Of sexual impropriety these are allegations of course which financial impropriety and all manner of other issues surrounding him they cannot be helpful to a Prime Minister No And of course we were looking at a promise it was hoping that the parliament would be sitting during the conference that he would essentially take to the stage and all press all eyes would be on him but actually we've got a situation where Westminster is very much sitting very much talking very much gathering themselves together and if you believe papers this morning then today the Rebel Alliance as they might be called the people he would like an extension to Bracks they are going to stick together and scheme up a way to do it so you've also got the situation where M.P.'s really need to be in 2 places at once so you know those Tory members of what were they going to be really busting out those drones are may go back and there is no recess of course so parliamentary business will continue how that pans out in the week with things like pm queues we will wait and see the pattern don't think Rob is going to step on the road meant just stepping in for the change to the change but of course you know he would nobody sitting in a conference hall watching his prime minister give a keynote speech at the Tory party conference he's not going to be the suggestions the early as today the s.n.p. Could call for a vote in no confidence no one now wonders whether that is a lot of kind of to tattle and just getting the story out there keeping the s.n.p. Relevant of course any political party wants to because that's a high risk strategy for the s.n.p. The chances are they wouldn't get a vote of no confidence but they just had a hold of this they've changed their minds haven't they because they were going to do this before so what's changed why they now kind of thinking right we're going to seize our moment they've they've got more support themselves presumably they're actually thinking that they can do it that they can get enough people to rally round and then of course Jeremy Corbyn would be the caretaker prime minister right would have to behave well that's the problem with it because what Jeremy called an essentially would have the right to try and form an alliance a coalition of parties to get together to. Somehow cobble a direction of travel however we know that Jo Swinson has already said she would not support Jeremy Corbyn in that position she thinks somebody else could do that whether it was Harriet Harman figure or Kenneth Clarke cut a figure the numbers just don't stack up in any one direction so you could put Kenya get lucky if this happened and the smart money at the moment 9 minutes after 6 suggests that actually now it probably won't happen but if it did then you're going to have another breakdown of numbers because you've got to find enough people that can come together and support a particular character and this is how about face our politics is at the moment because some people are saying actually if this vote of no confidence did take place that would really Bush I would like that quite a lot yes because actually that's a Get Out Of Jail Free card he has staked his whole Premiership on the fact that we will be living on the 31st of October do or die now if this happens and a caretaker prime minister steps in he'll say what it was I'm awful it was Parliament I tried to do you know and I couldn't and on top of that if bearing on the caretaker prime minister scenario if it was that scenario one you my lord. Could be there for 3 years. That that could happen someone's got to call a general election in this point as well so this is all this on my question of the weekend Ok so we were now we were talking about this and I said what I want to minute right so if there was a caretaker prime minister by the way I love that phrase because it reminds me of my school at a car and I imagine him with a could prove. All the papers in their parliament as well as making policies and I start here in the now if I'm out of like cleaning product mistake. And so yes this caretaker prime is coming so my question was like yes surely that's only on a time limited they can't just be prime minister that have I think I thought to be a rule must yeah I think let me not to be this is so. On chartered the Depending on who you talk to there is a suggestion that that could go on for some time now what Boris Johnson would want and this I mean this really gets into the sort of house of cards stuff is that if there was then a general election in say November the end of November Article 50 has been extended Boris Johnson was not responsible for that he goes into an election if you believe the polls he would win an election whether that was by a supreme. Even acceptable majority is another question and so he wins the election it would kind of be win win because if you believe that Boris Johnson isn't really a dedicated leave of the e.u. It leaves him partly in it and it wasn't of his making of course he can say well I'm not a promise I've got another 5 years I don't any longer have to worry about the BRICs party were partly in the e.u. Which some speculate the sort of what he really wants in his heart as distinct from this no deal do or die scenario and everything's to get a boo for Boris Now of course of Downing Street a crunching those numbers some of the Labor Party so the s.n.p. Some of the Lib Dems and let's not forget that went to reason they went walking with Philip May and decided that an election would help because it would get the numbers and she presumably was looking at the polls as well and she was looking at the way the wind was blowing and she wouldn't have called that election if she didn't think she could increase her majority in the polling was better for her as well they're not going so it's a risky strategy to look at the polls and decide incredibly so and it's just so so strange isn't it that when a situation everybody kind of wants what they don't want and you know it's a counter intuitive but for Boris Johnson it is all about bricks that he's how he's getting a lot of support and I'm speculating here but those polls are healthy in Flushing for him because people believe that he will get back that done right that's the issue of our day you could go there and talk about hospitals that they were over the weekend and I'm sure that talk about education and police everything else at the conference but really. All eyes are on what's happening with Baxter at the moment to get that kind of tied up so he stuffed if he doesn't surely he's staked his entire reputation on it and yes and of course there is a policy in Parliament a vote in parliament says we can't leave without some kind of deal that he said he won't ask for an extension. He's. Sorry to interrupt but he's also said that he can get around this bend bill this legislation that says we we won't leave with a notice situation of the 30 fast but he hasn't said how here supply things are going up immediately was John Major the 1st floated this idea that there are sort of you can circle navigate in places now as distinct from prohibition which was now defined by the Supreme Court to be unlawful there are lots of mechanisms I had a couple of fairly Senior Conservative M.P.'s this weekend talking about look if it's all within the labyrinth fine world of the rules and regs of parliament but you can do it then you should be allowed to do it it might be unconventional but if it's within the rule book you're allowed to do it would he do that would Boris Johnson nor that vote for narry people looking at parliament it's confusing to think well what's more Laurie I mean if you pass the bill that seems quite official doesn't it seem like it's set in stone it is a bill and so does anything cowards in that case we're getting Why into the weeds out way of some dusty old tome somewhere that says this is what you can say and this is what you can't. And of course it depends if you support Boris Johnson Well you'll obviously back him all the way to do whatever it shows to get that breakthrough and and as regards the mind which is being slung from all quarters at the moment it really is isn't it you just say one of that's going to stick you know he'll get past and it's just support finish that thought then obviously he'll be up in arms about the way things are going at the moment what's fascinating of course is that in terms of expenditure now the conservatives are promising billions of pounds all over the place this was of course was the strategy for Boris Johnson when he 1st came into power immediately talking about $20000.00 police officers immediately talking about the health service and more money for schools doctors nurses except he went straight into that knowing that these choppy waters were just around the corner so he could say look domestically if there. As an election look how much money we are planning yesterday was announcements about building sort of 6 new super hospitals there's a billions of pounds by the way when Labor did that they were accused of having magic money tree they were accused of that but Labor did I mean one could argue say well actually this is where we're getting the money from they have said that taxes will raise rise in some areas where is the conservatives are saying taxes will fall so we have a lot of these either match been promised with also similar Tony Asli they promise in tax cuts now the money has to come from somewhere regardless of all of that all of these great stories about more cops and nurses etc It's all sort of lost because we forgot the domestic agenda has gone out the window for 3 years I think a lot of people are simply thinking Well you're going to promise a lot because you want to get your election and you want to get a big majority because you want to get anything through at the moment you've got this kind of well it's almost like we've got all these forces in parliament they're pulling in different directions so there is no one direction that we can go in which everybody wants to go forward presumably whatever that looks like and that gives things different people yes and it brings in the question again of the knowledge of Ferrari's Bracks it Party as to their position on this which is increasingly In fact I think you could say almost definitively in some parts we want to know deal breaks it now it isn't too much of a stretch of the imagination to suggest that that was that never used to be the line from any one of the breaks a party or anybody really the No Deal thing has now become a matter of policy almost for the exit party exactly you know and I know that he wasn't part of the back to party then but when Nigel frosh former Ukip was campaigning we were told we were going to get a great deal now you could say no deal is still a deal despite the language there because it's living on w.t. You know so but that's the default settings that's not a new deal as such and on this thing about getting a deal might say much this morning but he's been listening to the Germany's. It's quite impressive always good Mike you. Presumably have to do it for us and we're glad you are yeah you can now be our German news correspondent he says a listen to Germany's warning and there was a pessimism now about whether the u.k. Will get any extension even if BRICs it Boyce goes cap in hand to ask for one I think that most major players are sick of this and want to move on I think most people are sick of this and want to move on but they are I suppose mindful of how important it is and me did you hear that story over the weekend and this is how ludicrous things have got the post on for not wanting to seek an extension because it would look so bad for his premiership is thinking of sending a carrier pigeon with that letter to Brussels because that probably wouldn't arrive in time what I've said again that I've certainly heard that he would send somebody junior rather than him going bird he still has to sign the letter it has to be his name on the letter we are told so. You know even if you sent your pigeon or your junior minister his name is still on the scene and you know if the carrier pigeon leads from Downing Street on the I don't know whatever data is let's say I don't know how it works but if it's close to the why the 30th or whatever it was only parcels consist they were friends on his way that will count rather than friends oh yeah he's stopping because he's seen a packet of crisps on the floor and he's packing at the end you know they would think that you can just it's just so sneaky it's. The most curious position to be in Charles Jill fines says we thought it was full of drama the next few days will be like nothing we have seen before a British pm unseated by a minority party the s.n.p. Vite I have to believe this is part of Johnson's longer plan Well again we are one or the s.n.p. Is not a shoo in if they were to go for this strategy then there's other conspiracies and I say conspiracy because we can't prove these things the s.n.p. To fall really it's never a bad thing to hoover up the headlines or get your name all across. The place particularly if there might be an election around the corner the s.n.p. Stand to do again according to the polls rather well out of that could get 50 seats in Scotland this would be extraordinary to see has retained as it has gone and they also have their own issues with a court case pending with a former s.n.p. Leader and some argue but it takes the heat on that and focuses the s.n.p. Only on this where does this go we're going to try and make sense of it a little the signal that we can Mark Thompson will be with us in just a bit as well to put some meat on the political bones You're listening to the Wake Up Call the end Collins and cooks of b.b.c. Radio can also this this morning unscrupulous landlords are increasingly removing walked from rental agreements What do you no longer automatically get when you rent in some places 60 ordinary story so leave the details on the other side of the news It's 20 past 6 now let's get the headlines with Rose money for improvements to roads and buses in England will be promised today by the Chancellor Javits at the Conservative conference he will also pledge additional cash for better broadband across the u.k. Can police want to hear from anyone who saw a man being assaulted at a music event at dreamland in Margate the man in his twenty's was assaulted by a number of men in the main arena he didn't report it until several weeks after it happened on August the 31st of there's a currently reviewing c.c.t.v. Footage from the night the British Heart Foundation is warning that women a dying because of a lack of awareness of heart attacks that leads to delays in treatment the report says that more than $8000.00 women died needlessly during a 10 year period and the problem of lives on the line in Kent is being tackled by Network Rail this autumn it plans to water jet thousands of miles of rail to remove leaves and lay a special glue to help trains maintain their traction while pulling away and breaking cans where the dry start today but rain will move in later highs of 17 degrees. Only has the sport Orpington stay in the Ashes Smith has become the 1st British woman to win an individual sprint medal at the world to let exchange be unshipped since 1983 the can sprint to claim silver in the 100 meters after running a new British record time with 10.83 seconds out in Doha in football Jamie Vardy scored a Bryce's less to city thrash 10 minute cost United 5 mill to move up to 3rd in the Premier League table and Lewis Hamilton extended his lead in the Formula One drivers championship to 73 points after winning the Russian grown Prix in Sochi. Travel News from b.b.c. Radio Kent trains and ferries are looking Ok this morning with no reports of problems on the choose in London just be aware of because of a signal for Bromley by both the district and Hammersmith and City Lines are Paul suspended in the east of London circle lines running but with severe delays on the motorways building up all the time really on the and $25.00 only clockwise character especially at Junction 5 I can see on camera there's a breakdown on the a to exit slip road onto the m 25 this is the London bound westbound axis like right on to the m 25 and it's fairly heavy on the 8 to approaching the m 25 this morning and very busy into London already approaching the Alton tunnel and also the block or tunnel by James Wally there's more in 20 minutes b.b.c. Radio can cool 0800 $7056.00 double one double one all takes cans to h. One travels through a tax of charge at your standard message rate c. Are pretty c notice at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Service local radio previous day afternoon with its America every alternate where you really need your help the way it works between 12 and 3 on b.b.c. Radio is what start the show with a 100 minute challenge from the boss yet we have to find 10 people and speak to them live on air in just a. Minix we love the airing of stories and we love beating him as well but we can't do that without your help Marsh and Eric you know we take some 12 b.b.c. Radio morning I've had a great weekend it's 63 so I can go on b.b.c. Radio again unscrupulous landlords increasingly removing water from rental or crickets This is amazing you ready Yeah go on hit me with it in the sitting room remembering the city right generation round his face you know I know the danger it's another bedroom 9 out of 10 House shares in some areas are being offered without communal living space so previously of course you know there was the kitchen and then there was a kind of a space there bit civi in the corner anyone could all congregate there if you wanted So yes there was a lot of for hang on a 2nd was the part of the living room just turned into another bedroom they're working out that silly now adays young people are just in their rooms watching Netflix anyway so you know they're watching different stuff you don't need one television for a bit of ups like websites targeting young professionals and students offer rooms a smallish 5 square meters analysis of room rentals on how sharing sites found less than a 3rd were in properties with a separate living room fall into a 10th in London but then you can have parties you can do you have friends I suppose that somebody bedroom that you have a party that I would be quite happy not to have a communal space frankly. We kind of have to talk with people yeah so you get in your own little area of solitude you have your kitchen of course what assumes there might be a shared kitchen yeah but then everyone standing up in the kitchen comedy's place when I want to talk to other people when I can have my own little solitary area or drug me they want to make in a cup and so you see them going out in the morning good morning to you kind sir be all of that you know what if they were your friends and you wanted to offer to sit down and play Monopoly for example you know the rainy afternoon you know what are you trying to do you have an office come up it's because it's been raining they correlate it's a monopoly and yeah really as soon as it rains you have to get the Monopoly set out is the roof the role. Played Monopoly for donkey's I can't remember the last on the plate monopoly I've never played a variant of Monopoly Why have I My husband has to get up early and it's monopoly in the ghetto it's not for the faint hearted I have to tell you I wouldn't play it with my mom put it that way is there a charm bridge world monopoly. Is there a Tom Ridge Wells monopoly there is because they're all there or the main places have one don't they my only thought. You know London Birmingham Edinburgh but I didn't know you can't have Kent she could when you know do not passed over the. Counter parts counter break the Star Wars Monopoly The Harry Potter movies all of those seemed was about whether there's a charm bridge world where there is a time which was not really oh we can verify that produce always liked it up there is a temper as well as Monopoly Wow How much of the pencil went to 14 for the whole set not for the panto's there was a story over the weekend oh no no it was a joke I heard a comedian say she can't play monopoly because it's too much like real life she goes past of these places she can't afford to bring this back to renting actually generation. To domestic matters and there are plenty of those chief in Folkston says I still don't so this is reference Johnson on the current impasse on Brixton the Tory conference I still don't see how it's going to end well so Coleman becomes the pm goes to Brussels or Ken Clarke or Harriet Harman as you mention does it matter once the extended period is over we back to square one again anyway Well we've got we're on our 2nd person trying to sort this out for 2 reasons I had her turn and now it's Bush Johnson's and it's still nowhere near being fixed really is it so a lot of people are saying an election Davies in Epping this morning he's text us and says you can tell another election is imminent we've suddenly gone from austerity to the Tories having money to throw around like there's no tomorrow let's hope the nation isn't skint come the next rainy day yeah I don't people saying that they're saying what has the Tory policy of austerity whether you like to own on and of course you had a lot of critics when it was there for a reason and it was there to balance the books and if you were to believe some of the child. Previously it was going well in terms of getting the national debt back to where it needed to be some of our science and government if you listen to the headlines completely on pick that So does that mean there would be another day of reckoning or would have to go through austerity or whatever again while they talk about the deficit pretty much sorted in fact this predate sparser I remember what to you about 2 years ago I'm sure Philip Hammond went at the dispatch more than several Sterett he is over there will be a year ago or so so what I sense now is that for the rest of time the world austerity will just be employed when there is any kind of saving in a government department or any issue simply disagree with you throughout the world austerity people you know I've noticed almost the world austerity the narrative at the time so austerity began 2010 and there are lots of good and great surveys even in the Guard was here most people support this very sensible idea you've got to be careful what you spend the money in from the people running it and yeah not of course things started to happen in the manifestation of austerity kicked in and in some areas you know people felt affected by that understandably so and of course it became very much a political football and it was thrown at the Tories and the Lib Dems every pm cues it's down to austerity even though you could reasonably argue because it's true that every political party pretty 2010 percent we will have are coming in with a program austerity Labor said it Lib Dems said it the Tories said it they were almost jumping over each other to be who could be the most or steer when good if they got into power etc and it was when it bit then the arguments began and we sort of found ourself in this sort of never ending debate where austerity was always thrown out there my sense now is even even if things were tickety boo you could you could always use the word austerity whenever you feel like it I mean the idea that governments never look at the finances in departments and try to work out where they can save money they are legally obliged to save money yeah it's other people's money their interest and I think that Leigh. And on other things being imported Muslims going touch this morning assess just as well the Tories on to the seaside they possibly get washed away by rain All right the levels neither of which can be altered by their election promises nor do we hear much about austerity ending in so far as effects anyone on benefits she says and in that message with. Nick Price this is reference the s.n.p. Given the recent Supreme Court ruling would this be legal if the s.n.p. Were successful and stop or exit their official stated policy is to stop breaks it altogether so they are misleading Parliament as to their reasons for bringing this motion if they did us a complicated one you kind of end up in a curious place where you start to look at manifestos and promises and you know if it is argued again people look at the remain contingent of parliament which is the majority of M.P.'s in parliament say actually this isn't about M.P.'s this accusation gets thrown out a lot said about him he's looking for the best deal this is about M.P.'s who want to stop Brix it and that explicitly goes against the manifesto certainly of the Labor Party and the conservatives Yeah and that's why people say that they all Ramona's don't know including Vince who is in Mark Ross this morning says How low will the Ramona's go to stop the democratic vote of the people taking post to court the speaker he's totally neutral in all of this and he's got 4 exclamation mark by the way after this and siding with the Ramon is a now digging up dirt about Boris it's shameful he says they put same to democracy let's have an election a rallying call from the fence and as to whether the Tories will get the money from the disgusting Martin is in Dover and says the money is coming from not throwing it away in the you know I'm not sure that money is the totality of that money would necessarily address every spending pledge at the moment Ed Davey says Not that it Davey says if it comes or might be comes to all of us yes and if it comes to pass it will be an absolute get out of jail free card for borrowers and play to his election narrative quite modest. Modesty will they take the bait Well that's the thing they know that as well. All the little drama this has a it's never been more you mentioned House of Cards mention any number of sort of political machinations and dramas and you're right here with British politics except it's real and Harrison says even the expelled Tory M.P.'s would never vote for Jeremy Corbin So you've got that problem as well so even if you had a vote of no confidence who would be the interim leader galvanize enough support from everybody how long would they stay in place for would they be the person to go to Brussels does that mean they call a general election fairly quickly these are all I want to mention we need to answer and tell you what we'll talk to a political commentator Mark Thompson in just a 2nd on all of this but a quick one from Dave in jailing him on Sched communal space we were talking about the living room being convened into a bedroom to raise money and Dave says no communal room apart from kitchen was the norm in bedsits I stated during the ninety's he said I had the largest room next to the kitchen in one place and shared with the household as did the other downstairs room tenant the base your bedroom becomes the sitting room and you. Stayed on in our side of the place in Blackpool was about 18 and not just some kind of cook arranged sort of cooking the Barney Rubble would have kicked out the wicked which is an extraordinary thing there was no. You know anything we've all done it. Is things that he to still to come we will bring you the latest from the Conservative Party conference in Manchester we'll talk to our reporter who is there for us this morning also asking you about smart motorways I don't know where he views the ones here in Cannes but we'll be talking to the president of the a.m.a. About whether they really our safer than conventional ones and why we spending so much on a nice out these days when the latest in the business needs to wake up cool with Ian Collins and I'm in coaxing b.b.c. Radio can search the 1st full day of the conservative annual conference today for what's almost certainly. The last before the general election and before the u.k. Leaves the European Union remember previous conferences in the last couple of years they've said exactly that as well this is the last one before we actually I mean yes the broken record it will be different of course for many other reasons to the Commons is sitting for the 1st time juror the party conference season there's of course came after the Supreme Court ruled that the government's decision to suspend parliament was unlawful in recent days Boris Johnson has faced criticism from some former Tory M.P.'s for his use of the word humbug in the commons in response to a labor m.p. Telling him death threats against her I certainly think everybody should calm down and I certainly losing it I said I'm I think I've been a model of restraint but I think everybody should calm down my use of the word humbug was in the context of people trying to prevent me us from using the word surrender Yeah well yesterday the prime minister told the B.B.C.'s Andrew Marr he stands by his words he said he was making a wider point about what he calls the surrender Act which is designed to stop a no deal breaks at the end of next month if you don't use or if you can't use a metaphor like surrender to describe the surrender at then in my view you're in publishing the age and diminishing Ok diminishing parliamentary debate there it is some wanting a snap election how ready are the Tories should the voters go to the polls the last election saw 16 conservative someone Labor m.p. Elected in Kent the current political picture has 142 independents and one Labor m.p. Let's speak with Mark Thompson political commentator morning to you Mark good morning well I mean this is these are extraordinary I don't know how many times we've we've begun a discussion with these are extraordinary times but it just seems to ramp up week by week Boris Johnson's got his own other additional issues about allegations of impropriety running as a sidebar to all of this but of course this party conference is still very important for the prime minister. It is it's vitally important obviously it's his 1st as prime minister and he's going to want to you know come away from this with some kind of conference banks and as he pointed out earlier on it is a bit unusual in the Commons is sitting at the same time as the Tories are having their conference. Which is very unusual I can remember a time when that happened and so you're going to have ministers kind of shuttling up and down between Manchester in London to be trying to deal with the Commons business at the same time so yeah it's a very interesting time but Boris Johnson obviously needs to you know come away from this conference you know having felt like he's got his message across and and usually what happens at a party conference is that a party is a kind of wrestle control of the news agenda for a couple of days so it's going to be interesting to see what happens in Westminster because Parliament is at the moment obviously working against the government and they're going to be wrestling between each other for control of the need agenda Yeah and even even though these conferences are of course aimed at the party faithful as they say and members of the Conservative Party and those that had a lot to vote for them they they obviously want headlines outside the conference hall that they want this to play well on the news for for other reasons announcements about spending for example. Yes imagine you can see that the government has been doing this you know they've they've made a once Ment's about various things you know that announcements about grades of motorways today in the from talking about the n.h.s. And so forth but realistically the reason you won't game in town at the moment because all of these pledges about money for this money for that are all going to depend on what happens with break the 10 way so that's been one of the problems over the last few years that the issue of Bragg's it you know how we leave the you where do we leave the e.u. All of that stuff. Is just the political oxygen out of everything else I think the Tories would like nothing better than b. To be able to focus on of things I think all politicians would love to be able to realistically in them till Bragg's it is dealt with one way or another it's always going to be the elephant in the room and what about this s.n.p. Story that's been floating around the s.n.p. Could call for a vote of no confidence we know that last we ordinarily would just be down to the opposition to be in a position to do that the prime minister himself invited all the parties to call it if they wanted to we're hearing rumblings from the s.n.p. Would they really do that because it's high risk for them to I mean it's very interesting isn't it because you know what source for the goose is sauce for the gander parliament and John Bercow it's been kind of on the fly changing the way things are done standing order 24 letting parliament take control of the older paper so the government turned around and said well actually doesn't just have to be the leader of the opposition anyone can call a vote of no confidence in the s.n.p. a Very interesting position because polls are suggesting that they could act as a loosely sweep the board 'd in Scotland and take almost all the seats so they don't actually have anything to be frightened of in terms of seats in Westminster but the risk is that if they do call a vote of no confidence and they and they win it's a no alternative government is formed that Boris Johnson then has the opportunity to call a day to the election and he could set it after the 31st of October now against this legislation to prevent. No deal from happening. But there are all kinds of shenanigans a little bit of Alan maybe that won't work if he can control the timetable of the election then Parliament loses control directly over what's happening in the queue and they can no longer legislate either because Parliament won't be sitting anymore so very interesting time so there would be 14 days when the for. An interim government to be formed with somebody appointed the leader Well that's right and I mean the s.n.p. Would probably back called in but with the Lib Dems with the various independents who have migrated from the Conservative Party it's difficult to see how any kind of stable administration could be formed but I think what's always been governing this has been the clock ticking and the closer we get to the 31st of October especially if Boris Johnson find some way of avoiding sending this letter that he's been mandated to send that I think with the growth taking with only a few days to go before breaks I think there's a much higher chance than an alternative administration will be formed that's why the s.n.p. Go for this this week. The training. May well force parliament some but we've already seen parliament some before when the pregnant happened and they did legislate very very quickly that they moved within a couple of days so we could see things happening very quickly in that respect Mark thank you Mark Thompson political commentator with us here on p.c. Radio and interesting words and there on we could see things moving very quickly will stick with us here at the rate it can't because it will be on it for you 23 Don't miss a trick it's the wake up call with Ian Collins and I remember the Pub Landlord Nigel Smith we mentioned a couple of weeks ago she wanted to set a record for the most amount of Nigel's in a pub so the name Nigel was dying out and he wanted to get together as many as I. Think she set the record this weekend so how many Nigel's turned up at the fleece in in was to show that surely any record is a record has it been done before maybe it has what is on the other side of the news 27 now let's get the headlines with gross money for improvements to roads and buses in England will be promised today by the Chancellor. At the conservative conference he would also pledge additional cash for better broadband across the u.k. The leader of Kent County Council Paul Carter has told the b.b.c. That a no deal breaks it would be workable if there's an ideal the u.k. Will have to agree to World Trade Organization terms and demands being treated for serious injuries in a London hospital after being assaulted in Rochester on Saturday night police are appealing for witnesses against either dry this morning spells of rain this afternoon a top temperature of 17 degrees only Turner has the sport or pins in steam ashes Smith has become the 1st British woman to win an individual world I thought exchange ship Sprint medal in 36 years after the can sprint to claim silver in the $100.00 metres of the running a new British record time of 10.83 seconds out in Doha after pursuit now comes to 2nd prize biggest prize your party wins over 14 I was really really happy that I came. They were there paid me a national record that is more than you could ever ask for in a while fine I mean obviously I'm a championship for my I'm a competitor would have loved to invite you I'm happy in football Tom Ridge angels trio Tommy real Ovenden and Alex Reid have all been released by the club part of a restructure of the squad 76 sons are through to the semifinals of the women's sports league trophy that's thanks to an 8157 when I have a New Castle Eagles and yesterday's hockey Holcomb's men with Rush 61 at home by Hampstead in Westminster in the Premier Division or 7 nights lost one nil to Team bath Buccaneers in the division one south and a big to don the most responded to back to back defeats in me national ice hockey league by winning 63 at home to Milton King's thunder. Travel needs from b.b.c. Radio Kent. On the trains 1st of all apologise lights turn to promote change 1st of all looking good no problem so to tell you about Sir ferries a fine on achieves in London though the Circle Line suffering severe delays destruction Hammersmith and City has passed a spending because of signal failure Bromley by Bow and on to the roads well the 20 year building up a little bit now through the road works westbound between junction 6 and 4 taking 15 minutes to get from mates the next it was labelled and to be a 2 is fairly heavy towards the m $25.00 and just be aware that the x. a Slip road on to the entity 5 from the westbound eighty's partly blocks where the breakdown are James Wooley there's more in 20 minutes only 104.2 f.m. In Ramsgate with stable and I'm to cross West on 96.7 f.m. This is b.b.c. Radio can. You. Not annoy before. But yeah I just like the fact that operating under extreme pressure and doing the best thing is a loved. But. I would. Think of no one else. This morning from 9 b.b.c. Radio Kent morning it's quite a see you have it nearly is the wake up call on b.b.c. Radio about that absolutely So I mentioned Nigel Smith he was the pub landlord that we talked about a couple weeks ago didn't way they want to the record he thinks they Nigel is dying out and frankly rightly so you know I'm not going to have that they're probably not up and down and listening right now I am allowed I am a minority you know I am part of a minority I'm a part of minority of rubbish names so. I'm not having that he is not so obvious name it is what I told you is not only was a sound effect in but it's not the same. If you think about it say any names over and over again and it sounds like he was kept on the webpage and when there was talk about pitching pitching pitches just to give us but Ian is a bit of a non-entity of an eye as he's Nigel which is interesting because I saw it as a kid my best friend is called Nigel's and we were pair of kind of persons not grass it was you club even then and so anyway Nigel Smith he recognised this he realised that the name Nigel was kind of dying out but you don't get any little boy school I don't there any Nigel's. It's cyclical and what I love at the moment is actually all the olden days names are coming back for the little ones yeah Elsie in Vieira and Violet know that a lot of them and actually the old ladies very soon will be called things like Kate and Sarah and Rebecca like Becky that I was at school yeah you know so when it comes down to going to be fascinating because that. Would be good so Nigel Smith thought this is bad that the name Nigel is dying out so he runs a party runs the fleece in very nice place apparently and he thought I'm going to set a world record for the most amount of Nigel's to turn up in one place. Yes because it can't go on this lack of recognition for there being no knowledge will kneel Nigel's kneel modules not kneel just to be clear not new Yes And so he did it and he invited to articles and 432 of them turned up at his part that's not bad is it for me around court because I just I just don't think it's ever been done before I think you've got 4 Nigel's and you could call it a record just because no one's actually quantify to put it down on paper yes but he did what he did it whether the I don't know how that sits with the world record because as you said before I don't know if there was an existing world record you know has been trying to do this on a similar notes so he's called David Yeah which you might recognize that name is a very famous liberal Democrat and he often gets mistaken for somebody texts yet what exactly he found out sort of by that research is I think you put something on Twitter about being mistaken and all the other Davies out there got back to him he found out they quite if you actually weirdly they all seem to work in journalism in the environment so this seems to be a kind of correlation between that name all politics is well by the way and he tried to organize a meet up of all the prevailed so not to do it better what do you call with a comedian wrote a book are you Dave Gorman which was about finding other Dave Gorman's around and it turned into an it was an Edinburgh show it was a t.v. Show as well and it was it was the church the church and people of the same number there's lots of lovely photographs of people in Nigel's pub all called Nigel there's been hundreds of them 442 of them to be present I hope they make it and then you live. In California by the way that's a long way to travel and I think he was there anyway actually I'm skeptical about that it's just a very tender 7 is the wake up call on b.b.c. Radio I can't stick around we're going to start that debate about small motorways and whether they are the future of travel very soon but right now the business news interestingly we are spending more on a night out than at any point in the last 3 years according to the latest survey. Just over 70 quid which seems like an awful lot of money so let's get more with our financial analyst Louise Cooper who joins us now we went to the cinema and to a pizza chain home last night a lot of money the cinema Well actually it was but we did have a 40 percent voucher sidestreet pizza chain which I held for a night out yesterday Yeah so this is really interesting so 70 pound is the average night out currently 61 percent of people go on a night out at least once a week what is interesting so I'm interesting about that because apparently this is the thing according to survey at 7 about 2 and 2300 people and the apparently they said their budgeting very carefully a quarter people when they hit their budget they stop spending and lots of people look for deals and. Whatever but before so this is really interesting because we've got last week we had a surprisingly strong consumer confidence figure from j.f.k. Despite the fact we're breakfasting on October 31st with the what potential political economic the 7 o'clock Yeah you know we will be but your leisure leave that alone so and also we started. This as well wage growth has been well above 3 percent for almost a year now and inflation actually has been ticking downwards so in terms of real wage growth we're actually feels in your pocket actually that's starting to tick up quite strongly so in a way although people are budgeting the amount they're spending has gone up and they reckon it's gone up 25 percent compared to last year although again this is a survey of 2 $1300.00 people imagine that quite a lot of differences yet and just to be clear this 70 quid is that per person per family per 2 people who think I think it's a perp person but a lot of well I guess if you're young and fun and you have a big night I don't know say I'm not young and fun because I didn't spend that last . I don't want to Louise I went to see The Lion King this death and you know I'm full. So I want to but what's really interesting is what people are spending their money elms you know we know for example that alcohol spending our money on alcohol actually people are drinking less alcohol we know $12000.00 u.k. Pubs have been shot between 20102018 so it's not just like you though you know restaurants and cinema Les Mis also the rise of the experience economy. People experienced to me looks like. They set the tone to show he was going for the politics of go to the now is a good time. He's going to. Know when he's going to run you tell me get in a hang yourself. So you are now thinking Why you playing a train let's Peaky Blinders and well it's because only 2 weeks ago there was a peak blinders weekend Ok well loads of people got to dress up in their favorite peaky blindness outfits make the cost and have a weekend long experience and they say it's not just Peaky Blinders there's loads of them there is apparently she won't base there is a friend's friends fest. Or the 90 ninety's t.v. Show a 5 day pop pop it started 2016 in London now it turns the u.k. 3 months a year there same thing you've got friends fest in Spain put Poland Germany and Russia you've got most the chef at say a cooking competition on a cruise line up you've got Crystal Maze escape wins in London you've had a Casino Royale event 8000000 quid from tickets about that 120000 James Bond fans turned up for 4 months for a Casino Royale event this is all about kids adults adult yet to think that kids and it's sort of I think come out of Comic Con You know the whole guise of you know dressing up like that so yes so I. Apparently it's also I have no idea of the Save me to be honest Netflix stranger things is offering you a full seek Secret Cinema experiential treatment take its course in the minimum of 50 quid and offer you a living breathing story to experience your favorite t.v. Moments I've no idea what it means but I guess if you're a big fan of strange things you may well buy that and this is the deal of the future this is the future how be spending our money wow cool I can do a Lion King on interest as rethinking the monkey. What do you think. I always want to travel in time but you know when you look at dentistry more than about 30 years ago or the lack of antibiotics or sanitation or what I was so I quite like the travelling in time but with antibiotics sanitation and clean water and no problem with it so now I'm like a time traveler but it with modern day advantages sounds great I'll meet you there Louise will be back there in the middle ages together that's half financial analyst and he's keeping with the ladies business news for you on b.b.c. Radio I can't tell you now it's just gone $10.00 to $7.00 it is the Wake Up Call the end Collins cooks and of course we are live to the Tory party conference a little later this morning just to get some details on what is happening there it's going to be a. Do you need of can you even predict it when you say it's going to be because I mean anyone is the adjective to describe the current political climate people are talking about choppy waters tumultuous turbulent turbulent difficult all male enjoying. And that of course is everything going on back in ways that Neri extraordinary to the list goes on and President let's move onto another story here are smart motorways safer than other motorways Now we know that the number of people killed or seriously injured on motorways is at its highest level for a decade but is there a correlation there they say at the moment that can't be proven but nonetheless people will ask that question highways England say smart motorways are good way of managing congestion but a report by the a found there are more breakdowns on small motorways than conventional ones the breakdown experts claims this is because there is no hard shoulder and lay bys a too far apart for drivers to safely pull over if there is an accident or a break down and speak with Edmund King president of the a Edmund Good morning good morning you now these things are are they've sort of appeared haven't they the last few years the smart motorway we become aware of them when suddenly you realize that you're in a contraflow and it's 50 miles an hour what are they doing on this boat are they taking away the hard shoulder to make it smart which means of course gantry signs fewer lay bys no hard shoulder but more lanes. Yeah that's right I mean the 1st one actually worked quite well that was the m 42 in the West Midlands and it worked quite well because it had the lay bys or emergency refuge areas about every 500 metres and that was the kind of initial pilot more than 10 years ago but what then happened from that pilot they went out and started developing other smart motorways removing the hard shoulder but totally changed the goalposts so from every $500.00 metres then went to every mile and a half or 2 and a half kilometers between the lay bys and that's what we objected to at the time and we continue to object to the problem is that if you're going along and there's this 10 kilometer stretch on the m 20 that's being converted if you're going along and you've got smoke coming out of your engine or you've had a blow out on your tire if you could see a lay by a head then the vast majority of people would get that lay by get off the lifeline and they'd be relatively safe if you can't see that by many drivers understandably panic and have to stop in a live lane and then pray that a red x will come to warn other drivers not drive in that lane and pray that heavy goods to be called won't come up and smash into the babby so from the outset we been very consistent you need twice as many lay bys as have been planned and what that would mean with twice as many lay bys it would mean that almost on every stretch you would be able to see a lay by in the distance and therefore the majority of drivers would would have to get off a plane I mean I've listened to calls from people who've stopped down and broken them alive and it is absolutely horrific the fear in the least. But isn't that yeah I mean that it's a smart motorway for lots of reasons the motorway it's smart the intelligence that's used to spot a breakdown is smart but the driver has got to be smart as well it might have only got to realize if you're going to have a new mental way of dealing with a breakdown. Absolutely you know there's a lot of things drivers can do to mitigate the risk of breaking down you know checking your tire pressures making sure you've got enough fuel etc and you can do all of those things but you know it still means that if you do break down I saw one on the m 12 weeks ago a car going down it was at night and all the electrics it gone so you've got a car in alive with no flashes on no no lights on so so you know it's those situations and all we've been saying is that we should build the smartest roads we can possibly afford and the current design we don't believe actually matches that So you're going tension really is about this lay by business how far are they apart at the moment is there a set distance at the moment when King Yeah well when when they started out it was every mile and a half or every 2 and a half kilometers since we've campaigned on this they've said on new ones from 2020 it will be every mile rather than my own half but the one planned on the m 20 still doesn't meet that criteria and we've kind of said well if you've agreed they should be every mile Surely you should be retrofitting them even in your planning but they haven't done that on the m 4 and I don't believe they're doing it on the m 20 so you know we will continue campaigning because we are concerned about the safety of general breakdown now of course we mentioned the number of people killed or seriously injured or much wait at its highs we don't know that that correlates with smart motorways but we know we found what you found at the areas that breakdowns are certainly more. Dress. Smart ones than old fashioned ones for the reasons you've given but but in a way it is contraflow chicle you know if you had a hard shoulder and we know the whole children in the safest place and there were deaths on the hard shoulder but at least you can get out of a lawyer. If you can't get out of life you're along on the technology in the technology doesn't always work the camera doesn't always pick you up it can take time before a red x. Come yourself up and even when it does not not every driver it here still lives on the road access as we know it meant always good to talk and if you haven't read it and of the Ok with us here on b.b.c. Radio can't we've got a text on this from Vince is a Mark Cross this is not just that you do not have a hard shoulder to go to if you break down no hard shoulder he says means if there's an accident or lanes are blocked and the emergency vehicles can't get to you very easily he says but I guess that's part of the thinking is that the emergency vehicles are able to go in those lanes that have been marked out he thoughts coming in on small motorways whether they work for you also today plots and counterplots it's fair to say the Conservative Party conference is going ahead amidst the most turbulence of political backgrounds opposition leaders will meet today to plan a way to force prime minister Johnson to request an extension for brakes it meanwhile but himself says he has to get around the so-called bend Bill blocking a no deal situation on the 31st of October he says he's got a little plan to do that there are claims of affairs and hands on thawing is being denied and will the s.n.p. Gather together with their allies to force a vote of no confidence in the prime minister so we're going on and will bring you the latest on $967104.00 f.m. On the b.b.c. Sounds it is the wake up call. On b.b.c. Radio Kent it's 7 o'clock on Monday the 30th of September let's get the latest news now with Rosemary Maine good morning the health secretary must hang Caucus said he's considering. Making it compulsory for school children to be vaccinated speaking as a fringe event at the Conservative Party conference he said the fact that Britain had lost its missiles free status should be a real wake up call Mr Hancock said he'd received legal advice about making vaccination mandatory I think there's a very strong augment for compulsory vaccinations for children when they go to school because otherwise they're putting other children at risk you've got to make sure the system would work because children can be vaccinated and some a whole very strong religious convictions that you want to take into account the conservatives are preparing to make further spending pledges at their conference in Manchester today the Chancellor will set out plans for road upgrades and improved bus services in England as well as better broadband across the u.k. From Manchester our Political Correspondent Chris Mason reports the banners that dangle from the conference hall ceiling here tell a story invest invest in dress they say in schools the n.h.s. And the police what a contrast with a few years ago when the focus was on cuts since the start of this conference the party is fresh start details of how it will spend over 50000000000 pounds today the chancellor such a job it will make his contribution to this tally with promises on roads buses and broadband Meanwhile the leader of Kent County Council Paul Carter has told b.b.c. Sunday Politics se that a no deal breaks it would be workable having explored the issues around a no deal breaks it on the w.t. Conditions that is what's which by the way if true has the potential of bringing us a new prime minister within days could this really happen you thought last week was choppy to coin a phrase you ain't seen nothing yet well maybe details to follow also this the number of people killed or seriously injured on motorways is at its highest level in a decade prompting further concerns about smart motorways the design of course on those means the hard shoulder is removed now these new style carriage why. Fast becoming the norm no suggestion by the way but the lack of the hard shoulder is to blame for the increase in accidents but many are speculating there is a correlation here details on the way as well 08756 double one double one. Wake up with in college and an a cook's and 080756 double one double one b.b.c. Radio 10 others are from New York who says reference the conservatives from what's happening there is I still think the Tories know what they are doing there was a reason Boris promised the skillet school eons of pounds for just about every department the general election will result in a Tory majority and Johnson won't have been responsible for the intervening e.u. Agreement it's a win win for him now all these machinations going on all the speculation in the papers this morning on the money that's being promised this person tax if my memory serves me when Gordon Brown was chancellor the country had a surplus until he so he sold a poisoned chalice by Tony Blair that the war in Iraq would be over by Christmas since then we have suffered austerity and a huge deficit they say but of course these promises of spending the coming out of the Tory party conference which is going on at the moment overshadowed on the by the Bracks it situation and what's going to happen there is the 1st full day of that conference today and almost certainly for them the last before general election of course is well before the u.k. Leaves the e.u. This one will be different for other reasons too so at the moment Commons is sitting for the 1st time during the party conference season after the Supreme Court of course ruled that the government's decision to probe parliament was unlawful in recent days bushels in the face a barrel of criticism from some former Tory M.P.'s for using the word humbug in the commons in response to a labor m.p. Telling him about death threats against her I certainly think everybody should calm down and I certainly clued in you I said I think I've been a model of restraint but I think everybody should calm down. My use of the word humbug was in the context of people trying to prevent me from using the word surrender yesterday the prime minister was talking to the B.B.C.'s Andrew Marr he said he stands by his words You also said he was making a wider point about what he calls the surrender Act which is designed to stop and sit at the end of next month if you will if you saw if you cannot use a metaphor like surrender to describe the surrender at then in my view you're in publishing the language and diminishing diminishing parliamentary debate and the Boston says he wants a snap election but how ready are the Tories should we go to the polls Interestingly the last election here in Kent saw 16 conservatives and one Labor M.P.'s lect it and the current political picture is 14 Conservatives 2 independents and one Labour's effects at the moment Kent is a very bleak County apart from cancer so let's talk now to an affair with the prospective parliamentary candidate for cancer brain for the conservatives I'm interesting times of course and I thank you very much for joining us this morning let's start with the predicament that Boris Johnson finds himself in he's facing criticism from all camps including all sorts of accusations Isn't he about impropriety at Tory conferences and all this stuff about Jennifer Cari as well do you think you have to shrug that all off.

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