Such Center suggests Jersey could be part of leading the change to move entirely to renewable sources for generating electricity if it harnesses its title power it follows comments from a u.k. Energy company which said the Channel Islands could generate as much electricity as a nuclear power station using the power of the tides Neil commode from the European Marine Energy Center says as so much naturally created energy and Jesse's tied could play a huge part in the process of moving to entirely renewable sources. People in just . 3 hours a week more than expected as lifestyle survey shows the average working week is 37 hours but people are working for 41 in every 25 workers is on a 0 hours contract which allows employers to take on staff with no guarantee of whack. Beatles memorabilia including a pair of John Lennon's round sunglasses and a parking ticket issued to bring Go star ought to be sold in an online auction next month that part of a collection being sold by a former driver for the band Jason cave reports Alan herring worked as a driver for Ringo Starr and George Harrison in the late 1960 s. John Lennon once left a pair of sunglasses in the back a ring ghost asked Miss Sadie's had invited Mr Herring to keep them also being sold is a creased parking ticket left on Ringo Starr's car outside Apple Records in Savile Row in central London other items in the sailing Klute a cigarette lighter they kept in the car some shirts and one of George Harrison's guitars sport now Jesse Reds director of rugby Harvey 1000000000 says new signing Rodney Yanna is a versatile Buster talent dition to the team the 28 year old Samoan back is set to be involved in Jersey squad for tomorrow's game against Doncaster 1000000000 says you know his range of qualities will be an asset to the club he's a player has got versatility he played 10 he played 12 he can play 13 and probably even 15 say is deafening he's got versatility and his skills are something that stand out for us and and we want to see them using both from hand and from from front jazzy pulls manager Kevin Nelson says last weekend's 70 win over Cove was the team's best performance of the season the island side have now won 16 straight league games and a yet to lose or draw a single competitive match they take on 3rd placed Farnum Springfield tomorrow afternoon I think it was our best performance and I think it's too easy to look at the opposition I think they were no below par on the day of said it before they look to a shell shocked certainly Ali early on when you get early go they really struggle after I don't there was a player that badly for us that was good performances all over the park and they certainly couldn't compete with us. And coach just though b. Says she wants to take England that would seem one step further than the predecessor Tracy novel by competing for a while Cup golden 2023 Leeds England for their 1st full post wild Cup series in South Africa this weekend it's 5 past. B.b.c. Radio Jersey. Ok quick look for you pretty windy out there still much of a force for increasing moderate force force a fresh force 5 a night some 5 periods out of a sunshine coming through the window so isolated showers expected though prolonged the soft noon and dying out overnight highs of 11 degrees and lows of 7 house the weekend looking well tomorrow it will start off cloudy outbreaks of rain from around midday occasionally heavy turning showery in the evening still pretty windy southeast moderate force force a fresh force by strong force 6 unties tomorrow of 10 degrees. fun going so. Now you wanna be friends always out on weekends in the. Media but not anymore. Who can. Tell you when the law. Is still. That this is all. This is. And I can tell you how it having issues a local was finally the last of the fields I was there. Before. How endowment Bishop always knows. Who. Tells you when the law. Are. Still. Hurt this is all. This is. A little cold you know when nobody else gave an l. Who bailed you out it was all me. Who is ill and it is very old his friend who said it traded 2 still stuck around I was horny. This is. She's a perfect 10. But she wears a 12. Baby keep a little chilly. Sweet 16. To see. Just to love the 1st cigarette. When he sat. With the big fat if. You want to see the smile. And even that told him with the goal there ain't no man can replace. Him. I'm. Lucky. I. If you say. Well. I can work this thing. And if you say. The slow. 6. Yes turned 6 it. Was mismanage. Mansion. Beautiful smile and perfect 10 which by the way was the school that I gave Age Concern quiet earlier on today. Release the radio Jersey travel it was a 10 for me guys will hear from them shortly on the program 1st of all let's take a look at the heart as well you'll find the Portsmouth clipper coming in at the later time of the say evening and it's leaving about 40 minutes late as well should be going at 10 o'clock that's to go and see and Portsmouth look into arrivals at the airport for you now my site is shut chilled but there are a few delays to mention there's the Southampton $250.00. That one's coming in actually that one should be in about 20 minutes apologies that one's an early the b 245 from Southampton in by 235 today the Southampton a 350 however is coming in late should be in by 515. Midlands flight delayed today the 410 coming in at 5 o 5 and the guns the 540 making an appearance at 630 Let's take a look at the roads finally a reminder really those so called 5 Oaks roundabouts at the moment resurfacing there and sent Jones right in sin hell yeah it's one way the moments between Cheapside and Tao right share your trouble. Oh wait only $188.00 b.b.c. Ball clay crazy on b.b.c. Radio ages is just gone 25 posts a thanks for your company this Friday often it does I mention it's Friday today it's one of my favorite days I like Saturday and Sunday as well Monday not so much I don't know to know what it is about. And also this Friday is a Good Friday because it's plays a today for a lot of us what are you going to day with that. Hashi going to save it up going to keep it for a rainy day you can use it carefully on those Christmas presents share it out gradually across the next month to make sure you've got enough to carry you through or are you going to blow it all at once because apparently it's what a lot of us do. It also applies to the rich and famous is well I spoke to a real life rock star about the issue Hugh despite having lots of money got in so if she's with debts when he realized that it doesn't last forever not if you spend it very quickly buying cars and houses for people I'm talking about chesney hawkes He's best known for the hits one and only apparently he knows exactly what we all got 3 I mean I had good people around me were my parents are kind of like sixty's hippies and you know finances were never really the head thing for yeah it was a crazy time it really was you know I didn't know whether where I was going to be waking up that day you know as and and what country I was going to be in or countries I was going to be in that day it was it was pretty mad about being in the eye of a storm you know and did you ever find yourself in dire straits thinking oh my goodness I've just you know I bought a new car and now what am I going to use to 8. Well it wasn't quite like that then those days I mean it was more for me that was more kind of a long term think is that I I just got I had money suddenly you know at a very young age and I just kind of went out and spent it you know I bought my friends and family cars and things like that and then for me it was like you know a few years later I was like oh there's nothing left. You know so I kind of like we're going to go to kind of a rude awakening wake up call when I was kind of actually quite far in the hole and didn't realize it and hadn't even thought about you know the future you know so I mean my the bit an extreme story obviously which is why I'm here now just. Talking about how it is possible to kind of you know to change kind of habits I guess and kind of you know think about saving at the beginning of the month. No matter how little it is it could be if it's anything you know just a small amount and it's going to it's going to help for the future and you've compared your life but back then as a kind of rock star in your life as a dad did you say 3 Yeah I got 3 kids yeah that they're not kids anymore my son just turned 18 gosh I know it's crazy isn't it you know he's he's going up to all sorts of mischief as you do when you're 18 so how is your life comparing apart from the 3 extra people in your life how does that compare to see you back then do you still being a pop star at times oh I'm still playing I'm still you know touring and making music and making you know. New album on the go which is we should be out next year and always on the road so I mean it hasn't changed in that respect in fact I'm probably working more than I was back then I'm forever I live in Los Angeles now but for ever coming back over here for gigs if anyone's interested chesney hawkes dot com comes for me on the road perfect I mean you've done loads of things in your career you've done kind of nice because you've done lights of t.v. . And of course all of your songs as well and you're continuing to do that now you are best known of course for the one and only and I wondered whether you had a kind of love hate relationship with that I've had a you're right I have had a kind of a love hate relationship with that song over the years but these days you know we're friends with benefits I should say we've fallen out and didn't talk for a very long time whenever I didn't even play it for like 7 years and then but the thing is I can't help but love playing it because you know the matter how a gig is going whether it's kind of like an average gig or whatever 5 for. Play the one and only it's a good gig you know people people seem to have a lot of love for that record and I don't I don't kind of you know feel like I have ownership to it anymore it's kind of you know everybody has the beauty of what we do in music this is connections and emotional connections with with songs and takes you back to certain times in their lives and their own and the song kind of has a has a life of its own you know it's kind of a call a song with wings and I hear these stories that. They're from up and down the country really where people say well I was played played as my 1st dance my wedding and even people saying it was plays a funeral for a friend of mine and I mean it's pretty amazing really the power of music it's a recognizable It was he was just a Q u f a contestant to wash it wasn't in Celebrity Big Brother was it was that was that was a very weird experience actually the whole week in Celebrity Big Brother it was Latoya Jackson Coolio and. Terry Christian and that whole week they had to every time the world really came on it would come in like the middle of the night and they don't have to get up and go to the the garden and worship at a shrine they'd made with my face on it I mean they must of Haiti I mean that's when you know you've made it there was a chesney hawkes shrine wasn't there was an on the very last day on the Friday they had me appear over the garden in a cherry picker crane and I was like leaning over this crane and looking down is Latoya Jackson in Korea like on their knees giving me the worship service is a very very surreal moment in my life. The agent called you and said listen we need you to get any cherrypick. All right that's the beauty of my job it's very weird times chesney hawkes telling us what life was like after a number one hits talking of way. And even. For the weekend. Thank you. Thank you thank us. Because. The a. Get you a. Cube. With. Us. With the. Cohen. Thanks. Because. Cohen. Give you a u.s. . Thank. You and. We've. Got the. Quick. What. Was. Its Talking Heads and she was saying on b.b.c. Radio each as they well we heard from chesney hawkes before singer songwriter famous guy we're going to be hearing from the dream is very soon surely you've heard of the dream is that destined for big things and I just happened to rehearse it and you'll get to hear them doing well they do best very shortly after this one from Queen. With. The by. The. Way. With. The box. Lol. Lol lol. Lol. Lol. That's. Called. Old. Days. It's quarter to 3 so the news not far away I'm going to squeeze in a bit of Quincy Jones before that like you'll be pleased to hear from us though I've been looking forward to this all week coming I don't get out much to be fair but anyway I've been excited I mean hot e-mails tons of activities and great company it's what Age Concern does very well that I'm singing I take it you've heard of the dreamers probably destined for big things definitely guaranteed to make you smile I went along to meet them. So I found myself back in a huge concern a week off drugs last year I mean I keep coming back for more I met some of the people who come here for delicious food to play a game a bingo see me friends and I found out what I was here that they could acquire and they're desperate to share their talents and their joy so I invited the meant to b.b.c. Radio Jersey they were excited they've been practicing. And then last minute yesterday I can only describe it as diva like behavior I was told You know what while they're not come to the studio can you come here so that's why I find myself back here at Age Concern I've come up the stairs and it's not too hard to find the Yup the surroundings we need. Was. It Because I'm meeting new people and it's always come and they get the flak and it's always nice to come every do for a lovely meal here and I really enjoy. To. You. I need to ask you about the gentleman that was sitting in front of me waving his hands about our Senior Manager Paul similes and he used to be in front of us otherwise we. Say what he's making sure that you were hit the notes to keep in time with the music and yes he did come in at the right and that's important I noticed that actually if you sort of points out words like reading. And I don't want to point fingers but I saw you panic the most when he said. Did you hit it I did yes I'm. Going to. Be. Reading this. I feel bad that your talent which would be restricted to this room do you get out and perform for people. Hopefully. If you get an invitation you got an invitation from b.b.c. Jazz he did in yes but does someone want to tell me why you didn't. Come to b.b.c. Jesse and why I came here is it because you will do this I'm really. I think we are I'm in a room full of Davis and you say on the bus all I'm here for is just really just to make the tea and and bring the biscuits I don't want to say but I just hope they don't drop me when they're big and saying it's. Ok. The Age Concern quiet that's the dream as to you or maybe they take bookings by the way they perform for free you to find a lot of groups do that don't they once they've made it they'll do kind of free concerts and stuff like that you member when Gary Barlow I was turning up to people's weddings to surprise them with a song pretty similar just think that is pretty similar to that of course is a busy time for them on the run up to Christmas bookings will be coming in thick and fast so do not delay if you want to make a booking with the tree missed his pull Simmons the senior manager there yes we called the dreamers but I will have to check out diaries to see if we can take any normal concerts year but we'd be open to anyone any residential homes any primary schools or nurseries actually just want to come in as all or you need to book us is really a casual cup of tea and possibly a few biscuits There you go do not delay if you want to book them in I hear they've already got a booking on the run up to Christmas with Jazzy out Simas So there you go practicing at the moment for that next concerts. It's not my shop or Tina t. Guys I know you're listening at the moment your kids right. They were a little nervous there was no need to break. His Quincy Jones on b.b.c. Radio. And you. The good. The bad. The the. Good. Enough. Is. Being. The. Good. Guy. B.b.c. Radio. Glen It's 3 o'clock I'm and I'm. The former chief executive of jazzy animal has admitted taking around $400000.00 pounds from the charity in the court today Stephen John Coleman admitted 19 charges of fraud the 61 year old from St Lawrence was remanded in custody and will be sentenced in February. Jesse States members have voted against an attempt to offer some fun report on interest cheap pay visits the Social Security Minister members to reject the calls for $10.00 pounds consultations for pension is children under 5 aren't us on income support and pregnant women stepped in said they should wait for an update of honest health system under proposed changes next year they could say most of his office in the community now let the health care mojo get separate This is a passion he should be given this next year we haven't done anything that would say no no no when the sun rises with the noise but Joan travel Pointon encourage politicians to back the plan open men. And women yes we do and yes we do even for many of the new people and I think it would be a tragedy to reject this politicians continue to debate the government fund and says money stress chief the next 4 years they've agreed to sit until half past 6 this evening and to come back Monday if the still more to discuss a u.k. Research Center looking into total power says renewable energy is the future and Jesse could be part of leading the change it follows comments from a u.k. Energy company which said the Channel Islands could generate as much as chesty as a nuclear power station using the power of the tides committed from the year payment Energy Center says Jesse could follow suit if the Ok and harness the power of its surrounding Ses there is so much energy messing around and in ways it doesn't involve for instance and so we're absent qubits the future is definitely sustainable definitely based around the new awards and energy efficiency and we absolutely believe there are a lot of locations around the world where there are waves towards where Target where those energies are going to play a part of this whole process. More than a 1000 people in jazz he answered a survey about their lifestyles the Jazz opinions and lifestyle survey asked about a range of issues from black and health to travel and heritage statistics to Jesse The Body which organized the study says it will give everyone a better understanding of social issues and help policy make his. Sport now and jazzy bread's new signing Rodney is set to make his full day before the Cup tomorrow the 28 year old Samoan has been named as number 12 and have a 1000000000 starting 15 that inside high sting don't cost nights in the Championship cup. Both on hand and 6 changes in all to the side that start to charities when 2 weeks ago. Jazzy both manager Kevin Nelson says last weekend's 7 when I have a card with the team's best performance of the season the Allen side have now won 16 straight games and the yet to lose or draw a single competitive match they take on 3rd place phantom at Springfield tomorrow afternoon I think you also both performance I think it's too easy to look at the opposition or think they were below par in the dike of said it before I looked through a show shot so the Ollie early on when he got early go I really struggled off but I was applied by badly for us that was good performances all of the park and I certainly couldn't compete with us was our to. The as. A and since. It's. The and it was the at the at the at it's 8 minutes past 3.