Together to create the impression that a 50 pounds but can be doubled when there's no chance of winning this man who wants to remain anonymous got attacks when he tried to film the trick holding my my phone like this before I knew it that individual I was filming had thrown me onto the floor and was strangling me and I are pulling off I'm going to die and at the very last moment he let go the mat says its offices easing a number of tactics to tackle the problem including high visibility patrols and playing close operations government plans to review sentencing policy for the most dangerous criminals in England and Wales have been criticised by opposition parties bars Johnson says punishments must truly fit the crime if the public has to have confidence in the justice system it's the latest in a series of announcements on lower noise ever including the creation of thousands of more prisons on the expansion of stop and search powers B.B.C. Radio London's reporter Greg McKenzie has been speaking to these people in central London about stop and such it might deter I don't say works obviously they know today going to start getting stopped more than Marta ter them from having optics on them if you've been stopped and searched all the time it's irritating because they can't do enough it should really be you have to. Be scared that's almost going to come up to you and touch you if a policeman to come back to me and just doing what they think is right and I'm just going to be thinking well regardless of the statistics I'm still good or the best safe than sorry the Liberal Democrat say increasing prison sentences with the crowd prisons and waste millions of pounds Labor's accused the Prime Minister of being vague on how he'll pay for his plans more than 100000 pounds has been donated to help the family of a missing teenager from London and Malaysia and her parents are offering a 50000 Malaysian ring get reward which is just under 10000 pounds for information leading to the return of their daughter this morning a total of 348 personnel was a point in the search operation for 15 year old Nora queer men who disappeared from a Malaysian junk. Results on the 4th of August is the largest team so far according to Malaysia's Millais mail nice paper a woman's been left with potentially life changing injuries after reportedly being crushed between 2 cars the emergency services were called at around $815.00 else night to Hyde Park corner offices are investigating an allegation Landrover was deliberately driven of the woman who's in her mid forty's trapping her against him a Sadie's 23 year old man the suspected driver was arrested at the scene and remains in custody police are appealing for witnesses. Onsen investigations revealed London airports have the most expensive car parking terrorists in the country but Luton and Stansted charge 8 pounds for 30 minutes in the passenger pick up area the R.A.C. Found by the airports have increased their charges this summer now with a look at London's weather his cake and Salah the unsettled weather continues and today the Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning of 4 thunderstorms heavy downpours expected could lead to flash localized flooding later on the some afternoon the showers will become fewer further patois and we could just see some glimmers of sunshine towards the end of the day temperatures on the cool side at around 18 or 19 Celsius B.B.C. Radio in London it's 3 minutes past 12. 94.9 F.M. And on B.B.C. Sounds this is London this is B.B.C. Radio London where I was elms. And lots of people are reminding me of foregone the timing because I asked about Lindisfarne I played in India's foreign truck earlier lots of it reminding me about for whom the time but some are also telling me that they're still going John says I saw Lindisfarne last week at the Wickham festival and they're going to be at the Margate rhythm and rock festival on the 6th of September so if you want to go see the Lindisfarne is they're out there still still doing it yes right Mike you're right Poznan is the bizarre goal celebration where you turn your back on the pitch for your friends will know that and Tony just Tony is just Tony is the kind of joy over he says I was the cabbie outside U.C.H. When your lovely mum said Lee posties just tweeted all Tony of Aussie thank you quite genuinely what you did that day and what you said that prompted me to write that book I mean I'm not saying it might all that and then he would but it's a say in the book because you said London was London is thinking of. And I say in the book I didn't often make me think about love and I wrote about that as which is the intro of the book I wrote a couple of years before I wrote the rest of it so I can say is thank you for an act of real real calling. On Of No I never knew the cab driver was until this day and it was Tony Tony think you. Were going to pose in the next. The brilliant Jimmy Cliff and wild world it's a golden It's a big one. So you'll hear when you're old. Home and you suddenly decide I don't want to be here anymore I'm going to go somewhere else where would you go probably not Poznan but that's what the man's in opposite me didn't he's written a book about it it's called a chip shop in Poznan and Poznan in Poland of course my unlikely year in Poland by Bennett King who is here with us now Ben more come to the show gender prepare a new coat I can only assume that was Polish at least I hope it was basically I said good morning i love you very very much the feeling is not entirely mutual but I'm very far. So you're sitting at home in so Portsmouth is where you live and that makes a bit more sense now and you suddenly decide I'm going to go somewhere else but why I posed the more Poznan in Poland why Poland because I was attracted to the idea of being completely stupid somewhere. And the process of becoming less stupid is what I'm quite fond of. What I'm trying to say is that I like the idea of being naive like pressing reset on my life going somewhere and knowing nothing not having a clue that was attractive to me and of course Poland's relationship with Britain over the last 10 years has become more interesting more intimate to borrow a couple of euphemisms and that was enough a provocation Yeah I mean I guess we live in a place where lots of we lived on the journey in reverse lots of people who come from Poland and as a result of that we've seen lots of party shops and published beer and sausages and whatever so I guess it's not quite as a sort of a moan is it been 20 or 30 years ago but you didn't know anybody there or any of the language or anything else I didn't have a clue if you join me pictures of John Paul the 2nd elect I would have been out of a spot which was which one of them is just as the pope that would have been a clue probably still got it wrong yeah I didn't know anything about Poland but because of the kind of new special relationship to the corner of corn a phrase I was encouraged to consider that I'd heard a lot of bad press about Poland there was quite a reduced narrow set of stereotypes that were being circulated in the press and I wanted to sort of challenge that common sense and provide myself with a bigger picture so how did you do it just tick tick Yeah I pick I booked the cheapest ticket I could find to a place I'd never heard of I didn't want Warsaw or crack of over dance because I sense there might be a few English speakers there and I wanted to be as much a fish out of water as possible so you booked a ticket to most of us the only one will know about poznaƄ is is the strange ritual when winning a football match of doing the polls and yet they they they show their support and devotion to the food scene by turning their backs on them which is you know an interesting tactic isn't it when it comes to displays of affection of my child my grandma next Christmas so when you when you got your ticket suppose Were there any other British people on the flight was there any one know that I could tell no it's not popular with this is not true. 1st place it's all is domestically Yeah yeah you know post who travel to Germans will nip over to Poznan because Poznan was German for a good chunk of its history so the people this big German or Polish partner out definitely Polish one another because if you speak German at your peril to be honest but there is that link and it's very close to the German border it's only a few hours from Berlin so you do get German tourists visiting as well as Polish ones OK So you learned in this strange city that you know nothing about what's the 1st thing you do oh we've got a problem that's kind of put my downfall or had to find a place to stay for the night so I was basically having a butchers looking for a suitable hotel one that I could pronounce you know the kind of food and you're not doing this on with a vast budget you know I was off to a sort of Eat Pray Love experience you know on a budget of 200 quid. So I found some takes I found the pub you know surprise you went in there already. Just try to kind of get a sense of my bearings and why things up and it was very exciting you know there was this no 2 ways about it the process of really relocating everything and redirecting repurpose ing almost is incredibly exciting did you have any any links to anybody do you have a phone number or a friend of a friend no I didn't even have a phone on me. So the idea was to completely detach and then immerse myself and just see what happens OK What happened is unlikely everything was unlikely I got a job in a fish and chip shop I stayed with a bunch of nuns near crack of They've got this 14th century Abbey and the roof falling in so to me to raise money to help repair it they're renting rooms they're letting out room so I stayed in one of those nearly got kicked out for being an atheist I got offered a job by us skeptic farmer who knows one thing after another the whole thing was unlikely and did you start to make friends and you know do you start to kind of build a bit of a life there if you see me yes I moved into a flat with Free Poles and mission they didn't know what to make of me therefore I did I was some kind of Spawn journalist or whatever and then eventually it became good friends and 2 of those people I lived with for a year and I are in Jenny now living in London did you I mean one of the things you say early in the book is you know you're going to replace lots of people you could you work out why so many polls leave Oh yeah it was easy peasy I could have Googled it before when it was money right is it just that. You know 99 percent of the people I asked is as simple as that is money you know the Polish economy is getting stronger and stronger but nonetheless relative to of record amaze it still makes sense for post to work and earn in a different currency be that in the euro or in the pounds so that's why there's been this kind of this because there are very valuable sick people out there is likely they wouldn't go if they didn't have to they're more patriotic than the British That's for sure and so their idea in the process of relocating can be quite a painful one for them. Did you meet many other English people. Fortunately no no so did you learn the most probably speak speak some English Yeah yeah well if you ask someone over 60 you know how to keep on at the weekend though they might just point into the distance and redirect you some or someone under 50 you know you've got a strong chance of getting some cracking English you know that and especially the youngsters now 2025 around the age that probably speak better English not to and did you make an effort to learn Polish I did yeah as I top of the show I declared my love you in Polish and I can also order across on and a couple of beers in the package deal that on oh yeah it did I can now have a pretty extensive conversation it's not one you'd necessarily want to listen to or take part in but you know it's there they of course I'm probably got the polish of a 6 year old and did you. Begin to understand Poland and polish ness. Scratching the surface you know friend of a friend said to me you know I hope you write a book that uncovers the Polish soul that I probably got more chance of writing you know a sequel to Harry Potter you know it's not easy to do you know everything and it is a land that has been very very bashed about by just about everybody is it I mean by the Russians the Germans the you know who have yet suffered more conquests than invasions the nonfat hot dinners that's for sure and that does something to a country sense of self especially during the the Soviet occupation for want of a better word it was almost hermetically sealed the country so what's that going to do to it since this stuff is going to tighten it's going to firm things up and it's going to. Not not damage it but it's certainly going to be more limited in its scope and I think the last 20 years have been to Poland sort of coming out of embrace with the Soviet Union and taking a look and and you know spreading its wings a little bit but there's going to be some Teevan problems there is a kind of perhaps a dark side to polish nationalism as well isn't that we hear a lot about kind of the far right and did you encounter any of that yeah you might hear a lot about it but you don't see a lot about it that's how often is off tonight that is not news stories that are negative a pejorative or a little bit sensational they'll do the rounds quicker than news stories that say that people are just quite ordinary in peaceful and. You know decent Of course you get dipsticks anywhere and one or 2 people have took exception to me for being English and speaking English in the street but they're not many not many but then I started speaking to him polish to them and we ended up talking about their cousin lives in Glasgow so. It's not you know the the far right it's much talked of much discussed but you know day to day I didn't see any of it really is there or is there a love element to the story there's a there's a bumpy romance. And romantic narrative Basically I fell in love with somebody that in fall in love with May. Not necessarily in part. The less said about that the better the you know the scars are still there Robert has the chips better than they used to pay Yeah pretty good appealing but Saito now you know did you get taste for Polish food and stuff or is that we want to soon as the cuisine is not the highest of this Polish kind of attractions but I don't know well the cuisine the queen the cuisine is yes distaste an arm fond of you know there's a national big OS and that's absolutely delicious all sorts of me and cabbage and they think they can get. It but I cook it for about you know 2 years before they serve and it's absolutely tasty and one thing that I regret is that we see lots of Polish shops in the U.K. No less Polish restaurants and I'm looking forward to that moment when there's a little bit of a shift and we start to get offered plates of pierogi and because like you get offered now past there and Pacer and stuff there was food for one period there was a brief period there was a Polish Indian fusion restaurant in. That would have tasted like yes spicy dumplings well but I don't know what it was it was a Polish guy was married to an Indian woman they had this restaurant publishing they were ready but yeah there's a basement place in Elephant and Castle which means my mother in law or something or other is their community important from outside of Poland this there were kind of a an immigrant community of any kind in London no in Poland. Ukrainians really mostly the last 5 years the same scene a big movement of Ukrainians to fill partly to fill the gap created by young Poles leaving the polls that have moved elsewhere to work so. In Poland in the in the newspaper in the media there's actually like a similar discourse to what we hear here about you know immigration problems which is a kind of irony and I suppose that's going to happen to all of the world when the late when a labor gap appears somebody is going to fill it from elsewhere in there's always can be a certain amount of resistance to that did you what brought you back home did you say wrong doing a year and then when you finished while I was at home Article 50 the triggering of . When that happened back and of March 27th saying that was my sort of cue to wrap things up there I didn't have to go wasn't forced of not also but there was a sort of poetic neatness to see that happening and I for that. Cool time in my experience in Poland I went home the long way instead of taking a fly you know I drove into trains across Europe to get a better sense of what Britain was detaching itself from you know that I know that sounds melodramatic and I'm not being literal you know you can still access and travel and enjoy a year. In symbolically it can feel that way and so. The idea was always to have have a year and then get on with my life and find a wife and do stuff about what you're after write the book of a chip shop in Poznan would you do it again not necessarily supposin them but I mean if you have a hankering to suddenly say what were my knee or another chip shop well. It could even be a burger but. Yes I do have that because it was such a rich and fruitful and fertile experience yet I would do it again in a heartbeat whether my mom would let me I don't know. Probably old enough to have to buy about. Well she does try to you know keep me as a close to home as possible bless her you know while you're away for a year and it's turned into a I mean trading book a chip shop in Poznan why I'm like a year in Portland by Ben I kid Ben thank you very very much how do you say thank you very much and parties say Jen keep well I'll let you say. Time ago. I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people didn't send me maybe they be happy for a walk. But February make me shiver every paper deliver better news than the doorstep I couldn't take one more step. I can remember. When I read about him his widowed bride. Something to me. Sighed day. Then the sick. So. In. The. Lead it was. Bush is with drinking whiskey and saying On the. Dull McLean and American Pie I got an e-mail from Sharon who says on the moving from are you on mood to you I.E. Not into an intern t 17 at the age of 47 why I was bored at work and money to change so I moved much over year old to do boy it was an amazing experience both good and bad but I don't regret it it was the 2nd time I've done this as I lived in the Caribbean for 6 years a while back where but now unsettled again into London life would I do it again yes says shall and you know I did it in one in 86 I think it was that I moved to to spying for a year I just thought I wanted to buy a book and I needed some time and spice and I psyched up a bit of money and I just thought well I'm going to go and live in Boston I had been there not very well on them you know many people managed to book a an apartment and just moved the ball so long and it was an incredibly rewarding thing to do and it meant you know you're not coming back speaking a language and all sorts of stuff. Would I do it to see what I had absolutely no knowledge and knew nothing about it I don't think I could do it anymore well you got too many links in now too much family too much people depending on you and whatever but it was an it was a fantastic thing to do and you do see see the world. I don't know anyone could go and live in another country for a year and not see the world slightly differently and maybe understand the world just a little bit better. Because you see through other always another why use another language. It just set off the so it's he is in the same road in Acton I moved to Finsbury Park it was very strange she says. It's $1230.00 here on the show you the listening to Lana Del Rey and doing time but now at $1230.00 it is time for the news headlines. London's headlines on will Schindler Boris Johnson has ordered a review of prison sentences for the most dangerous criminals in England and Wales the prime minister says they must be punished and properly rehabilitated and under and under cover investigation by B.B.C. London has revealed how tourists are being conned out of thousands of pounds in a gambling scam on Westminster Bridge the Met says its officers are using a number of tactics to tackle the problem more than 100000 pounds has been donated to help the family of a vulnerable teenager from London who went missing while on holiday in Malaysia more than 300 people are taking part in the search for 15 year old North Korean who disappeared from her room at a resort 8 days ago and a woman has been left with potentially life changing injuries after reportedly being crushed between 2 cars the emergency services were called at around a quarter past 8 last night so a collision in Hyde Park Corner Police are appealing for witnesses London's weather showers easing leaving a dry and sunny afternoon highs of 18 degrees Celsius that is 64 degrees Fahrenheit now with the B.B.C. Radio London travel his public area. Thankful assassin Westminster Bridge is currently closed westbound or will be closed for the next 3 months heading westbound from south London for the installation of the new security gates a Bridge Street is also closed in both directions now the bridge remains open for buses licensed taxis and cyclist only but general traffic not teaze the Westminster Bridge westbound York Road currently slow from the IMAX roundabout and or slow Immortalist I slow traffic on the surrounding at rates at the moment he's from Lambeth north and the imperil warmly say I'm heading northbound as well now in nothing held. Carney close now both directions between Galway road and let me look at the other adult way right and queens why it's been closed that building fire. Closed while the emergency services attend the fire that Queensway that's also closed as well number of buses on diversion. Before you get public transport in the area and. Heading out of town 2 lanes closed for emergency repairs just before the northern roundabout lanes $1.00 and $2.00 closely traffic on the approach traffic that the minute also invokes all South lumber throw 2 lanes and close southbound at Perry Street for roadway. On the approach now the M 25 anticlockwise one lanes twice from 27 to 26 eleventh's a very slow day took pleasure in this happens I'm one of 4 car littlest and on the trains of the moment Thameslink delays about 20 minutes sometimes places as well between some Pancras International and listen to a points Fadia probably look Arab B.B.C. Radio London next update us before one B.B.C. Radio to see the same. Impact they did it if this was happening because it's not comedy. The feels like this exactly what I meant to be in the space I'm supposed to be and why I should be the funniest. I'm not going to. Thank you on coming. And 5 nights a week. In speech. Monday to Friday C.B.C. Radio. It's time to find out what your favorite song. I'm almost impossible but just the song you really like at this moment in time we have one. Turntable on your playlist a song that you just heard and using Oh that's really good like them or maybe an old one that's kind of popped back into your life and I loved it because it broadens the musical gene pool it gets some songs that we otherwise probably wouldn't. I go 1st because that's sort of the way that we do it on the track I'm going to play off played I think up once on the show and it's not about on I very much about the cold monkey house the not new but it's a new album. Kind of grown ups they look like they come to MY are huge and they sound a lot asked to be said to me in my is at least likes the lead and they're very much in that kind of mold very precise I would imagine that they're session players because they can really play but I think this is a great sound the album is called Friday by monkey house is a new album has just come out and the open chalk on the record is cold 10000 hours . Of. Salad greens. Oh enough that Mark says It definitely sounds something awful want to dominate the fight begins more recent solo obeys Yeah I mean is a big dollop of Donald on there and Steely Dan as well but he's quite and his soul music that I didn't think people might anymore which is why I rather enjoy it and it was a track called 10000 hours buy the album Friday from monkey house well let's find out what Liam's favorite track is at the moment and why a limb. Very well indeed so you've gone for a family person so why this one I have 0 confidence on I'll always love this song. As I think I said in there is no a mile I was lucky enough to counsel him and on a go last weekend wow a private festival and I try you and I have never heard it before though I have that thing and this song and I grabbed the guitar the electric guitar for the 1st time I think in the house and he was so connected at that you know it's like when bands on form Yes just the you can't beat it and this song has everything I love about a mercenary it just fills me out I'm not to see him play live in front of an audience of 200 people you don't go was just magnificent when I'm very jealous I have to say because you know I see it as you know I love going to see Van A lot yeah and you wait for those special moments and when they come they're all very special Yeah and this song has found many and you're not going to get for it because there's like I mean it's but we have like a minute show a version. OK one side to that fiddle and the east is called and the healing has begun here it is. That doesn't sound love Emerson would drop. If there isn't. Most of all. That's left to stop the. Devaney not the right piece of music so I hadn't had a chance to listen to that before in. That environment. What that is but that isn't the right piece of music unfortunately. But and I'll tell you what my thought is going to work with the next caller trying find the root amorous inject for a bit layer very sorry about that these things occasionally happen when you are lying or machines and the machine seems to see some a swerve ball with a curve ball because that was the only not families. What And so we got to know of these to come and the reason as a side that I like this particular slaw is we get to fight tracks that I did you know I wouldn't have chosen and if I don't even know who the next one I'm very glad to say that Sharon in so bits and does and she's on the line now Hello Sharon and I love that shot and hopefully you got the right track for you. So much so that it doesn't seem like I got it so about is because I don't know anything about. Well to be honest I don't know so much about this person I just happen to be watching Gaston greenish here and she came on stage and. Partner States hadn't managed to close my mouth because I was I can still see taste stretched me like Leslie. Seized. Me in a clear Piers thank crack I'm proud and. She gives it tension fashion I see change and more she's missing you know so it's attacking saying is suddenly someone. And she's got to play nicely to swell. So I was kind of stunned and taken aback that when Mr tracksuits a 2nd question. I said elsewhere which is a strike and it's been cut it was. A random and in my face the best kind so our interview should tell us where she is and what the change called. Name is really sorry and the track record. To. That it. Was written. Down. Just. To. Tell. Us. Good. That's fantastic Mark says that is pure Pulp Fiction and he's not wrong I've never heard that before I've never heard of. And I hoped I thought that was absolutely terrific reminded me of kind of early hip hop from the the sort of early early eighty's at that kind of joyous you know feel about it absolutely great bit of pop music you see this is why it's such a good slot right and we found amorous and I'm very glad to say and so this is the track that he was talking about I've never heard Van do this alive and it's a it's a beautiful piece of music memorization and the healing has begun. We've. Had. Some. Good. Smile. But we've. Seen. As I don't know if they're absolutely. Or you know I just got home from them again. So used to me on the street. Or just let me move on up because one is still. Yes I've got some news or. Drop or. Come on and right. Behind the Story there. Was this moment this. Letterbox. Homages going to your. Room and. Just sit on the 6 week. Scan. But have. Ya guard plays money was America. Good for. Me I'm when he has begun a little bit. Because it's on me. John from Plumstead said that's my favorite song of all because I'm very jealous of that fellow who heard Van sing live in Donegal. Lots of people saying to me you gotta listen more to Liz O'Shea's fantastic Ed says I went to Glastonbury in my 60th year for the 1st time and one of the best Stax I saw was listen she's a huge talent for the future. When the healing has begun here on the Show Me got time for one more of your favorite tracks right now and this one came from Tracy in Epping we can't get Tracey up on it but she to she said that she loved this since she 1st heard it on my show which is always nice to know and he came on and he did this live as well actually it was fantastic he's got a really good voice I do think is one of the the current generation are well worth looking out for I think is originally from Nottingham currently based in London and as a city did this live on the show and it's a beautiful song and it was Tracy in Epping his favorite song right now and it's called Strange roses by a decent woman. The watch. And the. Time. Of. Us. Are anchored to. Fox. And may. Never. Doubt with us all our. Time. At Suliman I haven't heard that since I last played on the show which would have been months ago and is very very good song indeed and it's the favorite at this moment in time of Tracy in Epping Thank you Tracy is beautiful but Sasha says that simply beautiful of never feel it's lovely and as it is love rendition on the show was fantastic as well we must get him back in again. And that takes almost into the last hour of the show and I know we're going to be doing we're going to be hearing live music from Brian Jarman pins on the show before and she's coming in to play for us this often but now 2 minutes to warm before the headlines it's time for the travel update. Thanks Robin nothing hill west of the remains closed both ways jingle way road and Queensway days of the building fire and the like Alice slow traffic by the side of that closure in Westminster Westminster Bridge we've got slow traffic heading westbound now it's close to all traffic except for buses licensed taxis and cyclists a general traffic cannot use Westminster Bridge heading westbound it's also affecting Bridge Street and that's currently closed in both directions as well at the moment York Road is slow from the IMAX roundabout immortally We've also got keys from Lambert heading northbound as well around the Imperial War Museum and adding to delays over Lambeth Bridge and on Victorian balances drivers divest away from the closure be aware that closure in place of Westminster Bridge westbound general traffic will be in place now for a few months Bridge Street of as well of the sea closed both directions so there's a bit of extra traffic around Parliament Square as a result and why City Day 40 west way out of town 2 lane still closed just before the no the roundabout at the West Cross reached imagine syrup has taken place slow traffic on the approach it's low on the M $25.00 in a couple of spots as well both anticlockwise so slow after an early accident from $27.00. 26 all lanes have reopened. And also the lane is closed on the entry slab anticlockwise at $25.00 that's for the a tad slow traffic there's a broken down there called blocking lane 2 you can tweet me at B.B.C. Travel call us as well our 871-2000 B.B.C. Radio London Next up place at 130. 6 This is a. B.B.C. . Lizzie's one of the Boris Johnson ones the most dangerous criminals to spend longer in prison the Prime Minister's ordered a review of sentencing for.

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