Anyone ALS This is C.B.C. Radio has 5 lives to call Good morning this is a night of. The menus on 5 Live calls for a possible ban on a hands free mobiles at the wheel and install Andy Murray says he won't be playing in the U.S. Open singles after lazing in his comeback game is enough to. Mix these B.B.C. 5 with the B.B.C. News over his nick Hadfield thank you Don good morning the government has been urged to look at whether using hands free mobiles while driving should be banned in England and Wales a group of them pay says current laws could mislead people into believing it's safe they're also suggesting that penalties for using a phone should be made tougher the Department for Transport says the law is clear that driving dangerously is a crime one of Donald Trump's most senior aides has suggested the U.S. And U.K. Could have a sector by sector trade agreement after BRACKS It's John Bolton who's the president's national security advisor was speaking on a visit to London he says Britain would be 1st in line for a trade deal is our diplomatic correspondent James Robinson Mr Bolton attacked the European Union and said the U.K.'s referendum decision to leave the bloc should be respected he said the fashion in the European Union when the people vote the wrong way from the way the elites want to go is to make the peasants vote again and again until they get it right well a legal challenge to try to prevent Boris Johnson shutting down Parliament to force through a no deal BRACKS It is due to start later the move is backed by more than 70 M.P.'s and peers they want to ruled unlawful and unconstitutional police in Hong Kong have admitted using undercover officers to disrupt antigovernment protests they say the DEA cooperation was targeting extreme violent rioters flight scenarios Eunice Hong Kong airport have the large scale protests there U.S. Media is reporting that the F.B.I. Is searching the Caribbean home of Jeffrey Epstein the convicted paedophile died in jail in New York after apparently to. His own life the world the finance he was facing for the child sex allegations which he denied him while he is a former assistant U.S. Attorney there could be civil litigation as we saw with the O.J. Simpson trial he was acquitted criminally civilly a $30000000000.00 verdict in this instance Mr Epstein reportedly has in the neighborhood of $500000000.00 So they might be made whole so to speak through the civil process where they can get money damages even if they can't psychologically see this person behind bars a man has died after a stabbing in north west London police were called amongst a square in Camden last night's no one's been arrested and more than 50 major retailers including asking the Treasury to change tax rules they claim the business rate system is broken and it's hurting the high streets Helen Dickinson is from the British Retail Consortium we know the chance there is looking at how to stimulate local investment so in this letter are a number of ideas that will help provide some solutions to those problems at a local level to prevent the trajectory that we're on which is one of store closures and job losses and try and reverse that the Treasury says it's a 3600000000 pounds to support high streets and town census for the sport is Katie Smith Andy Murray has confirmed he will not compete in the singles at the U.S. Open in 2 weeks' time it's off to he lost in straight sets to Richar gas K. On his return at the Cincinnati Masters just 7 months off the hip resurfacing surgery he does they plan to play both doubles and mixed doubles in New York but his partners are yet to be decided Meanwhile Gioconda also went out in the 1st round she lost a qualifier Rebecca piece and from Sweden it follows her 1st round exit in last week's Rogers Cup Berry owner Steve Dale says he will consider selling the financially struggling club of to Star say an offer has been made that is the only lifeline for the future of Barry the club have until 9 am this morning to demonstrate how their pay credit is otherwise they'll have a 4th game suspended England rugby her. Coach Eddie Jones says he needs players with a samurai spirit so often naming his that he won man World Cup squad there was shock call ups for flying to Lewis Ludlum an uncapped wing Rema conic a while Ben Teo didn't make the cut and boxing promoter Eddie Hearn says there should be no speculation over whether Andy Rooney's Junior will finance the Joshua in Saudi Arabia despite Ruiz not sharing any details of the rematch since it was announced on Friday this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speak of. The weather for the show was with a risk of thunder will edge in from the west overnight a few lingering showers are possible in northern and eastern areas tomorrow but should be largely try for most of us recently spells rain starting to spread from the southwest in the. Southeast souls in the last. Second States was right there was 30. 3 and how they looked at a level up a series of floor space in the patio which was the. City's starts tomorrow life from. Every bad day and every week it with 555 large pulls extra to take me dizzy and cars down late and says try using the B.C. Sounds. That you listen to for not over 5 Live I'm gotten at it by news stories old vast week may play a significant part in the political life of the USA over the next 3 months the apparent taking of his life by Jeffrey abstain has lifted the lid on all sorts of conspiracy theories while the shootings in Texas still have ramifications they put gun control back in the news but can any politician afford to annoy the gun lobby is one of the many questions around here to talk us through these stories and others reflect in the political week in the state saw a page. Avin does senior editor at Huff Post in Washington good to have you back page write and tell a Griffin who worked on the George W. Bush in the White House is that it's a roughly explained dot com Hello Taylor Hello good evening so let's take these one by one obviously Jeffrey abstained the perhaps more recent story I wonder how you. Explain this story whether it's. A story about sleeve and sleaze in sex who scandal whether it's a political story seems to have ramifications in both camps do join to go 1st Jane is it a political story very well to an extent look Jeffrey abstainers long been a political hot potato is relationships with powerful political figures including Donald Trump and Bill Clinton has long said partisan conspiracy theories both sides are certain the other was mixed up in his crimes and the toxicity of abstainers connections with politicians really made his death a fertile battleground for partisan nonsense maybe it shouldn't be a political story but it does. Yeah I would absolutely agree it's a political story and I mean even if it wasn't very good like Rich which I agree with everything he just said you know lots of politicians have been mixed up with EPSTEIN But now you know if you take it a step further the Metropolitan Correctional Center where he was being held they are being investigated by multiple insanities at this point and the attorney general Bill Barr today said that the F.B.I. And the Justice Department's internal watchdog was going to investigate the House Judiciary Committee is investigating and asking some questions about how he was able to dad ask you inside why he was left on March so certainly going forward it's going to be a political story in that way one of the police a cool division is what the political sides if you look at what the what's the difference of opinion page from Democrat to Republican Well I think I don't know that there is much difference of opinion and you know as as Taylor pointed out you know both sides of the Al had people who enter acted with obscene I think ahead of what we're seeing now is a real divide in you know speculation is how I'll say it we've seen some people float some conspiracy theories around absence of including the president who retreated a conspiracy theory about Epstein and Bill Clinton and you know we certainly had people on the opposite side of the owl saying Oh Donald Trump must be so relieved now and so I'm not just trying to justify any of that discussion who knows what what element of truth there is to any of that but I certainly think we're seeing division in that way right now one of the political battle lines if I could put it that way and also one of the political questions is being honest as a result of this. Well they saw the fringes of the right are convinced that the Clintons must have been behind Epstein's death because they when you when you have a powerful person like this who was mixed up and pedophilia I mean something pretty awful that their partisans have been sure that he was about to drop the hammer on and ran reveal all of these incredible incendiary things about their political opponents this really goes for both sides so when he dies the assumption is that he that he was killed to to keep him quiet to keep him from revealing these terrible things about the about you know who are Donald Trump or Bill Clinton the spending on what side of the aisle you're on so basically the conspiracy theory takes a different form depending on whether you're on the right or the left but as far is a political story in terms of public policy there's not much there it's more a latch for people to catch on to to reveal to to what they reveal what they believe to be negative things about their political enemies and yet. Epstein will do a considerable amount of political influence in terms of who he is so sated with how how did he manage that what does that come from to. Well he's a very wealthy guy and he's got a lot of things that he can do that are very helpful to politicians for one after Bill Clinton left public office he didn't have airports want anymore he was dependent on other people who had airplanes that could fly him around the world privately because once you get used to flying private I guess it's kind of hard to go back to find commercial and Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey abstains airplane fairly regular basis and you know this was back during a time when I guess everybody knew that Jeffrey abstain was sort of a party guy and liked women but I don't think anyone knew the depth or suspected the depth of his his his criminal activity in terms of sex trafficking and underage girls is this and I'm not by any stretch of the imagination page suggesting that the United States is unique in having rich people who have political influence in the way that Taylor is described to for have scenes in France but nevertheless is it a failing in the system that somebody who is that wealthy. Quite apart from the new fitness activities he go to is able to be friend to presidents not one but 2. I mean we do hear about argument often I mean if you if you look beyond the Epstein situation is a common argument among people who lobby for campaign finance reform that the wealthy you know people in America have a bigger voice in politics because they can dump money into their causes and into the candidates who support the causes that they were human and you know have more sway than somebody who you know makes your average household income and can only afford to donate a few dollars here and there to several candidates So even beyond EPSTEIN That's definitely a conversation at that has been happening in the United States especially since the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling that things said you know this as you say it is unique in such a way that it's I find that it's a little rare to have somebody who does have this much money and this much power and business next of a criminal background allegedly who you know there's a lot of mystery surrounding him and I do feel that in that way this case is pretty unique that there's so much about him that the general public hasn't been aware of and is only just now sort of learning and so in that sense it seems like a unique case. Sorry Well I just wanted to build on want to Page's point one of the points that I think Page was alluding to there is that it's not really clear how Jeffrey Upson got all his money how he made all this money and that's a big mystery and a pretty fascinating one to you know apparently he was managing some very wealthy people's money but he doesn't have much of a reputational loss St Pete but you know the the brokers and the people who execute trades and would normally work with an investment manager like best nobody really says they've done much work with them so we're going to all this money come from the heads. A big mystery that's not the question we should be else cations question the politicians it was rubbing shoulders which of you should have been asking if anyone Prince Andrew never would be else you know I mean yeah. It's quite something it is quite something and to be fair most you know the interactions between Epstein and Clinton abstain and Trump were many many years ago before he was such a hot potato and they probably had good reason to assume that he was on the up and up they didn't have any reason to believe that he was at the time and shook about the fallout then from the mess things in the past and days and. Weaken a bit. Is America any nearer to legislative gun reform president did promise that there would be. Much more intrusive background checks. Has that been implemented is was you know page. Not yet and I hate to seem like such a downer when it comes to this stuff but so much of the conversation that we're having now not just but everybody at it is so like every other conversation that we've had after every other mass shooting in America you know besides kind of run in a cycle sadly and you know these shootings how and then everyone comes out with their thoughts and prayers and then you have you know people on the left calling for gun control you know putting more restrictions on guns and you can have them you have people on the right calling for you know mental health reform and like helping people at the health issues you know and I do commend him for saying that he wants to push legislation on background checks that we saw this after Sandy Hook which it be your will will recall that with I think it was in 2012 or 2013 when Woody Allen Well we we at a very well one of our correspondents went to Sandy Hook school yet she be asked to do this now going to this crowd that was yeah and that was just I mean I think that stands out in a lot of people's minds as a real turning point in the mass shooting culture of America as just being our you know heartbreaking situation and we you know lawmakers couldn't do anything after that there was there was a build a mansion to me bill that failed in the Senate and I think that that's the legislation they're talking about bringing up again and so I personally don't have a ton of faith that anything is going to happen because we just have these conversations over and over again that you don't really see much legislation actually come out of these events that really changes anything what is it is it because of the 2nd Amendment or is it because of the National Rifle Association the N.R.A. I mean I think it's a mix of both certainly the N.R.A. Has. Influence over many lawmakers you know on the hill their you know their own political donations have a lot of influence as I was just talking about you know people with money to have more sway and that's just how this works to. But I do think that there are a lot of lawmakers who listening to their constituents you know there is this belief in America that the 2nd Amendment allows you know your right to bear arms and you should be allowed to have a gun and get N.R.A. Has perpetuated this belief that you know the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun and that's a phrase that they commonly push activities events that's not necessarily true but I certainly think that all of those things add up to to create this sort of divide and even when people are heartbroken over you know 30 plus deaths in a week you know it doesn't necessarily mean they want to give up their guns or air compromise in that way to produce any meaningful legislation tell you what would happen to any presidential candidate that came out and stood up against the N.R.A. What would happen. On the Republican side either side what would happen well on the Democratic side it's a badge of honor I mean most of the Democratic candidates actively say that they're opposed to the N.R.A. I mean some of them are more vocal than others but as a general rule on the left and Page can correct me if I'm wrong but on the lap most of the Democratic candidates do say they're standing up to the N.R.A. The problem is the partisan divide on gun control legislation is so wide in the IT tension span of the public is so short that the window in the wake of a tragedy to really drive political will to overcome all of the institutional roadblocks like the N.R.A. To gun control legislation usually peters out before these things get very far and so I think Page is right the chances of substantial meaningful gun reform legislation this time are not any more likely than they have been in the past could a strong opponent of the N.R.A. The legs had PRESIDENT Yes. I think Barack Obama was pretty strongly opposed to the N.R.A. More but you know he was certainly more friendly to gun control than a lot of other Republican a lot of other presidents but I think he was a problem as he was a vocally. Only snow strong opponent and then already before he became president off to Sandy Hook we had that moment where he said it's hero too but I mean before that before he got elected a committee I'm speaking now. They mainly Guinn's the N.R.A. And it seem from and some parties are going to do you remember well. Yeah yeah yeah of course but I think that I think that it's possible yes for someone who disagrees with that Ari's position to be elected president but I think that the bigger problem is on the Republican side if you're running in a Republican primary they N.R.A. Support is sort of a badge of sort of a lettuce test for Republican candidates and primaries and that kind of thing and that's why legislatively any Republican who comes out too strongly for gun reform is going to get a lot of resources to run against them in a primary and so I think it really works more strongly on the Republican side than it does from the Democratic side s'posed page one thing we can conclude is that President Shrum came through that very difficult weekend of back to back shootings mass shootings in America he came through despite all the opposition to him and in particular you know passage. You know. It's interesting you say that because as it really means that trump handled I think the bar and I'll say it like that I think after the shootings in Aurora the Trump came out and he made a public statement where he read off a teleprompter and he didn't do his usual like you know off the cuff speeches that he tends to do. And then he went to El Paso and shook hands with some people and you know I think that in those ways on the surface it seemed like he was being very presidential and he was showing up and doing some good things but all the while when you fairly observe his 8 year you know as literally as he was flying between Dayton and El Paso he was like angry tweeting about the Democratic candidates and the presidential race. Like including bad O'Rourke who represented the El Paso area when he was a member of the House of Representatives and it just felt like beneath the surface beneath this sort of like act that he almost put on for those few days he was still his same old self and a lot of journalists who were a lot bothered that you know journalists want access to the president always and you know many of them asked in the pool in the White House pool the group of journalists and policy around many asked if they could go with him in this hall pass a hospital and they were told You know this is a private event it's not a photo op and then literally hours after Trump left the hospital you know he tweeted out a video with this the magic lake it sounded like a movie score and I Scorsese film or something you know showing him with all these victims their White House every Friday sends out an e-mail with photos from that week almost every single photo of Trump and that you know last week was of him posing with people in the hospital so it all just felt like they were saying one thing and doing another trump and Mani and all of them they were you know showing up and being there for the victims but at the same time they were absolutely using it as a political ploy and and that sense I don't know that I can say that he really showed up and made a difference here because it just felt like another campaign as they thought is that how you see his own side was all stage managed. Well yeah I mean I think that Trump felt like he had to do that I think everything presidents do a stage managed to be honest and reporters have good reason to gripe that you know Trump said oh it's private and then he went and not letting the pool come with them and then he went and tweeted images out of course that is would give reporters a reason to say that he's being hypocritical here but I think everything presidents do is stage managed what about the presidential candidate is from the Democratic side or vying to face Mr Trump when the Legion comes at the end of next year. The field doesn't seem to get any swoon attendee can you can you can you separate one from the of a moment Yeah well there is so I have I just thought of an analogy right before I came on that would only work with a British audience and that's Formula One you know how in Formula One You Got like Mercedes and Ferrari and a lesser extent Red Bull her kind of the front of the field in than everybody's watching the race and the midfield the formula big the right you know Renault and. Then Toro Rosso and and Haas and all those guys and I think that's kind of what we have in the in the Democratic primary we have Joe Biden who's a very clear front runner he still leads the rest of the back by in the double digits although that gap has narrowed somewhat And but what's more interesting is the sort of best to the rest of the mid field and there you've had a shift I think over the last few weeks and that's that Elizabeth Warren has been steadily gaining support as they've gone through the Democratic debates to surpass Bernie Sanders as sort of the best of the rest and I think that that is an interesting development. So Joe Biden is loose Hamilton for your information. Joe Biden said I'm thoroughly confused after that. 5 is when they're. $500.00 if you prefer but I gotcha I went and went to tell you this is Elizabeth Warren that would Democrats not be nervous about putting up another woman presidential candidate up against Donald Trump Think of what happened 3 years ago when everyone was you know I understand why you would ask that question but I think that when he really looked at Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren as candidates and their histories I think Warren maybe comes to the presidency or the presidential nomination if she was more to get it she certainly came to that with a lot less baggage than Hillary Clinton you know who had the you know history of her complicated policies and her out and also I think you know we just live in a different world now I don't know how also praised by but when Clinton was the nominee I mean overwhelmingly people thought she was going to be the president I don't you know I am said it many times out of the twenty's it's you know election you know many people. There's no way this guy has a chance and then he Peter and I think now going into 260 no matter who the Democratic nominee is Man one and whoever there is just this knowledge that like OK let's go happen again he could went again so I certainly think that just the the excitation and the understanding is different going into this race and I don't really know if it's a fair comparison to look at Clinton's 2016 experience and then experience that Warren or Harris or any other woman what have you 2020 that Clinton had the proof she had the profile did she tell and yet she you know didn't fare well here how do you read it. Well I think there is a very stark divide in 2016 and Hillary Clinton being perceived as the establishment candidate and then Bernie Sanders really coalescing the support of the and I assist stablish meant populous I think in 2020 in a lot of ways the field besides Joe Biden has largely co-opted Bernie Sanders populist message and you've got people like Elizabeth Warren who are doing it a little better I think now there he's saying she's saying a lot of the same things that Sanders was saying but putting more well developed policy proposals behind those things so you know all of the candidates almost are are embracing some form of Medicare for All All the candidates are talking about the evils of big corporations that is not exclusively Bernie Sanders territory anymore and I think that's one of the reasons that he started to fade a little bit and one of the reasons why it's hard to differentiate between those sort of midfield and mid pack air is because they're all saying very similar things to what Bernie Sanders was saying in 2016 so that divide between candidates isn't so stark and I was about Warren is on the populist anti establishment side of the party whereas Hillary Clinton was very much on the establishment side so I think they're very different candidate and just really with your film you know one analogy for a moment. Perhaps she's easier to look at the run is it right is that would be on the podium at the end of the race and I wonder when we look at the like SUV and you yang the entrepreneur be to rule who was the targets of President terms and last week his suggesting the CIA was trying to you know to make a play of his heritage and rules sorts of things. To how it was these people going to become president to say even Bernie Sanders he's not going to become president the United States is he. No and indeed and I think when you talk about somebody like better Rourke you sort of like the hoss's the keep crashing into each other and you're Yang's probably be the the Williams team right you know it sounds good way behind the rest of the field so yeah I don't think any of those people have a reasonable shot of being president a lot of them are trying to get their public profile up maybe for a future political office maybe they write a book maybe they hope to buy for vice president but I don't think you can realistically expect any of them to have a real chance of becoming president do kids the same page which one of those candidates will not become president the United States it's 2020 and I'm happy to weigh in but I'm so caught up kind of learn about formula one here. I need to brush up. On 3 things that you know I certainly agree that you know almost a lot of these people will be the president your candidate and maybe the president you know I think you have a lot of people in there like I don't think that. You know when you look at the lower tier candidates there are so many people whose names aren't even recognizable and Jay Inslee Michael Bennett steamboat like Wayne last time I mean those are candidates who are in a fight but they're a definite I mean President and I think even when you look at the higher carry it a bit O. You know jabbered Castro and they're certainly making a name for their self in this race that I don't think that they're going to make it all the way to the nominee What's it going to say to the president chum What's he going to say from a Democrat page for the. Well if I knew the answer to that I have a lot more money than I have now. You know I think it's just going to take somebody who you know what I really think it's going to take beyond policy and beyond anything like that I think it's going to take a mix of you know the the policy platforms with also a little bit of wire I know that sounds silly but Trump is an entertainer and he really captured the attention of America in 216 just be a narrow way and I think we're Democrats going to have to play that game a little bit well that's agreed to put that page makes a lot of because you've got the you know the entertaining hair and we know that America generally would. Imagination would always be cool by the person that comes across with personality and charisma and arguably you know President Trump you might not like this policy has got something like that so the Democrats won't be able to compete with him on that level what can they compete with him on. Well I think that there's a lot of people who are uncomfortable with Trump and his approach to office are uncomfortable with this rhetoric even if there are more comfortable with his policies and then there are a lot of people who voted for him last time who haven't liked the way his policies have turned out either the problem that the Democrats have is that the Democratic primary process has sort of forced to shift so far to the left that most of these candidates are well out of the mainstream of where most Americans are and when you start talking about things that are very extreme changes in the way government works and the way society relates to government like Medicare for all and that kind of thing it starts to turn off some of those middle of the road voters and the challenge the Democratic below is going to have is getting is is being able to alternate Democratic nominee that could be Trump is going to be the one that's going to be able to navigate the Democratic field without getting themselves so far out to left field that there that they become objectionable to the people who are skeptical of trump that maybe voted for him last time but around to someone thank you both for joining us this morning thank you Ted Griffin there who would tell me George W. Bush in the White House now the end it's of roughly explained Thanks also to Paige Levin does senior editor at Huff Post in Washington after the news is full well we're going to take a close look a real American Original will be to give the late says 5 Live headlines as Newcastle home digital B.B.C. Sends its slowest pace. Face B.B.C. Radio 5. That could tell good morning the government's been has to look at banning the use of free mobiles behind the wheel in England and Wales a group of them pays says drivers can still be distracted even if the holding the phone but also recommending harsh penalties for people who break the law by using that mobile a key Trump advisor has met Boris Johnson a Downing Street. Since suggested the U.K. Is 1st in line for a trade deal with the US John Bolton says Washington supports a no deal and he used Brussels of treating voters like peasants the planes are taking off again from Hong Kong Airport after flights are cancelled because of a huge protest there and government activists have been holding demos for weeks at a vaccine could be moving closer to protect people from Committee which is the U.K.'s most common sexually transmitted infection and they show trials of the job of past safety tests with a spork Katie Smith and Andy Murray has ruled out a grand slam singles return at the US Open in a fortnight after he lost in straight sets to rich OG ask a on his singles return at the Cincinnati Masters the 22 of US Open champion had career saving hip resurfacing surgery back in January I wasn't planning on doing it but also wanted to maybe wait and see how far after maybe playing a couple of matches and see how you know the end of a 3 set match and singles and maybe recover the next day to get an idea about the U.S. Or when I was in their wild cards today I don't feel like I was able to make that decision before today's match Meanwhile British number one you're on a console lost in 3 sets in her 1st round match against Rebecca Pete said the warning sign for her she also lost her 1st round match last week's Rodgers cup to football and very own a Steve Dale has confirmed he considers selling the financially troubled League One club as long as the buyers are the right fit the A.F.L. Have set a deadline of 9 AM later for the club to prove they have sufficient extra funds to avoid having a 4th game suspended England's rugby union head coach Eddie Jones says he needs his players to bring samurais spirits to the World Cup That's after he named his $31.00 man squad for Japan center Ben Taylor was left out after being involved in an off incident at the training camp in Italy the inexperience flying wing Rory McConaughey and struck the scrum half way Hines have all got the call up it's always nice to bring you live in I think visions. Everything Rory would thing which is why crisis club season once again in the camp scenario then attrition of the endless absolutely changed nightly we slowly drove the dice and the can see what he could offer and every week is just going to be better as for Wales flyhalf skim has been ruled out of the tournament with an A.C.L. Knee injury picked up in the defeat to England at Twickenham now it wouldn't be an Ashes week without some Fighting talk from Brice camps just Roger is expected to make his England Test debut at Lord's in the 2nd test on Wednesday but Australia head coach Justin Langer suggests his side can Welsh down really curious and interesting to say how you guys he hasn't played much Redbook cricket is for a lot of wobble cricket lovers had a quick temper is incredible athlete but to screen is very different and what will cricket other than just the Niners say me play a 1st class cricket. Little 40 of his every game in a thing he has another thing coming Meanwhile the Women's Super League game between 2nd place sari stalls and the place of them vipers was abandoned without a ball bowled off to heavy rain at the hands says that should be no speculation over whether Andy Rooney's Junior will fly and he just Saudi Arabia the new unified Well heavyweight champion haven't shed any fight details on social media since the December rematch was announced on Friday contractually he has so on for this rematch already. We did feel that there was problems to come about staging this event in the U.K. Once that was the case we wanted to work with a venue that actually has a vision to invest in the sport boxing but also stage big fights before and that she latest now from B.B.C. Sports B.B.C. 5 lines the actually is the bank and I would sigh and let the jury great Jags Felix want Jimmy Anderson for an alternative look at the action suit would you back yourself to take the final cut. For both affordable Yeah absolutely. Jabbing my ass so far I was excited to see his ratings tail end is down. Unload unsubscribed now he's in the B.B.C. Sounds silly saying. This is talentless B.B.C. Radio was like we were on the wow. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live available on the B.B.C. Sounds are up all night with docile attaboy goat is the acronym the greatest of all time quite possibly when you talk about the American gymnasts Simone she's become the 1st woman in almost 70 years to win a 6th all around title at the U.S. Gymnastics championships in Kansas City the 22 year old is a full time a limpy gold medalist and many people say that she's the best in the world over the weekend she became the 1st woman to lead a triple twisting double some assault on floor exercise and the 1st to land a double twisting double somersault off the balance beam no other gymnast in the world can currently come close to the complexity level of her routines as a taste of what she can do remember she has 2 steals already the in the finals in the. Potentially 2 more. To lead and successfully won a major international competition. Here comes to flips to twist never been in competition. You know that's what it sounded like and I've seen it it is amazing Nick is a God He is the Elim pick coverage a reporter for N.B.C.'s had a busy weekend after tweets of his featuring balls extraordinary feats win Viro I'm not surprised Nick I'm not surprised that these 3 went viral but before we talk about this weekend Tell me about Simone balls What's his story and why she says special. Well we've just never seen anything like you're in the sport of gymnastics he's performing some skills that a lot of men can't do and she's been in the world for 6 years and the seeds are 6 serious and massive as one of the top 2 or 3 Olympic sports here in United States her performances on Sunday were on live national television on N.B.C. In prime time so it was a pretty big deal gymnastics is a sport isn't it to some extent you know if you know build directly for it you're not going to do you will know I'm wrong in the. Well you can be built different ways there are depending on what apparatus you want to be strong at there's a different body types would lend itself well to the uneven bars versus For exercise of all which is what Simone grew up being her best events were those 2 but she's developed into one of the best if not the best on off or apparatuses which is what really makes it special Exactly and she's diminutive she's got intense power in her muscles. Yeah power I think is the number one I think to most people used to describe some on which was definitely been true for a long time but like I said she's diversified so much that I don't think a limited just to her powerhouses that great speed as well but she's really improved on her technique especially on like I said the end even bars which isn't exactly a power that you know it is she any good in the fluids is always is just one of the . I mean she definitely has elegance I would say but when you see these highlights especially American fans they're more drawn to power and speed high flying. So that's what she's best known for and she keeps trying to push the bar higher and higher beyond what other athletes can achieve Yeah it's interesting because these moves that she debuted this past week she's been doing them in practice away from the cameras for years even before the last one picks but back then they decided that she didn't really need to put them into her routines because she was already winning so easily and they didn't need to risk the difficulty in her potentially falling but since her comeback after taking a year off from the Olympics RINGBACK after the Olympics she decides he want to push yourself and decide to see you want to put these in their competition routines because really the only competitor is herself right she's competing against his of in some incredible read scenes where she's managed not to put a foot wrong I saw the highlights of the the American championships and I didn't see you put a single foot wrong which is saying something in this discipline when she does she was pretty much perfect on Sunday night on the 1st out of competition at finite she had an error on that same floor exercise a triple double Actually she went too much power with it and up stumbling out of it and putting her hands on the landing and she said she was almost in tears for the rest of her routine because of how badly she wanted to land it and not doing it the way that she wanted I don't know how she doesn't she I mean even when she throws herself up in the air she manages to land perfectly with you know without this sort of half a step well maybe just a quarter of a step extra bacilli not as much as other athletes you have to abandon some cells stretching a leg or. Yeah we showed the graphic on the broadcast on Sunday night actually of Simone how much air she gets off her of all versus pretty much like the next best US Walter who is also world class and that's not even close it's a Simone looks like she's in a totally different league than the other Valter really you have to compare her with the top men's water isn't even there she's really competitive it's absolutely absurd What about if we compare it says some of the great athletes gymnasts from the past like Olga Korbut Nadia Comaneci comes to mind Russian or you Soviet and remain in the same respectively in the she is good is the president been well there's 2 different types of comparisons you can make you can compare them based on the skills they do and with the way the sport has evolved whoever is the most recent is going to be the best in skills because they're always getting better they're always getting one difficult but if you look at it from the other perspective of championships won a lot that medals won that's really the only place where you could say that Simone might not be the greatest of all time because she's only been to one a limp dicks and there are some gymnast in the past there says Lost and The Wrestler to nothing from the Soviet ready Union from the fifty's and sixty's who won multiple Olympic all around titles and so Simone is a one right now if she makes it in Tokyo next year she'll be heavily favored to get it too and then I think there would be absolutely no argument that you can make that anybody would have had a better career than her then there will be no stopping her to engage in Tokyo. The only thing that would stop or is this like a catastrophic injury or something along those lines she has had some injury problems in the past but. In this comeback she's had she's stayed very healthy. But her gap between her and the rest of the field is larger than it's ever been larger than it was in Rio and she won by record margin it's pretty incredible. Because you know she's a real US original this woman she's a superstar over here and not only that people adore her not just for her gymnastics but how much she's been taking a stand given all the troubles with gymnastics the United States and. The sexual abuse crimes committed by the former U.S. To mass extinction after she's really been a voice for all a gymnast and she's been competing under that pressure and still thriving on the competition for which is makes it even more incredible just 22 years old to have that mental strength Nick thank you very much niggas the card even to come visit lympics for N B C. A unique piece of research has shown a light into America's opioid crisis since the late 1990 S. Deaths from drug abuse of more than quadrupled rising from 16000 in 1999 to over 70000 in 2017 the question for a long time has been where are the drugs coming from well a database maintained by the Drug Enforcement Administration stateside a database that tracks the path of every single pain pill sold in the U.S. From manufacturers and distributors to pharmacies in every town and city as now be made public it shows that the vast majority of legal opioids sold are manufactured by just a handful of companies and the potentially small number of pharmacies are responsible for their distribution Well Jenn Ableson has been looking into this for The Washington Post this is some survey genic out imagine every single pill is catalogued so tell me 1st how big a problem is the crisis stateside Thanks for having me absolutely this is a huge epidemic and we examined a period of time at the height of the opioid crisis so the now since we did covers 200622012 that's when we saw about 100000 people die from overdoses nationwide and we're seeing a massive scale of nearly 35000000000 opioids about half the holes distributed were handled by just 15 percent of pharmacies how how did this crisis sneak up if you like if I can pretty that way on America to the extent that there was that level of mortalities as a result of. Part of the problem I think is that the DA has maintained this database this is the path of these opioid pills her roughly 2 decades but they did not regularly mine it to identify problematic distributors or pharmacies and so instead the federal government was relying on drug companies and pharmacies to monitor and report suspicious purchases and so letting the industry police itself really helped fuel the epidemic that has devastated communities and that's what the lawyers for the local governments who are suing the drug companies are contending. This database is points in the finger at the point of purchase that is that is one of the analysis I think there's a lot of findings from this data we found that a handful of drug manufacturers were responsible for producing the vast majority of these pills we found you know major flaws in the distribution of this and then we also saw about 15 percent of the pharmacies who were handling nearly half of the these pills and so these small we focused on small mom and pop community independent pharmacies in towns that were handling millions of pills 20000000 pills sometimes over a 6 year period where there was just a county of 10000 people is enough sometimes to give $96.00 pills per person over that period of time they'd abilities one thing but what about how America fell in love with opioids where does that stem from. I believe that there's you know there are accusations that drug makers like produce pharma and others they form the brunt of public criticism for inventing and deceptively marketing opiate pills like Oxycontin and there's other internal documents that we've seen that show the pressure within drug companies to sell these opioids in the face of numerous red flags during the height of the epidemic it shows even how some employees at some of these drug companies are concerned about the huge fall in the pain tell streaming across the nation but not much was done to prevent it you keep saying the drug companies the drug companies. They mug you were look we didn't create the need absolutely I mean I think there's obviously also the group of physicians where a lot of the blame also finger pointing goes to where physicians were prescribing these drugs in some cases very freely very liberally and some of the physicians would argue that they didn't realize how addictive they were it was deceptively marketed in the beginning but at some point there's been obviously a number of prosecutions against physicians who were sort of running these tell knolls where patients were driving across the country hours away to show up to get these doctors who were willing to prescribe to patients who in many cases clearly had no real need except for an addiction to these pills whereas this if we did we can't at the moment journey as it Pete is on a downward strudels to going to. So we've seen the crisis morphed over the years you know it's in a period of time where a lot of the data we have from is from 2006 through 2012 and at that point pills containing Oxycodone Hydrocodone were sort of the ones that were most sought after Since then the epidemic has morphed over time and so we've seen movement to heroin and to now there spawn the fence in a crisis and so while maybe prescriptions opiate prescriptions have fallen in recent years it's just picked up there's been uptick in abuse in other areas it is the demographic breakdown in the states races too you know where people are using this and who's using. We don't have any data that shows where they the pills went after they left the pharmacy we are able to track them from the point of the manufacturing to the distribution to the pharmacies but where they went after it's unclear so we don't have data on sort busy of the age or the any other sort of demographic breakdown we can see a lot of the pills in the huge volumes that were appear to be outside volumes were in this sort of opioid belt that we see running through the country that I mean you know devastated I was for so you go oh it's just the opiate but what sort of runs through Kentucky and Tennessee and Virginia West Virginia sort of these communities many of them where people had really you know brat backbreaking work in coal mining and other timber industries and were addicted easily addicted to these pills and so these communities were really hard hit and that's where we've seen sort of some of the worst the worst impact happening and I was going to say that. Over here is who needs described as a kind of a Middle America predominate. Yes that is where some of the communities that were the hardest hit but if you look at our database of pills you'll see sort of this isn't a nationwide epidemic and. You find communities across the country that have been severely impacted by this crisis and pharmacies across the country that and even colleges and other places that are trying to help combat it with Narcan another overdose prevention methods to try to help individuals who are clearly in crisis Jen thank you very much for explaining it all to as thanks very much Jenna Abel said there who has been looking into this database of opioid consumption in the United States for The Washington Post. Now there's a new administration at the IF A A which is the Federal Aviation Administration authority to F. AAA if you like he's been 80 minutes into the job and he's already staged a media briefing Steve digs newsies name need to include the money it's guessed that he was holding his predecessor's line on the Boeing 737 megs the plane that was involved. This year in the. Croft crash and may He says even digs in this is the new administration and says that flights of the across won't resume until he's completely sure that it's safe to do so today's talk to David shepherded who's the Reuters reporter covering transportation who is the new men and the if. They would. His name is Steve Dixon He's a former pilot and Delta Airlines pilot a long time industry official former military pilot who takes over. Is been without a lead been a straighter prime minister for about 18 months pretty long stretch and you know obviously during that period about the 2 fatal $737.00 MAX crashes and from today from this you know from his swearing in you know talking to reporters today it's clear that the 737 Max is going to dominate his attention that the agency's attention. For quite some time. Was just addressing the issues at the point before the U.S. . Regulators around the world about it back in the air and secondly the broader questions as has the agency delegated too much authority over certifying new aircraft to the manufacturers like Boeing as its. Time to rethink how these aircrafts are certified Of course it is the F W 30 or F.A.A. Thank you for being polite enough to integrate a no need for that correct me if I need to be corrected but just so that you made the. If is the case the the Federal Aviation Authority had delegated too much power to Boeing will be the consequence of that B. The. Well you know it's the interesting thing so this plane that. Boeing applied for sort of a cation of the new plane in March of 2012 and it took about 5 years this plane was certified just after the trial ministration took office in February of 2017 so it's in the interim there was another reauthorization bill passed by Congress and the F.A.A. And that actually encouraged the agency to give even more authority to delegate more of that responsibility to the manufacturers so I think with the all the investigations going on between the federal prosecutors and the F.B.I. And the inspector general and the internal reviews the blue ribbon commission that's been named by the secretary of transportation we're going to learn a lot more about the pushback between Boeing and the agency about what did or did not need to be addressed before this plane was certified I mean because there are a lot of questions that are still unanswered about why the agency allowed the use of this anti stall system notice and cast more robust training requirements and probably the most crucially why the pilots didn't have didn't have more details and a clearer understanding of what I am cast was and what ultimately the F.A.A. And Boeing decided that this was just another. That in the event of a stalled pilot should simply use the same training they use for any circumstance they didn't believe they needed to know more about CAS or have or more specialized training and obviously those 2 those 2 decisions are very much at the heart of the investigation so I do think coming after these all these reviews are said and done you could see some very significant changes to how. Our aircraft are certain are certified but it's still too early to know precisely what those changes are so the judge each would play make his sofa suits of says you find themselves. Is hardly likely to continue. You know I think I think because it's too expensive and too too complicated at least the way the current set up is I do think airlines are going to our manufacturers like your boss and Boeing are still going to have. A big role I think I think you're going to see more checks and balances to ensure that those those responsibilities that are handled by Boeing or member aero Boeing or Airbus are more carefully scrutinized by by agency employees and then though there's a more clear explanation of why decisions are made not to not to require certain changes. Are explaining because you know that ultimate what happened this airplane is that you know more powerful engines you know more powerful more fuel efficient engines were put on the plane and older plane body that's been you know some 37 is a workhorse of the industry and you know there are still questions about were those changes so significant that A should have required a much more robust resort of a cation process. What happened so and frankly we still don't know when this plane is going to get back in the air or. The question will the 7 by we'll get back I have absolute right and not just that remember what happens when the plane goes back in the Sumi it goes back in the air assuming they can address this latest electronic glitch that has arisen back in June that prompted push back the. Certification flight schools Lisa September potentially October. You know when you know when where why so Carol put the plane back and here to me is the F.A.A. . The other stole a lot of unanswered questions about the plane's future pre-show you had spoken to is about very grave foods to thanks David thank you David Shepardson the news the Reuters reports come. Charles Prince ation in the next hour of the program we've got a treat for you as well is we have one of the highlights of the wood stork Festival 50 years ago you know it's a 50th anniversary of Woodstock and one of the highlights will be joining me. His memories and also telling us why that Woodstock festival influences the way we are today you are not. Last for years and still high living in shape and not only trying.