To talk it's male dominated culture is a hitch or director employment lawyer it's important for employers to suss out what the boundaries are issue a communication before the costs it because it is about extension of the what place so they feel chords behave as a. Behavior needs to continue into the evening and in sports in the evenings football mobile home to Nottingham Forest the visitors came from behind to late to one but the Lions earned a point with an injury time equaliser from substitute it no Brian London's weather winds are easing and any showers will gradually fade to leave a mostly dry night with clear spells tomorrow breezy but dry for much of the day with a mixture of sunny spells and cloud with temperature of 11 degrees Celsius 52 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio London it's 3 minutes past midnight on digital radio 94.9 f.m. And on b.b.c. Sounds this is longer than the b.b.c. Radio and Sonny and Cher a very good morning it is Sonny and Cher here on b.b.c. Radio London we're here with you tonight until 2 o'clock this still a lot to come on the show so if you plan to give us a call 87312000 we are taking your calls on the leaders debate also off to one of course we've got the good news out to come straight off this we're going to get final thoughts and stories with our paper of you know James that can talk a little bit more I think about to talk as well. As my. a pride and he gets back and they do it but the song is called life and life and all that was like from. The album was yeah I thought you were and you'd be a freak I had all day would I would let myself that I was Ok the 1st time I put you on the spot if you did right you know the artist right I've got that right off the top Yeah later or I can come apart. And now you change it in 7 minutes past 12 Sonny and shy he would be tonight until 2 o'clock if you've just tuned in this well big thanks to James asking for staying with us he's all pay per view it's not been discussing in delving into his stories of which by the way feed lots of details for him to James asking on Twitter and you can get all the information now. You want to put extinction rebellion on to the agenda you want to do say that how important they were to this year's conversation. About Global Warming and also you defend most of their tongues most of their actions but nothing criminal yet you know you don't support that element of it but they are part of the same brush Ok Yes Jenny from Hay not who we haven't spoke to in a while want to speak to you tonight. Hi How are you going to Jenny. She is very well for us to take it she's doing a lot better thank you Jenny she had quite a temperature last week I think there's been a very bad virus going around but she's a trooper she's doing well so thank you for asking. Yeah. That was a teething at that time is just part of things that we're learning every day we think we have to with amazing time with her and then the only time we have a you know feel that life is good disrupted when she's in pain and then we feel the pain more than her because you can't take it away from a. Yeah you can understand whatever the pain is there anything that will go for a child to tell us about. This earth and I have to take issue with it because I'm not so happy with what is said about a r I think there is a criminal and I and I really am quite angry about them all in the summer my husband had to have an emergency trip to St Thomas' where we are still on my. And when he got. In from Sicily trying amazing I didn't even have to why because I was so he has a condition the lack such a great it was not so it was it was really bad and very serious. Lycidas And 2nd how I. Couldn't even if you didn't drive or even get an ambulance you can get out of Westminster Bridge one Tom everybody thought was booked Knoblauch just thought and Mr Erskine Not that I feel whether an air ambulance in the West and not only lands on one spot and not that 19th century circus was that's why it's called a circus and that is the only place they can because the place will get everybody out of the wire and all the traffic if it's a serious accident and not an eye as you probably don't know if you can I'm surprised it's a polka journalist that we haven't noticed how many changes happened suddenly and now if there's a road accident all of the high society. The country the climate we live in at the moment a tax payer starting good vanishing or. A are far as I'm concerned all personally are just you know a lot of expression if you are my sunshine now you can tell it like Nicholas what Jenny one moment here because we appreciate completely that and I said sadly I journey to be a lot of people who feel. Jambs Well yes it was to what Jenny's that's a real event in view life when some was affected directly by their actions so this is where perhaps mild human gets a little shy Jenny obviously when they causing disruptions real lawyer starts having a detrimental effect to anybody it's not something I can contend it's not something that I can see the stopping the Arab Guillen's landing I hey. I do think however that finding new innovative ways to communicate a message to us Londoners is vital because. I don't think Bob Geldof's got through I don't think Al goes through I think to a point Gretchen has got 3 children but what's what are we doing Johnny what what's going to change our minds on Thursday that aside. Having said. No So my question is people you know you and Sunny said I could decide maybe syllables out of a total month off the stick and I could also see the tension. Especially at the time. Because I have been a faithful do not so don't look like you know Johnny I thought you were going by saying a guy on an island won't feel. The cut will chime do something we can conclude that he'll be out and face but you know they face people that aren't serious will have the same pace a sequence span so that Johnson That's it he cried take it all and I don't I don't and so they gave something about it there's no need to so stand on public shoot trying I mean that is just asking for trouble Thank you think places forgive me. I think it might be 2 things here because one is extinction rebellion are there is the point I made earlier is there's no central control so lots of people are calling themselves extinction rebellion and they trying for change that we've all seen or get where it was is yet was deplorable and you don't need that on your way to work but what I would argue is that those that still do have control of extinction rebellion fighting a good fight than the ones that are making protests where they have thought about the facts and they have protested so the bricks in 3 central London was really well organized protest there was a great protest and it spike a really really important message and things like that public action not public disobedience that's the sort of thing has to happen and the only way you're going to get cut through is by doing it in a different Why so it would do then you to rebrand this wing of the people that you respect and the ones who are actually doing in the right way so they can to get away from what Jenny's troublemakers beavering got no time for work and and disrupting and actually putting lives at risk so that they can't be associate with the same people so that they be a clear distinction that Ok We're not those people we are head so we are you know the only thing I take issue in your summary with Sunny is the word disrupting because actually people talk about disruptions in industry people talk about. Well it was in their lives I drew a protest and therefore you can't take your husband or you can't spend the final hours. Of your father's life in this on this planet and you are stuck behind a protest which is not organized you don't know when is going to be over you don't know how it's going to be and if there is if there is a route around you know like Jenny said they research and routes that are planned when you are protesting so that there might be services can still provide services they couldn't during the course of those one week I completely agree with everything you just said that the only thing is that she thing to disrupt life as in real life is in getting to work because in buying something from Top Shop on Jerry had to take a husband. That Israel life yeah I'm saying let's not just dropped emergency services right let's just. Buy newspaper let's just say other thing let's just just fine and completely pre-show James you're giving your thoughts he's not representing extinction in Berlin you know not. If you don't mind and sorry Jenin this on not a journalist I'm no I'm on the on the guest terribly Now let's talk about the news initially this is my opinion and it's kind of through the prism of marketing social media p.r. All of that yes fan he's a businessman as well but Jenny I want to ask you Was there a I do know. About $900.00 I know it's going to. Cost Yeah. Yeah yeah I mean Jenny I want to ask you quick just a quick final question actually if I can just I just I mean yeah yeah just to ensure. Think that oh well but still obviously very well I got to know how she can make a career. And I'm sorry I still get back to the fact that you and sunny sky and I and my house that was. Good about. So what do you have to say about the so-called face of. Extinction rebellion I think we will see move faces of extinction rebellion and I think some of the people at the top of extinction rebellion have got respectable jobs Yeah I think to be fair Jenny I think what you are saying is extinction rebellion need to be more logistic Yes I need to behave themselves they need to get better and then I think we're completely along and I had I leave it right because I think you've made Thank you John you seem poised. And appreciate the mistakes of the trial. Day on the Thursday thank you for having. Me You know it's difficult for the current look at the post. We have received the other cars that you have to. Wait. That we could have actually said thank you yeah we've received. You know. Every I know thank you Jenny really appreciate it you would cry out for a show that you take care take care now if I'd like to give us your thoughts not over 807312000 we're going to get final thoughts from James on the other stories that he wanted to discuss but you could tell Jenny's really passionate she's really annoyed by extinction rebellion actually says when anything to do with the feedlots tell us your thoughts about 807312000. That was that Rita Ora b.b.c. Radio London very good morning it's 1221 Sonny and Cher he tonight in till 2 o'clock big thanks again to all paper if it's staying with us this evening we have James again he is a businessman entrepreneur a podcast and also a managing director of Rock it he can get further details for him on James askin And also you can just head to his website we all rocket to Kerry and James quickly for your court costs how can people get out of your part cos then you know what would be covering your pockets nice of you to us it's called Rocket Fuel Yeah and we broke it the business is looking to reach young people and I always say commission research to find out what young people think Rocket Fuel is a podcast where we talk to anybody that's affected youth culture loud youth monk sing to ask them for some insights into how they've changed by some so we've had the black run snapshot in the United Kingdom we've had somebody from Global Action Plan an environmental charity Well we've got an artist coming up we've had a behavioral economist school Rory Sutherland I'm going to have a pair radio present to see that we get out yeah yeah really yeah I know of creative field fun so fulfilling because I've just learned I'm going down wind so far in some of the conversations that you had reason to be Jules was the thread that they all have in common because it's just like you guys don't like sleeping so that's why I do what you do they. And once you are in a safe space you're thinking I'm too safe let me just gone reinvest everything and risk again disrupt something I get home and you have to strike next Yeah that's. The device is about that how we define Disrupt is actually understood by say if it is common things with the guest some rocket fuel is being tough because some are entrepreneurs some yes big corporation of course where the commonality comes from is some of the things they've said about how they mobilize children and you feel what Ian says broadly 2 things one don't patronize them good and true. Involve them in the process so I speak to the founder of fun kids radio if I'm allowed to mention I am station on hand radio station for children and his thing is we don't do anything fattish because they'll see that but we want to involve them in the sorts of things that we make with Snap Chat Les involved create a community that might cleanses for them might different things for them so that's one thing that I found really interesting the lady from Global Action Plan was very much talking about how you can't use scary language when talking to children of a primary school age was a really fascinating stuff wow offing kids you know that as much as Sunny I completely love the read the medium of radiate there is a real connection isn't there with protocols at the moment it's the real the only is now I mean radio is the only way we used to consume and have that conversation and you can feel part of the conversation like we do here on b.b.c. Radio London but podcast you go on anytime anywhere at your leisure I think it's less true of the show and other shows on b.b.c. London but broadly people listen to radio. People here right listen to podcasts and it's the active engagement I mean we've tried to keep the rocket fuel polkas sure for now it's 40 minutes depending on how much the guest talks but. At the minute we're any getting. 3 or 400 people listen to each episode but that's fine that's yeah because it's all gonna growth isn't exactly to be the organic growth of that accurately and that's what's great about podcasts at the moment if one takes up it just kind of builds momentum and yeah I know guys and guys definitely. Just before we let you guys I will keep it a bit longer but you had to find you had a couple stories didn't you were trying to do one guy with I've got one final story and there is a big boxing match tomorrow night on here I'm not so huge boxing fight and all that I think Sonny early on I told him off on of that distract Yeah I don't think it was no not that I don't like boxing I'm just not massively in sweat but I do know that and sneak Joe sure is fighting here and Sonny Joe sure should win because he lost it in the present you know saying he was supposed to win the last time with it was a no brainer right we can't write anything off but actually it's not the fights I was really kings talk about Ok it's where the fight is Ok and some are night it's in Saudi Arabia. And it's a fascinating tell it costs me hearing even b.b.c. Correspondents talk about that they had to cover the fight because it's in Saudi Arabia would they choose to go to a country like Saudi Arabia there's also thing my 7 year old son Fred probably too young a little bit of World Wrestling Entertainment and they now do touche huge events in Saudi Arabia every year and when I'm watching it yeah I'm shocked Bali I'll be honest I'll come out and say the word the propaganda so the World Wrestling Entertainment people say where hair from the progressive city of Jeddah they. Said the Saudi Arabian or forty's or investing so much money to position their country as forward thinking as a future gazing I just wonder can a country rehabilitate itself what is the moral dilemma will we'll be going on holiday to Saudi Arabia and Turkey is sharing. Everybody our face has an artichoke account kind of like to buy a bra you know it's just fascinated by an entire country changing what it's trying to be about but whether that's true or not but have we not seen country change like this before you mentioned it is not the body and what's wrong with a country trying to you know you show that we are now in a comfortable position that week are looking to open up and we are looking to change in certain ways it shapes and forms but there is not going to be change overnight I mean we have conversations in this country all the time about our leaders and our our you know our parties that are dealing with Islamophobia and also to do with the Jewish community and so when you when you see all of these things that are happening in this country and yet we have got the family at the same time we are inviting people who say look at us we're brilliant So you see your point is a really good one of the sound here a b. An oath or spending money on western sports and big events to drive that progressive change that would be what they would say I would argue with some of the human rights cases yes journalist case 3 years ago that women have been able to drive out there I think 2 years yes something like that yes not so well they slowly catching up Ristal my own What's wrong with the if we if we look a like this who are they catching up to who do they have to prove themselves to what's to say this standard or what they believe in what's right for their of their citizens works for them yeah and what works for us and our citizens works for us for example I mean like I mean you're saying that you know they're changing for the better but for who I mean we had a conversation here right now about the n.h.s. At 3 we pay for the n.h.s. And we want that not to be lost but at some point we have to have that conversation where it might get privatized so would we ever talked about this 20 years ago. No it wouldn't just been happening but they might be thinking you are charging people to heal other people we've got that for free we give people free electricity because we can afford as a country to do that so when we look at how we judge the other countries and their coaches at what point do we take off this gloss Yeah glosses that we think oh no this is the moral way of doing it I had that like to hear that it's a really good point so the best quote I was catching up with. Yeah I completely get that and I get the name I think human rights thing is probably the warm climate of fly in the ointment isn't it they do need to rebut them where if we look at their human rights and then we look at what happened with America and then they bring in extreme torture or extreme advance was it called advanced. Interrogation yet show so when we look at a moral ground what country do we then use and say oh hold on it's Ok when they do it but it's not Ok when they do it but it's not Ok for stop anyone does it so as right those then the question becomes is investing in sporting occasions on things like that the right way to communicate their message to an audience like cause all is a cynical attempt to say that they are changing it do you not see that in those said countries we had the Olympics here and before the Olympics game here nobody wanted the Olympics and soon as the flame came on to our shores everyone got behind the flame and you know we have really got to go with both and there's a lot about us for that Mandela part of the country together and then also we had the World Cup also reeling in Russia and Russia has its own human rights problems you know what really dull can really amazing facts about the Olympic games go on have to hold it because it's not our USA for anyone who wants this docking amazing fact is going to keep listening to the show oh I'm so evil I'm making you wait Ok in sin you will get behind it because the j. Is right it's that 12 that he lets get the needs headlines now a call of duty. In London's headlines. A 14 year old boy has been taken to hospital after being stabbed and Haro place were called to reports of a fight near side Haro underground station at about 3 30 pm on Friday and find a teenager with stop injuries in North old road police have confirmed the boy's injuries are not life threatening no arrests have been made so far and police inquiries continue the leader of the 2 main political parties have clashed in front of a studio audience in canned in the final debate of the election campaign Jeremy Corbyn said Labor would and austerity and boost living standards if it came to power and he repeated his promise to negotiate a new Bracks a deal put it to the people the prime minister warned that there was a risk of a hung parliament if voters did not choose the Tories and he insisted that his breakfast deal would like the u.k. To improve trade and control immigration the m 25 has been closed in both directions after Korean overturned on both carriageways junction 27 in Essex Police say no one's been seriously hurt but they expect the road to be closed for several more hours and in sport in this evening's a football mill will agree to nil at home to Nottingham Forest the visitors came from behind to lead to one but the Lions earned a point with an injury time equaliser from substitute O'Brian London's weather winds are gradually easing and showers are starting to fade to leave a mostly dry night Saturday breezy but dry for much of the day with a mixture of sunny spells and clouds and a maximum temperature of 11 degrees Celsius $52.00 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio London you're next up to one b.b.c. It's Rio by Duran Duran on b.b.c. Radio London Mo great music to get through the night if you would like to gamble with a conversation the numbers 080-731-2000 stories on the board but also if you manage to see the leaders' debate today were you impressed has it change your mind or are you in the same place or did you avoid it like the plague you can get involved one triple story start the way that London Yeah absolutely we will still join buying going to get final thoughts from our paper via a big thanks to him for staying with us tonight James asking is in the studio he is managing director of we all rock it it's that well that's the website we have rocket docket Ek the name of the company is Rocky catchy listen to his podcast as well which isn't tied to rocket feel and he's an entrepreneur bought James before we take on it's cool which again is somebody for you on the story that you knew you would touch a net of me and you left us all hanging regarding the Olympics before we went to the ne so we were talking about propaganda and the way sport can be used to yet communicate a message and I was saying the Olympic Games I think there's nothing more effective than the torch relay Yeah I think it's really really good thing and when the it was the London Olympics it was really exciting and it would take you back among the buds Yeah the fight was going to be who 1st came up with that device with the torch without really you want to know so. You know you would say the Greeks right because they are the ones who are saying their fame comes from from the sun that it would burn and therefore we got the flame of the sun because effectively used a microphone Yeah a magnifying glass and you've got this the purest flame that you can find I would have presumed would have been this and yes I read very 1st Olympics I think it is yeah but it was and I forget what the year was but it was the Munich Olympics of the Nazi Olympics and it was then that came up with the idea as an entire country the non-theists certainly a today suddenly the nicest thing in the world has become incredibly dark so it's one. Thing I did not know if I agree with did they even know that it was going to unify so many people and go go against everything that they tried to make that flame a stand for truth maybe maybe oh yes we know what the flame but the mouth yeah yeah and let it shine the light on the darkness Yes well done because there is light that cannot be taught Sunday night games and I carry all of them got 10 if you are going to say that I don't want my stall with guns this is the thing. To read what is your time for a shadow on the light doesn't happen and I'm standing beside the Might not that I mean. What if it's got in touch on agenda tonight James about extinction ripping rebellion Alex what did you want to say this evening. Sun in Shanklin to be able to cast obvious into Jenny before and she always says well Palace Fuz but. I I work the land on a timely basis and there is a charming Oh it's hard to take over the world always goes through these. But listen we've never had so much use of fossil fuels coal. Mines burning all that. And I'm saying. We will have a change before long and it will go too far. If you remember the iconic film Blade Runner Yes well you're on your 3rd time give it away. Donate I think don't worry say nothing nothing you will get done give it about. Your can carry or study of their own sort of they're always walking around in the right yes they often are less likely that well with you know what the waiters who are reading the right all day long. Tramp or something very similar years of age he's not being fair when he sang he doesn't recognize global warming. Because the pendulum swings so so some but Alex I mean it all when you see this conversation in this chair you know and we've been talking about we had the 1st debate in any general election that I know of about global warming. With all the leaders there except for one do you think that that was something. To do with extinction rebellion because of some of the protests that they were part of. I think are think I think the argument so well some Ok you whether they are ought not to show but I'm a little bit concerned with the election get a bit more laws that we're not I'm not sure it's change I want this country to have is going to be same route so I'm older and here we go another I want to tell you I'll be talking about the change that you're looking for in the conversation around climate change will so to change your policy change what change are you more concerned about what is the priority for you. To put that to one side Ok climate China which policy track the poor Yes I'm let me let me come in just before you continue because I know James you wanted to add to the point on axis making math so all I was interested with with Alex Hello Alex by the way really is going to was with extinction rebellion a think climate change we can accept as fact is yes do you approve of the method. The climate change adopt and what other methods do you think have to would work good question I would say more faction that surely they should know a set of facts they simply historical why things are going. If they plan to enter now they're saying there's no climate change isn't just the way the world's going through this such a change in our power we have the our side well she expected but we never we came a person much for so clear and all our show like Alix level with me but have you seen will know when extinction rebellion have delayed your cheap train or go in the why of your bus ride on Westminster Bridge not so you understand what they're doing and you think they should keep doing it in the same way well the planks are stuck in a colon like the rest and it was probably wrong very thing our car ended up costing about 10000 pounds of persons arrest if you can because out right here right yeah. The prosecution is saying the whole idea in the police and you put all of that together for one person being arrested and it was it was actually cost you more than it did. The whole movement Yes well the pacing costs over those 2 weeks Rex divide that by the number of arrests is causing about 10000 persons arrests than one time through the courts but I mean let me come back to James's question regarding. You to spy as if I preach that you've mentioned the cost there ever of arrest except pain Tens of the disruption caused by extinction in Britain you support that is what you're saying. Well I worked out the reasons why they why they're doing it. By the reasons you know I reckon London is going to be under water so forth an interesting point the symbol Alex listen Frank if you called snipe always thanks for weighing in in the community can I say one word quickly about the election please do Ok right demoralized how the election's going Simoes same old and I'm going to cite us calm right who wins and you've got your mark coming up on a cycling law saying oh it's not the change I want the young people in this country Granger in our laws for a year for a year from ourselves kind of. Like a well you know as a high never say never asked Yeah well you know in a caring is your opinion I'm going to me like Ok thanks vehicle can I Alex will thank you next Friday and find out. As well thanks for your comments our eyes how lovely we are and. And we've thought you know obviously we can have the full election coverage for out the way and on Thursday here on b.b.c. Radio London Alex just telling us how he feels you can see you know his voice and the way he was expressing himself he is frustrated and I'm sure a lot of people are and if you do not want to talk about the election we have other things that we're talking about as well so the number is 807312000 we have a start be after the game on purpose because we started our late and I would guess has been very generous with his time he stuck around for you guy James we did the words the week which I was waiting to end on with the South because we wanted to of course also our listeners as well say I purposely have not told you what this ease but what does the word. Of influence mean to you. Oh now you're asking somebody that works in u.s. Markets are exactly what I thought the right person to also so what's funny is influence is being called up and the reason is I think a really good one they don't wake up in the middle of the night and thing I want to start influencing people telling them what today Yeah so it's a very kind of marketing term that says I think lots of people understand what people mean when we say influences that you would prefer creates has what do I think of when I hear influence of well balanced and persuasive argument. Ok We're going to put that out to our listeners if you can tell us what the word influence means to you please we'll define words very differently even in this the world politics that we live in you know particular was being misconstrued misconstrued all the time so what does that what influence mean to you I'm with James Thank you know we're we're going to see you in the New Year Now yes the next decade we wave goodbye to this decade and we'll see you in the next decade brilliant thank you so much for having me over at Georgia and I'm very jealous have a great time and of yeah yeah you know I left for the festive season I want to some is the day I push it in the fall before are you going to be joining about you don't do that out there that are put out there no Bob but you're going to enjoy some form of a barbecue in Australia also will have an arrest so that's the goal Yes Well you know what it's not if you can do it why not Thanks again for joining us today. If you would like favor details for James James us going on Twitter we've taken a picture with him that is on social media were asking you tonight what does the word influence mean 807312000 how about the bubble Paul McCartney and the wings oh amazing Ok Ok well you got one for jive. Oh. Please. Please. Song. Day on b.b.c. Radio and if you like the conversation tonight on any subject or if you would like to start a new one feel free to do so the number is 171-2000 is very much we'll show one of the things that we do. That we have this word for the weekend and Today's word is influence what does influence and that would mean to you who's influenced you in the past or you've influence other people do you find yourself as someone who is an influence. How do you phrase that and do they know that you're doing said thing numbers are 107312000 you can also e-mail Sunny b.b.c. Dot com but u.k. Ok straight to the core this is Tony in Enfield been very patient tonight thank you for waiting time to really appreciate Yes. Very interesting emperors who are influenced by the 'd by the press right media and that's why we think we are where we are and what the press and media influences you then all the made it out it doesn't influence me what I do I attack the media Ok because it's all coming from a right wing point of view 'd ordered me so where do you how do you attack them if if if From where do you get your falls from all of law and I ask a question just struck a read why read repaid why read write you know Jeremy Corwin's always a left wing what I mean the left wing extreme left wing a pointed to me how well people sound in your program and yes I like. Live in a 22 extremely Yeah I was out of it had to explain extreme left wing of course inference where if principle what we read. The right the right you know stations the newspapers it's all covered from a right wing point of view so when when when today's debate was how do you meant you may have watched you and do you think that people are putting words in Jeremy's mouth and or was he being too right wing for your liking we. Were not going to use that if you like this is right wing agenda I'm just trying to find out it was a or was it not I don't know you explain to me what you're trying to say to the arm of scientists say that I think he did very well Ok cool when they he will be attacked if he blows it knows are wrong. rightly 'd not Dani's harvest off fashion show your position and if you're the opposition you've been. Voted in in the opposition to 10 years of coyotes that was the 'd conservative come you've got my vote is the road sweeper the candlestick maker is deal position with desperate for Jeremy Colvin to be prime minister that's how I see it and when you look at well absent a health system without Mo police on the streets we've got crime aware of the place where the housing crosses the 10s of millions of children British children living in poverty and we took Well we just to extract a leftwing Conger mine around it were our ken so I know how inference we all saw the writing for us Can I ask you because you work in London right and when you are you know I guess. You know getting information from the press you asking the question but when you when you are talking to people Do you find that this change that you want and the struggles that you've highlighted in the show many a time over the couple of years that you know me and you have been speaking and she has speaking do you find that it does change and this now this vote or this change will come with this vote story on the 12th of December or do you think that we are still disenfranchised Well I I think the it's still with the smaller balances because it's not and said balance because of what I said when I get when I talk to people they say yes oh yes I thought it breaks you know and I say why. Or down to xenophobia it was old $2.00 I don't tell if you and I stood saw that polling station 3 years ago where people voted on the on on breaks it new says Can you give me I had to explain the Customs Union would know what you're talking about right have you read have you read the mastic treaty was that have you read the Treaty of Rome by over there and that was and that it was all down to followers we want to come maybe you think the immigration conversation took precedence over all the other aspects and the workings of how the union of relationships what's with what I did I I I did my own survey So yes you told me they all told me they are generous and will quit we are where we are I'm not the country's in absolute chaos so why would you and I don't want anyone have any negative. Attraction against Germany Colvin is talking about proper funded and I test every every hospital in a country the 'd shortage of nurses doctors don't get done over the margins of the weekend you could be dead on the Monday as a consultant so what if we if we look back. If we look at quickly Tony you know what's the outcome could be on. December the 12th do you think that we're going to see that change or are we going to see you know. The complete opposite of what you're expecting from from what's going to happen. I believe that Jeremy called the skin a bit next parliament Ok I do not believe that 'd the British people was so. Dumb founded if you like in their. Condition that it doesn't and that they know the negative they know that the housing 3rd of all British children already aged $25.00 believe that parents can afford to rent they can afford to buy when the 23rd Do you think this election had didn't have the bricks in question it would have been easy for Jeremy to do it do you think that would have made it I guess more. I guess less controversial for him to be the stance that he's taking at the moment because the Bracks is definitely part of this vote and with his stances that he's seeing on the fence it seems to be so right hindering his I guess. His his compensation what contact that I think he's right is not sitting on the fence he says that look at this and with that 3 years now we know Bracks said today you have to die that we did 3 years ago that's been democratic to have put it back to the people and say They all this is just like saying lacka Iraq 'd he war frigid Do you really think we'd have had an illegal war if Jeremy Corbin didn't know he protested from the beginning didn't he was he was I was a programmer and you know and one last thing about Donkey anticipating my cool Roge is his education is Jewish educationist he's voting for Jeremy Coburn with his group 'd of Jewish people if Jericho because I'm disappointed I would argue with that you will remember the Communist Party that says that it is Ok Tony is thank you for calling it was sorry that we got you so late are you take a muffin. If you had lines to give us you complete opposite thoughts maybe 2 attorneys that's not we continue this conversation. Station in the next hour on or 807312000 coming up off the to the conversation by the way will continue into the night we have Jim Davis who we taking your calls on London's big stories and also own today Saturday evening show with disc of the best in new and old music that's from 6 pm But we head into the final hour of the show is the big news out of got some good nice place to share it with a special or 807312000. And 16 right here 90 feet point 9 at. The b.b.c. Said this. Isn't the end. This is b.b.c. Radio. News that one of the Tiste a teenage boy believed to be 14 years old has been taken to hospital after being stabbed in ailing police were called to reports of an altercation near nor whole train station at half past 3 on Friday afternoon and found a boy suffering from stop injuries police have confirmed the boy's injuries are non-life threatening and no arrests have been made so far and inquiries continue Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have taken part in the final televised head to head to beate of the election campaign Breck said the end hitch s on the economy again provoked a sharp exchanges exchanges between the pair but our political editor Laura Coons Burke says the 2 leaders seem to be on their best behavior now either and we're really going after a hammer and tongs neither of them really wanted to give themselves the risk of crashing and burning and in a way I think they were really trying to appeal to their core voters those people who've already made up their minds and it won't be them they really are in charge it will be those people who are still voting and not sure which way to go these voters in Ipswich which is a marginal seat have mixed views a bike to debate it in terms of what Colvin saying his neutrality is. And weakness is neutrality is representative of where the country's out sorry but I don't like Boris Johnson but I just want to get things done I was a persuaded by Boris Johnson particularly I think is a rehash of things he's already said. I was also quite disappointed with Jeremy Colvin it's a few more questions than answers a British diplomat in Washington has resigned claiming she can no longer peddle half truths about Bracks it Alexandra hall Hall says her position has become unbearable personally untenable professionally the co-founder of task has been cleared of defaming a British cave explorer he described as a paedo guy a jury in Los Angeles rejected a bid for nearly 150000000 points in damages by Vernon Unsworth who helped rescue 12 boys on their football coach from a flooded k.f. In Thailand last year a teenager's admitted attempting to murder a 6 year old boy by throwing him off a viewing platform at the Tate Modern.