Kenyon took more than a minutes off Polaroid clips all 2003 Mark in Chicago and Scotland rugby head coach Gregg its hands and insists that his team can recover from that group stage exit at the World Cup They have Ms They must learn from the mistakes that saw them lose that ball matches against Ireland and Japan and failed to reach the knockout stages this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound it's. On the weather rain moving away to leave a fairly dry not across much of the clouding over by dawn with a chance of some rain returning to the south for Monday then Southern and Western becoming cloudy with breaks of rain pushing in Northern England in eastern Scotland should be trial with sunny spells the temperatures light up to 12 degrees in Belfast 15 is the high for the southeast. Asia. Anyone else I. Think. The Premier League. This week see fleeting. Sun. This is for. I this is. Coming up in this hour of the program in a moment we'll talk about Syria and the invasion Broadchurch in northern Syria the ramifications of that the American role in it and also what becomes of the Kurds among some of things. Later on talk about the news from Argentina this week which as well is including their deliberations over childhood obesity we're also going to be talking about a huge symposium that they have annually it's a women's symposium essentially where hundreds of thousands of women take part fascinating conversation about that to come Ok the week's news from the u.s. As well and bringing you the headlines. The u.s. Defense secretary says there are plans to withdraw the remaining American troops in northern Syria as Turkey's offensive against the Kurds intensifies Malk esper has said up to 1000 soldiers would leave the area as quickly as possible he told c.b.s. News there were concerns that American forces would be cool stuff in the fighting despite our opposition they decided to make this incursion into Syria and at this point in time last 24 hours we learned that they likely intend to expand their tax further south than originally planned and to the west we also have learned last 24 hours that the Kurdish forces the s.d.f. Are looking to cut a deal if you will if they Syrians and the Russians to counter attack against the Turks in the north and so we find ourselves as we have American forces likely caught between 2 opposing advancing armies and it's a very untenable situation so I spoke with the president last night after discussions with the rest national security team and he directed that we begin a deliberate withdrawal forces from northern Syria meanwhile Turkish troops and their local allies of captured more towns and villages with both military and civilian casualties rising Syrian government forces are now being mobilized off to negotiations between Damascus and the Kurds resulted in a deal to try to stop the Turkish offensive the could feel that they've run out of options and their best chance of protection now lies with the president as said and his Russian back is that of course throws the entire region into new evil and chaos although there isn't. Is professor of political science and college professor of international studies at Elizabeth towne College in Pennsylvania she specializes in took his foreign policy and civil wools don't have his will did I pronounce your name correctly yes. Now you may as well. Of course the current situation in northern Syria could have been avoided could. Yes I think so actually but some people are really quite optimistic before the speech by President Trump. Turkey to start an operation order in Syria because both parties the United States and Turkey reach an agreement called security mechanism where the joint combat joint control. So a key. Board there you know order to make sure that the. White p.t. Forces people's Protection Unit forces were. Driving from the area and you know they were. Basically throwing from the area in order to support Turkey security security concerns that the Syrian Kurds and the. Terrorist organization have organic ties and this would jeopardize Turkey's territorial integrity so that's was the opium isn't before the you know series of tweets by President. Funk funk. President add on because we heard there from you know the. President trumps defense secretary Mark for a moment or 2 ago and he sounded almost as if the administration had been caught by surprise by the Turkish actions is that even possible. Well there are a lot of fun so it's empty in the air. Right now and it is important to point out that there have been some discrepancies between the u.s. Government says well particularly due to the. To the inconsistency is that's were given by President Trump in the messages that were given by President trauma and also the u.s. Bureaucracy. In the u.s. Department of State u.s. Department of Defense so there has been some inconsistency in communication between Garceau that's process as well as what we didn't get us there has been some confusion as well so that the United States was caught off guard yet presidents are gone on throughout the phone conversation that practically gave the green light to the Turkish. Border Syria practically gave the green light professor you are the give a green light no you don't usually right exactly right I mean that's the whole cause of the confusion and over the course of the last 5 days we have seen that. You know there are contradictory messages coming from the u.s. Administration so they are saying. You know we do not approve then they say this we are not going to stand in front of it that they are saying that's a good allies and they are saying destroy the Turkish economy so President Trump is being given giving in member of you know quite confusing messages so. To the audiences around the world I think how does Washington then extricate itself from or the Seems like an ever increasingly confusing but also potentially volatile situation that they're going to withdraw troops from this region but. Surely that would only add to the. Well according to the latest news as you have. Yes the u.s. Troops are going to be drawing from northern Syria and looks like the Syrian Kurds and the mask regime sought his company Green once and I believe that's Russia's position is going to be key here we are going to see what kind of a role Russia is going to play because Turkey's relations with the West you know it's an old time recently Turkey's reliability as a best an ally has been increasingly questions and. Against this backdrop have seen that you know Turkey has engaged. Russia so Russia is going to see and have to decide whether they will side with the Damascus regime which is very important clients are so defense matters. For Russia and Russian security. Bases really important role for Russian foreign policy in the Middle East or they will decide whether they would like to further deepen the or ties especially defense ties with Turkey. I believe that Russian position is going to be to determine what will come next. The American position prefer said look essentially Russia and Damascus offending in the vacuum. Left from the American withdrawal essentially. The Kurds. The u.s. Allies seem to been thrown under the bus by Washington to go. Wherever they want to go and. He runs the region now you know it's not clear to me where the the power brokers law I And why wouldn't we can throw away its influence Well that's a very good question and I think that's frustration that's why I could sense from your you know remarks I believe that the explanation lies in the predictability of u.s. . President Trump because of the America 1st doctrine that he would like to lie wars u.s. Foreign policy. The world there is certainly a lack of desire to take action in the global arena not have seen it from number of things you know the reluctance to take part in so it's a multilateral a dream one sense also like he has declared. 18 December's that he would like to be thrown from Syria completely then that's. A severe reaction from the u.s. Especially the Department of Defense and the military generals then sort of backpedaled. From that position for a while it splits. Consistent you know Turkey pressures I think. You know President Trump. Basically 3 to the tweet that caused all this you know you know that starts at the whole. You know military incursion is it sustainable professor of any great power like the United States superpower if you like the world's policeman once upon a time is this is stay noble for. Employee washed his hands of a conflict the spin let's face it. Umbilically tied to for many years it is impossible for it to just walk away and say look this we're America we're putting America 1st now and damn the consequences because it will be consequences whether. He is certainly there are going to be consequences beyond all of those consequences . Experiencing an important humanitarian tragedy in from so far eyes and certainly all sorts of implications repercussions for for global for regional stability and security in the Middle East but also global stability and security as well I don't think that it is feasible and I don't think that it is responsible I am myself globalists and internationalists when it comes to you know gauging with the world and especially I mean the United States as a superpower needs to be continuously engaged in global affairs I think so there will be serious consequences and I believe that it is going to cause a pov of acumen the Russian gladly feel and look at what this has created if you look at it from a broader perspective Turkey has become a member of NATO back in 1982 only 3 years after the you know all regions of NATO and since then it is been quite a reliable stanch ally especially during the Cold War times however should you know these recent evil lot. Of as 400 different system from brushed up by Turkey and NATO ally as well as the Syrian quagmire are causing. Between Turkey and the West from. Rochelle benefits immensely so I believe that the Russians are really. Really quite satisfied with the cure and situation caused you know a power of a killing in the Middle East. Providing an opportunity for them to take over. And more active position in the Middle East. Professor thank you Professor Dr Dyson a skank professor of political science in college professor of International Studies is Elizabeth Town College in Pennsylvania well that news is also concerning people across Europe as I discussed with the Frankfurt Alya mine is i Tunes Phillipe please get hello to the b.b.c. Listeners the headline of efforts at tomorrow is Trump pulled out the remaining American troops from Syria and this American withdrawal comes of course at a time when the Turkish troops advance in the Kurdish region in northern Syria and the Turkish offensive in northern Syria has let until now to amass light of Kurds about 130000 persons have so far been forced to leave their homes it's estimated and the story deals with the criticism from German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the Turkish offensive she has said for a spokesperson I quote the what what is at stake what could happen now is the displacement of large part of the population the destabilization of the region and what's what is very worrying the reemergence of ISIS the Islamic State in Syria and also the French president McCraw has urged Turkey to stop the military offensive in northern Syria I suppose it's more important for your knees Bible to cover this story and indeed for the chancellor Angela Merkel to respond to it because you have such a high density of people of Turkish sure region in Germany am I right that is true also many Kurds like 1700000 Kurdish people of Kurdish origin in Germany but of course we have received a huge amount of refugees in 2015th extend and so on and there's also a fear that a new way for refugees might arrive inside the paper runs a longer and also very. Frightening story on Arab support troops for the Turkish military the headline of that story reads better guns horrible help of all her horrible supporters and this story gives you an insight into the reality of Islamic extremist groups operating in northern Syria more or less officially allied with the Turks present the guns army which has now advanced about 30 to 35 kilometers into the Syrian territory so far but behind the facade of the so-called Syrian National Army out of guns a lie many extremely dubious groups like one militia which is called are all Sharjah and they are frankly speaking fanatical Islamists of the fall of the kind and the militias accused of brutally killing war prisoners they are notorious for looting and raping within their occupied territories and many other war crimes are attributed to them so the population the Kurds of the north of Syria they are in Tanach and they tried to escape and this results in widespread chaos in the region that calles held the troops of the cities or ISIS the Islamic State of Syria to reorganize they have been decimated in the last years and now they have a chance to reorganize and the new chaos which is resulted from the Turkish offensive. Yeah bet is a fear of the German politicians as well that they might regain some strength in the troops there and as you might note that a gun has been accused in the last years that his clan is secretly plotting with some factions of the pieces in Syria so that it's all very worrying especially for the population in northern Syria the millions who are fearing for their lives again do you get a sense of what you read is as diverse as they are want to happen now what they will see him for the German government for example how they want to respond to what kind of response they want to what's going on in northern Syria. I mean a gun is not well liked in the German population and bake sale you want him to stop but I mean. Even Germany has supplied arms to to the Turkish troops until very recently so we are kind of complicit in all this and now the government appealed stay they fall on deaf ears I fear. Another story obviously that takes much more of the headlines here is on Briggs it I wonder you see you in Germany is a central figure breaks it how do you cover for us is going to be quite extraordinary and tabs decisively with regards to breaks Yeah it is and I said of course has almost every day an article or 2 an analysis and comments on back said I'm a breath of drama and the Monday edition there is a report on the upcoming Queen's Speech on which which is due and it's a list several areas of several topics which will probably be part of the announcement probably the future immigration policy that should be designed according to the Australian model with a credit point system 2nd major aspect probably the fight against trying other policy areas will be health policy infrastructure but of course the overall overarching theme still is directed and there has been from our perspective there's been some sea change in the last week with the new optimism that at last some kind of deal is achievable and the corresponding Malory response how progress the Labor M.P.'s have come under pressure from within their party not to help us Johnson in case that he can present a deal with the e.u. And Fly Flu is the labor shadow minister is quoted with the words I quote If Boris Johnson can go into an election as the man who delivered directed we the Labor party will be in serious trouble it will be the Tories not supportive Labor M.P.'s that read the electoral results if any such deal is achieved and for me that's also I mean the Labor Party is. Their position is not very clear and they are having a very difficult time at the moment as well I think also like the government. Obviously you've heard the coverage in a short article in your pain yet I wonder if this reflects the interest that there is in Germany that. There is much interest that there is a lot of interest I have to tell you and we have had like hundreds of articles on directed like this is the hundreds and once the 1st article and some some are there some kind of fatigue from the correspondent now I guess probably next week if if the decisive week starts and we will see more clearly whether the deal and what shape it might have is if possible then we will vapor betimes I say how do you do you know. Your limit is going to do can you let us know I don't know of course she wants to avoid a no deal outcome and that is the German position but also the German physician is not at all cost avoided I mean. Probably the German provision is more inclined to have some kind of compromise with the English the British position in contrast of the French will more hardened but still from my perspective I would have wished our government was more compromising. You know I've seen a couple coffees of Charles malls recent Bogner feel of Margaret Thatcher hanging around the desk at the b.b.c. So pleased to see that it is as made his way to Germany as well as that evening in a German edition but it's in the new cultural pages it is it is on the cover of section of the newspaper we run a long review of the 3rd and final part of the Margaret Thatcher biography by Charles Moore It's about like 200 lines long but the reviews and the review of the cultural Correspondent Gina Thomas in London she is quite impressed and fascinated by the book that is based on a vast archival inside and a large number of interviews with which more conducted with all kinds of people who were close to mark a patch of her enemies witnesses from the time all kinds of sources the headline reads weapons inside a handbag of course that this is a reminder of the famous use of fetchers handbag not only in Brussels but also on other occasions when she pulled out books or plans out of a handbag Gina Thomas notes that child more of course is a conservative and he's a supporter of Beck said because he's as critical of Brussels just as Thatcher was but Gina Thomas our correspondent the reviewer she also knows that. More doesn't stop with admiration for Thatcher he also offers clear criticism where needed he presents the Thatcher of the last years as I quote a stubborn distance and sometimes erratic figure all the time figure Thomas writes on the other hand the 1st female prime minister is clearly portrayed as a figure with an enormous self-discipline and an immense political talent and the reviewer concludes that Thatcher has had a long term impact that is even felt today in direct the debates her worries such as worries about the German or alleged German dominance in. You contributed to fuel many of the sentiments against the bloc of Brussels that are alive today so. Long Shadow even today you're usually there but who do you think this review all the book could be aimed at for German readership you could imagine the everybody is that bothered about a former British prime minister you know if if the opposite with the case and there was a biography of Helmut Kohl Mr Schmitz or something like that one of your food jobs was I'm not sure you know it would be a rarefied audience there would be a. Well I mean fun for the young man it's I think is the newspaper for the educated class of our readership is very much interested in historical political events and they are internationally interested many of them have witnessed the times when attention was prime minister and all her opposition to 12 German reunification a very much remembered then so that's also mentioned the review she is one of the decisive. Politicians of the 20th century and her impact or her. Heritage is still felt today and what an important figure what about the German social democrats the s.p.d. They're looking for a new leader they are indeed 5 weeks ago or really a bit before and they are indeed in early June the previous leader of the analysis resigned because she felt she didn't have enough. Support from a party from M.P.'s any more and you have to know that the Social Democratic Party of Germany s.p.d. They are in a miserable condition in some polls they are even in the 4th rank at the moment there are at 50 percent. More or less even in some polls are behind the the young right wing Alternative for Germany party so although they are the longest the oldest party in Germany they are in government for ages at the moment they're now looking for a new chairman or chairwoman and several pairs of politicians have applied and there's this internal contest and they are going around in regional conferences trying to persuade the membership they will have the vote this month and the end of the month they will. Have the final results. One of the applicants is the current finance minister of Germany last fall but he faces a lot of mistrust from the party left so there's no clear favorite candidate at the moment or at least we don't see it we don't know who's going to win this contest. It is feared that the party will be left with a lot of frustration of those groups which will not be successful and also that might have repercussions for the ruling coalition America. Collision partner isn't such a weak state. This this summer it looked like the coalition might even break to it he was totally fed up with it because Philip play kids are there of the frankfurter and you mine Zeitoun paper are the new. Gaming business food you go but 1st there's good Middle Ages b.b.c. 5 Live news now here's Stuart Cox. On digital b.b.c. Sound. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live or returns family spokesman says they're only prepared to meet the American woman involved in the crash that killed him if she gives an assurance she'll return to the u.k. And secure us went back to the us after the death of the 19 year old in Northamptonshire in August Boris Johnson says a still significant work to do on the brakes a deal with the e.u. Talks in Brussels could now continue until Wednesday to try to reach an agreement to put 2 European leaders at their summit at the end of the week ministers will set out their plans for the new session of parliament in the Queen's speech later 22 bills will be put forward including measures to extend the evolution scrapped rail franchises and set binding targets on air pollution and cutting plastic East and the Kurds in Syria say the Syrian government's agreed to send its army to the northern border to try to halt Turkey's offensive against them follows the u.s. Decision to pull all its remaining troops from the area and scale the small cities down his James Craig Gareth Bale axe. An equaliser helped Wales to hold 2018 World Cup finalists Croatia and a bad tempered euro 2020 qualify in Cardiff if finish one old man in Wales can still qualify earlier on a soggy Hamden park Scotland and in a run of full straight defeats with a 6 nil demolition of San Marino England take on bull Gary in Saffir on Monday night Don Evans will replace Kyle Edmund as Britain's number one male tennis player when the rankings are released later Evans is currently 43rd in the world 2 places below his career best ranking but he told the b.b.c. That he thinks he can get a lot higher form a world record holder Steve Cram say that he would not be surprised if Birgitte calls gays new women's marathon world record isn't broken for a long time the Kenyan took more than a minute's of Polaroid clips all 2003 Mark in Chicago and Scotland rugby head coach Greg it's hands and insists that his team can recover from that group stage exit at the World Cup They have Ms They must learn from the mistakes that saw them lose that ball matches against Ireland and Japan and failed to reach the knockout stages . Of the Japanese through 3 thing to say. The least strange things to watch for the future. $3.00 to 666. 666666 to get reaction and analysis from the Japanese group 335 likes checkered flag costs downloaded since driving their. Own 5 life this is b.b.c. Radio 5 like the on the b.b.c. Sounds a couple nights when Dawson had a buy out Have a listen to this. Around 3rd See 1000 people are currently watching and live. This. Sawsan 5000 cozen and they've consortium in. Every moments and they are consumed by this force night game world normally on Sunday night thousands of mainly young players would be ranging across the palms as well as cool lucky landing and face who feels shooting in building their way to victory in the games Basle Royale but not tonight tonight they get. It looks like a black Oh in the space where they had to tell us who is really MacLeod now the editor at large it could talk and the Reilly. We ensuring the black cola leaving it where you can leave it like Ok I knew. Where But there again. Right now getting sucked in. In the game that the game but it is the game at a big advantage and this event has sucked the whole gamut into the. Allow it. So this week ending a season a fortnight. Yeah and. Yeah and we're ending the season with a fanfare essentially of sounds and vision. Yeah. Should . I just say that the last season has been really contentious among players the developer Epic has been hinting at the end I've been speculating is going to be a bath and all kind of thing but I think that. Most players are just really excited and think that change and they're very excited about how. This preventive Ok let's say goodbye had to be 0. Point 2. To the new season. I think isn't saying anything players and speculating you know some players have said 60 and some. People are taking to the game files. What they can be just going to keep saying you know. They could be just going to keep us hanging on. But they're doing right now. Did this come as a surprise to. Me personally that particular thing was definitely a surprise I knew that it was going to be something like always there to do a big event and then really great and bring players together and I've never seen one on this like Gale and had it out of the game into you know epic score in a Twitter account is down and whether say it was down that. It definitely. Surprised but I think makes a lot of them for a fortnight building up anticipation of. The aperture. Yeah I'm excited I don't know if 100 considered could be more than. I've never been that much in the cycle for a long time. And have choice to do my eyes again around his cause even thinking about watching of results are very Did they need to shake things up. I think I think I think that. The longer the end going on then the bigger the families get to put it on the many different things. And it makes sense to me that they're doing something you know they can different now and do they get the timing of the end of the season right do they do it just when game is being a little bit bored. Usually about 10 weeks bottom despond is unusual because usually the take is an ending of and 2 or so days before the next season starts. That they needed and would. Start but at the same time as the event. Of a when I'm going to get a black hole for the whole season but. I think that's just more part of the big hype and a big build up to whatever big changes they've got planned let you go Riley because you got a lot of blood cold to watch idea thank you thank you thank you Riley McLeod the editor at large that could talk. Every me if you're a. Fan as well if you watch the Abaco not let's go the news now from Argentina with the country is facing the rising challenge to childhood obesity and given the amount of meat they. Anybody was surprised by this so a lot of people are very surprised because this is a number that has been going up for quite a few ears your nerves and now we're talking about particularly with children who are overweight and obese we're talking about these new numbers that came out recently that say that about 4 out of 10 children in the country have either overweight or a best cities shoes and it is one of the highest rating that in America and that's what surprises people the most you were talking about me Dr and that's a good analysis but what's actually happening in Argentina is that this phenomenon or this new outbreak us some government officials have been calling and it has to do a lot with the economic crisis that the country is going through basically poverty numbers have been going up we've been talking about this quite a quite a lot in particularly among children poverty rates are very very high nowadays one out of 2 children in the country live under the poverty line and that has led a lot of families to change their consumption habits so basically this families that are living on their poverty now due to the economic crisis are basing their diet in basically carbs so a lot of flour a lot of bread and sugar because those are the most the cheapest products that you can find and actually meat consumption has been going down quite a lot in the country particularly due to the economic crisis people can't afford to buy meat anymore so they're cutting down the amount of need to eat and there are. Switching to other types of meat like chicken and pork that have never been popular in Argentina but seems they can't afford to buy red meat anymore they're searching their consumption habits so it has to do a lot with poverty but also of course it has to do with being this transition of a country like he said that in a lot of countries are going through these faces in a way in which processed foods have become more popular in which fast food heads have become more popular too but in mainly has to do but with poverty and what's interesting is that a lot of these kids we're talking about millions of children that live on the poverty line. Rely on the food they get in the schools in the public school system and that's where also the system doesn't help the government released its new numbers recently also that say for example that only 2 out of 10 schools in the country serve fresh fruits and only 3 out of 10 serve your heard of milk so the situation in the schools and helping and we are facing what is now being named or call a massive outbreak of best city and overweight particularly among very young children . Is the country. Of the for example health issues such as. Absolutely absolutely So those numbers are not as reliable because there are not official numbers about there is a slight rise and the concern is that in the long term these kids when they grow up are obviously going to have more likelihood of facing those those diseases also this is that have to do with the heart and that those kids are going to have to get treated probably in the public health care system so that creates a lot of concern what's interesting is that there have been some attempts at regulating the food industry and. At promoting healthier if you didn't have it but they haven't worked so for example last year the government tried to impose a higher tax on sugary drinks and what happened is that Coca-Cola said we're not going to make an investment that we were going to make in one of the provinces we're going to build this new factory and create x. Amount of new jobs but we're not going to do it because you're going to put this new tax on our products and then the government said Ok we're going to are then going to put the product the tax and more so there has been this tension between industry and government which has led to very few industry wide changes and another interesting thing is that China for example used to have very high obesity and overweight rates among their children but they were able to impose this very wide changes so they imposed for example a 20 percent tax on sugary drinks they got rid of all types of crow to lose or famous characters in the packaging of cereals and cookies and that made a big big impact so those are poses that were trying to be implemented here in Argentina but clearly didn't work so now there is this concern about what this means also for the children now but also in the long term when they grow up obviously the. Back in the headlines it is and it has to do with this encounter that has been going on in Argentina for over 34 years now and it's the International Women's encounter it takes place once a year in a different city every year but basically what happened this time is that these is going to be the largest gathering in the history of the encounter there's about $200000.00 women that gathered this weekend during this weekend in the city of Aleppo at that which is just so side of this and what they doing this weekend long me to. Is discussed different issues that have to do with women so for example health issues much any of the shoes and issues that have to do with abortion work etc and it's an encounter that is the core I would say of Argentina's feminist movement so big that for example the government of the province of want to say this which is where the city opened up $500.00 public schools for the women to sleep in during these this weekend long gathering and this year some of the issues that are going to be in the center stage of the agenda have to do abortion have to do with labor I talked about this with. A feminist activist and leads one of the most important organizations here in Argentina and this is what she had to say that . Some of the most important debates we will be having in this encounter will be able to legalization of abortion and the need to recognize the value of household work which is mainly done by women who are also be debating about how do you can I make measures of Discover Munt are impacting women in particular because among the poor population women are the poorest and among down employed women the ones that have less employment How did this huge gathering or symposium of women come about so it started in 1986 it was a small gathering near you was opposing women but it was still relatively small and the idea was that women didn't have the space where they could discuss this diversity of fishes that affect their day to day lives and eventually with the passing of the years it got more and more important he got bigger and bigger and I think 8 and a exploded a few years ago in 2013 when the new one I mean his moment here not. Tina was born that's the moment that fight against them inside and against gender violence and that I think made the movement gave even more power to the movement but it's crazy we're talking about $200000.00 women that came to left left from all around the country from the north from. There even people coming in from different countries in Latin America so it is center stage to a lot of very important debates and along these years the debates these debates that took place during these encounters led to a lot of the last so for example where there's a quota agenda a women's put out in Congress here and I can see now and that came out from one of these gatherings there's a same sex same sex marriage law that also came out from this encounter so it is very important and it has had a lot of feedback and the women are expected that this year in particular the 2 main impacts are they want to have. In the 1st place the legalization of abortion which is a fight that has been going on for quite a while kind of been seen and in the 2nd place what I was saying is about the Konami measures of the government is taking on how that's impacting the women more in this country and would regard to that oh an interesting number that came out recently basically said that out of the budget that was allocated and approved by Congress this year to fight gender violence so far by October of this year only 10 percent of it was used by the government so this of course sparked a lot of anger because obviously as we've talked before a gender violence is very very common still in Argentina have some insights are Konstanz and. Recently announced a set of new measures to come down there virus but then of course this feminist groups came out and said Then why aren't you using all the money that you have approved. So if I don't arrive. Or so those are the 2 main areas of discussion that will be taking place and quite apart from the discussions What's it like as a spectacle I'm presuming that you've been yes I have I have I wasn't able to go this year it was pouring rain and but still a lot of people showed up but I have been and it's quite a spectacle as you said it's basically women taken over a whole city for a weekend and talking about different issues it is it is very exciting and it's very inspiring and the issue of a cigarette which is causing a great debate in the United States is also now raising eyebrows in Argentina. It is indeed. Eyebrow raising emerge from what is happening indeed in the United States there was there has been a lot of fear united in Puna about what is happening in the u.s. Because a lot of the young people here in Argentina are starting to use electronic cigarettes and it's quite a high percentage we're talking about 7 percent of all the teenagers here in the country say that they consume it regularly and 14 percent say that they have at least tried it once and what's interesting what's happening and seen is that instead of. Being an alternative to. Cigarette smoking number so normal cigarettes and a way to eventually quit smoking it's becoming a way for teenagers to start smoking it's something very similar that's happening in the u.s. So a lot of people have come out and show their concern about this the state I want to cite as presented a bill to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in public areas the promise of course which is a very important province here in n.z. Not just issued a bill perfume it's in the cell of cigarettes and they're used in public spaces also but it is an interest in the base because from what I read about what's happening in the u.k. Is that in the u.k. It's very different and there's much tougher regulation and it's more it's a more welcome to Knology right as a way to quit smoking. Not everybody is committed by that by the way that in the sound of people say. So it's a debate everywhere a lot of countries obviously are taking measures that here in Argentina it's also starting to become a saying in particularly because there's a law that prohibits the cell of cigarettes nationwide but obviously the black market is a very. Vibrant and ongoing so. And there have been a lot of laws that are being presenting at the local level but also the national level we'll see if any of them get approved by Congress anecdotally from those people who you may have met oh you know using cigarettes How concerned are they versatile and how do they use it is it as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. So I've only met adults who abuse them and a lot of them do use them as an alternative to normal to in normal smoking cigarettes but I've I haven't met. Any young peoples who who do I've met some I've seen some Instagram accounts of you know friends cousins that are 15 years old and they're you know bragging about smoking and some of them even selling these different flavored pause on Instagram so I think. It's both things I think adults clearly see it as a way of slowly giving up normal cigarettes but there is definitely definitely a trend among teenagers and among young people who never smoked a cigar before but since this is seen as a cool thing to do they're starting to try to say hey there it is Arizona's catch up with the headlines stateside now with Lynn Sweet from the Chicago Sun Times where Lynn I understand you've been out on the streets pounding the pavement so what you call the sidewalks. Well today was there were rather Sunday was the day of the big Chicago Marathon which draws out an international audience and it was a terrific race it was a good day out and the woman side there was a new record broken just over to 2 hours. Yeah we know we've been covering this is from Kenya's Brigitte because guys in it yeah yeah I mean she's big anyway and she is well known as a racer but to be able to set a world record is still something that's pretty big and it doesn't happen all the time you know the Chicago course is that particularly challenging it is flat there's no geographic issues where you have to climb a hill or anything steep but still getting her time was to our response minutes 50 . I'm sorry Bridget's time was 2 hours 14 minutes and 4 seconds and that beat a 16 year old record you know so so it shaves the time by 81 seconds but as people who follow America you know how hard it is to shave any substantial time off the record and you know who all the previous record it was Paula Radcliffe I'm just just saying that we have to wave the flag of this country as much as we can. Well. Yeah I'm a fire was running in the Chicago marathon it's not so uniform Hansard to you over of top of it actually it's usually always the Kenyans or the Ethiopians that damage the Chicago or the Brits as well as other places in the world but now this 26.2 mile course again is sought after by Reuters because it is so flat and you can't make. It system easier to to run fast when you don't have when you have something flat you don't have hills that. You know trained to deal with and the weather was good so good conditions big turnout. People like to come out for this race when I see you you see thousands of people sign up for it and it's a very very big deal in the city and it's a big it's internationally quite a big marathon and this one. You know what one of the top 10 and 5 or 10 or whatever it might be but certainly you hear about even from over here whether or not a bridge has broken the world record let's move on so not had some vague. Lynn man Melanie Rand the the guy the originator of the hymn music who haven't seen among some of the things what was he doing to your paper Well most every Sunday we do a recap of what they call the cold cold open and Saturday Night Live and I'm. Hoping a lot of our listeners know about this this is the long running show that is very heavy and political satire in its opening number and what are the things its famous war is helping famous people play the roles of political figures and so the surprise and Saturday night was that manual Miranda played a presidential candidate by the name of Leon Castro and he just they held it it was funny he is such a big celebrity in the world to have him be part of this sample made it pretty special It also throws a spotlight now this was the town hall that c.n.n. Supposedly had that they were lampooning but the he had the cold open serve to throw a spotlight on what is happening in the coming days is that the Democrats running for president are going to hold their for 4th debate in a state called Ohio and what to watch for and there are 2 big things whether Bernie Sanders the senator who just had a heart attack 2 weeks ago looks robust and healthy and then the other thing is to look at is whether Joe Biden how he reacts to all the slams that Donald Trump has been aiming at him in trying to get the Ukrainians to investigate his son he had a big comeback today in trying to slap down Trump So these are the points of drama that will see also if I may go out a moment be interesting in the debate to see if any other rivals hit Sanders for his health and Biden for his son. And this really kicks off the presidential election race does it know well I think at some ways what's different now is that this is the debate that is taking place after the formal impeachment inquiry. Against Trump which has changed things. In the dynamic. Of the impeachment inquiry now is based on something that happened in recent time. There's other evidence coming out of connections between the president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and other. People in the Trump orbit so I think it's big let's say kicked higher. And I see the story about the number of riders drivers who've been removed for misconduct. This was maybe a concern in every country that has these. Days over another right having services 2766 drivers were activated as we call them so far in the 1st time 2968 so. Where Thank you. Clearly for anyone at this c.b.c. Radio. Good morning this is. The man you saw the parents of a teenager killed in a road crash travel to the u.s. To raise profile of the case and in sports Wales held by the World Cup finalists I mean. This is b.b.c. This. Is Richard Harry Dunn's family said they won't meet the American woman involved in the crash which killed him unless she agrees to return to the u.k. The 19 year old died in a collision in Northampton ship back in August and return to the us but says she's devastated. What happened Rod Seeger is the done family spokesperson that's very much our position she needs to do that and otherwise we don't really see much much point in meeting if they get themselves into a position where they will agree to her coming back and we will happily engage further and discussions and see where it takes us a crackdown on foreign offenders who return to the u.k. And longer jail spells for those guilty of the most serious crimes are among the policies being announced in the Queen's speech later the government will also announce plans to scrap the rail franchise system and are set to and is set to binding targets on air pollution and cutting plastic use his own political correspondent Nick there will be $22.00 Barrows in all including mental health support and legislation to pave the way for breaks it but Boris Johnson doesn't have a Commons majority and wants an election to some see today as a pre-election pitch rather than a programme for the next year in government regs it also being the u.k. And e.u. Will also continue later after Boris Johnson said he could see a way forward to reaching a deal the E.U.'s chief negotiator Michel Barnier agrees a lot of work remains to be done European leaders will meet on Thursday and Friday with m.p.c. To vote on the deal on Saturday the employers could the c.b.i. Says Labor's plans to renationalise water energy companies and the railway could cost $196000000000.00 pounds he says that's the equivalent of all income tax paid by u.k. Citizens in a year Labor's dismissed the report as incoherent scaremongering nearly a 3rd of motorists of witness physical abuse related to driving in the past year that's according to an annual survey by the r a c which shows that nearly half of all drivers have seen some kind of verbal abuse could be Prescott has more aggressive behavior comes forth in the list of things that drive is I'm most worried about on the roads the r.a.c. Says that record volumes of traffic and the pressure of modern life means there's never been so much frustration behind the wheel a 5th of drivers admit to checking social media and the same number have driven while over the limb. And Kurdish officials say they've reached a deal for Syrian army troops to be developed deployed along the border with Turkey the agreement was announced hours after President Trump ordered the withdrawal of virtually all the remaining u.s. Troops there as the news James Gregg has the sport Gareth Bale excellent equaliser helped Wales to hold 2018 World Cup finalists Croatia and a bad tempered euro 2020 qualifier in Cardiff it finish one old men in Wales can still qualify earlier on a soggy Hamden park Scotland and in a run of 4 straight defeats with a 6 nil demolition of San Marino England take on bull Gary in Saffir on Monday night Don Evans will replace Kyle Edmund as Britain's number one male tennis player when the rankings are released later Evans is currently 43rd in the world 2 places below his career best ranking but he told the b.b.c. That he thinks he can get a lot higher form a world record holder Steve Cram say that he would not be surprised if Birgitte calls gays new women's marathon world record isn't broken for a long time the Kenyan took more than a minute's of Polaroid clips all 2003 Mark in Chicago and Scotland rugby head coach Greg it's hands and insists that his team can recover from that group stage exit at the World Cup They have Ms They must learn from the mistakes that saw them lose that ball matches against Ireland and Japan and failed to reach the knockout stages this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker. And the weather clouding over by dawn with a chance of some rain returning to the self Monday will see southern and western parts of the u.k. Becoming cloudy with outbreaks of rain over Northern England in the east and Scotland should be dry wood sunny spells temperatures around 12 in Belfast 15 degrees is the high for the Southeast c.b.c. Sounds down there free b.b.c. Sounds at and is still the best of 5 like costs including the Rugby Union weekly Mazie day this was no fluke to date so really deserved it and joining Bryce for a round up of everything. Well in the world of football in the schools however you give it as a very thick I'm pretty sure that even touch it down live to free b.b.c. Sounds at radio broadcasts. This is a fortnight on 5 Live on Dawson added by coming up in this hour the programme it's time to open up the phone line so you can join news for our parenting phone and buy the au pair yourself if you're not obviously you've been the child of a parent so you can also join in 800-085-9096 extension 93 asking you questions about how you relate to your children or how your parents related to you.