There's families that are working their bones off and they still can't afford to pay all the bills and you know they've got children so they will go without $1.00 they told me she hadn't eaten for 4 days because she wanted to feed her children rather than a south the government says it spends more than 1005000000000 pounds each year on working age benefits with 9 in 10 children now growing up in a household where at least one adult works well Schofield has the sport Garside gate says his England side are further ahead now than they were at this stage of qualifying for last year's World Cup when they reached the semifinals England's 4 nil when away to Kosovo in their last qualifier means they'll head to euro 2020 as one of the top seeds a record women Super League crowd of over 38000 people watched asked will win the North London Darby 2 nil at Tottenham's new stadium 23 and a half 1000 watched Everton beat Liverpool at Anfield in the Merseyside derby Stephanos it surpassed has become the youngest winner of the a.t.p. Finals for 18 years with a comeback 3rd set time break win over Dominic Team Red Bulls max for stuff and won a thrilling Brazilian Grand Prix the Ferrari's of Sebastian Vettel and Charlotte collided and had to retire champion Lewis Hamilton was also penalized for a crash missing out on 3rd place Judge Trump retained his Northern Ireland open snooper title and go in price has won the Grand Slam of darts for a 2nd year in a row this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sounds smart speaker come on the weather it's gotten to know the night in to be clear enjoy it with a wide spread fast cloud and rain will head eastwards over England and Wales will be chilly but largely join bright with periods of sunshine with a few showers may fact the east high of 3 degrees in Inverness and 9 degrees in Manchester this weekend of 5 days this is a nice little roll with more join me and some big gas as we settle in kick back into about everything that's bad our imagination this week a brand splashy snow and. Comedian actress and writer I was feeling sort of that sense of purpose and ambition and tried to not show what playing myself ass and I was planned for all to live with and to limit myself to the sounds of you know we can see. A morning from this he sees great he is full of life yeah we've got Simon Calder the independent travelers are with us from Monday morning travel into if you've got questions for him but your travel plans or otherwise anything to do travelling for free you can text him 185-0582 email up all night at b.b.c. Dot com dot u.k. Or join him live in speed 2 minutes 20 minutes or so on age 85909693. He's in a less at the moment said Marie who emailed us earlier mirroring Glaus go Simon asking you about some Bratislava Vienna because she's a re jig break from lands are awesome because of the Thomas Cook collapse says thank you for the you often aren't Bratislava Vienna. Hotel impresses lovers half the price of the one in Vienna for the same number of nights the choice. Yeah yeah and she had said the train takes an hour between the cities and she's looking forward to it now and she will take your advice. Well thank goodness for that one plant that better be of some use but yeah basically anywhere in the former Eastern Bloc is generally about half the price of anywhere elsewhere so for example on my flight later on today I'm going to Safina capital of Garia where I will be taking advantage of the I think 4 hour gap between flights to Rome going enjoy very good meal at prices which are considerably less than either Israel where I am now and the u.k. Where I will be later I've been to severe myself in Bulgaria when it was still a communist close like communist place I was so it was most governesses Moscow as I remember that so I'm going to move Well it was well known around Gary it was but I mean it's not not as a press event fear but for a time Belgariad was going to be the 16th Republic of the Soviet Union they were lacking on the. Things where yeah I mean they were they were pretty extreme though as extreme as Albania which with 20 odd way but Yugoslavia was never was never within the the Warsaw Pact and yet says about Gary they did pretty well of course you know it's a beautiful. Southern Balkan country with which it's generally pretty relaxed the politics of those days still inform the charger experience of the holiday experience today for example in terms of the prices that you talked about. Prague we know is slightly probably. Has done better in terms of holding a higher price than a lot of the former d.n.c. And. Destinations and obviously we are. The Prague Spring So this is the consensus is it was much more liberal places start off with and now continues to hold some of that maybe. Is it did that yes or Albania I'm sure is the poorest but also the cheapest of all those destinations to go to if you had to go as one. Pretty much so yes progress more liberal but it was also the one place in the former Eastern Bloc which really did well in terms of tourists and so prices tended to be high anyway. And obviously hoteliers will charge whatever they can get away with and they can get away with a lot more in Prague than they can in Tierra or indeed interfere. But here are. Pretty much top of the. The the really good value destinations are I'd say Albania also North Macedonia as we must call it now which obviously borders Albania . Could Serbia is also pretty cheap so yeah a bit but really anywhere that was on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain is generally good value now better not everywhere and products certainly the prices are high Budapest they can get a little bit high but once you get out into the countryside it's all very good value and Ukraine my goodness me very very good value from points of view how good Lord Byron very ball very well. Delights me to hear that because then I can inform you of what he says in Georgia and. Which is in service was he born this is Dawn German interview and he has juju in for the English rather than Donavon just for us and it's got Syria it's got be joined because Iran is Jew in Raavan Kwan if you see what I mean Ok in Seville it's what they call it epic poem sides you know it's become an Oktava Rema is what I remember it was called which is an 8 line rhyming program Ok so in Seville was he born you see how much information you get about travel essentially for me tonight. In the English my get out here I throw that in for free in Seville was he born a pleasant city famous for oranges in women he who has not seen it will be much to pity so says the proverb and are quite agree of all the Spanish chances none more pretty care did perhaps but that you see may see parents live beside the river a noble stream and call the cuckoo Waddle quiver Now you might be wondering why I gave you and you agree with that that. Oh yeah very very pleasant city but I thought that even he was basically doing his He's top Spanish cities least with Kelly's addition my favorites were what you say back in the I don't know if because this is already Yeah very very until e.c. And city with the rest but I have a doubt always put Grenada above civill either and. In fact you said it's a great places there are exactly re and Granada is one of those in Grenada was the original one I 1st hitchhiked there in the 1970 s. And I just looked at the. Anambra this stoner Xing more. Risch palace complex on top of the hill and it was just hitched from Crawley's I want to see. My. Calibration was it was fairly low where I started off but I just thought this was the most astonishing place I had ever seen and I just wanted to travel the world from that point it's going to the other extreme similar in the sense that it is very much. Super Islamic architecture in a wonderful setting here that at k h i v 8 at the far left hand side of it is Becky Stan one of the places I'd love to go to I haven't been able to due to them not letting me in is to many stand and right by the to me stone border you have this astonishing Silk Road city which feels and looks as though the Silk Road was going to be what was still a going thing is based on a great overlooked country and then the biggest u.k. Io Island which is not part of the mainland can you tell me what it is please don't biggest u.k. Island is not part of the mainland. Biggest u.k. Are in that's not part of the mainland. Put it to idea go for Isle of Man you don't I'm afraid I am but there are give now you'd have to go for Lewis and Harris which is the same man and mass at the far left and a top left hand side of the Outer Hebrides I fear it would be off his guard and I fear. I couldn't hold a friendly way Gardiner Albert and. No I'm sorry and that many people who do not know do not know this this item partly because it's that they try to deter people from by calling it the olive Harris in the Isle of Lewis even though they are very much the same landmass and they go from the long long cultural and religious traditions that separate the north and the South any way that is absolutely the rule or edge of Britain and it feels like the rule of the world and. The best beaches certainly in the world are in off the coast of Harris towards South and you have the wonderful calendar stones which are kind of squashy Stonehenge in the north and everything about it is just wild So yeah in order to Grenada know in order of greatness but I went there Granada Lewis and Harrison and Kiva but also shout out to some great countries Mexico India and of course what you predict racist city the world which isn't. London and that would be is Stamboul. Interesting interesting because Ian in Scotland Yeah says Seville in Spain yes or no planning for January next year January perfect get look at is simply who is absolutely gorgeous and it's it is the place where the whole Spanish conquest of the Americas effectively began because they would. That they would sail along Big White House to keep the air although I preferred your pronunciation glad I'm here. It's got so right now as it. Yes with river there exactly yeah very very So down there and off to the new world and it is full of riches as a result it is breath taking place with the most the mightiest cathedral I think is on the scale of cathedrals the east or something in the Premier League but certainly the most beautiful the site of a previously a. Mosque that wonderful gardens. Incredibly atmospheric old Jewish Quarter everything about it is is wonderful but it just doesn't have the majesty of the mountains that surround. The Granada and tell you what while you're out there in Seville in January great time to be there maybe nipple on the train and takes about 40 minutes before treating you for a train ride yet it took to court about it which is the 3rd great jam of the d.c. I would say the trains are very slow and rural must say I enjoyed it thoroughly. Well. So I think you're back east. Seventy's you know once you know Osho Yes Charlie I did say that they have speed sped up a bit and called about America is now the ave the high speed line well a lot of people who like getting around Spain quickly would say it's not much of a term of loosely have it equals they would you know once you were hitchhiking a little country boy named Dalton be good was on the train playing guitar while not a real guitar just a kazoo like a ringing the bell Anyway lots of questions for you this one is sure yes James in sorry for sure cause Doc says Dr Murray asked my mum books with American Airlines and they put her on to be a flight be a flight was cancelled and she was delayed for 24 hours they paid for her hotel she's due compensation and can't get it back what should I do who should pay for it . Most definitely British Airways it's the. British Airways and American Airlines in and alliance that means they sell each other's flights and they attach their own flight numbers to it but the compensation issue entirely revolves around who did the flying if it was a British Airways plane then that doesn't matter whether you started in the us or in the u.k. If there is a delay or a cancellation and the airline is responsible then the $600.00 euros about $550.00 pounds this morning. That that would not apply if you had been actual American Airlines and had been blind from the us by the way the rules are mightily complicated Ok and this room Mike in Kenilworth 3 of us are traveling to Rio it printed name or said knights on Wednesday what advice do you have for sightseeing nightlife in safety please. Oh Ok for 10 nights in a can the mare is it's very impressive So this is one of perhaps the most celebrated beach will probably the best one to base yourself in in Rio because it's there's lots going on and it's not quite so wild in places as Copacabana and it's your completely in the center of things in Rio Rio Of course not the capital of Brazil that's Brasilia it used to be. On the most magnificent cation in the Atlantic and the 2 great sights of course are Christ the Redeemer which involves getting and. A funny from the killer train up through kind of what seems to be real rain forest and also Corcovado which is a cable car thing to these great high places but apart from that go and see the carnival museum where you can get a sense of the great traditions surrounding that festival which takes place in February when the price of everything goes up about 3 fold and look you're going to be on the beach I imagine quite a lot because it's early summer in Rio It sounds great and if you want to if you're an escape for half of the city if you've got 10 days there are lots of places to go up and down the coast I would recommend that old. 20th century idea of buying a guidebook and that will that will help you out but this is 10 days surely you get tired of caring but. Yes you can go to the bar where that particular achievement was written and it is it's a great thing to be. To be whistling along to you can never leave him for he was gone for the last time. Ok I take his coming at the airport and I guess he was behind me none other than son in the born from do you ran to the boys were in town today that they've literally dreamed here of course they were just of course are after you going to say tell a bit about say examine the boy for this is part. Of your high heels you obviously well get one of my listeners one of our listeners is extatic at the fact that you mention Lucinda Harris that you mention an op with my absolutely amazing stuff it's a beautiful place Harris does have the best beaches the Callon ish so is all the calamity. Cleanish I mean our are brilliant as well just a great place overall used to live on the Isle of them became just south of it you know then back into Yeah I would say back again you make it yet known and is done jus in the study for meets and I know my 1st h. Is gone All right Dennis in Wimbledon says what does cyber think of Phoenix Arizona for winter holiday. Yes it is a good place to base yourself unlove Arizona and the winter is a great time to be there Phoenix Arizona by the way along with mass Vegas is according to the research I've done the sunniest place in the world so you're going to get plenty of beautiful clear blue skies all the way through the winter. I must say getting out and exploring into some of the national parks and indeed the state parks is well worth doing and there may be nipping south of the border as well but is a place to base yourself. Phoenix I think Scottsdale is the kind of the upmarket area just to the east of there and probably despite the many joys of Lewis and Harris probably a bit warmer and sunnier during the winter event than that lovely island and Andrew in London says all of her estate train to Inverness then a bus to pull the ferry stored away and stay in the Hab hall stall and explore by bus to it for that. Air as you know I would add hitchhiking which is as in most. Islands with rare public transport that's that's the way that I get around. But you have to view the big big story about it couple of weeks ago it wouldn't survey discovered that it's they did a big survey there isn't Harris sings I was in Leicestershire I discovered actually biggest island long list coastline. And yet it's in terms of addresses and therefore people it's only 6 in the in the u.k. List most addresses actually in port city which not a lot of people realize is an island that includes the city of Portsmouth and the seaside resort of self see Abdullah Abdullah from Bristol wants to know if you've ever traveled to Somalia learn. No I haven't I've not been to Somaliland or indeed to Somali they are very much on my list but the Foreign Office boarding at the moment it's not to go and without a great deal of local knowledge I would not be going against that Sandeep says decider my wife and I have just booked a trip to Vietnam in late January for 50 nights we've planned the trip ourselves after doing some research we are flying to Hanoi and stayed 2 nights we venture I wouldn't say how long do tonight cruise followed by sea plane trip over the bay we come back to Hanoi and then on the following flight to the main city where there 3 nights I'm planning to visit she she tunnels and also do American she could go could use solar energy here but could you maybe tunnels are also planning to do a meet Kong boat trip we finished all day with a week's relaxation beach holiday in a lovely beach resort on fi quark Island Does this sound a good idea to Mary any tips and advise sounding It sounds a very very good itinerary and doing it just the right way round which is that Hanoi a capital of Vietnam is one of those rarities a huge Asian city which is actually very pleasant and very beautiful in the center and complete opposite of hoochie main city which is even bigger even though it's not the capital and. Rather more excitable and it's great to cine into verse as he stated by being in Hanoi flying all the way from Hanoi to hoochie Mid-City means you'll be missing out on quite a lot but I guess you know if you want to have a week relaxing on the beach you're going to have to cut of something out and certainly flying from from one capital from the North Korean Keppen North Vietnamese capital to what used to be the South Vietnamese capital is of a good way to do in the throne Paul. Doughty as he calls itself he's from West Bromwich were living in Australia Melbourne Sunny's washing his car he's got 8 days away from he's 8 days away from visiting New York with his wife and 2 children who are $17.22 a joint 50th birthday 25th what year wedding anniversary trip 7 days 1st time to New York City any tips Riis. Well just a couple of things which not in enough people do so any good book any quick internet search will get the obvious highlights but the Staten Island Ferry nice one. Is free and it's a great great way to get a good good look at the Statue of Liberty of course it might be foggy which takes us back to the start over this travel segment but you can go there and back as many times you want to nothing I've ever found on Staten Island makes it worth stating. Brooklyn if it were a separate city would be really rated as one of the. Absolute top cities on the East Coast so head across there the Museum of Art is spectacular and then Broadway is a fascinating way to cow of through the Island to Manhattan so I would and you are perhaps not going to be able to get that the 1720 year old necessarily this bright start at the bottom of Battery Park in Manhattan I just keep going along the road way as always. I'm sorry I don't get to go uptown as well thanks a lot so I drove the rest of your trip has got the latest 5 I've had loads of his evilly. On digital b.b.c. Sells Sloss figure come on Venus is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live us lawyers according to Prince Andrew to face American or officials following his interview with the b.b.c. That you could York's been accused of showing a lack of empathy towards the late finance he is alleged victims protesters in Hong Kong's Polytechnic University have set fire to the main entrance police using tear gas and water cannons against a group of around $100.00 demonstrators they've now withdrawn the fiber Gates union says there needs to be an overhaul of u.k. Fire safety off to a block of flats was severely damaged in Bolton comments come off as more than $10000.00 pounds has been raised to re house people who live there and 800000 more children according. Up in poverty in comparison to 9 years ago that's according to the t.t.c. Now blaming cuts to benefits but the government says it spends more than 95000000000 pounds each year on working age benefits Rob Schofield has the sports hurricane scored his 12th goal in 8 year 02020 qualifiers away to Kosovo as England secured a top seeding for next summer's tournament can also equalled the highest tally for an England player in a calendar year by scoring in the 4 nil when his manager. When he's already gone past the names that he was telling me we're past the morning is outstanding and I know people can look at the opponent but if you go back through the teams that all of the top goalscorers for England have scored against There's not too many hat trick against Brazil or Italy or Germany so I think that's pretty consistent and phenomenal strike rate really more than $70000.00 people turned out to watch women's football and what's being described as a momentous day for the women Super League a record w s l crowd of over 38000 people watched Arsenal win the North London Darby to nil at Tottenham's new stadium while 23 and a half 1000 watched Everton beat Vicky Jetson's Liverpool at Anfield in the Merseyside derby I think that's the big celebration within the last really is the support that we've had here and the fans will roar in and although we lost one nil the performance definitely earned their support and I'm sure they'll come back much as again when we play our field but to see that many fans coming out to watch or a women's game is brilliant Stephanos it's a pass came from a set down to beat dominant team in a 3rd set tie break to win the a.t.p. Finals in his 1st appearance at the tournament the 21 year old becomes the youngest man to lift the title there for 18 years too many emotions to feel something so it's horrific in a way to be holding this trophy or your memories of watching these events on t.v. And thinking like all these guys or have been in same year to be playing here and now I'm in the position where I'm the champion so it feels awesome after being denied the top step at last. It was redemption from x. To stop and at the Brazilian Grand Prix I took today absolutely pasta for testing because it is a thick ice up but it will moderate part of the yeah he won the race for Red Bull after the Ferrari's of Sebastian Vettel and Charlotte collided and were retired after being dropped by Red Bull earlier in the season in favor of Alexandre album Toronto's p.a. Gal's Lee came 2nd and after champion Lewis Hamilton was penalised for crashing his Mercedes into album collar science finished 3rd for McLaren Sarson began their defense of the Champions Cup by losing 3010 to Ross in 92 in Paris and one at home to Leon while Conall beat Montpellier a elsewhere Wales women eased to a 173 win in Scotland in their autumn Test at the Northern Ireland open snooper world number one just trump edged out Ronnie O'Sullivan by 9 frames to 7 to defend his title and Wales go in price has won the Grand Slam of darts for the 2nd year in a row beating Peter Wright $166.00 in the final in Wolverhampton That's the latest from b.b.c. Sport please see you find a selection 29 you see on b.b.c. Radio bodies like the number of genes in like a political issue knowledge to know how to write a mystery when they aren't maybe your logo please tell me the course in school is going to show you this is going to affect my life if they're going to start going to one of the biggest issues are some of. What they're seeing might not be what they're seeing come December the 13th the essential coverage of election 20000000 see right here on this. First phone use and the past large school this is b.b.c. 5 Live Ok in light of what Dawson had a buy and that's why there was work in the front of the frankfurter and you mean Zeitung now with Philip click hurt the New York Times they ran around on the return the big story arc on the revelations about reeducation Are you very concentration in terms you might call them where many 1000 so I hundreds of thousands of. Girths and CA's arcs are interned in western provinces in China I mean the fact that these camps exist is not news but for the 1st time we got internal evidence about these internment camps of what is striking is that the New York Times obtained the documents from a member of the Chinese political establishment here someone who wanted to let the world know about the serious human rights abuses in these Chinese province to someone who wants to hold the Chinese president to see him pin personally and other Communist Party leadership accountable for these crimes there were 24 bit documents and among them was a speech like see that he held in 2014 that he he called for a ruthless suppression of any Islam is separatist movements the speeches of course came at a time shortly after some from major Islam is the attacks in China and in the train station in March 2014 there was an attack by a knife man who killed 30 people and one month later there was a bomb but tack another province which caused 80 casualties and since then the Chinese government has increased the repression in these provinces seriously one of the document deals with the case of a Chinese official who released 7000 people from the camps against all this officer periods and the man was then convicted in a trial and he claimed that he disagreed with the internment of large numbers of we grew worse because he was he says the that only hardens the feelings and contribution to radicalization So this whole story of course have some light on some terrible aspects in current China the Chinese authorities might call these camps re-education camps he said he would call them concentration camps does that no that does not skew the thinking of your readership. Yes I mean they call them education facilities even. But the documents clearly show that this is some kind of brainwashing and intimidation submission which is going on there and these some of these camps are also kind of a slave labor camp we have seen the document where one official complains that it's hard to meet the production targets because many of the people in turned on not fit for labor so I mean these are clearly not only education facilities these are. Reeducation live in concentration camp and does that would resonate with your readership think about Nazi concentration camps and we don't we don't use the word concentration camp in the article but that probably is what it is I mean that they are not and they are not killing them but they are like forcing them to labor and some documents show that parents are taken away and. The sounds which go to universities they might come back and see their parents are gone so how to deal with the son go to university they are also told to shut up and not to talk about this and this is clearly a terrible situation that the so we spoke he told us about some of the was the main parties approaching the election now the c.d.u. The ruling party at the moment has got some problems in terms of itself up to the election where we are at the moment is where votes is. Shifting their alliances Yes I mean we had an election 2 years ago and the next election is in 2 years about the parties are so nervous at the moment it seems like they might even. Expect a earlier election next year so the ruling city your party the party of Merkel the chancellor they will hold their annual conference this week and they have a lot of internal strife controversy at the moment huge tensions about the cause of the party and the future of the coalition with the Social Democrats as you said both parties they have suffered massive election defeats in recent years they are both in the Klein and with the Social Democrats they have already phones 15 percent and voter support that's much much lower than the Labor Party or many other social democratic parties in Europe and now they are the same virus and. To have infected the 3 you they are also have massive infighting and some have questioned the coalition with the s.p.d. They called for a new negotiation about the treaty the collision treaty. On Saturday we had said we had a little relentless critique of one of the chief whips of the city you in one regional parliament is that the city you with intellectually insolvent the very heart of ur they. Said they have adapted. Too much to the left of center mainstream on the other hand we have some politicians who say they should end all internal conflicts. And they should they should take example with the Green party the Green party this weekend had their conference they had a almost perfect show of unanimity and harmony the party leadership. They have a dual leadership and the lead up broke and robot havoc they both were confirmed with more than 90 percent of the votes even received 97 percent support I mean they they have a very united party and they are full of confidence and full strength and some recent elections in the European elections for instance they received more than 20 percent of the votes now they feel they have decided on a new party platform which calls on a massive increase in the price of carbon emissions to fix the euro khatam and that's a 50 percent increase that the Compared to the previous program they also want to relax some of the fiscal rules to have more investment in the kind of green new deal and also the Greece want more Europe they are the tarty which have almost committed to a kind of European superstate and they are all from favor of the European armies so it's clear they have this dream ecological component than the European component but in a coalition and many many commentators expect them to be part of the next government in Germany the greens with the c.d.u. Which would cause some. Conflicts between the more traditional wing of the rightwing conservative wing the remaining conservatives and the c.d.u. They see the the last bits of liberal conservative profile of their party eroding just still the Green Party seen by many as a left wing party essentially they have an open door of my. Recent policy they have a very enthusiastic multicultural society image they have a lot of reservations about German traditions but all runs counter to the more conservative Heritage of the of the city you so in the business section of efforts that we have. A leading article the headline is The Greens want more prohibition because they have been approached for the economies always to to set directives and quote and targets and so on they are not. Purely free market force they want to reduce entrepreneurial freedom 30 years ago I mean the greens were really a radical left wing Totty they were untied Kyra movement which is strange for Germany with a strong car manufacturing tradition they wanted to transform automobile manufacturing companies into bicycle factories and that is in our past but they have become more moderate but they still want to transform the German economy and in Africa we doubt whether this would be the right way to do it Felipe of the frankfurter and humane Zeitoun the British government in the u.k. Armed forces have been accused of covering up illegal killings by British troops in Afghanistan in Iraq and investigate. An investigation by the B.B.C.'s Panorama program and the Sunday Times newspaper has spoken to 11 British detectives who say they found credible evidence of war crimes but the investigators say strong cases were not prosecuted in evidence of torture and murder were disregarded the u.k. Ministry of Defense says it rejects the unsubstantiated allegations of a pattern of cover ups Richard Bilton reports. Across 2 decades British soldiers have formed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Most did their duty and came home but some were accused of committing war crimes panorama has found evidence the state covered up what they did like the killing of repeat in back in 2003 shot in front of his mother. I think. He came to have dinner he went out holding government to files he took them and went out and then he was killed here when I was standing at the doorstep there. Are No our. Detectives from the Iraqi story allegations team investigated the case they wanted to prosecute one soldier for the killing and his commanding officer for covering up what happened but no one was charged this detective asked to be interviewed anonymously these are the biggest about occasions the state cover the perimeter Yes I was out here I feel sorry for the family they deserve justice some people are able to draw a line under it and move on Nichols me. The fact that justice wasn't given to the family. I have looked at hundreds of cases but there were no prosecutions in 2017 the investigation was shut down after the controversy surrounding the dishonest behavior of Phil Shiner who ran public interest lawyers our Hardman was one of my hats detectives it was helpful because I. Wasn't there you don't need an excuse or you going to say is really everything is now tainted it was a whitewash public interest lawyers and Phil Shiner that was years next post to get a lot of jobs and say. You're finished. The government also decided to close operation north mall it was investigating war crimes in Afghanistan linking dozens of suspicious killings by special forces on night raids again detectives and members of the Special Forces say that justice wasn't served we investigated some of the cases some of the killings that we've looked at here in Helmand they seem difficult to justify some of them look like execution is really very cynical very very sick children. Special forces came in the night to 20 year old Faisal Mohammed's home his family say he was shot and killed along with his 17 year old brother and 2 were the boys aged 14 and 12 his brother Sultan Mohammed was the 1st in the room after the shooting that a come as was the one at that. They were shot while they were sitting at this high art or hall and drinking tea and were killed while they were sitting there I'd been asked what I wore that one said or thought on that. Day or again after examining the case British detectives recommended a soldier be charged with murder and 2 senior officers with covering up what happened no one was charged we showed our evidence to the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service loued McDonald the evidence of the bullet marks doesn't seem to be consistent with the account given by the soldier it is consistent with the account given by the victims' families and if it's right that there was an attempt to falsify documents after the event that makes me even more suspicious about what happened in that room what have you personally made of this of this case I'm very very troubled by it should this case be revisited do you think yes. The m.o.d.e. Says military operations are conducted lawfully and the decisions not to prosecute were made after extensive investigation it says the b.b.c. These claims have been passed to the service police and the service Prosecuting Authority who remain open to considering allegations Richard build reporting. Time now for b.b.c. Witness and in this edition of House sex jazz and fake news we used to undermine the Nazis in World War 2 in 1941 the u.k. Created a top secret propaganda department the political warfare executive to wage psychological Well warfare on the German war machine it was responsible for spreading rumors or generating fake news leaflet drops and creating fake clandestine German radio stations to spread misinformation and erode enemy morale Alex lost his archive recordings of those involved and speaks to Professor Joe folks of this issue of historical research about the secret history of British black propaganda. If you listen to the radio during the 2nd World War He might just have come across the sultry voice of Vicky. Is Dickie made into a Christian. Putting it in a museum. Vicki was a German radio star who introduced a music request program on a German radio station broadcasting to the German armed forces the thing is this was no normal radio station and Vicki was no normal radio star the radio station was actually fake set up in Britain by the British and as for Vicki Well she was in fact the actress and singer Agnes Byrne l. Then a young German refugee to Britain whose Jewish father had once owned a cabaret club in Berlin before he'd had to flee the Nazis in the 1970 s. She told her story in the b.b.c. . I was speaking German force a speech that the girl with the 3 kisses. In reality it was a brilliant hoax black propaganda deceived by the standard German war still going as my millions of German listeners believed they were listening to a genuine German radio station and swallowed us like propaganda all this was the creation of a top secret department the political warfare executive it was set up at a time when Nazi Germany had conquered much of Europe its covert mission was to coordinate British propaganda aimed at undermining the German war effort in stoking resistance to the Nazis Professor Joe Fox of the Institute of Historical Research is an expert on wartime propaganda the political warfare executive was formed in 1941 and 3rd department was responsible for subversive propaganda activities which included leaflet drops it included agents on the ground it included fabricating and spreading rumors across Europe and it's the most extraordinary constellation of people it's historians it's journalists it's performers it's capital a artists it's people like grain greed Muriel Spark in Fleming is involved in political warfare executive the author of James Bone and there were a lot of exiles for obvious reasons in essence the department's job was to wage psychological warfare and that included the use of so-called black propaganda the shadow world where one could play dirty in the propaganda war and all sides did black propaganda you do not know who the source is you don't know where it's coming from it is usually intended deliberately to disguise its identity and there the gloves were off and it was out of the hat that these kinder stand radio stations were born 40 of them all designed to destabilise the Nazi war effort and radio was hugely important. And your insect mobile had a cause for the fast time enemy propagandists can speak directly to your population over the airwaves perhaps the most famous example of British black propaganda where the radio station set up by Dennis Sefton Belmar Sefton Delmer had grown up in Germany and in the 1930 s. Had worked as the Berlin correspondent for The Daily Express newspaper he knew the Nazi leadership personally and he put that knowledge to use it was precisely my acquaintance with the the inside life of the Hitler regime that enabled me to do subversive propaganda with. Greater effect than I had I not known I was asked to start what was called of freedom station of black radio pretending that they were speaking from inside Europe inside Hitler occupied Europe Sefton Delmas 1st radio project was called g s one the stuff secret the main speaker if you happened to tune in was a man simply known as the chief a top pro Hitler Prussian army officer but it did not sound like a normal radio station it was far more cunning It was designed to sound like the listener had stumbled across a frequency carrying secret radio traffic between a network of top German offices it invests the listener with a sense of importance of being in the know a chilling in of eliciting into information that they are not supposed to hear in fact it pretended to be some chit officers off a secret society the German officers leave talking to each other we never said that this was the case we merely allowed the listener to infer it and they never they never talked against Hitler or the hero was still what they believed in but they were they to prove. The bad people surrounding the for that narrative is but the setting for a whole series of much more pointed interventions meaning the Delmar could we into that Remus speculations designed to disturb and disrupt to generate credible material Sefton Delman his team use their own experiences of Germany and work closely with British intelligence even using details from bug conversations between captured prisoners of war details new cholera what makes our stories plausible would help us in our conclusions from judgment of the drama out of the things that we learned from refugees or travellers or prisoners of war their conversations in the cages were Mike and we got an enormous lot of valuable intelligence that from them but perhaps most controversially Sefton Delmer decided to use pornography to attract listeners the g.s. One they had the fictional chief broadcast a lot of detailed sexually explicit gossip something unheard of in the 1940 s. And not everyone was happy with this a British government minister for one was outraged when he happened to hear about one of these fake German broadcasts which involved a particularly graphic story about a German admiral an orgy and a helmet this is thought to be distinctly on British There are those in government who think and in the propaganda ministry in Britain do not like certain elements of Delmas behavior a pornographic element the Lewis stories the explicit nature of some of his talk cost the coarse language that down is using is just thought to be underhand climbed the stone disgusting behavior of which the British want none none of this what we're trying to do was simply to attract the kind. To people who eavesdrop expecting to hear a few. Expressions and by Jove we gave them plenty of expressions some in government may have been unhappy but soon it became clear that people were listening to g.s. One in Germany even if that came with some unintended consequences for instance the American military Attash a and violin he fell for it and he was putting it through in dispatches to Roosevelt which eventually came to us and I just thought that this that they were being charming and providing evidence of reception and that we were indeed being heard and then gradually the penny dropped with the chaps in charge and it was decided that we could not allow Roosevelt at any rate to go on thinking that this stuff was genuine because in that case danger that he might think the Germans were going to collapse from internal discord which would have been too bad because we wanted to get America into war yes one was just one of many radio projects some were aimed at the religious some targeted work is some was short lived some lasted longer among the longest running with the sold out and send the stations where Vicki was the star which pretended to be broadcast from within occupied Europe and were aimed at the German forces and you by crews Yes there's no doubt in the best of order and conflict and here yet I think. We were a small group 3 gun Cygnus a pianist and a sound effect expect from Hollywood we gave them jazz the bitten Gemini flights decadence talks and genuine news. The artist's college Germany to track down the station there were rumors it came from a barge on the Rye in a cellar in Dortmund a moving truck actually we broadcast from a savage cottage in Buckinghamshire and later from Weapon Abbey. My own Record Request programs were aimed at genuine people whose addresses we took from the letters of captured German soldiers it comes to you from your girlfriend Hilda in mines and is sung to you by your very own. Mailer. Once you've established this relationship you can just drop in nuggets of information that make you stop and question these can be real this can be fabricated it doesn't matter all the time it's intended to disrupt once I broadcast the names of some party officials wives who had bought up a lot of woollen goods in their local shops if everyone behaved like this I thought that there would be nothing left for anyone else. A week later the German papers reported a run on winter clothes which quite embarrassed the German economy another time I announced that allied sub a 10 s s uniform were dropped in a certain vicinity as a result all the s. S. Men in the district said about arresting each other. Also I gave a message to say that the the Ministry of Health in Berlin was asking every good patriotic German to put a sample of urine into a little bottle and posted to the ministry and Berlin plugged up the postal service . In one of my broadcasts I sympathized with the captain of a sudden you boat for not having been home on leave for more than 2 years then I played for him the German version of Yes that's my baby and congratulated him on the birth of a son knowing of course that he hadn't been back for 2 years this could only then that occurred by infidelity that really is going to mess with your mom didn't it was too much for the captain he had lain submerged off the coast of Scotland undetected but now he surfaced and surrendered. He ended his war in a prison camp. Despite these stories it's impossible to know the broader impact of all this psychological warfare which of course is aimed at undermining those who are wavering not committed and in many ways that's the nature of black propaganda It's like firing a 1000 bullets in the hope that one more here at the end of the war these radio stations were shut down but says Professor Joe Fox the work of the British propagandists is still remarkably relevant today we are cool but in a panic I think about disinflation and we feel that this is the 1st time that this has ever happened to us it is most certainly not a new phenomenon black propaganda is now use all of the same techniques disguising the source pretending to be something it's not getting out misinformation disinformation The difference now is scale scope and spin. When you use. A plainly for a one hour this season rate. Of 5 Live as we welcome local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is a fortnight I'm gotten added by the main news on 5 life there are courses that you can feel to face us nor fish oils and in Sport England secure a top seeding for Euro 2020 this is b.b.c. 5 with the b.b.c. Lives of our lives there's a really people close to Prince Andrew say he doesn't regret his decision to speak to the b.b.c. The Duke of York's being strongly criticised for an interview shown last night in it he defended his friendship with a commit to tell sex offender Geoffrey Epstein. And tonight having sex with a 17 year old Peter Hunt is a form of b.b.c. Royal correspondent My sense is what wasn't there I mean this is a man who for an hour on British television insisted that he has been falsely accused of 3 rapes by Virginia robots but he didn't seem angry he didn't appear to be prepared to go to any court in the land to prove his innocence a sweat expert has told 5 Live he's never heard of a condition where someone temporarily cannot spy a Prince Andrew claims it was almost impossible for him to sweat at a time when Virginia Rabbit says she don't suit him in a nightclub and he sweated profusely Professor Ashley Grossman has been practicing for more than 40 years I understand he explained with future success to stress when he was in the air force of some sort a gay icon immediately see how that would occur we often see patients very often with excessive sweating and that can be quite a problem but an absence of sweating no I'm not directly come across Lisa surrounding the Polytechnic University in Hong Kong which has been the sense of violent protests over the weekend hundreds of protesters have tried to push the offices back and large fires have broken out just Smith from Reuters in Hong Kong it's still a standoff we had just started a while ago almost everyone on the campus tried to make a run for it into the face of a few riot police that were still on the side streets though with riot police turned back to groups of protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets and the protesters after trying several roads have mostly come right back into the campus the family of a 13 year old girl who's been critically injured in a stabbing in county for manna say she was trying to protect her 11 month old nephew from a gang with machetes the men forced their way into a house in listeners' ski the baby wasn't hurt a woman is suing the n.h.s. For not revealing that her father had been diagnosed with Huntington's disease before she gave birth to her own daughter she only discovered she carried the gene for the brain disorder after the child was born the health service said the case raises issues around duty of care and duty of confidentiality. 3 political leaders speaking at a conference of British businesses later the c.b.i. Have already had their concerns about proposals put forward by political parties during the election campaign so far Jessica Parker is our political correspondent or is Johnson's going to talk about a business rates cuts jobs tax cuts as he puts it Jeremy Corbin will be addressing the conference as well announcing reforms to the apprenticeship Levy he says it will better meet the needs of workers employers in the Lib Dems leader as well Jay Swenson is addressing the conference she'll say the Liberal Democrats all the natural party of business and the University of boy.

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