That's the Electric Light Orchestra and turned to stone here on the rubber show on b.b.c. Radio London and I've been promising you some live music or move out to get some from Greg's picture you who's here with us now ahead of a gig thing was on the 4th of October Grace Welcome to the show Hi thanks for me it's your part very much of the kind of the folksy you know the protests you know all of that but you also seem to work quite a lot with comedians. Who are choosing Yeah being funny or did they know you please don't yeah I know you're more so moonlighting kind of Jackal charades in a master of none yeah just of into doing quite like working in community and you know why is that because there is a big comedy an established on a comedy circuit in pubs and I think it's probably to do a lot of money he's got political as he say so practice music a lot of it. You know there's always been a sort of natural home within stand up for kind of political satire. So you know I was from early on in my career I got some pretty cool supports lots of supporting switches you know Monroe Peninsula national tools so I kind of got a bit of a name within a day and then for him to have to correct people at the top of gigs who might expect me to be from a couple of tenths of just yeah basically yeah I know your expectations you also were Billy Bragg quite well I mean you and I mean the great yeah yeah but he brags His Yeah done on a an awful lot for me but me and last race was one of my 1st festival what I was and then. Had me on a few other places say so when you put thing was on the front of the 4th is that you were in a band or what's the cell that's just can be me actually yeah just just just me and say. Anyone who wants to come along. And yet go up on the plate we do we do tend to do You will also have some festival shows as band and we're hoping to do more on stuff next year yeah right well I'm going to play a track Tell me. This house this house yes so I write the song. If he's goes I was living it I moved into a new house in Leicester and I met my next door neighbor he was this at the time he was a an 81 year old man and he was like the most flamboyant an interesting black that I'd ever met and the the day that I met him I sort of introduced myself and he said Oh. Come in come in for a cup of tea and then from the moment I entered his house you start talking in stop for an hour and he was talking pretty much exclusively about the the man that he'd lived with They'd sort of been house mates for years and years and years in this feller died 20 years before and it was quite obvious to me from the way that he was talking this kind of say much affection in the way he was talking about this guy that. It was quite obvious to me that I think there'd been some sort of I got the feeling that some sort of what I thought I thought like that been like a romantic love that I see that never really been so spoken about and being sort of gay myself it just made me think about sort of you know how how different my life would have been if I'd been born you know in a different time or to different people so the song kind of came out let's hear it . Thing. Left behind the labors of this song that brought to so this morning. The things he left the. Prison cell. Well and To this house is log in. And see chances are all great but it's the mugs that nobody gets close and sick alas is non subsides and he was born so hunched over like. This house is like his summitry. All the things he built from. The product saw his mom the late news of his song Oh. All the things he left be. That's this house I'm one of my listeners Sara was just said Minnie Mouse and what a beautiful song has given me goosebumps Oh wow thank you that's the sound of grace picture is here with us with a good saw what you know play for you play some cool northbound which is a sort of road song inspired by being a been a touring musician has been in life constantly traveling to get away. By not. Buying the. I'll get. Fantastic there was that was Grace Petri playing live she's playing live on Friday the 4th of October of that but if you go trying to catch. The good very very nice. Stuff. With the. Salad. It's a bank called monkey house and it's been one of my records of the year that the album is intitled Friday and that track 10000 hours we haven't got quite that long left on the show but we have got about 40 minutes I'm going to fill it full of good things we're going to another choosing and then we're going to the news and travel and then we're going to have a family favorite it's chosen this week by Lee in Waltham stone and then finally we'll have my live check the wait and it was a young. Jazz Morley who came in and played for us it was just her on the piano and she was absolutely terrific. Parallel world and you'll be hearing that as the final track of the week but 1st up I don't often like your and your and I was always more of a spider man as I'm sure you know but. You. You Steve in. Saying Well Rand you ram what Gary's site well I'll skip actually that will might snap out to be honest the with all of that stuff that competition I love it when when you get that with bands that was the you know the stones in the butt it was is the classic sixty's one and then there was the later on you got blur and Isis and all of that and I think the. Exceptionally healthy and span now and around was the one in the 80s really I think it's always jolly jolly fun when you get a real kind of competition between different bands. I'm still a spender of course a lot of always love them but your insurance Ok let me remind you of your duty is not enough of you yet tell me about your favorite song and I need to know by Monday because between 12 30 am 1 o'clock you've got to come on air move play it for you so you need to tell me what your favorite song is right now doesn't have to be your it's not your favorite song of all time that would be a ridiculous question to ask but your favorite song right now at this moment on the one that you know how mean or you can get out your head or your ear worm or whatever it might be so you can e-mail that. You also need to tell me any Notes and Queries that you have because that's a very good thing so many Notes and Queries now and we'll use them on Wednesday if you send them early we can get your photos up on Twitter we can get the evidence up but please put your phone number on the end so that we can call you so that's Monday is what your favorite song Wednesdays next queries Thursday on and suggestions for cover to cover Friday and a suggestion for a 4th but they can wait a little bit but but Monday there's real urgency so we need to get those sorted now I haven't mentioned that yet Chris and indeed I should now I'm not going to be going there today because I'm heading down to Bermondsey as I'm sure you know but I was I might be going west because mail might Chris Sullivan is one of one of his dozer village these are all free right so if you go along that can really reaches under the Westway be more ram around their Bayaka mode they've got Latin music on today's sole member and cha cha cha and a 6 piece funk and soul band and a somber emboss a trio and then the same kind of stuff tomorrow plus some blues and some some killer clips on and it's all free you can get lunch for under a tenner they've got food stores they've got music and it's gonna pub prices for beer so beautiful sunny day so why not get yourself down over towards a can really when we all might Chris alone will be in with loads of great musicians and it's a really good day out that so get over there I mean we love telling you about free stuff and that's free stuff and we really enjoyable as well Ok it's 1230 it's time for the news headlines. Things from it with none and headlines I'm Catherine White the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has intervened in an attempt to remove Tom Watson as his deputy the grassroots group momentum had table to motion at the party's ruling National Executive Committee to abolish his position but at a meeting this morning it instead backs Mr Coburn suggestion that the road. They reviewed a man has appeared in court charged with trying to kill his brother and a woman who is still in a critical condition Kenleigh Clark his 33 is accused of shooting them both in Wood Green on Tuesday night he was remanded in custody until his next court appearance at the Old Bailey next month a man has been left with life changing injuries after a double stamping in Chalk Farm last night to meant both believed to be in their early twenty's were found with stab wounds shortly after 7 o'clock in Adelaide wrote No one's been arrested climate change protesters have glued themselves to a main road near the port of Dover officials Port Said they're working with the police to minimize disruption Bundeswehr them it'll be a very warm afternoon with plenty of sunshine and temperatures up to 25 or even 26 degrees Celsius the 79 found height now at the b.b.c. Radio London travel has filled a. Catherine thank you very much indeed on the runs there is a lane closed due to merge and here has on the m 25 anticlockwise between junctions 17 from Maple cross and junction 16 of the m 40 congestion is to junction 18 virtually word in the city a new bridge street heading southbound is closed due to emergency repairs from Ludgate Circus to Queen Victoria Street so fast a that hasn't caused too many problems over 2 Barrington one length rose due to emergency repairs on the northbound Pearlie way at Trojan way but traffic is coping well with that public transport now delays up to 15 minutes on the South Western Railway and 7 at Clapham Junction that's due to a trespasser incident also certain services have to laze about to 10 minutes and some cancellations between males and Central and East Croydon due to signalling problems at Wembley central delays of up to 15 minutes on Virgin Trains West Coast and London North Western Railway between London used and what the junction due to signalling problems and as you've just heard in the news the services are suspended on the F.T.'s seaways but. Outside of the port. Between. Delays. Check before you travel and reports the Piccadilly Line. Between. South. Before one. Is long. From the night. Train in. Traffic. Nobody thinks of. It. Right now. And it's time now for this week's family favorite Every week we asked one of you to come on just tell us about a piece of music that has some sort of link to your family for whatever reason we've all got them songs that mean a lot for the day ones that your mom and dad used to listen so perhaps they were new was played on holiday I could be some I do your kids it could be songs that kind of get kind of Choi doubt weddings as every family's got you know and I'm very glad that in Walthamstow who is going to share her family favorite with us now good afternoon Lady Good afternoon oh but lovely to see you again and see you so how does this song tie in with your family is it a particular member of the family or yeah it's my grandparents. And I think about my grandparents I was in London we tend to go Oh you're you're a proper school robot Absolutely I think you were very kind and also the time to say that you thought it was a long one of the hot chicks I trust and I spoke about Michael and I have. And how when I go to press reset album which is in the area where my granddad used to what to I was off the pianist to play this so he was one to subliminal a start so to say that the seeds of this idea and in your mind will not stop this world revolt was your what was your grander job he was it wouldn't play you not. He was in the Mayfair when the cleaning company. His his area was the West and basically Mayfair and so. But this this particular song I didn't know really until after he died so I didn't know it was a song I don't remember in my childhood to have a pretty good memory but also he died not in had gone into a hotel with my uncle and they were playing this song and she burst into tears and said oh the playing our song and of course since that. I've got snow pretty well and she asked for it to be played to her own funeral which we did it and I'll come to that but if I could just give you a little bit about ground about my grandparents and what they were. They were Quincy quintessential London carriages they came from the King's Cross and the Taliban inroad to my. Response pretty area and they moved out like a lot of people post-war they moved out what were you housed out in Laos and in Essex but papa continued to work in the West and I'm not saying he was there when to clean up operates or some site when he did he saw absolutely thought he had this very very diverse claim on tile and if I can just give you 3 very quick story is about him because I think he's working life sort of reflected London life nor the characters that he came across because he said with a such a lot to shoot at Anyway these were often hearts and. The 1st story which is quite funny one and then I wanted to start one and then one quite uplifted some of his tale to tell with the. The particularly to Safin though it's around to kill a lot he used to help so it's not just man. One of his ladies off to he could decorate the flat as her mother was visiting and he did this for her brother close to the wire and port paint stripper down the toilet and said Martha turned up burst in for a visit to this room with lighted Franklin had no no and shall be saying some tale soon the seem to understand about the pattern of gold mine mine not apparently was offered a job as a maid to one of the ladies which I don't think she took up but I can imagine that she would have been absolutely wonderful because she worked as a housekeeper to the same family in Laos in the for about 25 years so she would have run a very orderly ship Yes a tight ship but she was also a great party animal and it would have been a lot of funny though if she ran she was full off jointer never saying a word some of that she was used to you know watch the young people as well as see what they were up to and join in oh I can remember as a teenager we used to have some of the party is everybody from the callee had moved on to Steve natural to the house and we used to go to my cousins in Steve niche like remembers a teenager sort of watching Tyrone the slack jawed as she could cut the rug during the funky chicken or get my boyfriend at the time to devote to disco top she was just one of those wonderful characters one more story I was ready to get for it read All right so you can I mean I was going to say rather poignant stories about I've seen a photograph of him in Philip secrets book but maybe I'll put to one side as it's going to be you know probably short session the uplifting story he my current thought was. You know Him Honest people but he had all sorts of claims so the Had a rich old lady on Park Lane who Gilchrist I never met her but I think she was very dear to her every Christmas she would send my brother and I Christmas presents. And we have some accounts to stay in a council flat she was the Theme Park Lane One year she sent me something that must come from Palm street which was a such with. A little muffler myself and then one year she sent me the full set of complete works a bit tricks puncture in a little so got it sitting here on the wind just to let some small. Years later day so that there's lots I could say and I know that there's probably not enough time to say all the things I wanted to say but. When none died which was in 2004 I She did go out to this song that you're about to play a speech always promised before she went on to you d.j. What is one of the usages I said I'm going to finish my pe Spieth in the words of Cole Porter in her favorite song I'm not full taught what to do now so who should we dedicate this we're here to take this to my my grandparents is not the input to Simpson of my whole family and the words I finished with the words about to finish with now all with a need to me all fall it's no matter none dolling I'm Papa where you are we think if you night and day and the future. So you wanna love forever it's the. Jungle. Was. Drip drip of Blue Rain drugs when the summer hours. So. You you you. Are Back. To me long it's no longer. I. What a wonderful piece of music great story is well behind this week's family fight you see you can do that. Just send us an e-mail to robot the elms at b.b.c. . I thought that the family favorite next week. Has Come. And the dog and the monks. Let me see. My. Big just a long. Using. Bye. And that's almost it I'm back on Monday of course and they're going to hit Kerry smack uses Alice London and she's fine as the various. Photography is coming in so let's buy is new exhibition exploring the homeless experience in London act and actor Jason Isaacs will be here head of the release of his new film Hotel Mumbai joining Houma and your favorite records right now so that's what we're going to be doing like today well I've got one more toss to perform which is to play our live truck of the week and you can hear that in a bit but 1st Top I've also got a play you got be Roselands June of the week which is cold London boy but take this with you go driving in on. You know just run low. Such as such is not a love song. And that space in. Tennessee and. But not before I play you our live track of the week and I thought this guy was absolutely fantastic she's called Jazz Morley she's got an album out called Jazz Morely and she came in and played for us on a theme Wednesday Martin Thursday and yes mag's you can hear it now it was just her and piano I did a song called parallel world that I thought it was absolutely splendid So I'm very happy to be playing it again Have a great weekend wherever you go whatever you do and I'll see you all on Monday this is jazz Morely live on the rubber show with parallel world. I don't. Make a conversation. I don't mind standing in the shadows. Much new enjoy the situation. I don't you say you stay. Even if it's no play you belong. I don't mind being a 2. Is Miriam's need to add this. But I'm warning you. Be down for. A never lose. And eventually. You. Not afraid to raise my phone. Will you have was of fever. Because even though you say. That I'm going. To. Chew Conley. You say a. Power . That you promised so. It just makes me want more. I don't mind that I'm kidding myself with this We believe. Was not. And you. Me Yet. Because even though you said. You were also saying to calm the field. And even though you say. A. Do with. It I mean the part. He loves me. He. He. I'm proud. B.b.c. Radio London travel I'm Phil Dave all traffic being temporarily held due to a collision on the m one northbound at junction 6 a for the m 25 more on that when I have it queues are somewhat built up on the m $25.00 clockwise regime junction one a for Swanson and junction one b. For Dartford congestion is to junction 30 for Lakeside it's as a result of an earlier broken down their call but all lanes have reopened on public transport delays not to 15 minutes on South Western Railway a trap and junction due to a trespass instant stop and services have to laze up to 10 minutes and some cancellations between Milton Keynes Central and East Croydon due to signalling problems at Wembley Central that's threatening injuries in the attack on Tuesday evening it would green Ken Lloyd Clarke who's $33.00 was remanded in custody climate change protesters have glued themselves to a main road near the port of Dover officials at the port said they're working with the police to minimize disruption in football Tottenham are away at Leicester and the Premier League kick off a short while ago was no mail and at the Rugby World Cup in Japan Argentina beat France 2320 want Tokyo stadium earlier Australia Fiji 3921 champions New Zealand an hour facing South Africa a short while ago New Zealand were leading 2330 now with numbers whether his Georgina Barnett I lay there we should continue Miss Sunshine for the rest of the day there is an Easter sound easily breeze there that's just taking the edge off things temperature wise they were looking that we could reach $26.00 degree Celsius and it's a mild night to follow with lows a 14 degrees clear for most of the night but Sir clouding over through the early hours the morning with the possibility of some thunder showers and they may continue into the morning tomorrow there is a narrow band of rain pushing up in the Southwest in the afternoon as well and that's going to be quite heavy at times it is to the north east there when the winds drop off and we're looking at highs of $22.00 degrees b.b.c. Radio London it's 3 minutes past one. 94.9 f.m. . This is along this. Gary Crowley's age is that. He. Is not a problem that I hear. And if your man gives a trouble just. Don't bring. Down the drain. Down the drain. Well that's nailed the sun the coast which provided the inspiration for the acclaimed. I saved my life the history of the dish just. In day and last night a d.j. Saved my life so with your help.

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