That Catherine Zeta Jones from the 2002 film version of Chicago all that jazz I mentioned you can see Chicago at the playhouse this week. On Wednesday night the 7th of November goes on till stuff day and should be a fantastic production is just a wonderful musical Do let me know about productions happening near you 0800 trouble 14849 or text 813 double 3 Start your message with Neil Neil Foster on the B.B.C. In Yorkshire with songs from the stage and screen and our local musical theatre in the spotlights will be talking about Jekyll and Hyde in this hour coming to the Lawrence Berkeley theatre in Huddersfield technical rehearsal today and of the directors and a breakaway from the technical have a quick chat about their production of Jekyll and Hyde requests thank you very much indeed something from Starlight Express Chrissie for her daughter Emma see what we can do and tourney in her a get how you tourney a request for your wife Jan I have been hospital recently just discharged on the Tuesday this week I'm back home now wants to hear from My Fair Lady on the street where you live when you mention how your bit off those who you come. And my heart went on a journey to. And. Never. Move your blue. Mist to look. Pretty darn straight. If she doesn't remember who I am tempted tell her I'm the chap who was snickering at her yes. And what you get with these yes you don't know what I might come in thank you I want to drink in the street where she lives. I often will. Lose 3 before. The pavement always stoop beneath my feet before. All not once some long. Story. No it. Was. You. I had. The heart of. Can you. In any other hotter. Nonsense. PO-R. Our talk every. Child of the street who was. A mother not. Just low some hollow. She was magnificent. Right. Of course to tell her I'll wait. To see I'll be. The guy. From the 2001 London production of My Fair Lady which starred Martine McCutcheon Jonathan Price and then he swore some and that was on the street where you live sung by Markham does playing that's for Tony and how a guy and his wife Jan thank you for your request away 100 tribal 14849 is our phone number for this program if you want to text you request from the stage and screen 3 double 3 Start your message with Neil spelt and E L. Feedback on local productions love to hear they swap in Scarborough went to see Kiss Me Kate at the Y.M.C.A. Thing it's a really enjoyed it he says we spoke to one of the ladies from the cast on the show a couple of weeks ago I'm pleased you went to see it and I'm really pleased you enjoyed it as well thank you Rob for letting us know Tony. Went to see Joseph in the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Joseph Rowntree theater a York he says I hope he saw in the didn't I'm afraid I was on holiday for the entire time it was on a closed last night and I didn't have a chance to see it because I was away but he says I put it in the top 5 shows I've seen over the last 30 years that's really saying something Tony considering the standard of local theatre in this part of the world I'm pleased to say that's a nice praise indeed I've heard a lot of good things about the production by your stage musicals so he says great music's afternoon as always pleased when Johnny thank you Tony his one from a maple. That. The one with the Red Hat. The one on the blanket the one. Let's take a. Let's take a. Good insurance man own life with its little lab. And hundreds of. What gives a man power and money. To stand. Having. And hundreds all. Show him a block. And something in his response but then again he's also terribly fond. Of this brunette so instead of one. As in the can dish wrinkles might in just like to make him forget that he's stuck with his wife give him a. Hand gun. And Belle glad it isn't. True for the right before you. Can find her it's all. It was for on a slow dive on a sweet I'm going to the cash register ring. I'll fill the screen. With Jack. Jack. For the greatest stunt this business and. Every fellow from let's just say oh it's. Just. Changed. This is. This. This thing called Modern Man was never Jesus. With only one eternal Mark. And so I got a. Sinner see schools are we one girl is boring. And. And press one from Jerry Herman's musical makan Mabel hundreds of girls here on the B.B.C. In Yorkshire talking about that production of Kiss Me Kate switch was at the Y.M.C.A. Scarborough just a couple weeks ago and we featured on this program more feedback about that Wendy in Scarborough sends me an email or says so in the Oh but I wasn't listening to you last Sunday so what does the Kiss Me Kate at the Y.M.C.A. Scarborough because you told us about it you see we do take notice of what you say says when the there you go through this wonderful selfless acts of public service broadcasting that I'm doing for you I am costing myself listeners but delighted that you are dizzy Wendy I'm delighted that you enjoyed it thank you very much indeed I wasn't here last week either of course last a concern was sitting in for me whilst I was on the holes but Sir thank you when they saw you missed last week's show catch it on B.B.C. Sounds of course it's available there for 30 days if you go on the B.B.C. Sounds up on the website so you can listen to this show for 30 days after broadcast so keep the request coming from the stage and screen what would you want to hear this afternoon free for 800 travel 14849 text 813 double 3 and start your message with text to chance to standard message rate C R 1518 B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. a Slash in local radio free to see. B.B.C. Radio York and B.B.C. Radio Leeds. When you. When. Well 0. In the musical bone. I'm thanking God I'm Olsson by Terry White here on the B.B.C. In Yorkshire thank you for your requests Stephen Caywood music for movie turf or you die in battle of the West Side Story and Philip or Will Smith from Phantom of the opera yes yes yes to all of those keep listening we will do them assuming we can 100 treble 14849 text 813 double 3 Start your message with my name Neil we can play something from Starlight Express this has been requested by Chrissie and it's for her daughter Emma and it was this musical apparently that started Emma's love affair with musicals and she saw in the eighties and been hooked ever since as Chrissie thank you very much indeed for your request another text on the subject of style at Express now it's Rob again I think it was Robin scabies I heard you mention playing something from Starlight Express if you have the soundtrack can he play make up my heart really sorry to disappoint you Rob I don't have that song because that was in the new Starlight Express and I've got the original 1004 London recording so will go with this one I hope you enjoy. This is Stephanie Lauren singing only he's. Real. Travel with. Thank you good afternoon heading towards how the facts just heading through the often done road heading towards the Orange Street roundabout looking very slow and a lot of traffic senses at the moment just heading through like the right all road a 58 slow both ways around the health cross roads and then heading out of a. It's that the northbound side the White House Lane the struggling just away from the inner ring road up toward the high park lights also busy for the ring road in Beeston through leads on the A 6110 into Bradford then that northbound side the killing Hall Road it can quite busy up toward the ugly road junction and not too far away from there just through West Gate Hill Tong Street still pretty much at a crawl in patches in both directions temporary lights and skipped and still causing delays for the A 59 just around Broughton road in Scarborough at SEMA road looking busy both ways for the A 64 the rest of the roads not so bad in one coping fairly well this afternoon threw up a match heading for the trains though we still have a points fairly services on all of them through their attorney at a stand of course to update us on the travel news to call us 0800 trouble 14849 B.B.C. Radio only. Some brilliant requests from the stage and screen coming in this afternoon Charlotte in lead something from the musical Hamilton delighted to play that for you very shortly 1st of all a wedding anniversary request Hello die and your husband whose name I don't have but you and your husband's wedding anniversary tomorrow die in battle thank you want to hear this from West Side Story the song somewhere this version by the musical theater group Calabro. a harmony group and some brilliant that singing somewhere from West Side Story and that was a special anniversary request for die in battle and a husband anniversary tomorrow happy I have a. Street I. Only under trouble one full to 849 is a phone number for requests for musical theater and film the soft new text 3 double 3 and start a message with Neil that's my name is spelt and L. Neil Foster on the B.B.C. In Yorkshire coming up shortly then looking at Jekyll and Hyde at the Lawrence back to the theatre. So Philip going to see found some of the opera. On Wednesday. And as you both say as well you'd like to hear this to get you in the title song. Sarah Brightman I'm Michael Crawford with the title song from Phantom of the opera the original 1906 London cast recording playing that for Philippa happy birthday to Wednesday flipper and he does see you don't say where you going to see Phantom of the opera not sure why some of the moments from in London but thank you very much for your request I hope you enjoy the show let us know next week what you thought about it if you want to get in touch 813 double 3 Start a message with Neil all you can call 0800 trouble 14849 and now the West End sensation west end of Broadway sensation which is Hamilton it's all the hip hop musical which tells the story of one of America's founding fathers it is a phenomenal show it's a sensation it's really popular with young audiences as well and Charlotte in Leeds says she went to see the show in London last week and says it was absolutely incredible so would love to hear something from Hamilton I hope you enjoy this one then from the lights out lighter numbers in Hamilton spoke some by Jonathan Groff This is called You'll be back. The price of my eye was not a price that. To. Me or to. The sea but. Why some say. Remember we. Went away now you're making me. Remember despite the string. And we'll tell. You. When. My. 1 6 roots. Are. In. I will fight and. Pray and Alan and. 6 I. My. God. From the musical How will turn you'll be back son by Jonathan Groff playing for Philippa who went to see the Philippines sorry Charlotte for me to see went to see it in London last week and thought it was incredible thank you very much indeed for your request we are off to the Lawrence Berkeley theater in Huddersfield shortly to talk about Jekyll and Hyde. You. Know when we rig. A single night and crackle that's monitors. Or an angel's. Doll study. Then we tell our only the glue what does it do with our teeth was we were. They. Asked. To the. Rock we. From Carousel a real nice Clambake. B.C. . Now how horror meets Victorian England in a musical which you can see at the Lawrence Batley theatre in Huddersfield this week is Jacqueline highlight the musical based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson and it's the latest production by Huddersfield Amasa operatic society the directors Michael Helliwell and he joins me now from the Lawrence Berkeley theater in Huddersfield where it's your technical rehearsal this afternoon that's correct and it is near technically I have thought it out to do it hoping to get notes that their own don't. And then it's the progress that has led to morrow to open on Tuesday so with a bit of luck they'll be going home by midnight. So brief if they have at all I can't guarantee you but if you're the 1st There's a lot of technical see in this show isn't the really I mean I mentioned that was that the Hammer horror aspect I mean it's quite a it's a quite technical show isn't it it's going to take me to show anything show that people don't see a lot it's like a little gem people sort of discover when they go and see it they think about the star and think it's going to be dark and miserable it didn't it's quite exciting plus the fact that they're this cog and now it is the songs and it absolutely still people go get me one which is you know but you know the hopper just which I'm sure people will go out but they're hoping always telling Yeah the music is excellent and and not just well known you would've hoped it would have some lovely ballads there are some great ensemble numbers and the whole thing to me musically has it that's a slight feel of Les Miserables I think it can out I'm. This was written after it was usual isn't a risk after the miserable but the benefit of it it's got a really really strong story you know the drummer in it I think our publicity. Pieces that with that we put out as Jekyll and Hyde is a classical gothic musical thriller. So they are carried throughout and it gets a little bit violent I say so I mean it really is good for the audience and the community to sit back and enjoy it I mean there is although there are always elements other than when it is a violent story as you say it's also a love story yes. There are 2 love interests with Jackson I just tell you which one is which and the people will have to come and see the show to find out if any of these stories up for failed I'm not letting the cat out of the bag. It's in some ways I think it's interesting subject matter for a musical isn't the it's not the sort of story you would think immediately would lend itself to a musical fair treatment but I can suppose now days just about anything goes well I think if anything just another day a lot of fresh music was passion down and out that was unsuccessful. Was this goes back to the novel you know the 19th century Stevenson novel cetera and it tells because the story is so strong and it's about a lot of it's about the guy the Jackal was a doctor that they were and he is trying to start or analyze the the 2 natures of man the good side of man and the evil and think he can transfer between one and the other by taking medicine drugs or whatever you want to college again whether he is successful or not you are a common thing and I think it takes quite a performer to play the part of Jekyll and Hyde that you well because without too many special effects all the benefits of. Going offstage to put on a lot of makeup I mean you have to convincingly do this transformation from the mild mannered Victorian gentleman into this this monster yeah but I don't much care whether we were very blessed to have that done. And you're quite right because that is once you know on stage where he actually talks to himself so the 2 characters at the same time and has to differentiate between the 2 you know the way things are going with themselves and to take that you've got to be talented you've got to impress the audience the audience that got to know which character is saying what and it works. Don't it Dennis proud is absolutely super pleased to hear that well I wish you a fantastic run at the Lawrence Berkeley theater I won't keep you too much longer because I hope Sunday afternoons precious personal time of a special and technical day yeah technically I would work we've just about Bell to the set now I just want to see if I've got any room left. For the performance well you have a wonderful time you're Michael thanks for joining us that's very kind thank you very much indeed and thank you and I'm back Jekyll and Hyde the Lawrence Berkeley theatre in Huddersfield yet you can catch that Huddersfield operatic society and it's on from choose to night. Robot could she only singing this is the moment from Jekyll and Hyde CA to the Lawrence but Lee theater Huddersfield this week presented by his field I'm a to operatic society thanks to Michael for breaking away from his technical rehearsal to spare a few minutes and tell us about the show or because for a while it's B.B.C. In Yorkshire B.B.C. Radio Leeds and B.B.C. Radio York with me Neil Foster and the stars of stage and screen loss of music by Andrew Lloyd Webber on the show this week no particular reason for it just the way it's worked out with your requests on the very sings we're talking about Stephen K. Would says Hello Neal loving the show as usual any chance you can play high flying adult from Rita we had a great night last night brought Flo hombre sing better don't lie was an amazing show Thank you Steve and here is your request for me to David Essex and Elaine Paige singing high flying it all. In and. Still. Paulette's. Ya right it's my cross that night. It's the sidewalks from their god to the tree good. Don't look down it's a long long way to. You'll be trained dog gone mad you might. Move. Wouldn't. Mind. Already. Was. Was. David Essex. Singing high flying. And we were playing that full Stephen K. Would thank you very much. Please using some wonderful music this afternoon oh a 100 treble warm full 49 text 133 start you message with my name which is Neil spelled and. It's 4 minutes to 5. Travel Yeah hi Neal thank you good afternoon intervals Huddersfield struggling on the Howdy fax road starts to slow down just heading past busy through Bradford as well as the northbound side of the killing whole road just away from Leeds road that looks low on the cameras and the senses busy too in a broad side of mayo Ave looking busy around the state gates at roundabouts also then the ring was weak words looking busy around the week with roundabouts in and out of Leeds on the road and road looking busy to run the whole 4th roundabout heading through how to get then the next by road struggling around the Empress roundabout still busy this afternoon to in Scarborough the Falls Grove Road the A 171 heavy and patches are on the road traffic lights rest of the major roads not too bad at the moment on the cameras on the trains though still problems and there is a points fairly services County at a stand on Northern of course to update us on the travel news to call in 0800 travel 14849. From funny girl. In the music that makes me dance. The most simple addition. The figures are. Make. To show. Cause was on stage. As far. As. 5. No you ease. When the sky. Around start in bringing a. C. D. That. Is in the last 2. Years that. Was. My. But it won't leave my sight for. The music that makes me dance from the musical Funny Girl sung by Barbra Streisand It's the B.B.C. In Yorkshire B.B.C. Radio York and B.B.C. Radio Leeds with me Neil Foster thank you so much for your requests keep on coming we're doing stage and screen music through till 6 o'clock tonight 0800 treble warm 4849 if you want to phone your question you can text 3 double 3 and start your message with my name which is Neil spelt and L B B C Yorkshire where that let's take a look at the forecast then and the latest forecast from the B.B.C. Weather Center partly cloudy and mainly dry the seedling through the night cloud will think I'm from the south bringing a few spots of rain before it dries up again toward storm overnight the minimum temperature is 6 Celsius $48.00 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow a mainly dry but often cloudy day some bright spells will develop as the day goes on light to moderate winds and a top temperature of 12 Celsius 54 degrees Fahrenheit. The style of stage and screen costs down.