Bubble bath or the end of a long day's gardening. To get paid for the sounds that the studios haunted dish ensure we love gardening now we really know we really really love gardening now you may think you love your husband of 30 years you may think you love your children you might even think that you love your favorite football cricket team but that's just peanuts or should be rugby action this morning should make even the worker but that's just peanuts compared to how much we love mucking about in our gardens with plants and soil and secretaries and seeds and all the rest of it and we're here to help you with your garden that is all raise on that Tara. And when I came from. But it did hands over a 10756 double one double what is the number to call if you would like that help from Steve Bradley our super expert gardener today the text is 81 trouble 3 starting your question with the word can have just joined us. Is the sort of thing that you might want to ask well. But it's just not I want to try and set up that in Berlin doing something we wondered what advice you might give possible scorches almost like small. Caps this year to grow up and then now I've noticed that in fact. All the leaves of the box died off or just go in just gingerly never gone before I've got plenty of soil issues show up but no flowers are the only flowers the. Flowers I need to do anything to them not pick the top so already know where I planted some Laura Bush is in a pro now the last 68 weeks have noted the tips of the leaves are turning brown Yes wondered if it is work was. To be anything I thought. Here it found Do you still feel as if it could be one of those questions or something else ask away you confuse gardeners of the garden of England 80756 double one double one also in this hour of the program a half past 10 Jane Street feel the county organizer of the National Garden Scheme here in Kent will be here to tell us about their 2 garden openings today and ears open if you're in Benenden and minster in family it or anywhere nearby those 2 locations is where the National Guard and scheme have their Open Gardens today we'll keep you abreast of the travel news 20 past and 20 to the hour uncatchable to see what he's going to be discussing in Sunday speakeasy today and we'll catch up with him at around 2211 this morning Sunday gardening with Andy in Steve cool away 8756 double one double one only takes cans to each one treble 3 b.b.c. Radio. So whatever you're up to in the garden today we want to hear from you on the . Never mention roses and find that Rose publication and I promised I would give you the details and if you'd like a copy it's in a 5 magazine you need to send a check to find that rose 3 o 3 Mile End Road culture see for your. That doesn't look right to me c.e.o. For 5 and a c.e.o. For 5 is the postcode and make your check payable to find that rose for the sum total of 4 pounds and 70 of your English pens so 4 times 70 check made payable to find that Rose and send it to find that rose 3 or 3 Mile End Road cultures to see for 5 and the latest edition the 37th or find that Rose will be yours and Steve's already nabbed the studio copy. Well then Minister Oh you mean this. Morning and the jeans Dave says an engraved. Fungus that appeared on the lawn after having a tree stump ground 3 times 5 years ago would you advise to leave it and see what happens says an ingrate. Right well the picture I've got here it's obvious where the tree stump was. The grass is gradually growing over again but I think you've got a problem here with Honey Fungus. The bad news is there's no known cure for it and what I would suggest you do is you can either use something like sulphate of iron or you can use sugar to basically overload this stuff with carbohydrates it's living on the old roots. It will eventually spread through the garden if you don't do anything about it just think the best way is to these growths these fructify cations as they're called. I think if you keep treating those least check the progress of the fungus high and again stave my day off today visited the bargain plan tile Vanessa West Malling you're a woman after our own heart I came away with several I supply Bella and want to know what's their best chance leave them in pots in the greenhouse plant out in spring or plant them in the garden most of them well and hope for the best or maybe you have a completely different piece of advice all together have read their hardy down to minus 5 please how Panesar in my Smalling what I would do is keep in pots until the spring water them sparingly. You know that if anybody that doesn't know they're very closely related to folks clubs and. You know. The hardy to minus 5 but we do it in a mild winter tend to get one or 2 frosts like that so I would keep them in over winter and plant the spring Terry in south then says Can some of these be pruned and also moved at the moment or was it too rarely to do so is getting well the big says Terry right well I would tend to wait until the spring for both. I remember William Dyson telling me. When they were doing a trial it was Lee. They prune them early spring late winter early spring it just so happens that there are Portsmouth fields in the frost pocket. And a lot of them were killed and more set to restart the trial so I tend to think you wait until about the end of March maybe the middle of April when there's a risk of a hard frost gone and prune them then and I tend to take mine down depends on how vigorous the loss some a takedown by a 3rd so much take as much as 2 thirds. But I was due in the spring and if Terry wants to move it's spring again I would move in the spring again but again a bit like I said to the lady moving the roses all I would do is tie the tops up. Dig them up move them and plant them and it doesn't matter how careful you are you always break a few branches Well it's better to trim them after you have broken a few rather than trim them and then break even more yeah but yes the spring for both Ok so we mentioned the find that Rose publication found in roach to Stevie's a new beginning novice gardener right she says Steve when is the best time to prune roses and we're feeding them produce more flowers when should I feed them and what's the easiest feat to apply right well. I reckon the best time is. Around about mid March for this part of the country the may well have started to shoot if it's mild but don't worry about that. With most bush roses I take down to about 6 inches thin out the middle and then prune anything to an outward facing bud so that you get a hollow center to it. Feeding I just tend to use grow more you can get. Different fertilizers that tend to encourage more flowering but I think they're the ones that you use after you've dead had it in the summer rather than 1st time around. Pruning hard as I do means that they flower about 3 weeks later excuse me 3 weeks later than normal but I just use something like grow more. I text you for pelleted chicken manure or anything like that will do fine. But the main thing is make sure that it's either mixed into the soil or watered in because if it stays dry on the surface the plants can only take up fertiliser as a solution. And that's pretty well it it won't make them produce more flowers that's down to the habit of the plant but quite often if they're well fed they produce bigger flowers and you get in fact good luck with that let's get another caller from Ramsgate all of these all of my rounds. Of Dave's raising for us their morning Dave early morning and in stable Yeah yeah well my friend what have you got for us we're enjoying working for Radio Ramsgate Aren't we here we are . Quick quick you know all clones from Jacaranda Tree swim saying yes. Got me so bad so years old at the moment right ones so you sold me out ones about but so yeah I'll move them out saw it this summer well I have to move back in or will I base Bastardi there won't be frost Hardy No I mean all right it depends on the winter but if it's a mild winter you might get away with it but if they were mine I wouldn't risk it. So I'd move them back in November ish. Before the 1st frost of any significance is this the sensitive one. Because some of the jack around is if you touch the leaves I actually close not this one dug right but I don't I wouldn't risk it because if anything goes over the growing point and then of course you have to work to get it back to any sort of decent shape. Yeah and do it well law after a feed so you wouldn't have no no not at all in fact you keep them very much on the dry side. Because obviously the more to there is in the tissue. The more risk of being damaged by frost so you. You treat them almost like fusion geraniums through the winter and then bring them out again the following spring in a way they'll go Dave thank you for the call Dave in Ramsgate we to see grown Jacaranda Thank you Di Angeles in met Ben Hi Angela morning Stephen and a morning this is a question on behalf of your daughter I think this is a question on behalf of my daughter in Australia she has bought Daily a c. Plant them and they are must say they do look very very good I'm getting daily photographs of them the query is all her clearly is do they become a Cuba or of I just see just post she saying she doesn't know the difference between States into this into question really right well the thing is the Chub or is story Jorgen. Right and if they are daily a seeds eventually they will produce a Chub or and you know I don't know whether they get frosts in Australia but she probably find that if she doesn't know right if she doesn't well she can plant them in the garden and leave them out all year round when they get to their winter season. She can cut them down and then the following spring as the start to get some rain they'll come up again and chill finish up after a couple of years with a Chub or this about the size of a dust been laid low but. They really do get that big but in nature you know the country places like South Africa or in Mexico in fact it's the national flower of Mexico they just stay in all year round and form a big clump. And yet if she'll find that once the seeds. Got to a certain size it will start to produce a Chub and the Chub or formation of the tube is actually linked to day length so that is the day start to shorten the tube or tends to pack away a lot of storage material ready for the following spring. Perfect then so basically leaves them and then they will eventually become achievable Yes and you can tell you've done loads of research and found all this out for a lot Hugo couldn't couldn't find anything so I said the answers raised gardening question time on can a radio can on Sunday morning and has the right sound Yes you came to the right place Angela thank you your own about time here later Darren Everest daily a grow extraordinary ease at the world Garden at least in council for cactus world Ly Well he will be with me Mexican Well absolutely right celebrating all things Mexican implants of the Mexican nature So Darrin is there the word garden today if you're going along for cactus wildlife You can also go diamonds bring to Doreen is in Maidstone high during high good morning what's rotting. A not i should write a will to beautiful on the tree hang in there all the family inside tell us when they will be over. That family's foyer Yes. We had enough plumb. Bob and I to launch of plums and custard the Rush went completely watch on the tree. Right well it's funny that yes if they were but they have measures that was proved yes and then you'll find that quite often they've got little brown almost like pin heads on them it's a fungus it's called brown rot. If you can if you can reach the mole you need to knock off any of those fruits that are still hanging there. Gather them all up and get rid of them and then. If you actually sprayed with a fungicide. Just as the trade is starting starting to shed its leaves you should get most of the spores but make sure you see you spray around the base of the plant. And try and kill off all the spores otherwise you'll get the same sort of problem next year and even worse if there are spores on the tree when the trees flowering sometimes you can actually get a type of blossom wilt where the fungus infects the flowers and so you finish up with whole sections of a branch with a blossom on being killed but it's a golden nearly all ancient top shelf now all right well what I would do for a start is water that plant well because that's a little bit early it's obviously very stressed and then. You can see you know you could spray it sort of next month I reckon they have a fine what to watch for a way as well if you use. This to particulate there's 2 types of. Fungus 5 to plus if you get the ready to use one even if you need to put it in a deal another spray or you can use the ready to use one on some edibles But the other one the one that comes is the concentrate you're not supposed to use on edible plants. Oh. Show us what's the code it's called fungus 5 to plus. Can you spell them for me as a fungus a few n.-g. U. S. And p. And s. . So which is at 5 g. H. . I t. And t. a r e e. And then plus. Fungus fighter plus Doreen Yes and you want to squirt you bottle one not the concentrate during thank you brown rot common problem the plum thank you Doreen for your call is a line for a few to get in touch this morning or 8756 double one double one quickie stave morning Gentz I want to plan my Agapanthus us in the ground as now too big for pots but my story is very stony says says Rosemary advice please I don't think it matters too much to be honest they do like free drainage so it's an advantage they only thing to watch with the Panthers is don't plant them too deeply or you'll get years and years of leaves and no flowers if you look at the stems of the Panthers. They'll be slightly swollen just where they go into the compost You should always see that swelling if that swelling has been buried they won't flower thank you Rosemary for the question it's not going to get off it was very quick thank you Jane Stratford from the National Garden Scheme with us in about 10 minutes time more gardening advice on the way before then. Travel News from b.b.c. Radio Kent. And Les starts on the m 25 and 6 likewise was blocked a few minutes ago around 10 minutes ago 1015 minutes ago just to remove the cones from between junction 6 and placard lane service is that has happened the motorway open and the entry 5 moving really well 6 rounds was clacking Lane The 82 knowing I spotted delays 40 minutes ago on the last man carriageway Bluebell Hill we had word of a car that was on fire earlier on I think the fire is out the sensors show it's moving pretty well now Bansal right adjourning is partly blocks there's a crash at the junction of Colton Avenue and on to the 23 just me where the m 23 now open south of get we can port Pasquali after it was closed early this morning because of links horses and on the trains Eurotunnel and Eurostar reports a good service southeastern run into rushes to replace my buses Tunbridge to Red Hills. By running replacing buses as well this morning on James Wally the small travel news throughout the day on 104.2 f.m. In which Dibble Moloch gate and Canterbury and across West came on 96.7 f.m. This is b.b.c. Radio 10 so if you're up early in Kent on a weekday morning some of the sting wake up call with. The wake up call every morning from 6 join us for topical debate discussion and a bit of levity as well but a smile and a smile was always a smile though there's never a small physique of a green green I've never seen that your face might crack that's happening at the wake up call with Ian Collins and I'm a cook so back Monday from sakes b.b.c. Radio came and I inadvertently describing the relationship on the show. I was just thinking how similar it sounded right around. Brian is in all for this morning hi brian but. How. Well this. New one if you like to cross yes now I don't start to think well you know we're not and do all the rest of it get rid of it but as our sort of in the senior years I found the same. Group all the magic machine. In American I have across it called crab grass yes it is a then one for Killed grass it's very similar. And you tend to find that if you show you the distribution it's a bit like buffalo grass and one or 2 others. Then they're used to hot climates. So they wouldn't do very well here I've seen the growing in Greece as well but so it's Ok for a Mediterranean climate don't think it would do very well in Oz until the climate is going to change as much as they claimed yesterday it needs to change a lot more yet. The reason for I went to shoot this and I found the result a weight killer diesel going to get rid of it called tenacity and that's probably American as well is it oh yes it is but the this is the problem it's $59.00 per fluid ounces Yeah and you get an awful while for that money to get rid of me a little too much gas and how would you know others to take on from it but I just want to make sure he's in. It worth investing in my opinion 60 quid to get rid of contrasts in a solid civil. No out you don't think such Well nothing firm would know the whole thing on right after they hang on the 1st I mean I'm going to tell you how to kill it but the 1st thing to bear in mind is that that product may well have approval in the United States but it doesn't know to say it's got approval here. You can use glide to sate based We killers or you can use this weed free plus that I've mentioned a couple of times this morning both of those will kill the coach grass and all the other grass in your loan you know that and then you can start again and that's going to if you know if you don't want to dig it up and I wouldn't want to that's the way to deal with it you just need to bear in mind that you could probably start now. And give it a spray you'll have a brown lawn all winter. And then you'll probably find the next spring a few bits of cooch grass will come up again so you'll need to spray again but by this time next year you could be reselling or laying turf on the lawn and start with a clean lawn all over again. Yeah out that sounds a better way to do it well you'd you'd probably have the same sort of time scale using this thing that you probably brought in illegally from the not United States . If you or couldn't possibly do anything illegal. Well I'm just hoping I put you off. Right thanks very much indeed Ok. No seriously either of those 2 products. Will deal with this and deal with it the same way as the stuff from America which you may well find if you look at the active ingredient it may well be a drive to say anyway Brian thank you in fed 100 given a key. Is also having trouble with gracilis Shayna good morning what's the grass you're having trouble with well beginning of the year had a lot of weed and oh so we killer and unfortunately I picked up the wrong we kill and kill the girls as well right of got about 6 of the patches and neighbor told me to the good parts and then glossy down and then just covered over with a smaller all which I did keep it watered but I tried that 3 times and I'm only getting little bits coming up. Right well the main reason you only get little bits coming up is for a start it's been very dry but also you don't need to cover a grass seed the usual technique is to rake over the surface to get a good seed bed so the seed rake it again to make sure that the the grass seed is evenly distributed and then. If it's dry you water it sort of 2 or 3 times a week until it's germinated. It's not too late to do it now but whatever you do don't cover the seed. When you buy the cd if you make sure that it's one that's got a bird repellant in it or it means that the birds will pick up the seed it'll get as far as their crop and they have to regurgitate it because they can't swallow it . So you're not worried about pigeons or whatever pinching all the seed but you don't need to cover it. All saying that's why she told me to cover it because at the coming down and 2nd the saying that I'll pick it up now drop it again you don't have to come across a heat yet she told me to water as we know it well twice a day. I tell you next time you do anything phones instead of listening to her as that I definitely will have on Tony you know because it's in the front garden and that 6 or 7 big patches and it looks soulful and I thought was so low do i go of the I get a new you order they all dug up but so much so just wait until the winter's gone and just you know it goes no I'm going to phone you right well the thing is Autumn is a good time for sowing grass seed all you need to do is write the face of the seed rake it in and then if you just dry water it a couple of times a week and it will germinate. Taught me where I got the the seed it was loose and I just bought him out I thought I'd made it any special name he thought when import box or something. Quite quite a few good ones probably the. If you like the prominent grass seed merchants at the moment Johnson's own seed and they do a whole range of different mixes most garden centers will stock it would go for that bring Sheila thank you for your call this morning she went off and having a bit of trouble with grass on the front garden Josey in snow blend with Clematis Well my gentle. Mate and yes I've got a beautiful commissioner growing up I could see the end of the garden when I'm Ok 6 years ago and I didn't have a go and it was never in a reach you know it was there and the garden had a very high palate Zima thingy and chopped off about hallway Yeah and also oh my god what's going to ensure that eventually. 23 is really needed for issues came up but that was 2 years ago and there's the most fabulous double click my sis came out they haven't been it would be just Shia but I've got a 2nd flaring of single ones on a nail and I'm wondering with all I should chop down didn't do I didn't do so last year but it came up beautifully again so what's your advice right well I don't want to chop it down no no no I know what I mean if it's a mid season flowering one which sounds like the thing to do is next February Oh right you reduce the heights of the plants by one. Is the moment it's about a foot tall right well you're going on to get if you get the gardener don't let the monkeys change or whatever is again. Ok that ability she didn't come and imo that she was to do it you know if you say anything put it down to about 5 yeah and then if you take out about a 3rd of the stems usually the oldest row is a 3rd down and the 3rd out and then give it a feed with the general fertiliser and some back and watch the flowers one who just gave the following bit about 3 foot to be at the top the red to be honest it's just you know the tweaks going up yeah well that's because you've left it if you prove it as I said why was it I level wonderful wonderful wonderful Ok thank you. And if you mainly have been on the plant diet. You know Dounia I don't remember you but I remember the been on a plane Michael and I know well it's just so Dan and to John Lee and I'll go back to these lovely young but I want to punch growing up yeah but I don't know where to cover it if she was she going to be quite a big cuppa. Strafer cross but racial or just take a chance because they went on covered they 1st just got through so then I'm going to I think take a chance and just enjoy them as they are little as I can be right well I wouldn't do that I would cover it with about 3 layers of fleece weighted around the sides. And that way it's got a good chance of survival where if you leave it uncovered and we get a hard winter you've got no chance of survival 1033 Joe thank you great question more of them on the way here on b.b.c. Radio Kent 1st let's bring you up to date with the offerings from the National Guard in Scheme right here in Kent that amazing charity that encourages mainly private garden owners to open their gardens for charity funds and then distributed to a number of very worthwhile causes including Queen's nursing institute the keris trust Macmillan and Mary Curie and others Jane Strathfield is the county organizer of the National Garden Scheme in Kent for her penultimate visit of the year certainly for her summer season anyway and Jane has Gardens today in Benenden and in minced authentic to Jane good morning good morning Andy and everybody. Yes and I would like to ask for some help please. Of good places to have tea neither the garden in Minster nor the garden better than happened to duty at different times of the year there are other gardens that are open nearby and who do duties but when there isn't such a refuge and I know how keen everybody is on what he's I'd be very thrilled to hear from people who live locally and know the best watering holes as Andy might say. Where you could go to get some tea if a garden doesn't happen to do it. The 2 gardens opened today and 2 more during the week in Minster Haven is open today 10 till 430 so you can catch it in between showers Robin Reuss Berrisford says in his description he gardens in the forest style and you saw that on gardeners world but this is more of a cared for garden if I dare to put it that way organized and managed I'm told that Robin Roos Berrisford grows a golden leafed stinging nettle I covet it and the salvage that lives in one of his 2 pools I thought they lived in dry places for the most part till I learnt that he is a plant some and Haven is a garden that is so worth visiting that even Woman's Weekly is writing it up from 10 till 430 you can see that on the National Guard scheme website then there's bound moral cottage in Benenden it's open from 12 until 6 Charlotte and Donald Molesworth have one of the most romantic gardens in Kent to list ingredients ponds vege garden cetera would be to give this place feet of clay the terp here is outstanding Charlotte is a master craftsman but she is also an artist and the garden in the soft Temba light glows purrs almost because the natural world is embraced so expect to see Ted's little treasures growing in a path birdsong if visitors haven't sent him to a safe roost and failing that admire the topiary birds poised above the hedges I really recommend Balmoral Balmoral cottage in Benenden during the week. Chartwell is open that's now west room I think it needs no introduction from me and the National Trust to do interesting things in terms of introducing historic fruit trees there's the lady Churchill's golden rose garden because there won't be flowering at the moment is not significantly. And wonderful views and walks it is a marvelous place Chartwell and I commend you to go on Wednesday if you can because then. The National Garden Scheme will get a donation it's open from 10 until 4 on Saturday the in chanted gardens or enchanted Gardens which is near wits to bull you will need to follow the yellow signs to discover it it's a little hidden from 10 until $530.00 donor runs an organic garden on a mission to support pollinating insects it's a good time of year to see pollinating insects at least it is in my garden where they're absolutely all over the Miccolis daisies have to be great to support Donna for that event she's also a big supporter of the sunken garden in Westbrook that we mentioned a little earlier in the program she's done a lot of work with them in terms of pollinating insects and the like yes I'm longing to see the sunken garden I spoke to the. I don't know what he thinks his title is let His name is Pete try to find a title for him like a wooden age or something but anyway yes he was very interesting and I shall certainly be going to have a look at the garden to see when and I think I understand from the way he was talking about it and perhaps other things I've heard that it doesn't need to get itself a little more established but we should watch it with great interest that's exactly it exactly it's got such potential just one point here is as well more grist for the mill little bit more elbow power wouldn't go amiss I'm sure from Pete in the existing team who are doing great work I should say Steve you know just one point about the. Start of piece. You mentioned the tes yet. It's often forgotten that many many garden centers of got very good restaurants and 3 rooms so even if if there's a reason the t.v. Room close by it has a garden center of the same service yes as soon as I saw your note I was thinking wildly about where there might be a garden center and as everybody knows I live in West Kent so I'm not totally familiar with where the nearest garden center is for instance to haven in Minster I know there are some good pubs there and there is a t.v. Room. But I don't know the opening hours so I'm afraid I don't want to stick my neck out and recommend somewhere that may not be open or maybe too far for people to go I mean if you're meant to you could always go round to I think is but tell me is it the ice cream parlor in Broadstairs. I don't know if that's the name but it's certain I don't think that's why I write the Italian I know exactly the face and the name of it's gone out of my head just at the top of the top of the seafront overlooking the beach and I'm so relieved that someone as young as you can't remember names you. Did you enjoy yourself in the Life magazine God of the Year Awards on Thursday if you were there yes I did and of course I was deeply proud that the winner and the runner up were both National Guard and scheme guard and I feel as if it's like when your children while you're just thrilled. So you have claimed ownership. Oh I have. Pleased about it because I'm very fond of the owners and talking of children of course great to see so many of the primary school oh yes children there that is very encouraging and one hopes that perhaps when they go on to their secondary schools they will ask for some gardening as part of their curriculum at secondary school because I think it's even more important if I may say so at that level gardening is not viewed I suspect even now. In the light and with the respect that I think it should I mean I didn't view it as being a career worth pursuing when I was school I'm afraid sadly so through. Whatever you need to know an awful lot about a great many things it is not a walkover Absolutely and it is not. The Left Behind it is absolutely vital. As you heard Joe instance a few minutes ago my god didn't know anything so there you go it's a job for very skilled people Jane thank you details of the gardens Jane is mentioned for today and the week ahead by the National Garden Scheme website N.G.'s dot org dot u.k. And you can find the National Guard scheme in Kent of on Facebook Twitter and Instagram as well for more images of the gardens locally Jane will be back with us for her final Some a visit next Sunday morning at the same time yes it's rather sad it's been like in the clocks change if you're really into a new season but actually the N.G.'s is very busy because where registering the gardens that well known for what is pleasure next year so I have plenty to do hope it will be with us in a few moments time after the latest travel news from James Sunday gardening with Andy in Steve call 8756 double one double one all takes Ken's to 81 treble 3 b.b.c. Radio can. Travel News from b.b.c. Radio Kent Bob out on the roads across Kent and the other moments just checking the sense of the 80 to 9 fully back to what it should be like this time of Sunday morning Bluebell hill there was a car on fire earlier and it was slow on the northbound carriageway the 2 tonight that has east there is a question dealing among Bansal road near to cults and how many motorways are moving well on camera on the trains run into Rochester replace some buses today also replacing buses Tonbridge to Red Hill because of the engineering works and are on the Eurostar service is absolutely fine no problems reported for sailings this morning on James Woolsey and this will travel news throughout the day all 96.7 f.m. In Sevenoaks Minster and chatter across east coast on 104.2 f.m. This is b.c. Radio. So closing moments of something gardening takes us towards the Sunday speakeasy at 11 o'clock with the mighty opaque could you be the new Lembit I wonder he's relatively new to the team here at b.b.c. Radio Kent open auditions next weekend Saturday and Sunday Saturday in Broadstairs at Peter's church hall in some Peter's new Broadstairs Royal Engineers museum in jailing him next Sunday 930 to 530 you need to be over the age of 18 but there is no upper age limit anyone can apply and no previous experience is required and then but often mentions that he had no experience of radio other than being a guest that's right I can be the new them but instead of the old Lambert I'll take that up. You know she didn't offer to be anybody to be the new Under goal and there's only one there's only one and I'm legal and only one Martin Luther King and Kim Jong un my goodness may not accompany you I mean you know I quite know what to make of the well the dead Well that's true. You're on fire today I like your joke about France earlier on state completely sideswiped by by. And I did quote Martin Luther King in my speech at the Kent life garden of the Year Awards did you well I paraphrased him shall we say rather than directly quoting him so the quote went if you can't run walk if you can't walk crawl if you can't crawl then just keep on gardening. Then again of course I had a dream. When I look at my own garden I often do let us hear it 11 o'clock discussing the week's news that's one small step for man one giant leap for underground we are talking about David Cameron and his book his explosive experts a rather unusual former prime minister being willing to overtly criticize our current prime minister is that what you want to see from politicians as it further erode your faith a lot of criticism of Cameron himself of course for misjudging the mood of the nation calling the referendum back in 20152016 when the referendum took place in maybe that's Anyway he could have won that election I'm hoping to have a special guest this morning who has just wandered into the studio and see if I can that go on tell you who years in a minute housing lots of people in temporary accommodation in the area what is the solution to that is there one or are we facing a housing crisis in this country. You say that lend their album only looking last night some my social media feeds and the campaign in Martin popped up who are fighting a 2000 strong development in Martin Capel just up the road from here 3000 strong development there developments across many other parts of Kent of course so that plays into that debate it goes both ways because the fury don't allow these developments then we don't have the accommodation you've known you've heard of nimby before or not in my backyard you know a banana is build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone. Maybe that's the problem so would you have the biggest state in your backyard in order to solve that problem or near me think it's more about them not using the brownfield sites rather than spreading out further and further well yes I mean that's absolutely a key part of it Steve and I think so by using brain food science when they are available of course clearly somewhere like Martin right in the middle of the can countryside there would be very few if any brain field sites within within the village and I suspect they've probably been built on already under our current regulations we'd never have built London or Canterbury or Dover So what is the solution their cash machines seem to be disappearing as is money His other concern for is cash king or should we just accept the plastic alternative and there's a woman to keep swimming across the channel what Hugo has going on. I mean that is just incredible to do it she's the 1st person to do it 4 times without stopping and they're only. For people who have done it 3 times without stopping and. In terms of physical and mental challenge that has to be up there with any sporting achievement every year but it makes a change for somebody to go in the other way doesn't it. Could be an inspiration how science will say joining us today we've got cancer Vince Maple of the Labor Party conference he's got some questions to answer but a nice chap but some awkwardness going on there maybe he can make sense of the chaos who got Judy flowers in the studio a leadership development consultant Island maybe if I can convince him to stay for another 20 minutes we might have Craig McKinlay the conservative member of parliament who's rifted downstairs having done some television in the building a few questions for him as well maybe about David Cameron if you want to get involved over 80756 double one the 18756 double one the 19 supreme Now give me a call comma to speak to lead his ear until to hear it too with King and Company the best of the guests from the weekday evening show and then from 3 today will be back and she's back tomorrow from mine. What about if they find weapons or stolen goods or other things as well if they did find them then they were. Operational. If you. Seriously agility back Monday from 9 b.b.c. Radio Kent. And the best of Jews today between 3 and 5 on b.b.c. Radio Kent Here's Chris who's in stable hairstyle occurred this morning new to the morning watch running program Thank you were enjoying as I was immensely to digress as you might have Mary Kay what is running rampant at your school gong Och softly lovely little yellow flower purple leaved horrible plant. I couldn't have described it better myself. And to get it out I mean we've put that we'd suppressant under an ace bulk on the pulse but it is still managing to get to that and it is also growing in a raised beds I wonder if it came in with soil or how because we haven't had it before right well it only needs one plant to come in Chris because he's got the he's got one of these it's a bit like hairy bits across the seed capsules actually burst open and fling the seeds all over the place yeah and that's how it spreads and really the key is if you want you spot it trying deal with it straight away you know it's the last thing you want to do is let it flower. Like we've been trying to do that but it still seems to spread and has a massive root as well and that if you leave a bit of the roots in that also seems to grow right well the thing is that there are a couple of wheat killers that I can recommend. One is the the weed free plus that I've mentioned right now that well because these plants form a colony even if you don't cover it all if you spray some of it it spreads through to the rest of the colony right. If y'all reluctant to use something like that at a school that's also not the form it's just called wheat free and that's based on Peleg on the cascade and it just keeps burning off the foliage and. Several times but it does work right well as half term is coming up and we usually finish the gardening club at half I could probably do that through the winter as long as the saying is still leasing and flowering and doing what it should be doing well providing it's got leaves on it half term you can use the wheat free plus and the good thing about it is that with a lot of these weeds this time of year most of the food manufacturer is going into storage so it will take in more of the chemical good that sounded so that's what we're going to do then that sounds wonderful thank you so much now just before you go if it's an area where you can spray Yeah I think to do is if you put a small amount of the concentrate in a bucket and then the same amount of water and mix it up if you put on a rubber glove and on the same hand an old gardening glove Yeah he just stick your hand in the stuff so that the glove gets wet and why Peter over the weeds long as you can see wetness on the way you know the chemicals on there and that way you don't get any spray drift on the plant you want to save sounds good to me that's the way to go I think the parts can be sprayed and the borders or the beds can be white with yeah wonderful thank you so much we hope we can get rid of it going as cross our fingers crossed good luck it's Christian Staplehurst with the UK solace running rampant victories in Malden Iraq just a hell of a. Good morning. Now sounding stave and me sorry I thought so I got the age. There in the end don't worry I tell you what if I get the answer wrong I'm Chris. Rock waiting for you. Yeah. Oh I like to go cause most what we flowers that we followed and all the plant is some from seed I post. From a well known German supermarket might stunt and. You know your sprouted and I actually planted half a dozen altogether. So in the front garden for in the back garden because I get so sun Where are enticed my house I grew how I told you no looking nice color green but no flower buds whatsoever and which rather puzzled me my neighbor she also gruesome cosmos in a back garden which gets most of them then I do likewise flower by the toll is there any reason for this right did your neighbor get the seeds from the same source you know right. Because I've heard of this happening quite a bit this year. But all the ones that I've heard so far the seed came from the same same source as your state and I do wonder whether or not it's a batch that maybe doesn't because some of them. The more hardy ones will sometimes go over into the next year so if it's acting as a biennial rather than you will you won't get flowers till next year Ok That won't happen anyway because I had a big tardy up garden store afternoon yesterday and I've got I have a shredder. You know just thinking. To put the bits back together but. Yeah. So a write off for this year Victor we think so basically it would appear as though back to that scene Well I don't I don't know about Duff seed if it's something where it flowers in the 2nd year you know it's doing what it's supposed to but if it says on the packet that it's a hardy annual. You know that's that's misinformation basically But the main thing is next year if you try it again with Cosmos. Cut down on the fade apart from something like tomato for you to wait to discourage growth but encourage flowers Victor thank you Brian in Upminster is our final cold calling us on Cosmos Brian calling us about the law morning Brian Yeah good morning. Across small mental Rio not signed Kate made a mark the last couple is been really suffering badly we were cast and you know they kick weighs up and also has a problem but we're proprietary Well at that so I prefer artsy products to try and eliminate it didn't work out so statement last week up a about the city for in the law when I was wondering if I could put any cases compost or some liquid on a sunny on or is it because I understand the products of the grain capers all use is now illegal you can get it I wanted to really chips yes. It's now illegal to use. Worm careless which is what they used to use in the past you can you sulphate of ammonia. And that's about the trouble is about well it varies between 14 and 17 percent nitrogen so your grass will grow more but it will a city for a city 5 the surface. What I use it home is something called Cast clear yet or cast clear and to be honest it didn't work oh well it worked well for me I watered it on with a watering can and it's worked really well for me but you can either use you can get something called sulphur loan from a company called green fingers and you can put that on which will acidify the soil or you can use sulphate of ammonia which is a really cheap lies or both of those will have some acidifying effect and I'm not saying they will totally eliminate one counts but they will certainly reduce them considerably well as I said. So much so I'll try to go like Brian only let us know I got on Brian high and again Steve could you so the problem of my rubber plant losing its leaves asks Derek in grave then we often lose leaves our old intervals but never on this scale it's quite an old plant so it's had its day or has it he's attached a picture it looks fairly vigorous Steve to me this rubber plant growth with the back patio or by the looks of things looks fairly rampant Yes he's got one or 2 yellowing leaves on the left hand side of the plant and in the center but it looks far from the great compost heap in the sky and I couldn't agree more I mean certainly yellowing leaves like this sometimes an indication that it's been over watered. They certainly don't like that but of course the lower leaves will always drop 1st because they're older and they get shaded by the least further up and so eventually they get rejected by the plant but looking at the picture that we've got where there is some yellow leaves pretty well all over the plant. I would question the watering Ok what would be your watering regime well research what I do the thing is what I do and I'm not allowed near the house plant so it's alright say what I would do but quite often the thing is that if you stand the plant on a sort of pot on the source or and you water only into the source or the plant will tell you when it needs more water because the source is empty Ok thank you it that way this is Linda on the email morning gardening team could you why did this plant it came from my parents' home and apart 13 years ago it's now a hedge it's only ever bloomed in the late spring now for the 1st time it's bloomed in the ne autumn and she attaches a couple of pictures of said shrub. You know I was looking around you what it was then for the girl I think it probably is for the gala for the Giller tell us about for the gala right well for the gallows plant the lights are acacias conditions. You know it's a nice shrub. She doesn't looks deciduous she doesn't say which deciduous or not but it's often grown for us good autumn colors as well Ok fantastic for the gala then what you have Linda thank you for the what I think she has if you his apologies if we haven't got your email today will get to it during next week's program presented by Steve Daniel and Gene Griffin next week and I'll be back the week after The reason being of course is the new voices talent search is next weekend if you know someone who'd love to be on the radio they need to be at some Peter's Church Hall some Peters just as I Broadstairs on Saturday between 930 and 530 or the Royal Engineers museum in jailing him next Sunday again between 930 and 530 Steve thank you very much my pleasure through you see you in a fortnight's time thank you. Don't forget to check the Facebook page the reason that we have an apple with the word and they sell a tape to it will be revealed imminently standby Lembit on pic is next discussing the week's news with you on our usual number phone and text on 96.7 and 104.2 f.m. d a b Freeview channel 719 And now on the b.b.c. Sounds. This is b.b.c. Radio cancel 11 o'clock here's Ester Hi I'm the struggling travel company Thomas Cook says it's talking to a number of different stakeholders and is still hopeful of a rescue deal the firm could fall into administration within days unless it finds $200000000.00 pounds in extra funds and meeting with shareholders and creditors is underway the foreign secretary Dominic Rob says British holidaymakers should be reassured that plans are in place to get them. But Thomas Cook couldn't rely on the government bailouts we don't systematically step in with the taxpayers' money when businesses are going under unless there's a good strategic national interest for doing so but I don't want to undermine the talks are going on we'd love to see it continue as a going concern but obviously people want to know that there's some reassurance that the contingency planning has been done and of course we're doing that the Labor leader Jeremy Corbin has told the b.b.c. He wasn't aware in advance of an attempt to oust his deputy Tom Watson a motion to get rid of Mr Watson's role emerged last night at the start of the party's annual conference in Brighton the mystical been said he wasn't all seeing and didn't know it would be introduced at that time our assistant political editor Norman Smith says he also dismissed any suggestions that he might resign himself there's been a little bit of chick chatter on the margins of this conference whether Mr Coburn might stand down soon and maybe that lay behind the move to get rid of Tom Watson so he wasn't in pole position to succeed or to orchestrate the succession but this morning Jeremy Coburn quashing any idea that he's going anywhere soon describing that quotes as wishful thinking and pledging to serve a full term if he wins the next election and anti-racism rally takes place in Folkston this morning after claims that a far right group Britain 1st wants to patrol Kent beaches does to deter migrants coming ashore in small boats and more migrants were intercepted off the coast again Kent yesterday isn't Margaret spade at around 12 noon the group were Afghan and Iranian nationals and gardeners in Canada celebrating their success at the Kent life Gardener of the Year awards the awards now in their 10th the Abel presented on Thursday b.b.c. Radio cans and the government was on the judges' panel Lynn Smith from Hastings won best amateur gardener for her creative woodland 3 and a half acre garden it's a mixture of woodland law. In addition to that I love doing more than that so we've got a lot of painted trees and big murals that. The back garden and sculptures dragons and things I've said lots of different things to sport now Ireland have thrashed Scotland 27 to 3 at the Rugby World Cup in Japan the Irish scored 4 tries in limited their opponents to a solitary penalty kick off against Tonga shortly now that it can't sport his mat Davidson they were manager and he hasn't solaces he was prepared to take the players off the field during the game against the Paul after members of his squad reported receiving racist abuse the incident happened after Dave are taken the lead in the game was delayed by more than 10 minutes as he and the boss Craig Hignett considered what should happen over won the game to nil jelling and run a 4 games without the 3 came to an end as they lost one nil to Ipswich absolute bottom of the National League after they lost 3 nil to barrow and there were defeats for all 3 of our local clubs in rugby's National League One Canterbury Blackheath and Odell time eons and now with Ken's weather today his summer thought and still got some showers across Kent at the moment they are slowly clearing the way eastwards and as the driest lot of weather before further rain follows in through the middle part of the afternoon not with those 1st 2 long couple of hours worth of rain in the middle part of the afternoon and then clearing up by the end of the day a warm day though temperature 22 Celsius b.b.c. Radio Kent it's 3 minutes past 11 thanks as b.b.c. Radio came to call member Good morning to thank you to the gardening team Stephen Landy still chatting away in the studio next door looks to me like and he's actually giving Steve some kind of a medal is buttoning up Steve's shirt I don't know what's going on in there look away now please look away now this is a care in the. Program with much more decorum I suggest it's the city of misty when I ask how lovely what I've been up to be quite a busy summer actually exotic a bit of time of the day job to go to Edinburgh Fringe performing I was yes I'm primarily an improviser But actually I was mainly doing a play about male mental health which is. Subject quite close to my heart and I think radio can't actually trialed the writer because we're a local group from from Kent So it's really enjoyable that's amazing we've got in common I performed that reference how many years ago sort of spoken word oh stop it was a parody of politics it was a play about standing in an election and I was playing myself Oh my goodness did you lose me.