It's in people's lives that are really going to be changed by they still she's got to understand that to take these fields and turn it into housing is when there's years decades of rebar on this field in the heart of a village I'm just lost for words rather I'm council voted to oppose exploratory drilling in the village of Hartill which could lead to fracking for shale gas a protest against energy company says its plans for exploring to drilling was held outside the town hall a full planning inquiry will now be heard in April meanwhile plans to frack for gas in North Yorkshire do meet all the technical requirements that's according to the Business Secretary Greg Clarke and steal from Scone fulfill be used to help build the world's biggest cargo ports British Steel of a great deal which will see their products used as part of the 57000000000 pound project in Shanghai in China the company will end up supply more than $7000.00 tons of steel so only to the weather for the region just finally scattered showers possibly wintry over higher ground tonight and lows of 2 cells is 36 Fahrenheit then tomorrow shows at 1st and dry was sunny spells and 7 Celsius 45 Fahrenheit. Now tonight well what can I tell you it's me by the way. But if you didn't know yeah I think you recognize me. Tonight. It is all about the perks of the job if I'm just I'm just going to poke in the jumpsuit on the back of a throat yeah custard creams one of my colleagues the going to cost a cream just lovely I get endless cups of tea mind you. Being in an American top up lately if I did saying that we do actually take it and to buy the bag but you know well for me for a while so I feel I have a perk of the job anyway tell me about the perks of your job tonight. Cake testing I know we're meeting the cake tested to do. All of a word or 2 to say to her. And without John retiring that's another one this week what will that mean for the tribute. We're going to meet ultimate Elton before I. Mean the b.b.c. Introducing artist of the week. But it's popping in and and Jim Kirk is pumping it and yes that's. Simple Minds Jim to show what a show what's a oh. This . The serious. Way you would want to. Take. His chances. But not. I would want to say. Thank you. So. Much. Lower. Bowl. Please. Let me let. Me. Bring. The. Flute. With Village island tell her about it it's now you're telling me about the books of your job tonight this is very funny this is coming from Chris Chris Horton he says on the Twitter had a few good ones but currently it's as much free wood as I want as my house is he by wood burning stoves always saves me a huge amount in eating bills but you know that puts me in mind of a friend of mine Suzanne and she used to have one a little write burned in their farmhouse and she used to make cakes for the people at the wood yard and she would get all the offcuts to eat the Raeburn so she not only did she heat the Raeburn and cook her food but she could lead cakes with the wood that they'd given her for cooking other cakes if you see what. I like that sort of system but that's great I'd love to know how much free will you know what how do you work in a forest crystal or how does it where is it off cuts do you work in a a sawmill maybe I'm intrigued Chris thanks for the 2 each he could look for me at b.b.c. Georgie tonight. On Twitter and on Facebook tell me about the perks of your job I've mentioned cups of tea here but you know we do end up buying our own tea bags it's not paid for by the license not on this desk anyway. So yes I'd love to I'm just trying to think if you see many many years ago you were allowed to sort of take in the odd sell a tape roll not from here this is where I worked in them tele Yes So they were all you know paid for by independent advertisers but you are a lot of a roll of tape and notepad and a buyer but it's not done here all know that the only perk I have a sit with you on a night. That's a big perk a one trible 3 star you message with the word Georgie when you call me that's on the text by the way 81 triple 3 started Georgie and then the phone 34531858 when you call me via email it's just Georgie at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Don't have a surname just go Georgie at b.b.c. Doc u.k. You know you can post on the Facebook which is b.b.c. Georgie tonight I've had. A good day today in terms of nice sunny walk with the hound sunlight streaming through the forest trees lovely there is an entry for the jar of Hearts tomorrow night but I'm going to save it until tomorrow because I did have a very very funny walk I had to go different direction because the flee failed flooded around my way so poor little ropes couldn't go in the oval is green having a canter because it was just water she did need a boat but at the end of our will we're going to the quickie going the end of our walk through the woods I had to get her in the bath or she was not happy but my word she's so fluffy she just looks so fluffy and she smells so lovely so we've taken the covers off the cipher I've chucked them in the washing machine they'll probably come out about 2 inches long. The fear is appalled me everybody should be fine and now I'm going to wash her blankets so she'll hate it she'll go around rubbing your nose over everything and just you know snuggling a salvation but yes said a nice day today no bad for Thursday a waste of the weekend as you know. More about the perks of the job we're heading off to Gloucester next with these eagles and take it easy. Jim Courier is on the show yet Jim from simple minds oh what a night what The Eagles and take it easy I've just had a message from one of my friends and colleagues and the message is quite simply the especially a has landed Oh. I've got myself and especially a old style apple tree because my mom's apple tree my late Mom's apple tree which I had in the little pot plants in the garden and the 1st year I had it not too bad 2nd year last year just the one Apple so I'm thinking I need another one to cross-pollinate so I thought raw I'll do something a bit funky So I got an old Star think it's a rip certain. Apple that I've gone for but it's arrived song and after a while after making lunches for him and his wife you know how to do some of it a cake tin cake something like that but that's good news but a good news I might have to put that in the Journal tomorrow or we're getting several options which is good I might even have to put a perk in a perk of the job because I'd love to know from you tonight what is the best perk of your job a job that you've had a while ago can you tell me about the the one that really made it for you the perk of your job from a it's a little bit afraid to lots of cake from the team in the usual place and oh yes I got to go to core will you know. I was a huge perk and Jersey as a whole and Chelsea we headed out to Chelsea in which little bit there are so many perks I feel right royally treated. Anyway in a 2nd we're going to chat with a job with some amazing but before that his in spends in Gloucester asking you. For a guy makes a noise people. A small pension can be the last one it was a bank but it really you know I work for the rule my old very prim I used to give you a bonus throughout the year you get various sort of incentive saying yes it was quite good work the but never got wages I just got the goods. She instead and yeah yeah so yeah good disc I guess. Former employers or it's working for us for i.b.m. Research. We used to have a meeting once a month for your food to reach me and I've seen all that sort of there's a previous employment maze Renishaw they were they were great Christmas time to give a really become prayers and good incentive Brady Yeah I don't think there's much loyalty to Woodstock today not now used today to be honest with you I think at one time the bosses were quite clear that you without even a job and now I think we're 10 a penny a foot so I go somebody else to come in only type my place so. People at the top of getting all the perks and the ones that were there when they were further down the long there are nothing. Is in tight until you get your brakes and everything I. Know there's never been any incentives or anything like. Gym memberships or anything about it haven't been offered may never. Be found which is a Christmas sort of about nothing no you're lucky if you get Christmas cards now you know. Self employed so I give myself a lot of benefits. I love. Talking to you in Gloucester about the perks of the job that lays Oh no nothing nothing to get anything not even a Christmas card. And then when you're self-employed of course it is quite tricky. Love that we're going to meet someone with well the perfect job and a perk of the job is just the job I reckon anyway we'll talk about that your perks of the job loss of messages coming in tonight this is coming from Dan in Bournemouth I work as a chef and as you're probably aware chefs don't have the greatest social life no you don't but one of the perks of my job is we get 3 weeks off over Christmas each year paid as we can. Very rare in the catering industry says Dan loving the show for kisses on the bottom that is amazing just when I need you most you're not there. Andrew says perks of the job when we had dairy cows we took Rohr unpasteurized milk for breakfast nothing better an ice cold happy days he says all wonderful keep him coming on the text one triple 3 Start your message with the word Georgie and on the phone Travis called he says used to work in a rope factory he was still with hell and he still and he was still with helping out with the Boy Scouts so they got a lot of free rope. Facts 034538050. It's don't think. You're listening to Judy tonight right across b.b.c. Local radio in England in the Channel Islands and I'm after the perks of your job tonight as little treats that you get for us which might make your job a little bit more pleasant let me know this evening I want triple 3 Start your message with the word Georgy my next guest is a food writer mom allayed expert we were talking about mom I.D.'s and I mentioned how I just can't get a good setting pour I need or I need to some handy but I'll tell you what this lady used to taste cakes Yes taste cakes for Delia Smith her name is Sarah around Hello Sarah you are doing now that is a tough job but somebody has to do it and it was you it was me i know i could there be a better job at it thinking Ok How did you end up well what was the job advertised as a cake taster How did it will come about well I 1st met data in the early ninety's and. Just very lucky to go and we're having lots and lots of recipes that she's a lot not to. Taking a few to the big party and yes I was just lucky in the right place at the right time I think what does it involve then well maybe the recipe starts off with a few variations that theme and then they're all made in a Test Kitchen and tasted and discussed and then gradually Nari down to one alternate recipe and of course working for D.D.'s everything we test it's a foreign aid that I had the best training I could have tried to go I mean it's quite complicated because you would have to write down the recipe wouldn't you and then the variations of the recipe yes then it becomes quite detailed but I think in the end it's all about getting the perfect recipe that you're off to the not fitting to not because I can go on and on and on forever because the same Any variation to any recipe that he addressed piece would say I was lucky to work and he was very sorry to say yes but being good that I think trap a job now you say you say that about a year but actually Ah I've got a little bone to pick I don't know there was one recipe of Delia's which I got very excited about chocolate bread and butter pudding Oh yeah and preparation time said 2 hours Yeah well I started this bread and butter pudding for dinner party that night away ahead of time probably about 5 or 6 hours ahead of time and I got off went through and then it said leave to rest for 24 I was sadder I was. I think you know that I think is a point in the preparation time 26 hours. Yes And I think the thing is I know that the recipe you mean isn't that when. You get well I'm still fuming well I'm still gone but I don't. Get in the end yes it was you know in a Ok Well no we're actually on the same day so I thought well do you know why even if you did. No I can see it would have been great really better had a left it for the duration but I want your favorite cake What do you love well I love free space cakes and I love carrots and then cake I love lemon drizzle type cake in several orange cakes I like Oh so much chocolate and I love fruity cakes and that civil war and sounds great and is that because you are the you all the dog and of Mama Lady Well I don't know about that but I do make a lot of nominate and have written about it say yes business a few things about it you know we talked about mobility yesterday on the show I still can't get the starting point right you know it's infuriating can you over boil it yes you can in fact it is better if you're not sure to under cook it because once you have gone too far you'll end up with what is called Rock n a pulse of what you will. Really but if you under cook it and it's all a bit runny you can put it all back in the pan I rebought let's say that's always the best way to go a bit have you found it on the set yeah oh yes we're probably just not being quite brave enough that it normally takes about 35 to 40 minutes rise to the 4th set but if you put of saucer in the freezer and then when you think it's it's ready just put a teaspoon full on the salsa and I leave it and if it wrinkles and then you know that I can never get the wrinkle right. It does take a bit of practice but it is worth the effort and once you've done it and succeeded you will just know the next time but yes follow a good recipe as well with pictures I think pictures record thing have you got pictures in your mind and I have a ton of things I insisted on really I think you need a vision handholding is great a bittersweet cookbook mama laid Yes thank you do you know. How right you are have you made your Seville yet I've made a lot oh yeah I make quite a lot nonetheless and because what While the fruits and see. And you have to pay for it radiate and you can freeze she and make nomination from the Fraser freeze think it's quite saying somebody actually takes the show last night and said look get the 7 and if you don't got time just pull them in the freezer yeah as they are and then use them when you know when you get time and actually the good thing about it is what they've been praising they take slightly to times disappear from a plant that's a good thing and just a frequency to you don't I think 6 months is enough. Now that's quite good because then you can just make it in the summer when you run out make your own. I never thought of that oh you're a mine of information. So you can have another day. Yeah I think I might have to crack on this weekend. I think it was very sweet of you. To have your book. Very canny and thanks so much for coming on the show you know very well can never touch it's great I love the idea of a cake taster Yeah I can highly recommend it as a career and a perk of the job as well. Thankyou she's a cake she was in my. Way and. care of my mate eat meat. And take good care of my baby lots of messages about perks of the job I will share them with you initial needs to need to find out what's happening out there and he's that. Good evening we've got some very long delays just southwest of Leeds on the m 62 the West Bank carriageway with 2 lanes of still shots. Down earlier between Gilda some junction 27 and junction 26 for Soli Q. Back towards team that's also causing long delays all the way back up the m $61.00 towards holdback so with avoiding if you can and in South Yorkshire it stops bridge songs bridge by passing a 616 remains closed because of flooding and that shot both ways between Manchester right and the junction with more from a road now if you spot any other problems to call in all the double 301230184 that's the latest I'm not a more. Thanks Adam this is an I was invited for a subway roll today by my boss only that sounds a bit a bit over and vicious I had a lovely 6 inch meet oh got it then found the bill on my dick. In the daily sort of cruise there's no such thing as a very large oh only so disappointing see a really nice baguette in the build. Rationing nor'easters no purpose in my current job but I used to work in a school and have enough stuff to open a branch of w. It's. Ok I'm I'm just hoping that might be a little while ago fill in shelter was as high Georgie just making Lemon polenta Ok as you speak oh but it was a slice fill here doesn't have to be that big. He seen the size. Of. Men at Work it is you fill. The strings later. When you're. Gonna. Love you girl. Slowly slowly. Slowly. Coming. To a. Song list. Local radio in England in the Channel Islands loss of messages from you about perks of the job I'd love to know what the perks of the job offer you j.b. Says what today is it front of the 13th now I think you'll find it's Thursday the 25th she says it all started last night when some salmon exploded in the microwave and now really miss my eye she said it was like fishy shrapnel I bet and then this morning hot water bottle emptied its hot water all over my bed at 6 10 am or what she is but then I went out tutoring and all went well the next lovely kids and lots of mugs of tea bags as j.b. Thank you for the email Georgie at b.b.c. Kodo u.k. Is not a good study is it but at least it worked out in the end and James in Kent on Facebook he's going to b.b.c. Judy tonight on the Facebook page he says I'm a manager for duty free store and my pug is discounted fragrance and skincare I smell divine and amazing skin lol and with some fantastic people James. Love it will you do snuggle a. It's. Call another vote incision from Somerset he says I deliver car parts and get 50 percent of all car parts very useful very simple loving the perks of the job College thank you so much for the call 034531858 let me know about your perks of your job tonight and the best ones you've ever had love to hear from you now yesterday thrown John announced he was going to quit touring to spend more time with his family it's like a 3 year phase out I think he also announced a final world tour saying that he's going to be going out with a big bang not a whimper So what does that mean for the Elton John tribute acts around the country will I tell you we have got the ultimate we have ultimate Elton Paul Bacon even Paul. How are you in a very well thank you and what do you think after the nice was you know exposed yesterday was released Well it's sort of mixed blessings really because there were sort of lots of rumors flying around and a lot of people suggesting that perhaps he was going to quit for good but so at least we know we've got him for another sort of 2 or 3 years or at least he's going to be playing live so that's good to know what you sound very much like you do I mean is that you know is that your natural voice or because of I mean how long have you been ultimate Elton Well I started doing this was sort of in the early eighty's when. You know your thought tribute acts really existed you know and I just used to dress up and people then used to say or you do look like you do sound . So you know just all sort of came together yeah well you sound very much like him in your speaking voice you excited to see what he's going to do on this tour will you go and see him well I would certainly try Yes I mean you know obviously this could. The the last opportunity we get to see him perform live there is that point and also you know he's promised something fairly spectacular. So that's going to be very interesting to see and I spent do you think business will be better because he's no longer on the circuit Well I don't know it's difficult difficult to say really to be honest I think we tend to play in different venues I'll say that so I'm not sure we really sort of compete with each other on that level but but no it will it will certainly be. You know he obviously has got to call it a day at some point but you know he has promised some more music and he's going to say he's going to be producing some more original songs and material so we got back to look forward to when did you become. Elton you know besides just the dressing up of it and people saying oh you look a bit like him you sound like a me you know when he actually become your own living well I used to work in this sort of the events business or comp conferences and corporate events and I used to book people like me people like. Abba tributes and I looked at them and I said Thank gosh you know I could probably do something like come with Elton so I got the idea and I was probably about 9 or 10 years ago when I sort of seriously thought let's have a go you know I got my act together. And just sort of you know took it from there was it like that 1st night when you went. Well it was terrifying really. What we're going to make of it thankfully I had a lot of sort of similar faces and friends in the audience so I think they're very encouraging so that was good you know you have had the ultimate booking haven't you for your self. Yes I think I know what you are referring to there I was very privileged to be asked to play at Elton's mother's 90th birthday party that is just . A few years ago which was quite something how did that come about well it's a long story but I think it's sort of well documented she she had a sort of a bit of a tempestuous relationship with her son in recent years and through people that I know used to work without and know nice to know his mother very wild she she actually came to see me play with my band in the theater. And she really enjoy it you know it was it was quite a thrill for us obviously I mean we really had a good time and then she just had this mad idea of having us play a 90th birthday party which of course we were only pleased to do you see now it begs the question was she missing him so much that she booked did she actually want to you know say look I can I can get another Elton actually who's just you know he's just a bit better than you are a lot I'm not sure about that but yeah it's certainly it was certainly quite an occasion and I think she just sort of probably thought well you know I just want to him I want my son's music you know I'm going to have music in my party I might as well have my son so it's clear heartwarming isn't it. And have you met him. I have met him yes I met about 5 years ago maybe 6 years ago and. Back stage one of his concerts I wasn't dressed up I wasn't I wasn't trying to look like act like him so and I didn't have the sort of the courage to tell him why do you know more but we had a lovely time had a nice chat with him very gracious. And the perks of your job were talking about perks and Jim you get well I suppose I do I get the opportunity to travel which is nice to go to different parts of the country and of course overseas we did a little tour of India last. You might sing. So about me can I get to meet some very interesting people. In the music business as well so yes really has its perks Well fabulous thank you for taking time asked to talk to us tonight that's right and I think great to have you on the show. Thank you pull bacon the ultimate Elton and I'm going to play a little track now Saturday Night's Alright funny thing is that all right you think yeah so they will go for it sell Burley about a week. B.b.c. Radio. a link is stuff he is incredible. His mannerisms the way he looks the way he plays the piano I mean he ike I'm shocked at how good he is in fact it's no wonder Elton John's mom booked him for our 90th birthday incredible incredible This is from Carolyn on the tank She says there's an Elton John tribute on top sporting cult and tonight smiley face she says I love your radio show always listen I'm away over and we're all Carolyn thank you so much and I've got 3 kisses on the bottom on the text triple 3 star you message with the word Georgie and we got some perks of the job market word some of you are very lucky actually here this is coming from let me see Pete the window cleaner in New York he says hi Georgie I worked in a chocolate factory making wellknown chocolate biscuits mustache as I must have a break I see you done there cheeky or me male Georgie b.b.c. Don't kowtow u.k. Debbie says fab photo I love the mug Yes On Twitter this is Debbie on Twitter it's also on the Facebook page as well as a picture of me with my perk of the job it's my t. She says When I did some modeling a good few years ago I got lots of free makeup all I hardly used them ended up giving them to mum and friends great to get free stuff oh isn't it just isn't it just Debbie thanks for the tweet you can tweet me too just that the b.b.c. Georgie tonight Kev in Devon. Tallington cab actually his full title in Devon he says I work for the council a my perk is a shovel to lean on. It with a big Vicki Vicki Lawrence on Facebook says Glad to see you are teetering kill like me love the show all thanks for the Facebook posting I certainly am and Diane says I'm a beauty therapist and all perks all beauty treatments Oh hang on this disappears for free for free for free she says Well that's wonderful Diane thanks for the posting on Facebook just look forward to tonight and Jackie Newcastle upon Tyne says she works for the n.h.s. Christmas perk is a free exam exam sorry Christmas day. Always testing songs. So I've done a little bit of a reversal that free Xmas dinner. Everybody can Saudi If the trust has done well well. Sorry about that that's ridiculous for exams dinner. Did you pass I'm sure you did at one point up coming out like Yeah thank you she passed I see brothers now in the song Heart of Mine. a little. Bit from yesterday Brian from wholesale he says only my jewels he says I'm sorry to say that for the 1st time in years. He is I was away from my radio yesterday a miss most of your wonderful program Oh all all Brian you missed a treat he says I just managed to hear the last few minutes but there was no time to get in touch about my oldest cookery book oh now there's always. You know the next day not last night the one I have is sells a new dictionary of cooking Oh Atticus sells French English Dictionary He says 1st published in 8092. Because I have the 1st 2 pages but I do have the 1028 pages of. Please forgive me for writing to you about yesterday I shall continue to enjoy today's program Best wishes Bryan for more so I listen it's lovely to hear from you Brian no problem whatsoever many many Thanks Owen gassin reading because we're talking about perks of the job tonight he says quite plainly I would just say I have my own ice cream van. Mr Stock softy gas in reading thank you for that other 99 with a flick please that will be a perk of the job coming Also coming up in the next half hour Jim Courier is on the show oh we got a full half hour chat with him yes that's after 8 simple mind that's the game this is Richard months then right here waiting.