single was all but all these the same exports are campaigning to get the current labeling on the traffic well it's in the calories. Will they be the same people Ian 2 or 3 years we can buy into something else when it doesn't because those that you mentioned you know they will decide what to put in their mouth. The general public get treated like imbecile by all sorts of politics. Industry they think they're incapable of doing anything themselves and have to be so shepherded everywhere told to do whatever they do it because I am convinced was a lovely But let's make it so what you thought I'd like I'd like to call a cup of coffee and I cohort drink for example a bit cold bit chilly Christmas is coming I'd like a cup of coffee actually just now what I think I'll have a hot chocolate if next to the the the menu or something on your i dunno now is some indication on the wall says I gave you a cup of coffee will be special to me milking it or not you know I the no calories a 15 calories will 30 calories but your hot chocolate will be 175 calories you might think well actually I quite fancy dip I really don't care if I don't have it I'm not having it or you might think I'm not on how long would it take me to burn it off how far would I have to walk for the hot chocolate oh or the coffee and it might you might think what I you know that I don't need I'm not having it all or you think the were bright enough to do it without the numbers an indication I think not only will brought us together we also brought up to me that. The curious about full of people looking at the phone. Talking to each other but no interest about seriously sell stuff like that other student had left isn't really them. And if you're the sort of person who does care about your wife and really you know you have the so the ghost of him anywhere even. If it's. Also worth it because. 'd you know the people the people will do what they want and then all along servicing and to the men that's nearly a different that's a different area altogether you know. They say people won't change just in fact if you're in Paris the only people worried for you Are you being on your move humanity think that what I said when I do. Staring targets that lay everything the pilot did anything to do that he will allergies do you have a weight problem there or weight issues. Every day you take a white numbers certainly don't go older larger Miles think about things like that so much and I'm fully aware of that and so I mean I suppose what the basic bottom line on all of this really is there isn't it that we're all too fat all you know we have an obesity crisis we have a problem and so whatever you feel we want to be in control of the whatever you say as adults we ought to be able to deal with we're not able to we're not doing it and every single year it seems to get was we tackled smoking we tackled many other things we have managed to tackle this one absolutely very well that really the only way. We ought to try about what all right well thanks very much indeed Michael Mark in Enfield saying we're all grown ups we know we're doing they're not going to change just by putting on a donut how many miles you're going to have to walk to walk off the calorie content if you don't up let's go to another story this morning not a very savory story I'm afraid but certainly a story that might well resonate with far more listeners than we'd like it to an east London g.p. Who tricked his patients into having intimate and invasive examinations preying on their council concerns has been found guilty of several counts of sexual assault money shall use celebrity cancer stories including Angelina Jolie and Jade Goody to persuade the women he was teaching to agree to unnecessary Smith and breast examinations Police say it's one of the biggest cases of its kind involving just one doctor and his victims say he was a trusted don't to in Rome that just so many people you know have used their weakness in fear and just complain that completed vantage he's a doctor and you trust them and instincts health issues something's not right. But you can't put forward any how. I thought. Let's speak to Dr Peter Sweeney and the chairman of the Family Doctors Association about this talk just when your good morning and thank you for joining us good morning to you so one of them the most numerous cases of necessary you think you call it sexual abuse of sexual assault involving one doctor and these women you can hear them saying really was the doctor was mean if he said you need to examine my breasts we need to get me an internal examination in order to to take this man what was I going to say I wasn't going to say no he's my doctor Absolutely and what a desperately terrible abuse of trust this Ok so. Every power over the old rotten apple in it and he obviously he's convicted he has created a. Hole in the barrel by his actions he to means all of us who work in general practice and to day in day out very out correct proper and legitimate intimate examinations of our patients for benefits and patients have to be able to trust a doctor your ladies who came on and commented on it so yes well he was a doctor quite all of us can only function with the trust of our patients thing is still to Sweyn yet I think I may be wrong about this but just anecdotally I would be very surprised if if I asked about this on the radio a nice and do any of my lovely listeners feel that at some point in their lives they've been unnecessarily intimately examined by a doctor I have the feeling that the lines would light up I think people would ring in and say yes I do yes I went in with a sore throat I ended up having an examination I don't know why he just said I needed to and I hadn't and it was only when I left I thought Hang on a minute what was that about but I was any 16 time or 18 or in my twenty's or as these women have said it was they don't say you know the doctor says. Let me just examine your breath you're not going to say no who you can if you're going to take a powerful methadone to do it and I wonder whether you know this kind of relationship in which the doctor has all the power of the patient not on the patients nervous because you wouldn't be a doctor if you didn't feel ill in the 1st place that they're all not just what few rotten apples but quite another rotten apple. Very much hopes and she was taken in and I believe you're mistaken in that as I believe the overwhelming majority of G.P.'s work on an entirely ethical and correct basis and only examine their patients what is correct and necessary and explain why an examination is necessary before undertaking it to offer a chaperone if the patient would like to chaperone and I'm not just talking about ladies big examine men being examined for events but examination as well by either a male or female doctor should be offered a chaperone and I accept this in smaller practices it's not always practical to find a chaperone that occasion but it is always practical for the patient to come back for the examination and to have a chaperone with them if they wish and how sceptical is it for a patient to say to the don't but don't say you know I came in with I don't know and I'm pretty sure I came in with a swollen knee Can you explain to me why it is you feel you need to perform an intimate examination today I'm not quite sure why you're doing this why are you doing it with the good news here is absolutely they don't disruptive or without being right it's not even slightly rude or to strop So if I think that before any of us examine the patient it's we are on about to explain why we need to examine them and what the purpose of the examination is and certainly if someone were to come in to see me with a sort of ties I work in general practice or works in general 535 years you know. If someone comes in to see me with a sore throat or bad and the last thing I would do is to do an in-service examination I mean goodness gracious that would be hopelessly inappropriate. And. And obviously there are some circles as in which I look at a patient and I say Ok I know you come in to see me about your day did you know that you'll see it was a have a due should you book in with a staff you'll smear Yes and that's far more have you had your memo you know you need to get that sorted but not to do that at the same occasion quite honestly just to put it down to the simple brass tacks of general practice we are too busy to rush around doing lots of things which are not required at the time as Unless you happen to be a sexual predator in a net Well you know Selita inane site unless you use yes every conceivable opportunity Well that is available male patients in an inappropriate way I wonder whether it is that we have become as patients less deferential and that you're less likely to say whatever you say doctor whatever you want yes whether that's a good thing that we might just just look the duty of the eye and say I don't think so now I don't want to absolutely that's absolutely the truth you know as I said I've been in general has a very long time and people's expectations of being a very important part of decision making process is a much higher you know I've always wanted to involve my patients in all decisions about their health as now this is much more of an expectation that of far fewer people who say whatever you say doll to touch their forelock of the grateful for anything I did to give them my goodness how good that is because it is much more satisfying to practice in general practice as a dialogue with your patients so as to work with them to try and get to the ends that you're seeking for them for their health and the results are better the satisfaction is best it is a much better doctor patient relationship and that is at the heart of all that we do in general practice to try and provide the best possible care for our patients and to unfold. Have been but I'm to make some sales that they have the decisions in their court not just for me to tell them what's good for them but for them to decide from options as to what they would like to do in any circumstance regarding their health thank you very much for talking to be just when you know that the family doctor Association Ok this is a story a horrible story of a London g.p. In East London who took his patients into having intimate and invasive examinations he preyed on their concerns about cancer now I just wonder whether that is much less rare than people would like to think it is I wonder whether you you don't have to give your real name you don't have to say where you don't even have to say want if it's horrible and traumatizing to even recall it you don't have to give me the whole lowdown on exactly what happened or of that kind of thing but I just wonder whether this is more common than anyone would like to imagine that it is whether you had an experience maybe when you were much younger maybe fairly recently you came out of the don't whether it was a g.p. Or a specialist is only general practitioners you might do this when you came out of the appointment with a doctor of any kind specialist Dr g.p. And you just thought wait a 2nd what the hell just happened to me and maybe it wasn't just you know what the hell happened to me carried on with business leading a normal life a normal day maybe you've been very very deeply upset into me ties by something that a doctor that you trusted did to you know if that's you please don't really go to give your real name you absolutely have and don't really go to shop that don't do you haven't but I just wonder whether it's more widespread this kind of thing than any of us imagine 080-731-2000 is the number free phone number you'll talk very quickly to one of our lovely researches and you'll be on the radio you don't have to give your real name taken cell is here with the weather how to Kate's Hello good morning it's lovely out there at the moment chilly yes breezy Yes but there's some sunshine heavy showers the soft inane and then as we head into tomorrow it would draw a stop attention but it does look like it's going to 10 very wet some heavy persistent rain for Thursday and very windy as well thanks. Very much in love the listener will be straight back with you after the news headlines. Good morning a lawyer representing women who were molested by a family doctor in Rome food says the case raises big questions about the oversight of G.P.'s Malcolm Underhill is seeking compensation on behalf of a number of victims of Dr Mann Ashar who preyed on their concerns about cancer to carry out unnecessary intimate examinations for his own gratification will be sentenced in February for molesting 23 female patients at the morning Medical Center with less than 24 hours to go until the polls open Boris Johnson says the election couldn't be tighter and he's fighting for every vote the b.b.c. Is opinion poll tracker suggests the conservatives retain a solid lead over labor and You Gov's latest poll of 100000 voters is predicting the Tories will win a majority of 28 seats but that's 40 fewer than the last projection 2 weeks ago for labor John McDonnell says his party's tried to have an honest campaign with a message of hope but it's been overshadowed by fake news lies and smears and he's accused the Tories of dirty tricks not seen before in British politics scientists in New Zealand say it's likely that there will be more volcanic eruptions on White Island in the next 24 hours 6 people are known to have died after the eruption of the weekend a 9 others are still missing presumed dead the increased seismic activity is hampering efforts to recover the bodies London's weather a dry and sunny start but it will turn cloudy of the softer noon with some heavy showers and feeling chilly in the wind with top temperatures of 8 Celsius 46 Fahrenheit now with the b.b.c. Radio London travel rock sleet. Blocked heading towards Kent MFI just after the m $25.00 a junction 2 towards the pain in such a nice because of the collision with from Dartford Heath plus the $82.00 in the m $25.00 it all amounts to a duffer looking very slow at. Service out of this the a 10 pound way blocks in both directions need to ending of though because of a collision and the a 3 there is slow southbound down towards the top of Junction this morning after the collision will see a 3 all around the junction 10 at the m $25.00 the a 3 the Brazilians the change looking very slow after a collision on the ground about earlier on the chip the Northern Line has severe delays after a signal failure there's also delays of 20 minutes or so for Southeastern between Victoria and Bromley south because of a signalling problem any update she can tweet me at b.b.c. Travel alert has more travel at a quarter to 9. When I won I wondered if this would happen it has happened you know that conversation we've just had about the East London g.p. Who are less did various of his patients I mean lots and lots of them over really prolonged period of time. He gave them intimacy an invasive examinations preying on their concerns they wired about cancer he took about Angelina Jolie and Jade Goody and then effectively assaulted them sexually and you had a couple of them on the radio saying you know what he was our doctor you know we didn't think to say no we said he was doing it for our own good and we we you know we didn't think of think anything of it was any offers on the way out of the what happened was that right was that appropriate and it wasn't and it wasn't and it turns out that he was a trusted doctor I'm wrong for it and please say it's one of the biggest cases of its kind involving one single doctor so I a lost because anecdotally and you might gather from my own personal experience I'm really aware of this kind of a thing I've heard so many women in particular may also happen to men of course talk about this but I always privately and I just said have you been do you think. Effectively sexually assaulted by don't in other words unnecessarily examined intimately by adults without sufficient explanation about why without any kind of real kind of justification for it and as you walked out into the street later did you think what's just happened to me that I mean I would have let a way to do it I wouldn't have let a teacher do it but because it was a doctor I kind of assume there must be a reason for it but only on the way out did I realize there was no reason for that at all and then when you did realize did you do anything about it did I know I was 19 I had something like ganja fever that type of a virus the thing I really wasn't well my parents were both so concerned about me they both took me to the don't remember them being in the waiting room outside and I would say I was kind of viciously intimately examined by this male doctor his name I do remember but I won't say and when I came out of that I think I knew exactly what had happened but I never said what my mom and dad were both there waiting for me anxiously to come out of the examining room and I I never said a word just didn't say anything that's going to kill to about whether whatever it was and didn't say you were why I don't know maybe I felt guilty maybe I thought I should have stopped it but I didn't really realize what's happening until it was all over and so when I said do you feel as if you've been. Unjustifiably examined intimately by adult do you think you've been effectively sexually assaulted by a doctor at some point in your life may have been a long time ago the lines did begin to light up I thought maybe they would the number is 080-731-2008 means show you have various things Number one you don't have to give your real name it's not about that at all neither do you have to say where in London you are also nothing to do that number 2 you don't have to give your daughter anything about the doctor's name of course you don't have to do that either it's just to see whether many of us when faced with a doctor who's on nippers and doctor knows everything we know nothing we're nervous and scared because that's why we're at the doctor because we're worried we might not be well and the doctor says let me just do this to you in this to you not to you we say we don't we don't even say yes or no we just we just we just. It happened and I wonder whether that's that's happened to you would guarantee that those people are talking to you on the phone we've got lovely Chloe lovely rosy that those charming they really are nice people they'll be gentle and kind and understand and then you'll end up on the radio don't worry about your name or anything like that it's not about outing you it's just to see you know whether this goes on whether you think it still goes on how it happened to you whether you did complain afterwards what happened next so we're talking about doctors subjecting patients usually female sometimes male to totally inappropriate in invasive examinations of a sexual nature when of course that's absolutely not their remit it's a crime the not meant to be doing it I wonder how many of them got away with a whole career of doing 808-073-1200 extension 0 is the number and your calls on that coming up after the sport with Matthew Schofield. Was the until. You can see me coming to a meeting against Tottenham plus updates from other London sides in action on digital radio t.v. On the b.b.c. Sports up from 7 c.b.c. Radio in London schools found let's cross straight to Germany where Nick Goldwyn will be your commentator for Tottenham's final group game in the Champions League tonight Nic good morning to you both Spurs and their opponents by Munich have already qualified for the knockout stages so chose a Marine you're planning to rest several key players yes intriguingly Good morning Matthew by Munich lookers are they going to go very strong for this game even though they won the group and I qualify whereas Tottenham are going to rest some of their big hitters Harry k. In Delhi alley those types of players some of them have been left at home so it's not a charity for the sort of the lesser lights the likes of Ryan sesame on to prove why he should be a big part of Joe say merinos plans going forward really so much change team I think whereas by Munich I think we're going to pick all the big players or mind of the game between these 2 earlier this season and in 72 to buy Munich If you off lying out this morning oh. I will just remind you of this it is bitterly bitterly cold in southern Germany or I will wrap up warm then live in Munich tonight with full commentary on digital radio and 30 t.v. From 730 on 94.9 f.m. Drive time continues until 8 then it's the scene which you can also hear on b.b.c. Sounds Manchester City who also qualify for the last 16 or away to Dinamo Zagreb tonight Chelsea are now through to the last 16 but unlike Spurs and Man City they needed to win their final group game to qualify which they did to one the final result against Leo at Stamford Bridge and striker Tommy Abraham who scored his 13th goal of the season believes the Blues could go all the way you know you're going to beg for me is to go off and says it in a fair way that you know it is a big 0 area areas of our game and if you're going to go in Liverpool are also through to the last 16 after they beat Salzburg 2 nil in the Championship it's now 6 in a row for Millwall thanks to their $21.00 win at Bristol City but Charlton lost after Huddersfield scored a 92nd minute winner at the valley and Fullam now 10 points off the automatic playoff spots after they lost to want to Preston a 2nd defeat in a week 2 more of our Championship sides are in action tonight Bradford play Cardiff a Griffin Park with just one point separating them in the table Cardiff now managed by the former Millwall boss Neil Harris and Queens Park Rangers had to Birmingham looking to build on an impressive win over Preston at the weekend. Digital Radio 94.9 f.m. And on b.b.c. Sounds. This b.b.c. Radio London good lesson. To say your calls on no one is to have you think abused you will or touched you inappropriately or sexually assaulted you all coming in they are beginning to come into says I thought they might please do give me a quote about this one do not feel that you have to give your name or anything like that you certainly do not it's just about to get the picture paint a picture and to empower mostly women and the Cape and men who have also been abused or salted in that way just to empower women just to say what maybe we could do or should do or what you didn't do or how it happened say that you can kind of detect it if it might be had been for fend happening to you so that's what we're talking about now what if I told you lovely listener the property law has become the new rock'n'roll I don't suppose you believe me would you well a father and daughter a barrister do you are on a mission to make property law the new couple karaoke by starting their own version don't incite the Q c and his daughter Miriam but a novel spin on this get started by James Corden on a chat show in the us renaming it carpool case law they join me here in the studio right now but 1st of all let's listen to a moment from the 1st episode where things didn't exactly go to plan. To go back to . The streets just anxious to. Help people revert this crazy history. Well that is the father and. Marian join me in the studio now so you're a palpable hit a huge success how did all this still to offer. This is my at it. This is my dad's I did Ok so we live in the same area of London and we walk ins. Yes So we. Travel in together quite well sometimes in the car so often discussing all cases back and forth all cases we've seen and we thought why not put the camera on and it's just had a very unexpected huge reaction so this is all you're full of is entirely my fault you know I mean I think I actually really like the idea of making law accessible to people yes complex but you know so it's brags that people are expected to understand and lore effects their lives actually in a much more direct way you understand breaks in my God I'm not letting you out of the studio I'm going to lock you in until you've explained it so that everybody understand if you really think that people are expected to understand this I'm I'm incredulous shocked to the core and if you really think the law is accessible most people can understand that that's almost quite mystifying to me but we're going to it's got to be explained simple and clear way just like you've been talking about the doctors today yes doctors got to explain what's wrong with you in a simple and clear way and so have lawyers got to explain what's happening in a simple and plain way and one of the things we're trying to do is to make it easy for normal people to understand how it's going to affect their lives some people think it's in the interests of lawyers to keep matters Arcadian and to obfuscate to the point where nobody understands anything except lawyers and that's why we have to pay you said legs of dust we haven't really got every time we're in trouble because we don't understand it and you do isn't that it that's all far too old fashioned Is it really I mean so give us an example of a case that you have chosen to discuss and to film yourselves discussing and the one that has captured public imagination and 1st kind of put you on the map so there's only been 2 episodes right on. It's only season one. But both that chose to do kind of issues which do relate to real people who lives in the 1st episode was about attempts of redevelopment of kind of retail space right there which is a big issue in the high score 10 days into accommodation usually a combination you get with so we were discussing a case where the landlord was saying we want to redevelop this and then each show that's got the tenant out yes that's going to. The real life issue that people can see on the High Street that happen and what is the story with the father daughter relationship because you're to magine that there's seniority in one department head that one is there the Junior League the other is the dad who is older I'm really wiser and might be the boss of everything and how that works out the family dynamic as well as the legal dynamic in the discussions the family dynamics the opposite to the way I was wanted it to be I thought that I would end up in as a cynical middle aged man and that she would be idealistic Yes exactly the opposite right around my day listicle I want to explain things to people and to change the world yes and she's a die hard cynic who thinks everything is a waste of time that's so interesting it is that because you were raised to wrongly somehow there was some kind of mistake in the upbringing Well she's rebelling against my idealism certainly in the case and all your tremendously proud of I mean it must be a wonderful thing to be discussing matters of that with your daughter and to feel that she's a formidable foe and kind of you know Socratic dialogue opponent how great solution she's going to achieve everything that I haven't achieved and more what you wanted to achieve what haven't you achieved. A few existential questions for you it's what time is 845 and 32 seconds what did you want when you. Shall end up in the Supreme Court and she'll give her judgments in the Supreme Court while driving a car up a really nice car but not not not not when she doesn't have to so we don't want to we don't to driving in every single day because that's a distinctly environmentally unfriendly also sure but only when the signal failure at Camden as there is this morning I understand when she bundles to count I do for you just get a tandem the 2 of you and then you have 0 carbon footprint you'll be exercising at the same time people love it very televisual as well I don't get the bundle of on the bike and also I I think I'd end up doing all the pedaling and so I mean what is the future for you Jonathan Miriam in terms of your broadcasting Bret and reach and everything else I think special guests is the next step we're going to we need someone in the back of the car and they will want to invoke asked lawyers of great renown or late laypeople who might add something else to the made this is a call out rule senior judges to. Get in the back of our car yet we're looking for special guests really does exist tell me how people can find you where they can get hold of this so it's been posted on Linked In on both of all profiles on our websites and it's on You Tube and the pit in the Evening Standard Time this week concretely Well do you realize anybody 2nd still James Corden this is an invitation you're flying out to l.a. To do if you book us I don't think that you know he's that you thought Choice Yes Ok next guest for him and then Michelle Obama it's going from strength to strength thank you so much for coming in I've usually enjoyed meeting you watch out for them don't miss it and it's called carpool caisson or if you fancy having a gander and having it look thank you very much indeed lovely listener will be straight back with you after the travel. The a to respond just after the m $25.00 1st so the Dow since the change one lane now finally opened after being blocked for most of the rush hour this morning long delays only a 2 heading towards can't from that done. Plus the m $25.00 and the surrounding area looking very busy at Tottenham the a 10 the vamp wave remains blocked near to Henning and though because of a collision and the a 3 there is slow southbound this morning approaching the toll with junction after a collision also the a 3 all around the m $25.00 c. a Junction 10 round about looking very busy after a collision anyone on the overground there's no service Clapham Junction to Wilston junction in severe delays on the northern line there's more travel just after 9 b.b.c. Radio London tomorrow December the 12th is judgment day for Our Political Party and Friday the 13th could be off for a story for Sunday morning Duncan box. Together with Jason rolls I'm through the night and early morning find out who won who survived and who are the outcasts as a result of the Clare trust London I'm writing to make sure no and see results not from 10 to 12. It could be worth losing sleep over b.b.c. Radio London and we're talking about invasive or inappropriate examinations that's in inverted commas it's really a sexual assault by doctors and I'm asking whether it's happened to you and I'm asking whether it was an awfully long time ago maybe you were young naive you weren't sure you went sophisticated you went across that why should you be your doctor you're the patient you're not supposed to know what the right thing is to do see you but maybe you just felt off to it or even during this isn't necessary This isn't right this isn't professional I didn't need to be looked at like this or handled like this or touched in this place oh my God it's a sexual assault and I wonder what you did about it if you're like me nothing whatsoever and my parents were there they were just outside in the waiting room I was 19 I remember it so clearly it all came flooding back to me this morning when we took cover this story that's why I suddenly thought if it's me I bet it's loads and loads of people I bet it is and the lines have lit up on the subject if you want to call us you will get through the numbers 080731. 287-312-0023 phone number you talk very briefly to our 2 charming female researches there just to be very brief you don't have to give your real name and you can just say what happened and what the ramifications were if any at all maybe they would just be you maybe you were fairly and actually traumatized by it let's talk to a lady we're going to call Susan she's on the line thank you very much for calling Good morning to you time for NASA Hello said it all came flooding back just like it did to me today yeah actually. A little bit similar with regards to the age of 48 you know and you know this happens when I was 18 or so you know for sure yeah yeah. So I just wanted to share this with you because. I don't like the idea of the sky saying I didn't touch the sky so I let these things don't happen when I To Yeah I thought all that was known to me that's when you're the chairman family doctor says yeah and he said You never a very very few bad apples very few and I said I wonder if they're off you're not sure about that and so we said what would happen what would you actually what was the ailment that you presented with what was the matter with you I think I have to call governor in the 1st. One 1st. Went to the doctor I think I was registering and when I was going to limit I had a little cold. And spell he said I notice that you haven't had a smear test Now if only I'd say yes. I've never really never really. I didn't really know about and speak oil as Yes I said No I haven't had one but I think we should get the one now. And so I like. Having had many since I know how they're supposed to be done now yeah but they are made to roll over to one side and he did the smell test from behind. That. Seemed to be examination I went out to the receptionist I got if I were slipping she said to me you hadn't made a test on true and I said No I. She colored by sniper I will look for her colleagues who are less gone and I didn't really talk about it because I didn't know. About anything serious when she said that when she said you didn't book a space made it did you and you remember the look that she gave her call Yeah you know it was all very easy to say you know I know one another one and there was another beautiful young student another needed paid to be gratuitously partners Smith did you then think oh gosh I wonder if it was real I wonder if I needed it or did you take your while for the penny to drop it took a while only but not too long because he would surely this makes talked about how noble I said. But always those were those people working men might be. Brought to light now I know that that really shows that you were right to think it was yet to Rome and I spoke to a friend later on after this it all come out yes and she said when she she comes to him she told he answered he was she was a girl. She said yes and she said he touched virgin in cuts through the. Screen and we kind of know because we just so it was particular. Really was yet for a and powerful really yes a great thing as a doctor or a doctor mask reality but I mean gosh how awful and when you talked about it to your friend I bet that was a good thing because you might be getting tired of yourself you know I went out and I felt like it's not just me. I told my so your husband now my boyfriend and I told him what happened. So I did speak about it and I didn't turn to anyone else after that it was only this morning well yesterday when I saw the new bomb and you know. So how many comes flooding back does. That mean such an unequal relationship isn't it if the doc says stand on one leg you stand on one leg there's a 1000000000. Dollar 99 you say are 99 you have to have a discussion about everything they don't draw ask you to do and ask why am I doing this and why are you doing that you say it's absolutely a relationship of trust but when it's abused it's horrible thinking about it now do you feel I mean do you think that it it had a more lasting effect on you than just that day and just thinking oh that wasn't right I think every time I have a Smith I think it comes flooding back. To you know how. Stupid thank goodness they had this thing where you blame yourself it wasn't. Cool so how do you that you didn't know what it was meant to be like you never had a smear test how would you know that it was wrong when I took it to logically in my head very not only. Don't you don't you feel that because obviously this guy especially the fact that he was dismissed nobody had been a perpetrator of that kind of. To say many patients I mean no way responsible for that machine and so on and I'm so sorry that all these years later that was the feeling that that came up but I feel exactly the same as I got Why didn't I tell my parents they literally waiting for me because I was at university and same for the vacation I wasn't well I had something that like glandular fever possibly ganja if you already wasn't very well they worried about me and could I go back to you know as to not know what was the matter and so they were both waiting outside the you know in the waiting room when I came out I never said a word not a word. And also in the best face kind of all dusty from tree of somebody of a doctor to do that with the parents that you know when I wasn't on my own I didn't wander in by myself not at all the opposite said the words no one but why I know this why did. Why but no it only. You know he was no. Interest. Well especially back then I was only I see yes I was 19 he was you don't he was the same age as my dad I don't know why you think I just didn't I suppose I don't invite I don't know I just didn't I just didn't think I didn't I didn't want to think you could I suppose because it was the doctor and also now I suppose when I think about it if I'd said to my mum and dad as I came out you know it was just it to me that he would probably had they said Nina said Oh well I did it for this reason and that reason I'm sure he would have had an aunt so wouldn't have some clue and would have just said Yeah you know it was yes I mean often as it was happening I was thinking well what's going on and I know I did I knew it was wrong of course but I didn't stop it just as you did you know that thank you for calling Listen lots of love to you very best wishes Let's talk to Jane and hope to hide Jane mourning. Very well thank you so you had an experience with a don't know if. I went back because probably early twenty's I get on a woman of a similar age as well yeah but I have suffered some blackout after a break in of my father and so basically I was sent down to a hospital in London to have the right scans and find out why this is happening yeah McCullum story show you know that it is under investigation and then I had to have a appointment with the consultant and one of the plane instead of to one of these guys because I wouldn't stay in a young that was his ninety's under star they. Said Well I can now I'm going to see you today I. Put on the couch and trustable My Space and all of this and that up and then he just started he said Oh why did you take off your top id checked my breasts yeah touch them and then he said can you joke on the spot. And they. Didn't just and then the said so I'm scared they're not still not knowing what really was going on with my Yeah I did what the doctor told me today. I'm stealing and I believed in the don't you know what don't they want to get so you know you do what the doctor said that he was having a dinner party about 6 months I haven't but friends that are how you doing how did . You know you better now and I'm like yeah I know it's sort of it's just so stressed Elaine also comes out and said there had been the not so talked about disappointment and I thought oh yeah I've done this and you know this is what they were and then I sort of set about him off to set my pump up and then I. You know that's not right right you know you know he said you know he just did it just because I just had my whole belief in the doctor Yes you know and it's only all stewards and I still like how stupid like Carol stupid but it isn't it may feel healthy blame it on it was a you you want the puppet you want the person breaking the law or you want the person riding roughshod over patient you would have to mean it was for I would I have to get my dog because we're running out of time this hour coming up on the program more of your calls I know it's a delicate subject we're talking about the invasive examinations the perpetrated by don't. That's what we're talking about this morning. And and what else is I'm going to take your calls we don't have to use your real name 87312000 is the number we will talk anonymously about this of course but I think it's important to get the story out that is off the news the travel and the weather at 9 o'clock. Coming up on the on the station today on b.b.c. Radio London the Gyles Brandreth explains why the gift of words is the perfect Christmas present and on the scene later tonight Judy love will have live music from the hour she's broken pen Still to come on the breakfast show as I've just been saying we're talking about this delicate subject of don't just this is in the light of an east London g.p. Who tricked his patients into having intimate examinations so I'm taking your calls and when you have felt that it don't you has gone way past the professional when you feel that you've been assaulted by a doctor or totally wrongly Sam and the schools on this all see very distressing so right here on the field point 9 f.m. And all b.b.c. Sounds. Isn't on the. News b.b.c. Radio. Music 99 Matthew Schofield women who were molested by a family doctor in Romford say he preyed on my fears about cancer to carry out unnecessary into much examinations for his own gratification. So many people. Fear. And just to complain advantage Manish will be sentenced in February for molesting 23 female patients at the Morny Medical Center but the chairman of the Family Doctors Association p to Sweyn Yard has told Vanessa patients shouldn't worry about their g.p. What a desperately terrible abuse of trust this whole case it isn't every barrel has the old rotten apple in it by his actions he demeans all of us who work in general practice and to day in day out carry out corrects proper and legitimate intimate examinations of our patients for their benefit with less than 24 hours to go now until the polls open Boris Johnson says the election couldn't be tighter and he's fighting for every vote this could not be more critical he could not be tighter I just say to everybody the risk is very real that we could tomorrow be going into a number on the trip or did he want to lay out we got forward we've got a fantastic agenda this country let's get this thing done the B.B.C.'s opinion poll tracker suggests the conservatives retain a solid lead over labor and You Gov's latest poll of 100000 voters is predicting the Tories will win a majority of 28 seats but that's far fewer than the last projection 2 weeks ago for labor John McDonnell says his party's tried to have an honest campaign with a message of hope but has been overshadowed by fake news lies and smears and he's accused the Tories of dirty tricks not seen before in British politics I just wish we could have a. The conserves has been almost with us I just wish we hadn't been in this gutter politics fake websites lawyers and smears the authorities in New Zealand say it's still too dangerous to recover the bodies of the people who died when a volcano erupted at the weekend for kind of activity has been increasing on White Island an expert's have warned there is a high risk of another eruption in there is a very trusted doctor in Rome for it and you know the kind of doctor that you trust a family g.p. I wanted this don't to do his name is Manish Shaw and he has been found guilty of tricking his patients into having intimate and invasive examinations he was praying on the concerns that they might have cancer and he was citing Angelina Jolie and Jade Goody 2 I suppose prompt them and to make them feel nervous and worried so that these patients would agree to have these examinations that it turns out were entirely unnecessary and effectively he was preying upon them sexually or sexually assaulting them under the guise of being a doctor who was caring for them as it's funny really because it because the was it people and it it's women primarily identified me calls from men who've been abused by doctors not so far but if you would please feel free to cooling we understand that happens to everybody we know that say if you if you're a man and you were abused by doctors actually if you had an unnecessary intimate examination or something of that kind please do feel free to call and certainly we're not giving names if you don't want to or anything like that so it's not about who you are it's about what happened that's the point and as I was covering this story this morning an instant came for lodging that to my own memory of my own experience and I remember it so so so so clearly and you might say the peculiar thing about it was that my parents both of them my mum and dad had taken me to this doctor a specialist in Harley Street because I was in the vacation from Cambridge say the you know the summer holidays I was meant to go back to university and I really really wasn't well I had some kind of virus I think that's what they found it was to be in the end a bit like glandular fever that sort of thing. Well I was burning hot freezing cold shivering lying in bed all the time couldn't get up you know that kind of thing and they take me to the g.p. And I don't know if they take me to a couple of other specialists I don't know but in the end they took me to one particular specialist and I remember the whole thing say please please I know exactly what happened he took my parents they came in with me to the consulting room then he said if you just leave I'm going to examine the Nesa and there were and what ensued was a particularly actually brutal really.