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Transcripts for BBC Radio Leeds BBC Radio Leeds 20180305 220000 :
Transcripts for BBC Radio Leeds BBC Radio Leeds 20180305 220000
B.b.c. Radio only. B.b.c. News at 10 o'clock Good evening this is Clive Satele The teenager from Yorkshire who stabbed a 16 year old girl to death because he was obsessed with killing is starting a 24 year prison sentence tonight after being described as a dangerous young man by police the only weeks his body was found in the path in dealing to near Rotheram in January last year Sheffield Crown Court heard how Shea Healy who was 19 is friendly only just to kill her Julie 20 says from getting to high school and she says Leoni was a pleasure to work with and I think it's something that I'm still struggling with personally still this massive sense of disbelief as to what's happened feel very privileged to have played. It was definitely touch my hat I want to when I was transferred the most it's my a man's appeared in court in whole charged with the murder of a woman last week Laura Houston died at a house in the city on Tuesday Jason Gaskell has been remanded in custody until June his trial will take place in August it's understood a man who fell critically ill after being exposed to an unknown substance in Wiltshire is a former Russian spies thought to have worked for Britain he and a woman were discovered unconscious on a bench at a shopping center in Salzburg yesterday decontamination crews were sent to part of the city center and the hospital where the para being treated the chief executive of Salzburg hospital car Charles banks gave more details in conjunction with our partners we have to close a major incident today in response to the incident that took place yesterday with the 2 individuals and I can't then that they're currently being treated here it feels pretty strict hospital and their condition does remain critical a gunman is being hunted in Huddersfield after a shooting at a takeaway the victim who is in his thirty's is in a stable condition in hospital after being blasted at Rogers in Bradford road early today more than 200 jobs are to be axed at one of East Yorkshire's biggest colleges whole college group are citing a whole goal inheritors and bosses say the code. Will secure their future so Bradley Wiggins has told the b.b.c. He's not a drug cheat after parliamentary report accused him of using an after my drug to enhance his performance and peace said Wiggins and Team Sky had crossed an ethical line the Sunday Times chief sports writer Davie Walsh who played a big role in exposing the systematic doping violations of Lance Armstrong thinks the Team Sky principal So Dave Brailsford should now step down he came into this sport in the post Lance Armstrong here it is a sport of professional road race cycling and he said we're not going to be like the people who have preceded us we're going to be whiter than white they said themselves a very high standard and then they didn't live up to that standard and when you were the boss in that situation you really should resign a serious case of river pollution is being investigated in Lincolnshire tens of thousands of fish have died in the river which I'm and the Environment Agency says it's detected high levels of ammonia. Spreading to all areas with some snow on highest ground lows of 3 Celsius 37 degrees Fahrenheit for Tuesday a murky and damp start them becoming dry with broad dispels through the afternoon and tomorrow 48 Fahrenheit b.b.c. News 60 Minutes past 10 Thank you Clive. Well come along and. After 10 o'clock at night with The Late Show where we live till 1 o'clock in the morning all sorts of lovely stuff is coming up today show in a moment. Toto dire straits Storyville returns 1st episode of the week Georgie reading the 1000000 pound note heading into the Big Finish now the big finale of the tale and I've really enjoyed it. I always enjoy the story builds up particularly love this one such a lovely writing and a fine performance from Georgie she really brought it to life for me as so 1st episode of the week but 20 minutes from now and that will be go on fess up to me today how many times. During the day today have you looked at somebody straight in the face of this going on. I went. To. The big. Problems with people in certain spots of the country like. The big shop today. This is true. Down the street right but we're going with the song right I took a photograph of my thermometer in the now see. That's what he said he was 10 Celsius 55. The supermarket shorts t. Shirt and flip flops. The definition of rushing the season. Always wanted to eat the soul will go it all. Got to go through. So we're going to do it when I got to the bread. I know that's that's the return. a wonderful one and he was surrounded by people you love doing things that you like because it's the only way to be isn't it. Amazing Randy place it when the only thing that was left is 2 doors down from In fact I've been to some of the local kids a snowman in the forgotten when I go this morning with the dog and I was like you know come all the way we go and put me ball right on and picks me up brother you know how it is and I'm off down there down the street and all his left was the snow man's head a little tight a body had melted overnight he just sort of sure looked like he'd gone into a hole in the ground. And by the time I was coming to work you'd be completely gone flashing through told me Lincoln. Hey hey Rosie is my update on Dancing On Ice. What's a semifinal kem and Maks in a skate off cam sadly is the one not going into the final 3 max Jane Brooke My only question is Who do you think will win it was the big finishes at the weekend. My money's going on Brooke there you go I'm sticking with the curry thing it's still me all right last couple of weeks so I'm going with Brook on that one and there's my vote use it for whatever you wish to Allen in Doncaster as well who found me on Twitter at de Midi sevens saying Hey Russell I've got 10 of beer that's got your face on it. I'll tweet it see you in a bit so this now whenever I see something like this you get this we might not get it by dual certainly down the is when somebody says I saw someone that looks just like you or there's a bloke in a film who looks just like you in my mind I was there and q. Huge fat bloke is what you have a flattering really miseries and you look at oh really looks like me so I was a little nervous there and I must admit but an hour afterwards he sent me this picture of this this big. And eat it look agreement be it longer I mean that's what I would look like it's not it's a flattering one so the 1st time ever in my life and other flattering one of those it's all there to you so thank you very much for the look is nice is it tasty it looks pretty good. Oh that was the. Thing I'll say about me day to day it was one of those things where I'm trying to write me brains because you know what is on Sunday. I don't want to you know this is public service. Public service broker. Mothering Sunday. So if you are of course still looking enough still blessed enough to have you. Around and. Think it's Monday night you go to get something so. Spend a bit of this have to do go out there and among the tablet and me fingers or a blower and I'm. Thinking the name what is she like right what did I buy a last year I'm going back to history trying to find a board. Just like certain chocolate. She does like. But she can't have to fees because it has the teeth stunned. By that it. Needs what kind of size gloves to Chanel and I reckon you bring for an hour and in the end I thought to myself I'll do the sensible choice I'll just find out what we sisters give her off the money for. Siblings. Lives. More so. Instead of stock. Sky. When it's cold. She Way from the Straits Robbie Williams The Bangles. Every day it's a different kind of day it's a very silly statement you know International Shoe Awareness Day. Day this settlement every day the is good something and he's not the days it's the weeks if not the weeks it's the most well she's a week. I could really throw myself into this. Because it's the situation I have to say it is a delicious week. Details on the way. A little bit later. Today in a mystery I love when you play a long. Post . In their. Millions watching. Films with deliberation in. A cinema but. That's new. Film critic is here after 11 o'clock. We get straight into the future. Midnight moment and a whole bunch. Now tonight. To Shepherd's. Description. Of the British. Which take place. This weekend. Home of the world famous Paul. Only those with a feeling totally unholy pastry. And made. Entered into the awards which is indeed the highlight of British popular. They were set up to distinguish autism and British efforts such as the superior pull. From the pastry top casseroles to rescue the wood for misuse. Is the 11th year of the British Pio awards British pile weak. However tonight. I am of the mind I am of the mind the night you go into a restaurant or something you get like a meat pie. You like a really nice meat pie whatever the meat is is good but it's just a pastry on the top nothing underneath the whole pie that. Just a stew or delusions of grandeur. However tonight I would allow it if the songs in the pastries. Songs. Pastries for example. Is a place on a. Bake rattle and roll. Bill Haley in the comments why isn't there a rock n roll themed. Rattle and Roll. All the way to tell you boy could she go to marry end of the night everyone goes and smushes opposite of. The f.b.i. . By the untouchable love me. By the Beatles. If the pastries Phil Collins Philip Bailey and my favorite. Rod Stewart Greg's. 81 triple 3. Swear you drop me a line on the teletext songs for pies and pastries tonight being on or of a week with Mark. 3 full 5303 double 3 double 3 it's the phone number and of course on Facebook facebook dot com slash like my Russell Twitter at de media 7 have a think see what you got will do till about 1130 toto come in next Richard stead join is as we take a March through history across West came to you for some Viking. I think naively I might be a expecting to go away with a helmet with say loans on our kids didn't last home town Oh never never that's a Victorian construct. These 2000 years ago Richard I would be saying yes welcome to the full scope hole of goals however today welcome to will cause car parking costs we day mornings from 9 will be encouraged to lobby tomorrow morning for a rigid stand in some months through history from b.b.c. Radio Leeds b.b.c. Toto Spanish see here is the Late Show there Monday night almost 30 we've got the story coming next with Georgie Spencer course now songs for pies and pastries and his pie which it's it's a week I can get beyond I don't know about you. In the last bunch Hello there to an evening crunch we seem to have survived the big freeze and you can cast your Megan's aside now as it's quite. It's well I will fess up to you actually one day one day last week I think it was Thursday night there was a spark of conversation about me making I'm each in Broward all of all of this is would I be happy to turn it up a mama I did I did venture out of the house wearing make me making that was to me jeans me trances You see I thought put me on as an extra lamp than I have to say I was rather snugly on the dog I really was they they do work in a sort of a long job capacity as well but I'll throw him off now it's bare legs all the way down looking Summerbee assume you get a tan on the legs this week anyway Well yes dodge the rain showers Let's have a go tonight subject rests comply with me Frank Sinatra ready filling for table by Doris Day new poll can you talk. Means you've been gardened. Mississippi mud pie by pussycat. L. Greed How can you men a broken heart. By pipe type type type I like you. Come and Miranda that's that's a long time since we had Carmen Miranda referenced. Hot little legs that's very hipster is known for their for Serato Rick and you can eat only toe what you can but you know the proper accompaniment mashup fatty you know have thank you power the left which sterling efforts all the way through. Janet and Joe in Keathley Michael bublé pioneer river. Herb Alpert this love with you. So I wouldn't Sheffield as well on the e-mail Musical Youth pesty Dutchy pesty Dutchy it does work I like it thank you my friend passed on the left hand side as Tony the trucker with those anything by Christy McCall says Alan in the whole. Iris what sits Ma he's making parties for me. So what you say is that if you be romanced by a butcher. I always wanted to be a butcher always did so to me Dad it's sort of the it's a big regret for all the men in my family that we none of us went into butchery. Streatch they did say was true Stuart Mellon in Castleford here on the Facebook page. Good evening Russell our sit sounds for tonight Cree easy pasty Cline. Sharon the shoe shoe song. You never put it on your guild O'Sullivan's and Claire. I don't know how to love him Yvonne Elaman ice finger by Vanilla slice another one bites the crust from Queen or some Let me smack the like button on that one for . Even Russell and Daryn Hope your weekend was all good receive misstate fabulous Friday free for all that rusted fabulously well I'm glad he did Ross the boss I knew he would do that the familiar sounds of the debts and cherry pulling up at the front of the place. In a fabulous Honey Pie by the Beatles you suggesting country park by Led Zeppelin good chance thank you lovely couple more here American Pie meat pie on the corner by Lintas far. Juicy in the pie with Die friends. Oh that's good. Sausage Roll Over Beethoven tonight's offerings from rocket and Sue in New York thank you rockets thank you so. And I'll do one more 2nd and then I'll get a swing on you. Good evening wrestle here are songs for the soundtrack prefer to Roll Over Beethoven Pereiro Chuck Berry or shoe Berry you've got for that that's Brill right also Mike Will Go On by Celine Dion the master flan away so Krista been of. Girl you know it's strudel by Millie leave immediately. The 2 fills go and have a you can have it for that. By filing. Baking your mind up books for. Let's get ready to crumble p.j. And Duncan No Ivana box shop dressed flattened by his easy top she is big. And someone else in a remote location. Thank you for those. $5.00 to $11.00 after the straight. You know come on. Let's take. The America's crime scene. Feed. Is all you can. Really adds up under the lights please please. Please. Please see. He's got a. Smooth it out. With the sub. Sub sleep. Dire Straits and soul is a sweet. Mary in Sheffield hope you enjoyed your holiday Good Dr Dhar and he is back tonight back in with. Popping in and as usual and we can wax lyrical about his holiday which is based in the pub and did come in today return to the office do you always want to go on holiday bring back a present for a carry a bag carry a bag full of pokes Gretchen's. So it's all about pies and I've eaten about 3 packs a poke scratchings it's a very healthy thing for me I just got away from. Songs for tonight compiled with me Frank Sinatra excellent by the light of the silvery moon Doris Day says Brian. Broken crossed thought he lead Jackson's broken crossed state the a train. Team here Wilson Pickett $99.00 and a half Crist won't do it's got to go all around doesn't it. State the a trade I think is that's particularly fight I do like steak. One triple 3. 1 flashes into your mind's ear as we had on through. Time to return to Storyville chapter and I have a good book on this the 1000000 pound note by Mark Twain heading towards its conclusion read by Georgie stunts and. Various discussions deliberations are happening last week Henry who is our main character in this lovely lady has been spending time with she's been talking about her life and how this 1000000 pound note makes her feel and Henry to be honest I wasn't listening to a word of it by the couple of episodes last week. What's going to happen tonight here's George and. Then it all flashed on me and I owned up like a man I took the dearest girl in this world prison so then he came with a rush and we shook and shook hands aches and he didn't blame me for not having a word of a story which had lasted while we walked 3 miles he just sat down then like the patient good fellow he was and told it all over again synopsize it amounted to this he had come to England with what he thought was a grand opportunity he had an option to sell the golden car extension for the locators of it and keep all he could get over a $1000000.00. He worked hard had pulled everyone he knew of had left no honest expedient untried had spent nearly all the money he had in the world had not been able to get a solitary capitalist to listen to him and his option would run out at the end of the month in a word he was ruined then he jumped up and cried out Henry you can save me you can save me and you're the only man in the universe that can and will you do it won't you do it tell me how to speak out my boy give me a 1000000 and my passage home for my option don't don't refuse I was in a kind of agony I was right on the point of coming out with the words Lloyd's I'm a pauper myself absolutely panelists and in debt but a white hot idea came flaming through my head and I gripped my jaws together and count myself down till I was as cold as a capitalist then I said in a commercial and self-possessed way I will save you Lloyd. Then I'm already saved be merciful to you forever if ever I while. The brief trip into a conversation that historical tonight. Affectively going to give away the 1000000 pounds that that defaults the task isn't it the task is spinning it not getting arrested. It's a step too far if I had written Lloyd. At him again trouble for a story heading towards its conclusion a 1000000 pound note from. Read By George I want to. Be right. Plenty I'm on you'll be b c $211.00. So But in the. Little bit of. Muck. You. See and some. In the song. See. Mum. Clues for the rewind as well films. The Oscars and that Leif is going to be here. Looking at something that's a couple of things that are out right now as a new you might like to go and see this the Oscars is all good it's all very worthy was when acres of coverage for 24 hours and it's all about films arrest 6 months ago where as this is you know about what's at the box office now you might like to go and see. A comedy that's actually funny is how I can sum up least 1st review but he'll tell you all about it later. Hi to Simon in Sheffield here this is songs for pies and pastries pasties this is a brilliant idea you simply cannot have a good party I don't think without this Rose Royce egg wash. Funky egg wash Thank you Simon Janet and Joe with your Mia Mia me express she's a pasty lover Phil Collins Philip Bailey we've already given that fanfare away with a good get for it my jam tart will go on Celine Dion you're all I need to get party by Diana Ross k n e a d so I shout very good hi to Graham in Oakville Canada sent me a note here on the email Hi there Graham Hi Russell for the Pi thingy. Taylor Swift next mistaken kidney pie. That's that's fresh out the charts I like that you're welcome anytime my friend. Matt on Twitter says media heaven is a hope there how about living. Suspicious parties for the veggies of Hostess the boy with the Quorn in news. Forgive my dreadful Morrissey but I like that that's a good one let me like that to you that's ace and you go on to say 8 days a week 80 days a week by The Beatles. Everybody says everyone says pie Boughey r.e.m. a Fly on the moon. Q e. J the luggage driver even in squad I'm assessing newbie's again I think I'll be put in for a raise and what I would if you were in an assessment position I would. Pies and pastries. I'm not scared pasty Kensit like impious by the Eagles pool face through the magic dragon. Ok We want to get people talking about this on Twitter. Feed. Might be one from Texas pi will survive Lor again in the night as a 1000 parties by that lad from the 60s. Bobby v. . I says there's a by. Or some sterling efforts here and a few on the telly text as well as been remiss of me not for reading these out this is anything on the pile able says Gary Green Yeah good good on that Norma flying pie by the Commodores fly on the moon r.e.m. Rock and crossed by AC d.c. Burning meat by Chris Ryall or seen by Paul quit and. Talk when and if that is an actual tribute band. Like a budget butchers get together or perform psychedelic hits from the sixty's ladies or gentlemen Paul Quaid and. A guy with a traditional April. The front like. Martin all say tie their marching course it's market day and been day tomorrow I know on the same day in one town. Can you believe it Martin 7 Seas apply. Plenty says filling the whole key she love her who would shout for it's taken kidneys in America by Kim Wilde's as a $900.00 Sheffield. Brownie here writ Lish. Where you have with it by magic jewels in Scarborough with or without shoe or anything by shoe to thank you and in East Yorkshire Bake Me Up Before You Go Go by way late to do still live in the show Cheers man More Than a Feeling by Boston or pasty Dutchy David all the thought Steph in we're busy high Steph standpipe me by Benny King to do a couple more here. Gimme gimme gimme flam after midnight by habit that's where the 2 amigos the pipe Piper crispy and some Peters thank you sue Tony of York final one for now I Wanna Hold Your Hand crafted talk by hipsters are everywhere on the way the long winded sausage roll by The Beatles anything on the apple pie label.
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