Oh. You really live. With. 977 the year when I didn't quite win the Best Dressed bicycle competition on a street party we had to unite into 7. 8 minutes past 4 on b.b.c. Radio Joe I've just been wandering around wondering around the streets of Lincoln I was just wandering around the bell Gates area of Lincoln just before start of the program today wondering past the big car parks on Westgate in Lincoln wondering what we're going to talk about today wondering past the big signs that saying this car park is going to be shut as he wants and it's because the Lincoln Christmas market is next week. Already linking Christmas markets next week so that really big car park on West Gate in Lincoln there's a sign outside there saying it's closed from 6 pm on Sunday this Sunday 1st of some of this at least they can get ready for some other putting the big wheel up again because that takes days and days and days to put the big wheel up. We'll be talking more about the Christmas market next week what are we going to talk about today we will talk more about Surat Stewart and the chairman of the Market Deeping model railway society he's going to be heading down to the one show tonight as we head in the news now to meet Rod Stewart Now Rod Stewart when the model railway society had all their layouts trashed you remember that earlier this year the vandals broke in and the pictures in the papers and so many people were upset about this and Rod Stewart being a big model railway enthusiastic donated 10000 pounds and at last I knew it would happen at some point but last the chairman of the market even model railway society is going to be in the same room at the same time as the Rod Stewart So no doubt they'll be thanking him and Peter Davis who's heading down to the one show very excited by all this excited Absolutely I started when I came in Rutland in 1971 as a teacher news worker and we had an onsite years Center at the Village College I was in charge of and Maggie many rights. It was the track of those years you can hear more from Peter in a minute and the one show 7 o'clock tonight on b.b.c. One and in the news today university lecturers at Bishop grot in Lincoln and I got told off before for calling it Bishop grant you know I was walking down the road the other day and there were 2 ladies in front of me and they were going always at having a bishop grog and so they say that's what people call a bishop protest University bishop as it's no. University lecturers there and support staff as well tell us why they're on strike because for key reasons casualisation the profession stuff on Sirus contracts fixed of contracts. Have you were loads asking to go beyond our contractual juices for stuff feeling increasingly stressed reason is gender and racial equality or gender pay gap between universities is bad and the 4th reason is pay Fair enough or do you think university lecturers should be allowed to go on strike the amount students pay for their education anyway that's a different issue but we'll talk more about that on b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire later and today's News Quiz Here's a question which duck is in the news today and why in fact there's a duck and another bird in the news but what's going on. If you know. Get through give us the answer and then you'll officially be a clever person for a Monday afternoon a clever news hound on a Monday drive to. See . What. You can also e-mail William don't write b.b.c. . News Quiz question then which is in the news today. And that of a bird in the news but why is that what's going on. Live John Farnham and your voice 60 minutes past 4 on b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire straightaway we're getting some answers in for The News Quiz which doc is in the news today and why in fact there's a duck and there's another bird as well I would think it could be a 1000 double 65949 although I can tell you it's nothing to do with American football cannon and castor bean and such talking about Devlin duck Hajis who is in the news but it's not that duck and installing getting it right and the others a 1000 double 65949 What do you think you can text as well on triple 3 and start the message with the letters and not just a reminder this time tomorrow some of the show is going to be coming from a pub in Lessingham will be at the juke of Wellington pub in Lessingham tomorrow for a bit of pub politics so will be talking to candidates standing in the Sleep and North High Can constituency tomorrow we're getting around the county doing this so that's happening tomorrow but let's talk about the general election campaign and what some of the headlines are from today because we're into another week of campaigning 17 days time here because to vote our political reporter at Westminster is Mark my bell so much just explain what's happening as it seems relatively quiet from the conservatives but of course you know that the just had their big manifesto launch over the weekend what have they actually been up to. Hey circling circulating along the ground I mean they're well they've got their seatbelts on you can feel Conservative cabinet ministers just holding their breath because it was not so long ago of course that trees amaze manifesto launch help sink her chances of sailing off with a majority will remember the day u.p.a. Needing to bail them out of that one well borrows Johnson can't afford another such pickle sandwich I mean there wasn't even a sprinkle of tax cuts for the wealthy social care plans in detail or anything else with a hint of risk but despite his best efforts to announcements one of 50000 more nurses and that now robotic promise you guested of getting breaks it done have come under the spotlight since yesterday let's quickly look at the 1st the bricks it won then this is the Conservative cabinet minister Nicky Morgan conceding that securing a deal is only the 1st step let's have a listen the 2nd part on the sea is building that new relationship with our friends and allies in the e.u. But also with other countries around the world through trade agreements a 2nd part to the saga look at contradicts that narrative of getting breaks it down by February then doesn't it and also written into the manifesto as a promise to negotiate a trade deal in 9 months is to say that is significantly ambitious especially if we're going to be outside the e.u. Single market and any form of Customs Union the blast from the past Tony Blair was speaking in London today he said it's there's no chance of doing it that time and also said a trade deal with America would be very difficult and the 2nd thing the other thing I mentioned the 50000 more nurses look it's a popular policy no doubt but don't expect all of them to be new nurses adding them to workforce of 300000 by 2024 it seems that 800000 would be current nurses convince not to leave a 12 and a half 1000 will be nurses from overseas and 900000 will have training places through degrees or apprenticeships it does meet the demands from Health think tanks though as seen as a credible policy they saying that is the roughly right number of nurses needed and otherwise though it came out of a manifesto with slim pickings. Labour's manifesto launches last week that was last Thursday and it seems like they forgot to mention something important. They did and it will cost the equivalent of half of our annual health budget spread over the next 5 years it has to do with waspy women that's the women born in the fifty's who have lost their pensions after a rise in the state pension age leaving some of them in real financial trouble not all of them I should say some of them well after Labor said in their manifested that they would help the group they suddenly stumped up this large bucket of cash so these women may be remembered as the great campaigners of our time or if you excuse me for being a cynic a group of around 3 and a half 1000000 voters Labour's look taking a risk with this because they had a fully costed eye watering manifesto as you said launch last Thursday and they actually set themselves a rule of borrowing only to invest in the long term so it all begs the question have they broken their rule within days how is labor going to pay for it well here's their leader Jeremy Corbyn contingency funds that rely on the government getting the income for retires from taxation of course if it wishes to from borrowing because it's a mall debt we owe to these women aside from that labor also outlining increases limits to increases in rents for private housing and also checks on landlords in case they're letting out substandard accommodation and to step back from from that policy it's another example of how they don't trust the private sector as much and want more state intervention and that's one of the big dividing lines in this election and what we're going to get to vote on soon here and it is interesting to see what are all the different parties who would spend money on which party do you think is claiming to spend more on defense than the others and it might not be who you think Mark just to just explain this one. Yeah answers on a postcard turn of Hollywood tough if you tone here the answer is the liberal Democrats they're arguing bear with this argument if we stay in the e.u. And we manage have a strong economy because they're sticking with the current target of 2 percent of national income spent on the fence if you have a stronger economy was spending more so they say we're spending more than say the conservatives Well look the tricky bit is the prospects of a liberal democratic governments of course but their foreign affairs spokesperson Chuck Moon has said that that wasn't a mistake setting the bar high originally because they can still take a number of conservative seats but if they don't win an outright majority they will still campaign for a 2nd referendum but Muna concerned that the Tories might get a majority had this warning leave the e.u. And the u.k. On the Johnson will become president Trump's poodle So I think we're returning back to bricks again in this election and although we said that the Conservative manifesto was risk free it's anything but risk free for those that think bricks it will harm the British economy and look we've just got about 2 weeks and a bit left as that old chestnut of a debate returns and I don't think actually that went away did it. Now thank you very much Margaret political reporter Westminster it is b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire b.b.c. Radio in Lincolnshire travel. A $46.00 is looking busy westbound on towards the vice time round about 15 it's queuing southbound there flexible readies looking busy up to the car home roundabout and the a $46.00 looking usually slow between scanning the open floor on the hill near Grady's looking busy and by directions between Thorpe on the Hill and swallow back and South Park Avenue is busy on 2 or 3 a 50 game we all things a very heavy traffic and delays on the a 173 East tech in 10 no incidental accidents reported there but looking very slow there's a fitting in near Boston and in Boston we have that usual queuing traffic on John Adams way that's West family home Castle Road and look upon straight and if you can update us call a 15 double to 8751. Given your digital still. How easy do you think. You. Thanks. Sam Smith I feel love for 27 b.b.c. We're doing Kycia more on just coming in for The News Quiz question on the program today we're asking this question why is there a doc in the news. In fact there's a doc and another but as well why they in the news what was going on. If you have any idea. 65949 you can text triple 3 start the message with the left as an. Arrow a middle race and getting absolutely right Bill in Grantham getting absolutely right and we mentioned I am in Spalding as well we know the other day we were in Spalding we're doing a program in Spalding and the pup politics program and we did it from the prize up and I said I loved. That used to be a bakery and it used to be a jewel isn't as a long history used to be a prison at one point anyway I mention this over the weekend. On. How long ago this was 60 years ago if she were to. Everybody stroking the beautiful South. It's for 1st. Time for the news here's Richard the great behind plans to create an thing to stained glass window scamps and say that donations are being affected after false newspaper reports of the weekend number of articles claimed I read hours and damndest attributes had been scrapped because the diocese of Lincoln was already was too triumphalist the just giving campaign is still ongoing and needs donations elsewhere it's a nights the pressure on conservative candidate for Lincoln to walk away from the election writes the saving Comic Con he's accused to reach we've seen far right comments on Twitter he's apologized unreservedly saying he doesn't endorse those messages the audience cinema group says it's going to be putting a number of security measures in place for screenings of the film Blue story the streets we shot in Lincoln tonight but View and showcase have decided not to screen it after a mass brawl at cinemas in on Birmingham. On Saturday the movie's about 2 friends who become rivals in separate gangs and after successfully displaying a newly restored model railway in Birmingham a Lincolnshire club which was attacked by vandals will appear on national television tonight the Market Deeping model railway club is set to meet the rock star on the B.B.C.'s one show after he donated 10000 pounds to help them repair their damage that's how exciting date is going to be very nice and I didn't interview with the chairman of the Market Deeping model railway society and said I don't know if you're get much time on air but maybe off a you'll get lots of time to chat no I said and they were eager to talk about and it went well I'll be talking about music I want to talk about because as a teacher way back when and Maggie May was in the charts and that was the let the music of that time you know I thought it would just be rolling stock but I think it is going to be here also was going to very interesting that's going to get us on the show tonight 7 o'clock on b.b.c. One meanwhile talking of sports I will get the latest sports news in a few minutes time but the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the Year contest is coming soon and the softer noon they've been announcing the nominees for that contest have been doing in different ways once we've already had 2 and then the been putting stuff on Twitter have been The Anyway here's another one this is Gordon Ramsay just mentioning somebody else. This guy's been up before as an e for this this is another nominee for the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year 2019 and Gordon Ramsey can tell us who it is Lewis Hamilton you have been nominated to become the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year congratulations young man 6 time world champion please all of you vote for that incredible driver on the 15th of December Come on he has to be in Paul position yet there are others as well there are many and as we go through the after they will find out about some of the other nominees for the b.b.c. Sports but the Cialis the Sports Personality of the year which is coming up this is . The. She's about. To. Keep. The Street job. It's a. Good. Place for us to. Stop. Also in the news today we've been talking about the latest in the general election campaign also making the headlines today conservative candidates in Lincoln County can't make its way of apologizing over a series of tweets and you can hear more about that just after 5 o'clock Sporting News a fix to change for Boston United after their f.a. Trophy exit route make pieces from a sports team so what's changed what's been moved this is a game has been moved now for the 3rd times this is a game against Brackley town which take place on a cheesy December the 10th visually move from an f.a. Cup weekend when Boston United made him a throw at However because the next f.a. Trophy weekend which is a free weekend in the calendar if you get knocked out Boston and broccoli have both been knocked out as so instead of being the cheesy nighest now be moved to the following Saturday so December the 14th so I manged last United fans not a free Saturday afternoons he got to the Christmas shopping and I mean to go on a choose the night which of course as well means we've got one last game under the lights a York street before it appears which is you know still is one in in January definitely calm firmed at the moment but unless anything else gets postponed we are edging towards the end of the the night matches potentially overstrain what we eventually get to the end they'll be a lot of people who want to be there for the final final time without out there yes . A real strange one isn't it when you've had so so many is there. An ace an iconic ground because just because of the way it isn't and where isn't the the heart of the community the harder the town just across the road from the the town center the floodlights there iconic the way you look at them the you know they stand out you can see it on the the driving on John's why you see the for the lights from afar so yeah you get a few and every time you get to Boston a sly old you know you speak to the sport of the gold this with a loss well last time we do this the last time for example now at Boston at the f.a. Trophy no more fish Trophy games in your country and that's how it runs on you know that's where it starts and it's going to be the last of us in the last lot there are other bits that we don't quite know yet what one fixture was still waiting to be arraigned Yeah this is Lincoln city's use team the youth academy who won the f.a. Youth Cup at the weekend against Wrexham it means they have a trip to Manchester United in the 3rd round of the competition so like when you are bossing ice or a Lincoln City and you're trying to get through to the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup and the big teams come any slight up for the Youth Cup as well as so Lincoln City will be at Manchester United in the 3rd round of that competition now they don't play Old Trafford unfortunately at the play at least sports village or she's the the home of the the women's team and so on the development side Manchester United. Replied the next few weeks we still await an official confirmation of what date a fixture will be a pretty great occasion last season the team got to the 3rd round and played West Brom and we cover that game will be to see radio link show that was at West Brom's ground the whole thorns and is a great experience for the young players to test themselves against some of the best young players in the country so you know we're just waiting for the details on when exactly that game would be flight or soon as we know we'll let you know thank you very much more coming up later. This. This is on b.b.c. Bertillon has 17 minutes to 5 will be right on the radio lots of Christmassy things of course on the moment and lots of lights have been switched on a leveling Lincolns light some Friday getting switched on starting this Thursday it's the new Christmas light trail in the grounds of Belton house now they say this is a mile all of the lights and. Music and Christmas cheer news and it's sort of all outside all the way through the gardens transforming the gardens about the House they say that starts Thursday goes on till December 30th by then I don't think they're on every single day but you can have a look at the website Christmas a Belton dot com and they can find more details on that now is mention the one show tonight so Rod Stewart on The One Show tonight on b.b.c. One and also on the program tonight the chairman of the Market Deeping model railway club Peter Davis now when that model railway exhibition was smashed up by vandals earlier this year model railway fan Rod Stewart and his layout was in the paper the other way it was and he was one of the people to donate money to the club in Market Deeping to help them get back on their feet and tonight Peter Davis from the club will get to meet rod to say thank you shows on we're going to be. Not entirely sure what's happening otherwise but I do know. The production assistant has been in contact with us as asked us not to broadcast too much about what's going to happen so can you because you've got something for Rod Stewart haven't you know you will have to tell me about that. Yes we've we've got a specially embroidered shirt for him yes I think I well I think I've seen that so that's no secret because I think I've seen pictures of that already because you because you're making. An honorary member of the club what some obviously is a sort stew it was and it made the headlines since when when it all happened and you are getting money coming in from all over the place and support coming in from all over the place he made a contribution of 10000 pounds and that has you know along with everything else that has made a huge difference to what you're doing now hasn't it it has yes it's enabled all sorts of things to her room at the moment where it's still in the planning stages for a whole variety of projects we hope to have them up and running by now but it always takes a bit longer than we want so by January I think we'll have 60 or thereabouts young people involved in projects either in community or in schools we're looking at how we can develop stem projects for schools so that rower modeling can be brought into science technology and math projects in primary schools and history projects there's all sorts of exciting things happening there but it all takes a huge amount of time and you know teachers are incredibly busy we're trying to recover our models we're trying to do our own modeling my own layout hasn't seen much of me for the last 8 months. So time is very precious to us all what did you make of some of those pictures that we saw in the papers of the Rod Stewart's layout which is interesting as well because he said he said a model railway plan. It's never finished he said this one is because he's been working on it for the past 20 odd years isn't it yeah said when it is of the nominal layout 120 whole state law in certain buildings and much of the work is done entirely himself which is a huge credit because it takes an enormous amount of time just as an example of the layout that we've heard at the ne see this weekend motorway show that was extensively damaged it took one. Hours to bring it back up to operational standard and there is still more work we can do on it are you excited or nervous or excited or are you feeling about meeting surats Oh excited absolutely you know I started working in Rutland and $971.00 as a teacher and a youth worker and we had an onsite years Center at the Village College I was in charge of that and Maggie May rights to it 1st hit was the track of those years so it would be wonderful to be able to sue not quite reminisced but certainly to say to him Oh important his music has been to the young people I was working with that you won't be talking about the music if you get any chance to have a conversation with him behind the scenes or anything I know what you're going to be talking about you could be talking about a different layout certainly were personally but you see I'm also a church organist a choir director so it is if it's very very important to me Well I think it's I think it's great that hopefully you are get the opportunity to to to see him and you know and I don't you know it was a gesture that he made it was probably a very easy gesture for him to make but an important gesture I think for the for the impact it had I think it made a big difference and it certainly made a difference and it was no small jest you know on anybody's part to part with that amount of money. Was incredibly generous that we are forever grateful Peter Davis was the chairman of the Market Deeping model railway club so he's heading down to appear on The One Show tonight b.b.c. One half past 7 o'clock or so with so Rod Stewart for exactly 11 minutes to 5 b.b.c. Radio in Lincolnshire trouble. For the a $46.00 is looking busy westbound on towards the vice home roundabout would be a 15 queuing southbound then sacks of the road is queuing North Bandit's was the car home roundabout and the a 46 is busy between scanning the over the top on the Hill now at Grady's looking very busy and by. Between the on the Hill and swallow that and South Park Avenue is busy on towards the $815.00 the rugby where looking extremely busy night passing the cathedral towards a scan of a name we are still seeing this very slow in heavy traffic delays on the I $73.00 East tech intonate bus then the rubber ports of an accident less ado which up those delays and in Boston the I 16 John Adams way still busy westbound between Horncastle road and look upon streets and if you can update a school I want 5 double to 8751 double 6 I'm sorry b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire travel for a car to a friends the winner of the inspiring young person of the year 2018 is Thomas told but I do read a few German felt like I could share my story on a fantastic platform the end goal would be to coach the power lympics one that is what I'm aiming for ultimately nominations for the 2019 b.b.c. Radio linking chat make a difference awards are now open I tell us why someone you know has made a difference to where you live in sync you share you can be joining them at a gala dinner in Lincoln next spring go to b.b.c. Don't believe case such radio link ensures the entry forms to the notice and terms and conditions the deadline for nominations is midday on December 31st 2090 b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire break up to friends weather forecast coming up from which are the big birthday quiz. On the news quiz this afternoon we said which duck is in the news and why why is there a duck in the news in fact a duck and another bird in the news what is going on be our answer is it's if you've seen this it's all the original although poppet puppet and Emu rat holes emu puppets going up for auction expected suspects around $10000.00 pounds each 17th of December when they're up for auction and that and install the getting this right saying it's all the duck in Emu Grantham saying yes they're going up for auction and Carolyn with a raise and getting it right and Patton Robert Grantham saying you know they're going to be sold they certainly are going to be solved if you just take emu just for a moment to picture in your head now some people of a certain age won't be able to do this but you'll be able to do this is a picture in your head emu on Michael Parkinson's show this is the clip they always show. And everyone always talks about The View on Michael Parkinson struck show in the 1970 s. When you grabbed Michael Parkinson around the neck and pulled him off his chair now this isn't television so we can't play that clip but we can play you the sound of the clip and if you remember that you have it in your head and you'll be able to picture everything that's going on when you hear this. Time. It's not. The I. Bruce Springsteen dancing in the dark on b.b.c. Brit in the kitchen Friday and Saturday this week by the way the holidays are certainly coming they've got the Coca-Cola truck up marshals jogging Gainsborough Oh my goodness I remember when they did this in Lincoln a few years ago the traffic was clogged up so many people want to go see this for them this is part of Christmas Friday the 29th Saturday 30th 12 pm till 7 pm midday till 7 pm both days Friday and Saturday this week in games were. Right Paul Hudson the weatherman's here oh how are you oh I'm all right Paul Hudson the weatherman thanks very much thanks for coming in musical wise for being here today what I've been looking out the window it's looked dark from about 3 o'clock this afternoon to this afternoon we're all going to seasonal just Monday sold out way it's just it's just been. That's been miserable in this town come home wet when Yes well that will get the forecast from you in just a moment before we do that we're going to play the big best equips with Ok We'll have the weatherman with James Luckily he's been here with how defectors and figures and you pose a serious today how old you think these people are starting with Strictly judge. Tony any strictly Judge Brinn Tony Hadley it's his birthday today but how well do you think he is with the hunk Paul. 60 m.d. Hannah. 57 James Lobley 55 he's 64 ohm believable Azami look amazing for a. Very active later this week Gary Lineker. D 9 d. Hanna 61 with the hunk Paul 5859 is the right answer all how did you know that I just did Ok. Later this week actor Ben Stiller. Meet the Fockers There's Something About Mary I watched I watched that they were well I was like of they watch Watts. There's Something About Mary I haven't seen that scene that since it came out it's actually quite funny film there's a lot in there that's very very nice of the museum as well Ben Stiller How would you think how do you have a 43 with the hunger Paul 50 lovely Don't forget Zealander's well 5554 yeah. Larry it. Would mean is that. Going on 20 years he never said that that's that's how it normally works you do 3 birthdays some people get it right some people get lost over so I look forward to this all weekend it's just over so fast is that. What you expect. Anyway because Peter's live a train station tonight so excited about that how can I just point out that I way I would probably say a train station but I know you will be in trouble for saying train station the. Railway. I'm going to deliberately set friends station and watch the complaints flow in. That I will write Ok let's get the forecast that Paul had some what's happening they were pretty dreary night to come cloudy with outbreaks of mainly light rain and drizzle Misty some fog over the top of the walls at least frost free lows of 5 or 6 to more than other mostly cloudy days. Certainly in the morning with the patch outbreaks of rain drizzle I think slowly through the afternoon it will turn dry and bright a fairly mild highs around 12 degree Celsius us the forecast for b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire. In Gainsborough Spillane day I'm staying in this b.b.c. Radio link and. It's for the full size of the news here is Richard Madden thanks William Good evening it's designed to be a tribute to Lincolnshire is our heritage in war heroes but the project to create a stained glass window could now be in jeopardy after a fake news hit the national tabloids several papers have reported the scheme at scamps in church has been vetoed by the diocese of Lincoln for being too triumphalist fundraisers say that's simply not true and the stories have hit their donations Chris Kenny is skeletons churchwarden to die. More than happy with the window we've got to go and all the while we want and I want to start from brain. Naysaying just got into a lot of problems before we can actually be real what we're going to do to the public the window which will feature the red arrows and Dambusters is set to cost over 23000 pounds the fund raising campaign is still ongoing and job after up is the project coordinator This is a phenomenally meaningful tribute to people who've given their lives. And I'm and I'm going to I'm getting emotional we were about halfway there funding this memorable tribute in other news tonight a man accused of killing his partner in a Lincolnshire coast caravan has told the court he was defending himself against her and her height and is alleged to have punched kicked and stamped on Linda tribute during a Holiday Inn in commercials to mark her birthday he's also said to smashed a glass ashtray on to a appearing a Lincoln crown court today the 51 year old of ball well Nottingham said he only used his faced reacting when she hit him he denies murder and an alternative charge of manslaughter in the trial continues. Now should the conservative candidate standing in Lincoln step down from the election race car McCartney has been accused of retreating comments made by people with far right views the man himself has today apologized unreservedly saying he doesn't endorse the messages but final for it from the Hope Not Hate Group says that is not good enough his dissemination of foreign material was sustained and repeated and I think that therefore requires him to be suspended by the Conservative Party and investigated and then through a proper due process I don't think it appropriate for him to be ordered a candidate at this moment in time for the general election to teenage women have been arrested in caution there after a number of general election campaign posters was stolen posters for Saddam Hayes the conservative candidate in South Holland and the deepens were taken Lincolnshire Police say 2 women both age 19 have been arrested and cautioned the b.b.c. Has acknowledged making a mistake when it said Is it a clip of Boris Johnson for a news bulletin it was taken from the Question Time leaders debate on Friday but didn't include the audience laughter directed at the prime minister. The screening of the controversial film Blue story is still set to go ahead in Lincoln tonight despite many cinemas around the country stopping showing it the Odeon cinema Group which operates the cinema here says it has a number of security measures in place the film tells the story of 2 friends who become rivals in separate gangs Jason Solomons is a film critic I think they're very worried that hordes of youth will turn up and scare away the frozen to cash cow audiences well that's you're full of having a multiplex you've got to put on all sort of our culture at these places let it all percolate together I think the story is a really important British film space is set to close more than 80 branches next year putting up to $400.00 jobs in danger the bank which had major problems with its online services last year says it would spend millions improving its app and on other technology now it's been a whirlwind few months for model railway club from Market Deeping into nights they'll appear on national television the group was targeted by vandals earlier this year causing thousands of pounds of damage but help came from an unlikely source in the form of rock star so Rod Stewart's he gave them 10000 pounds and sparked a huge fund raising efforts tonight Peter Davies from the group will appear on The One Show to say thank you and he says people are often surprised at how much work is needed in laying out what we've heard any say this weekend. Show that was extensively damaged one. Was to bring it back up to operational standards and there is still more work we can do on it and finally this evening again bare knuckle fighters been revealing what it takes to become a world champion Rico Franco when the b.k. Big middleweight title in London early this month much to the surprise of the sporting pundits and he joined Melvin prior to talk about that when earlier today he went to the 6th round the doctor up to come in and stop it because his face and I think had about 20 stitches he can bring about his nose at a cone his nose obviously fire safety I saw pictures just after the fight and you didn't look very pretty No.

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