History was in a terminal decline on average around $700.00 pubs close each year however however official figures suggest that the sector could be turning a corner according to the Office for National Statistics there was a net gain of $320.00 pubs in the year up to March Now that's significant because it was the 1st increase in 10 years so many pubs to shut their doors over that decade but it looks the slow the tide is turning so what you have to do to make sure that your Pub stays thriving stays viable and is a lovely resource for your local community one place which is doing just that is the White Horse in birth and I was there a couple of weeks ago to drop off some be a mate drip matts this of course our campaign to get men talking the folks at the White Horse was so keen to get on board and I'd never been there before and I thoroughly enjoyed winding my way through what looked like countryside him burst all over it was and to find this whole story I met up with Jenny he told me what they're up to John you have been inside and dropped off the be a mate treatments because that's kind of what's brought me here initially but it's been really ventured getting here from best and winding through the radio part of the village and then I have to say I drove down the hill into the carpark and through and I kind of took my breath away because how far are you from the city center couple miles yeah a couple of miles and we are just a little bit of the beaten track in the village but we're in kind of what is old Basto and hope of faces in towards me park so we've got all that beautiful view and and lots of passing trade lots of cyclists dog walkers canoeist Yes and we're in a really lovely spot particularly in the summer and we're very busy in the summer because the garden gets nice and full of our children's play area too which helps you know God And yeah you know I love stumbling across places that I've never seen before because I'm also driven over the top of a so many times and. We could be in the middle of the countryside looking across the view this is a few clues in the distance like some of the steam coming out of the chimney in the distance but I suppose it's quite a big responsibility keeping a place like this is a lot to do it's a very competitive How are you managing to to maintain it and keep going the team you have here we've got brilliant team and that a lot of our team have been with us for quite a long time and we employ quality of local. People for staff as well we try and keep really involved in what goes on in the community as well so we run the christ every bank holiday we get involved with we do best buy a car that we do from Mill and so we run that every year lots of community groups use or so they might use our barbecue area and they might come down to me and lots of groups can have our meetings which is really nice so we keep quite really involved in the community trying to keep people interested in changing how pubs have to survive that's what you have to do you have to throw yourself in it yeah and I think it's just listening to what you can and trying to we can try and change things up every now and then we had to be. A reef a year or so ago just to make things a bit different keep people interested rape in the garden bar that's been really nice for in the summer and kind of functions in the summer as well so yeah it's just keeping everybody interested in changing things around so that we're meeting the body amount of one in the local area and so keeping out of the game a bit as well I suppose I was thinking of the next thing you know much about the building and how old it is if you had a little. Yeah we did I mean this was has always been the white horse per banana little a few years back it change and typical the move betrayed them when we took away. The White House because we wanted to make it more of a community permanent place that people would come to a drink which is exactly what's happened which has been brilliant so we've got a real strong customer base are our regulars and we've got people that come you know just passing last year and have just come across the other confront event. And you know noticed what we've got and what we can offer oh. Bring the dog next time because your dog friendly so I thought we are we dog friendly there's always a dog treat baffler we have dogs yeah we've got water bowls and things and dogs are welcome absolutely when you've got a living area if you're more to me part where you can dog and enjoy that as well. As well thank you as well for being part of the b.m.a. Project because that's something that is just it's it's a small thing to have the drip mats but it means a lot to us and you know I think there's a few chaps in the public that I mean you never learn so much just cause or I absolutely and that's what we hope it's about it's just someone saying the right thing at the right time and been able to strike up a conversation with a friend so I hope it will help some people on the way take proper local pub and that's why it survives and thrives but goodness makes hard work isn't it running these places it sounded lovely birds to eat in the background there the outlook all there in your view and it's nice to find so my default is an experience isn't it just I go through Burstall every single day on my home drive home from work but if I just took a little wiggle a little left and right now left in rights and there is this fabulous place with a visa over the water you know shout out to the story because when you look at her still it's got everything you need you know down the street you've got everything. Has got water made Paul it got lovely pubs jewellers carpets perhaps perhaps better still is going to give Glenfield a run for. Another And we're not going to get carried away this morning but it's a great price yeah I don't quite think he was born b.m.i. Yeah that's really probably absolutely 12 minutes past 7 general election 29 he. Would go back to the polling booth today a total of 50 candidates across all 10 parliamentary constituency is a wanting you invite us to east one last breath in the rotunda Melton any return Radio Leicester. And I sat down the file last night for that we had state last nigh on the course not to share a little bit weigh them. All the thanks of course the aid they tell you are a brings me immense joy that dog does and this is video right there in the rounds on social media and about man's best friend lies about where a dog comes into a room starts playing the piano and starts to say. How do. I most of watched it 15 times over and over again and Ralph was there is their lives were pricked open he was looking at me with his head on the side saying what is going on there I'm not quite sure what song is trying to say maybe the Hound Dog by Elvis I don't know did you know that the pets are a fond of music of the more festive kind perhaps because 20 percent of pets in their owners listen in these villages to a favorite song together Ok so I was trying to get this up because you got line you 1st down song with you Paul you know you've got your song grandparents perhaps we moment that you're growing up again that we made but 9 and 20 percent of people in the East Midlands have got a song with their pets which they know and I think this is brilliant because that is all according to the National Party Blue Cross who've even put together a top 3 Ok You know what we speaking to them after the whole 7 because the election free zone say we've all we want to we want to we want to kind of spread a bit of we want want to being a little bit different Ok so we want to hear this morning your songs for your dogs to jive what of your pain. I think this is the 1st one that came to mind on many reasons the title is incredible the artist is all. Kate Bush and Hounds of Love. Coming. Dana strong the song choice is a cracking song it's a really strong Don't judge my to tell you but I actually sing the song. And I'll take him. And I will dance with him in the kitchen and let the song to last I said old one but he said go ahead so Picture me singing this to me. As much as you. Do you make. My dog. Strong. To give him strength. You know. As much as. Those lyrics I love my dog as much as I love your love that don't. Say he was on the news yes they are yes I was what they say they went every way is on b.b.c. Radio West is Facebook page telling you about the 5 rules of what you can and can't do with the polling station and when you put a look on b.b.c. Radio listeners Facebook page Routh is everywhere going to be a lot more for me going to be. It's going to be. I'm going to put his name in lights we're going out a bit of fun today Ok because we want to know what it's very very very simple question for this morning we want to hear your songs for dogs yeah Fastpass is simple as that is all I ask him from me this morning or all we want from you is a song for a dog a k. So what does it mean they can be as Brewer really daft as possible all how if you got that song that you shared with you guessed it the dog danced to the music well and this is a true story a complete treat now is 995 a case in is kind of like you know entrenched in my mind went out South Africa and my auntie had 3 dogs and one was called Mr Bojangles good name this is a this is God's own history from. Jungles his dog was called and he would sit big strong Aubry kind of stuffy type dog run and whenever you put Frank Sinatra Mr Bojangles on he would sing the whole song was not long crooning it was a thing oh how willing he would go the whole whole lot and he was called Mr Bojangles So have you got a story like that yet you know what songs community your dogs or if you've just got a suggestion Come on let's have a bit of fun this will have a small Give us a call on 101 i Phone on we want to hear from you and you can text as well on one treble 3 starting a message with the word Lester we want to hear your songs for dogs it's 18 minutes past 7 and here is the news which made me really sad and I suspect id your generation my not feel exactly the same emotion as I am this morning I'm David Bellamy who is a naturalist and broadcaster he was so huge when I was growing up in the 1980 s. And he's died he was 86 years old and he was just everywhere Lenny Henry even used to do impressions of him that it was just he was that massive superstar of the tele areas on the b.b. . Backyard Safari series in 1981 thing about the reason why washing dries 1st on a sunny day to be back light it has to change from a liquid to would get a bite and that requires energy like heat of evacuation now the energy comes from the sand and the normally gentle believes well it helps to move the water by the wife and keep the whole process working flat out and they show you everything you know we should draw on when you if she must have been an academic to know all the stuff but yet she failed his exams at school he started in a sweet factory What does a plumber but then he got a job in a lab and that fostered a huge love of science and he specialized in marine biology at Durham University now it was when he was interviewed on telly about the Tory Canyon oil spill in 1967 that spotted and he said that kick started his broadcasting career I was one of the only scientists were normally pollution pollution in the city when Tommy Canyon went down so course I had to find some poor farm to be it can drive exhaust creaming from your ivory tower into the box my visit and I was interviewed by junk right even early diy on a sewer pipe in red car and I think that made me well it's a love of the natural world and I'm a terrific broadcaster he was so inspirational his passion for plants and trees but it was that voice that distinctive style that got him parody guy Lenny Henry His him during the Bellamy run on his comedy sketch show 3 of a car I. Should. Be. A member that was absolutely hilarious now it did face criticism in later life over the issue of global warming he did. Smith's state he described as poppycock and that led to a lot of his t.v. Work drying up but he always supported the environment he founded a Conservation Foundation that was with him through his life and they described him as a friend a teacher and a larger than life character who inspired people with his knowledge and enthusiasm are always really fortunate enough to me and you know the flower show I was she very lucky to go down with Dave Andrews when I was kind of just I mean this would be going back probably 10 years or so ago now a lucky man and he was that and our remember being quite bowled over because our among the Wanted to me was perhaps a generation are missed them if that makes sense yes yes bomb going to Brooks Bay and they had this horticulturist of the Year competition occur and I'm nice to him Brooks because hate a case was representing Brooks but didn't different do so well in the 2nd round the something a woman was that was a David Bellamy book and it was signed by David Bellamy and so on that that bull and I knew all of them and when I saw him and he was it was wonderful it was it was like a Brian blessid time yeah he was larger than life and he was absolutely great and I was really sad to hear that last night because I just thought my memory of him is he's been really really nice bloke he had loads of time he stood he talked and from a this was all about and you know it didn't ruin any illusions for me so that's really really sad news yeah treasure that book a day it's 20 minutes past 7 and let's see what's happening on the roads of care and thank you Will traffic moving well across the city and counties will shook a lady in fairness and still remains closed due to you floating in clear Laos house next time unless the road temperature of our lives start here today on eastward roads and hams and wrote on the way to ease and wala m. 69 and m 6 all moving while for now you got the very latest I'll have more for you in 20 minutes. And. Maybe a bit on ice on the car this morning minus 3 when I go into my car it is cold out there this morning Alex is going to warm up. It is going to warm up a little bit it's a bright but chilly start expected this morning Cloudland steadily building as rain moves into the area from the west now some of that wet weather could even be a little bit wintry over the high ground accompanied by freshening south westerly winds you can expect highs of around 7 degrees Celsius It's nice to be often cloudy with a few showers through much of the night there will be some clear and dry as spells lows of 4 degrees Celsius tomorrow partly cloudy but quite windy day tomorrow some sunny spells but also a few blustery showers with highs of 7 degrees Celsius Saturday we'll have dry conditions with a good deal of sunshine through the day it'll be very windy with gales at times and on Sunday after only Morning Rain showers have moved away you can expect it to be dry and sunny and dry and sunny weather will continue into Monday. I got a question for you this morning I want have a think about it how many of the gains do you know this isn't a Christmas cracker joke or anything like that but how many begins do you know. 2 or 33 or 4 I bet you know that's more than the same time last year I think it probably is yeah because more and more people are now becoming vague and one of the largest fast food chains Donalds launched a full of eager menu for the 1st time in January to seen an 80 percent increase in customers ordering vegetarian food I was fascinated by a documentary recently with Jermaine Jenas about vegetarianism of Reaganism in footballers as well well dominate. Is from the vague and Society joins us this morning Domenica 1st of all how does the Vegan Society feel about a mainstream restaurant chain finally tipping their hand including vegans Good morning well I think that anything that gives people more choice in giving them food is absolutely a positive thing so obviously McDonald's is probably not a place where you would expect a case of a big and we have a fatal sign of the changing times that such a mainstream band is actually offering a good option. It's obviously not just a vegan think we have a lot of people reducing their meat consumption as well as their consumption of their in eggs so this is a great choice for all of us who care about animals the environment or health as well so how does the word dominate because with you know with your society huge huge societies of. All you you consulted by McDonald's to make sure that they get everything salute the spot on so actually I don't know where but not when they went to the Vegetarian Society with it even though if you can products they got their approval from the Vegetarian Society but we have a scheme as well that approved products of the can so I imagine the better translation went out and checked all the ingredients into the that go into the bag and then they gave them the stamp of approval to make sure that this all began but having said that you know we have a spectrum from restaurants as well for just Wetherspoon's and. As well for the r.v. You can options out there that I decided by us and obviously a lot of places also launching an options without approving them by anyone so we've got obviously crags that we feel more that we are coming out with the Can product like inkjet and in Europe are launching a bigger bagus as well we've got 9 Those are saying a huge offering as well so there's lots of options out there lived a dozen noisome anywhere I've gotta watch this because I know somebody that isn't a vegan but loves the Gregs they can source it roll goes in there and has won and said it's kind of like that that you know they're just having their moment you know and they're helping a little bit but I mean do people fully embrace it or do you think some people are just jumping on the vague and Beram wagon Yeah I think certainly some people just do it sort of part time which there's nothing wrong with I mean he does say but I'm alive it does help the environment and it's good for your health so why not us and we want to share this message with everybody so even if you don't feel like you can go again then why not just a word occasionally a lot of people do it because they just like their taste and I think whatever reason it is fine because you are you know. We are doing a good thing by eating fewer animal products and I think we are seeing a huge increase in the number of people not just becoming began but also making those changes for African by mental and health reasons don't you could still talk to me Tell me more about some of these kind of meat substitutes because I was watching a documentary and they had some kind of like some big and fast food and they looked exactly like kind of like a dead leaf the he would get after a night out but there might have jackfruit and wood and all of these different materials I mean some of them just look absolutely identical to me doesn't like yeah yeah so the thing with this is actually a lot of you can see them become big and because I don't like the taste of I'm a product for example I personally like the taste of meat I just like animals more than I like meat so I still want to be able to enjoy the same textures and flavors by obviously about the animal suffering being involved so it's a great choice for people who still want to have this in those and fast food experience but don't want to harm animals a very good compromise obviously between the 2 and it is not the healthiest thing out there but it is healthier than all the Such rated fat and cholesterol and growth factors and home owners that you find in meat that was was going to last you know it's an ethical way to eat bird I mean it's kind of like a reputation is the kind of bit of a misconception the eat in adopting a plant based on bane of Eagan is going to be healthy to increase because some of it is still bad for you isn't it yes yes all diets are individual you can have a healthy they can diet you can have an unhealthy can diet and it's the same with a meat based Ayat as well so you still do have to make sure that you get the correct new change it's not overly complicated if quite straightforward as soon as you group food into that if and you change such as protein calcium ion so it's not the case that we need meat and milk to get our protein and culture it's just the case that we need those new trends and we can get them from plant forces as well as . The British Medical Association which is getting lots of each year nutrition in the u.k. They actually said the message that every going diet is suitable for people for all ages and ice ages so start the case of doing a tiny bit of research on what to eat and ensuring that you get all the nutrients Domenica thank you so much for speaking to is this morning I'll call my last is certainly my many things a few people I know and I love me on I love my meat you know you are not going to sit here and preach for one second but we went out see some friends and we were sent down in a ball and they were talking about a documentary they'd watched on Netflix and they said look you know you want to watch it it's not turned as we go on but we thought more and more about how much how much meat we do consume and I've had that conversation so many times I think over the last couple of months with people saying yes you know we need to be more aware we need to kind of cut back on some of armies and to hear. The ones that surprise you you know some of you might that you've grown up with that you know will have a kabob on the way I mean you know that they'll have a share a box of nuggets or something you know to to try and soak up the alcohol these are the ones now that content. And I find it I find it fascinating I think it's I think it's really really interesting clearly there's something in yeah it's a subtle shift isn't it and I think it's very much it's very much a little of what you fancy and you know mixing it up there's no harm in that you can eat no can do whatever we live but mixing up the diet sometimes is quite effective trying to be a bit different trying to be a new it's just coming out so you have past 7 we want to hear from you today songs for dogs it's as simple as that there are not is a song title which would be perfect for your pitch to how long to of a morning or whether or not your pet loves the music you listen to do you get a reaction from your dog when you start playing a certain track or certain song what is that music and what does your dog. To We'd love to hear from you this morning is all about the research that Blue Cross the veteran group of done about that the targets of music that some animals are actually really responding say and we're going to play some of that I was the next hour but we want to hear from you this morning we're trying to compile a bit of a list of of those Chines either that you don't should be listening to because they've got some kind of doggie pun in the title or that your pets actually love 101 for 9 with your suggestion place you are listening to breakfast on b.b.c. Radio Leicester It's 731. Radio last. Is over the news update good morning polling stations are open for the 1st December general election since 923 people are voting in 650 seats across the country unless the man's been jailed for a year for domestic abuse 47 year old Dennis based or was found guilty of 3 counts of assault and one count of making threats to kill a convicted killer who fought off the London Bridge attackers told the b.b.c. How he challenged postman concert detonate what he believed to be a real suicide belt junk really said he was prepared to die to protect others but wouldn't call him self a hero police in New Zealand are planning to go to White Island tomorrow to retrieve the bodies of people killed in Monday's volcanic eruption 8 people have died and a further 8 I'm missing presumed dead and unless the best fashion retailer which has increased its online sales by almost 40016 years says it all has its success to its central location more than 5000 items are picked and packed every hour Bowden's warehouse England field let's get you top spot stories this morning informal Leicester Tigers who could George shooter says the silence of the club over Mark Bakewell is unusual b.b.c. Radio Leicester Sport understands that he's left his role with England forwards coach Steve Borthwick already being lined up to join the backroom team but shooters says that the fans deserve an x. . Nation for more than just big departure the silence from the club is unusual the convert or denied a departure which seems strange you're not a supporter you spend a lot of money supporting the club or deserve more explanation about everything not just this with his jaw not the oldest of it but don't think I'm not wrong in this but it's not been any real sort of conclusive stories about how the departure was a cockroach part of our major The are in front of McConnell the emotional George is these this just happens and never ends at the source and taken chain because no further explanation in football is the city manager Brendan Rodgers will address the media this afternoon ahead of the game against Norwich City on Saturday the boxes will try to close the gap to Liverpool top of the table their face Nigel Pearson's what fit in the early game elsewhere in football Manchester City one for one away to Dinamo Zagreb to ensure that they went through to their Champions League Group unbeaten Gabriel Haye Zeus' scored a hat trick and fell forward and got the other former Manchester United midfielder Darren Fletcher says that it's tough for City to give the teenager Foden a lot of game time whilst David Silva is still available of us over can play every game as age of 11 is and the season if you play him in the league in the Champions League if he wants a fresh team for the Champions League that may be the best thing for David Silva and also the best thing for fellow for them but that's not to say that fell for the performances in the Premier League when he gets his chance might perma headed up it's over will Tottenham who'd already qualified for the last 16 lost their final group game last night that was a way to buy in Munich and its new coalesced as Ben Wallace and lost by 4 friends to one to Graeme Dott in the 2nd round of the Scottish Open there's more for me in half an hour but for now that's all you latest b.b.c. Radio Leicester needs his role weather wise today very very cold and frosty this morning is going to be bright and chilly to start with pot once again rain moving in through the afternoon and it's all temperature of just 7 degrees Celsius. B.b.c. Radio less. 25 minutes I guess I have to rack up to vote tonight the polls we know for 35 minutes my son said Will my retail last nights when you wait for me mom before you go vote and we will go up together to the polling station because this is the 1st time voting is really excited and I was at the dog go to get picture the dog outside the polling station you know I was really surprised because names are the same to me she's are always going to go vote together and I was like Yeah you know I will do that will go down Glenfield go down the town Oregon sort that out and then she says as well and you know I want jobs on this bandwagon of a dog's a polling stations So Bob is coming with Mike what has become a thing now as it is I call white as a family outing youngest wants to come to he's a year off voting at bases no I want to be part of a I don't want to miss out I want big guy and I just that's a start some voters will be voting is about the extent of my social life but the main. Look at bosses was really direct Yeah. I think Bella is going to love it she's a big part of it and it's been a bit of a doggy day today would be about dogs this morning particularly music seats pull for your peaches whether it be music your dog loves or track that would be particularly suitable for the canine kind is what you've come up with so far this morning. I lived there and so my kind of the 1st one I had was from Allie she said could you play Ruby for I have told them it's not quite the rosy fits pretty good she knows it's Brazier 000-0100 in Allen's house and Rosie I might add Sally in Market Harborough suggested you me and a dog named Boucher's It's one from the early seventy's she loves it recency love the message from recency morning both and she says we were skewed our 1st family dog in the seventy's she was a white and black color when Grease came out on the radio played the hits from it with sing along and when the chorus your the one the one was on tracks is would be pricked up and there would be the Oh and all of that going on with it we took this on as a bit of a theme for Trek and sang and the endlessly to her and the more excited she got she started to do figures of 8 around the lounge thanks for give this a chance to recall happy memories of our dog all planed out reason say I mean this is all being sparked by some real research this is from Blue Cross which is a national pet charity and they've been ranking our pets favorite Chines Christmas genes very apt at this time of year Diane James is from Blue Cross morning Diane good morning good morning aka Old reveal it than the top 3 song choices what are the songs that animals have been going bonkers for the top 3 last Christmas all I want for christmas is you finally Rockin Around the Christmas tree Ok now it's is this something in these songs is a receive more or a rhythm or something which makes our pets absolutely go barmy for them you know I want to personally think that the rhythm is the fact that we sing along. And join in with me. Especially last Christmas but how. So this is it just literally they join in and how long with why do they like him they do they like rhythm and I just love love warm but my own what I really love as well is Jones Oh I see that lovely pure voice I suppose maybe that's the key to it but I think maybe the pitch for the ears is almost like a dog whistle probably. And I love the I mean do you think that right do you think that our pets can pick up that it's Christmas Eve celebration to the change in the vibes you can know about that most definitely and I'll tell you the 1st example of everything all of a sudden I think calendar they have a dog Yeah I think calendar each I'm the minute you pick the other they know it's their turn and they get excited and then on Christmas Day They have the little presents and the ghost I was it the smell because all talk and stuff they go straight to little pile and we open it and they just love it do you know I have a discount or for a confession I've stopped the dogs advent calendar because I had a real panic that come 24th of December they're going to be no more treats so she got really used to a certain time of day when the kids ness and then there was going to be any and I thought that was going to be cruel and unfair at the end of the month. No I can't agree with you when I think calendar I call it ugly really naughty and most of. The articles on the 23rd all about the face. Of God pork scratchings advent calendar and I split my scratching 3 right got my problems whatsoever you know that raises about every issue that I didn't because we are tending to spoil our pets a bit more Only this time this year we can't help it we were full of the joys of Christmas and so we need to be a little bit careful about kind of overdoing the generosity we do I mean there's a couple of things you need to watch 1st of all leaving things around I mean my daughter usually love the challenge on the sofa or the selection box Be careful really care for the chocolate fruitcake. Because I. Think it makes fruit again I've got 1. 100 or so things like chalk on the tree for example you have to be careful decoration So you have to be monk to enjoy it yeah our love it will have a happy Christmas and thank you. Describing the Christmas in your household I love that so we want to hear more of these songs the music that gets your pets going not necessarily the Christmas stuff but sometimes in general this is something you play on the dog just love there and start stop howling and singing and doing all sorts or do you think there's a pun in there somewhere some dog doggie music that's appropriate thank you to critique and tone that we're going to they've said they're driving on their way to this morning and they may be crushed because they've been laughing. About It is also up about. Thank you I just I say from the right when you ask. Focus about this they keep it coming out 10149 we would love to hear from you this morning it's 18 minutes to 8 is Kiran with the latest on the ride Thank you well it's a frosty one this morning so extra candy did specially Cross were all sparks roads moving well there across the city and county in South smacked a time on last road because when temperatures and I started here today between East Woodward and Hanson right on the motorways and want to ems 69 and 6 all moving well if you haven't further afield reports of until I use or problems on your trains for now you got the very latest I'll have more for you in 20 minutes. Next to you this morning. We're all thinking about voting this one very very very important vote happening this weekend series 77 Riis. They come down saying reaches its conclusion on Saturday and it has come down to act to Kelvin Eastender star Emma and children's t.v. Presenter current But should we vote for his Should you be picking on that blower voting for come the weekend now you might have heard on a Sunday morning j. Boss stock has her super fans come on and tell is what they make of the show so we've invited them on to the program to tell you which dancer you should be voting for and why are you ready because 1st up this morning Kareem and Amy this weekend they're going to be dancing to a 1000000 Dreams by Pink. Beautiful song voting for them will be 10 year old and out Good morning and a come on why is current wife Karen your mom why you going to be voting for him. I think pretty well and he never gives up and. Well he was looking a bit shaky one I mean they've been you know on the ball on 2 couples What do they need to work on the thing. You really pulling through in time but you need. To Ana you have got the whole of Lester's attention. How would you get people to vote for correct why is he going to win it. Every time. That we have him that is exactly why and the things you should vote for Kareem and Amy this week and well of course the competition is hot so next stop is Calvin and city this weekend they are going to be dancing to shouts by the Isley Brothers. You know you made me run up to. Now voting for them absolutely no loving Calvin I see is 13 year old India morning India Good morning good morning what is it about this pair Why do you want them to win. Well I think they walk really well together partners and I think might really get. That color there's been a favorite now for a long time haven't see everybody loves them he's getting a lot of support online What is it about him his style the way he dances that the others don't have. While he seems to have quite a natural talent even though he goes well and I look at what he did flying really strong he's in a those muscles of course a little couldn't particularly amongst the lady views I think it's fair to say now there's a little bit of little bit of scandal potentially here India ots sister of course is one of the judges do you think any point that they have had special treatment. I don't think so. Than I do every know I think all the little little sliver of controversy that I thank you very much and you there we go she seems to think Calvin will have what it takes finally and so on he will be down saying to let yourself go by. Now none of joe. Forever and. But fortunately for us. Said a woman on oh so many things. Brilliant so we can speak to Matt's mom Jane 1st of all. I mean what did it take to write such a. Oh a lot of hard work. A kind of macho thing you're going to be in the Queen's on his list for money so if you come up why I always liked him why do you fighting for Emma and and Tom Well I think. The take away you know. He just grown. And form. So and so on I can't believe this but me and my wife were getting this because I thought I think everyone it before name said yes he wanted the star but he has been around since the 1st series but he's never ever won it do you think that it could be his year this year well I really like could because you know our own you know when he was talking to cord Yeah and he said he'd wait 17 years and. Done well and that they. Well he's 3 and I just want to cry because I just thought he should move Lee man such a gentleman and so kind and caring lady contestant and let's be honest is that the real peril born of the year and it was just movie theme down to the quality down there not I just love to see the 2 of them I think they make that you look really partnership and it used to say we sounds a lot you also his career a b.b.c. Radio Leicester that we had and that's what I think come on right this is what it comes down to Jane because we couldn't find any super fans who are going to vote for and and and Tom Sawyer you have got the floor you have got the mark refine how are you going to get people to vote for them come the weekend I just want you to look at the quality of the damn thing think about her American news and heard her and and just have brilliantly she's improved and yes I would be the 1st say that to me and held in really. Just think of how I'm achieving proved and just think how lovely it would be to say and on hold that little ball next Saturday Wow that's amazing I should be one of the proper judges tell you all that's just wrong I'm just listening to you. I'm sorry man so I'm going is another career in there for Jane thank you thank you so you the fans that we go see you listen very carefully to those 3 super fans will that's when you'll vote now don't forget it's on Saturday the Strictly final begins at 7 o'clock so there you go in sit down with all your snacks you class solve and enjoy and it's not just the dancing even enjoy There is also a performance from this legend. Strictly Come if you can attract a 9 like timeless. Wait a minute going to be that incredible isn't it we haven't gone mad it's got real appeal this is a lot a lot of warm and a lot of love for the series at the moment so I will be interested say how it goes and how many people watch it how many people I love Taylor Swift you know what you never went to Nashville for coffeeshops shake yet runs a course for a fee monk. And I'm not going to lie to you I popped into every single one of them just open I'd say a list with she's. About $50.00. You just have to sit and watch the telly like everybody else so yeah that's going to dominate the weekends proceedings isn't it now you are listening to breakfast on b.b.c. Radio Leicester is 9 minutes away. What you want to Christmas to me. Have been long. I see what you get out. Of the 6 of January so man I will be waking you up every weekday morning from 6 inclusive interactive fun loco shining a spotlight on what's happening in your world and helping make it happen soon to me and smiled at breakfast every weekday morning from the 6th of January b.b.c. Radio Leicester. I next for you this morning. You know I know some people say guess wrong on the way but it doesn't make it a bit is a bit mamma now is not you know what a sterile cult is I think he's very funny on law and I think it I think is which is is better than is news always if you follow him on Twitter just put that everyone down if they want anyone tries to slag him off or anything like that he just comes down on them and gives him a really Rover with he was bombs. I ratings only. With recount but it's afternoon our very own Funny Girl Mamie it got me chuckling all the way oh yesterday I was going for the traffic she was talking about jumping out of a plane going backwards Oh I was just laughing out. But this afternoon name is going to be chatting to wild famous singer songwriter James Blunt himself now James Brown is recently released his sick studio album and blunt is back and he's going for Christmas number one with his latest single moment where he is a little teaser of what's to come when they're replaced true or false with some of the new stories circulating about James Blunt at the moment James Blunt heats up food using his own armpits Well that would be silly wouldn't it. No I don't do that but this come from that's because I used to be in the Army I was a reconnaissance you get ration packs that come in that kind of silver bags and then yeah if you're if you can't eat the food then then you might stick it on your armpit just to get it to body temperature and then Egypt but I am no longer in the Army and I do have a microwave you have utensils at home what a joy to know Ok Marmite is James Blunt's singing superpower true I've you know you can literally apply that you know just a teaspoon full of that swallow it and it's like vitamin b 12 to the throat it's like oil lubricant to the throat and so on stage Occasionally I've had it to my monitor so in between songs I can use the squeezy one and I'm fully lubed up and good to go I have actually had it where the lights went off the squeeze into my mouth missed my mouth got all round my mouth the lights came back on and people look to me like oh my God what's he been doing. Getting a bit too close to the guitarist really an absolute All right. Kind of folk thing because I've only heard that meaning you can hear the full interview with the. Naomi from 12 o'clock this afternoon I can already guarantee just from listening to that little tease it's going to be something you do not want to miss 5 minutes to feel about the Christmas not been on the telly for ages now doesn't it they sort of popping up in late November but they are so important particularly as we enter this last sort of few weeks of Christmas shopping millions and millions of pounds of going into these ads months of planning to try and grab your attention and the people who make and produce those advocates are working year round to make that stuff stand out I'm sure but Mary's been speaking to those who work in the industry and can share some of their secrets doctrine exclude an angry mob shallots because Christmas talk was about spoilers shutdown but if you. Can. Bring that to me so you will. Hear after here Christmas festivities begin with the advent of companies pitching for your hard earned dollars so. It's focusing on motion. Happiness they've probably already started working on next is this is a key time of year for retailers so some students of advertising and digital marketing the University of North Hampton popped by to use some industry jargon and increase sales through the noise of thinking in motion comics. So let's flick through some of the most prominent a man with an Argos catalogue sits in his kitchen and comes across a drum kit tops twice on the page to his surprise at least side of him as he begins to buy a debate his cooker dishwasher and cabinets spin rolling to reveal stage lights his toaster and kettle expel steam his entire hoist morphs into a concert stage Kitty Russia I think is cheeky how they put all that product placement in there I think it's clever because it's not showing Here's our products it showing Here's the story. It's like being a big kid everything you see in this you can get dots rights and the Big Book of Dreams moving on. Marks and Spencer. In a traditional British neighborhood everyone has sold their am an ass Christmas jumpers and joins in a kind of dancing flash mob the messages are jumpers make you have a fairly little there's a 3rd student to come out or something and it weighs no big fights but what I think it's a really good buy of getting people to say oh C.M.'s I didn't think back to that and it just gets a talking a far cry from the. Traditionally killer it's because he's grappling like sounding like this is indeed snots just an eminence Christmas although they hopped on one of those as well and I can find these be. Earned itself a place on the advent calendar I find. I think the only reason people know that John never thought it was ever makes a massive deal out of it heartstrings dying all over the place a young dragon has a bit of a tech he brings fire when he's excited and on this occasion he incinerates the times entire Christmas tackle. Awkward. He locks himself away before being brought back into the fold in time for the bad back quit by creating these emotions the so conscious minds of the consumers of the message received was as say as your emotions created with a brand. And more one time to purchase and let's talk economics it's no secret that for retail Christmas is the biggest time of the year even though the days of on inhibited spending up and down the High Street are gone Brahms' the world over can justify to their board members spending millions every year on getting our attention. So the plotting for the festive dinner. Goes on all year round there's probably a dozen cases tamer than the client side Rosen says are devoted to this one campaign differentiation cutting through the noise it's probably why I knew but he really talks about this anymore. For the avoidance of any dogs other supermarkets close stores I'm sure to redress all available. Of all of that funny we just had a bit of that the latest John Lewis Adler in the bag has been in touch this morning to say that she sent a picture actually of our friends who is obsessed with the John Lewis advert of the shops available and it's not just at guy he comes running when he has the music that's the thing so there we are tying up. Being If you have a dog goes nuts to particular type of music we want to know what that means the kids and what happens you can give us a call 101049 or any doggie musical puns will do plays the tracks that would be suitable after the news we're heading we're going grand we're going to be for Castleford it's a peek behind the scene. Stories music. B.c. Radio last. Good morning it's 8 o'clock on Robertson after weeks of campaigning voting is underway in the general election it's you case the good in less than 5 years and it's the 1st to be held in December for nearly a century our political correspondent Jonathan Blake reports it's decision time for 5 weeks the politicians have had their say now the voters will deliver their verdict 650 seats at Westminster are at stake some people have already put across next to the name of their favorite candidate with a postal vote in 2070 more than 7000000 votes. It it that way but most people will vote in person one of tens of thousands of polling stations that have been set up in primary schools and parish halls as well as one or 2 pubs a windmill and even a hair salon the polls will close at 10 o'clock tonight and the 1st results should be in before midnight unless the man has been jailed for a year for domestic abuse 47 year old Dennis beast always found guilty of 3 counts of assault and one count of making threats to kill he met his 50 year old victim through a dating website earlier on this year subjecting her to repeated abuse in her home next to convicted killer who sprayed a fire extinguisher at the London Bridge attacker awesome and can has told the b.b.c. That he was prepared to lose his life to help to save all this junk really was jailed for murder in 2005 but his conviction was quashed and he was released from prison wash year after pleading guilty to manslaughter he said that he didn't hesitate to challenge the attacker was just turns him. Into one person of very very dangerous. Instincts I just assume now I just seen a. Program full of establishment people. Is . Well secure. The disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has reached a $25000000.00 civil settlement with dozens of women who accused him of sexual misconduct under the deal he won't have to admit to any wrongdoing but he'll still face criminal charges next morning I think we started off with a couple of $1000.00 a day and now we can go up to $3440000.00 that's Mike McKenzie user manager at fashion retailer Bowden's which is based in Glenfield they're told is that their central location is crucial to their success more than 5000 items are picked and packed every hour at their factory that company has increased its online sales by almost 40000 in 16 years film fans on social media have given a frosty reception to plans to remake a classic Christmas film Disney's filming a new version of Home alone for its streaming service to a Peter his from Lester's Phoenix cinema and he's told us that it will only work if they can find a role for the original star Macaulay Culkin my 1st reaction is find a way to get you know like like we've seen with like the reboot or the ghost busters films or things that are find a way to get the original cast into base in somewhere maybe official like a little Roland and the b.b.c. Sound of 2020 long list has been revealed predicting the musicians whose career is a likely to take off next year previous winners at that included l. And Sam Smith Let's get you top sports stories this morning and for molesta Tigers Ok George shooter says that there's not enough leadership on the pitch at the club the tigers of will now ask for in the Challenge Cup but they currently sit 2nd bottom of the Premiership table she to says the senior players not performing or leading is a big part of the problem when things go wrong when you when you're bringing up an Italian to someone fun easy when the chips on the line when when a good teams put you under pressure it was looking around for one else and there's no one there's not one or 2 people didn't want to take 34 there's not enough leadership and grit on the field for me which is. A big big pool with a small sport in half an hour but for now that's all you latest b.b.c. Radio less than thank you very much Rob weather wise today very cold to start with this morning lots of frost around. Ever so slightly bright and chilly this morning but a lot of rain around later on once again with a top temperature of 7 degrees Celsius now the roads are moving well so far across the city and county a couple of exceptions that cancel Donington the slow traffic on the I 5 watching street eastbound tween lane and the a 47 Dodge Wells road in Hinckley allow yourself from extra time on Lester road their temperature lies starting here today between Eastwood's road and handsome road so it'll be a bit slow around there at times but the most ways and one I'm 69 m. 6 so far so good and all moving well they'll be more from Karen in around 15 minutes time. And we're going to find out why New York is coming to less stuff.

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