Dr about allergic rhinitis Yeah I think probably hasn't caused it because it can't really change your body's immune system which is what hay fever is but people do get hay fever later on in life and I think it really does depend on what's happening to them for example I've been much more allergic since I had Alice than I was really definite They so you know even my cat friends touch my face I come up in high which never used to happen you know so I think we change our way through our lives and I think for women hormones play a really big part in that so it could just be for the home and change it could be that combined with really high pollen but it is miserable and we all seem people this year who have never had it before us is not interested in what brought us can do I suppose the body goes into a completely different rhythm doesn't it and everything's lightened and while you're pregnant you're completely immunosuppressed as well because otherwise your body would reject the baby so I think things change in while you're in that state Yeah absolutely 080-731-2000 if you want to chat Debbie says I My mum died oh gosh I'm sorry my mum died of ovarian cancer 8 weeks off to diagnosis at the age of 62 gosh she'd been on H.R.T. For many years I was there for reluctant to take it I went through many pools at the age of 45 and was diagnosed with osteoporosis at the age of 54 I took H.R.T. For 18 months but it was always in the back of my mind that this may have compared contributed to my mother's death I stopped taking it and now just take a lender and Ali Al and Donna caps it all thank you Alan Donek acid from what osteoporosis I would like to go back on H.R.T. As I felt great and I slept very well and I didn't have hot flushes please Dr and I want would you advise It's really hard for me to advise what you should do because obviously always has to be a personal choice I think you know I'm really sorry to hear about your mom ovarian cancer is a relatively rare. Cancer but over the Asli want to fix you you know your life is devastated and I'm sure you're really you really are feeling that from your mom the chance of H.R.T. Being the cause of that are actually really really Tony I mean minuscule there are many many other things in life which are much greater for example being overweight we know can affect those counts as they female cancers especially and meet your cancer having a glass of wine every day or the nice things now we think eaten should go that the jury is still a bit out on that one so I think what I'd say to you is is that having osteoporosis . That kind of thing which we get when we don't have H.R.T. And it sounds like you you know you had last year prices very young as a diagnosis and you've got a lot of Life to Live ahead of you and if you fracture a hip you know a 3rd of people fresh the hips are dead within a year and another 3rd never live independently again so I think it's weighing up those risks which are bigger if you've got osteoporosis obviously against quality of life as well so I think it's a personal choice if for me I probably would but it's very difficult for me to say that because it's not my mom yeah you know exactly but I think the chances of it being a child really really minuscule thank you for that this is it from lady who says I love listening to your show morning and evening hay fever pollution sentences are probably down to the lack of melatonin not abolition the I used to be a lot worse in the past in fact it is cleaner than ever well if you've been listening to we did a wonderful item on the air we breathe actually with a scientist and it's different tabulation I would would you believe is one of the worse wood burning stoves is a major contributor but he says the lack of melatonin does that mean a lack of sunshine so you know we might melatonin my sleeping actually if you're a very bad sleeper you don't make military a name which is why people use melatonin for sleep and for jetlag what I would say is yes we had smokes in the past. Oh it's very very bad but in between then the air did get much much cleaner but right now we are at a peak of very bad air pollution especially fast smog and allergies we know that so that's undeniable and the reason the symptoms are worse in the morning in the evening is because as the day heats up all of the pollution rises but he said it was again in the morning in the evening there you go 080-731-2000 Brenda says this is more cosmetic than anything else but I love to wear shorts in the summer and I've noticed that my veins varicose veins are getting more obvious over the years there is a vein clinic would they be responsible enough to deal with veins What should I do about them. When you say bank in a casino it's a private clinic I mean there are lots of private clinic who do veins and I'm sure some do it better than others and I'm sure many of them are absolutely excellent what I would always do with any of these can it is go into lines of things like trust pilot and look at reviews at the clinic see what other people think about it I think that's really important see if they see Q.C. Registered and just make sure that all of the accreditation that they need to have as a medical clinic but certainly there are lots of treatments out there for veins which do work from laser all the way through to stripping out the veins in a moment he Cousens even if they cause all men the mom had has injected does I mean that's probably an old fashioned method now I mean do they come back if you have them injected No Not necessarily but there are they they just choose the right one for your I mean laser I think is probably the most up to date one unlike you Steve I'm on the N.H.S. Now where we do SOM But they have to be they have to meet certain criteria and be quite disabling otherwise they consider causeless and they are genetic all the varicose veins they should be run through families won't Cool's is about as very is it and why do they come through age so in a vein the brain doesn't have the pressure that an artery does from the heart so the only way that blood can go upwards against gravity is for it to be pushed up by a muscle and then there's a bow in the vein which keeps it there before it's pushed up again it's almost like a lift and embarks things that power becomes incompetent it just falls away so it's a muscle problem then if your muscles on it swell it's a valve problems a valve problem and what that means through age so as we age it gets worse obviously certain jobs will make it worse so standing job's a standing O. Day having had pregnancies can make it worse just pressure with blocking and crossing your legs as bad as it was because I was but as you will know I'm crossing my legs as you say that yes allegedly although I always had my legs crossed I think genetics jobs pregnancies that kind of thing is a combination of things this is now this. Very interesting is I want to talk about this later. Campbell are done and you wrote about this how she flaw is so whenever I get on a plane when I get off a plane 99 percent of the time I get a call that following day and Campbell I was reading when she's on a plane whether it's budget or luxury she takes the whole seat cover with her and put over the seat she takes. What wipes and disinfectant disinfect literally everything never reads any of those books so I wouldn't either pick those up at those magazines but the tray the arm rests everything around her puts the chair cover over whereas a mosque and sleeps and then takes the cover to the hotel and they wash it in the laundry so that's her lifestyle but I actually think because he just says here this is a lady who says Joe I promise you the air was worse than it is now mention kerosene pollution from aircraft So yes there is that and we may be going to have another runway only at Heathrow there is that but when you are in an aircraft it is so polluted isn't it yes and I you know I'm absolutely convinced that the reason I got that flu Yes I show you do I touch the handle on the plane someone else it obviously what the nose with untouched so I can see why she does it I'm not sure I could be absolutely bothered to go to those lengths but I think sanitizing the things your hands are going to be on for a few hours and not touching her nose and that does seem like and this is just isn't circulated so we just breathing air from years ago. But they have done studies on this and say that it doesn't increase the bacterial load in the really you know it's just this is from this is an anonymous Texas says I had a code and also could be the other day as are having rectal bleeding they didn't find any said anything and they're now referring me back to my G.P. What could it be so that's really good that they didn't find anything because that's the most important thing. The most common cause rectal bleeding or hemorrhoids even if they're not hurting I know fishes which do have a painful that's the most common then after that polite but they would have seen on the kernel skip a implement She bowed disease so if it's continuing I think the advice should be given his steroids to put down there to try and get rid of any information. Keep your diet really for 5 the city is too soft and the norm to strain toe when you go to the Lay because people think the constipation is not going very often it isn't we shouldn't strain at all when we should just happen so lots of walks are as well right you have to wind up with any music it's all in the patch right now even people won't find your You Tube channel just put in Dr and I give us some of the subjects you've heard on there because you cover everything quite this look there is a lot so many oppose obviously in things for women but they sing some policies to carry very. Anxiety the you know an idea's to do with that also has headaches things about babies tongue tie and cow's milk protein allergy that kind of thing just put in thoughts of an eye on You Tube and it will all be there and we'll see you in about a month yes thank you very Although you are on with team I was on the Sunday. You and your parent a great double act nobody is any fantastic to topple head with he's on testicle I think this was out there was quite interesting that initially like when I 1st started with you it was quite quiet on the phones and now this week it went crazy the magic of team author and doctor writer I write will catch up with you in a month thank you so much for coming in this is a long as Morissette. But Wonderful and that was a lot more a set on going to join 10 the back of my back tonight with one hand upside down like she told us when we're close is I mean I feel isn't it this is when it turns into song go right because I actually call and see a thing without one. They'll be management to come in and tell me off in a minute it's but seriously my eyesight it's got so bad I think it was. All planned out the track of the track and no plan to try a B. C. Radiator. On the C. Is a bit out it's a bit inspired by go bad for Al but we call it. One last. Effort to tell you that Spanish. You're going to give us a. Common. Sense approach is making the output already down by the much Karena out of the budget. Covering the 1st time 5 minutes a week because this amazing time of. A B.B.C. Radio Dr you won't believe it they were in my pocket I've just turned into Dora brought on by the way most people listening won't know who Dora Bryan is but I was a very good friend Tamara what she when I lived in Brighton and Radio 4 extra did this amazing they put out her stand up that she did in 1991 when I was actually working for her in Brighton it went out last week on Radio 4 extra And the reason ourselves turned into Dora Brian is I remember when I was working for her she was trying to call her husband to collect from a shop in Brighton and she'd taken out the television remote instead of her mobile phone and I've almost done exactly the same by wandering around South Com for my glasses and they're in my pocket. Never mind Ben He says thank you so much for. The program can I have Dr any view about functional medicine she's gone I'm afraid you'll have to wait till she comes back. This is from Debbie Joe you need to get a tan mate to a backscratcher that's what I do attack Oh no she says attach a tan meet to a back scratcher. You know end up wasting tanning lotion on my tummy. I suppose it stops you. Oh. Sheryl Crow and Joe Walsh and still the good old days 25 minutes 3 it's a cool she's a look at my shoulder please don't let the sun go in it is a good. Which is cheese day off to noon hopefully you're having a lovely day hopefully you'll get to a Paul this is from Jerry he says Joe Jerry's listening in stress and we know exactly who Dora Bryan is and you sounded just like me then losing your glasses is just so old isn't it worth to need your glasses then to lose them Dora Braun was I mean she I urge you not now but at another time listen to the program heard doing stand up and she musta been in a rage she's was what it was just a stream of consciousness and when I was I worked she had a hotel in Brighton that she turned into a sort of she lived in a bit of it and then the rest of it was a health spa that I worked behind reception everyone that worked there were actors who were out of work so that's a bit dodgy isn't it because none of us were particularly trained to do what we were doing I mean I wasn't very good at reception. Her husband who was a top cricketer who had retired he used to just sit in reception. Reading and. Then there were other actresses who were doing mass Arjen things I know that sounds a bit dodgy but they were true medical Nassau and then she had a heated hide truth therapy pool that you could swim in it was like swimming in soup to be quite honest but she would at 330 in the afternoon come down and do the splits in reception because people wanted to see door do the splits. And she just go know everyone and then do the splits and then go back upstairs. On the set and some of. Them begin. The season and. Everybody can come up. To me in the. Woods trying to. Let's talk to Julie he's on the line Hello Julie. Mind you having seen your Mad Men now I couldn't find my my. Son looked I mean is that it's on silent you can't call it can you know well it was on an idea might run down I know. Because then I wouldn't have to call it could have been Yeah so I rang it's my landline and I was putting all the questions are trying to find it on the sofa where anything can hear it ringing you find it in my back pocket Oh not only just wrecking crew type because he's such an idiot. You know that he wanted to travel about of all the hotels where and you know the thing is today I live in limited accommodation I live in a studio flat so I didn't have to put your own time you know fly down I'm not there imagine when you live in a house and something it must drive you crazy at least you know you and I haven't got that phone home or anything lovely cool thank you Julie this is from Andrea says I loved or abroad in a Taste of Honey did you know that she was at the height of her career when she suffered a terrible period of depression it lasted a long time but she coped well and had it the most of her life yes I worked with her I worked for her and I worked with her in Gypsy we were in a production of gypsy at the colonel theatre in Worthing and she played Mama Rose Oh my God she was you know when she sang. Everything's coming up roses she was Ethel Merman she was our version of Ethel Merman and I was one of the Hollywood blondes in it I mean we just I just had the best summer that was one of the best summers I was a dancer in that production and. Which is what the Hollywood you know they they just dance they dance really badly which is perfect with Dora Bryan and living in digs in Worthing in glorious sunshine it was so so much fun and I do miss her misses she was the whole you know she and I think she was godmother to Laurence Olivier's daughter Tamara and then Flora Robson all that lot and Jack tinker always to travel on down on what they call the levee EXPRESS It's fantastic time in Brighton and I think I put Brighton on the on the map as far as showbiz was concerned Happy Days well and truly are there now 330 Time for The New. London's headlines and will Schindler a jury in the inquest into the deaths of the 3 men who carried out the London Bridge attack in June 27th he has concluded they were lawfully killed by armed police. And yourself Zach bar was shot dead by firearms officers after a 10 minute rampage in which attackers killed 8 people and injured 48 more the Met Police say they've made 6 arrests after extinction rebellion protesters block the entrance to London's biggest supplier of ready made concrete this morning they've been stopping vehicles and workers entering the site in both which supplies concrete for the construction of the silver town road tunnel 3 men and 3 women aged between 30 and 67 were arrested on trespass and obstruction offenses the German defense minister Vonda Lyon says she's willing to extend the Bracks a deadline she's currently trying to convince the European parliament to approve her nomination for European Commission president and unemployment has fallen to 1290000 it dropped by 50. 1000 in the 3 months to May the figures from the Office for National Statistics show wage growth is at its highest for more than 10 years London's weather remaining dry hot and sunny this afternoon with top temperatures of $26.00 degrees Celsius that is $79.00 degrees Fahrenheit now with the B.B.C. Radio London travel history an American. Thank you B.B.C. Radio London travel his latest in Neasden black bear tale is restricted to westbound at the Old Church Lane because of a collision the inside lane is currently closed to watch out for sleighs and Allen tweeted us about wills done with hefty queues only hired only for 7 approaching doesn't Hill name because the closure of nice delay and forward means work he added there are delays in the surrounding routes as well you can also tweet us an update out B.B.C. Try to call us on our 87312000 if it's safe to say further renting Marble Arch Bayswater Road remains close Wes Brown with incoming gates and Brooks street that South was main bus and is a gas leak in Lone street with a row closures around it including down square Chesson place and up about procedure expect delays particularly for the prompt and road and Sloane Street now out to New Malden and it's looking very slow for the Kingston writes the A 2043 westbound approaching the California road because the right works and the M 25 is looking slow clockwise between junction 5 and 6 a godson after a recent break down to McKinnon B.B.C. Radio London next updated just before for. Digital Radio 90 feet point 9 F.M. And sounds. Radio. Now I don't know if you remember when I was on late nights I used to have regular contributors on my next guest was warm and I have not seen him for so long between then and now he's written a bestseller and he now has another book out. Which is all about. Online Store King and it's something that he's been through himself and I will say I didn't know that also I didn't know that he moved to the south coast I didn't know that I will find out a lot more about his private life and his book which is called the closer I get when he comes in and he is. And he will be in straight off Susie. Thanks. To our. Teacher. Wonderful says he and I love that trap I was just gossiping all the way through with my next guest because I have pulled past and how long is it since I've seen you in must be at least 6 years probably 6 years on I do you know the last time I did see you in fact there are pictures all. I still bear the skull has no idea there are pictures on one of my websites it was when I was doing Sunday night sessions and Dan Roberts was producing and we did the whole show from a pub in. And we had a party Yeah and we had singers and performers and you were there in a tall pack Yes I was and I thought the last time I think I ever saw you was a great you know it was you was the whole thing didn't waste one tusk Remember let me just introduce PAUL BURSTON and those of you will know him anyway but. He had a good job he was enjoying life with his partner his thought Now I know very well because I used to go to his policies classes when he told Jim I went to which is no longer there so everything was going well and then suddenly the place that had been his home of 30 years didn't seem quite the same he found himself at the center of a stalking case which made. That he was then made redundant from his job at the same time and had to play a key part in fighting against harassment all of these experiences he touches on in his new novel which is called the closer I get and it's like I said it's sort of it's blurring fact with fiction and I knew nothing about these chapters of his life because in this all happened in the past 6 years so PAUL BURSTON Welcome to the afternoon show to be here also because I think I met you after you do it in the gay divorcee which was a huge hate you then had a Smith's best seller past which was is that your book before this one yes I was there with and it was my 1st it was my 1st sort of turning to crime novel is my 1st crime you know fall and so that did extremely well and now you've written this book and we just talk about your private life if you don't. So was this online store all you were allowed to talk about there I am yes because there were convicted yes he was online and it started off on. I was saved an e-mail from somebody I didn't know expressing their condolences because I posted on Facebook at at the relative's request. A post about the fact that my brother in law had died and the same day I got this email from somebody I never met saying I'm sorry to hear your brother nor died it makes my comments on Twitter seem really inappropriate So what I went on Twitter was what Brother supposed to do and it was the US It was the usual kind of trolling kind of comments you know so I ignored it at 1st and then because I was working for Time Out of the times I was doing my own website on my own Twitter and also time out one. And slowly over the course of about 3 months it kind of grew and grew and grew and it was so small it was so incremental I didn't really pay much attention to until he got to the point where it was actually too much you know I mean it was likely to crept up on me Eric crept up on me basically yeah and by the time I actually spoke to my husband he was like what what you know what you mean he's on social media he doesn't really understand how that all that works under got the point where every F. Where we're at where I had any pet presents with it was on websites on social media newspapers I wrote for magazines I worked for my Wikipedia page everything by Amazon they were there all the time and it was somebody I didn't know they were no but nobody knew what this person looked like whether they were male or female the screen name was a female name but there was rumors that it was actually a man. And it just escalated basically just it just it has escalated and escalated and it got the point where I became really unwell I would went to my doctor couldn't sleep and he said I was suffering from depression and anxiety put me under depressants which I don't never been on before. And then then the person started buying tickets to my events and posting pictures of a ticket saying they were going to come to the event and sought me out and that's when I that's when I got really frightened and then I had security around me because I was I did lots of water events and host events as well and going to an event thinking they could be anyone in the orders I've no idea who they were. Subsequently they then submitted their self published digital book. To a prize that I had just launched which is the 1st book prize and one of the other judges received the e-mail and contacted me and I said because I blocked the email addresses they were there were many militaristic. And I said No Tell tell them they can submit the book they consummate a book and rescission him because they could be not a 1st time book yeah and offer an foolishly this person replied my name and address and then I went to the police while a man asked how seriously did they treat it obviously when I went to the police I was actually worried that they wouldn't treat it seriously because I felt that even even to me it felt like it wasn't really a proper crime you know there's a part of you think this isn't really this isn't like someone attacking you in the street or physically assaulting you. And I went to the brooks and police station on the detective I was interviewed by work for the hate crime unit and there's a great big picture of a woman's battered face and you know calling on people to report arrested violence and I got I thought well compared to that this is really trivial but my brain was going to say the stare she was really shocked and said no this is a really serious crime and they took it really seriously they were fantastic it's not such a because that is not a relief to hear because the reason I think this book is so needed even though this is fiction but a lot of it is based on what you've gone through is this is you know this is new you know digital is new online is fairly new to all of us and it's inevitable this is going to start happening isn't it and it's probably happening all the time to people already I mean I suppose people who are you know people in the public eye it's more likely to happen until I don't know I mean I've no idea now if you look at how kids use social media it's but it's probably. Quite common that people will be stalked but it will end at some point before it gets too serious that people would just lose interest I don't know I mean that is all be really interested to know actually people listening if their kids have ever had this happen or view yourself at this happen but the thought that the plays do you take it seriously is so comfortably do they demand that the police are really good this the C.P.S. Took a long time to get the case to court so the whole thing I mean the whole thing hung over me for about 18 months which was awful. And the prosecution where the for the 1st the 1st hearing got got of adjourned for best reason they were properly prepared but the prosecutor we got after that was fantastic and he took the case very seriously and really worked on it and you know it was it was a solid case and we got a conviction we did have someone coming into the court and actually explaining to the judge what Twitter was. Even there was a whole morning spent on the base explaining the technicalities of how it works and without giving too much away did you see this person yes on the well I was asked when I went from eyes of impact statement part of the court case I was asked how I felt about. Having a screen dividing me from them in court and I said no I want to see their face I'll never understand this person I want to see them I need to see them is important to me to see them on the 1st day of the 1st hearing we had in February in February and for various reasons that the case could have got adjourned the prosecutor had read the bundle wasn't prepared on the way into court that morning I was walking up to the court with my partner and I saw this person I knew immediately that it was her I knew straight away that it was just the body language everything just radiated this sort of craziness and sort of she turned she saw me in the face felony scuttled away really frightened so after that I then asked for a scream and up moment of course I didn't I'd seen her it mystifies the fear went away but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset you know because I was upset about setting I don't want I don't want to be here he said the looking at me while I was testifying so I had a screen and that made her really really. She flipped out in the corridor. Just as I had no idea you'd been through all that crazy so and so the book doesn't so it's between an author Yes Tom Yes and an admirer and to my right here and that's how it starts doesn't it and we might don't want to give too much away but that's the premise the print the premise is that it's not like what happened with me in the sense that you know this this person is hostile to me from the beginning in my book in the story she is a fan of this of this author and then things tip over into something else what I've done is that the court case is that I was actually the start of the story it's not it's not it doesn't lead up to that that's actually the beginning the beginning is this person is on trial for stalking that's the beginning of the story because what I found out afterwards was this this person that stalked me was given a restraining order and they didn't breach it with regard to me but there was another plaintiff as well and they did preach with him very very quickly and they would then rearrested went to court again were given another restraining order and I went and did research for this couldn't tell you this at the time you know 40 something percent of people preachers training orders what is the point of giving them another restraining order it's a prank so I was left thinking what I've done had that continued because I'd gone to the property the proper having not gone to the police or gone to the courts and I got justice but how to continue what I've done because but up and I knew who she was and where she lived and my my my mind was not I was not of sound mind you know I was very very very angry. And I refuse to go to Victim Support for ages what I'm really causing myself about now looking back I need it desperately I did go venture Lee. And I just think what what would drive somebody to do things that are really out of character you know because the kind of that kind of online stalking is with you all the time is the 1st thing you see in the morning so often the last thing you see at night because we know we always fear talked on our phones on our computers our tablets it's there all the time it follows you around everywhere you go and it drives you mad it really drives you crazy. And I thought well that's a really good idea for a book because if I if this character Tom is not me who is a fictional character but if Tom is thinking is going to get that it's not going to stop what he can to do you've got 2 characters who are both very very very driven and a bit unhinged by the by the time the story begins you've got 2 people are both quite kind of out there. And I thought it was good I was a good premise for psychological thriller is a brilliant and I've only just got it so I don't know how this plays out so be careful how much you give away anything away that you you have to you have to be sympathetic towards her as well yes and that was actually really healing thing to do I was when I when I told my partner I was going to write this book. He said Are you sure this is a good idea he was very concerned that writing it would but would you know reopen old wounds and all that kind of stuff and I do think about it a lot and I also realize that in order to make it work I had to give her the. Chapters all 1st person and has a 3rd person so that there's more distance on him so she's really telling that she's one telling the story and I wanted that deliberate exam wanted to get inside her head and I wanted to give her the platform and. Doing it I had to then think in her head and I to think in her voice and doing that was actually a really healing thing for me because actually now I don't feel I don't feel angry much or pity for me so it's a very clever thing to do because we trust the narrator yes that we trust them implicitly So it's very clever to have her well and the unreliable narrator is. Sort of psychological thrillers is because it's so widespread now and in this book you know you know from the very 1st page of this person is reliable you know you're not going to get the relevant I'm not a kid reader that they can be trusted you know they can be trusted that that is not what the twist in the story about the trust about something else that happens later . But I just I thought to have a voice that is very very persistent and hectoring and she go some being very very affectionate being really really angry very very quickly over very small things. For me that was a really great thing was a great fun thing to write I really enjoyed writing and I I've heard interviewed someone once who is hugely successful and they said to me the margin between love and hate with a fan. You know a sad someone who worships you is so mind it's so tiny it would just flip like that and I guess that's a lot of what this book is about just because Tom said explains that the detective various fanaticism in a fandom is fanaticism and that and that people can turn from being to loving you to hate and you very quickly because just because of any perceived slight or rejection because they invest so much in this and jealousy absolutely they invest it they must invest so much in this relationship that they imagine that they have with this person. And then any perceived slight or any threat to that can make them very very defensive and angry and territorial and all of this comes into play very quickly in the book you see this very quickly in the 1st few chapters exactly what the sort of psychology of what she's doing and I watch it on what she's telling herself what the what the reader understands to be going on and there's a sort of Dark Reign of black humor in it as well it's not it's not it's you said it well. And so it's been very well received Yes it's been amazing selling it so you also moved to Hastings and as a as a weekend place Yes I mean was that part of did you do that because geographically you wanted to go away or did you just think you know quite a place by the sea I think I think those were there and elements of that in it if I'm honest I got made redundant from my my job but I was it was I had I had a big number of money you know bake bread a lump of money and my partner had some money from a from a sale of a previous flat that he had before we got together and he was a sit in the do nothing and I go to Hastings quite a lot I have friends that live there and fell in love with it and you know you can buy a property there quite reasonably still very cheap compared to most places and we thought let's buy this place as an investment and rented out and we bought it really cheap it needed everything during my dad's a builder so I know a little bit about the trade so I ever saw it all and was making decisions about flooring that were basically saying no one's ever going to walk in the store past mass in our guest little there. Will be renting this. Flat because we need to ourselves we want to get in the old town is in no it's not it's its neighbor the Pyrenees. Is redundant here by the way I might have to come to visit your your mother. Well they would love the fact that you know Brighton let it burn down and go into the city and Hastings of 3 resurrected it haven't they and it's a beautiful beautiful piece of architecture really is stunning to walk on it's really love said did you write this down there yes you know a lot of the story takes place there so I love it when I can find you know you find in the piers in the base in the story in the story Tom Tom escapes to Hastings get away from everything after the after the trial and then that's when that's when. Things Yeah that's when things crank up it's a great setting for that kind of thing is really it's going to really. It's going to really good mixture of the kind of old school Hastings population which is quite whodunit healing quite poor and then you've got the sort of gentrification as if I'm right in the last 2 everyone tells a lot of crime. And it has an awful lot of gentrification is about to see the last couple of years. And lots of people comparing it to short it's all that kind of stuff has got this of trendy kind of vibe going on as well but I like the fact that I like that I think it's a mixture of the both I like the fact that it's still quite gritty part of it I like about sort of just realizing how much I've missed you you are so interesting to talk to thank you also because the night when you came in I said God you know well considering what you've been through I think it's a CA we've been talking about we're all coughing our guts up at the moment because it London's quite polluted you look so well and I think it's because you have a plan B. That you can go and stay in every so often I definitely notice when I come back some I go racing is a lot of sort of at least half the month of not more and I notice when I come back into London 1st of all everyone starts to get released fractures in space and elbows everything but also my breathing changes when I'm there my breathing is deeper and I sleep better because the air is cleaner and your is Lisa seriously and you just notice makes a difference if. This is so you do you think that televises has it been optioned there is talks about it because it's the 1st of its kind as I was saying it was inevitable something like this would be written because it because it's so current you know the whole subject matter is so current and so that be crazy not to they would be that's what I would say yes exactly a little bit of filming down in Hastings I could do make up some. Listen it's lovely to see you again it's out now it's called the closer I get it's had rave reviews it's been written by PAUL BURSTON law. As you probably know he's got other books under his belt you may have say you doing any signings or any Q. And A's I'm doing the south bank sends a pull our e on the 26th of July Yeah I'm headlining I'll be doing in I'll be in conversation and reading and then signing books afterwards. That's the next London one I'm in I'm doing when he sings tomorrow night. Listeners in Brighton Well you know Hastings the print works OK if you want to go along. That it's at the print was tomorrow night and the book is called the closer I get it's lovely to see you again thank you for coming in to. before that B.B.C. Radio London travel with Fiona. Thanks very much Gerry B.B.C. Radio London travelling is the latest in Easton writes inlays for Blackbird Hill for the A 4088 following a collation West span to the old Church Lane the inside lane remains blocks it will stand there on the high rate for the A 47 approaching doesn't Hill lane is the closure of needs in line for water mains whatnots allays and the surrounding routes as well having now for the A 46 the no 2nd southbound approaching hangar lane and feathering the braes Woodridge mains closed westbound which in Cumberland Gates in book streets off towards Main Bus is on site I guess. Slaking Belgravia affecting land Street Land square and upper Belgrave in Belgrade square with a laser in the air ticket for Sloane Street the Brompton Road and Grove Crescent Kings Cross the Pentonville Road is restricted by the Caledonia rightful gasworks last COZENS Laysan a 5 a one back from the Euston underpass the further out to New Cross looking slightly for the 8 save the need prostrated westbound approaching the cost base station because the temple lights which are in place there in new mode and there are delays of the Kingston Road westbound of the California California right because of roadway and now with 25 clockwise to stop the junction 25 unfilled is restricted because of break down is slow bad junction 24th part span earlier on there was another breakdown so there's still some delays from the previous Ashi the M $23.00 northbound is slow from junction 9 to get wake up junction 82510 knots from LAX involving 3 vehicles currently the inside lane is closed up there is no 873100000 tweet is at B.C. Travelers where the train C.F.L. Rail services are a G.'s between the 3 terminals $123.41 McKinnon B.B.C. Radio London makes up days in half an hour. To see. Its usage on. B.B.C. Separatists this isn't around. To see. Her as she said 4 o'clock am Welsh and Laura jury has concluded the London Bridge terrorists who killed 8 people and injured 48 others were lawfully shot dead by police who was 27 rushy brother one aged 30 and use of side bar who was 22 drove a van at pedestrians on the bridge before stopping members of the public at random around Byron market they were armed with ceramic noids and wore fake suicide belts during the attack in June 27th seen P.C. Pass off choice ran within 2 metres of the attackers before backing off straight away see that he 1st or the suicide belt with 3 soon after work I was focused all the time on this. Just before they start to go thought it was a brief moment of pause I cannot give us a how long it was because that kind of 2nd construction attorney but when you see the ballot obviously we are not experiencing that kind of mana so I cannot say for Tycho not to have to us Apollo 11 is the only event of the 20th century that stands a chance of being widely remembered in the 30th century and that's what makes a day like today so important 1000 years from now July 20th 1969 will likely be a day that will live on in the minds imaginations of men and women here on earth across our solar system and be on London's weather remaining dry hot and sunny for the remainder of the Off to noon with top temperatures of $26.00 degrees Celsius that is $79.00 degrees Fahrenheit B.B.C. Radio London it's 3 minutes past 4 on digital radio 94.9 F.M. And on B.B.C. Sounds this is the B.B.C. Radio. Good. Name. To sleep. Now. You. Want about an hour and a half north of.

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