For decades in sport in military personnel and they come to us like in a position of on the belt when the broken. And often with legal issues such as they've got an injury or have got a family a share or they've been in the criminal system or they divorced the family is broken their $25.00 new 5 fighters will start work across the link surely shocks are today the uncle staff of just completed their 14 week recruitment calls and will be based in stations across our area from scum filth to prevailing to and now they're still chance to register for an online auction which includes more than $4000.00 bottles of wine and champagne in Scunthorpe the been sold tonight by an online auction after Lincolnshire based wine club collapse Paul Cooper is in Edison's Anscombe top and says they'll be some unique wines on offer one thing the 3 day ones like to do was to seek out special vintages from particular vineyards and then bar the Antalya a vintage for that year for the exclusive benefit of their members so there are some winds here that you will be able to bar the high street in the u.k. The worst places to buy online be named and shamed this morning according to which home base House of Fraser and debate Smith said the most disliked and least reliable internet shopping sites Kathryn Schulz worth is a retail expert in Yorkshire I would call traditional retailers find it very difficult to be very good online retailers quickly and that's because it's very different for them to change their business practice from shops with people who can help you on to an online platform and just a quick look at the sports whole city will be sent to nearby Yorkshire arrivals Leeds last night it means that animates side of the turn to the top of the English Championship table a lot more sports news at 25 strike you 6 minutes past 7 with travel his state chairman thank James in Oxford we still have this closure in place this morning at the auction crossroads to Scarboro debts has come program about that close off in both directions because of a serious accident it's so slow through Bentley with road work from Mr Whyte heading through to now wouldn't. So you find the light in the junction there we've got lights I'm going to congestion actually on stone Ferry Road it's because of road works I think on the street but Tempe lights at the junction there with a stone for the road and it's busy on 160 but the road works and you have a long road there no junction with the road but no the major problems on the road motorway the coping Ok trains are also where moving pretty much to time no major delays anyway and no cancellations so far but anything that sociable 30123 a wanted to and about with more than 50 minutes thank you for the forecast Lisa Gallagher good morning to be a bright and every day they're not as windy as yesterday join sunny through the morning clouds will start to develop through the afternoon that could bring one or 2 showers. Around about the 7 degrees but the shall die way this evening have. A the night I'm not going to allow frost as the temperature drops back to freezing waking up know the Lincoln and every weekday morning from 6 until 9 this is James Clark owns the same radio and the sounds morning are you if you live in Cleethorpes So you've been to see the street recently you'll know that the the round continues reports are going to telegraph about the tiny parking bays a lot spent spent remodelling Cleethorpes but there's a picture in The Telegraph this week which shows a pickup truck literally only for the heart for the traders people living St Not impressed at all. When summer comes around with us not been changed that's going to be tricky to say the least very difficult you know when you think the streets only are so wide right coming up we're going to hear more what we have been hearing from all the main political parties ahead of the election is the turn of the BRICs it Party next we'll also hear from a very special guest star the future. Out me a young lady who is set for big things we'll hear about this veterans this happening as well I mean something to ponder on which we'll talk about the next 10 minutes who would your Person of the. Thank you know. Every day morning to see until now. Is James Gleick b.b.c. Radio this is. The countdown continues for the final day of the election campaign in the home straight I can't begin to imagine how tired all those candidates some politicians are all the leaders who've been out on the bomb that you know the battle buses effectively open down the country trying to persuade you to make your mind up and vote for them but what's been top of the agenda for you this election campaign well maybe she's been asking under thirty's that Question Time special How can my voice be heard my level of constituency so my vote won't change. On this issue some of us here have not voted on this if you have. The courage to vote on the matter if you were I myself who is going to be affected by this that's not how 116 year old should also get there because they're going to be last in with a lot longer than any of you will and secondly I think there should be a 2nd referendum not to remain or to leave but because our elected representatives will even though we have elected you as actors to come up with a deal that everyone is happy with how competition is serious about change and they went there with one of the biggest contributors and consumption how can we be sure any future houses are generally affordable when private companies expected to build majority we've been hearing from the leaders of all the main parties have the last couple days of breakfast outlining their thoughts on the issues that matter most to you yesterday we have from the Greens the Lib Dems and Johnson when he was Ingram speak for the conservatives you can hear all that again on the b.b.c. Sound app just click on radio Humberside and yesterday's show today we'll hear from Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn the 1st the BRICs it Party who have set their sights on Grimsby and Hall this election our political port reporter Paul wrote. He has been speaking to leader Nigel Farrar we are standing against the Labor existing labor M.P.'s We decided not to stand against the conservatives our fear was it might lessen a lot of the Democrats our fear was it might take us a bit closer to a 2nd referendum which we did as the last thing in the world we want so you're right in conservative held seats they can't vote for us I know for a lot of people that's very disappointing it's disappointing to some of the candidates you have to let down indeed some of your candidates say the same vote Conservative while some well I mean look all I would say to people is for goodness sake don't vote Labor or Liberal Democrat otherwise you will take a closer 2nd referendum if you can bear it folk and serve it if some well some will stay at home the difficulty is this Boris Johnson at one point a few weeks ago was talking about a Canada style trade deal was talking about a clean break from the institutions of the European Union and he's now backtracked and he's talking about the e.u. Treaty being some sort of govern ready deal that gets put it like the Christmas turkey because it sounds great doesn't it 3 and a half years of agony Let's get bricks it done but when you read the small print I'm afraid it will lead to us being trapped for years you're too much targeting Labor held seats in the north and middle and that have always been Labor Why do you think you can succeed with the conservatives haven't there's a cultural thing here you know you will meet people in this country will tell you my granddad voted Labor my grandmother very conservative it because of the 1st past the post system our politics is very tribal and to switch from Reds to blues or the other way round it's just a step too far I was speaking to a very old lady a limited ninety's and she said look you know I've been Labor since the war but I don't like mystical Binns policies I voted Brix I don't want to vote again but I'd sooner turn in my grave the vote Conservative It's people like that that do feel comfortable voting with drugs Boris Johnson is saying every day get Breck's it done isn't it you're right isn't what he's told he's taken the lines yes if I even talking about an Australian stop point system on immigration he's even. Asking the b.b.c. License fee I mean everything I've campaigned for over 20 years and being called an extremist for is now mainstream in British politics that level I'm really pleased to have that influence the trouble is get Breck's it is not true if we passed this withdrawal agreement as it's currently worded Mr Bania the negotiator on the other side has already made it clear the next phase will last another 3 years and the next 3 could be even worse than the 3 before we've got to have a clean break in 2015 you've got 4000000 votes in the you can't win new seat isn't there a danger you might get fewer votes and stillness 8 I think pro rot we're going to get as many if not more votes if I start across the whole country would have over 4000000 is a question about that but you're right you know we have an electoral system that makes it very difficult for new organizations even with millions of votes I mean it's part of the reason why I think politics needs reforming and changing what I've got to do and it's not easy I've got to persuade people who attended a vote Conservative in seats the Labor Party has held in some cases for over 100 years but they were wasting their vote in those constituencies and they need to vote tactically and that is my mission you campaign for referendum almost single handedly for decades you got it you got the result you wanted some people might think your job's done well look I have been committed to this for 25 years I mean it was an act of madness I suppose that to give his life over to a cause like this but I have because I've always believed that the European Union was heading in the wrong direction that it wasn't for us there was a bigger more exciting world out there we are absolutely on the verge of getting something called Breck's but I'm not sure we're on the verge of actually leaving and that is the problem so yes I want Rex it happen very much but I want the right Bracks it to happen and this campaign for me is an absolute point of principle if we finish up here winning the war and losing the pace that to me would be off you that you could use. Leading the bricks at party you're not talking about having the Reform Party when will the Reform Party begin and I'd like to keep you all guessing obviously no I think look if we get a form of good or bad I think the work will be obsolete I think we have served our purpose we have come back into the arena it'll be a partial success but I do think beyond bricks I genuinely believe that there are millions of people out there for the 1st past the post voting system because they feel in their constituencies they can't make any difference millions of people out there who look at the postal voting system and know that it's open to fraud intimidation we see court case after court case. Tens of millions out there who think appointing your mates to the House of Lords we sign in for a few 100 quid a day and have a say over legislation is 200 years out of date so I think reforming the way politics works in this country reforming our democracy and making the rest of the country feel that London is not as isolated as it currently is I think that's my next big campaign Lord Faraj of bricks and has a ring to it doesn't what it does but it's not going to happen because I really can't join the place I want to get rid of. The law for I should protect the poor our political correspondent speaking to leader of the BRICs a party Nigel Farage that could morning this is b.b.c. Radio homicide breakfast we will hear from Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn before 9 o'clock this morning stay with us it's quarter past 8 with the headlines Natalie Glanville the party leaders are to crisscross the country to promote their key messages ahead of the general election and then question a plate into death of a boy from the short she who died of sepsis while being treated at a hospital today's weather dry bright and chilly with heavy potentially thunder showers this afternoon highs a 7 Celsius 45000 Heights cloudy with heavy rain tonight cold and clear night toward still no layers of 0 Celsius 32000 Stephen Hall our weather watch agrees a fine morning drying up now after a rainy night the winds drop significantly lows of 5 degrees currently right let me put you on the spot Natalie Glanville Who is your person if you. Person of the year be the host of the year this is a big awards show me which Time magazine hosts in America yeah you could say you Mom if you wanted or you Dad Oh that's every year every year for the MCs you want to make us are paid to go on Amanda why. They fertility podcast it may absolutely amazing woman strong super brave sharing a story and yes she's my pet and as we learned yesterday she sleeps with the. Great sweet the sunrise Oh and I'm about there if you're listening How about that for high price we are looking for to know the sunrise and asking you if you're Person of the year we'll talk about that next no not you radio homicide and b.b.c. Look north Palm so returns with Mother Goose not you read them to get ready for the show sell is a farm in North Lincolnshire come on the Sally what you do in I think these geese are broken none of the lingo nags So while Sally finds the perv a goose grab yourself a ticket and get ready for the show coming to the cops on the way to say the 22nd of January is going to all right on Thursday the 23rd pretty intense on Friday the 24th and home city hall on Saturday the 25th and someday the 26 tickets are on sale now from the venue with all profits going to children in the 80000 now that symbolic b.b.c. Radio myside and b.b.c. Look north on your pounds so get your tickets now. Because he's not such a big thing over here but it's an enormously influential magazine on the other side of the pond Time magazine and The Big doing it says 1927 selecting that person of the year the editors select the people they believe it had most influence over the world over the last year. They decided last year that the people that were people of the year were the guardians of the war on truth. So group of journalists were awarded the award by a group of journalists. The quite like journalists passing it on the back is that so who would yours be let's broaden this out one of the candidates being mentioned this time around is sick Grettir of thumb Berg before I fell. Because it's felt like I was the only one who cared about the climate crisis no one I knew cared about this and I felt like I was the only. One could be a very worthy winner suggest Phoebe was a Brit she took fleabag to international audiences and is now involved in the latest Bond film. Come to this reading. And then. You can get to. Know. My from this waiting. Clavicle take it. Anyway they get. It running to the airport kind of and so there are some examples of who might be nominated this time around but let's make this all about Northern making sure in East Yorkshire who would your Person of the year be round here doesn't have to be round here but you think someone has made a real difference so it could be someone in your life it could be someone like the kind of people we'll hear from our aversive and come to later who are going above and beyond making a real difference it could be someone like Jim Bishop the bail a d who you know constantly deserves recognition for all the fundraising she's done over the years. Let me know what could be someone in your life want trouble 3 Start your message with the letters are h. Who would be your person of the year you can also call for free our 80065959 he will j p b b c Don't Care u.k. Drop a little message now is how does he think the person of the year should be 27 with trouble these days Chipman like James goes a problem south only the m 18 just being. Sorted that Lang blocked off because of broken down vehicles if you're heading that direction south might find a bit of a queue need to tune in for the us more turn off through option is no change with this closure of the High Street are still closed because the next in this morning from least copper road roundabout to Upton cross roads on that have been close busy as usual my thing it ran about 63 had road looking a bit slow as well as head towards the bridge and some delays he had made from Beverly the 16 walking slow they're quite slow to head through the roadway down towards the gym should rippling wrote at West l.-a I know the major problems on the roads though this morning and rail wise actually no cancellations to report to you and very few delays around this morning as well so good that good service there and enough to give the cold soda 301238 white SUV and more travel in 15 minutes. Waking up in the Lincoln. Every weekday morning from 6 until 9 this is James Gleick hosts from b.b.c. Radio on the sides. Of the way. To the voice of a 16 year old 16 year old Wilberforce college student. She's already shared a stage with at Sheridan taylor swifts what with Tina Turner is producer this weekend she'll be performing b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year men is. Quite a c.v. Already so let's speak to his weather this morning about this new star the future covered up from morning basic. Sound amazing listening to the. Well I am sure from. My story there is a slight I mean the sticks of spritely this morning one of these told villages beautiful sunrise or is just about coming up and I do know you love the sunrise James said keep an eye out for that one and I'm currently in the living room of where Lee and I with the Christmas tree twinkling in the corner of the room sat on the settee with reality on a modern. So this is so exciting news this weekend b.b.c. Sports Personality of the you've got quite a journey to get here so when did you 1st start singing purity 16 now yeah I started singing when I was about 6 or 7 it kind of just happened because I was a cool family you know my sister sayings My dad loves singing in taught me I'm Sister and it just kind of happened from that was kind of progressed from there it like now you say progressed just shy of 18 months ago you actually appeared on telly and c.b.p. Say Tell me about the experience what happened there yeah I did it was my 1st time doing like anything on telly it was a show called got what it takes on c.b.c. And yeah I went on that with Master Stephanie you know. I won it which is a burner so it was brilliant what did you have to do well each week we had to do challenges and by the end of it it was kind of the person with the most wins on a sing off and my sister had to do challenges and moments on the show with other contestants up to do challenges. Yeah it was it really can you remember the 1st time that you got on stage and sang in front of an audience Yeah I think I was a power and it was for Charlie. A song one I only which is a massive song is massive. Right for anyone let alone an 8 year old yeah that was my fast of a song I actually sang and it wasn't terrible it was actually not bad for a day you know. So just lead in on that and from the c.b.c. Got what it takes you woman that So what happened after you win that all the process was to sing the main stage ready one's biggest weekend and I opened up for that. And then a song and then Rita Ora came on through after me which was insane. I almost died say Anna did you get to me any of the people that played. Did I got to meet Craig David like I smell so good. I look like he would smell good he does he's small so good he gave me hope and everything it was brilliant you study music at College thank you it will be a false college is that right yeah I asked to do music technology music performing arts and music theory which is pretty good so there's some good then talk me through what's going to happen I'm going to be singing Oh. Spots personally of the Year award and I'm open in not for it. I'm very nervous because I'm singing my own song and it's going to be a lot of famous spots people in the audience like to the back and mall and I don't know how I'm going to be able to cope and hold in all my excitement bar I think I'm going to be alright I don't know how you're going to be able to sleep from now until then yeah definitely I'm not getting not asleep right now I'm definitely overthinking this entire thing definitely. Well I think we're actually going to hear a bit later on in the program the song that you're going to be singing in on Sunday night just talk me through the song the economy performing because Dick did you write this no I didn't write. A man called Mike Chapman who wrote simply the best for Tina tat and he wrote it for May and we've been working on it from the past year maybe a year and a half something like that and we finally finally got it finished and. I think people are going to like I think they're going to like it because I've tried really hard and I like. This I was excited for you. James It really is certainly one year later we need to keep an eye and an eye out for so they someday in my Sports Personality of the definitely was a gig you know when you hear about some the names involved the one performance you got to look to or thanks see more later from you but you know what you felt nerves Lucey we've all felt nerves and we've got a big gig ahead of us or something I mean I know Sports Personality of the year in the Grimsby Christmas lights are slightly different but you know the nerves before you go on stage you just got to go there and try to enjoy and you know could that and all that absolute you know always just be yourself I think you know I think I can relate to really on there having turned on the Grimsby Christmas lights with you yes it must be feeling exactly the same so I know I don't fully agree with it be yourself advice because you know being myself you've got to be slightly more interesting version of yourself be the be the best version of yourself for that's the advice I give anyone what you are interested in in your own right I'm not sure you've seen all of me. Right as it was for that. Point. That's really what's going on well City Council Eric Lehigh is accused lead story Capeci bound foot of deliberately keep the George long in the head came in cities to kneel to feed to Elland Road as long as to buy bomb food in the build up to lead 2nd goal I've talked to him he says if there was a coming together he didn't see it and it was an accidental collision but he had time to move out the way I've been in those situations and. It's not good especially if you're leaving knees on the people's heads it's just not part of the game and needs to be stamped out really it looked a cruel defeat to city but had come the Count it wasn't but knowing that luck harsh cruel or whatever you want to look out about at the end of the day I'm not interested in hard luck stories or anything the guy you know that's not me like you know and speaking to me we had opportunities to score we never took them a couple of coffee opportunities The 1st was a half opportunity and they score an angle 1st shot on our goal and then the 2nd one we thought we'd scored and we switched off as a team for 20 seconds in the balls that are in our net dealer and so yes for sure that Chelsea is 3 to the Champions League last 16 if they beat Lille 21 this time for a break from lim Pod says he was happy about conceding in the 2nd half when they led to nil was angry with the fact that the half time I asked for a push in the eyes and I think I've just done and you know I can never doubt that as a given everything but the reality is we need to be better in in that box we need to have more of our chances are better Premier League or the Champions League little sick kid their place in the last 16 of the Champions League thanks to this fine moment from most Saleh to speak only reaches Shall I go scary child shall I want to finish what I was said God was by the tide on the right side thinks they should he wants to die that was the chop which took them off the net a p 500 of them last 16 in the Champions League. Finish Clint's live a poll that 2 now when ever Red Bull Salzburg and has the city on top none played their final Champions League Group matches tonight that they signs of already qualify for the knockout stages city faced on USA grab and taught Never way apply Munich his the b.b.c. Still Murray has changed since Tottenham's record breaking 72 defeat to buy in in October both coaches then merits your part should say no and Nicole Colebatch have gone and spirits have recovered one enough to know their place in the last 16 as group runners up is secured by and can be caught but they're struggling on the home front said. In the Bundesliga and expected to field a strong team including $27.00 goal top scorer Robert Levin doff ski so with hurricane a 9 of their 1st team is rested or injured shows a Marine your squad players could face quite a test here in cricket Sri Lanka 76 without loss on the 1st day of their 1st Test against Pakistan the 1st time Test cricket has been played in Pakistan for 10 years the match is a 10 year on from the going to attack which killed 8 people and wounded several children can play is Time magazine are asking for who the person of the year 2019 should be. There's lots of people in the shortlist put some of them picking up on the fact that it could be Donald Trump versus Gretta thumb burg. Best of friends my case told morning Jean bishop and no doubt the bigger lady what about you might want trouble 3 start you Massachusetts is all right local national whoever he should post of the year be the tabs of a new Lincoln said Andy's stewardship are 95.9 is a digital radio and freeview channels 7. Days is b.b.c. Radio Humberside. 731 with the headlines Natalie Glanville political parties the stepping up campaigning in a last ditch bid to secure votes in the election tomorrow pushed on some will say the Tories of the only party can get bricks it doesn't logical they will repeat his promises of funding the n.h.s. More free childcare and cheap the transport as an inquest into the death of a total of from what can a girl who died of sepsis while in hospital is choose to openly to check sons died 3 days before his 2nd birthday he had surgery to reshape his skull at Leeds General Infirmary when he suddenly deteriorated police in New Zealand of release the names of 9 people are presumed dead after a volcanic eruption on Monday 6 of those an interesting killed is too dangerous rescue teams to search for the bodies because there's the risk of another eruption 14 shops run by the troubled Yorkshire Clay the ball motion he will have closed by the end of the week one in Brown's home in Hull shot on Monday the number of stalls be next in 2 phases of the thumb collapse 2 months ago do you ever think about how much exercise she would need to do to benefit the calories in your favorite treats well u.k. Scientists say including the information on food and drink labels could be a more effective way of tackling a bay state than just list in the calories these people been telling us what they think that each of our data will not be able to read or someone read on the green beans were to tell them you need to work for half an hour to get rid of data I don't know what it was but I think such to add a little girl about 9 months ago she is now and I'm trying to lose weight to be nice to know what I want to be slim because up. The worst places to buy online to be named and shamed this morning according to which home base House the phrase meant to be great Smith are the most disliked and least reliable internet shopping sites you actually tell expect to venture to West says it's vital firms get internet selling right online retailing in the u.k. Is alive and kicking it's going really well even the people about it are pretty good most people are now turning to one line and if you have got a good online presence you're really getting in big trouble I just had a look at the beach Smith website and I've been on there that describes all the worst places about my disappointingly nowhere near as cluttered and hard to find as the contents of the shops it's all laid out quite neatly what's going on. We've got some problems in the 18 at the southbound stretch of heading in this direction I find a bit of a queue so from the m 1880 heading through from St with a down towards West more traffic is keeping that woman blocked off with this breakdown in opt in the High Street is still close this morning from the Scarboro Grande about to the Alton crossroads because of the theory thanks vent and it's busy to head down to the road works that Western are on the one fix for slow traffic would wait much to get roundabout flow as well and you got to have traffic into school for that busy for Grange in the m one a one to getting off the 18 we got so no problems on the trains and if that report was given a color photo of 30123 I wanted to with more travelled in 50 minutes where I'm sitting here in the center of all looking out over Queens gardens as a bank of cloud just above the lines of the rooftops and I'm hoping to get a glimpse of a sunrise again this morning such a treat yesterday morning Lisa good morning yes definitely n.c.s. Sunrise this morning I think it will be as pink and purple as it was yesterday because it's less cloud around which is good news plenty of sunshine around throughout the course of the morning but a cloud of bubbled up and then into the afternoon there's a risk of a few showers here and there but it's many of us will avoid them and stay dry now not as windy as it turned out to be yesterday but still a bit of a blustery day and certainly feeling colder than yesterday I mean around about $60.00. 7 degree. Possible this evening all fade away to give the dry night clearing skies and that means a frost as the temperature dips down towards freezing tomorrow is a cold start early sunshine will be short lived as cloud increases the wind will pick up as well and we get wet weather spreading out from the southwest as we head through the day temperatures in the round about 5 or 6 degrees for the past valid until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning when westerly backing southwest of the full 67 decreasing force 45 the states light occasional moderate it will be showers with good visibility and finally for the tide times the next high water in Bridlington 155018 Grimsby 1710 in hole 17431838. James because this breaks b.b.c. Radio undersides morning this is something that's made the news this week the world's youngest prime minister yesterday. In the prime minister of Finland at the age of $34.00 that's an interesting figure isn't it more power to younger people and that is actually happening in Finland I was thinking about that I wrote about 34. Apply my own life circumstances to that I think I was probably around about the time that I could be responsible for something. I've got 3 year old child at that point but what I mean is that there's a coming of age where you realise. That comes a point in life that I think is around about. You realise you don't have all the answers that Life isn't black and white there was new was in everything and there's often no easy answer. There's this definitely something to be said for living a few years and having some wisdom at the same time is a really interesting thing to say maybe she could be a candidate for Person of the year who would yours Big Time magazine very influential American magazine has a list of them. He would you put on that it doesn't have to be someone famous or someone of celebrity status or someone of international fame I'd really like to hear about the unsung heroes around here who would you go for one trouble 3 start with the letters are right tell me who your Person of the year could be looking for tearing their suggestions about veterans walk taking place. There. Supporting veterans coming up soon we'll also get stuck into the papers take. This break say on b.b.c. Radio one decides. First let's have some positivity ready. To move and then the calendar. As another day dawns in the countdown to Christmas on the election across the. Basket a little ray of sunshine good people doing good things for our community. Bright people giving back people going above and beyond rather than a new door and taking some chocolate out today's guest was nominated by Andy Tax Day Let's see use behind today squeaky don't. Know you very well thank you. Have a let's see. Who's nominated you and now you know and. My boss is the c.e.o. Of the beautiful bright sunny day I mean self storage or spy v street all around the back there is a place called the vault the vault the vault rooms which lots of equipment tables chairs. Games electrical equipment. People register with as if there were a not for profit organization like into the charities a post chat she's a registered with a friends groups are all registered with those and that involves rolling equipment we have totally free of challenge and I will poke around you can as you say we've got the event roll out upon this rock we haue for you know of them all in brass in the strings to go across them we have a 100 chairs these are all on racks. We also have various gazebos we have $63.00 balls which are all over here. And the highlight just. Never weighed. And we've also seen 3 be 3 use a ball so the 4 of them all. So everything to make a party or an event go this way right down to the Hoops obviously how well our equipment only goes out on a fast come fast said Bessie So if you know your event day you need to quickly get on to the site to ensure you are booking the equipment for the dates you need such a good idea and he sent me some statistics here last year you helped charities raise over 100000 pounds yes there's a lot of reasons the charities use as their 2 big reasons they can't afford the Quitman to keep it for just the audit and it's an old saw them that could afford it many charities door any storage so there might be in a position to buy a 100 jazz but where would the put them so it's easier to borrow the equipment from because we've got the storage so we maintain a look after all must be a nice feeling when people bring it all back in the sale we did this and that happened and we raised this much and yet. People said you know how did the event girl and most people will say well if I couldn't comedian get the quick and our event would you. Fuck up from the vault switches. Street in the hole run by the smile Foundation and a great idea the amount of charities that been helped that wouldn't be able to put on events of anything like the scale without the kick the gets used again and again and again if you want to nominate someone for a reverse advent calendar you can email j.p. At b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. But you know all year round we like to hear from people like Keith and people who make a difference people who volunteer in people who help and do it generally out the goodness of their hearts or to make the world a slightly better place those rays of sunshine is so important in a world like the one we're living in aren't they and I thought I do believe that you focus on the positives and try and bring those things to prominence and it does make the world a better place after all you know your vision of reality is the is the thing you feed yourself so let's stay positive and talk about the person of the year. This is something that Time magazine has come up with I think my person of the year is Harrison saw I met him at the heart of the shorter awards earlier this year a host of them was Sally Fairfax is a teenager who has terminal cancer you may have seen him turning on the Christmas lights in hall on the torrential night last month but he's such a positive person so sure determined person despite life having dealt him such an unfair and tough and have a listen to him I just like to stay positive because if you're not positive he's going to get you know areally and alkali of the people in hospital and things like that and I think look at how well they're doing and they're an inspiration to me as well at the same time you just gotta keep going out and keep pushing it really the cancer and should give it a good fight you've got to make the most of what you have and things like that and be grateful for the time that you've got left and just keep going it made the most of it all he has and he is he's an inspirational character for that outlook on life he had a book at least as well all sorts of things on it but the one that he really wanted to do was milk a cow and he did manage to achieve that before Christmas it's wonderful to see loads of people. Making those machines come true so would you put on a person of the year list who would be your person of the year doesn't have to be someone famous or someone from the world of celebrity that's fine if that's who springs to mind 81 trouble 3 Start your message with the letters r.h. Natalie Wood your space mom would be Amanda white you look around to why my colleague and my podcast buddy he was really really really helped me this year and has been brave and strong enough to share a story with all of the country so that's my person of the year really so pure so we decided that we just do the one because I wasn't keen on doing it so stop it was a bad idea why did you think it was a bad idea I just think it's insane to think you know one that's that's just a so full of hormones I thought was a stupid idea you know women in my ear just never had problems with the period so I thought why would a mystical emotional season potentially you know I didn't like it Amanda doesn't have any children to write the f.a.l. So she's been telling the world that it's Ok if you can't have children stuff that's really brave thing to do very brave and that's a member story which leave but I mean you both told your stories haven't you and covered so many other stories via your parka just sex drugs and alibis available maybe sums up thinking on the bench drops at all this is just coming right out of the park can you do it is there any definitely is that I wouldn't I would not do that it's what blogging it's absolutely worth looking at least great. And I mean this I think is some the best audio that this building has put out in a long time thank you there's some really very powerful stuff in that that deserves recognition I'm feeling the love today I've got something in my hand actually it's a little text that came in and then this brings the love as well you want me to read it here because you know what it says so you're asking the listeners the person of the year and Chris from East Hills text and said my person of the it would be you James Oh no because you Jimmy what I do I owe it. To me you. Take the money. You cheer me up even on the coldest days and set me up for the day. I will play. It well enough now want me those awards offer the stick. Well that's very nice of you to say Chris thank you very much but it's not about me this is about people in the community that are making a difference so I'd like to hear from you and your suggestions trouble 3 Start your message with the letters r h who would be your person of the year you know today I put my mom and duck down because she can during the school run Yeah for my kids so that I can actually go to work my wife's away she's working down in London she's doing it more and more now might be something I said. Yeah told me. My parents would be in-laws I've just been warned before plugging the gap because when I went I got a lot time off went back to work full time to do this felt it was an opportunity I I couldn't afford to mess up. The parents of just being so so helpful and you realise just how much you rely on your family at times like this so I'm sticking down grandparents I mean that's on the list for my trouble 3 Start your message with the letters are right for your Person of the year please Natalie's got a headline so obvious Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will spend the final day of campaigning head of tomorrow's general election attending rallies in target seats to try to secure the support of undecided voters and an inquest into death of a toddler from her he died of substance while in hospital is due to open later whether a dry and bright star but heavy thunder showers possible this afternoon highs of 7 Celsius 45 in height heavy rain tonight lows of 0 Celsius 32 families to must cool crisp storm bright humus morning a little less windswept than last night nothing like the sunrise we saw yesterday which by the way if you missed Have a look at my Twitter feed up I cost scores of you sent in some absolutely brilliant pictures of the sun rising across northern kitchen each year. It was beautiful to see now up my course if there's one thing this is talking it's the weather to say parts of Britain will feel colder than the Arctic Circle a serene haze is a matter of survival there is a 99 percent chance of severe weather whether it's storms in school or a heat wave in France for joining us every week a joint Koolhaas says as he looks at how the weather takes our region now let's get down to the nitty gritty of all this more recently there's been some very high profile weather opens a few downstream as you can a company really fancy is now a chance for us to do some very positive in the northern region parts absolutely fascinating stuff it gets all about the country's favorite subjects this is a whole team of the show Saturday mornings at 6 and Sunday after a little b.b.c. Radio Humberside 12 minutes to $81.00 so the 11th of December in 10 days' time the days will begin to get longer again. This is b.b.c. Radio homicide veterans who've injured and need support are being helped by a team of sisters in Grimsby today most from working Chapman will be standing out and striding around in Santa hats to raise money for walking with the wind it's walking home for Christmas initiative we said Donna hay from the firm has been telling our ne Lincolnshire reporter Laura King about why they support the victims to support. Of a veteran of the armed forces the a mental health program for 12 sessions of mental health or update which will hopefully get them in and be able to gain civilian employment and why this charity was important to support veterans it's I'm looking to have been for decades been supporting military personnel they come to was like in a position of vulnerability by the break and. And often with legal issues such as they've got an injury or a family issue or they've been in a criminal system or. The family is breaking this charity. It was important to us because they are a transitional charities when they come to us we can work in connection with them to then get them to a place where a sustainable that they can be pop back in civilian life because the transition is often quite difficult for military civilian Alex but serious here armed forces champion from the Armed Forces team here in Northeast Lincolnshire How important is it that you've got this sort of support I guess it is exceptionally helpful in terms of looking after those veterans because the less war fighting there are the less it is in the public Cari and on the bases people tend to be forgotten and of course to just morph into the bigger community and what we would like to say is there are transferable skills so about 97 percent job veterans will transition from the service he's absolutely fine Unfortunately others could well be damaged in that case walking with the wind is an exceptionally good charity and to find that we have a local legal team getting involved with this is absolutely outstanding we think it is amazing project and to see how much money their brains so quickly is Osho outstanding for him to actually get involved in doing something tangible in terms of getting out there and walking the walk rather than just talking the talk is an exceptional challenge which has been overcome in one post by some incredibly supportive and talented people so we are we thank them for all these efforts. Absolutely we do the time when I said victims not victims thank you for that Luis Don he's speaking to our Northeast like it's Reporter Laura King mourning 9 minutes to 81 save the December b.b.c. Radio Humberside his a weird story which is trending on the on use paper website in fact is one of the most read stories. Does millennia Trump have a body double what you would expect the president to Donald says absolutely not no but in a recent public appearance was a bit reignited that the White House occasionally employs a body double to stand in for the 1st lady now the eye is printed pictures of these accusations and Juno is a bit weird there's one with our glasses off and she looks very different and of course you know cameras do like cameras tell all sorts of strange and different pictures depending on the light and the angle but blimey it's all I know I'm not I don't know I genuinely don't know but I do know there's a wonderful tweet and I can't remember who brought this to my attention but thank you to whoever it was he tweeted go on the internet and type in Malani a trump I'm a lot of the troops resting face. Visioning in your mind's eye now if you don't mind is slightly squinting narrow eyes and straight face with person lips. You know the look she has I guess is there she's a former model so it's that kind of. Small ring look. But someone tweeted look at that picture and then try telling me that it's not. In a chippy squinting to read the menu only she looks like she's trying to see which line the better cards are and I promise you that once you see that you can see it's there forever more is she going to go for spam for today for shipment I can imagine I can't imagine ever ever got near a spam for it and you know she's more of a pike. Beholden steak and kidney definitely what's going on here and we've got some problems that with the meeting this morning with a broken down vehicle is causing delays as you had in Italy and when I turn off so where junction 5 they're heading down towards West more that means queuing with the motorways are all coping fairly well we've got problems still in option with the closure the High Street this morning that still closed from Milton Cross Roads to the Scarboro roundabout because of an accident quite busy inbound on Holmes road now heading in towards my pleasant turnoff and delays from the crooked village and slow as usual a 63 Janet argument would weigh round about and some days that I had to out of every jogs large tend to be the answer to the 164 slow as well almost 6 for head through the road works at West and then towards it out of Willoughby your plan is also quite busy along Beverley road trains have got me pretty well this morning no cancellations and no lengthy delays on the departure board and it also doubles 30123012 is more travel just out of news it. Saves play costs and this breaks lists b.b.c. Radio one decides. 6 minutes to 8. Looking like a reason the nice bright start to the rain is coming in later I'm afraid Thank you Stephen our weather watcher for the details here you Person of the year one trouble 3 Start your message with the letters h. a Morning anymore bit of a problem a 1174 and what not the Minster way works those around the water arms thank you for that and for updating us review the papers this morning is Charlie Cole Charlie is a politics and law student yes at the University of a whole thing. Coming in 1st timer was like a fresh blood coming into the cave so Charlie being a politics student this time of year what a time how what do you think of the way the campaigns are being fought this time. Well not in the best of man of I don't think. Contests and quite low points I think over the past few days. Outside the hospital in Leeds. Which is quite a shame when you see things that I know things been misreported and. Not non-factual think well I mean this is dissin from a shrink yet Hagar which went after that. Front page was fascinating and you think well who is paying for those Twitter bots to spread. This information which is he is manifestly Servatius hospital already apologized to the parent the child for for the for the incident that occurred you might have seen the picture of a child lying on the floor receiving treatment on the floor of the hospital I think wow we know we're living in a world where people can pay money to distort the narrative online who is paying that money we don't know it would take some digging and you know they know no one knows really where that goes anyway let's get into the papers themselves morning and some positive news and this comes out of the back of the Blue Bell famous come thought pub reopening yesterday British problem is growing for the 1st time in a decade yeah absolutely the number. $732.00 pubs on average per year over the past 10 years up until last year we saw an increase of $320.00 across the country which I think is fantastic news really important a lot of a lot of pubs now I saw a community feel to them not to go spend it so I'm still not perfect in lots of rural and small communities sewers client hopefully we can sort of improvement there though I would hope so we cover this on the program we could talk about communities taking control of their pubs and you realise the value that they can have to being the glue that binds a village together this is probably going to your key subject really. The Times reported on the M.P.'s predicted to lose their seats yes here the sort of big names that could be on the way out don't rob. The front page of this I think it's quite interesting as Foreign Secretary. And because Mrs Weldon a big name and I think it raises this really quite interesting question when you come to the polls as a voter are you sort swayed by the name on there other than the party I think in general what people would vote given to the party if you see a big name artists like foreign sector for example or you're more inclined to vote for someone that even if you don't necessarily agree with their policies very interesting is that you know what are people putting the cross in the box for their local constituency m.p. Or the leader yes so many different. Questions I think in general I think it goes the leader in the party itself we should be ashamed sometimes because you miss out on some of the really incredible things that low twenty's Yeah you know if you are voting in spite of the leader yes and some cases it's very interesting. To see news website this morning of this she's a lovely story this is the grandmother killer whales that protects their cars and Pods and sort of talking about this idea of the grandmother effect. Which is the 1st one improve and while it's evident in humans and I think we all know how important our grandma is with our family and I certainly the case in my family for many for many different reasons. I think it's quite it's growing are proven in over 30 of the so the killer whales they paid the grandmothers they say food or they yeah yeah to the people they see that their grandchildren are hungry they're happy to share their share their food which I think they're you know and the survival rates in parts where there is a grandmother a markedly higher than the Amazing. I guess it's fascinating isn't it how much we can learn from nature itself well folks come in and think they're good to see Charlie happy with 1st time on the papers Yeah personally yeah let's get I want yours while you go from. God and the promise of New Zealand I think. In a world where there isn't so many compassionate leaders she stands out as one who certainly is particularly inspiring in the light of the volcano eruption of the last few days which is so any test of the resolve of the country could see Charlie thank you to review the paper and Thursday Rovio on through to the time you have waited for the results to dribble in there we will of course be up all night as well here at b.b.c. Radio one beside unbecome for anchors and election special here which starts at 10 o'clock and goes all the way through till breakfast at 6 in the morning I will catch up with no doubt slightly bleary eyed. On Friday morning show well the result be clear that all depends on how many seats the parties manage to gain we could enter a new period of confusion and political wrangling come Friday when you might be waking up to a result which isn't clear at all who knows what you look forward to Anyway this is b.b.c. Radio break this morning just 48 o'clock this Wednesday the 11th of December we've heard from all the major political parties on the show apart from labor so let's hear from labor next. So hard suppose a new is in Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire on 95.9 is a this is all radio and freeview channels 71. These is b.b.c. Radio homicides. One said the 11th of December take to close this is James Pike also break for speed beside a dry Brighton chilly start cloud slowly building from the west this afternoon it could be a wet one potentially thundery showers moving in a chilly fresh south westerly wind and highs of 7 degree Celsius matter he has news in sports the last day of campaigning for party leaders and defeat the whole city it. Is all a trial of a future star this morning 16 year old Rio only an hour from Sprint lane is performing at the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the Year awards the Sunday night she's previously performed at the Radio One's big weekend. I'll be finding out how she prepares for such big coming up veteran references Santa hats parading Grimsby but 1st of all let's get an update on when he's at 8 o'clock with Natalie Glanville It's the last day of campaigning before tomorrow's general election politics lead is a crisscrossing the country making their final pitches research by you give which consists of about 100000 interviews in the past week suggest the conservatives are on calls to win a majority Chris Christie is from you get explained they're finding the central estimate is a Conservative majority of 28 so a dramatic decrease in the size of the conservative majority over the last couple of weeks we're still saying that small conservative majority is the most likely outcome however because of that because it shrunk because we've seen a small increase in the touch screen voting we are not in the place where we fail to rule out the possibility of a hung parliament an inquest is due to open late into the death of a boy from the who died of sepsis while being treated at a hospital Jack sounds from what can a gulag had surgery to reshape his skull at Leeds General Infirmary when he suddenly deteriorated he died 3 days before his 2nd birthday next to New Zealand where there are worries that.

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