B.B.C. Bryan Adams and Melanie say when you're gone a song all about biscuits we don't buy biscuits in our house because we know that is does not very logical but we've got absolutely no self-control Steve's been Staveley every evening said all cook a you may all cooked in a denial as far as lovely until we had for a pudding to know it would have putting every day I must add but you know what we had do with his idea of putting wells jelly by base I know. It's. A duty them I shouldn't eat stuff like that but I do write them but it was very nice for him to cook. And the pudding was Jelly Babies anyways Lincolnshire kitchen and of a busy show for you this evening with 2 really interesting guests I've just been having a chat with them they've arrived there waiting and they're from Louth and they're from the world of fine food and what many of our guests that have food business is a really inspirational and they did it's not a route they originally went into so that be really good to hear what they did and also with doing and I had to do a pumpkin recipe for you this evening I know it's Holloway in and I was actually in here a year ago on Halloween with Lincoln chick It was on a Wednesday then and the been on the top of the village on the top of the bin started swinging just as I was talking that's absolutely true it was a terrifying so hoping that nothing happens this evening we do have a ghost here B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire which is. Who was a national at that so we like to think so it's Halloween but I want to go Halloween crazy so I've done a recipe with pumpkin and I've done pumpkin pizza which everybody seems to think is really really weird but actually was really really nice not so nice I'm going to do it again not going to cook it for some friends it was that good. Let me know what you think if you got pumpkin ideas if you think pumpkin places sounds disgusting Your We welcome to join in and share your thoughts. On the 6. To 81 ship was free. Thanks Alex I just. B.C. You can. Watch more of our guests in the main it was how to text in already a lot of you in a 2nd but apparently the past is a good that my guest Michael my guest this evening. The BE. The BE. The big Will Go On Kate Daken blew it to 30 minutes past 7 and. My guess of a rod Nicko bag of goodies with them as well which is very exciting because as you know are very very bravely allowed to sample things on your behalf to tell you tell you what it's like but my guess this evening there from bones deli in Laos and it's Emma Beaumont and Kim hauled Caso and. What particular intrigued me was that when you think about running a deli It always seems to be lots of people say I'd like to run a deli one day they seem to be a bit of a dream for lots of us and almost similar fantasize about running a deli but it just seems such a wonderful thing to do so they're going to tell us what it's like and probably make is even more determined but really very interesting Welcome to the pair of us Emma and Kim welcome. Thank you very much for joining us this evening and term which is started just We'll start with you Emma now you Emma Beaumont Beaumont's deli just turns out when you started the deli we bought the property in 2 $1015.00 and we opened October so it's that 3 year anniversary now it's come really really quickly so you've been there 3 years where it feels like so much longer but it's been a wonderful very steep learning curve 3 years because my background was something completely different. And affluence a lot and recently Kim has come on board and now where we're in it together so just just describe what you were doing before you opened up the deli. Career I was a primary school teacher before I opened the deli and small husband is an accountant and has a fair mean Cleethorpes and the property came on the market and both myself and my husband earlier have known about the deli because it was a thriving business for years and years as we were growing up all of us not so you actually knew it from yeah yeah I used to go in there and bury hampers from their previous owners it go before it was called McLeod's before MacLeod Yeah so people will remember that a lot of people in the town of very fond memories of what it used to be like wow did when you went in there was over charging them as a guest as a teenager did you use a sort of thing like this to be more in one day did you have a how do you think they did you know I.O.I. Where it's I did have a part time jobs in retail when I was. Revving up and I always love the idea of owning a delicatessen. But I never just I wanted to do something more academic and I had a dream about being a primary school teacher and so I started in R. And I worked as a perm schoolteacher book. Perhaps after I had my own children I felt that I wanted to spend more time with them and fortunately the jobs got quite difficult and you end up working very very long hours and the work family balance was not the best and so this opportunity to buy this beautiful Georgian property in our hometown of Laos just seemed like a once in a 1000000 chance it's quite weird that it came over so you had the same owner for a long time and the deli the deli It's quite weird that it came on the market at a time when you were ready for it I wasn't I just had a baby Oh yes so I had to toddler and debate base so it really was difficult time in. You know I was naïve so it was my husband and I know you have to exam times you just have to go quarter of the way and yet and you just think it's a great opportunity it's a beautiful building and we've restored it and I've tried say you keep hold of all the wonderful things McLeod's did before and then drive it forward say that we could appeal to a broader market well just being slightly nosy did you lease the building or did you buy the ONLY YOU bought it yes or bought a massive investment we asked that's a big that's a big vote of confidence in your in your future is it because not you're just having it for 3 years and then thinking oh it doesn't work out we can just get get rid of it you've got it it's best not to think about it. Think of a good philosophy Rianne many things not to think if you think too careful A then you can end the rain in a Delhi. 60. You know came you here as well where did what did you do before Delhi life. Your market phones work you did to always happens to me I don't know what you mean the gremlins are. OK I know what happens to me I think it's the gremlins I think it is I think it's just me it's just me so yes I was a personal assistant to a financial advisor for 11 years and I had flexible hours fitted around where my children are young and then gradually as they went off to university I just didn't want to do that job anymore I just I just felt I wanted to meet people and have a lovely not just a lovely job and I know McLeod swim and then I saw Emma open by months and I just happened to mention to a friend that you know gosh if there's any I was going in there I'd like to do you know did you feel like you want to get out from behind an office desk an office situation Yes and and meet people yeah just be more because you're going for it from a I mean it sounds like quite a position of responsibility you had before Morsi is responsible being in the deli you can't mess people's sausage orders up or be given the wrong piece of cake is important but this is the number of ways a bit more relaxed is that it's a lot more relaxed I was working in an office on my own so I would leave home and my husband works away quite a lot so I'd leave home sit in an office by myself and only speak to people if they phoned up go home I'd be on my own and I thought just thought you know I do love you just like to meet people and the opportunity just came up because whilst that is blissful in many ways it does get to a point where you just think that God has got to see people you do you do and I think your mind starts thinking you know I could be doing this I could be doing that and I think at that point you have to sit back and think of your quality of life and what you want really and it was just the right time for me to take to make a change really and. This just get the opportunity came out and you enjoyed in there as much as you hoped you would yes absolutely I am I initially started back in September last year offering through it well I'm offered me 3 hours a week on any days they weren't even on the same day because I literally drowned the corner so I could pop in for half an hour if they needed cover and it just grew from there it gradually within for half a day then it was maybe a day and a half. And really whenever whenever she needed cover the 1st is to call me and I could just pop around but now from that 3 hours away you're now co-owners aren't you of the deli Yes we are got plans for a cafe haven't you just described how that next phase came about to me do you do you did you go in there for your 3 hours a week thinking I wish I was part they so you know how to how I wanted to actually because I enjoyed it so much and again like you say everyone's ideal job is really only a day earlier I feel I actually feel like I found my dream job that's really lovely Yeah that's really nice was it what you have because there you are sort of busy busy sort of your being the boss and then suddenly me of now go oh no how is that for you know oh I love there I really love there and the plan always was we wanted to because we have a beautiful Georgian Court your garden and you can see St James's Church and so we always wanted to extend property and open a license cafe for people to enjoy the views and the food that we offer but I just didn't have enough time left to be able to take on such an important project with havin a 6 year old in it while he's just 10 for now at home and a husband with a busy job and where it was came for a while and I just thought I found my perfect business partner and so if you don't ask you don't know and lucky for me she wanted to be a part of it is it something you thought about the pair of you was a crossbow of the moment thing or how did you sort of how did it how did it happen because you got it right the lovely thing is you've clear. We got a really nice relationship is clearly friends as well as business partners and you clearly click on a mental level which is really nice to see you obviously like each other yeah absolutely yeah yeah so how did it how did this all happen. Well a little bit how just randomly decide to do things like buy the Georgian building in the 1st place just sets a can when we're in the kitchen baking do you want save invest in the business and be my business partner and at that point I haven't even space my husband about it and then came how to few seconds of silence and when ye think a day to. Try to get hold of a husband that you'd already made your mind up anyway that was you know as well academic It was just we were going to tell our husbands really Yeah yeah exactly I decided. I said really lovely now we'll give you a rest for a moment just before we go we've had a text in which is from Jim and I do and they say good evening Amy looking forward to hearing from your guests came from by almost daily We're big fans of their especially their fabulous gin selection Oh and their pasties and sausage rolls are pretty good to go to an ideal that So Meridia meats in Louth Are you near them well we have quite a great partnership because we really like to pull co-produces and from the beginning we've bought our sausage rolls our pasties are pilot season nobody made from James so he's complimenting is. So rare but he doesn't actually make the journey as well as they saw star but he's clever but he's not that clever really yes it is quite nice I didn't even notice that that's Jimena deal complimenting their own past isn't their own or sausage roll it's got funny this is Lincoln Trickett your money I mean Claridge in which outing with Beaumont's deli in Laos which is Emma Beaumont and Kim hard girls who were charged more with them in a minute of on a little bit more about that. Building what it's like inside before and out more in a moment. This is. Things on the radio but. Whatever that is to school baking cakes even as both is. This is a tricky. Thank you thing for the children they made. Today . Thanks. Wow Let your love flow the Bellamy Brothers right it is 27 minutes past 7 and I mean college my guests this evening are Beaumont's deli in Laos which is Emma Beaumont and Kim hold call so I've been explaining about how they are you know how they sort of it also is quite to like so. And deputy in a way suddenly found herself in possession of a Georgian building with a deli in it and then came came along between them over there over the cake baking or whatever they're up to they decided to sort of do do it to give them big business together which is really quite exciting but it's incredible. You kind of the 2 of you just sort of went and did it together but what is it like on a very practical level on a day to day basis what's it like hard work yeah it's backbreaking a lot of hard work people don't realise what it's like behind the scenes I think there's this quite romantic idea about running a delicatessen there's so much to do but if you passionate about food and you love cooking and baking and finding new products if you enjoy it that's the main thing but it's long hours often came and I were very there very early and then there's all the paperwork side of it and the emails to answer as well as the cooking in the cleaning restocking How large is the team there I mean is it just the 2 of you do you have extra people around you to help you we've got a team of 10 now haven't way tell me yet 10 what is all that different hours different days day girls so Emma and I whatever does Wednesdays to Saturdays I do Monday Thursday South every other Saturday so we share it but we always speak to each other every day even though we're not in the shop we will always be speaking to each other because there's always a question to ask or something toward her. And talking of the ordering in the stock how things are by get on site and which one of you is the biker or you both about both the bikers and the cooks we all bake the whole team know how to bake and we take it whoever's in on that day will bake the cases the sausage rolls the the pasties we bake bread to sell but yes we make different selection of keys. Shiz of which of course I have for you wanting to try. And caramelized onions for you we make about a dozen a day and they all sell. Just if Arius and people come in with different ideas of which ones to cook and we've got someone who's got. An allotment and so she brings in lots of fresh projects so we just try and source everything or make different flavors as a lovely thing that's something I think I'd enjoy the the cooking. But then when there is a lot of it and you have to produce things on quite a large sky or but it must be rewarding to sort of do you do you try out different recipes or you're allowed to how do you sort of do you know I mean do you move with the seasons for example we in summer we do salads so we have a salad bar and then we've just gone on to our winter menu so we do pies which she pees and gravy jacket potatoes with chili so we make a homemade chili we've got the past is off so you can have it beings so we just go with the seasons so has your café actually open jet you know so what's the I just don't look back to you again briefly emma when you what sort of work was involved in sort of transition in the building which I haven't seen from McLeods to Beaumont's deli did you did you do much to it. As we close this door and just clay to. Actually end up stairs to it so we decided to turn it back into 2 apartments up stairs so one's a 3 bed and one's a 2 bed while the doubt because it's it runs over 2 buildings It's actually 11 on 13 Bridge Street so it's quite a large store and then part of that's like space for his story in docs and then there's the kitchen but what we did was we just started from scratch fairly and then came up. With. Our own color scheme and try and sort of filter that all through the shop and then what I did was I turned up stairs into 2 living spaces and I moved myself in the husband and children out of our family home to live above the shop for a year. There was so much work involved because I had a baby and a toddler at the time it was actually really beneficial just to be upstairs because even if I wasn't on the shop floor working I was always there so if anyone had a question it would literally just call me down and I'd be there to help them out with anything I mean I got busy that's deeply convenient but sounds absolutely exhausting for you with such young children as well yeah it was well it's all paid off now because I feel that we've got a bigger customer base I have moved out now in life is there's a better work life balance now you have to throw yourself out a project and nothing worth having is easy is it to know exactly if it was easy everyone would do it. Yeah they would wouldn't they really and so how are you going to transition into the cafe but when will you start work on that and what's involved Well we have put an application in for planning and so we'll be waiting to hear back from that and then we will. Be in while we want to start building is really is in 2019 is possible German quiet month so January February if we can get started is early as possible so that it's ready in good time before the Christmas rush you know which way are fast approaching what sort of what it would do it just talk about the actual stalkers Well you have just to try to describe what I might see if I walked in there you also got jelly counters what sort of things do you have there the fresh that you mentioned all the things that you might there so you've got the cakes the key shoes the tray bikes and then we've mentioned. Meridian meat sauce is so fast says well the other things that you you have there what you have Chuck don't you to explain a bit about shock. So we've got a mixture of Italian and Spanish maids that we slice to order and we also use part in our cooking then we've got beautiful Italian our lives and stuffed peppers and beautiful girl darts chokes and then quite a large cheese counter which the Christmas there's such a demand for artisan cheeses that we have to fridge cabinets full of cheese Wow What is it about the thing Italians in the Spanish that do the shock you tree so well we did we do have British our coterie but it's not as common is it we've got one in Rutland which is not that far away who've been in here and I know that there's 2 or 3 Lincolnshire. Meat producers and butchers that are developing shock you tree ranges which I just happen to know but I can't say who they are yet so it's a growing market the British are coochie So what you think you might look at a bit more Absolutely we're always looking for new product you know exciting things so a lot the idea British are couture because of the welfare standards I feel slightly happy I'm always slightly uncomfortable with Spanish or Italian shako to eat because I want to want to think about where it's come from so I quite like the idea of the British are good or must admit we go to people that go to small produces products of the good welfare and that the same applies to the cheeses that is good well that's another thing isn't it don't we think about cheeses but the dairy industry is massive and everything is well about about cheeses Why does everyone just buy really nice cheese at Christmas and then seem to follow sort of not not you know so many good Christmas you're not you say you've got extra chillers full of cheese but it's almost like that the rest of year that the demands or drops a bit or do you feel it's a constant was you it's what you because you're probably right please because there are don't really understand. The cheese is so much by Christmas it's not Susan and I think people like to treat themselves that Christmas but we don't find it drops off that much oh well that's good to hear when we have customers in well Daley who will buy lovely selection of the cheeses that's interesting because we like to have a broader selection it clears right rather than just having one very we'll have a trifle pray and debris so there's just oh what's a truffle brewery or is just the left yes it's for bring up with for foals and then we have the most beautiful Gorgonzola adult Shea and rather than just buying it in small pieces we have huge rounds and it just is a stunning pace and we sell Wales and Wales a bit. Here So a people by how do people buy a whole place for like a party or something how will it go to where you listen and not often but sometimes of people having a large party they will buy Wales you must be lovely that fantasy of owning a deli that I talked about must be lovely just cutting that cheese are all it is yeah it's funny what you gonna fantasize about doing spooning olives into into little dishes and that was so what have you noticed any popular different term popularity in different cheeses What's the cheese at the moment everyone's slightly obsessed with. People lot of the local cheese like your poacher sells really well we use that in our fish pie in our homemade lasagna is because we do of range of ready meals that are frozen do you say that people can essentially buy a home cooked meal that it's got local produce in so again well used to be from the video mates for the lesson years just to make sure of it is the best quality we could possibly get it today yeah and then sells really well that's one of the local But then 3 is another one so it coast in Bassett Stilton I think summer is about to launch a Lincolnshire Brie but for the life of me I can't remember who it is they've been in. It will come back to me but there's a Lincolnshire breed coming which are which I haven't and soon as its launch they're going to going to let me know about it and have a hell of a look at it should be lovely but it just seems as a county we're producing more more it's amazin the food and drink that we produce it makes our job really easy because we can fly the Lincolnshire flag we've got some lovely Lincolnshire winds as well have when you know which ones if you go in it's we've got there 1st been to actually And were there any stockist at the moment the ovens farm from having to clean up throughout there don't have a lot of them left sounds like a guest in Whiting is absolutely gorgeous and so they have their own what is it is it one from a great. Square you pay. Farmers and they've just gone into producing the wine and. Simon is in it yes yes yes I'm hunting the shop with a bottle to some people which came in I enjoyed over an afternoon bacon. And it really really is absolutely fantastic no less a group of all white wine that you could enjoy with the mail on its own this interesting year and I do want to raise and when I say oh yeah flying out and you know obviously so Warners were doing one of it is. The alcohol part of 3rd at the shop so there's a lot of gin lots of different wines and we try to make it really accessible because not people often pick a wine based on the bottle so we've got a little look at labels that give you tasty names that are easy for everyone to understand and so if you want to come and have a look for a gift you don't have to feel like you've got to ask anybody about it you can just privately look at the different labels and that you think would be suitable or you can ask one of us to help and just go back to those cheeses for a 2nd the cheese is if I go into a deli such as the one that you're describing are expect to see some really interesting cheeses from overseas and fine food cheeses what if you got the brought in the. From overseas a Swiss cheese called red wine farm is a fantastic seller who was not a lawyer for Swiss cheese this award winning for that grew yet extra mature Korea which we stock as well and it's washed in a red wine and it just has a very distinctive flavor and whenever because often we encourage people to taste cheese because it's such a broad range of flavors that we want you to go home with something that you love and people have such different taste that some cheeses of for them and others not so much so every time someone taste it they love it and they want to take it I'm not into and that's where yeah they do seem to be good at cheeses a source of low to stock on a lot I mean there are my cheese knowledge is really really poor really in Africa and I hear more than half a get so much but they do seem to be good at it what about the French cheeses what you got you got the breeze you mentioned at least going yeah the delicious debacle is a texture of a prairie but it's made with double cream as well inside so very very rich and creamy and again we let people try it and that's a real real favors there so interesting I'll give you both a brief rest for the moment so we're just just sit tight we'll have one isn't Rita Ora But this is think it's your kitchen monomers I mean closure Mitchum your bones deli in Laos That's Emma Beaumont and Kim hardcore So if you've got any questions or you want to ask me I think anything about anything that we found. Giggling a 1000 double 65949 or text 81 triple 3 starting your message with the letters Al and. Back into. West Street. Where. Live. Live. Live. Soul. Let you love me Rita or we're just gassing about Cook now joining us I was a bit too much. Thinking to get to my as a Macleod I'm chatting with Beaumont's deli there in Laos Liz Emma Beaumont and Kim Hardcastle we were just about to try some of the things you've got there and you said something to me came you said we don't measure anything no no we don't. Made them that often but we do is we make if we make 6 cases which we buy the cases in from a supplier because they're just easier so we make individual ones so if you make 6 key shoes we use 5 eggs and then top up with double cream and so we put a base of their cheddar on the bottom so you put the cheese on the bottom and we put cheese on the bottom and then say this one with the ham and then. We put Cameron onion in ham and then we put another layer of on the top and then we fill with the cream and. An egg mixture that intrigues me slightly because I found myself wondering how you don't get so you bought a cheese on the bottom but then I go still OK contents a liquid until you know they are bikes Yeah and we do kind of like a once a wobble test because we don't want them burned so we didn't we need them cooked in the middle so we just we just wobble them and. If you will it doesn't wobble it's done if it was yes and I have been known to wobble and fall on the floor also so we had to start again I said on your mobile to try and there you trouble you know because it's not just does not just you just dropping some stuff that's you dropping stock in is money well it was just all the love that got into those cliches so I sent him out the kitchen because he was heartbroken and cleared away the mess and then we started again artistic that he's on a plate and if you talk over here now I'll do my best. Proof impression and cut down the middle shell. Just like Baikal Did you watch bike off the ferry can you not tell me because I haven't seen the result have you not seen no all day today that's been everywhere however have you managed to avoid the winner of the bike of just pod casting today just listen to podcasts Bastar you have also Eugen you don't know now are genuine You see I didn't really watch it particular but I did so vitally watched last night and quite excited Oh yeah well. It's pretty quiet. Well OK sure the baker all know that the foreigner joins me right so I've got to cut this in half an hour but honestly that's a really looked good doesn't it they're light and fluffy Yes and full of feeling because we like to be generous so the how every think we make a sandwich a tray bake a red email we make it as if we're eating it ourselves yes that is what I tell all the staff to make sure that if you think it's good enough to eat then it's good enough to go out and what's the most popular kids filling How do you put vegetables in our lots of vegetables really she's not yet belting broccoli we do to try to get any vegetable Yes because yes and mix peppers and that how do you stop because because they are funny cause they're a bit if you don't. If you don't cook them or 1st they get they where do you cook them or 1st I'll go to yes we can or 1st with the onions and peppers you know just so we can brown them and then we can add them to the it does make a big difference doesn't it because they need the seasoning as well and then you have this and writes mass I think you know your flavors all the other vegetables and try a little bit of this so not to have too much because the thing is is are broadcasting is. How many of these do you do you get because you said we make ice between 12 and 12 and 18 a day we make they're nice so people can buy a whole one whole one yes and they We've got a table inside and so if they want to come in and have occasion a bit of a salad I don't civilize just. For them when they can have it cold quite often people buy them because the bind them as they come out the of the oh nice complicated isn't it hot food in V.A. T. And stuff is as a whole things you member like I think it must have been since you opened it change didn't it that there was v 80 on hot food but not on cold food was that rug right that just sounds like a nightmare to administer is fine I just ask my husband he's an accountant. That's convenient isn't nearly as good as it was probably one of the reasons why we thought why don't I open my business because he's got the business acumen and I've got the drive and determination and so the 2 together hopefully would create something successful which is already working if he got urges to come and start biking or just want to say no yes no baking ages and I must go although he's good at doing the Christmas decorations so we're booked a day off where can you come in and willing Christmas up Ostrov away doesn't hurt he's weird. And my husband certainly does not do any cooking you know he doesn't even cook at home no. More it's fascinating always fascinates me where you go sometimes the partner will become more drawn in as time passes by what you mentioned about Christmas decorations I'd like to talk about that a bit as well because you are apparently your Christmas hampers a really good so I wanted to ask whether the whole thing of giving a Christmas hamper is increasing or decreasing or what people do have them or have never given a hamper as a gift in my life I would say that I would say it's increasing last year when I just started I was amazed people seem to want to come in and choose just special different gifts of food for their friends and family to try and it's almost a joy for them to come in and think oh yes this is what I've chosen and they. They have all wrapped up and we do 4 sizes of the hampers and that they just enjoy coming in or they also enjoy the fact that we do a brochure and I can say this one would like for goodness well that's good it's personalized and it's getting a gift for somebody that they want and they know that they're going to use and enjoy and because they've chosen the products they're going to go into it there's some personal side where they've made the effort to come in and think about their loved one and they're like my I my brother and and his late wife to me are. From They live in north long will they lived in north London and they had a local deli there are of a light and they bought some bits from there and put it together novel it was lovely it is lovely people yes and it's not just Christmas people come in all year round Father's Day we do yeah yeah yeah Beth days and then the brochure really is for our corporate customers so we have goodness we do hundreds of companies at a time and we're really a small shop and I'm like a little Christmas elf. Packing hampers but. The feedback I've had from my corporate customers over the last 2 years have been fantastic and they've come back again and again do you put the meal in a physical hamper locker actually a market like a block of Famous 5 we've got a basket there with it like a picnic basket Yeah or there's a slightly smaller one which is open which is wrapped with cellophane so you can see all the products at the top so fine drives me not so I just just as a special back and what looks like a head via which makes it look I know I'm not keen on it I just think it's like just pointless in a why but in a house you could keep everything in the house where I was long as you kept right but it just gets in there has like a nice Yeah I like it where you're not going to so many or no although I do have a lady that does not like the basket but we will get boxes and we wrap wrapping paper around it and then she fills it with what she likes for her friends and family what doesn't she like the basket so she says she just doesn't agree with baskets it's just not to her if. The customer doesn't want basket Well they can have a box or lot of what they like a large basket large shopping basket like the old days oh yes you know the children's books I use a picnic baskets and they keep all their books in there they're really nice so we'll see if you've got that you've made that that looks like a flapjack does like an O.T. Flapjack Yes that's flapjack Let's have a look at that can you give us your tips on that so they don't get so you because they're all quite simple to do but quite simple today we've been using the same recipe. Sharon's recipe shells recently brought and he works at the deli that's her last chance and looks really really good and they all do fine what's more popular cakes or trade bikes I would say trendy you know what it is it's quality ingredients it's all good on whether to butter good quality syrup and if you use good quality product and gradients It's not difficult. And he's really nice as well I don't really have a millionaire's shortbread so I used to make those when my husband went away working because you could freeze them and then he would they're good for energy so just describe what the bottom is Shoprite because I've never made one of these that easy going to probably themselves short at the bottom and then what's the what's not not it's caramel caramel but you have you have to have a strong arm because you have to cook it out for ages and ages to super super thick so you're making it from scratch there so amendable like a dark chocolate on the top Yeah now I can see that Dr Quinn there looks like good chocolates good quality dark chocolate because the caramels quite sweet and so you need to duck truckloads to counteract that and it's just yeah my favorite so how do you how do you know when it's but it's done because you called the not really can't spin and turn it up or you know the way it went drip it just stays stuck on the spoon and you know the Catalona Yeah oh how real the Detroit bite how do you know when that's dollars Adolphus question because I had Yeah but it just is a timing thing where we shop but it's got such a lot of butter in it will be squidgy so you can just tell by the governor or by but you can't you see the color when you've got the job you don't need to have any of it separately so you bake the short road you shop that's cooked for caramel I'm sorry I didn't know that you don't want it to brown because then it's too crumbly So you cook the you cook the shortbread base Yes In the thing the the tray that you're breaking in here and then you put the camel on yes and then you pour the chocolate on once caramel set and you pull the chocolate under sleeve to set yeah oh I see I don't know how I didn't know that but that makes it I was wondering how I know if you do you know they think you're so you know so that's a that's a trick that that's really good to know. I'm sure I'm not the only person it's in the going really that's quite mixing which is already impressed with that let's go what if you go to. Rocky Road going to Rocky where everybody is obsessed with Rocky Roads all night what is the attraction actually hang on hang on hang on you've got a glass a cherry on your mother looks very much like a multi-user we've got Maltese is and got a cherries in it and then we decorate it with the many marshmallows and cherries and Maltese again I think if we're going to go our fashion and popularity these cars I think they will we make them probably 2 week 2 or 3 week and we sell 2 or 3 trays of them it's fascinating isn't it that they are enduring the popular here and I want to go back and see if we go for about 50 years people will look back on us and sigh lots of rocky road. They may well do but the probably still be making it you know probably it might be a bit nostalgic thing where near when we're all sort of you know quite elderly and we sort of sort of tottering along demanding rocky road I was going to just give them rocky road they'll be fine that's just all this is you talk about Rocky Road what she really what the devil. I hope not I hope our grandchildren will be getting Bucky bad I'm sure they will it's been wonderful trashing review and just remind us you are your bones Dolly and you open our school in here somewhere you open. A Saturday night until 6 in your 11 Bridge Street on Lao for 9 till 530 and it's till 6 over Christmas I see life as it is and I knew 11 bridge street level takes in from Brad and Steve they say hello from London and they missed by months Delhi. But use it will also go by you know of love just brought slightly I will say goodbye to you which is an absolute shame because you've been really really interesting I was relieved then with some cameras in Korea and to see how it was it will not often a microwave look at that and thought I looked like a very eco friendly part it is fantastic thank you so much if you think in cheek it's your mind's eye me Claridge and I guess this evening well Beaumont's Delhi with a fascinating car. And you'll see that the for ya. A . Little music. He. Says. B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire. B.B.C. News at a time where Alderson doctors in Switzerland say they've developed a technique which has allowed a paralyzed man to walk again off to some of his nerves began to repair the team placed an electrical device around the man's spine which enabled his brain to send signals to his legs the B.B.C.'s pop go she reports nerves in the spinal cord sends signals from the brain to the legs some people are paralyzed when the moves at damage to injury in most cases there's still a small signal but it's too weak to create movement the Swiss team has developed an implant that boosts the signal and they've used it to enable 3 men who'd been paralyzed for several years to walk again what surprised the research is is that the damaged nerve fibers seem to have begun to repair it's far from a cure but it does show that reversing peral. Says at least to some degree it's possible in principle the U.K.'s largest carmaker judge Your Land Rover has announced a loss of 19000000 pounds in the 3 months talk to sales at the manufacturer which is owned by the Indian times our group have fallen 13 percent in the past year because of declining demand in China and uncertainty about the future of diesels the firm says it will now reduce plant spending by half a 1000000000 pounds West Yorkshire Police say several young people who threw fireworks at a blind woman and had guide dog in a park in Leeds should be utterly ashamed officers say the woman who was in her fifty's wasn't injured but was left very distressed Channel 4 has announced it's moving its national headquarters and $200.00 jobs out of London to Leeds creative hubs will also be set up in Bristol and Glasgow with 50 staff moving to each the government had made clear the channel needed to do more to reflect and provide for audiences outside the capital and he lit foot from the creative industries Federation says the moves will have positive impacts this investment helps to turn those places into the kind of areas that people actually really want to move to and really want to ship. You know leases already somewhere as it does go and presto that attracts a great deal of people I think this is just another step that will help to make those places additional cities that people want so that the editor of the Waitrose food magazine is stepping down after he joked about killing vegans one by one William says Well emailed a journalist suggesting she write a series of articles about ways of trapping vegans killing them or force feeding the meat he's apologized for any offense caused please him back should have been.

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