Trailed S. The Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has set out his plan for preventing a no deal break sets in October he hopes to become the prime minister of a temporary caretaker government if a no confidence vote against Boris Johnson's government is successful in Parliament returns next month mystical but he's also the is going to North M.P. Has written to other opposition parties and some but bench M.P.'s inviting them to work with him the Liberal Democrats have already rejected his idea calling it nonsense but Mr Cool been hopes his critics will change their minds and they should work with us to ensure there is no to no deal that parliament vote or no deal and that's why the motion of no confidence and that's why we the Labor Party by far the largest opposition party have I think a responsibility to take over to ensure there is no cliff edge breaks in more than 300 $1006.00 formas will be receiving many A level results this morning in England Wales and Northern Ireland lasted just over a quarter of entries were awarded a top grade in this year is expected to be much the same the home secretary Percy Patel has defended a government's campaign against knife crime which involves prince in mornings on take way boxes of fine chicken more than 300000 being distributed to Chicken outlets across England and Wales the shadow home secretary Diane Abbott who's also the Hockney north on state knew an M.P. Dismissed the plan as crude and offensive while other commentators have gone further describing it as borderline racist misspell said she would not apologize for trying to tackle life crime. The family of the woman from London who has died after being set fire in Belgrade also said they're shocked and devastated by her death Natalie Critchlow who's 44 and from call in Del was on the island taking care of her disabled brother when she was attacked by an intruder last month she suffered 75 percent burns and died in hospital last week and dentists are asking schools in England to help in the fight against HIV decay by removing all sugar from them anyways the faculty of dental surgery says pull diets early on can lead to a lifetime of oral health problems figures show that in the past 3 years there were more than 100000 hospital admissions for young children suffering from tooth to tie Mycoskie media from the Royal College of Surgeons in England says it's in the interests of schools to provide healthy fades obviously one of the big things is if you're going into a hospital to have your preferred move you will be missing tons of school if you're a child but even before you get to have your operation you may have missed time from school because supply abscesses and infections in addition to that if you're getting dental decay your eating habits all good in terms of. The habits that may well stay with you for a lifetime London's either Now cloud breaking up through this morning to leave a largely dry and sunny afternoon highs of 22 degree Celsius that 70 foreign Heights B.B.C. Radio lands and it's 3 minutes past 6 on digital radio 94.9 F.M. And B.B.C. Sounds this is London this is B.B.C. Radio London Patry Hoskins. And a very good morning to you this is B.B.C. Radio London and it is Petrie here with you until 7 o'clock at gives us about 55 minutes to get up before Vanessa is here to take you through the morning we've been talking this morning about John Humphrys who would also be starting work. Now is that a program from 6 o'clock. Anyway. John Humphrys is due to start probably any 2nd now or has started or will start at 7 o'clock you know as I'm always working just to listen but he has sparked a sexism riled by saying women do a better job of looking after babies the men it also was rich it was saying tends to be the attitude probably of the courts it would seem the family courts because they will win the majority of times will win custody of children as Richard pointed out kind of it both ways either were saying women are better at it the men a win or. However should John Humphrys be saying it. Is the question so anyway he sparred contriver same after comments about women looking after babies and these are after these 2 T.V. Ads were were banned after a massive total of 4 complaints combined with with the 2 out one was for Cream Cheese where show dads being hapless and the other one was for a call. Men as astronauts and a woman as mini a mom with a pram sitting looking miserable on a park bench so they were banned for a grand total of 4 complains however. They have a 1000 suns authorities said. Could lead people to think the wrong things could be good girls could sing they can't be astronauts I must admit when I watched it I didn't feel like I needed to be offended by it. I didn't I didn't think that told I've never looked at a man doing a job and so I can't do that because I'm a woman never not once in my entire life so I don't know why girls would look at men and oh I can't be an astronaut because that's a man it didn't occur to me to be offended Of course now I'm livid. Not rainy but I just wanted to know what you thought about it and it's John Humphrys right we have much in izing city of genders and we've. Put together a saying we're all the same so give me a call on that this morning 107312000 I just have to point out there's this anomaly here in the newspapers just quickly page knowing the prime audience homeless women are better at childcare says Humphries this is in the times and then on page 15 of the times are men useless at multitasking No just bone idle so so are I for the Times to have those 2 stories and to say scientifically men are specifically in scientifically lazy according to science that they don't multitask because they're lazy but you know it'll that's OK but it's not OK to to talk about women being better at childcare anyway. To stop and that if you listen to B.B.C. Radio London we've also this morning been talking about the initiative with fried chicken boxes carrying warnings about knife crime now these have been sent to take away as part of the government's efforts to tackle rising violence the plan supreme branded crude and offensive by the shadow home secretary Diana but whilst a Labor M.P. For Tottenham as we've been talking about said it was either racist or stupid when more than 300000 boxes were placed standard packaging it outlets including chicken cottage Dixie Chicken and Morley's and a reporter Ross Ryan has the details good morning morning Petry Well I know you've been talking about this for the last hour but if our listeners are just joining us this really is dividing opinion this morning and it had been last night when it was released we've all been to the chicken shop and usually you get those orange boxes well Petrie's shaking a head but you get those orange boxes usually little cardboard boxes they say chicken on them whatever these ones are not like that at all they're black they simply say hash tag NY free on them they POV a home office campaign and they feature so you open the inside lead and the inside lead it would have stories of young people who chose positive activities over carrying a weapon and that could include accounts of young people who have opted to pursue different things such as boxing or music instead of carrying a knife now these will be given to both independent and brawn shown to chicken shops of those 3 branches those 3 brands that we talked about chicken cottage Dixie Chicken and Morley's. And in those shops leaflets will be given out and there's also going to be digital screens highlighting the campaign according to the Home Office the hash tag NY free campaign aims to change the attitudes and behaviors of young people aged between 10 and 21 and as we know it follows a series of government pledges tackling series. Violence and crime recently including the recruitment of 20000 new police officers enhanced stop and search money for the prisons except for it's been a big thing for abortions in the last couple of weeks so this this initiative has actually been happening over the last couple of weeks particularly in south London in Morley's if you're familiar with South London I never heard of Mall is really what I've heard of chicken cottage so the culture on the ice age Dixie Chicken all over the capital is south of the river valley So in 15 branches of Morley's these boxes are already been rolled out and the managing director of Morley's said he's already been proud to support the campaign he said it's starting a conversation amongst his customers we know that in the last sort of week week and a half the story came out about county lines gangs using chicken shops to recruit young people we know that county lines Gangs of the people that Korea drugs from really buying them with chicken Ottley Yeah exactly. And this is clearly directly following that that news story that was as a result of a parliamentary investigation so those directly following that the reaction to it I'm sure you've been getting calls is mixed definitely to say the least the policing minister Kip Morehouse said here on surprisingly supports He said it will bring home to thousands of young people the tragic consequences of carrying a knife and challenge the idea that it makes you safer and Courtney Barrett who runs his own knife amnesty in east London said the scheme was a step in the right direction but stressed it should not just involve chicken shops the public need to be aware they're not on our current carried out by young people black people and gangs was another was another take by by him however. There's been lots of criticism of it to a couple of our London M.P.'s one of which who is the shadow home secretary dynamic that she said instead of investing in a public health approach to violent crime the combe the Home Office have opted for yet another crude offensive and probably expensive campaign they would do better to invest in our communities and not demonize them demonize them so that's been that's Richie summing up what lots of people are saying actually on Twitter I've had a look is this is they would argue quite a simplistic. Campaign which the money could be invested. In youth services and much more sort of wrap around its solutions to violent crime David Lammy who's the Tottenham M.P. Just tweeted Is this some cut some kind of joke why have you chosen chicken shops what's next knife free watermelons So he's picking up on what he thinks is a racist element to this and he said the Home Office is using taxpayer taxpayers' money to sponsor an age old trope Boris Johnson has already called Black people pick an unease with watermelon smiles now his government is pushing the stereotype that black people love fried chicken this ridiculous done is either explicitly racist or best unfathomably stupid. So that I mean I think saying this morning that this is a biased Johnson has only been in power for a few weeks now just 3 weeks yes something like that unlikely that he was involved in this maybe he could have stopped it. But maybe he might make a comment on it but he certainly wouldn't have been originally involved in this unless they've done incredibly quickly No I mean we were talking about it around the corner and you would have thought that this is been down the pipeline obviously it was rolled out yes rolled out weeks before in some of the South and after I've already been out there yeah and or Johnson and after that parliamentary investigation they thought let's roll it out more widely we were having. Conversation and I don't know what our listeners think about this obviously it's going to depend on their opinion about what they think about the the idea of using these boxes in chicken shops but we were talking about the idea of what conversation happened in amongst the civil servants Absolutely that's why you're now seeing what conversation happened what did they want to happen out of this what did they think the public response to it was going to be yeah now obviously Abbott and Lammy are pretty calm to make tree of this approach and we were talking about whether that those conversations in amongst the government and civil servants how in touch are they with people this exactly what I've been asking this morning is who did they speak to or grassroots level who did they talk to that said this is a good idea or that this is the language or the method to speak to young people I mean one of the one of the callers did point out that in London we might see it as a racist trope but in somewhere like this or England Wales was somewhere in the northern regions of of Wales where they might have chicken shops with these boxes in it would be mostly white people that they were targeting there so is it racist is it no I mean as he was saying it's either racist or unfathomably stupid Now the thing I would say about that is this is being rolled out in England and Wales However. The 3 brands that this initiative is targeting are ticking cottage Dixie Chicken in Morley's Morley's is exclusively south London the other 2 primarily have their franchises in and in and around the capital. Of course in other places in the U.K. There is a smaller percentage of ethnic minorities that stereotype might not be there but I think we can say this is a initiative that is target mostly London based crime and crime that starts in London I county lines gangs and he's being fanned out to the rest of the country so we can say that this is this is London focus Yeah I suppose we can by just looking at the branded. Chicken Shop So it's been interesting this morning is to find out whether people think it is racist or not what are people saying that are. Who are gang members or people on the on the streets as the voice that we haven't heard yet so Patsy McKee She's the founder of Mothers Against Violence after her son was shot dead and she said Look just putting on a box isn't going to stop it happening someone who's carrying a knife needs to feel safe in order to for the for them to put it down and she said that you often have to experience something to change your views and similarly Peter Gregory director of the Children's Society he said the government need to invest more in education for young people about not crime as well as Early Intervention prevent prevention so people are really saying that look this might be one way of dealing with the situation it needs to be in amongst at the very least a whole range of other initiatives in order to deal with what is really a serious and complex problem well this is going to rumble on Ross thank you very much indeed for that so we'll continue talking about that in just a moment 1st of all it's catch up with your travel. Plans on the trains over ground suspended between the downs chess and infield town and the a services for 7 Sisters suspended between 90000 judgement and that sort of 40 train at Edmonton Green in staying ca 30 London Road is still closed between the stains by parts of the. The billet to the stand will read in the Ashford hospital crossroads following a building fall and then handed in Vivian Avenue still closed west from the what food way it had been Central Station to Station Road following oxen to the west of the station with West panto backs on to the Queen's Road family travel used to doing in 08712000 Spanx B.B.C. Radio London you next travelled at 630. This is London the way you do what you want to use my mobile phone on the cheap commuters I was speaking to say this is the thing I call that is people who eat bananas on public transport when they pill the whole thing and take the this is wrong I get these incredible kind of reactions from people in the carriage loads of people think this what we're doing this is London people now are under such pressure they get special the cheap stuck inside they get back to life this is London I did think about living in New York for a while it's hard to be wrong to B.B.C. Radio one day. And a very good morning to you this is B.B.C. Radio London petrolhead with you until 3rd in the cloak this Thursday the 15th of August and we've been talking this morning about this. Knife branding in chicken shell and David Lammy saying that it's either racist or unfathomably stupid he said it's either explicitly racist or unfathomably stupid which one do you think it is I mean is as Ross was saying that you know people in office if we where London is to hear we discuss these things in the in the news room just saying who who was at the sat around a table and decided that this was the thing to do and who was it that that sought it up and and who was it that carried it out and what were they thinking in terms of why. You know how did that conversation go over biscuits you know we need to we need to get to these young people how do we do I know let's put this on a chicken box why young people eat chicken or was it something darker Was it something more in their view demographically targeted and as David Lammy suggested that it's an age old trope that black people eat fried chicken could it have been that dark could have been that sort of decisive in those meetings I'd like to hear from you this morning I mean 107312000 I suppose if it's part of a package of anything anything that stops knife crime I'm just wondering what the conversation would sound like especially with young men showing off to each other over chicken and yeah famine or that my son talks like that as well. And all that stuff and then you know what they're going to read it and go gosh look at this story here about this young person. I'm not sure that they understand young people I mean I hate the way these boys talk all the time unfortunately in my backyard. Robot is in Croydon Good morning robot Good morning Christi morning I think the people who is actually lunacy in this franchise is a very brave I think it's a protein found I mean a nice touch to talk of in that. Of a conscience and then go put in jail. And they will use damage and can in these measures use will come across and this is helpful so helpful I think it's a helpful sign and I don't know why you mommy not just change the because some do the sticks and then go only black people use check in shops. The fact does a lot of people use trying to show. The ones are good I could do them a chauffeur fix them hopscotch so I use check the shop says well the person as I see old sudden way cats but that's OK it's Asian cats everybody uses 2nd shot and these people in the news chicken shop did a good service that everybody old eats pain. Yet but I started to think I was seen to quit I think if for some reason if Chaney's take over he's done because the then the produce they make big thing abused but I think for some reason the kid took a nice check to show sushi is a Fluke thank the perk up the box the would blame the chunky show that would never make it last what. Talk to people stream is Trish but it's not this just a toe it's just trying to say that as a white man. As a white woman say that I don't find this racist because it's no it's Novellus that would be potentially offended by it I mean what do I mean the thing I said that offended by the cover of the box but don't forget black represents state thinking and behavior to fit. Offended by the cover of the report for example then that's just stupid but I know I do know I don't think anybody is offended by the boxes offended by the fact that it's that it's a it's a chicken shop box that I'm not here people are offended by and I'm not sure you anon with the best will in the WON'T are able to decide whether that is racist or no I've yet to meet got to be able to do that because great because it's a common problem they suffer from including mainstream everybody think it's time for C N N C Are we going to have a monopoly on sex and sure we can have a say you're absolutely right about that and I'm going really to have a say but I don't think we can have a say on whether this is racist or not as to white people having a conversation it can't be anything more annoying to somebody of color than hearing that and hearing a white person say well I don't think it's racist because we can't possibly really comment on that we haven't been brought up with those trying to sell with those those things to him Mark you or you mark yourself or your stats or you're treated badly we don't know it's not possible. Anyway Robert thank you very much and as ever for calling in always delighted to speak here. This is going to be taking calls on this still this morning lots of you joining in the conversation 807312000 if you'd like to be one of them in the meantime more than 300000 school pupils in England Wales and Northern Ireland ending the anxious wait for their A level results this morning I remember the day. Well not long ago not for my A levels my son's last year just over a quarter of an award to the top grade in this year is expected to be much the same you cast say they've seen a record number of people applying to university with nearly 4 in 1018 year olds looking to secure a place however in the papers this morning the educational charity the Sutton Trust says that young people believe. Knowing the right person in the in the industry they want to work in is more important than a university degree Jeff Barton is the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders and joins me now good morning Jeff good morning Petry the old school telling talking about is it more important to know somebody in the industry than to have a degree after we got off the degree Well I think there are signs that for some young people they are put off the idea of how much a degree might cost them through the rest of their life time looking there are some young people thinking maybe the 3 years I would spend at university I could be doing an Apprenticeship group in the some really interesting higher level apprenticeship groups I think we're seeing more of a mixed economy and in a sense that's probably a good thing because it suggests young people in a diverse world are making a whole range of different choices for themselves and so long as they're doing that with good quality guidance and so long as it isn't the case that the young people who haven't got networks behind them a left cut adrift from an interest in life then I think it's probably a good sign it is still the attitude isn't that I mean and I know this from parents OK and always your child at university now you. I knew was only must be the thing then or they haven't they haven't quite made the marks or they haven't quite done as well when are we going to lose that attitude to young people who do sign to go as you said the high apprenticeship route it's not all people doing. Manual jobs is it that doing apprenticeships now Oh absolutely absolutely and I think you know today we will hear lots of talk about A levels let's remind ourselves there are lots of young people who today released this week celebrating of the qualification Yes that would be a good example who were choosing who had chosen to go to an iffy college for example who are now choosing to go and work at an accountancy firm on a kind of apprenticeship route rather than a degree and that's what certainly most of it was a management consultant many of the people they're now taking on their explicitly at the age of 18 who haven't done degrees because they're training up with the skills that that organization wants itself it's a mixed economy and we have to as you're implying get away from a rather snobby and yeah that says if you haven't done the degree somehow it's unclear I think a really thing that's unhelpful and it's just as and helpful to say that young people who have tradition with gardens to do a technical or vocational qualification that that's somehow inferior We need people with a whole range of skills and talents I was looking into John Humphrys this morning for other reasons and he left school at 15 saying yes. And I think he's not done badly he's not about I have a degree I'm going quite so well but yeah but it there is that attitude isn't there in in terms of of school leavers and needing to make those decisions and of course there's lots of complaints in the papers as well about these these degrees that don't. Footballing or degree I can't think of a knitting that they're actually not that useful in the world of work because they're not well planes about that I think the trouble with all of this is we can easily kind of drop into caricature around and. You know there are some degrees which have always been around and everybody recognizes so I did a degree in English so people kind of all over seeing it decline in English. And kind of understand why you might go and spend 3 years century reading stories and looking at language that's what I did for 3 years now we quite easy to carry on I don't. Know but people could caricature with us as a degree like they did yeah media studies I think we need to recognise that what a degree is doing is giving you 3 years you to understand the subject to more depth but also to kind of prepare you for adult life and it does that in a university environment which is a safe environment with other young people that prepares you then to take your place as a global citizen and it doesn't matter what the degree is you might regret it if you can't then get a job as a result in a sense that's not your problem I just think we ought to celebrate the fact that we've got a great university system with a very wide range degrees Let's stop being so snooty about all of this yeah well I got my vote on that like a snake yes definitely I got to speak to Geoff the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders Let's find out from one of the leaders in both in fashion and beauty and in weather lives with her it's only just looking around me that. Says you know. We're standing this morning as the same night what do you dislike my nails I do they are very nice they like very much and it is going to be much nicer to have weathered in with oh yes yes they still he wasn't yesterday just fatality or size is this August and I just fallen asleep and waking up in November that it was a bit like that here there's more heavy rain in the full cost as well but not the most recent till tomorrow afternoon so today a much nicer day as a dry start but there's quite a bit of cloud out there but a cloud to break up with the bright and sunny spells getting actually through the morning and then the maybe one or 2 light and fleeting showers this time they're going to come down on this brisk north westerly wind it will stay quite breezy. See all that he said the chance of a shower but I think the many of us who will stay dry in any showers will be fairly light and it should be dry through the afternoon and that we lots of sunshine around us while no feel quite nice temperatures on a par with what we had on cheese day if you can remember back to cheese day before yesterday at 22 and 23 degrees that was quite nice actually while I was there and there be some late sunshine around the Sea Even as well that I have a nice night someplace Belzer little cloud over into tomorrow morning lays between 11 and 13 degrees tomorrow it's going to 10 wet and windy and again but not until the afternoon of triathlon strong gust of wind it radiates it's all flip flop. Days are WAY ahead right away though tomorrow it could be way again said there were lots of rain reading on Friday afternoon quite heavy and persistent but it should have mostly cleared by the time we get to Saturday and I was still not sure what's going to happen on Saturday because towards southern counties it could be that we see this wave develop there could be some so small right around on Saturday morning but I think for most of the weekend it should be dry quite dry but it is going to stay quite windy and there was to be some sunny spells around as well say quite a windy day on Sunday but also some sunshine it should be nicely drawn Sunday Saturday that we're not quite sure about yet as we had 3 next week there is better news if it a bit more like August the jet stream is weakening and it doesn't like it should be mostly dry in the peace and sunshine around temperatures climate WINTERS Yeah because this week they've been at or below average I think next week they'll start to climb up again OK All right Elizabeth thank you very much indeed for that beautiful miles Elizabeth bringing us up to date with the weather let's get you up to date with your latest news headlines travel and thought and now it's starting with a live here to meet realities for. London's headlines good morning the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has set out how he hopes to prevent a night deal Bragg's it by winning a no confidence fight and then waiting a caretaker government. Mystical Ben He's also the is going to North M.P. Has made the proposal in a letter to the leaders of other opposition parties some expressed interest but the Lib Dems called it nonsense more than 300018 year olds will end that anxious wait for the A level results this morning university and college admissions services eased the results to confirm our withdraw office of places to students the family of a woman from London has died after being set on fire in Barbados have said they're shocked and devastated by her death Natalie Critchlow who is 441 from call in jail was on the island's taking care of had to say brother when she was attacked by an intruder lots month. On the same secretary pretty Patel has defended a campaign to fight knife crime which involves putting messages on takeaway boxes used by fried chicken shots the plans have been condemned as foolish and racist London's or the cloud breaking up the the morning to leave a largely dry and sunny afternoon highs of 22 degree Celsius that's 72 Fahrenheit now at the B.B.C. Radio London travel has Peppa sparks. Thanks Livia independent Vivian Avenue is close to West Palm from a 41 what good way to Station Road following an accident the west of and Central Station that was spawned a little bit slow on Queen's Road has resulted in stains the 30 London Road closed between the crooked billet the A 3 o 8 strains bypass the stumble road westbound traffic on the London road looking slow towards closure from the cemetery that's following a building fire earlier this morning I mean Highgate West Hill is blocked at Opa shortly after new following an accident traffic so far coping well but that bus route 214 is on diversion so potential delays mean Highgate and Dartmouth park on the overground the service been Hackney Downs chess and an infield turn with Greater Anglia services for 7 Sisters suspended between $1000.00 chosen to not Saudi's will fall to train but Edmonton Green Spanx B.B.C. Radio London the next travel coach to sell from. Radio. To the London School was Chelsea manager Frank Lampard felt they were the better side as they lost the way for see the cup on a penalty shootout against Liverpool the game finished 2 to you after extra time and Chelsea had 2 goals will dealt by V.A. All fall off sides clearly from a rougher with a stronger say some bad luck at times and maybe pride for mission for us which we need to be more clinical on my roof reeling from the guy and his pride in that same performance and happiness on our own not lose an arm a terrible loser new ship we always chose We want to win this game but we were very unfortunate keeping. C.E.O. Lee Hayes is called on you a fair to take a tougher stance against racism in football after the clubs under eighteen's were forced to abandon a fixture because of a beast from opposition players pull furlongs team played 18 Evian F.C. Last Thursday as part of their pre-season tour of Seville but were instructed to leave the field during the match as a result of the racism after a washout yesterday England will lead to get the 2nd doshas test underway today with Australia at Lord's just set to make his Test debut on a day when rules will be turned red for the right Strauss Foundation a charity founded by former England batsman Andrew Strauss in on of the his late wife who died of lung cancer last year John says he's taken a lot of inspiration from similar events put on in Australia by Glenn McGrath who also lost his wife I played in one of the McGrath Foundation days of Sydney and I was blown away I cannot tell you I was blown away firstly by how willing everyone was to be a part of it not you know the plays are very willing but just everyone turned up we're determined to make this a great spectacle and then to understand how much she both awareness and money comes out of it which actually then makes a difference to people's lives and learns among the signing guy Armitage says playing rugby league will take some getting east to the film a London Irish and last spot has cross codes to join the C.P. League club has recently completed a 4 week trial period with the Broncos and says he still adapting to the changes transition was learning a lot of learning going on really just maybe sure a search on with all the rules really play different games with me opinion sometimes play league as fitness in the preseason so it's just just a matter of remembering the rose which is just part of the game B.B.C. Radio London it's $635.00. On Digital Radio 94.9 F.M. Band on B.B.C. Sounds this is this is B.B.C. Radio London Petrie host game. Good morning this is B.B.C. Radio in London Petra head till 7 and then of course and that will be him she'll be in about 10 minutes to tell us what she's going to be talking about today and I would hazard a guess that she will indeed be talking about these chicken shop boxes and knife branding in chicken shops has been branded itself by David Lammy and Diane Abbott as racist or stupid would David Lammy use the words explicitly racist or at best father Mobley stupid and I would like to know the conversation that took place before this was decided kit Mulhouse that policing minister said on Wednesday that the chicken boxes would have emphasised the dangers of carrying a knife and challenge the idea that it makes you safer so we've been talking about that this morning I'm still taking your calls 807312000 if you draw the text you can one triple 3 put the word London out front to come situ me in the studio in the meantime lots of politics going on at the moment. You couldn't write this stuff honestly Well somebody has but I'm going to read it now Jeremy Koeppen has been setting out how he hopes to prevent a no deal Bragg's it by winning a no confidence vote and then leading a caretaker government it's been it's been sort of dubbed as desperate this move by COBURN The Labor leader made proposal in a letter to the leaders of the opposition parties some expressed interest but the Lib Dems called it nonsense the full belabor M.P. And now lib den M.P. For Stratham Chica Muna says the Labor leader isn't the right person to take over your ego your personal political. Interests to one side and put the course 1st and even it's very clear that you are incapable of commanding the confidence never mind of parliament you're your own M.P.'s is going to have to be someone else so let's stop wasting time let's actually look at who could command the confidence of the house come in and get on with stopping a disastrous no job or exit makes you want to. Remain or they're saying the Labor leader isn't the right person the Mr Corbin hopes that his critics will change their minds and they should work with us to ensure there is no to no deal that parliament vote or no deal and that's why I put the motion of no confidence and that's why we the Labor Party by Father largest opposition party have I think a responsibility to take over to ensure there is no cliff edge breaks in. The form of conservative an independent and pay czar Williston has joined the Liberal Democrats in what's become her 2nd defection so far this year party she said the being in the Lib Dems was the best way for her to fight for the U.K. To remain in the it is all of this or a little bit too late. Thomas Colson is a political reporter for Business Insider and joins me now good morning to you Thomas Good morning it seems that somebody has been walking around the house of commons with a cattle prod everybody is just jumping now into doing something is it yeah well I mean I think I think you have to take those take of the things that are happening sort of individually. If we look at this this letter Coogan's written others to join it's not government of national unity then it's very hard to see it working we have if you think about the fact the conservatives are majority of actually 2 in Parliament. That means that every single opposition and he would need to join Germany call them as well as 2 Conservative M.P.'s Now that isn't really possible as we've heard. As we've heard the Liberal Democrats have absolutely no interest in this if you then also consider there is a group of M.P. Is that the sort of remaining change U.K. M.P.'s who left the Labor Party because they didn't when they thought Germany homes on fit to be prime minister you'd have to get some Conservative M.P.'s on board you've got all sorts of independent piece you wouldn't support Jeremy Coleman So it's a political game playing and it's not it's not a realistic possibility for venting no direct I mean Jeremy Corbyn that I pointing out and I was listening to the words that politicians don't erase and they did he said with the largest opposition party what he didn't say was that he was an opposition party that was popular with the people because he's been polling really badly and even when tested. In a byelection did extremely badly Yes that's true I don't think the Labor Party is polling we wouldn't need to be polling would like to be polling at this stage I mean the. Appointment of course Johnson as prime minister has given the sort of the Boost the labor you know labor sort of. Suffered from but at the same time I mean he he does have a point he the Labor Party is the largest opposition party and that's why the talk of talk of someone else reading this government of national unity that's what we're talking about what politicians don't say that's just since I was implying when she said Gerry Coogan is incapable of forming this commanding Jersey I mean his point would be we're going to have a general elections. If Labor concedes leadership political leadership to another party that's given the huge big just a huge electoral boost of the sort that Germany would never agree to so we're left we're left going in circles I mean Caroline Lucas talked about a female led government of national use it only happened that that as I went along I wasn't it was yeah. I didn't know it didn't and that's the point the point is that there is there is no government of national unity that works there are enough and please even in the opposition benches which are who are opposed to German court and. And the Labor leadership is not going to allow a government of national unity to be led by the people so while there might be always ways stop and government of national unity is not said this is and it's taken seriously what I find extraordinary about this is Jeremy Coleman suggesting this sort of takeover if you like of Parliament a takeover and yet he was offended by Boris Johnson becoming prime minister and he said he was an elected so what people Chrissie are we seeing here well I mean I suppose I suppose the argument would be 2 different things. Well. I think it's OK to take over rather than you know a democratically elected by the people a situation that that is true but then I suppose the argument would be the take over is or a Democratic majority because it's a majority of the House of Commons which is elected you know that's the sort of pace of our parliamentary democracy is finding a majority for something and if that the way to do that was to unite and piece of different parties I suppose that would be a case so. It's one of the arm around the edges isn't a really it's a little bit wobbly but it's yours Johnson trying to maneuver. Very into. An election Jamie couldn't Jamie couldn't couldn't deny that without seriously damaging his own reputation so I mean if Johnson does say right should we do it boys he's going to have to say yes is me well yeah I mean it's an interesting point because Labor's done nothing else but call for a general line of cuts of year every minute. And so you need on the fixed Parliament you need 2 thirds of the House of Commons to vote for general election but I wouldn't be a problem with it if you had labor sometimes of the what I've heard. Considering the special circumstance labor or labor under pressure from the NO DO types of M.P.'s not to support. On Boris Johnson and therefore sort of keep their powder dry how. Confident how can they do that on this I mean this is the whole point to fix some parliaments I mean the fall of an act it really hasn't changed very much except on the surface to say that you know you need this backing to have an election because the way the hardly any opposition party would ever say no to a prime minister manipulating into a general election because it makes them look like cowards No I mean especially when it's the central plank of your view is to have a general veto pushing for every day every 2nd of the day and this is actually back off from Again no sorry we're not going to let you have a general election would be anti democratic I think I think they would probably be under pressure not cool a great swimmer like an abortion but I think it would probably I think they would probably vote for the exact reasons you just go out. To Al they really because there are several in the day I thank you Thomas great to talk to you Thomas calls and the political reporter for Business in. And to call who rang yesterday yeah you are absolutely right and I just wanted to say that and but like I was saying it really makes no difference but you and I are on the same page with that so I thank you you're listening to B.B.C. Radio and that is 645. Problems continue in Staines following a building fire earlier this morning a 30 London road is closed in the crooked billet the A 3 O. Its trains bypass the Ashford hospital crossroads in the stand all road traffic along the road looking slow towards the closure coming down from the cemetery and Bus Route 2 or 3 skirting on diversion and intended Vivian Avenue is closed westbound from what food when at hand and central to Station Road following an accident with westbound tailbacks at times on to the Queen's Road in Highgate West Hill is blocked Avenue following a collision traffic coping fairly well but Bus Route 214 was being diverted in Highgate and Dartmouth park the which ferry remains down to one boat service following ongoing generator problems northbound traffic on the block will tunnel southern approach started to build now from Blackwall lane and on the trains disruption for the over ground 0 service behind me downs Chessington Enfield town and with delays of up to 10 minutes some great services for 7 Sisters following an early a faulty train at Edmonton Green the sparks B.B.C. Radio London your next travel itself. Is longer. To tell me the truth is that's quite difficult often edginess does drive time and getting them to tell me off so be true. And we can work out the truths weekday afternoon from 5 and at the end of the show you better inform that 4 wheel drive tide like it to be a conversation with news but that's a different matter weekday afternoons from 5 this is B.B.C. Radio London. A very good morning she a smart school spin the. B.B.C. Radio London Petrea then Vanessa coming up at 7 Morning morning how low we're going to be to hear as I'm sure you've been morning about embarrassing stupid and racist just some of the reactions to plans by the Home Office to proof put knife crime stories on fried chicken boxes David Lammy for example tweeted Is this some kind of joke why have you chosen chicken shows and some people will probably agree with you maybe lots of people will say Why chicken shops Why have you chosen they might say I know I have some races stereotypical kind of tell getting all the people they would have seen only days ago I think I'm going to count the number of days for 5 days ago the story about county lines gangs targeting young people through chicken Yeah I think the free chicken where from Trayvon she can shelves and that was only the other day so some people will obviously see racist connotations here all those will see that they think it's a very sensible direct way of targeting young people who might be vulnerable to gangs that might get caught up in knife crime or gone crime they might say Well where else are you going to do it how else you get what other product can you be pretty sure that they love they enjoy they quite cheap at a particular point putting in a soap. You know or an expensive shoes show up to you know I don't know I mean they may say sure on a box of trade as I don't know maybe you should and I should but but but other people think well yes chicken and trainers Why don't you know so we'll see we'll see what the lovely listener has to say about this also this morning this was a huge story on B.B.C. News at 10 o'clock last night took up a big chunk of the program it's snowing plastic in the Arctic as you see it I saw it and it was the snow is meant to be pristine the purest snow in the planet because no one's that there's no best place to stick particles in it and when you look at the snow it's full of plastic Also it's full of fibers from closing Oh gosh so. So you look at you think oh pure white is most beautiful I've ever seen an own inspection it's nothing of the kind or visit been defiled their aunt can't get a flask of pure pure snow find that there's just no it's full of stuff they're going to be talking about that implications of that will can be done about that and young people of course anxiously waiting at A level results this morning a recession one charity says that teenagers think knowing the right people is more important getting on in life and the grades they get I just remember company is ago but this time out of insight in a car outside my school my son's place to go in India is a level results read and a man without both my girls well I keep thinking about my own eyes about the songs I keep thinking about 979 call verify a leg the postman had to get to before he got to my parents that bit oh well Vanessa thank you very much indeed so all of that to come today to make sure that you keep your powder dry for Vanessa who'll be with you at about 5 minutes past 7 off to the news that's 2 to Elaine in SAF East London this morning as a 1st time caller Good morning Elaine happy morning Petry. I'm caught in the regards to the chicken pox edition it's an interesting debate isn't absolutely cannot you know 8 young people very very smart they all have mobile phones now whoever sat down to come to this decision. Not think what they'll be once we put the information on the books is for the young people are where we direct them. My argument is. On those ticking boxes Yes talk about the dangers of knife crime but they should be directions to these young people where they can go to information a telephone number and a youth club but information on there is not sufficient. Interest. Not you good point that really is a very good point absolutely when they had this thing with Child Line that if you remember with Esther Rantzen and they were actually directing people young people with a telephone number to MEMBER Yes or to Samaritans or the telephone number if you want to go to get condoms as young people experiment with sex they'll be the phone number of the clinic with Ingo nearest to them so what I'm saying is they should be clear directions to young people like that they like to be directed to things of way to get information about what's going on around them. And it's all very well for them to say. Go to who was right didn't make the choices but if it's in an area where parents don't have that kind of money and there are no use clubs yes people with money will always find something to do for their children what about the people that don't have the money very good point and and if there aren't these services to back up the messages on that totally is a what do they do where do they get so tell me where to send my children and I'm not in that position myself but yeah tell me where if you were where would you go and I'm happy to bring them yes and another thing I haven't seen these books with that they change from the orange and white usually to black Now why have they used a black box I find that just been why couldn't it been red or pink or yellow one blue red My somebody would complain that they look like blood may have been the girls would agree with today why wouldn't I have no idea I mean no idea maybe it may I may be the black box was just because that it's serious guys you know that you know this is like you know whatever from my where I'm standing it doesn't say that now it's just targeted at black people and it's another negative way of saying. You know the black is bad yes. Yeah it's interesting because this is what I was saying to Robert is that this is a white person I can't possibly comment on whether this is racist or not and I'm so grateful that you have done just stop because it every time I have these conversations I peruse my eyes further. Kind of stereotyping and that you've been asking all morning down. When you say state who do they owe and these intelligent people or did. I say that's all of them know exactly they've got these huge pot of money they need to get rid of oh yes let's do this what it means they will give every young person a pair of roller skates come and pick on him up a little over a bicycle whatever. A lane I hate I definitely Hayes thank you so much for being a 1st time call a very excellent point Larry Lange saying look do these boxes contain information is all very well saying don't carry a knife is bad for you but does it say go he a to get some help we'll go here go to this year's club will phone this number excellent point thank you very much indeed for making it just before I go today the Museum of homelessness says that one homeless person is dying on average every 19 hours the new report suggested 275 people affected by homelessness that died in the last 6 months across the country it wants councils to do a better job of correctly recording how homeless people die would Jessica is the co-founder of the Muse Museum of homelessness and joins me now good morning Jessica good morning I can I just ask you how do you people are cold to death of homeless people presumably it's quite difficult to track down next of kin. Yes I mean there are some inconsistent things in the way that the Supreme Court the whole within an unjust system so within local authorities just a. Heartless summons and I fed ex the bird might not always be on the desk so we would like agencies to work together and provide more consistency in order that we could see. If I was person and so for example in a hospital before they know me then that is not registered as homelessness on that test sometimes it is and sometimes it runs a race a matter of of more consistent say Are you surprised at these I think is. Sadly because a lot of our we do so directly with the community we're not really surprised by the ficus. Time of significant crisis in the within and regarding homelessness So are you emotionally rethink the figures may well be higher than the ones that we've actually got that so far this year this is quite often a delay in reporting of people stare. OK so how do you you said you want all sorts of people to banded together but in reality how does that how does that work do they have to examine every death and the status of that person. I think their respect and people within an inch just trust there is a will and people would like to be able to move consistently record. And it can be done by agencies working more closely together but I think what's really important about this report as well is no I really thought you meant saying also changing things so that we saw last deaths of people affected by homelessness So for example some research that was published last year by U.C.L. Tells us that 30 percent of deaths of people who are homeless are from treats book conditions you know things like pneumonia that if the person was housed that it wouldn't be a fatal condition so that is something that we're campaigning quite strongly on as well to reduce homelessness to stop this really terrible situation my person is dying every 19 hours in the you know in 2099 is an acceptable to good speech and thank you very much Jessica for that care founder of the Museum of homelessness talking about as she said one homeless person tying on average every 19 hours 235 of them in across the country in the last 6 months that's it for me for today it's also. Me for this week but some are special treat for you. Huge special treat Duncombe barks back for you Duncan Boggs will be in tomorrow morning between 4 and 7 taking us through the early breakfast if you do not listen to Duncan before I urge you to do so he's he's brilliant so make sure that you you chin in tomorrow morning for junk box between 4 and 7 Have a great weekend when it arrives despite the weather and tree right now by staying where you are because Venice is next. To. Really to see ready London traveler reports coming in of an accident on the and 11 partly blocking carriage way northbound by half way between junction for the North Circular and junction 5 at Loughton in staying C 30 along the road remains closed between the stains bypass of the crooked billet and the Stanwell road at Yosh for the hospital cross roads following the building far earlier this morning in Hendon Vivian Avenue closed westbound from the A 41 hand and way to Station Road following an accident near at hand and Central and in Highgate West Hill is blocked it out should ave finding a collision traffic coping well with that one though heavy traffic on the highway now into town towards the Tower Hill coming up from the line last link and on the undercard on the overground are the no service tree knock me down and feel down with delays of up to 10 minutes on credit Angus service is 7 sisters that's falling in area 40 trying the sparks B.B.C. Radio London the next travel at 715 embarrassing stupid and racist some of the reactions to plans by the Home Office to put my crime stories on fried chicken boxes David Lammy tweeted Is this some kind of joke why have you chosen chicken shop that's with me after the news on radio and going to. The B.B.C. Sounds to me this isn't on Jackson B.B.C. Radio A. London's 7 o'clock I'm Livia Dimitri we have some breaking news for you this morning we've heard from our correspondents in Malaysia the pay small term results from the death of the teenager from London he went missing in Malaysia have revealed it was the potential rupturing of her in.

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